THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE' VI, 1918. WOMAN TELLS OF HER RELATIONS VITll STOECKEft Attorne ysfor Defense Unable to Shake Testimony of Little . Bohemian Given in Her Suit for Alimony. (Continued Trum Pee Oat.) Mrs. Stoecker?" asked Attorney Smith. "People around the hotel and others who hd seen me riding with Mr. Stoecker," Theresia answered. "What were their names?" ?l do not know; they were strangers around." "Can you tell who they were, nam ing any of them?" i iiere Smith endeavored to show that ahe Wouldn't name any one who had called her Mrs. Stoecker. She as eerted that she could think of the name later on. ' Too received wages from Mr. Stoecker?" she was asked. , -Yes" . w "This was paid you until Mr. Stoecker left on his trip?" - "Yes." .She was then asked bow much she weighed at the present time- and re plied that she weighed about 112 and acknowledged that she weighed but 100 pounds -when she first entered . Stoecker's employ. This was by way of refuting her testimony that she liad been harshly treated by Stoecker, Deviation featured the Cross-examination, for immediately it entered on an- other tack. "You vent to a rcciwife on Elev enth street, didn't you?" Smith ' asked fctftw-...-.. v, I t -..--Yes." - "Where wa the house located?" "A little south of St. Joseph hos pital, on Eleventh street." "You don't know what kind of a ? house it was?" "No, I was ashamed whe,n I went there and did not notice." , 'What nationality was the wo man?" ' "vv-V" "Hungarian," , - r. '' '. Direct Examination Resumed. " Thit finished her cross-examination and her attorney then resumed asking her questions, her answers of which had been a bit hazy, ' She said that many people who lived in the Helen apartments which immediately adjoins the Colonnade hotel, called her Mrs. Stoecker, and that little children, around the neigh borhood also used that name in re ferring to her, She said that Stoecker once went to church with her and when they re- r Pvfaagfa "We must move coats Vednesday" Here are the prices he gave us they will mean quick ' Coat Celling-be hzrt early at the closing cut tale of Coats: One Lot of Sport Coats, One Lot of Coats, at One Lot of Coats, at, One Lot of Coats, at, One Lot of Coats, at Ik Annex 302 South lCth St mm mm- mm turned home he joked ibout the ser vices and belittled the minister. Theresia was then excused from the witness stand. John Urbanek, Theresia's uncle, u it h whom she first staved uoon her i 'arrival in Omaha in 1914, was the ;next witness jor tne piaintm. ne( corroborated jneresias testimony concerning her arrival, her working in Dundee and how she first went to wdrk for- StoccKer as result ot her ad. I ' H .tifierl that Stoecker and Theresia often visited his home after she had become ill. Stoecker ex plained away at that time the cause of her illness bv lavine it to natural' causes, he said. Called "New wue. Mr Sonhie Rothkuo was next ntlrrf tn the witness stand. She tes tified that Stoecker, on a visit to her home, referred to Theresia, who at that time was awaiting him on the outside in an automobile, as "my new wife," he using the German term. Albert Douglas, negro, formerly employed at the Colonnade as jani tor, testified as to Stoecker's relations with Theresia as he had observed them. "Do you know that Stoecker and Theresia lived, together?" Douglas was asked. . "Yes, sir, I do," he replied. Mrs Minnie Mark, former house keeper at the Colonnade hotel, was engaged there in October, 1914, dur ing the months when Stoecker was alleged to have made his advances. She testihed that she aiso saw tArVr and Theresia in the same room together, under compromising conditions. She told of a conversa tion between Stoecker and Theresia, which ahe overheard unknown to Stoecker, and said that Theresia at that time followed stoecker tnrougn the halls of the hotel, crying:, "Give me back mv virtue, that's what you took from me." Mrs. Ida Eves, employed at the Colonnade as housekeeper after Mrs. Mark hart left was next Called. She testified that during Theresia'a ill ness the door in her room wasiocicea, but that she entered the room by f mu 1rv h tntft M the iiiEua v "- ----- " apparent delicate condition of Tner- ... .