Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1918, Page 9, Image 9
THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. JUNE 11, 1918. FOR RENT ROOMS Kitchenette turn is he J complete. also !eep Inn rooms. 1210 Farnam. Cougia 3737. BOOM for rent lu privat family for gentls men. !:. Park Ave, H. 8407. Housekeeping Rooms. 138 SOUTH 27TH ST. Large room, wltb uh of kitchen: alio email sleeping room; summer rate. Harney 5933. PLEASANT. light housekeeping roomi. south exposure, walking distance. 2e90 Harney St. DUNDEE Three light housekeeping room, nicely furnlahed, on first floor. Walnut 5682. ' NlCELT FURNISHED modern. 2-room apartment. 408 No. 22d Bt. POUQLA3 1308 Two or three modern ' housekeeping rooms. Call Douglas 8591. SINGLE and 1 connecting rooms, 424 N , 21d St. 2627 HARNEY Light, clean, cool rooms; good location; reasonable. Board and Rooms. MCE Urge room private family. Hans com Park, district, with or without board. Douglas 8478. NEWLY furnished rooms; board optional. 814 N. 21st St. Hotels. COOL rooms, S3 week; also apartment wltb kitchenettes. Ogden hotel. Co Bluffs. Unfurnished Rooms. 4 ROOMS modern, light and heat furnished. Cheapest room In city. See hese rooms at 2439 Bristol. Web. 6744. a UNFURNISHED rooms upstair. $10 per v month. Webster 8755. TWO rooms; sink; southeast front, 12.60. 2028 St. Mary's, FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. LA TONA APARTMENTS. 641 S. 24th St. A large living room, a dressing room and closet combined, a kitchenette and bath: completely furnished: best of serv ice. D. 1533 Houses. FOR RENT Furnished 6-room strictly mod ern house, with garage. 135. Webster 6755. FURNISHED 6-room house and sleeping porch at J553 Pacific. Phone Walnut 2180 or Harney 3007. 4-ROOM completely furnished bouse. 208 9 2.1th Ave.. Douglas 951S. FOR RENT HOUSES West 2224 DODGE! street, 8-room modi bouse, 867.60. Alfred C. Kennedy Company, 205 South 18th St. Douglas 722. 2(68 Douglas, rooming house 833.00 1518 North 16th, rooming house.... 33.00 JOHN N. FRENZER, Douglas 664. 7-ROOM house; hot water heat; walking distance. Harney 2049. North. 6-ROOM house, modern except heat, 3015 Miami St Webster 6048. 7-ROM brick house, partly modern. 'Phone Webster 864. 7-ROOM modern house. 3866 Hamilton St, D. 1528. South 2315 S. 32D St A modern 10-room house with garage, room for 3 car. A large sleeping porch, every room In canvas and hand decorated. Hot water heat, oil or coal, furnace. Located on Hanscom blvd, BIGHT-ROOM COTTAGE New furnace, electricity, close in, two weeks' rent free. 80 s. na. Central. CLOSE-IN. West Farnam, 115 8. 25th Ave., 8 rooms, modern. Harney 2134. 10-ROOM ROOMING HOUSE. 2601 Capitol ' Ave. Miscellaneous:. 8861 California St, 8 rms 110.00 408 8. 26th Ave., t rms 40.00 ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO.. - Tyler 158$. 333 Securities Bldg. LIST your property for rent or sal wltb FIRST TRUST COMFANT. Realtor. Tyler 731. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THB CITY. CREIOH SONS & CO.. BEE BLDO. Shone Cot-' Rentals Poogla 4288. FOR RENTAPARTMENTS West 3 ROOMS and bath; walking distance; near Twenty-fourth and Farnam, In very choice iocatlon. Janitor service, hot and cold water, heat, etc; furnlahed. $33 per month. ' Doug. 8140. NEW APARTMENT in Dundee to aub leaaa, 4 rooms, tile bath, oak finish, hard- ' wood floor, electrio light, hot water year . round, steam beat 355 per month. ( Walnut 35. 3 ROOMS, with 6-robm accommodation at the Undine, 2652 Dewey Ave. Phone Douglas 6888 or see Janitor at Apt. TRAVER BROS., 81 First Nat'I Bank Bldg. rIVB room "The Hudson," 207 South 26th Ave., 142.60. Benson & Myers Co., Realtors. 424 Omaha Nat'I Bank Bldg. D. 740. fl2ARD Palace block, centrally located, 3 or 4-room apt; also 4-room flat Superb. Apply 228 N. 23d. Phone Red 4282. PETERS TRUST CO. Specialist In Apartment managament HAMILTON APTS.. fireproof; fine lawn and flower; beat location, 24th and Farpam. Price reasonable. Call D. 1472. CHOICE 2-room apt In "The Melrose," apartments, Siu.&o per mo. narney boj North. ' MODERN Estabrook Apts., near postofflce. 323. O. P. Stebbins, 1610 Chicago. 4-ROOM semi-basement apt, new, 316.60, Apt 2, Maple court, 1816 Maple. Red 682. Soctb. 3 AND 4-room modern apt. . 816 & 22d Bt Tyler 2248. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. STORE FOR RENT 15th and Douglas. 20x 60, steam heat, rent (115 per month. WORLD REALTY CO., Douglas '6342. Sun Theater Bldg, 360 per month 707 South 16th lreot. 370 per month 617 South 16tb treet 3100 per month 314 South 16th street GEORGE & CO.. DOUG. 756. STORE Corner Cass and Sixteenth St Fin business location. G. P. Stebbins, 1810 Chicago. MODERN store. 16th St., near P. O. Low rent. G. P. Stebbins. 1610 Chicago. Office and Desk Room LAWYERS It is essential for you to office fn The Bee Bldg., Keystone In vestment Co. Tyler 131. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments and Houses. WANTED 6 or 7-room modern house In South Omaha. 'Phone C. O. Murnan, Room iiU Her Grand Hotel. Miscellaneous. LIST your house for rent with us and get result. More requests than house, give us houses. Payne Invesment Co., Realtors. 887 Omaha National Bank T)ldg., D. 1781. MOVING AND STORAGE i7Di?i7 RENTAL 17 JXthtli SERVICL fidelity: 16TH AND JACKSON. DOUG. 288. STORAGE. MOVING. PACKING. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. -COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. METROPOLITAN VAN A STORAGE CO. Owned and operated by Central Furni ture atore; office on Howard St. between 15th and 16th. Phone Tyler 3400. Have your .moving handled Just as you would an order for new furniture. That' the way - w do It Ask to see our dally rental list FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. 8eparate locked room for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and hipping. ' OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 808 3. 16th. Douglas 4163. