Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1918, Page 10, Image 10
10 ABIE THE AGENT Copyright 1111. International New ' . errloe. DRAWN FOR -THE BEE BY HERSCHFIELD Want Ad Rates (Cash With Order 4a per sword escb Insertion , 8s per word for three contecutlv Insertions lo, word for each additional Insertion NO lid taken for tew than a total ot loo or I cm thao 16a par djr. CHARGE. " par Una (count worda to Una) ona tlma la ,er lint aacb tlma, II owaoeutlv time to pr Una aacb tlma. IS ecitoutlv time SITUATION WANTED. ta par Una , .......par waak CARDS OF THANKS AND TCKERAL NOTICES. 18 par Una oach Inaartlon (Minimum Charge, 10 Cents. - .' Oatract Rales Oa Application .For convenience of advertiser want ada will b accepted at tba following offices: MAIN CrriCl ... Building Aoiu Offlca 4)10 Nortb 14tb 8L Lake Offlca ........... .t(U Nortb I4tb Bt VIotoB Offlca .....I47 South ltb Bt Park Offlca Mil Leavenworth St. Walnut Offlca ..........111 North 40th Bt South Bid till N Bt. fJeuneU Bluff 14 Main St. Nortb THB BEE will not ba reaponalbla for mora than ana Incorrect Inaartlon of an advertl Baeot ordered for mora tbaa ona tlma. Caa THB TELEPHONE If yon cannot con venlentty bring or aand your ada to any of tha above offices. Aak for a Want Ad Tabor and yon will receive tha aam rood service as when delivering your ad la pttsoa. PHOSE TT1XR I.OW. Want Ad Column CkMO Evening Edition .............. M. Morning Edition ..... 10.00 P. H, Bunder Editions I P. M. Saturday Evening ATTRACTIONS 'ANf Kl Open air attraction for July 4, State terms, wrlta E, P. Shields, chairman, Arnold, Nab. DEATHS ft FUNERAL NOTICES. Ui; L1C X Edward Everett, aged ti yeara . June 11; Father of John K., Edward T J. J. and Leratta Mullck and Mr. Hawlcy of Omaha, funeral aervlca from ' Hoffman funeral home Thuraday, at 1:30 a. m, to fit. Cecllla'a church at I a, m. Interment Holy Bepulcher cemetery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. LNDKRTAKERS and Ilceneed enVjIamere; aiao private ambulance. Call Webster 47, WMIS C. CrobyY 3611 N. I4tt Bt ' V HN A. 0ENTI7EMAN, undertaker and amhalmer, 1411 Farnam Bt. Harney 111. ill' LSI. A RIEPEN, undertakers and em- V lalmera. 701 8. 14th. IHiuglaa 122. STACK & FALCONER lndnndnt Undertake!-, 13d A Far. H, 400. Is t DODDER CO.. Funeral Dlractoii (F. U Fr, Mgr., ltd and Cuming Sta. Pbnna Douglaa 77. Auto ambulance. t iClJ'FM ANN FUNERAL. HOME. Hoffmann quality aervlca, route leaa. !4th and Podge. Pnuglne 1 FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON tunteoalle PlOHsts, ' 1114 Douglaa St. douglaa 1144. A.DONAGHUE ,MET. flower shipped everywhere. Exp, prepaid. ijARkSrf Slower shop. 411 s. i. d. ifoiT Po5tRjriorHt. Ill a It"h. D. 1400. BATH Careful Florlet. H04Farnam Bt. j.. Henrlereon. 1611 Farnam. D. 1261. CARD OF THANKS JOHN and A. Kuncl wish to thank Mra. Mary Alt man. Joaeph and Charles Alt man, night employee of U. 'P. headquar ters; Mra Anna Duda, Ruth Rebekah lodge No. t, M. W. A. camp 130 and the Neighbor. . MARRIAGE LICENSES. Permtta to wed have bacn Issued to the following! Name and Realdenca. Age Orvilio R, Whitney, Vllllsea. la il Haiel 0. Alcorn, Vllltaca, la............ fj (illberl a. McMurray. Omaha ...over II Joy Lampman, Omaha........... ...over II H, Robert Van Der Ltppe. Omaha........ 40 Katherln M. Bawtell, Omaha II Wallace Raymond. Paelflo Junction la... SI Lout Wlnalow, Olenwood, !...., so Joy Oliver. Syracuse, Neb jo Laura Bock, Syracuie. Nab.....?!. is Charles Elaenetat, New Tork City........ 7 "' uriun, ji-w ir wuy..,..,, 32 Wallace H, Brown, Harlan, la...... .. 4 .. 14 uraoiu, rianan, la ., . 14 whi. Aaoti, vroana. . f Anthony Baniett, Omaha..,. 14 Alfcrta Williams, Omaha.,..,...,....,., ao John M. Tbare, Topeka, Kan M Latberyn A. Lawleaa, Omaha.,... 21 William ,3. Coghlan. Omaha 41 i Ybeodoeia Bnou. Hot Springs, 8. D...... Jl Joaeph P. Dvoracek, Clarkion, Neb...... SI Anna, 8UBk, Omaha.................... 22 Raymond Powell, Omaha..,.....,.....,, ii Amelia Anthony, Omaha.., 2,0 Francis B. Lacy, Omaha , 23 r"!''' JlI'i0I-J--'" . BIRTHS AND DEATHS Wrth Joaeph and Gertrude Breen. 