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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1918)
FLAG DAY, TODAY! LEI E VER Y PA TRIO 7 OLQ GLOR Y ,1 0 THE BREEZE VOL. XLVII.NO. "310. OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 14, 191814 PAGES' BMtW,JSt--TWO CENTS. ALLIES TURN VIGOROUSLY AND DRIVE ENEMY BACK; GERMANS PROCLAIM U. S. EAST COAST DANGER ZONE HUNS GUt UNFURL M::0MAHAlfflI -Bee ; Ming FOLLOWS- if 1 i 1 SEA RAID 5 .- - . , Notice Regarded as Bit of Grim - Humoras Blow Already-Has ;0 Fallen on Neutral - c Shipping.' , - -' London, June 13. The Ger man admiralty intends to de clare the eastern coast -of the United States from Mexico to Canadian waters a danger zone .and will warn neutral shipping, says a dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph from Am- - sterdam, cquotirig reports re ceived from Berlin. 'Washington', JunjT 13. In view of what has been haoneninz during the . past few weekf officials here tonight were inclined to regard as a bit of grim humor the report from --Berlin, ; via Holland, that the German govern ment is about to declare the eastern American coast a danger zone and to warn neutral shipping of its purpose. Warning Now Superfluous. Raiding submarines have already served warning of the danger in more forceful terms than Berlin could for- , mulate in a diplomatic communica tion. ' Several of the 18 vessels sunk by the raiders were neutrals, carry ing no war supplies. Neutral govern ment! are not likely to have over looked that fact, warning or no warn ing. J ?It ts recognized, however, that the forthcoming "warning" may prove to ; be a. formal announcement of a zone in American waters where ruthless sinking of all ships is to be the order . of the day, forecasting a continuing menace off the Atlantic ports through regular submarine patrols. - ,t Could Maintain Patrols.. " Officials here have been fully awake "to the fact that such patrols could be maintained if the German authorities thought- the results -obtainable justi fied diverting a large number of boats from operations off the French and British coasts." It has' been- figured . out that by starting a new raider or Flotilla of raiders every. five days, one 4ink in the endless chain of ,U-boats always wouldbe on duty in American waters. . - Suh operations would mean .that foi every : boat actively engaged on - this side, there would be several on . the way over and several more on ihe way back to Germany, none of which would have any substantial value while enroute in either direction. Onthis account, navy officials have discounted the patrol idea, believing that much better results - from the German1 viewpoint would be 6btain ablc by using the same number of boats? where they are now used, in the North sea or adjacent waters. . . :' Mo U-Boat Near Boston. Boston, June' 13. Rear Admiral Spencer S. Woodcommandant of the first naval district, said in a statement today that "not one single report of the-presence of any enemy submarine in these waters had been confirmed." FOETY ARRESTEtf : AS VIOLATORS OF rrm i ntiTn t ttt nn ,JLJaAJ:J:lUitULlji5 ,More than 40 persons were arrest ed in -two hours Thursday, afternoon for violating (traffic rules and for , ' 'operating withoutlicenses. The ar rests followed strict orders from ;' Police Commissioner Ringer that "all ' , violators of the road be arrested." r. F6r a while the corridors of the ' police station wete as crowded with automobile drivers as the city haH . after election. As many persons, driving- commercial trucks, - were brought to the station and booked as - were drivers of pleasure cars Some had pieces of cardboard with ; supposed license numbers embossed 1 . on; them. Nevertheless,' on account of the specific, design of number ' platej, ordered by state law, several drivers hSving numbers prinked on card-board fell victims' to the police ' commissioVer's order.. All, who were arrested, were - released on bonds of $10.00 each. . f.; Hash Peace Tjerms Put Forth i In German MiHtarist Prejs London, Jfine 13. (British Admir , alty, Per Wireless Press.) Op the - strength of their military situation in France, the German militarist jour- " v nals apparently have been inspired , to put forward new German peace terms of the most aggressive char-- acter. ' , j " - ' . There is not"much talk now of "peace ;; without indemnities and annexations. Oniie contrary, . there is to be the - severest punishment for all Germany's opponents, according to these news- papers. Arrested for Sending Home 1 ' . " Uncensored Photographs '" Withhe American Armyln France, Tune 13. An American aviation cadet lias been arrested and will be tried before a court-marf iat on the charge of attempting to .send unceniored .iotographs to Arrienca by a civilian attache of the eYpcnditioiury forces, vho vas rtlxucn'.ng.