Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1918, Page 8, Image 8
'8 BRINGING UP FATHER Copyright, HIT. InUrnatlonal Nrwe Ptrvlc. Drawn for The Bee bv . : : George McManus WICHITA MAKES IT TV0 STRAIGHT AGAINST OMAHA .Wins Pitchers' Battle Between Hovlik and Merz, and Scores Deciding Run in Seventh " . . Inning. Wichita.' Kan., June 9. (Special - Telegram.) Qjnaha dropped the sec ond game of the series to the Wichita team, 2 to I, after a fast pitchers' bat- x tie staged between Hovlick and Merz. liovlick allowed but two hits, which coupled with the fast team work and six hits contributed by bis team mates proved the undoing of the Omaha squad. umana started oft iikt winners, with Bushang getting free transpor tation, taking third on Jackson's sac rifice. ;v' Don ic a was issued a free . ticket, Bushattg scored on Han- ford's long fly to right field, and Calla han fouled out to Yiryan. During the nevt three innings Hov lick tightened up and, the visitors went out. 1-2-3. t In the fifth Inning Dcfate, first up, -grounded to Hovlick, but - Nye hit; for two bases to left field and was left stranded tn second as Kelly' popped to Cary and Merely duplicated the former to Berger. Two more frames passed uneventfully for the Jacksonians. In the eighth Nye, first up. struck, Kelly grounded out to Cary, but Merz took second in Bushangs hit through, second base, but was out, , . Cary to Washburn, Hovlik allowed but three men; -to face him in the jnintb. Wichita opened the first inning in winning form, but failed to score, Wolfe as lead off, walked. Cary Advanced him one sta tion and Berger hit, but the tiext two men flew to the field and retired the . side.' . Nothing of interest happened until the fifth, when Hovlik hit through: the hort; field with ' two down, but fouled to Kelly. 1 - Cary,; first up m the sixth, hit to the short JcW, took second on Berg ers sacrifice to Merz and scored on McBridci hit to left field. Coy hit into a double play. Jackson to Callahan." .. Washburn walked to ooen the seventh. -Yarvan sacrificed ; to Mrrtf, Mart flew out to HansforrfJ then"HovtikLwon his own tame with) a long, hit to thecenter fieldfCJ scoring Washburn, Hovlik. vasT owK . I t ' . C ... ... fueling ai-jnira, irymg ta-jtretcn tne. hit mtct'.tr'iple.;.s''-"''H' . -v Car WMo tenter, field with jne out in the eighth, but was'straldcd ar the ftcpt two were out toNhe'ln- I ! '.itr.hi nftrt Hi irlt Tr Ws( . 7 Game from Des MoteS A-i Hutchinson, : June 9, rHaines, Hutchinson's hurlcr, had everything coming his 'way here this afternoon, and the salt packers won, 4 to 1. Haines allowed only two hits and got a two-bagger himself.' Nolt got two doubles and a single n three times at bat. Score: ' , IE8 MOINES. ' ' HUTCH tXHONf. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. S. Jehn.U 4 4 0 Wuffll.Sb . 4 1110 Ihlllpi. J, III 0N,Jb 10 I t 1 4 S 1 4 111 0 lluntcr.rf 5 114 OBIock.rt 4 110 0 S .4 1 et'lovlniiaa 4 114 0 Coffey.Sb S I 1 S 1 S t Mwtlyn.a 31 1 SNoltf S S 3 0 6 BlewrtSb S 4 0 0Mnlon.o S I 4 8 t Corex.p I r-(Hilnn,p a I S 0 Totala :s S 14 t Tolata 111017 11 1 T Moinea , ,. - IS 0 I Hutchlnaon ...1 S 10 0 0 4 Earned runt: HutchtnMn.1' 4. Two-ka hlU: Halnea. Cleveland. Nolt (3). rhtlllpa. Bales' on balta: Off llalii.. :. Hit by pitched bait: By Corey, Trainer. Struck out: By Haln, !.' Left on, baaeet Hutch Inaon, S: De Molnea. 2. - Double pUy: Cleveland to Nee. Stolen ,hae: . Bradley, darrlfico hit: Nm. Tlro: 1:30. Umpire: aiullcn. 1 Miners Push Over Winning . Run Against St. Joseph, 3-2 Jopliri, : Mo.," June 9. Successive - singles by HulswiU. Metz and Mailer, . coupled with Watson's error enabled . the Miners to pushover the winning run in today' game with St. Joseph here in the eleventh inning, the final count being 3 to 2 Score: 8T. JOSEPH. . JOPLl.V. AaH.O.A.15. ' AB.H.O.A.E. nrbkerra 4 3 3 1 -rlll.!f 30 S 0 o Coney. -b Mil OThpan.Sb t 0 1 0 0 S O 4 0Hultt.3b S 3 1 3 0 Wtn.rM 4 3 3 0 ' 4 100 Krkhm.lf S I 0 1 3 4 0 0 S S 13 Lmb.a S 0 S 4 S Bonwta.rf t 0 1 0 OMoll.rf I I I 11 Hnead.Sb. 4 3 3 2 O 'ollin.o 4 S f I 0 Hachant.e 4 0 10 OCrutrhr.p 4 10 4 0 UvLba.P 413 0 -a Total : S3314 1 Totala St ..Mil I v "Nona cut when .winning r owred. St Joaeph V.ji.... : " Jvplln .,., 1 1 0 0.0 0 0 0 1-3 Twa-baaa htt: Pnead 3. Hulawirt. Struck out: Br " WcLaufhISn, I; by ' Crutcher. . , ' Baeea on balla: Olf Mc Lauchlln. 