- ..... .,,. esia at mat mno, wmoi svmv time after January, ms. What AA Stnerker sav about Theresia's illness?" Mrs, Eves was asked. . . "He told me that she had a Baa cold." v - Stoecker on Stand. Mr CtnerWer was called tO the stand by the plaintiff attorney, evi- Untfu In eatahliah the amount of property he owns. He admitted owning the Colonade hotel , pro perty on South Twenty-fourth street, his home, at 701 South Eigh teenth street, and also flats in South Omaha. "What other property do you own?" . . .' . ... "Only $800 in Liberty bonds." "Anything else?" "Yes, I own some mortgages." "Yes. some building and loan stock." "Have you money pn deposit here? "Ye, sir. but I dot' know how much, probably about $100." Mrs. Katie Mamis, us rourteentn street, girlhood friend of Theresia in the old country, and with whom Theresia visited in New York, was next called to testify for the plain- tiff. She told ot several quarrels ane .. a- .. a". t had witnessed aner coming to uraan and to the Colonade. She mentioned one in particular, but added that not- urithatandinir the fact, that thev had quarreled, "Theresia passed the night 'in stoecker oed room. "DiA vnn aee Theresia era into Stoecker's bed room at night?" she was asked. "Yes, I did." she replied. Friendship on Train. Tn her late teatimnnv. Mrs. Mamis told of Theresia'a trip from New Vnrt in Omaha with her. savincr Theresia had made "friends" with a young man on the train, which was afterwards kept up atter ner arrival home. Stanley Bostwick, real estate man. was called by the plaintiff for his opinion of what he thinks Stoecker's real eatate hntrlinar in Omaha are worth. He said that after making an examination he would place a vaiua- STREET DANCE CARNIVAL For BanafU of the CnUn Work "OVER THERE." Under Auspices ot the Dundee WOMAN'S PATRIOTIC CLUB Thursday and Friday Nights, June s 13 end 14. DOUGLAS ST., 48th to 49th. 8 t12 p. m. DAN DESDUNES FULL MILI TARY BAND Signor Hoganinski Knife Thrower. . Greater Omaha Style Show. Prise Contests. Scores of Added Features. Refreshments. Military Police and Boy Scouts Assisting. DANCING FREE Goaarat Admission. 28et Children, I0e (Wat Tax Added) , Billy Byrao, Director Gncral ra rx txt . unnce i our ai FREE TO ASTHMA SUFFERERS A New Home Cur That Anyooa Cm Use Wlthaut Qlacawfort mr Lata el Tin. " Wa hav Hvm Method that our Asthma, and w want roa to try It at out spans No mattar whether roar ease is ot tony standing or reent dbvtlonm.nt whether It la present aa hay ftvar or ehronlo .stama. you should send) tor a free trial ot our method. No matter ta what climate voa live, no matter what your age or occupa tion, if yoo are troubled with asthma, oar method should relieve you promptly. We especially want to send it to those apparently hopeless easea. where all forms of inhalers, douches, opium preparations, fumea. "patent smokes." eta., have failed. Wa want to show everyone at our own ex pens, that thia new method to desicned to tnd all difficult breathing, all wheeling, and aU those terrible paroxysms at once and for all time. : This free offer la too Important to netieet single day. Write now and then begin the method at once. Send bo money. Simply aail coupon below. Do It Today. FREE ASTHMA COUPON FRONTIER ASTHMA CO-, Room UJ-T. Niagara and Hudson Bta, Buffalo, N. X. Send free trial of your method tot ;;::;:;;;;;;;;:;;;:;:;;;;;.;;;; FLORH FAY DAVIS miS OFMRIAGE Omaha Girl Weds Robert . Davidson of New York State While? Student at Vassar. Miss Florine Fay Davis, daughter of Dr. John C. Davis of Omaha and Mr. Robert Easton Davidson, (were married December 7, 1917, in New York City. The wedding was an nounced at the Vasser senior class supper Tuesday evening, at Vassar College. ' - Mrs. Davidson is a graduate of the Central High school and of Vassar college. Mr. Davidson, who is the son of James Davidson of Herkimer. N. Y., is a graduate of Colgate Uni versity and a member of the Theta Phi fraternity. He has recently en listed in the signal corps and is now in training at Kelly field. Although the parents of the young couple knew of the marriage it has been kept a profound secret from their friends. 'The bride was attended by her room-mate ,at Vassar, Miss Marie Isabel Bruce, and the best man was Mr. Lionel D. Edie, professor of English at Colgate University. Mrs. Davidson has a brother. Lieu tenant John Davis, now stationed at Jefferson Barracks. 1 She' plans to enter the Nebraska College of Medi cine iiis faM. i tion of $30,000 on the Colonade hotel, and that the other properties owned by Stoecker were in his opinion, worth about $65,000. . This included flats, apartments and houses in Omaha and South Omaha. The one bright spot in the day's session and the only time in which a relief from the serious side of the case was offered, came when Mrs. Henry Stroesser, who worked in a house next door to the Colonade hotel a: the time Theresia first came there, told of her "short acquaint ance" with Stbecker. Whei asked if she knew Mr. Stoecker at the time, she replied, "He spoke to me but once." "What did he say?" she was asked. "I was standing out doors and Mr, Stoecker approached me. After a short talk he asked me my nationality. I told him, Irish, and he never spoke to me since." At this the entire court room crowd gave vent to its pent up feel ings and laughed heartily, even Judge Troup throwing aside his judicial dignity for the moment