-: The civilian has I fpn V1'' ? t hick fromta baae.port uilcr arrast. ' . v: o ; OOTING AT PARK ENDS IN TRAGEDY Ivan E. Hedlock Inflicts Fatal Wound Upon Himself After Slaying Elsie Wirtz in" Street. - Elsje Wirtz, 1909 Douglas street, was shot and instantly killed shortly after 11 o'clock last night by Ivan E. Hedlock, S224 Military avenue, at Fifty-second street and Military avenue. ' Hedlock then turned the gun on himself. Physicians attending him in the Methodist Episcopal hospital pronounced his wound fatal. Jessie Shelly, room mate of the nttirdered girl, told the i jlice that the couple had engaged in a heated argu ment shortly before the murder. The three young persons had been spend ing ; the evening in Krug park and were apparently the best oNriends. Appeared in Good Spirits. Hedlock took the young women to the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Hedlock, with whom he' is living before going to, the park. His farther could give no reason for the shooting and said that while in his home all appeared to be in' the best of spirits. ' Miss Shelly did not return to her room following the murder and po lice were unable to find her to, learn the nature of the argument preceding the murder. V Two shots were fired by Hedlock into the body of Miss VVirts. one lodg ing in the head and the other, in the Dreast. tie men nreu one. snot, mio himself. With a cry of,. "Oh, - Ivao why did you do (,it?,'' Mis$ . Wirtz dropped -.dealt ? -Wedlock's body ifell within a few feet of hi sweetheart. K- Policenan Witnesses Tragedy. Policeman Franks, who was an eye witness of the tragedy, took charge of the bodies and rushed Hedlock to the hospital. More than a score of pleasure seekers at the park were nesses. Police are of the opinion that Hed lock had been drinking1, during the evening as a pint bottle, of whisky nearly empty was found hi his pocket. They gave as their opinion that the murder was premeditated as in addi tion to the shells-yin the gun Hedlock carried five more shells in his pocket. The remaining two shells in the gun were dented by the hammer but failed to discharge. - ' . It was rumored at the park that Hedlock attempted t shoot his sweet heart on the roller coaster at the park but the report tould not be verified. Miss Shelly told police tht following the argument she got up and started to leave, liss' Wirtz started to fol low but was killed within a few feet of the bench upon which they had been sitting. . Hedlock is said to have been em ployed as a clerk by the United States Rubber company. He is'the only son of Mr. afld Mrs. John S. Hedlock, a decorator. During the-afternoon he assisted his father in decoratieg the house, and spoke of spending the eve ning at the park. He is in Class A 1 in the draft and expected to be sailed June 24. , ,. t Miss Wirtz. and Mtss Shelly were employed by the Affinity Spark Plifg company, 2218 Leavenworth street. Ford to Run for Senate . ' As Democratic Candidate Washington, June 43. Henry Ford decided tonight to accept the demo cratic nomination for senator from Michigan after being urged to do so by President Wijson. ., , :iVo ,000 Acres Frjee land Washington, jime 13. The general land, office announced today that plans iat opening 150,000 acres of ptflilic lands in the vicinity of Port land, Ore., will not be abandoned. Patriotic Mass Meeting Taboos v All Hyphenated Celebration - A strictly Americanized Fourth of July celebration for Omaha, in which there will Joe, n segregation of na tionalities, no .'separate parades or demonstrationsby vgroups of alien subjects, but in Vhich the spirit of America may be manifested in patri otic unison- by the entire population, was the spirit of a motion proposed by Mayor Smith and adopted by vote of the people at a mass meeting in the council chamber of the city hall Thursday night. ' F. A. Erogan,' , chairman of the Americanization committee of the Omaha, Chalhiber of Commerce, pre sided as chairman of the meeting. Representative citizens expressed views, as to the manner in which the celebration eHould be carried out. A motion by the mayor that the Amer icanization committee of the Chamber of Commerce ct as a central commit- e Dundee Carnival D raws Merry Company ttt 7 . . s rti yn 7 -r - - . Who One Eat "Hot Dogto Aid POPE COMPLAINS OF ATTACKS ON CATHOLIC CHURCH Declares Campaign of Calum nies and Hatred Is Being Waged Against Pontiff and Clergy. ' (By Associated PreM.J Rome. June 13. The Osservatore Romano, the Vatican organ, publishes a papal autograph sent in answer to an address received by the pontiff from the episcopacy of Lombardy. The pope complains of the sad per iod the war is going Through and also of attacks from "the enemies.. of religion on the supremest authority, Jesus Christ." vHes adds that he is greatly afflicted "not only by the in describable horrors of this war, which, without parallel m the history of the world threatens to drag poor Europe to the bottom of an abyss, but also by an insidious and skilful campaign of calumnies and hatred against the person- of the pontiff and his work." The pope, In a recapitulation of his action since the beginning pf the war, says that Iris efforts to bring about peace iave been misjudged and mis interpreted, evetf nfe silence abcUt this or thatlctimbeiBRjlvmniously jn terprete.bir&M3i not admitting that. "J;-!nV-tff44'nifeeilttty'w of this blafie of passkins, it is impossible to inflict condemnation for each' crime while all ,are included in a condemna tion pronounced .. according to the general principle.", . s The pontiff regrets; that- such a camoaiim has been conducted also wit-fagainst the clergy and Catholics, thus spreading tht.seeds of discord among various classes. The autograph nds with a protest denouncing the cam paign not only to the faithful but till honest people, wherever they hap pen to be, arid a reaffirmation fhat it is the pope's duty to defend the sanc tity ijnd honor of the church. . . McAdqo Plans Trip. Washington, June 13. Instead of staying at White' Sulphur Springs, W, Va., to recuperate from his throat trouble Secretary McAdoo may make a trip through the west in the next few weeks. He will ,avoidsspeeches and conferences which would put a strain on throat. Flag Day Proclamation (From a BUff Correpondsnt.) Lincoln, Neb., June 13. G6vernor Neville issued the following flag day proclamation today: "To the People of the State1 of Ne braska, Greeting: , ' "Your attention is called to the fact thit Friday. June 14, will be the 141st birthday of our flag. This day has been for many years celebrated as flag day thrpughouty the republic. This year, on its anniversary, it will stand side by side v,ith flags of other nations, respected and loved as neveY rbefore 'As it floats in the sunlight, its shadow will fall upon our brave boys on the battle fields of France and our sailors and others on - our transports at sea. Letus at home, rnre. that ever, glorify our national banner, knowing that-it is again being baptized with the blood of heroes, who are giving their lives that'the the liberty, which it represents, may final Jy become the heritage of the whole world. - ... v , , "In consideration of these facts, I set apart June 14, 19188 , flag day. tee and appoint subcommitteesJh the vicinities of the various parks m which celebrations held was amended by Chairman Brogaif to in clude several prominent citizens toact with members of the Americanization committee, making a central commit tee of 15 members. The .central com mittee will appoint a subcommitte of seven representative citizen-t-be in charge of the celebrations to be held in the parks of their respective vicin ities.. These committees will be . ap pointed Friday. It was decided that celebrations will be held in Mandan, Syndicate, River view, Hanscom, Miller, tlmwood, Morton, Florence, Kounfze and Fon ccnelle parks. All citizens are urged to attend the exercises in the park nearest their homes, and to join in making this the most thoroughly American cclebratioji ever . held in Omaha. ; , v pro -Step Gaijly o n Features Galore Entertain Y I annhinn Thrnnn That fiath. ' ers to Hold Novel Patri otic Celebration. Jazz music, hot dogs,, side ihows, Japanese lanterns, 'fortune tellers? pretty girls and balloons all did their part to make , the opening night of the street carnival given on Douglas street between Forty-eighth and Forty-ninth streets by the Dundee Wo man's Patriotic club a, huge success. More thn,700 people made merry 1 t i ttam& President Dundee Patriotic . Society, Who, With Colonel Hersey, ' Opened Dancing. .' : and spent their money freely, know-J ing that every copper would go to a worthy, patriotic, cause," that 6f fi nancing a canteen worker in France. At the entrance stood a flag-draped