3; off Crutener. 3. Sacrltlco hit: Luib. Double plare: CoonejF to Muellejr. Crutaber to Imb to Mela. HH and aarneo run.: Off McLaughlin, t a4 3 In tan In ning; off Crutcher. S and In eleven In ning. HU b pltchad ball! Crlll,. bjr Mc Laughlin. Umpire; Daley. Time: 3:0. - Left ea baaee: tit. Joesph, ; Jopltn. S. Fitcher Luschen of St Joe Called onto National Army St Joseph, Mo., June 9. Pitcher Luschen of the St.- Joseph Wettern league'team has been called immedi ately for service in the national army. Third Baseman Snead and Outfielder CLirkham will leave June 24 to go to i was tnnpv.vcc A toniftht. i?. J0 H" . I VJO KIN I EVEIETTJREDfJ W I DO!! nScvoI BCCAyUbE I NEVER f I KIN I HAVE FIVE t ) HAVE MMt? OF A&WN5 ME T i 1 WANTING MONEY? j r AlfY! W ' Omaha Again Undone WICHITA. AH. K Bll. PO A. JR. S ' 6 0 ...... S 1 S 1 0 Wolf, rf , . . . . C ure?, b Brrgnr, ... MrBrl4, ., for. rf ....... Washburn, lb Varvan, . .. Mrr, Sb Ilovllk, p I 1A Total. t4 t J! IS 1 OMAHA. AH. R BH. PO A. S 1 1 t 1 Rnaliani, rf larksoa, lb .. lonlra, Sb .. Manfnrd, If . 'Callahan, as Hefata, 3b .. Nr. Krlly, Men, p .... ' Tutsi I 1 Jl Omaha ........t 0 t) , S Wichita ....,.. 8 0 0 1 1 0 t Ift an brnusi Wichita, Si Otnalis, 4. 8 rlflc hltai Carey, rlergar, Yarjan, Jackson. Two-baa hit: Ny. Stolen baMl Marr. Itoubl play I Jarknoa to Callahan. KtrtM'k out I Hovlik, Si Mers, t. Bane on ballm Off Ilovllk, S Hers, S. Umpire: Mrr. Timci HSJ. , ' ' onreiE WAS FULL OF TRICKS 111 TIIEOLD DAYS He Met His Match One Time, However, When He Tried to Pull Somthing on Joe -Tinker. Otto Knabe, now coach of the Chi cago Cubs, was one of the trickiest (layers on the infield in the National itagtie When activity engaged in the game. He possessed the nerve of a lion and never feared to attempt any thing on any bait player. The indi vidual made no difference to him. He probably has had more fights and arguments on the ball field than any other man in the game and that docs not bar Johnny Evers, Charlie Herzog and Miller Huggfns. Knabe loved fo dispute; it was part of his aggressive- lies, and he could not play the game well unless he wrangled with one of his oppents. . . , . , , He did not lose many battles and seldom failed in any of his tricks, ex cept one, ; That time he" was out guessed by Joe Tinker, who then managed the Citicl.tyati club in 1913, end it in event injKnabe's life that tyTT alL,feCl,er d Jong, as " lives. tSiV-" being outguessed in that jiUy uat cVsd hc t iorable fight i SVtt and Knabtf . econd base in Cincinnati To' whiver both were chased from the RelrJ and later, fihfjd by the president of the league'. ; Knabe was nlwavs a quick thinker on the field. He was doing things to upset the plans of the opponents. This day Tinker was perched on first base. A ball was driven to right field on a line. ''When it was hit Knabe saw that Tinker would attempt to make third on the play and it was " vp to him to slow Joe up and make him cover more ground. To do this he placed himself in such position that Tinker would have to go around him, thereby losing time. Tinker was on tire alert, and instantly saw Knabe s bit of strategy and acted. As' he approached the middle bag' Tinker, instead of running to the out side ot Knabe, shortened his stride tnd 'turned to the inside. As he reached the inficlder he hooked him on the jaw with his right hand, dazing him and sending him out of the way. For a moment Knabe did not know what happened, but he turned in time to see Tinker slide safely into third. His trick had failed. That was not the end of the com-! bat. i Two inings later Tinker was again settled on first and a long fly was driven