1003 Caltfurnla, boy: Jake and Ida Rosenblatt. ; Cam street, girl, Ruth; Frank and Clara NovJ, 1711 N street, boy; Roaa and Ilasel Dusty, 4111 Nortb Tbirty-aev-tntn, street, boyf Chin and Rabecca On. I'M North Nineteenth atreet. boy; Fllllpo and Antonla Tocco, IS0S William, boy, Vlto; A. J, and Mary Elraa. Soutn Twenty-eight street, boy, Simon; Norbert and Josephine Leary, 1304 South Thirty titlh, girl; Frank and Stella Clch, S76T llaxel atreet, girt, Helen; Anton' and Agnes Ounla, 211 Oold atreet. girl, Irene, tjporge and Victoria Crsendowakl, S90S leer Park boulevard, boy. Btanlelaw, 'I homaa and Clara G. Pooler. H07 Paul, loyt Oral and Madallne Boyd, Neb., slrl. Ferns Karl and Alice Reese, list Kamam. boy; Charles and Abby Blodgett. Ell Sherman avenue, girl; Robert and Mart Peterson, 1634 U atreet. boy; Paul and Henrietta Matrjka, 1124 South Twelfth Mreet girl; Paul and Gladys Bradley. Twenty. fifth and Dodge, boy. Paul Lincoln; frank and Aveline stark, 13t North Twen-ly-nlnth street, boy, Frank Rueaell; Jl.lph and Lena Manser, 1121 North Tenth atreet, male twins; Max and Becky Zwlbach, 1147 North , Eighteenth atreet. boy. Deaths Melville Ritchie, Rock Springe, Wso age 11 years; Danlnl V. Bevorldge, 1039 Binney street age Tt years; Fred W. Haaklns. age II years, 1021 Pacific Plights disease; MatUe Wllllama. 2C20 Corby, age 43 years; Jaka Schettler, (II North Sixteenth. BUILDINQ PERMITS. Buildlfig permits have been issued to lite following; Beeele- Stephen. 131$ O street, auto shed. I110; Jubilee Manufacturing company, m bouth Twentieth street, factory shed. 1500; P. Handaehuh. 1164 Laurel avenue, addition to dwelling, 500. SPECIAL NOTICES tvILI. PARTY wlio wiUwMMd the aulomu bile accident at 21th and Jack eon Won lay p. m.. Jue 1. nil, .nd offered ear. lto the Injured, kindly get In com. manlratlon at one with E. B. Huntley. UrelB Exchange. Phone Harney I;, - - ' " - - , ' -- - ris MONUMENT & CEMETERIES. PROSPECT Hill, tha cemetery beautiful. Lota or slnglt Interments. Perpetual cere airangements. Terms-to suit Call Supt, JWeb. 404L WEST LAWNoffers aympalletlo service to auddan sorrow; tarpetual cara; no asse menta: lota on easy terme. Phone Wal. 120. THE largest display of innnumfnle in-the United titatea. FRANK fiVOUODA. 1515 ti 8. 13th. Phnnra Doualaa H7J-6216. LOST FOUNDREWARDS Oil A 11 A A COUNCIL UI.UKF8 bTRKET ! RAILWAY COMPANY JCereone having lout enme ertl-la would C vail t call up the office of the Omaha A Coanc'l Bluffa Btreet Railway company U aacenaln whether tbey left It to tn atret car. Many article ea,rb day ara turned In and tba company la anxloua to raator them to the rightful ownera. T YOU loaa anything and will advertlea It bera you will aurely recover It If found, by an boneat peraon. If you find any thing of value tba honaat way la to ad vertlea for. tha owner. LOST Between Harney atreet and South Omaha, black leather puree containing fountain pen, wrlut watch and aoma change. , Reward. Harney Silt, LOST Cameo encircled with pearla, pre eumably on Albrlght-Beneon car, Sunday afternoon. Call Harney 4987. Suitable re ward. LOST Paper box addreaeed to 6011 Cum . Ing atreet, Bneon tranefer tag on package. Reward. Phone Demon 111. LOST On North 4Mh car, lady'a black pocketbnok containing about 120. .ta ward. Telephone Walnut 122. For Sale Misceltaneoeui Bottles. I HOOT BEE Ft bottlee patent atoppera and ol here. Nat. Steinberg, 1011 Har. D. lee. Furniture and Household Goods. TAKE advantage of our special June of fering In furniture and house furnishings Including many thoumtnd of dollars of merchandise bought from makers who are discontinuing making certain lines on account of abnormal labor and material conditions, purchased by u about 60c on the dollar. To Illustrate: Four-hole gas stoves, regular 125, on sale, 113.60; six foot extension tables, regular value. 111, on lale, 18.80; aolld oak dining chairs, regular value, 14.60, on ante, 11.11; large rockers worth 11.60, on sale, 14.26. Come early for the cream of bnrgalna. We , make a apeclalty of complete home out fits, aleo hotela and rooming houaes. Railroad fare free to out-of-town buyers within 60 miles of Omaha on purchaaes of 12V or more. STATE FURNITURE CO., TeKJJoug. 1317. Cor. 14th and Dodge St. KUKNITUTe HARDWARE BARGAINS, lleda, eprlngs, mattresses, dressers, chif foniers, lablea. chairs, china and kitchen cabinets, rugs and linoleum, trunks and ult oases, gas siovee and Ice boxes, full line -oreen wire, poultry netting, garden ioois. 19.-1 Norm Itth Bt Tel. Web. 107. Open till I p. m. ACTUAL TRUTH FOR BAHOAINS Full line or furniture, gas and roal oil stoves. rugs, baby rairlages. trunks, sta Loyal rum. lo.. ii3 n. jatn. FOR SALE Refrigerator; will hold 100 pounds of Ice; reasonable. 