statue of the Goddess of Liberty, her crown and torch a blaze ot light. The street for a block down was gay with the tlags of the allies, while the soft' light shed from myriads of red, white and blue bulbs shone on the merry dancers who one-stepped mer rily on the Hooverizcd cornmeal scat tered 'on the pavement. The lawns and potches of the home,s on both sides of the street were strung with lanterns, while the booths and tents were placed between the houses. numerous reaiure5.U)i1 ,; ' Mogy Bernstein, who i was - Mage manaTger, publicity agent ancr scene shifter, for "Mogy's Yaudcville," was busv man. Lovely girls, gowned in dainty evening dresses, tiny tots in red, white'and blue costumes, pa triotic singers in white, witfi caps of the national colors, made up the bill and with Mogy outside as "barker," none could pass by. " "The Dundee Calaboose" was an interesting feature, for here were-in carcerated nffmbers. of. the town's flcading citizen. A trial was con ducted Ed. Bradley in powdered wig and bhvck robe as judgeyand . John Kuhn in tall silk hat and frock coat as lavfyer. The fines of all were te same,' 2Sc, which the prisoners paid without protest. , . . "Xhe Red Dog Bar" was well pat rpnized where "near beer"' or. "beer near" as the sign read, was dispensed with the famous "hot "dog',' sand wich, without which no carnival would be complete. i;-. . Colonel Hersey at Dance. , The military were well represented at the affair, Colcnel Hersey being special honor guest. ' The colonel and Mrs. A. S. Williams, president 'of thd club, opened the dancing by treading a stately waltz together. The Hindoo fortune teller read the colonel's palm,' but what heTprophesied for the future wjTI remain a dark secret as the col onel laughingly refused to tell. A' number of beautiful things were sold at the carnival in a popular way. One unique, .booth was thevillage store with everything from clothes pins to dried prunes on exhibition. Numbers of pretty girls dressed in white, laden with large baskets of roses and carnations sold the flowers on the grounds, while others carried handfuls of blue and red balloons.' The carnival, which is the first of its kind ryer given hi Omaha, will be held Friday evening, also, andthe 20 women who compose -the club have planned special features .for the clos ing night,v ' v ; , - Pavement; - Soldiers, FRENCH LINES FLATTENED, BUT STRENGTHENED T Realignment of Armies De- fending Cbmpiegne Creates Favorable Impression in Military Circles. Washington, June 13. Realignment of the French armies defending Com piegne from the northeast, east and southeast - has relieved a situation which offered unpleasant possibilities, in the omnion of officers here. Enemy advances in the valley of the Oise and to the north and northwest of Compiegne had threatened to cut off the troops in the evacuated sector. Announcement ? that they had been withdrawn without loss was therefore regarded with satisfaction. Bulge in Line Reduced. ' The movement, "however, is viewed as marking a further step toward ac complishing what many officers here believed to be the German purpose in all operations undertaken on the line west of Chateau- Thierry after the, Marne had, been reached, and in the last attacks starting on the Mont didier?Noyon front. The great bulge in the; defending lines that remained thrusrlnte the German front so as to nktfyePicardy and, Aisne -'.battle theaters'" distinctly jeDarate lias been materially rtduced. The French lines hare been i1atthrt out. more, com pletely consolidating the two fronts. Still further reduction of the wedge intruding into the German position north and east 6f Compiegne appar ently was the object sought today by the. 'enemy; . The sceue of attack shifted to the Soissoih area, however, where the French admit officially that progress has been made in the terri tory between that place and the bas tion 6f Villers Cotterets wood, upon which the original German atternpt to widen 'their gains in the Aisne Opera tions westward was broken. ' Hold Natural Defenses. It appeared possible to officers here that the line would be established finally with the forest of Laigue, just northeast of Compiegne, buttressing (Continued on Pace Two, Column Two.) Austrian Premier Tenders Resignation to Emperor Londoivjune 13. A dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph from Amster dam reports that Dr. von .Seydler, the Austrian premier, tendered his resig nation to Emperor Charles Wednes day. The dispatch adds that the em peror has not yet