to deep right field. Tinker, as soon as the ball was caught, broke ior second. He made the base easily and Knabe knew it, but nevertheless he took the throw and to avenge him self for the punch he .received he dived into Tinker, throwing all his weight into him and punching at the same time. In a -flash they were mauling around the ground. No dam age was done and they were sepa tated and banished. "As soon as that old ball game begins they are all my enemies," said Knabe, "but off the field they are my friends. I bear anioiosityagainst no ball player regardless of what he has done to me on the field. If he can get away with anything he is entitled to do it. ' I have the same privilege fnd if I do not reciprocate it is my fault." Knabe came within arf ace of clash ing with Tinker and Les Matut'.in Pittsburgh two years ago. He was then, with the Pirates. Mann was on second base and set himself to dash for third on a fly to right field. Knabe had his trick figured out as soon as the ball sailed into the air. As the ball started down he edged toward Mann and stepped on the foot that was on the bag as the right fielder made the catch. Mann, of course, broke with the catch, but finding Knabc's foot on his, stumbled before he got started, but did reach third. Mann flew into a rage as he landed fori the bag. ' He told Tinker what pal happened and then Joe got on Krabe and for an inning or two it kvoked as if the scrappy second sacker was due, for a lacing, but he only laughed at the two, ridiculing them because he was able to get away with ST. LOUIS DRAGS NEW YORK AGAIN FROM TOP PLACE ,. . Browns Win Last Game of Series Off Easterners in 12 Innings by the Score of 5 to 4. St. Louis, June 9. St Louis'pulled New York 6ut of first place today by winning the last game of the series from that club, S to 4 in 12 innings. With tl score tied in the. twelfth. Hendryx drew his fourth pass and went to third after Demmitt has popped to Pratt, when Gilhooley fumbled Gedeon's single. Johns, who batted for Gerber, was purposely passed, filling the bases. Severeid batting for Hale, hit to Bake, whose throw to Hannah forced Hcndryx at the plate, but when Hannah tried for a double at first, the ball hit Severeid in. the back and Gcdcon scored the winning run. Score: ;. NEW YORK. ST. LOUIS. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Clllholy.rf S Pknpgh.ia 6 Rker,3b 4 0 1 ( Hustln,3b -S 1 S 1 t t 1 1 4 3 IS 3 3 1 0 0 0 010 0 0 S 3 4 0?lBler,lb 6 Oriendrlx.rf 3 ODcmlt.lf 4 O.'ledeon.Ib, ( 0(Jrber,B 3 O'Johni 0 5'Mnlel s 0 3 14 0. Pratt.2b t fl'lpp.lh 4 1 1 Hnlle,ir 5 3 Mamn,cf J lUnnah.o, 4 l.nv,p 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 OHale.o ' 4 S O'Severeld 1 Uosrdce.p 4 3 . Oallla.p 3 0 Totals 44Ua3S:o SShoeker.p 3 1 Totala 43 12 36 14 3 Batted for (ierber In twelfth. r ' Ran for John In twelfth., " Batted for Hale In twelfth. New York ..... 010OO0OSA00 04 St. I,oul 300430 0 0000 11 Two-baaa hit: Oedeon, Staler, Mogrldge (3), Auatln, Plpp. llendrlx. Home runiplpp. ljouble play: Baker, Pratt and Plpp (2); Auatln, Qedeon and Hlwleri Mogrldge, Han nah and Plpp. Left on baaes: New Tork, ! fit. J.ouIb, 13. Flrt baa-on error! New York, 2. Banes on balls: Off Love,' I; Mogrldge, 6; Oallla, 3; Hhocker, 3. Hits: Off I.ove, 4 In three Innings (none out tn fourth); Mogrldgo. 3 In eight and two tMrds Innlnga; Oallla, 10 In aeren and, two thlrda Innlnga; Shirker, 1 in four and two third. Innings. Hit by pltchrd ball: By l.ove (Hlaler). Struck out: By Lore, I: Mogrldife, 8: Gallia. 4; Shocker, . Wild pitch: Hhocker. Winning pitcher: Shocker. Losing pitcher: Love. , Boiton Taken Final Off Indian, Cleveland, 0.- June -BoBton toott the final game of the erl from Cleveland to day. J to 6, th local belhgunable to hit Leentrd when hit meant run. Leonard hit placed Scott and Schang la positions to acore. to , Hooper aacrlflce fly-and alngle. Chapman and Coumbe ware ejected from the grounds for dlaputlng I'mplro Owen' decisions.. Score: . ! y. . ; ,.,,V.J)0STON " ' CLEVELAND A.B.H.O.A.E. A.9.H.O.A.E. 1Tp7lrf 3 1 1.0 0Evan.3b S 10 10 n,Sb 4 0 3 4 OChpmn.M I I 3 3 0 Htrunk.rf 4 110 OTurner. 