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service in moving, packing and storing call Tylef 230 or Douglas 4338. OMAHA EXPRESSCO. tATirjB moving vans; careful men. For nmire pack . storage 1417 Chicago. D-3364 "t ( RPpn Kxires Co, MovTimT si. Vj. 1E4jU Parking and S'orsg . L20J Farnam St Web. SUA Doug (111, REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West FINE MODERN HOME I rooms, in fine oondltlon, hot water heat, corner lot, pared afreet, ftn neighborhood, plenty large shad trees, owner non-resident, must sell; easy term. Located In west part of Oma- S.b S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY. 311 CITY NATL BANK BLDO CAPITOL AVE., DUNDEE. li.OOO. Fine bungalow, finished mostly In oak large living room with fireplace and four bedrooms: a very sightly location. .IOHN W. ROBBINS. 1S0J FARNAM 8T, WEST. Bemis Park, six room and bath. 1 story modern house, east front, large lot, paved street. Make offer. Walnut 1431. 9-ROOM modern house. 60x150 foot lot, near Hanscom Dark. Inoulre at 1323 8. 31st it North. "Prettiest Mile" 8-room modern house, near Grand Ave., on the "Prettiest Mils." House In a set ting of fine young forest trees; lot very wide. Florence boulevard at this point highly Improved. Across th street the beautiful residence snd grounds of C W. Martin. Price 16,600. THIS PRICE IS UNDER THE MARKET. ACT QUICKLY IF IN TERESTED. HARRISON & MORTON REALTORS. OH Omaha National. D. 314. NEAR PRAIRIE PARK and HOLY ANGEL CHURCH 6-room, strictly modern home; Isrge, 50xl32-foot east front corner lot; garage; paving paid; close to car line, public and parochial schools. Price for quick sale, 83.950. If you are looking for a snap, call us about this. J. L. HIATT CO., QAA FIRST NATIONAL JVJ BANK BLDG. PHONE fQ TYLER UO NEARLY NEW 5-R. COTTAGE $3,750 One block west of 24th St. car line, where the houses are all new; ha large combination dining room, with alcove, and dining room finished In oak; well arranged kitchen and two nice sleeping rooms and bath on first floor; first-class plumbing throughout; electric light ami gas; furnace heat; corner lot. Small payment down, balance about th same , as rent. House now vacant, ready to move Into. See us about It at once. HASTINGS & HETDEN, 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler BO. Payne Investment Company, Realtors 637 Omaha Nat'I Bk. Bldg. D. 1781. KOUNTZE PLACE SNAP I. room and finished attlo. bungalow. facing Kountze park. Living room, with ount-in bookcase, colonnade openings, beamed celling. Dining room with built in buffet Plate rail, paneled wall. Com bination sun room and sleeping room. Front bedroom and kitchen. Entire attic finished off and plastered Into on large room. East front lot on paved street; large garage. Owner ha left city for Seattle, Wash., and ha offered a sacri fice price for cash on this property. i-ROOM modern house, with large grounds, 150x120; shade and fruit, and lot alk In potatoes; northwest cor, 81st St, and Mi ami; 13,000. W H GATES '""' 647 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. D. 1284, NEARLY NEW, FIVE-ROOM MODERN OAK . FINISH BUNGALOW. Fins lot and garden, screened porch; near 36th and Ames; (2,900. 3300 cash. RASP BROTHERS, 210 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. NEW, story-and-half bungalow for sale by builder; six rooms; modern; Crelgh atone stucco; fireplace and bookcase are built in. Located at 18th and Willis Ave. Price. 36,000. Phone Harney 927. WE SELL, Rent, Insure and make Loan on City property. North. MITCHELL INVESTMENT CO.. 34tb and Ame Ave. CoL 31T. THE BEST BUI IN OMAHA. Five-room house, electric light and water, 83,250. Call Colfax 4094. 6-ROOM house on Manderson near 24th, a bargain. All modern. Call Mr. Browne, Tyler 1672. MINNB LUSA home and lota offer th best opportunity to Invest you money. Phono Tyler 187 South. HANSCOM PARK BARGAIN. Owner going to California, and must sac rifles to get away. Splendid large bouse. 8 rooms and bath, attic, full cellar, modern In every way; fine oak floors, electric light. fine large porches, lawn, large lot facing the park. A bargain at 84,600, but owner wants me to get an offer. TEBBENS, the REALTOR. 605 Omaha Nat. Bank. 'Phone D. 2182. WANT TO LEAVE CITS". Will sacrifice lot, 60x100, with two-story frame atore building, five living rooms upstairs, barn and buggy ahed, 3424 8. 24th St., two blocks south of Vinton. Write or apply on premise. : erman Kunde, ONE 6-room and one 4-room cottage, both on one lot; live In one and rent the other. Price. 32,500. Terms. No. 2433 South 20th St Norrl & Norrli, 104 North 15th St. Phone D. 4270. a FIELD club district 7-room modern house, garage, lot 70x165. Price 34.250. C. A. ' Orlmmsl. Phone Doug, 1615. MODERN, 8-room, bath, fine garden, 2 lots, garage, chicken. 19th and Warren, Bel levue. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. Real Estate and Insurance. 1320 Farnam BU Doug. 1064. Miscellaneous Would you like an almost new 4 room modern home In a nice part of the city with email down payment and the balance like rent? If so, mske an appointment at once and see this snap; nice size rooms and bath, all newly decorated, full cemented basement snd cement walks; fine neighborhood. Price 33,250, WALNUT 677. 6-ROOM cottage, two block from car, full lot. 82,000. Terms, 3300 cash, balance 830 per month. BENSON AND CARMICHAEL 642 Paxton Block. FOR RETSIT 4 wn DiTn HOUSES. COTTAGES AND APARTMENTS runTE,n otiOT WELL, 202 S. 17th Bt Dougla 8013. HOMES AND HOMESITES. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. 637 Om Nat Bk. Bldg -Doug. 1781. F. D WEAD SELLS REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE B 'nets Pr'pty WE WILL buy your home or business property and pay cash. H. A WOLF CO.. Electrio Bldg. Tyler 33. BUSINESS property and Investment. A. F. TUKEY and SON. 620 First National Bank Bldg. M'CAQUB INVESTMENT CO.. Income, Business and Trackage Specialist 16th and Dodge St Dougla 41 REAL ESTATE To Exchange FDR SALE or exchange, modern brick hotel, Joplln, Mo. Will exchange for farm near Omaha. Dr. B. Owen, 917 Virginia St., Joplln. Mo. GOOD Omaha residence property to ex change for clear western land, or eastern Neb farm Mr Pease. 21! Bran Th Bid REAL ESTATE Unimproved West CLEARVIEW LOTS. 31 I)WN. 31 A WEEK. PAINE SLATER CO. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. $10,750. 6103 California St. Thi tin corner. 