123 N, 17th St Call Dougles 86t, FOR SALE Flve-ploce Ivory bedroom set; Aqam tlfalgn; reaaonsble. Harney 6663. FOR BALE Furniture of 6-room cottage! 607 8. Twenty-sixth street. Red 123. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and parts oi an sewing macntnes. MICKEI.S , NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 16th and Harney Bts. . Doug.' 11 Pianos and Musical Instruments. WE have aeveral Victrolas that we look In on trades for eale; In good condition. . Rouse Phonograph Parlors. Cor. 20th and Farnam Bta. 1760 APOLLO player piano good aa new; , flnest mahogany caae; perfect condition. uir cssn. call Douglas UbJ, daytimes. A HOSPU CO.. 1613 Douglas, have pianos io rem at per month, or will sell on esay term Store and Office Fixtures WE buy, sell and make deska, aafea, show caaes, shelving, etc, Omaha Fixture A Sup. Bly Co.. 1 1th and Douglas D. 2734. Typewriters and Supplies. 1 TYPEWRITERS sold, rented snd repaired. Rent an Oliver 1 months for 16. Central Typewriter Exchange. 1106 Farnam, f WE buy, sell orexchangs tyDewr'tera guar, typewriters 110 and up. Writ for 'Met. Midland Typewriter Co.. 1404 Boat. Yachts. Jjltc, ll-FOOT canoe; haa been ueed a few times; .-cost 66; new; take 130; guaranteed to be In first clues shape. Fred Schwarts. Valparaleo, Neb. Miscellaneous. OMAHA PILLOW Co. Feathers slsme renovated and made up In new feather. v""" -:mn i v" turning Doug 147 FRESH country buttermilk; butter; best of cream; strictly fresh eggs; delivered to any part of Omaha. Phona South 315 or Tyler St, Wagner's. iJLIvCTKIC Lawnmuwer sharpener; used iHwnmowrrs. vail walnut 407, Good aaaortitient of vhwIu.i for sale. Frank j niavin, Waterloo, Neb. SPITZ puppies. CaUSouth" 3471. ' SWAPPERS' COLUMN WANTED TO BUY Rare old V. 8. coins of all kinds or will exchange for others AdrtrelM Rn SJ4a Bw WANTED TO BuV BE BATRIOTIC1 HELP UNCLE SAM. SELL YOUR OLD CLOTHES AND BUY LIBERTY BONDS, GIVE ME A TRIAL.' WILL CALL PHONE DOUG. 1431. 1311 DOUGLAS ST. FEATHERS, ftfalhers, feathers;" for fewUys will pay hlgheat pricea for old feather beda. Addreea A. B. Mack, general dellv ery, Sioux City, la. Drop postal. Will call. H. UERBKR 13 KNOWN foPAT TfTK HIGHEST PRICE FOR CLOTHING AND FURNITURE. P. 3444. Desks desks desks New desks, used desk bought sold and traaeq. j. u. need. 1301 Farnam. D. (141. AK-SAR-BEN Furniture Co. pavs full value for furniture end clothes. Douglas 8341. WANTEDSmall. concrete mixer. Call Douglas tl. . . CASH paid for diamonds, eelate appraised. Reeee Jewelry Co.. 403 8. 16th. ANNOUNCEMENTS ON ACCOUNT of high com of living doaiea tic, day labor will advance fronr 26o to I So an hour. ' Awnings.' - AWNINGS AND PORCH FURNITURE. Auto touring tents and camping supplies. BCOTT-OM AHA TTiNT A AWNING CO. Baggage and Express. REPUBLIC AUTO EXPRE83 COMPANY will haul everything for you. Packages ivmn iv ins.. -ia eenie. iougiae T4nX. tHE ONLY WAT n-.lsswts.e Of. THB OMAHA TRANSFER CU THE BEE: ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeon Pleating. ACCORD EON. aide, knife, aunburat. box pleating, covered butlone. all atzea and atylea; hematltchlng, plcot edging, eye let cut work, button bnlea. pennanta. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATINO CO.. 100-101 Brown Bldg. Phona Doug. IIS. hem'sYitchInciT'platTno; bIjttonsC O. U. VanArnam Pleating Co., tll-T Paxtr.n Block. ' Phona Doug. 1101. Attraction. WANTED Open air attraction for July 4th. Stato terme; wrlta K. P. Shlelda, rhnlrrrmn, Arnnlii, Neb. Billiard Parlor. PRIVATE tahlea for partlea et Holinea'. Brass and Iron Founderies. PAXTON MITCHELL CO. 27th and Martha 8t Omaha, Neb. Braaa, bronia, aluminum and machine gray Iron caetlnxe. '0 Chiropractors. 8P1NOORAPH. Tr. Edward, I4tb A Par- nam. i Dr J. C. Lawrence. Balrd Bldg. D. 1411. Costumes. FULL dreaa aulta for rent Opp. P. 6. John Peldman, 101 N. loth St Douglaa till. Contractors. T. ELK IN building repalra. Web. 767 Detectives. JAMES ALLAN. Ill Neville Blk. Evidence cured In all eaee Tyler 111. Dressmaking. MISS STURDY. H rurnin king. Doug. 63116. Dentists. D- Bradbury. No pain. 1-1 W. O. W. Bldg. T-.ft'e Dent. Rm.. 101 hoee Bldg. D. 118. Express Transfer. WEST A 8UTTON. Piano, household moving; live atock hauled. D. 1721. '10 Caa8t Film Developing. FLMti developed; rolls, lie; packs, 16c; , cne-day service. Kaa Studio. Neville Blk., 1Mb and Harney. Fixtures and Wiring. FiTTRlTTM Electrlo washing machines, U J 1VXV11X eprtro Irons and reading lamps. 