0 0 8 00 lli'.tli.lf 4 0 3 0 3 110 0 Mclnla.lh 4 3 T 0 0Wam'bs2b 4 0 13 0 K. Tma,3b 4 113 0 Roth.rf 4 I S 0 0 Srott.aa 3 14 3 6 W ood. If 4 1 S 0 0 Schang.o 3 1 S 3 OMIIIer.Ib I S t 1 1 Leenard.p 3 3 0 0 OO'Nelll.e 3 14 1 0 C.Thme,o 10 10 0 Total :: S 37 13 0Covlke,p 3 0 13 0 Bagby.p 1 0 0 0 0 - 'Halt i 0 0 0 0 0 iWl!arn 1 0 0 0 0 Totala 33 I ST 11 1 Jlan for O'Neill In aeventh. Batted for Coveleikla In seventh. Bnaton , 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 03 Cleveland .,.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sacrifice hit) Scott, Miller. . Stolen bi!: . Chapman,' Speaker. " Sacrifice fly: Hooper. Double play; Waxhbury to Chap man to, Miller. .Left on baee: Boston, 4; Cleveland. 10. Base on ball: Off Leonard. 3.. Hll: Off Coveleskle, 8 In seven Inn ing. Hit by pitched ball:. By Leonard (O'Neill.) Struck out: By Leonard. 3j By Coveleakle. 3: By Bagby, L Losing pitcher: Coveleakle. . , . v Chicago Defect Athletics. Chicago., June S. Chicago mad It three out of four from Philadelphia today by winning, 3 to 1. Clcotte"hnd Perry yielded 1 hit between them . and sensational catches by Felch, Oldrlng and Llebold pre. vented at least four more. Th game ended with a thrilling double play itarted by Felsch. who caught Jamieton's long fly and rerlTrned th ball to Schalk In time to atop Fahey from tying th score. Fahey ran for McAvoy, who batted for Perry In, the ninth, and was safe when Murphy dropped his fly. It was Ctcotte's fourth straight victory. Score: " PHILADELPHIA. ; CHICAGO A.B.H.O.A.E. A.B.H.O.A.E. Jmon.rf 1 0 3 0 lLlebold.lf 4 3 S 0 0 Oldrng.rf 4 3 3 0 OMrphy.rf 4 10 0 1 3 110 0E.Coln.Ib 4 3 3 0 0 Burn,lb 4 I 0 3 I 4 3 4'l 0 Gdrier.Sb 4 0 3 3 0 W eaver. 4 13 3 1 Shnon.e 4 13 1 4 1 S 0 0 Dugan.Sb 4 1 3 3, VRisbrg.Sb 3 13 3 0 Prklna.o 4 3 4 1 0 Hchalk.o 3 0 7 1 0 Perry.p 1 1 0 3 0Clcotte,p 3 0 0 1 0 McAvoy 10000 . xoiaj, -j is 27 t 3 Totala X Kill 1 Catted for Perry In ninth. Philadelphia. 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Chicago .........1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Two base hlta: Murphy, Grandll, Perry. Three base hit: Llebold. - Stolen bane: Weaver. Sacrifice hlta: Walker, Perry Schalk. Sacrifice - fly: Walker. Double play: Felach to Schalk: lft on baaea: Chicago, 7; Philadelphia, t. Be on errors: Chicago, li Phlldlphla. 3. Base on balls: Off Perry, K Struck out: By Clcott, 4: By Perry. 1 Losing pitcher: Perry. - 1 Johnnon Shuts Pot Detroit. Detroit, June" . Waller Johnson held American Aaeoclatlea. Louiavtlte, Ky., June t. Scor:v. , . R.H.B. 1 ( II 1 Kerr and Huhn: Ilumnhrlea. Milwaukee Louisville . Bitteries: Shsckelford and Meyer. Toledo. O., Juno .-t-SCOrs . R H E Minneapolis , , 14 0 Toledo 0 11 Batteriea: Hugh and Owen; Bowman and Kelly. , t Indianapolis, Ind June I. Score: . , , , R.H.B. Kansas City 3 3 Indianapolis 30 1 Callen end twelfth, account 0 o'clock closing law. Batteriea: Adama and Onslow; Crura and Schang. Columbus, O. Jun . Score: Ttlt.B. St. Paul S 10 .4 Columbus ....1 t 13 ,4 i,kr, man. rwiiTy mm Cook. Glenn; Willlami. George and Hartle. Standing of Teams WEST. LEAGUE AMERICAN ASS. W. L. Pet. W. L. Pet. Wichita ....23 It .64Columbue ..10 10.4S7 De Moines 31 15 .SSZLoulsvllle ..II 13. SIS Hutchinson 31 17.SS3Kanaa City IS 18.413 Omaha ....20 17 .StlMllwaukee . .18 14.588 St. Joseph ,1S l.4S4tndlanoplla 1S13.E81 Okla. City .JT 20.458t. Paul ...IS IS. 441 .Toplln 14 1 ,424Minneapolls 11 20.355 Sloug City.. U 37. :S Toledo 1 .176 NATL. LEAGUE. AMER. LEAGUE. , . W.LPct. W.UPct Chicago ...20 13 .707 Boston . . .. .5 10 .404 New Tork...2S14.S74New Tork ..27 10.887 Cincinnati .21 23 .480 Chicago ....23 IS. 661 Pittsburgh .10 23 .463 Cleveland ..25 24 .610 Boston IS 24 .442 St. Louis ..21 33 .488 Phlladelp'a 18 24 .42 Waihngtn. .23 26 .479 St. Loul ...18 26 .41 Phlladelp'a, .16 25 .300 Brooklyn ...16 28 .364 14 26 .350 Yeaterday's Bosnlt. WESTERN LEAGUE. Hutchlnaon, 4: De lolne, I. Joplln, 3; St. Joseph, 2. Omha, l: Wichita. S Oklahoma City, 4; Sioux City, 3. ' V ' AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Milwaukee. 