109x185, with an exceptionally well-built modern home of 8 rooms, finished In quarter-sawed oak; excellent vacuum heating system: a substantial home in every respect; located on one of the beet corner In Dundee: paving ta a paid. Term easy if dastred; arrange with us lor inspection, GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 3063. 919-20 City National. HIGH and sightly Dundee lots. 1S75 to 31.160. Easy terms. Loan arranged for Dunaing purposes. Phone D. 6074. Staler A uary. Realtors Acreage- ACRES HALF ACRES. QUARTER ACRES. In Caldwell's Acres, Omaha' newest acreage subdivision, located southwest of Field club. Prices low. Term easy. Call THE BYRON REED CO.. Phone Doug. 297. 21S 8. 17th. TmSTATEnrVANTED WE HAVE several good reliable buyers for 8 and 6-room house and bungalow with 3300 to 3500 down. Call Osborne Realty Co Tyler 498 701 Om Nat Bank Bldg. List Your Property with J. J. MULVIHILL, tOO Brandeis Thea, Bldg. Douglas 98. SUMMER RESORTS EXiCE VIEW Two summer cottsges for rent. Mcely adapated for young men on Carter Lake. Call Web. 8041. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. WE want 100 mortgage on Omaha resi dences; fund on hand for quick closing. E. H. LOUGEE, INC. 638-40 Keellne Bldg. QUICK ACTION ON LOANS. W. T. GRAHAM. 604 Bee Bldg. Dougla 1683. DIVIDENDS OF 6 PER CENT OR MORS. One dollar starts an account. OMAHA LOAN & BLDG. ASSOCIATION. CI CI FARM LOANS. ri Ol W72 O PAUL PETERSON. Ol2 1 364 BRANDEIS THEATER BLDO. H. W. BINDER. Money on hand for mortgage loan. City National Bank Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NK& FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Doug. 3713. CITY AND FARM LOANS. 6, 6V4 and 6 Per Cent J. H. DUMONT CO.. Keellne Bldg. 5V2 HARISON & MORTON. 5V2 913 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. 8100 to 310.000 MADE promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam St. MONEY to loan on Improved farm and ranches. Kloke Investment Co.. Omaha. Piivate Money. SHOPEN A COMPANY. Dougla 4228. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY. W. H. Thomas & Son, Keeline Bldg. LOW RATES C. G. CARLBERG. 212 Bran dels Theater Bldg D. 686 Stocks and Ponds. OIL STOCK BARGAIN. I offer for quick sale any part of 200 hare stock in successful oil company which own thousands acre valuable leases. Company ha one lease of 420 acre en tirely urrounded by PRODUCING OIL WELLS wblch came In gusher 1,000 to 10,000 barrel per day. Company' well No. 1 on thl lease came. It Is estimated, at 12,000,000 cu. ft gas well, wblch will make Caslnghead gasoline. Well No. 3 thl proven lease now drilling day and night should reach , GUSHER SAND within two or three weeks. This stock hould go into BIO MONEY before you know It It will be worth many time It present value th minute well No. 2 come In. Company took now selling at 312.60 and ubject to withdrawal. I offer part of my tock at 310 per chare In 10-share lot. Quick action on your money guaranteed. Write at once for full Information or personal Interview. Address Box 6266, Bee. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands. JUNE 18TH? ' Our next excursion to McGehee, Ark. W. 8. FRANK. 201 NEVILLE BLK. Colorado Lands. FOR SALE 480 acre Buffalo county farm. to settle an estate; 230 acres pasture; 25 alfalfa; 20 of wild hay meadow, balance farm land. Land rolling with heavy clay subsoil. Fenced and cross-fenced; 2 good wells and wlndmolls; 7-room house; barn 40x42; other outbuildings; 6 mile from railroad town; mall and telephone; sold subject to lease; possession March 1; price 343 per acre, half cash; term on balance. P. O. Box 126, Kearney, Neb. NEBRASKA FARM LANDS ARB SURE INVESTMENTS. For beat land at beat price write Geo. Antlll, Blair. Neb. WRITE me for picture and price my farm and ranches In good Old Dawes County Arah L. Hungerford Crawford, Neb. Iowa Lands. FOR SALE Four hundred and eighty acre Iowa farm, three hundred cultivated, good Improvements, 3126 acre. Will con sider 88,000 good clear Income property. Will pay you to investigate. Pierce & Hollands, Little Sioux, la. Kansas Lands. FOR SALE 200 acres good, level Improved farm, near town; 126 In fine wheat; half goes; also 600 acres fine alfalfa land, Im proved, near town; 60 alfalfa, 60 wheat. .10 meadow. Address Hellen, Fort Scott, Kan. Nebraska Lands. NEBRASKA LAND BARGAINS. IN THE CORN AND ALFALFA BELT. No 1. 4S0 acre In Custer county, five miles from good town, school house on the place. All good black aandy loam oil that produces any crop grown in Nebraska. Land lie level to gently rolling. 170 acre under plow.-ewhlch lie nearly level. Ha a very common set of Im provement occupied by tenant; fenced and cross-fenced; two wells and on new windmill. Good grove west and north of buildings. Price 330 per acre. Incum brance, 39,760. If you have 84,600 In cash you can buy this placs and get one third of the crop this year. Present lease expire March 1, 1919. This little ranch will double in value in the next five year If properly farmed. No. 2. 160 acre, located In Merrick Bounty, nicely Improved. Five- mile from town, only ona-hair mile from rural high acbool perfectly level road to town. Eight room bouse well steltered by plenty of shade trees, barn for 13 horse and flv ton of hay, hog hed, chicken houie, granary and garage, good well and wind mill, best of soft water at a depth of 20 1 feet Eighty acre under plow, 16 acre in alfalfa, balance pasture, which can all be broken and profitably farmed; all good black sandy loam soil that pro duce any crop grown In Nebraska, Price for a short time, 386 per acre, about one halt cash, balance term. No. 3. 160 acre in Merrick eonnty, 6 mile from town, one-half mile to good school, all good black loam soil, lie per fect, not a foot of waste, all fine alfalfa land. All under plow with the exception of 10 acres In pasture. This place ha Just a fair set of Improvements, not in the best of repair. Price, 8126 per acre, one half cash, balance terms. Might con sider a small ranch for this farm. No. 4. 