3221 Cuming 8t. Douglas 1511. Jewelry. Uin.lUJViUO privilege to buy back at email profit. OROH8. 403 Jt. 18th Bt. Hat Cleaning; i ALL klnda of hats remortpled. 1620 Harney, Live Stock Hauling. WE Wlllfc-lll Villi P llv. -f..nU LIVE STOCK TRANSFER CO., 2201 Farnam Bt. , Telephone Doug. 2601. Osteopaths. DR. MAB-LE WESSON, 14 Brandels Bldg. T. 20. Res 4741. , Patent Attnrnva PATENTS procured, bought and sold tnle umiunni ritpni vo., nflsrjranneie. i. sail. STUROES & 8TUROES. U. 8. and foreign i nti c iifnri-ti. nit 'i nrp nins;, Rug Cleaning. QUALITY RUG CLEANERS. Scientific Olive Oil Washing1. I Persian Rug Cleaning Co.. 1257 Fsrnara. H. 184!. Safes. SAFES BARGAINS, 1212 Fsrnara, J. J. Derlght Safe Co. Medical. PILES. . fistula and other rectal dis eases cored without surgical oper ation. Cure guaranteed. Write for bock on rectal diseases with testi monials. DR. E. R.' TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Printing and Office Supplies. Waters-namhart Ptg. Co.. 624 8. 13th St Tailors. Pledrlck, P. L.. 21 S. 20th. Tailor. D. 2432. Towel Supplies, Omaha Towel Bu p ply 207 B. 11th. P. 628. Trusses. CLECO COMFORT TRUSSES. Fitted Perfectlv bv Kn.rl. The W. O. f leveland Co.. 1410-13 Harney Bt. Vacuum Cleaners. WILL clean your ruga on the floor. I use mmv-r Tnacniiirs. Harney 1 81 r. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements snd printing. uougias criming vo., let Douglas 644. BUSlNESr CHANCES TELEPHONE excliango for sale, and a good one; .ouu pnones; if Interested In a good paying exchange and one located In a good town In a good prosperoua couaty, look at this exchange; come and -see it, look It over, see what It will make you; where can you get any business for the money that win make you moreT Let me show you this exchange; will show you what it nas ueen aoing ana If looks all O. K. fuy. If not, let It alone. Wrlta or aee J C llatlon. Platte City, Mo. A-t IP-TO-DATE bakery, confectionery and ice cream parlor, located In center of best business block In Norfolk, doing 135,000 yearly business: a splendid opportunity for some one. Price IJ.000. Do not write, but come and see for yourself. J .3. Montague. 61S Norfolk Ave., Norfolk, Neb. FOR SALE Downtown grocery and meat market doing a Strictly cash business; no deliveries: net profits from $4,000 to $5,000 a year. Will stand the closest Investiga tion. Will require 110.000 to handle It mi, owe GUARANTEED OIL STOCK Several pro duclng wells. Huge acreage. Active de velopments. Dividends June 10 .nd September 30. Money back If not satis factory, Tha Bally Investment Co.. New i urn .u nuiiqing, Kansas City, Mo A SNAP If taken quick, grocery store snd meet market, fine location, doing good business; owner hss other things in view. For further particulars, Bex 1814. Omaha Bee. . . DANDY CAFE First-clasa in every reapect Doing flna.4uslness. Open day and night Seatlue capacity 60. Excellent opportunity nu money maxcr. Box 7SS8. Bee CAN show ;ou an Income of from 16.01)0 to 1 1 0.600 a year on few hundred dollars' investment with your services. Daniel Kuhn, 2411 Capitol Ave. DIAMONDS, . mine minerala. metals and gen materials. In nu-ge fissure dyke. Good prospecta for diamonds. Liberal offer to all. Proepectua free, Baggaly A Barnes, Waveland. Neb. GUARANTY locate you; any line business; any stste. Guarantee sell your business. V V Knleat. Bee Bids.. Omaha.. N.h' BAKERY Confertlanyv, etc., for sale! Nets 12J6 month. W. Christiansen, Alln den. Netr: ' 1 RESTAURANT, soft slrlntia. confecilouTv: will s:ll or trade. Dux. 22, Overtoil, Nub, OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1918 BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE Cafe and ice cream parlor at a btg aacrlflce. Irven Cowall, NelniMi. Neb. 8TORE for ale; rent 19. Good bueineea. F. V. Knleat, Bfi Dtdg.. Omaha, Neb. Rooming Houses for Sale. FOR SALE Rooming house, aeventeen rooms, thirteen furnished. Full of room er. ll N. 17th. Tyler 3484. AUTOMOBILES USED, CARS. Oldamobll four. N Makwell four. Studebaker four. Ford Touring cars. Priced to sell and In good shape, painted and Urea alio good. NEBRASKA OLDSMOBILE CO. 16(1 Farnam St Tyler till. RADIATORS Wracked and leaky radiators repaired and rebuilt; large atock used radlatora on hand. Mashid fenders and lamps repaired Ilka new. New honey-combed Ford radiators. 1911 model, 122; 1117, 123. OMAHA RADIATOR AND TIRE WORKS. 