2: Louisville, 6. ; Minneapolis, ; Toledo. 0. Kansaa City, 2; Indianapolis, 2. (Called tn twelfth liming.) St, Paul, 6; Columbus, 6. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Washington, 3; Detroit. 0. .Chicago, 3: Philadelphia, 1. St. Louis. 5: New York, 4. Boston, 2; Cleveland, 0. Came Tody. " AMERICAN LEAGUE. . Boston at Ctilcago, Washington at St. Louis. ! Philadelphia at Detroit. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Chicago at Philadelphia. St. Louis at New York. Pittsburgh at Brooklyn. 'Cincinnati at Boston. Detroit to one hit arid Washington won . ,i ., . f .i n makln it four out of flv for th visitors for the series. Vltt was the only local player to nit sareiy. oe- ing creauen wim a 1111 ivr ma u, i,. .uiuu,.,. ., w.ihlnfftnn imrnl In the fourth. when Milan waa hit by a pitched ball, took intra, on nnanns Binsiv nu vi. m Spencer'i throw to Young to catch Shanks stealing. Shanka scored on Morgan's sin gle. Score: WASHINGTON. DEIKUIT AB.H.O.A.E. v Shotn.rf 4 0 0 4 0 6 , 4 1 0 3 0 10 0 0 Foator.Sb 3 0 OVeach.lf 4 Olleilmn.rf 3 0Vltt.3b- 3 OWalker.rf 3 Milan. cf Hhanks.lf Morgn.Sb Ammth.o 0Young,2b ASnencer.o 3 1 0 3 Johnan.p 0 1 OTelle.o Rnland.n TMala ,81 7 27 oC.Jonea.p 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 R.Jonea. . Dyer, , . ., ' . - ' Total 27 1 27 0 . 'eRan for Spencer tn eighth. . Batted for Boland tn eighth. Wahlngton.i..0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 02 Detroit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Two-bsse hits: Morgan, Alnamlth. Stolen baei: Milan, Shanks, Ainsmlth, Judge. Sacrifice hit: Lavan. . Double play: Foster to Morgan to Jundge. Lett. on bases: Wash. Ington, 6: Detroit, 3. Bae on balls! John son. 3 i Boland, 3, Hits: Oft Boland, 7 in eight tnlngs; off C. Jonei, Hone In ene In. nlng; Hit by -pitcher: Milan by Boland. Struck out: Johnson, 7; Boland, 3. Losing pitcher: Boland. Armours and Krajiceks v, Divide Double-Header .The Armours and Krajiceks disid cd,a double header at Luxus park Sunday.- Both were featured by heavy hitting. Score: , ARMOUR'S KRAJICEKS A.B.H.O.A.E.Mancus,3b i 3 4-11 Colllna.rf -4 0 8 0 4 S 13 3 0 A.Orava.lf 3 M.CIns,ss 3 1,10 OBadura.o S 1 0 3 0 0 3 S 4 13 0 0 16 1 t 1 0 4 1 0 3 1 SCollins.Sb 6 8 13 0 0 3 0 6 13 0 0 0 8 0 SBana.rf 6 10 0 0 0 3 3 OMason.p 3 0 0 1 0 0030 . 1 0 5 0 . Total 3i 13 27 14 2 Corcn,3b Gllhm.2b Zeague.ct Mlller.o Gravls.p Uurness Totals 3 3 27 10 3 Armour'a 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Krajiceks .3 1 1 0 0 0 3 0 38 Earned runs:': Krajiceks. S; Armour, 1. Horn run:' Crocoran. ' Two base hits: Yost, (3) Badura, Steffie, Bans. Sacrifice hits. M. Collins, Mancuro, Badura, Mason, (1). Stolen 'bases: M. Collins,' Donahue, Mancuso, Zaadln. Lett on bases: Armour's. 7: Krajiceka, 7. Struck out: By Graves, 3: By Mason, 4. Base on ball: Off Craves, 1; Off Mason, 3. Hit by pitched ball: By Mason, 3. Time. 3 hours.. Umpire: Kocher. ARMOUR'S KRAJICEKS A.B.H.O.A.EMncuso.Sb 5 13 0 1 Colllns.rf 4 0 2 0 4 1 0 1 0 1 0 3 3 2,0 0 0 0 0 3 1 3 0 A.Grav.lf 6 M. i Cocrn3b 4 4 3 4 1 3 1 0 1 1 1 1,10 0 7 1 0 0 0 4 3 4 OColllns.Sb 4 Ollhan.Sb League. cf Ryan.o Kllmck.p Gurners.p 1 0 ODorak.rt A 0 OKorntah.p 1 1 OMason.p 1 0 0- 'Total SS 11 ST 11 4 Total 4( 17 37 11 1 . Armour' 0 0 1 4 1 3 3 0 013 Krajeclks 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 04 Earned runs: Armours, 5; Krajiceks, 1. Horn runs: Cohcoran, B. Badura. Two base hlta: League. Oraves, Msncuso. Sac. rifle hits: Dworak, Korntsh. Stolen bases: Collins, Al Graves, 4; M.Collins. 4; Graham. 3; Dworak, Kornlsh. Double play: Collins to GUIham to Graves.. Struck out: By Stell. mock.6; By Kornlsh, 4; By Msson, 1; By Gurnes. 1. Baa oh balls: Oft Sttllmock, 1; Off Kornlsh, 3; Off Badura, 3. Hit by pitched ball: By Kornlsh. 