160 acres, six miles from CentM.1 City, all good black loam soil, not a toot of waste. Lies perfect, good alfalfa land, all under plow except five aore In pasture. Tbe Improvement on thl place are poor; occupied by tenant Price for a short tlms, 8110 per acre, about one-half cash, balance terms, I have no farm to give away, nor sell at a big sacrifice, but I can sell you a farm worth the money. See M. A. Larson, Central City, Nebraska. OR SALE A well-improved farm, 3 miles from Riverdale, 6 mile from Kearney, Buffalo county. Neb., 30 acre pasture, balance in crop, wheat, corn, onts and some alfalfa; land Is rolling, but good soil. All kinds of good build ings, painted and In good shape. PRICE 310,500. :oo acre farm land and hay land ad joining thl above farm for rant. If Interested call and see me. A. NELSON. BODINSON FARM, KEAftyBg KEB. . FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands. Niobrara River Ranch Sheridan County 4.920 seres on the Niobrara river; two seta improvement; 1,000 acres good farm land; deep, black, fertile soil; no belter land In the state ef Nebraska; ruts 660 tons of hsy and alfalfa, but would cut many times that If not pastured. The upland, which 1 covered with heavy grass, also grows alfalfa. This is not a sandhill ranch, and will speak for Itself. Price 316.60 per acre; one-third cash. WHITE & HOOVER, 1.-.4 Omaha Nallom. H k Bldg. FARMS FARMS FARM'S" If your farm la for sale and your price Is right where you have good good for the money, list with me. I have all kinds of customers for all kind of farms, but the value must be there; within less than 60 mile of Omsha preferred, any size from 10 acre to 1.000. or up. LETS GET BUSY. ORIN S. MERRILL COMPANY. 1217-1218 City National Bank Bldg. A SNAP in cattle ranch. 1.440 acre finally Improved, all new building. Two hundred acre in crop. Best of black land, no sand or rock. This is on th market for only 30 day. Price 325 per acre. Half cash. Good terms on balance, B Combs, Blgnell. Neb. Washington Land. HAVE 160-acre improved wheat farm in the famous Columbia river valley which 1 am compelled to dispose of to someone within a hort time. If you buy now will accept 326 per aore. Small cash payment with easy terms on balance. Might take Ford . touring car or a little olear property as part pay. Landlord's share of this year's crop goes with the land. Two year crop will pay for It. You can't best tuts any where. A. W. Johnson, 8181 Davenport St. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Oregon Lands. SECOND excursion; homesteads close to Portland, Ore. Join club; see that man, Derlcks, 5019 Harney. Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farm, 360 per ... Including paid-up water right. Henry Levi ACM. Rylander. 664 cimah Nat'I RANCHES of all lse and kind, easy terms. A K. Patsman, 301 Karbacb Blk CHOICE FARMS Nllsson. 423 Rose Bldg Illinois Lands. FOR SALE Fruit and poultry plaoe, 4-room house, chicken house, smokehouse stable good fencing, 6 large lots 300 foot front, good bearing orchard, all for 31,000, 3100 down, 310 month: also good 20-acre farm, 2 miles from town, 31,000 on easy terms write for further particulars. George D, Williams, Mount Vernon, III. South Dakota Lands. FOR SALE Stock ranch and live stock. 176 cattle, 20 horses. Deeded and leased land. Plenty of water. An ideal place for dairying. Box 133, Sulphur, 8. D. Minnesota Lands. FOR SALE To make quick sals and close an estate, heirs ordered sale of well Im proved farm of 160 acres near St Paul, Minn. 30 aores wooded pasture with liv ing water, balance under cultivation; level, free from atone and gravel. A general purpose farm. Ideal for tock or dairy ing. I offered at Investment price. Will be pleased to correspond with anyone In the market for such a property. E. N. Wolever, 411 N. Y. Life Bldg., Minne apolis, Minn. FARM LAND WANTED FARMS WANTED. Don't list your farm with as tf yon want to keep It B. P. SNOWDEN SON, 610 Electrio Bldg. Dougla 9871. POULTRY AND PET STOCK HOME grown Whit Leghorn chicks; all ages, 16o and up. Eggs, 31 per setting, 34 per 100; also ISO laying hens and 10 cockerel. Beat laying strain. Gradman's Egg Factory. Florenc 318. 3113 King St. 2,000 DAY OLD chicks. Rocks, Reds, Or plngtons, Leghorn. Webstar 1703, 3212 Charles. Horses Live Stock Vehicles FOR SALE One dray, one express wagon, one norse ana double set of harness. Harney, 6963. FOR SALE Pony and saddle cheap. . 6414 3. 3U. BOVin 0(1. MONEY TO LOAN Organized by the Business Men of Omaha FURNITURE, pianos and note a lecurlty. 340, 6 mo., H. goods, total, 33.60. Smaller, larger am't. proportionate rte. PROvimrwii r ni w bhil-ti. 482 Securities Bldg., 16th. Farnam. Ty. 686. LOANS OR DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY 1 V7 SMALLER LOANS. O Of A O W. C FLATAU EST. 1892. O 6TH FLR. SECURITIES BLDG. TY. 360. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Ma las hock, 1614 Dodge. D. 6618. Est 1891. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS OF DOUGLAS COUNTY, NEBRASKA. The County Board at Equalization will It for the purpose of equalizing all assess ments of Douglas county, Nebraska, for the year 1918, as required In Section 121 of Chapter 77, Article J, Statutes of Ne braeka, commencing Tuesday, June 11th, 1918, at 10 o'clock a. m., in the County Commissioners' Chamber, second floor. Court House, Omaha, Nebraska, r The duration of said session shall be "not less than three nor more than twenty days," thsrefore all person owning real estate or personal property, subject to taxa tion, shall call and examine their assess ment, that any errors as to valuations, etc., may be adjusted by said board as th law provides. By order of the Board of County Com missioners, Douglis County, Nebraska. Dated: Omaha, Neb., June 1, 1918. FRANK DEWEY. County Clerk. No 105 June 6,7,8,9.10,11,12,13. OMAHA GENERAL MARKET. Fruits Oranges, 100s. 126s, 288s, 824s, 37; 216s. 37.60; 160s, 176s 200s, 38.00. Lemons, Sunklst 300s, 360s, 310.00; Red Ball 300, 860s, 39.00. Grapefruit, 26s per box, 86.00; 66s, 126s, per box, 36.50; 64s, per box, 35.76; 64s, '80s, 96s, per box, $6.00; Bananas, per lb., 7o. Pineapples. 