1811 Cuming St Omaha. Neb. LISTEN We will eave you 60 per cent on your tire bin. Trade your old tires for new one. Tubes vulcanised I cent caa Ings 60 cents up. Rebuilt, I In 1 caalngs for sale, 3 up. V. & machines for aale. II. a Vulranlxer Co., Branch 1. 120 8. 11th St.. Omaha. 4-Pass. 1917, Scripps-Booth, still new, good tires. $675. Call Weber. Tyler 1000. BARGAINS IN USED CARS . All makes. With and without starters. 26 to pick from. Phono D. 1241 or call at 161 Davenport. BOYLAN AUTO CO.. I ALL kinds of cara for hire with or with out driver, by the mile or by the hour. Fords. JOo per mils. Douglas 7390. Ne mn.KK nprvice. wnrage. FORDS exchanged, bought and sold;' we re build your Ford with a Keleey streamline body like new; cars sold for cash or time payments. Sol 8. Goldatrom. 2867 Farnam m. narney sms; agents wanted. Ill DODGE touring, looks like new, $600 ltu r AKIN A M. FOR BALE Brand new Scrlpp Booth roadater. W11J conalder light touring part payment. Will aacrlflce for cash. Can be aeen 3210 Webster. NHW Maxwell cars. 1111 models, for aale, ( 1300 cash, balance monthly payment a dealred. Anew' strictly confidential. Box 082. Bee. CUMING GARAGE, 2415 Cuming St.. D. 2831. Storsge, day and night service, carbon burning, welding, general auto re pairing. WE ARE THB USED CAR MEN. TRAWVER AUTO CO. IMP Farnam St. Douglas 07. MEEKS AUTO CAB USED CAR BARGAINS. 1021 FARNAM ST. DOUGLAS 20. BUICK light atx touring, perfect shape, 1650. 110 FARNAM. BARGAINS' IN USED FORD CARS. ... . ii wuiui vUi 15th and Jackson, Ford Agents. Doug. 1600 WANTED FOR SPOT CASH 100 USED wAno; quicK action; no delay. Auto Ex change Co., 2061 Farnam St. Doug. 6036 OtTAT.TTT TTeiar. nt-oa VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE' CO, 1 40 LEAVENWORTH 8T. USED CARSAND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES. 1030 Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb. 60 FORD1 WANTED. AUTO PART8 CO., 3108 FARNAM ST. 1917 OAKLAND light six touring, new 1,11 vm, fOUtf, " 1910 FARNAM. GOOD USED CARS, OUT L 8MITH. Hth and Farnam Su. Douglas 1170. TtTiT.T. M. TlTVTT wv Commercial body builders. 2311 Barney a, V, ,n . OAKLAND, Sensible Blx. MARSH OAKLAND CO, 3100 Farnam 8t BARGAINS In used care ORR MOTOR 8ALES CO.; 1 40th and Farnam. Harney 41. FORD roaster with box on back; just the thing for traveling salesman; In fine con- anion. Tyler 3673. 1117 HUDSON super-six, 4,000 miles, $1,300. '1910 FARNAM. GOOD second-hand delivery car, cheap. In quire tan, W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED TO BUY 191 J Ford coupelet for casn. Hoefelman, Platte Center, Neb, FOR SALE Brand new 4-passenger Stearns Knight roadster. 11,700. 1411 Dodge St. FOR SALE 5-paseenger 1913 E. M. S. car. rnone walnut 18. FORD truck, thoroughly overhauled, 1225. 1910 FARNAM. FIVE-passenger E. M. L. car, new tires. 1165, Phone Walnut 198. Auto Livery and Garages. Ri2NT A FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF. ,13o a mile, S5o per hour minimum charge. Sundays and holidays. 0o per hour. FORD LIVERY CO.. Douglas 122. 1314 Howard St. Repairing and Painting. EDWARDS. E. 8.. 261 Mth St. Web ster 1103. For the beat result wltb reralr worg consult u. Starters and Generators Repaired. AUTO ELECTRIC 8ERV1CE CO. Anything electrical about your auto. 11 R. 19th St. Douglaa 64t. Tires and Supplies. GUARANTEED TIRES ONE HALF PRICE. 1,000 Mtlea Guaranteed. I'lxS. 17.76: 30x34. 14.75; 12xm. 110 25; 33x4. 111.15; 34x4, 111.26; 15x4. 11560. Writ u today for particulars. AGENTS WANTED. Expert Radiator and Tire Repairing "2 IN 1- VULCANIZING CO., l.M Davenport JSt Omaha. D. 2914. TIRES. New 10x1 Firestone. $4.90 New 10x3H Non Skid , 12.50 New 12x3 Firestone , 11.35 30x3 Vj Guaranteed Tubes 3. It) 10x3 Guaranteed Tubes .......... 180 Good used Ford tires .. 4.00 Other sixes In proportion. Retreading " and vulcanising. OMAHA RADIATOR A TIRE WORKS. ' 111 Cuming St.. Omaha, Neb, , INSIST .on O. 4t O. quality retread and eave 10 per cent on your tires. Bargains In new and slightly used tire O A Tire Co.. 2416 Leeven'th St. Tyler 1261-W TIRE price wreckers. This is no S-in-1 tiro. COMBINATION T1RK FACTORY.' 422 S. 13'h. Agls WanteO, Omaha, Neb AUTOMOBILES Tires and Supplies. TIRE BARGAINS. TUBE BARGAINS. We are talking of tires and tubes, all brand new. direct from factories, 25 to 40 - per cent saved; send for price list. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL OMAHA. CUT RATE TIRE CO., "Nebraska's Tire Bargain Center." Douglas 2916. 