1. Left on basest Armours, 12; Krajeciks, 6. Time 3:20. Umpire: Kochtr. ' Brandeis Defeats Fort Omaha : Soldiers' Team by 4 to 3 The new Fort Omaha team, com posed of soldiers, put up a splendid battle at Rourke park, wiiere they op-pqsed- Lou Bradford's fast semi-pro teams, the Brandeis Stores. Lawler's sacrifice fly scored Synekwho had tripled. But one hit was made off D. Williams, the Fort's pitcher, dur ing the first six innings Score: BRANDEIS. FORT OMAHA. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Dygertrt 4 1(1 OMaddn.c 6 13 13 Robn.3b 4 0 0 3 4 13 0 0 Synek.3b,4 111 IDamon.Sb 4 131 1 Lawler.rf 4 ISO 4 0 S 0 1 H.Wlma.e 4 1 14 0 1 0 3 0 0 4 2 0 0 OTracy.Sb 1113 0 Plats.s 4 0 1 1 OD.WIlm.p 4 10 3 0 O' 0'S 1 OLee.rf 3 Is 1 0 OHon.p 4 1 0 4:Moore.o 4 0 10 0 1 . Parker, 1 0 0 0 0 ' Totals. 34 1 30 10 3 Totls ..55 ( 28 ( ( Batted for Leo In ninth. One out to 10th, when winning run scored. Brandeia 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 4 Fort Omaha 1 0000110 14 Two-bane hits: Tracy, Stengle, Olson. Three-base hits: Synek. Struck out: By Olson, 7; 'by D. Wllllsm. 7. Bssra on halls: By Olson, 1: by P. Wtlltama. 1. Stolen bases: Synek. Lawler. Roben. tatengle. GREAT DOINGS ON SAND LOTS AND ON OPEN FIELDS Weather Fine and Amateur kase Bail Players Put Up Good Article of National Game. By Frank Quigley. Under blue sky Sunday afternoon the local ball tossers dished up in most cases a very desirable brand of base ball, which was apparently well enjoyed by the large crowds that or namented the various municipal parks. Even during these panicky war-time days enthusiastic devotees of the Class A amateurs can locate a slip pery dime or two to toss the usher at the enclosed parks, namely, Holmes and Luxus. The largest crowd of the season was on hand to greet the Kra jiceks and Armours at Luxus park. Beselins Down a Peg. In the Greater Omaha, the Beselins dropped from the floor next to the roof to the main floor, leaving the cel lar open for the Holmes White Sox. Said drop shifted the Metcalfs to roost two and the Longeways still-have an ice mau's grip on first place. . The Murphy Did Its took the count in their . first debate with the Holmes White Sox, but came back in Frank Gotch style and took a toe hold on duel number two. During the first argument three smashes for the limit were delivered, one . by Rushenberg, one by Baldwin and another by Lacey. Peanuts Mason roasted 'em over too hot for the Axmours in their first tan gle with, the Krajiceks, consequently the Krajiceks copped the long end of a 9 to 1 score. Only' two hits were collected off of Mason's shoots, one of which was a home run by Cor coran. The Krajiceks got careless during the second battle and the Ar mours picked the flowers. These Steal a Place. . Those Central Furniture boys stole up the ladder to second place by trouncing the Stags, but the National Cash Registers held the crown by defeating the Woodmen of the World children. At the present writing the Woodmen of the World team is in a sadly depleted condition. It is in need of a catcher, pitcher and in ficlder. For further information com municate with Robert Elliott at Web ster 565. ' . - Only one game was played in the American league and it did not tum ble the standings of the higher tips. The leading teams received donations from the Men's Fashion Shop and So cial Settlement teams. Both? of these teams have fallen by the wayside. The Sample-Harts of this league are especially anxious to book a wrangle for next Sunday. Call Tyler 1829 and squawk for Frank Dclehanty. . And Thus It Stands. ' It is stilt triplets in the Booster league. All of the leaders fed their opponents with an overabundance of counters. " ' The Trimble Bros., Jrs J. B. Roots and Ramblers are tied with an aver age of .857 in this league. Yesterday the Harley-Davidsons, who have failed to date to snag a game, scored the J. B. Roots for a few chapters, but the Roots rooted up three more runs than the Harleys before the fire works terminated. It looks