18s, 24s, 26s, 42s, per crate, $4.00. Peaches, 6-basket crates, $3.50. Loganberries, $5.00. Cherries, California Black, medium size, per 8-ib. box, $8.00. Limes, per basket, 33.00. Berries, market Vegetables Head lettuce, per crate, $4.00; per doz., $1.25. Leaf lettuce, per doz., 30c. Cabbage, per lb., SHc. Crystal wax onions, per crate, $2.00. Yellow onions, per crate, $1.75. Radishes, per daz., 30c. Home grown onions, per doz., 20c. Asparagus, according to quality, 4065c. Florida celery, per do., 31.75. Telephone peas, per lb., 16o. Cucum bers, ner 2-doi. basket. $2.00; Bean, wax. per bu., $3.00; green, per hamper, $8.00. Sum mer squash, per doz., $1.00. ' Beets, per doz., 6&c; per bu. bssket. $2.00. Artlehockes. per dozen, $1.60. Carrots, per doz., 65c; per bu., $3.00. Green peppers, 25c. Tomatoes, Cali fornia, per 4-basket crate. $2.60. Potatoes, new, per lb., 8c; 6 bsgs or more, per lb., 24c; old spuds, Colorado, fair quality white stock, per 100 lbs., $1.76. Egg plant, per doz., $2.00. Miscellaneous Crackerjack, checkers, or chums, per case, $5.60; per half case, $2.86. Ear popcorn, per lb., 80; shelled popcorn, 10-ox. pkg., 4-doz. case, $3.25. Horseradish, 8-oz. bottles, 2-dox. case, $2.20. Three B honey, JMb glasses, 1-doz. case, $3.85. Salt ed peanuts. $3.00: peanuts. No. 1 raw, 15Hei No. 1 roasted, 17Vc; Jumbo raw, 17c; Jum bo roasted, 194c. Pansy Plants Per box, 75c$1.00. Vegetable Plants Cabbage, sweet potato, tomato and pepper, per box, 85c, Kansas City Prod ace, Kansas City, June 10. Butter. Creamery. 3c; firsts, 38c; seconds, 37c; packing, 29c. Egg First. 29c; seeond. 2 to. Poultry Hens, 30c; rooster, 17V4c; broil ers, 30 35c. Gibbons, War Correspondent, Rests Comfortably in Hospital Paris, June 10. Floyd Gibbons, Chicago war correspondent, who was wounded when he went over the top with United States troops, is reported to be resting comfortably at Ameri can military hospital No. 1. Although he has lost the sight of his left eye, his wounds are improving. His wife reached Paris toda iftm Duoa. OMAHA LIVE STOCK iiiiw-iii na Cattle Receipts Liberal; Prices Steady; Hog3 10 to 15 Cents Lower; Sheep Sell Higher. Receipt wers: Estimate Monday .... T.30A 10.300 4.000 Same day last wk.... 6.47 6.161 4.874 Sam day 2 wk. ao. J. 0H 6. 2 r 4 9! It Sam day 3 wks. ago. 8,009 8.777 6.674 Sam day year ago... 6,69 4,966 3,767 Cattle Receipts today wer liberal, estimated at 7.S00 head or 291 cars. Early trading was rather slow but bidding waa steady considering the heavy fill that cattle were taking. Receipts Included 10 loads of pulp fed steers which sold anywhere from $17.15 17.70. the latter prtre being th top for the day. Good to choice corn fed beeves were quotable from $17.26tJ17.75 and the fair to good grades from $10.26 17.00 Offerings of yearlings wore propor tionately large and quality above the average. Prices were stesdy considering the fill ranging from $16.60Q17.00 on the good to choice kinds snd the general run from $J.50ifi,15.25. Butcher stock held steady with good to choice cows selling from $12.00914.00. Storkrrs snd feeders ruled steady with but a few loads of f.eih arrhnls In this class. Quotations on Cattle Good to choice beeves. $17.25fl17.75; fair to goo bueves, 316.25ffl7.00; common to fair beeves, $12 60 fff 16.01'; good to choice yearlings. $ 1 6.6 .) a 17.00; fair to good yearllnits, $13.60im.!6: common to fair yearlings, $t.60$fl3.26; good to choice heifers, tlS-OOcif 1 4.60; good to choice cows, I12.00iSH.P0; fair to good cows, $9. 754111. 76; common to fair cows, $7.76 9.76; prime feeders, $12.00()13.00; good to choice feeders, $10.2511.76; fair to good feeders, $9.00910.00; common to fair feed ers, $7.6008.60; good to choice stockers, $10.00012.00; stock heifers, $8.00910.60; stock rows. $8.00010.00: stork calves, $".60 011.60; veal calves, $3.50913.25; bulls, stags, etc.. $10.00913.00. Hogs There were 148 loads of hogs re ceived here today, estimated at 10.800 head. There waa a wsak feeling underlying the entire market this morning from flrpt to last. Shippers purchased a few of their early loads around $16.65916.70, but grad ually dropped down to $16.60916.66. Pack, er also bid lower price from th begin ning, the market weakening a the day ad vanced. The general market waa 109I6O lower than Saturday. The last few sales to exchange handa being 15920a lower. Bulk of the hogs sold at $16.55916.66; top, $16.70. Sheep Ther wr 17 load of hesp re ceived her today, estimated at 4,000 hsad. A good feeling pervaded the sheep ' barn this morning and the supplies changed hands early In th forenoon at close to 25o higher prlc-.s. Several string of California lambs sold for $20.60. Ewes also showed an advance and sold from $13.76 to $18.86. Quotation on sheep: Shorn lambs, choice light, $16.75917.36; shorn lamb, fair to llaht. $16.25916.60; fair to choir yearlings, $16.00017.60; fair to cholc wether, $14.50 916.76; fair to choice ewe, 812.50Q13.oo; shipping lambs, $16.00920.60. Representatlvs sales: SHEEP. 50 cull lambs 50 $14.60 16 Will ew 94 9.00 ISO ewe 109 13.75 179 spring Iambs 66 30.50 471 shorn lambs 88 15.90 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. I'nfaTornhle Weather Cannes Sharp Ad vances; Corn I'p Cent at Open ing; Oats Follow. Chicago, Jun 10. Sharp advance took Place In the corn market today a a result of unfavorable weather. It was snld the prevailing low temperatures were adverse to crop progress and that moisture was excessive. Forecast of generally fair and warmer condition, however, led to a et back in which the gain disappeared. Open ing prices, which varied from th same aa Saturday's finish to Mio lower, were fol lowed by a slight downturn and then the temporary advance, amounting to lc or more a bushel. Oats reflected the changes In corn. Trade was amall. After opening He off to a like advance, with July, 6640 to 66'Ao, the mar ket scored moderate upturn and then un derwent a sag. Big exports of lard and meat gave strength to the provision lilt. Business was chiefly in lard and ribs. Local Weather Record. 1918. 1917. 1916. 1916. lowest last night.... 70 61 64 ,64 Precipitation 00 .00 T .16 Normal temperature ior loaay, iv oi. Deficiency in precipitation lnc March 1. 3.61 lncbe. Excess corresponding psrlod. 