110 S. 19th St. NEW TIRES AT H PRICE. ALL sTzls! NEW 30x3 Republic 18 75 Ford tubes. 12.00 NEW 20x3H FIRESTONE non-skid. 114.75 NEW 32x3H FIRESTONE tires $14.90 KAIMANS TIRE JOBBERS. 1721 Cuming. BUY Lee puncture-proof pneumatic tires and eliminate your tire troubles. ' Powell Sup ply Co.. 2061 Farnam St Motorcycles and Bicycles H A R L E Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In used machines. Victor H. Boos, the Motorcycle Man, l"tb and Leav enworth. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial Home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga sines. We collect We distribute. Phone Doug. 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-U12-1114 Dodge St OMAHA Bath Inst Electric, steam or tub baths, massages of al lklnda. 321 Nevllls Blk. Douglas 7381. 16th snd Harney Sts. MISS FISHER, sulphur, steam baths and massage, aiu Bran. Tnea. Bldg. 1851, MAE BRUGMAN. scientific masseuse and baths. 203 Karbach Blk, Red 2727. MECHANO THERAPY MASSAGE, Mis Halran, 222-1 Neville Block. MISS ALLEN Massage, facial, and scalp treatment 1802 Farnam St., Room 1. Manicuring and mass. 1623 Farnam. R. 19. MEDICAL RUPTURE aucceasfully treated without a surgical operation. Call or write. Dr. Frank H Wray. 30 Bps Bldg. - SITUATIONS WANTED Male. PAINT, carpet and paper cleaning, the Na tional Cleaning and Service company. 3701 Lea vei. worth St. Harney 6012. WANTED Housecleanlrig, by man and wife; experienced; also lawnmowing. Webster 3094. YOUNG- man wants position as chauffeur; years' experience; references. H. 6501. WANTED Rubbish and dirt hauling. Web. ster 6230. NIGHT watching or night olerk in small hotel. C. E. Colwell. Douglas 7394. LINOTYPE machinist operator printer wishes a position. Write Charles Gray bill, Castana, la. EXP, carpenter wants work. Douglaa 6660. Female. PRACTICAL nursing. Phone Webster 1792, or call at 2203 Locust St. GUARANTEE!) dressmaking. Call evenings. Tyler 2MM-W. WANTED Sewing by the day. Prices rea sonable, mono walnut 2065. Dressmaking & Millinery wk. done. Red 8623. Laundry and Day Work. EXPERIENCED laundress wants cleaning, work by the day; satisfaction given. Webster 8680. , BUNDLES carefully laundered. Call and deliver. Web. 4283. WANT laundry and day work. Call Har ney 6846. ' " BUNDLE washing, rough dry and finished Red 6673. EXP. laundress, bundles called for and de livered. Webster 6322. LAUNDRY work called for and delivered. Webster 1953. BUNDLE washing, lac curtains. Webster 1727. 1ST-CLASS laundress wants bundle wash ing. Web. 6894. LAUNDRESS-Wasblng by the hour. Web. ion COLORED lady wants day work. Har 6406. Bundle washing wanted. Call Webster 2811 CURTAINS laundered, w'k guar. Har. 1130. LAUNDRY work by hour. Web. 2058. Day work and bundle washing. Web. 1088. DAY work wanted. Webster 1499. BUNDLE washing to take home. Bouth 1413. 1ST class col, laundress with ref. Doug. 8712. NEAT col, lady wants day work. Dg. 6077. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. YOU MEN WHO HIRE AND FIRE - Advertise for "help" -the same way yo advertise to eir merchandise, and the difference In returns will surprise you. The next time you need help call Tyler 1000. A trained and experienced ad taker will assist you In preparing your advertisement WANTED Two collectors for the road, $24 ' per week. Two collectors for city work, lvl.60 per week. Must be able to furnish bond and mall two letters of recommenda, . tlon with first letter. Addres Box 773, Omaha, Neb. CREDIT man, good future, $100-$125. Stenographer, $125-1135. Office boys, $40-150. THE MARTI COMPANY, 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. PROOFREADER wanted. Position steady and permanent Book work, public print ing. Union, no labor troubles. Address : The Hugh Stephens Co., Jefferson City. Ma BOOKKEEPERS. $90-100; Office Clerks. $85-90; Correspondent, $115; Registered Drug Clerks. $100-125. Co-Operative Ref erenre Co.. 1015 City Nat'l Bank. OMAHA railway mall clerk examinations coming: hundreds wanted; $90 month; sample questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 231-F. Rochester N. Y. BANK HELP WANTED We need some tx" perienced bank men. Merchants National Bank, Billings. Mont. GENERAL office clerk. $100. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASSN. WANTED Ex perienced grocery clerks. Top wages, i.ynam-urennan, szos s. 16th. GOOD POSITIONS AT AM. TIMES" THB CANO AGENCY. 