accepted it. British Boarding Vessel Sunk by Teuton Submarine London, June 13.. A British board- ing vessel was sunk by a Teuton marine June 5, according to an official statement issued tonight by the ad miralty. Seven British sailors are missing. Major Maker, Head of Q. M. Corps, Recommended for Promotion Maj. John CJi MahcMias been ap pointed commanding officer of the Omaha quartermasters' corps and has been recommended for a commision as lieutenant-colonel in the United States army. , , Major Maher was reared in Platte county, near Columbus. In 1887 he opened the United States land office in Chadron. Later he served for fom yiars as county clerk and registrar of deeds in Dawes county. During the Indian wars he represented the New York Herald. For four years he was official reporter for Congressman Kinkaid. At the outbreak of the Spanish war he volunteered and mustered Com pany H of the Second Nebraska vol unteer infantry.fHe was elected cap tain, but declined t serve because of his lacjc of experience al went as a private. After the war he went into business for himself at Lincoln.1 ' The day that the United States de clared a state of war against Germany "Soldier Matyer", offered his services to-the government. He reported in Omaha, June 10, 1917, and since that time' has not missed a day from his . work. He has had experience in all branches of the depot. Military men declare that Major Maher is well suited for the important work of commanding officer. "Splendidly qualified "in every way," is the hearty endorsement of Mai. Walter Stern, property officer, who has been acting; commandant of the corps since Col. F. A. Grant, former 1 - - . NEW FRONT HELD INTACT BY MARINES ' Enemy's Onslaught Preceded by Intense Artillery Fire; U.S. Aviators Bomb Successfully German Station. , Washington, June 13. Complete repulse, of enemy attacks northwest of Chateau Thierry by United States marines, with heavy losses for tfiej Uermans, was reported, tonight in General Pershing's communique. The American lines, advanced yesterday by taking the last of the German po sitions in lielleau wood, remained in tact. . The communique follows: "Yesterday afternoon our troops northwest of Chateau Thierry cap tured the last 'of the German posi tions in the Belleau wood, taking 50 prisoners and a number of machine guns and trench mortars, in addition to those taken on the preceding day. N Attacks Break Down. "Early this morning the enemy launched heavy attacks "on a front of more than one and one-half miles on the line of Belleau-Bouresches. The attacks, which were preceded by, in tense artillery preparation and ac companied by a heavy barrage, broke aown completely, leaving our post nous intact, i nc losses ot the enemy were very severe. , "Last night 'our aviators bombed with goodvffect the station of Dom- mary .uaroneourt, nortnwes; ot Mctz. All our machines have returned." ' . T1 . .1 . With the American. Armv, In prince Xuiie'i3.---rhe..artiHery activ ity in tire l0ul sector diminished to day. At 4 o'clock this afternoon a German plane dropped bombs behind the American, lines. OPTIMISM OVER , WAR' SITUATION. GROWS IN BRITAIN London, June y. There is a grow ing tone of optimism in the English newspapers today as it becomes more apparent that the Germans have been checked. The Teutons certainly com pelled the French to withdraw at the northern end of the salient on the right bank of the Oise, including Carlrnont wood, bujt the French retain the long belt of territory north of lilt; iivn wnui; rtliu li IS lu 11IC41C1I1 4i,;. 4i. 4i.-4 4i- r tana ji um nit l l,dl illrtl IIIU V.IKI JlltfllS ' in 1 t launched the new hok south of the)10 "n1!0"' four b.e,n8 heavy weapons. Aisne on a very wide front. nd U.rc number of machine guns a th if i.,4.j have fallen into theirT hands. The by military critics, the Germans were balked in their efforts to reach Com piegne frontally and they hoped to atT tain their object by this outflanking attack. Compiegne still is 18 miles west of the new operations, with the forest of Compiegne intervening. , ' Big Elevator Burns. Indianapolis, JuncV 14. Elevator B of the Cleveland Grain company, at Beech orove, neat here caught fire l r. i .... i . .... . sub-lshortly after, midnight aiT3, it is be lieved, wilrbe a complete loss. The elevator is estimated to contain 300, 000 bushels of grain. The origin of the fire is not known. ' commanding officer, was transferred to Montreal, Canada. It is reported that Major Stern is to be transferred to Camp Bowie. Tex., near -Fort Worth, where 25,000 men are in training, to be head of the quartermaster's department, 1 , X BMC Many Dead and Wounded Left on Field After Unsuccessful .Attack on French Near , Montdidier. ' ' . ; (By Associatecj Press.) The offensive 1 movement of the Germans between Monti didier and Noyon and from ', south of the Oise river io the eastern fringe of the forestf of Villers Cotterets apparently are on the wane. In therf ormer region-the fierce resistance of 1 the French and the allied forces, for the time being .'at least, have checked the enemy at all points ,afrd on some sec tors the allies have even turned vigorously udh Nthe foe and forced him to cede ground he had gained. ' i J. ; ; '. Only one aftempt apparently was made by the 'encrdy' .Thursday to better his. positions rreax IMontdidier. Here he launched a violent counter attack from Courcelles to the north of Merya front of about a mile and a half but was bdly cut up by the . fire of the allied guns and forced to retreat, reaving numerous dead and wounded on the field. German Gains Small. Likewise, south of "the Aisne the invaders are meeting with unexpected opposition, and notwithstanding the large numbers ot men they have ' thrown "irtto the - battle. their eains have been relatively smalL - East of Soissons they penetrated, ( to the v village of Laversine. but were unablo , to advance on any of the other sec tors, although at one time north of Courcy French trenches were enter ed, under : Iht jforcf M hk impact. . A counter attack resulted in ' the ; trenches behig reustured almost im- ,Jtit sole, resuitof the enemy's at tack onr the Morftdidjcr-Noyon line ' up fo thepresent is that he hai by thev. violence of his attacks eact.of the Oise and the forced retreat of. ; the French from the region west of the stream, blotted out the -awkward Noyon salient and brought the battle . front more into direct alignment with that beginning at the Aisrte, -And a -terrible price . has been paid by the Germans hr .this rectification ot the line. , Whether they A vttr- prepared again to offer hugs sacrifice m bend ing back the other' salient from the; Aisne to, Villers Cotterets nd bring' the Picardy and Aisne battle fields into a more continuous front remains to be, seen. . fv,..-.-: Americans Take Heavy Spoils. j .1 . ' In additioiyto the. large numoer of . i... ., ,,. j . prisoners takfn by the allied' forces ken by German war office admits the lots of some German guns but' asserts their forces have taken at least 150 allied guns and, more than 15,000 prisoners. ' The Germans again have endeavor ' ed to arce tire Americans from posW tions, captured northwest qf Chateau) Thierry, but again met with defeat and the loss of numerous men. - The attack was delivered between Bon resches and Belleau wood, bnt no where was the enemy abie to gain ; his objectyes, ..-- "--'.'- ''.;:. American officers and nien to-the number of 108, fighting on the Toul ' sector have been awarded the French : war cross for bravery and fidelity. Aside from Macedonia, the-opera tions in the other theaters of the wat continue of a minor character, con sisting mainly of mutual bombard, ments and ' patrol encounters. In Macedonia the French troops have captured territory to a depth of nearly nine and a half miles over an 11 mile front, occupied 11 villages, and taken 310 of the enemy prisoners, According to an unofficial report, emanating from Berlin, the German admiralty is to declare the waters' oi ' the American coasf front Mexico ta Canada a danger ' zone for neutral shipping. . - Air Service to Have New Collar Insignia1 Washington, June 13. Adoption of a new collar insignia fonfihe army air Service to distinguish it from the sig- nal corps was announced today. -The design consists of a pair of horizontal bronze wings similar in shape to a ' colonel's insignia, with a silyer two bladed propeller placed, vertically on the wings. 1 . ' -. The insignia will be worn by officers , and enlisted men of themiiitary aero- ' nautics service and of the bureau of , aircraft production. The hat coed se lected for enlisted men is green and black. ,( - " .; , v This will affect the Fort Omaha bal- . loon troops. t' . ; i s. Explorer's Body Found.' Peking, June 13. A body resemb ling that of Frank N. Meyer, an em ployer for the American Department of Agriculture, who disappeared front " a steamer on the Yangtse Kiang river between Nanftihg and i Wnhu, has been found near the latter city There was no indications at to thft cause of deatli, " 1 - fu I' v 1