131T, I.T1 inches. Deficiency corresponding period, lin, Inches. General Weather Condition Tn wsamer I much warmer in th central valley and throughout th wet and northwest, and maxima of 90 or abov wars general In the plains states and the northwest during Sunday. Shower occurred In th upper muai..innl ... Tl-v mnA 1nU resrlnn. and llaht rain also occurred in central Iowa. Okla homa, the lower Mississippi valley, and east gulf states. Ths weather Is generally clear west of the Mississippi r!er, and the outlook Is for fair and coviunuea warm weather in thl vicinity tonight and Tue day. St. Loul Ilvi Stock, ft. T,oul. Jun 10. Cattle Receipt, 10,- 000 head; market low; native beef ateer, 811.60917.60; yearling teer ana netier. 89.60915.60; cows, $7.50 913.75; itocker nd feeders, $8,604? 12.00; fair to prime southern beef steers, $10.00915.60; beef cows and heifers, $6.00913.60; native calves, $7.7691600. Hose Receipts. 18,000 Bean; marast lower; lights, $16.60916.66; pigs, $t6.35ir 16.75: mixed and butcher. 316.40916.80; good heavy, $16.40916.66; bulk of sale, $16.40916.80. SheeD and Lambs Receipts, i.nuo neao; market strong; Iambs, $17.00920.26; ewes, $12.00914.00; canners and choppers, $7,009 10.00. Kansas City live Storlr. Kansas City. Mo.. June 10. Cattle Re ceipts, 13,000 head; market higher; prime fed steers. $17.00917 76; dressed beef steers, $13.00916.90; westsrn ateen, $14,009 17.65; cows, $7.0091375; heifers, su.uoiui 15.25; stocker and feeders, $8.00915.60; bulls, $8 60912.00; calves, $8.60912.60. Hogs Receipts, 11,000 head; market ntgn- er; bulk, 16.60916.85; heavy, $16.70916.90; packers and butchers, $16.60916.90; light, $16.60916.80; pigs, $16.25916.90, Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 8, 000 neaa; market higher; lambs, $16.00920.85; year lings, 314.00918.60; whether, $18.00916.60; ewes, $12.00916.00. St. Louis IJv Stock. St Louis, Jun 10. Cattle Reoelpta, 9,- 000 head; choice cattle, market steady; others, 15 to 20o lower. Native beet steer $11.60917.60; yearling steers and heifers, $9.60915.60; cow, $7.60913.76; stocker and feeders, $8.50912.00; fair to prime southern beef steers, $10.00916.60; beef cow and heifer, $6.00916,60; native calve, $7,759 14.00. Hogs Receipt, 12.200 head; market low er: lights, $16.60916.85; nigs, $16.25916.76; mixed and butcher, $16.40916.80; good heavy. $16.40916.65; bulk, $16.40916.80. Sheep Receipt, 2,200; market strong; lambs, $17.00920.25; ewe, $12.00914.00; canners and choppers, $7.00910.00. Sioux City live Stork Market Sioux City, June 10. Cattle Receipts, 3.600;. market strong; beef steers, $12,250 17.26; fat cows and heifers, $10.00913.60; canners, $7.0098.75; stockers and feeders, $9.76910.76; feeding cows and heifers, $7.60 910.00 Hogs Receipts. 7,000 head; market 10c lower; light, $16.76; heavy, $16.60; pigs. $16.60; bulk, $16.60916.70. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 100 head; market steady. South St Paul Urs Stack Market. South St. Paul, Minn., June 10. Cattle Receipt. 3,700 head; easy; steers, 67.603; 17.60; cows and heifers, $8.00914.50; vcsl calves, $7.00913.75; stockers and feeders, $6.60913.61. Hogs Receipts, 8,800 hesd; lower; range, $16.25916.60; bulk, $16.40916.60. Sheep Recelpta, '160 head: steady; lamb, $10.00916.00; wether, $7.00 14.50; ewe. $6.00914.00. St. Joseph Stock Market St. Joseph, Mo., June 10. Cattle Re ceipts, 1,500; market steady to strong; tear. $12 00917.60; cow and heifers. $7.00 916.00; calves, $7.0013.50. Hogs Receipts, 6,000 head; market lower; top. $16.86; bulk, $16.50916.70. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 1.700; mar ket steady; lambs, $15.00917.75; ewes, $8.00 914 76. Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, June 10. Corn. No. 3 yel low. $1.6291-63. Oat No. 3 white. 76977c. Flax 33.8793.89. Rye $3.6292.06. Barley 31.1091 4. Bran $28.26 933.36.' GRAIN ANDPRODUGE Spot Figures on Corn and Oats Generally Higher; Cash Corn Advances Four Cents. Omaha. Jun 10. 1918. Actual receipt over Sunday totaled 160 cars, with 47 cars of wheat, 71 car of corn and 42 car ef oat a Spot figure on both corn and oat were generally somewhat higher. Cssh prices on corn war unchanged to 4o up. the bulk of th good grade of whits and yellow silling up 2o and 4o. Karly sale of mixed corn wer made at Saturday' price, ths demsnd for this vsrlety being rather light. Ther wa an active Inquiry for good white milling corn, while other claase sold quit readily. No. 3 whit corn sold at $1.76 to $1.79 and No. 3 yellow at 81.66 to $1.58. No. $ mixed cora sold at $1.5$ to $1.64. Oats followed In th advance, all grade selling up a rent, while a few car went at Hio over Saturday' price. An active de mand absorbed these offerings rsadily. No. 2 white brought 73c and th standard grads 73e. No. 8 whits sold at 73c to 7S4c and the No. 4 grade at 734o to 72o Five cars of sample white went at Tlo. Rye and barley were nominally un changed. Clearances were: Whest and flour equal of 70,000 bushels; oats, 1.253.000 bushels. CARLOAD RECEIPTS. Wheat Corn. Oats Chicago 3 Minneapolis 313 Puluth , 3 Omaha 47 Kansas City 6 St. Louis 6 Winnipeg 198 19 94 71 78 44 These sales wer reported today: Corn No. 1 white: 1 car, $1.80. No, S white: 1 car, $1.81; 6 cars, $1.80. No. 3 white: 1 car, $1.79; 1 car. $1.78; $ oar. $1.78; I oar. $1.77; 1 car. $1.78. No. 4 whits: 1 car, $1.70. Sample whit: 1 oar, $1.20; Vt car, $1.06. No. 1 yellow: 1 car. $1.80. No. S yellow: 1 car, $1.60. No. $ ysllow: 3 car. $1.68; 3 car. $1.67; 1 car, 31.66. No. 4 yellow: 1 oar, $1.62; 1 car, $1.(1: 3 cars. 81.60. No. 6 yellow: 1 ear. $1.47. No. 6 yellow: 1 csr, $1.86. Sample jellow: 1 car. $1.32. No. 3 mixed: 3 car $1.66; No. 3 mixed: 1 car, 3163. No. 6 mixed: 3 cars, $1.30; 1 car, $1.36. Sample mixed: 3 car. $1.25. Oats No. 3 white; 1 car, 73 Ho. Stand ard: 3 cars, 73 Ho. No, 3 white: 3 ears, 734c; 10 cars, 73o. No. 4 whits: 2 cars, 73c; 4 cats, 7210. Sampl whit! I ears 71o. Wheat No. 1 hard winter: I ear and 3 bulkhead, $2.16, No. 3 hard winter; 3 car, $2.13; 1 car, $2.13. No. 1 northern (pring: 1 car, $3.16. ' Omaha Cash Price Corn No. 1 white, $1.80; No. 3 white, $1.8091 81; No. white. $1.7691.78; No. 4 whits, $170; sampl white, $1.0691.25; No. 1 yellow, $1.60; No. 3 yellow, $1.60; No. 8 yellow, $1.6691.68; No. 4 yellow. $1.6091.63; No. 6 ysllow, $1.47; No. 6 yellow, $1.36; sample yellow, 31.22; No. 8 mixed. 