like some team in the Inter-City league will have to dig up some dynamite to jar the Daily News crew out of 'first place. They are still leading the parade, with the Dreshers on their trail. Yesterday the Dresh ers and Krajiceks put on the best show of the afternoon, it being full of thrills for 10 acts and terminating with the score knotted, 4 to 4. i Sandlot Gossip. - , Cornish, formerly with th J. B. Root. 1 trying out with the Krajiceka. Th Men' Fashion shop of th American league has aviated tp part unknown. Edward Mlnlkus is going to join th base hospital crew stationed at De Moines, la. Thorn (Kinky) Foran la now holding down an outer berth for the Union Outfitting Co. ' - Dat Tuesday Bill Pinault pulled out ot Omaba for the Great Lake naval tralnipg station. v Th Ducky Hotmes won over th Stag In a twilight gam Friday night. Th acore was 4 to 0. . Zed Fitch Is now a first lieutenant In the tank service. Ha has 33 men under his supervision. All th postponed game tn the Booster league have already been scheduled as twilight games. ' Mertens, formerly with th Alpha Camp, Woodmen of th World, hit th trail tor Fort Logan last week. . - Back of the platter- young Parsley la doing excellent work for th Parsley Com mission company tram. Another good alinger now enlisted with the nevy ls Peter McCoy, th crack mound agent of th Krajiceks. ; If Carlan of th Rambler keep on slaughtering th cherry th big show mag natea will be own his trail. ' As customary Frank Hubatka Is playing classy ball for the Trimbl Brothers, both on th defense and offense. N . It Is about time We Baker of the Holme White Sox was kicking through with the brand of ball used to pitch. Mlay, pitcher for the Murphy Did Its, worked at corner two last Sunday because of the absence of Cromer Coady. James O'Nell who used to be some ball toiwer. I going In the army. He will prob ably fix the kaiser's loose crown. Out at Elmwood park last Sunday the Navy boya whipped th- Wlllard Storage Battery gang to the tun of 4 to 1. Manager Frank - Toet of th Krajleck wants th McCaffery Motor company to re lease Moore, their southpaw, to him.- In all probability th Sample-Hart and the Florence Merchant will ply off their pcatponed game on firecracker day. Firecracker day 1 atlll vacant, on the schedule of the Beselins. Any team wishing battle for tbnt rinte call South 1230, Outfielder Berry baa been chosen to 'X Amateur Standings GREATER OMAHA LEAGUE r. w. t. Pet. C. B. Longways S 4 ,3" .667 C. B. Metcalfs 8 6 3 .626 Murphy-Dit-Its 7 4 .571 Krajiceks .8 " 4 4 .600 Armours .......7 3 .428 Beselln ' Son 5 2 .400 Holmes White Sox 7 3 6 .286 . v CITT LEAGUE r. v. l. pet. National Cash Register 8 7 1 .875 Central. Furniture Store 8 S 3 .626 Stags 7 4 3 .671 Morris Co ....7 '' 3 ' 4 .439 Alpha Camp, W, O. .W. 7 3 "' 6 .286 W. O. Clark .....S . 0 S .000 AMERICAN LEAGUE P. W. L. Pet. Florence Merchant ....7 7 0 1,000 Sample Harts ..........8 7 1 .876 McCaffrey Motor Co ..7 4 3 .671 Trimble Bros ....8 8 '5 .375 (.B. Men's Fash. Shop 8 3 6 .260 Social Settlement 9 0 0 .004 BOOSTER LEAGUE I'. W. L. Pet. Trimble Broi.jra 7 6"' 1- .857 .7. B. Roots ...7 6 1 ' .867. Ramblers 7 6 1 .857 Riggs Optical Co 7 4 3 .571 Townsends 8 4 4 ,600 Parsley Commlslon Co. 9 4 6 .4(4 Homesteads 8 1 7 .125 Harley-Davldsons 9 0 9 .000 INTER-CITT LEAGUE ; p. w. l. Pot. Daily News 8 8 0 1,000 Dresner Bros. 6 4 t .667 World Heralds 9 4 6 .444 Krajiceks, Jrs 7 3 4 .429 Phillips Dept Store .... 2 4 .333 Graham Ice Creams ....6 0 6 .000 ' Yesterday's Results. Krajiceks, 9; Armours, .1 Krajiceks, 6; Armours. 13. Murphy Did It, 3; Holmes, 8. Murphy Did It, 6; Holmes, 1. Metcalfs, 15"; Besellne, 10. Metcalfs, 13; Beselins, 2. CITT LEAGUE , ' Stags. 5; Central Furniture Store, 7. Alpha - Camp, W. O. W., 3; National Cash Register, 6. AMERICAN LEAGUE McCaffrey Motor Co., 12; Trimble Bros., 8. Sample Harts against Men's Fashion Shop, forfeited to Sample Harts. Florence Merchants' against Social Settle ment, forfeited to Florence Merchants. :. BOOSTER LEAGUE rarsley Commission Co., 8; Riggs Optical Co.. 10. . . , Townsends, 3; Trimbl Jrs.; 6. P.amblers, 14; Homesteads, 7. J. B. Roots,. 