to indulge in a broad smile at the expense of the Irish; nation. Mrs. Stroesser a testi mony was merely concerning deduc tions about the relations between Stoecker and Theresia. The court was then, adjourned until 9 o'clock Wednesday morning. Beatrice Boy Dies of Lockjaw After Scissors Falls on Foot Beatrice. Neb., Tune 11. (Special.) Robert, the 3-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. William Shaw, died of lock jaw at Wymore, caused from a wound received in the foot when a pair of scissors tell on the member. Special Allowance of $300 On the Stove Yoa Are Now Trying to ' Get Along With. . Gas Range They Bake Better -' Ko other Gas Ranges ' .bake so evenly and juickly because they can not have the same oven construction., It's a pat ented and exclusive fea ture. They Last t Longer The material used In construction bas been se lected alter making ex haustive tests. Detroit Jewels are a Quality product built to give years of useful service. ' Connections 1 -',SS DETROIT Special Allowance O-e-a OpeClUl GEORGE HARRIS, BIG RAIL CHIEF, DIESJNCHICAGO George B. Harris, chairman of the board of directors of the Burlington railroad, who died in Chicago Mon day night, rose to his high position from that of an office boy. He was born in Brookline, Mass., in 1848. s He held the highest position on two of America's greatest railroads, hav ing been president of the "Santa Fe" from 1889 to 1890, and president of the Chicago, Burlington & Qtiincy " If, 1 f ' J JL 1 J. ' $ GEORGE B. HARRIS. railroad from 1901 to 1911. .When lie retired from the presidency of the latter road. June IS, 1911, he be came chairman of the board of direc tors and executive committee, a posi tion which he held to the time of his death. In 1882 he became assistant gen eral freight agent of the Burlington & Missouri Valley railroad and the fol lowing year purchasing agent for the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy road. He resigned this to go to the Santa Fe as assistant' to the general manager of that road. He became assistant to the president in 1884, general manager in 1885 and president in 1890. BELGIUM IS NEAR . STARVATION, SAYS LABOR DELEGATE St. Paul, Minn., June 11. Bel gium's sacrifices and plans of rehabil itation and the earnest appreciation of America's help were clearly put forward by Lt. Henri De Man of the Belgian army and Prof. Albert Van Heke of the University of Louvain at the convention of the American Federation of Labor today. "Despite America's efforts to pro vide food, Belgium is on the verge of starvation," Lieutenant De Man said. Phone jtyler 3009 (9 414416-418 South 16th Street Let Us Tell You Why the Is BETTER, and Best Equipped - Porcelain -parts with' which Detroit Jewels are equipped make them not only sanitary, but beautl I u L Porcelain broiler pan and burner tray pro vided. - Best Cooking Top Made the right site so that all the top burners can be used without crowding. Five burners provided, a giant, sim mering and three regular burners. . Easiest . Cleaned The rich, velvety, baked-ebonite black fin ish which requires no stove blacking and the round, smooth castings take the work out of cleaning. Wonderfully Convenient Oven linings can be easily removed. Top burners lift from place. Gas valves are adjustable to any gas pressure. They are simplicity and per fection combined. . There is a Detroit Jewel Range for every kitchen, large or small, the styles are va ried to exactly fit your requirements, but , the most wanted of all types is the one we have described, which is priced at Free Where Pipeline TrwVe 5 delivers this Detroit Jewel 1 erillo. to your home, then $5 per month German Government . Soon to Make War Aims Declaration London, June 11. A discussion is taking place between the German government and the high army com mand regarding a declaration of war aims which the German govern ment will make in the near future, according to a dispatch by the Cen tral News agency from Amsterdam, quoting advices reaching Holland from Berlin. The dispatch adds that the pro gram will be discussed with Baron Burian, the Austro-Hurganian for eign minister. . Cross Iowa State Line To Hold Political Picnic Luvern, Minn., June 11. A. C Townley, president of the non-partisan league, and two candidates were compelled to step over the Iowa line today to hold a scheduled picnic with speech-making. Deputies appeared at the gathering and acting on in structions of the sheriff told the crowd to "move on." Two Dead, Nine Hurt in Hun Long-Range Fire on Paris Paris, Jun- 11. The long distance bombardment of Paris was resumed this morning. Two persons were kill ed and nine were wounded in yester day's bombardment, according to the Eclair. , - The Weather For Nebraska Fair Wednesday, becoming unsettled at night or on Thursday, cooler in south portion Wednesday. Temperatures at Omaha 'Yesterday. Hour. Deg S a. m 78 a. m , 14 7 a. m 16 S a, m 1i S a. m S3 10 a. ra S7 11 a, ra 11 12 m. S 1 p. nt it 2 p. m (5 5 p. in 93 4 p. m 14 6 p. m. ......... S3 8 p. m 2 7 p. m... 87 5 p. m.... S4 Comparatlv Local Renord. 