400 BEE BLDG. Professions and Trades. WE NEED CONDUCTORS AND , ' UOTORMENY Apply in person to the superintendent of trans portation second floor. Merchant National Bank Bldg.. Omaha. " OMAHA & COUNCIL . BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. WANTED Expert automobile mechanic: lergrst shop. In the city Answer, giving salary d-sired and references. Bos 1565. Omaha Bee, HELP WANTED MALE Professions and Trades. WANTED NIGHT FIREMAN, Apply general manager's office, SKINNER MANUFACTURING CO. Fourteenth and Jackson. WANTED. DRIVERS AND WAGON HELPERS. ALSO FREIGHT HANDLERS. AMERICAN EXPRESS CO., APPLY UNION STATION. WANTED Young man to work In the press room. Apply to Supt, Bee Publishing Co. WANTED. Grocery clerk capable of managing a email store soon. Call at Basket Stores Office, 108 North 9th St. WANTED Mea; cutter, reliable, capable or running email shop. Call at Basket Stores Office, 108 N. 8th St. Call any day. WANTED Flrst.class carpet layer; per manent position. The Brady Furniture anu i-arpei. v,o., oi. josepn, wo. PRINTER Elderly Swedish man; handlo mailing list and job press. Omaha Posten, lotn and Jones. LEARN barber trade, low rales now. Call or write Rarber College. 1124 Douglas 8t WANTED Upholsterer tor furniture depart ment. Box 41405 Bee DRIVER for Ford truck. Apply at the 1'antorium. WANTED Men for warehouse work. A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co., 10th, and Farnam. YOUNG man, $14 per wefek. Coco Cola Bottling Co., 1423 N. 18th. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESPEOPLE WANTED. We want students, confectioners, bar bers. In fact, anyone who wants to make big money selling our 4,000-mile guaran teed tires direct to the consumer. We ship C. O. D., subject to examination. Write for selling plan. Samnles furnished. MIDWEST TIRE fk RUBBER COMPANY. 1108 H Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis Minn. WANTED EXPERIENCED SHOE SALESMAN. ALSO AN EXPERIENCED CARD WRITER. APPLY TO SUPERIN TENDENT. HAYDEN BROS.' CITY saleamkn, ona of the best house In Omaha, $125 to . start. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS N. Agents and Canvassers. WANTED Portrait artists and drapery workers, li. H. Robert Portrait Co.. Kan sas City. Mo AGENTS WANTED. Agents make $10 to $15 per day selling Speed King, one quart, price $2; saves 60 gallons gasoline. Write for terms and price. The Speed King Co., Stafford. Kan. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Night porter, good wages. Hotel Castle, Miscellaneous. WANTED 5 men to sell goods on passen ger trains; must have cash security. Ap ply Rock Island New Stand. Falrbury, Neb. WANT cook and porter for private show car. State salary and If you can Join at. once. Christy Circus, River Sioux, la. HELP WANTEDFEMALE Stores and Offices. WANTED competent woman . ; as private secretary and stenographer Must he experienced in all office detail. Give references and salary desired. Splendid position to the right party. Address Box 4728, Bee. GOVERNMENT needs 20.000 women clerks at Washington. Examinations every where In June. Experience unnecessary. Women desiring government positions write for free particulars to J. C. Leonard, former Civil Service Examiner. 606 Kenots Bldg., Wsshlngton. . STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, $90, $110. 4Stenographer. $60, $75. $70, $65, $60. Many others, call and look over our list THE MARTI COMPANY, 112 W. O. W. Building. MULTIGRAPH OPERATOR Wanted at once, must be experienced and fairly rapid. Permanent position. Apply In person at 1424 First Nat Bank Bldg. WANTED Girl to fill orders In grocery store. Good wage. Lynam-Brennan, 2208 S. 16th St STENOGRAPHER, beginner, $50. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS N. GOOD POSITIONS AT ALL TIMES. THE CANO AGENCY, 400 BEE BLDG. STENOGRAPHER, real estate firm, $75. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N. Professions and Trades. GRINDER operators wanted for both internal and ex ternal grinding; accurate work; good wages and bonus. Hart-Parr Com pany, Charles City, la. HELP WANTED-FEMALE Professions and Trades. I'.'vi . WANTED-Young Ladies to linn, telephone operating. Gocd wages paid while - l;arning, rapid advance- j ment, permanent positions, Apt,ly to C. F. LAMBERT. -1807 Douglas St EXPERIENCED roofer lor laying roofing over old shingles, steady work and ood wages. Write to Northwest Asphsltum Roofing Co.. Lincoln. Neb Household and Domestic. WANTED An experienced . woman or girl to do housework and help care for chil dren In family of 3; no washing; good wages. Mrs. Ralph Klewit, Walnut 297. 