8166; No. 3 mixed, $1.6291.54; No. 4 mixed, $1.46; No, 5 mixed, $1.2691.80; sample mixed. $1.35. Oats No. $ white, 73Hc; standard, 71o; No. 3 whits, 73973UO; No. 4 whit, 73M9 73 ; sample, 71o. Chicago closing prices, furnlshsd Th Be by Logan at Bryan, stock and grain broker. 815 South Sixteenth street Omaha I Art. I Open? High. Low.J Close. Bt'y. Corn" I I i Juns 1 36V 1 88Vt 136U 1 88 138 July 1 86 1 40 186 1 40 137 Oats. June 724 T414 71 , 74 i 72 4 July 6649 68 66 (7 64 Pork. July 41 00 41 30 40 80 40 80 41 16 Sep. 41 00 41 30 41 00 41 30 41 46 Lard. July 24 25 34 26 24 10 $4 It 84 17 Sep. 34 60 24 63 24 32 24 40 34 37 Ribs. July 23 S3 33 36 23 16 33 23 33 17 Sep. 22 72 22 72 23 66 23 65 23 60 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. With Receipt Curtailed, I'plurn Come In Cora Price. Chicago, Jun 10. Corn developed notable strength today owing largely to prospective curtailment of reoelpt. Th market closed firm 3 to 8o higher with July $1.89 to $1.40. and August, $1.40: Oat gained e to lc. The finish In provision ranged from 8a to 60 advance. Upturn in oorn price began oon' after th opening, and wer first ascribed chiefly to unfavorable weather conditions, such aa lack of warmth and excessive moisture. Predictions of gsneral fair skies and of higher temperature for th next two or three days brought about a tsmporary bear ish reaction, but ths rsadlness with which offerings were absorbed soon led to a frssh advance during which much talk waa cur rent that notices of consignments from th country showed a fall off and the crop movement hereafter wa likely to b less liberal than has been ther uls. In th lata dealings short covered freely and the olose was at virtually th topmost level of th esslon. Oats reflected the change In oorn. Cereal Intereat were good bouyers and It was said export business amountsd to 400,000 bushsl. Big exports of lard and meat made pro visions average higher. However, realising by longs set In and thef Inlsh wa weak. Chicago Llv Stock Market, Chicago, June 10. Cattle Receipt 14,000 head; market active, higher. Top, $17.90; big string of heavy Dakota-fed western; $17.86; beef cattle, good to prims, $16,609 17.90: common to msdlum. 313.60916.60: butcher stock steady to lOo higher. Blocker and feeder steady; better grades, $11,369 13.50; inferior and msdlum, $9.00911.75. Hogs Receipts, 84,000 head; market steady to strong. Bulk of sale. $16,609 18.85; butchers, $16.56916.85; heavy pack ing, $16.10916.461 medium and mixed pack ing, $16.46916.60; light hogs, $16.76914.95; rougn nogs. 91t.Du01s.1s; pigs, gooa 10 choice, $16.50917.00. Shssp and Lambs Receipts, 13,000 bead; market lower. Shorn lambs, choice and prime, $17.40917.76; medium and good. $16.00917.26; spring lamb, good to choice, $19.00920.00! awes, cholcs snd prime, $14.26 914.50; medium and good, $12.00914.00. , New York General. New Tork, June 10. Flour Steady; springs, $10.76911.28; winter, $10,869 11.16; Kansas, $10,90911 25. Corn Spot, steady; kiln dried No. 8 yel low, $1.43; No. 4 yellow, $1.63; cost and freight New Tork. Oat Spot, firmer; standard, $39Mo. Hay Dull; No. 1, nominal; No. 3, $1,409 1.60; No. 8, $1.1091-30; shipping, 70 9 90c. Hops Quiet; state medium to choice, 1917, 36943c; 1916, nominal; Pacific coast, 1917, 30928c; 1816, 14916c Pork-8teady; mess, $47.00948.00; fam ily, $66.00; short clear, $42.00962.00. Lard Quiet; middle west $24.00914-10 Tallow Dull; city specie I loose, 17c. Butter Firm: receints. 6.800 tubs: cream ery, higher than extras, 44944e; extras (92 score), 43c; firsts, 4194Sc; packing stock, current make No. 2, 20 9 30 a. Eggs Irregular; receipts, 14,894 oases; fresh gathered storsgs packed first, 86 9 87c; fresh gathered regular packed extra firsts, 36a7c; do, firsts, 3393to. Cheese Firm; receipts, 6,043 boxes: state whole milk flats, fresh special, 23 923c; do, average run, 23922c. Poultry Alive, firm; chickens, broilers, 60980c; other price not settled. Dressed, firm; fowls, 30936a; turkeys, 26939c. Coffee Market. New Tork, June 10. The market for cof fee futures opened at 1 to 6 points under a little trade selling or scattering liquida tion with July easing off to 7. 660 and De cember to 8.31c, or 6 to 9 points net lower shortly after the call. Ther wa covering at thl level, however, and after the early offerings had been absorbed price steadied a few points with December selling up to 8.35a and with ths general list closing net unchanged to 4 points lower. July, 8.02o; September, 8.18c; October, 8.24c; December, 8.35c; January, 8 41c; March, 6.63c; May, 8.65c. Spot coffee quiet; Rio 7a, 8o; Santo 4a, 10llc. A little business wa reported In the coot and freight market. Including ales of Santos 3s and 4s at 10s, Lon don credits. Unsettled condition In marine and war risks insurance have a reatrictlng Influence on business. The official cables reported a declln of 126 rel In th Rio market. Turpentine and Rosin. 8avanah, Ga., June 10. Turpentine Firm, too: aale. 21 bole.: recelot. 126 bbis. : shipments, none; stocks, 23,071 bbis. Rosin Firm; sales, 630 bbis.; receipts, 667 bbis.: shipment, none; stocks, 93,171 bbis. Quotations: B, $8.56; D, $8.6698.60; E, F, G. H snd I, $8.6596 60; K, $8.8098.80; M. $8.6098.65; N, $8.6098.75; WO, $8.7691-10; WW, $9.00. Metal Market. Vaw YnrU .Inn 1 (1. Metal ktf-hinH quotss lead firm; spot, $7.6097.61. Spslter, stsady; East St Louis spot, $7.8597.45. At Lonaon, copper, spot ana xuiures, sua; electrolytic, 1136. Tin Spot and futures, 1381, T.si4 Snnt. It 10a: futures. 138 16s: n1- tr, spot i54; futuxrs m NEW YORK STOCKS Only Popular Issues in Demand and Trading Lightest in Many a Long . Day. : New Tork. Jun 10.. Transactions la stock today barsly aggregated $71,000 share, th smallest turnover In almost a month. Trading wa restricted to th mors popular alssues and bullish Initiative wa lacking. ' Resumption of th German drive in the direction of Paris nad Indication of a continuance of enemy U-boat in nsarby waters were the principal factor in giving pause to th marktt. .Domeatio Influence contributed to th general apathy, th decrease of about 400, 000 ton reported by th United States Steel corporation in unfilled order for May some what exceeding estimate. Thl make th fourth cuccesslve contraction since last January and reduced the corporation' hooking t the smallest total sine th early ' part of 1916. 