4; Harley-Davldsotis, 1. 'Twilight game played last week resulted in a 7 to 1 victory for the Riggs Optical n gainst the Townsends. Game is to be protested. . INTER-CITT LEAGUE Dally News. 12; World Herald, 4. Dreshed Bros., 4; Krajiceks, jrs., 4. Ten innings. . captain, the Stags, who expect to make an improved showing under his leadership. . Although Billlam Cur ram unearthed his best efforts to keep the Social Settlements above water, he was unable to turn the trick. On the mound Becker of the Ramblers Is getting to be a regular Alexander. It Is a difficult matter to conneot with hi shoots " : Robert Elliott, the big noise ot Alpha Camp, Woodmen of th World, is looking for players. For further Information ring Webster 666. , Roy Spencer, manager of the Union Out fitting team, has decided to finish the season vrlth an Independent team. AMUSEMENTS.. HOME OF THE BIG DOUBLE SHOW FIVE OF CLUBS Pierrott' Drum fOM DAVIES & CO. In "Check-Mated" VAN & VERNON Just To Amus You NRAD & GOODWIN Musical Novelty Charlie Chaplin in "His Dare Devil Queen" Wm Fox Prairt TOM MIX in "ACE HIGH" PHOTOPLAYS. 4' Tues. and Wed. TODAY To Thursday 7 &D0UG1 Charles 'S His Own .Home Town Carlysle Blackwell Montagu Love June Elvidge In "The Cabaret" r i i r i 1 i . . i! t r 1 i i '! LOTHROP?:i:;d Charles Richmond & Anne Q Nillson In "OYER THERE" 9rr-1 ,n. .i iirr nnni a' iv Ray Falk's Home Run Wins For Oklahomans Over Soo City Oklahoma City, June '9. Ray." Falk's home run in the first inning gave Oklahoma City a three-run lead,, which Sioux City could not over come' agaist Tedeschi's pitching, Oklahoma City winring, 4 to- 2.' O'Connor's long . hit to left field fence in vthc second irlning was lost momentarily by Diltz, O'connor mak ing the circuit with Jones ahead of him.'; The score: OKLAHOMA CITT.. E $VX CITT. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. McCten.t 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 i 3 2 0 1 2 13 0 2 0 6 0 0 ODye.Sb 4 0 Conroy,3b Burld.lib Pltts.rf Dlltijf Bensn,2b Banner.o Hewitt.p Tedichl.p 0Smlth,2b 2 0 0 0. 0 sS 1 e 0 o. 0 a 3 OLyck.c OO'Conr.rf 0 Meyers. p OAUison.p 0 0 Totals, 18 61411 t Totals," 28 6 27 20 0 Oklahoma City ..3 U 0 0 I Stoux City 0 TTO 0 0 0 0 0 01 Home runs: Falk, O'Connor. Two-bas hits: Pitts. Thomason. Sacrflce hit: , Diltz, Hunter. Hit by pltchert Conroy, Jones. Double plays: Hewitt to McClel lan to Briebeck; McClellan to Benson to Briebeck. Struck out: By Hewitt, 3 in . three and two-third Innings; by TedeschU" 4 In five and one-third; by Allison, ,1 in seven and two-thirds. Bas on balls; Off Hewitt, 2; off Tedesehi. 2. Left on bases: Oklahoma City, 1; Sioux , City, 4, Earned runs: Oklahoma City, 4; Sioux City, 2. Time: 1:30. Umpire: Shannon. , Oklahoma City Awarded Game r Played at Omaha May 23 Oklahoma City, June 9. Oklahoma -City has been awarded the game played at Omaha May 23 and won by Omaha in the ninth inning, according ;. to a decision' by R. W. Dickerson,. president of the Western league to--day. Dickerson found that Omaha used Player Williams as a pinch hitter, in the ninth inning when he was under suspension. Williams' hit brought in the winning run. The game was played before the present Oklahoma ; City team was transferred from." Hutchinson, Kan. - AMUSEMENTS. Krug Park Big Militvy Benefit , CARNIVAL and DANCE Tuesday, June 11 Big Free Feature Acts. ' " '.;' - Admission to Park, 10c TWILIGHT mens JUNE 11-15 All the1 famous trotters, pacers and runners from the Mississippi river to California will open their racing season at Omaha. Raring starts promptly at 6 p. tn.. Sand wiches and Coffee served in the grandstand. T Benson Race Track Opposite Krug Park. Admission, SOc; Grandstand Free. PHOTOPLAYS. MUSE Face in the Dark line Comedy Weekly "THE :-Mw TIGER Wf Hamilton;:; Today and Wednesday Bessie Barri.cale in "Within the CV v:-y..'-' i. ft i