1918. 1117. 191. 1816. 87 87 76 80 74 71 61 (3 St It 68 73 .00 .00 .14 .00 Highest yesterday Lowest yesterday Mun temperatura Precipitation Temperature and precipitation departures from the normalr Normal temperatura .' 70 Excesa for the day 16 Total excess since March 1 474 Normal precipitation 16 Inch Deficiency for the day 16 Inch Total rainfall since March 1... .6.8! Inches Deficiency alnoa March 1 3.93 Inches Excess for cor. period, 1917 3.39 Inches Deficiency for cor. period. 1916. .3.34 Inches Reports From Stations at 7 Pi H. Station and Stat Temp. High- Rain- of Weather. 7 p. tn. est Cheyenne, part cloudy.. 78 84 Davenport, clear ...... 90 Sd Denver, cloudy ........ 78 94 Des Moines, clear ...... 88 -, 96 Dodge City, clear 100 - 100 Lander, part cloudy.... 90 03 North Platte, clear .... 88 88 Omaha, part cloudy .. 87 97 Pueblo, cloudy ...84 , 98 Rapid City, clear ...... 83 ' 84 Salt Lake City, pt. cldy. 96 98 Santa Fe, cloudy ti 90 Sheridan, clear 88 88 Sioux City, clear 80 90 Valentine, clear ...... 84 86 fall. .00 .00 .10 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 T .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 T Indicates trace of precipitation. L. A. WELSH. Meteorologist Special $goo Delivers This Detroit Jewel to Your Home. Best for You Most -Economical You can bake and broil at the same time, as one ' set of burners heats both oven and broiler. Detroit Jewels are planned for gas saving. Gas Saving Burners Complete burner cut In one piece. No parts to warp or allow gas to es cape. Made star-shaped, so that air can mix read ily with the gas and pro duce the hottest flame. Is in Kitchen Mm f i t $47- of $3.00 will be made on the old Stove you are now using THOMRSQN.BELDEN - CO CfliQ CfasAton Confer fir WomcvP Trefousse Gloves The finest importations of kid gloves from all of France are Trefousse. White and colors in pique, sewn styles with Paris point and embroidered backs, $2.50, $3 and $3.50. Bathing Suits for All Summer Long Refreshingly new styles for women and children. Cotton and wool jersey suits in black with trimmings in bright shades of cardinal, rose, gold, Cope olue, purple, white and green. Either with or without bloom ers. Also cotton and wool tights, high and low shoes, caps, water wings and rubber-lined bags to carry one's suits. Third Floor Save Food Save Money OPEN AN ACCOUNT IN OUR SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Accounts Opened With $1 or More. De-; posit Payable on Demand; 3 In- terest Paid on Balances. THE United States National Bank OF OMAHA. a Northwest Corner Sixteenth and Farnam Streets. The Telephone Operator Distributor of - Messages " ' . . . . - Through the skillful hands of a hundred thousand ' operators, telephone calls are distributed each day to the homes and places of business throughout the country. They are messages of joy, of sorrow, of success and of failure. , Telephone operating is a vocation of permanency and 'of intense interest in which bright, intelligent and self, respecting young women have an opportunity to do pleas ant and profitable work. - and j people WHO U V WWW V' uiii emm DR. E. R. TARRY - 240 Bee Building. Omaha Neb JVednesdaySavings In Silk Underwear An assortment of silk vests, all of god quality, j Beautifully embroidered silk .t:'...:..........$i.98 Silk combination QQ 1Q suits f...tp0.1i7 These are but a few of the many bargains in silk under wear offered for your approval Wednesday. Each price is vary lew.. $1.50 Lace Scarfs $1.19 Imitation cluny and filet laces t in effective designs, copies of the hand-made laces and de- cidedly attractive; $1.50 val- ues for $1.19. - Linen Section Summer Fans : White gauze fans and the same painted in dainty colors. Japanese fans in endless va riety. , The best of ostrich feather fans, $6 to $13.25. -Celluloid fans for small folk. Children's Hose Fancy socks in many styles and every desirable color, 29c, 35c, 50e, 59c. Children's Pony hose in -all , styles and qualities of f iber4 silk lisle, lisle and cotton. Ex- -:ellent weariffg hose at moder ate prices. 1 , . Uncle Sam Needs It You Will Need It J NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY Sara Food Br War Sarlaara Staaaya - 4 Llbartr Boajda " , ' FISTULA CUftD Rectal Oiaaasaa Cured snthout sever aor b at operation. No Chloroform or Ether neV Care cuaranteed PAY WHEN' CURED. Write lot - illustrated book on Recta! Diseases, with aamea testimonials 01 more tnaa i.ooe prominent i sri. First Nafl Bunk Eldf. .Orchard frWilhelm Co.. Bee Want Ads Are Business Boosters,