1104 S. 34th St WANTED A good cook who will alio do general housework for small family. No laundry work. Two meals a day to pre pare and small house. Good pay. Call : Walnut 49. WANTED Glri for general housework. must be good cook, $10. No washing. Mrs. Byron R. Hastings, 1506 Hawthorne Ave. Phone Walnut 2484. WANTED A competent girl for general housework where second girl Is kept; small family and good wages. Harney 4042. 1320 S. 34th St. WANTED White girl for general house work. Two in family. No laundry work. Go home night. Call Colfax 4150. 2866 Vane St. ' A COMPETENT white maid, with good ref erences, to do housework, washing and nulling., upugiag D30U. 404 N. 3Zd. COMPETENT white cook and second maid in a family of three; reference. Mrs. W. tf. nj-iirfl. x pi. narney 4Y60. g WANT young white girl to assist with nuuseworK, sman iamny, no washing. Call Walnut 465 or Walnut 1924. GIRL for general housework. Will con. sldor high school girl. 6119 Davenport. Walnut 631. OIKL For general housework. Two la family. No washing. Good wages. Wal- nut 3303. WANTED A girl for general housework In small family. No laundry work and best wages. Telephone Harney 6073. WANTED An experienced white conj girl, highest wage. 426 N. 38th St., Phone Harney 668. . COMPETENT glri wanted for general housework; no washing; good pay. 141 n. jibi Ave, narney Z054. WANTED Young white girl to assist with cnua ana light housework; good home. rnone wamut 1621. WANTED An experienced cook; good wag es. Appointment by telephone. Harney tel. jieiercnces required. WANTED AT ONCE An experienced cook: highest wages, work arranged satisfactory y. zo . astn at., -none Harney 668. WANTED Young girl to assist with house, work and children. Can go homo night. Call Colfax 3451. WANTED A good cook, Mrs. W. W. Marsh! 806 Pine St. City. WANTED Second girl. Mrs. F. H. Davis, i o. zinn wt. Tel. Douglas 28. COMPETENT white girl wanted for gen eral nouseworK; small family. 106 8. 33d. WANTED White girl for nurse ma!4 for onB cnua. van .narney 70. "WANTED A maid for general housework. mi narney 6733. MIDDLE-AGED lady or young girl for iiaiiL ncussworK. 6423 Maple St. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED A cook at the Mussman House. Chamberlain. S. D. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men. ladle and boy. learn barber trade; big demand: wage while learning; strictly modern. Call or wrlta 1403 Dodge St Trl-City Barber College, Phone D. 2147. MOLER Barber College wants young men iauira iu learn in Darner trade. Call or write for free catalogue. 110 "a. 14th St.. Omaha. Neb EDUCATIONAL BOYLES L JLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL, ; V. . Night -school f Every day Is enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, itenotypy, typewrit Ing. telegraphy, civil service all commer cial snd English branoiiea, Cstslogu free, , BOYLES COLLEGE. Douglss 1566 lath and Harney Sta. Van Sant School of Business. uay ana evening School. 220 Omaha National Bank Bide. Douglas 6810 - FOR RENT ROOMS' Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERS If you fall to find the room you desire among lhea ad call at The -Bee office for a Room Llat Give complete description of vacant room la all part or the city. New llat Issued every week. SANITARY modern rooms for men only.J $2.60 per week. Sunshine Apartments, 661 N. 17th St. J. B. Robinson, 442 Bee Bldg. Douglas 8097. " TWO nicely furnished rooms, with an ca front Prices reasonable. Close In. ' .- ' 112 8 17th Ave. 3121W CALIFORNIA 9 - furnishej - twiitiaiiei room., modern, nice yard, ground floor Harney 40U1. MODERN furnished rooms tor men only at the Sunshine. 60s Nortb 17tb Bt - Reason -ahl rent TWO ROOMS, on car line, good location? no children. - S211 Leavenworth. Harney 705S. A COOL ROOM for gentleman In private min-.iy. oo, g. .Bin. 1.1. 66.19. LARGE, attractive rooms, with or without wru . w sarag. ajv ramam. FOR RENT Three large airy rooms." Ap- piy ; o, , nprn. DOUGLAS ST. 2102 Cool, clean -luepinft roomfi. rutin in r vnUr orh aAAm , . 131 NORTH 21ST. Ave., nicely 'furnished i.n'ii), . pii.,1, niMiie. narney ins THB GRAYSTONE. 25th and Cass, nicer; furnished rooms. Douglas 794 , 3 NICE outelde rooms. waTkingdlsTancsI Tyler 3573-W. 311 N. 23d. lea. NICELY furnished rooms. H. 5341. 601 3. f It i f 1 V