1 United State Steel moved listlessly with Ik 4 narrow radius and closed at 1 point loss Related stocks fluctuated In similar degree, but a few speculative Issue. Includ ing Sumatra tobacco, Texas company, and Baldwin Locomotive, recorded variable gains. Rail were 'a negligible quantity, om of th high grade shares remaining In complete oheourlty throughout the session, but ship pings were firm to strong, Marin preferred making an extreme gain of 3 points, and Atlantto Gulf. 1. Call money eased perceptibly en last week' atrengthenlng of bank reserves and time fund for th shorter periods wer In better supply. Railway tonnage at wsstern . center fell off slightly and business In those action ! waiting on an expansion of trans portation facilities. Liberty bonds yielded part of last week' recovery and Pari 6 rallied, but other In ternatlonals were Irregular. Total sales (par value) aggregated 36.260,000. Old United State bond wer unchanged on call. . Following I th Hit of leading ttock and eloalng quotation: Closing Sale. High. Low. Btd. ' Am. Bet 8ugr .. 1,906 tt 64 65 American Can .... 1.100 44 44 44 Am. C. A Foundry 1,800 71 79 79 Am. Locomotive ,. 700 63 - 63 81 Am. 8. V Refining. ...... T4 Am. Sugar Refining ....108' ' Am. T. A T 800 $8 98 98, Am. Z., L. A 8.. 300 16 15 16 Anaconda Copper.. 1,000 63 63 83 Atchison 409 83 83 83 T. a. & W. I. S. 8. 804 108 106 107 Baltimore A Ohio , , $4 B, A 8. Copper.. , , $1 Oal. Petroleum , 18 Canadian Paclflo .. 100 146 146 146 Central Leather . . lot tt 65 14 Chesapeake A Ohio. .... 66 C M. A St. P $06 41 42 41 Chi. A Northwest , $3 C, R. I. A P. otf. 300 33 13 33 . Chlno Coppsr .... 1,100 17 16 t Colorado F. A 1 41 Corn Prod. Ref.. 900 40 11 4t Crucible Steel.... 800 62 61 63 Cuba Can Sugar. 1,400 30 10 30 DIs. Securities .... 4,10(1 (8 17 17 Erl a. ..... 18 Oen. Electrio .... 400 143 143 141 tlen. Motor .... 4,000 173 125 11T U't Northern pfd 89 O't N. Or ctfs. 1,500 11 11 31 Illinois Central .... It Insp. Copper .... 1,100 48 41 48 Int M. M. pfd . 40,100 105 lot 104 Interna'l Nickel.,. 700 37 17 17 Nlnlorn'l Paper , $5 K. C. Southern .... .... 18 Kennecott Copper. 1,100 11 11 81 L. A Nashville .. lit Maxwell Motor , 16 Msx. Petroleum .. 1,900 13 11 98 Miami Copper , 37 Missouri Paclflo .. 1,200 13 11 13 ' Montana Power .. t Nevada ' Coppsr .. 400 80 10 19 New York Cen. .. 400 71 71 71 N. T., N. H A H. 1,600 41 41 tl Norfolk A West-,. 101 Northern Paolflo .... .... 86 Paclflo Mall , .... 28 Pensyvanla 600 48 43 43 Pittsburgh Coal .. 1,700 11 to 10 Ray Con. Copper 23 Reading 7.100 88 17 ' 87 - Rep I. A 8 1.100 84 13 18 Bhat. Arl. Copper. .... 16 Souther Paclflo .. 100 81 tt 81 Southern Railway... 1.100 13 38 28 Btudabaker Cor. .. 6,000 46' 44 44 Southern Railway. 1,100 33 33 23 Texas Co , 100 149 141 148 Union Paclflo .... 300 no 120 ISO U. 8. Ind. Alcohol. 400 133 123 122 V. 8. Steel ...... 60.800 99 17 97 t ir. 8. Steel, pfd.... 400 109 109 109,: Utah Copper .... tOO 79 78 79 Wabash pfd "B". '.. 18 Western Union .... ... 90 Westinghousa Eleo 41 Total sale for th day 171,000 barf New York Financial. New Tork. Jun 10. Mercantile Paper- Four and six month, t per cent. - Sterling Slxty-dsy bills, $4.73 r com- msreiat 80-day bill on banks, $4.72; com-' merclal 60-day bills, $4.71; aemana, $4.76; cables. $4.76 7-16. ' Franc Demand, $5.71; Cable, $8.70. Guilders Demand, 60c; cables, lie, Lire Demand, $9.10; cable, $9.08. Ruble Demand, 11 e; cable, lie. nominal. , - Bar Sllvr-tte. Mexican dollar, 77a. Bond Government, heavy; railroad, Ir regular. , I Tim Loans Stsady; 60 day, fft per cent; 80 day, 6Qt per cent; ! , month, 66 per cent Call Money Strong; High, per ": low, I per cent; ruling rate, t per cent: , closing bid, 1 per cent; offered at 1 per . rent; tast loan, 6 per cent U. 8. 2, reg.. II 'I. O. ref 4a....' 71 U. 8. 3. coupon tl Int M. M. la.. 19 U. 8. I, reg... tt K. C. 8. ret. H 79 , U. 8. 1. coupon 19 L. A V. an. 4.. 18 V 8. Mb. ! 99.60 K K A T 1st 4 $9 . U, 8. 4, reg...loM e. gen. .. ss U. 8. 4s, coup. 105 Mont Power 8s 81 Am. For. Seo. 6s 97 N. T. C. dsb. 6 94 Am. T. A T. 5 90 Northern Pao. 4 80 ; Anglo-French Bs 91'N. Pao. 3.... $8 Ar. A Co. 4s.. 14 O. 8. h. ref. 4 13 Atchlnaon G. 4 80 Pao. T. A T. 6 90 ' B A O., cv 4 71 Pnn. con. 4 16 Beth. Steel r. 6 10 Penn. gen. 4.. 13 ' Cen. Leather 6 16 Reading gen. 4s 82 . Cen, Pao. 1st.. 10 8 h A 8 F a, 17 C, A O., cv. 6s.. 10 S. P. cv. 6s.... 90 , C, B. A Q.J.. 4s 14 'Southern Ry tl 90 C M A 8 P o 4 74T. A P. 1st.... 11 -C R I A P ref 4s 67 Union Paclflo 4 16 C. A S. ref 4 71U. a. Rubber 5 8t D. A R. O. r. 6 62U. 8. Steel 6.... 97 D. of C. 6 ('81 ) 91 Wabash 1st .... II Erie gen. 4s.... 64 French gov. 6s II Gen. Electrio 6 17 O. N. lit 4 IT ' 1 Evaporated Apple and Dried Fruit. Nw Tork, Jun 10. Evaporated Apple Easier; atat, 14916c Prunes Dull; California, I014O Ore gon, 14914o. Apricot Quiet; . choice, 17e; extra -choloe, 18c; fancy, 19920c. . Peaches Quiet; standard, - l!01!e; choice, 12914o; fancy, 18 914c. Raisin Steady; loos muscatels, 9c; choice to fancy seeded, 10llc; seedless, I911o; London layers, 12.00. Dry Good. New Tork, June 10. Announcement of purpose on the part of the government to stabilize price in the cotton good trad , caused very quiet market during th day. Future trading wa light. It 1 expected that the new movement of the government will Include finished and unfinished ma terial a well a yarn. Raw silk wa steady and burlap quiet ' New York Cotton Market, New Tork, June 10. Cotton futures closed . steady; July, 25.70c; October, 24.45c! De cember, 24.09o; January, 23.81c; March, 23.60c. Spot Quiet: middling. 29.70o. DARTMOUTH Manufacturing Conpany Cash Dividends, 13 yar, $402. Stock Dividend, 1909, 100.' If stock dividend had been sold for $200, cash dividends would . hav amounted to $46 per share per year. Company's last annual statement shows no bills payable. Further particulars upon request. Hoit& Woodward Specialists in Standard Oil and other High-Grade Industrials, v - L. R. PACKARD, Mgr. 200 DTonihir St Bottom Maaa , ' T.l. Fart Hill 9446-4M47. ' ft Broadway, New York City. ,4