J THE BEE: OMAHA. i N 7- 1 ' y II 1 At AM IV A Midsummer Frocks At $8.9? to $22.50 For Misses and Small ' Women We are showing so many and such dainty and fasci nating. Frocks at these prices that we know you will want to see them. The "youthful" silhouette which appeals to so many women is shown in these gar ments in the most distinc- 4 laiaw uvv Aaouivui X . i , - - That elusive thing called "charm" reaches a veryv high plane in these Frocks. Shown in Organdie, Gingham, Voile, Dimity, Crepe, Etc. Very dainty and Cool Dresses for Summer; all the" new styles. Eton effects, surplice effects, bow in back "models, all the new colors, etc. Spe- fcg 95 lo $22.50 Vially priced for Saturday, V Second Floor Lfght-Weight Suits for Wfomen At 119.00 Formerly Sold at $25 to $35 We have, taken a number of Suits from our stock and reduced them to this figure for a quick dispersal Sale. Serges, Mixtures and Striped and Checked Wor steds. In the assortment you will find the size and styje that you are seeking. Silk lined and very excep tional values. - Second Floor Women's Silk Dresses For Summer. Wear SILK is the name to conjure with these days light, airy-fairy fabric, with the coolness and comfort that should be a prime factor in Summer wear, to gether with the fascinating features whch Silk alone possesses. M New Foulards, Taffeta with Georgette combination, Silk Ginghams, Fancy J Chiffons; attractive styles, with distlne- ' tive feature that appeal. New shades. ; Trimming of embroidery, novelty collars and cuffs, sashes and drapes. ; $18.75 and $22.75 Second Floor New Bathing Suite "Including the fa mous ANNETTE .! KELL E,R MAM Bathing "Costumes, made in two dis tinct types, one be ing ; a suit ' with tights attached, called; the "Two-: " In-One" and the , other, ,a Slip-on Sit worn over the famous- ANNETTE iKELLERM AN ' Swimming Tights. Silk Suits, Knitted Garments and including accessories such as JCaps, Bags, Tights and Shoes; complete showing here. . Suits are?. . i .V. 1 . .v. ...... .".$3.9&, $5.98 up to $10.00 Caps at. . . .59c, 69c, 75c, $1.50 to $3.50 Second Floor Camisol es, Petticoats and S)lip s Three Fine;Saturday Offerings 'This Third Floor Lingerie Store makes special men tion of three groups for Saturday's selling the prices speak for themselves. .. ' , Camisoles, at 69c . Crepe de Chine and Wash Satin Camisoles, slightly soiled from handling, with shoulder straps or regu lar armhole effects,, trimmed with dainty lace and? embroidery effects; all sizes; these values are very special ; at . . . , . . . . .69c White Petticoats, $1.25 to $5.00 Beautiful Assortment of Wash Petticoats, in lace or embroidery flounces, also plain sateen effects. Princess Slips, $1.50 to $5.98 . Ladies' Princess Slips," sizes 34' to 44. r-V-ll:-- -A . , , Third Floor, ' ; If I at 98c to New and Dainty Neckwegr french Urgandy Collar, Vjery smart and dainty; edged with fish-net lace,. at $1.50 to $2.50 Fin Organdy Dross SeU in dif ferent ' shapes; . lace trimmed; special for Saturday, at.9S Goorgetu Crop Collar, a Very pretty assortment at .A.. 50c Organdy Vottoe. "colored and Kind white; hemstitched and nd-embroidered dots: distinc tive styles for Summer dresses, y.$1.69 Main Floor Diiite Stores New Midsummer Blouses, (fc O A Very Low Price tor These r V; You vcannot get too many Blouses when the Summer sea soar comes around dainty, fascinating and little-priced as these are, they, make a Satur day appeal that no woman will want to set aside. This is the best col lection at this price that we have shown for some time, and that's saying some thing. So many new n cHtIa faafiirae now 1 necks, new sleeves, etc. Shown in peorg ette Crepe, Voile and Organdies, very spe cially priced for Sat urday, -at $3.95 Georgette Crepe Blouses, $5.95 to $10 Dressy Georgette Crepe Blouses, beau tiful beaded models; -slip-over styles, lace and pleated necks, all the newest colorings; ' , tt w w w ur Lingerie Blouses, $2.95 to $10 New Voiles, Dimities and , Organdies, lace and embroidery trimmed, ill very newest color effects. Very broad assort ment of fascinating models In this group. Wo don't exploit any fcne particular style or modol or group, bocau they aro all! extraordinary value, i Every woman know that wo aro showing the big gett aort mont of tho most beautiful Blonso iq this Middlo Wast. , i f ' - Socond Floor n v Extraordinary Sale Saturday ; Hair Ornaments and Fancy Jeweled Combs At $100 Each1 Fine for Graduation Gifts At $1.00 Each Fine Hair Ornaments, Casque Combs, Bacb Combs, Pomp Combs, Bar rettes, Pins, etc. All fascinating styles in fancy and jeweled effects; only about two of a kind, as all are samples; 720 pieces in all"; worth from $2.00 to $5.00, special at. . .,. . . , ... ... $1.00 " COME EARLY, is the best advice we can give. Mala Floor, Front Hosiery Don't Overlook TKete Hosiery Offerings. They Represent Good Savings. Women's Hosiery, in all the shoe shades, also black, white and novelties, in all colored stripes, for outing wear, in thread silk and fiber, fashioned and seamless, garter tops, re inforced heels, toes and soles, axtra value v ggg at . I--.--. v Women's Pure Thread Silk Hose, in plain colors as well as fancy stripes and checks, in good qual ity, worth up to $1.75, special Satur- (M ,1Q day at. . . T T Women's Pure Dye Thread Silk Hose, in the "Best JCnit," "Brandeis Special" . and -Kayser Brands in shoe shades. Some of these are all silk, others with lisle M 7tj tops, all at.....1'0 Women's Fiber Silk Hose, in colors and black and white; splendid quality, seamless double soles, heels and toes, 59 r irregulars at . . . . . . Main Floor . Drugs Lbtorino, $1.00 size, at 69e Peboco Tooth Past, at 32c Witch Haiol, full pint bottle for 28e Non Spt, special at .S 32c Mb. Can Trailing Arbutu Tal- tan f or ..... 10c Mary Garden Face Powder, at 89c Mary Garden Perfume, special, the ounce t..r $1.50 Williams' Talcum Powder, spe cial at .lie Freezone Corn Remedy, at . .26c Carbolie Salve, 25c size, "at. .16e Peroxide Hydrogen, 16-oz. bot tle for 22c Djer Kite Perfume, special, the ounce at '. . 98c Locust BloMom Perfume, the ounce J .... . 29c Red Roeo Perfume, the ounce, 29c Atpirin Tablets, dozen for. ... 10c Hinkle Pills, 100 in aj bottle for 16c Shave-Aid Makes Shaving Easy, 50c size at 33c Hay's Hair Health, $1.00 size, 59c Sloan's Liniment, 50c size, St 29c Milk of Almonds, 35c size, at 19c Sanitary , Douche Cans, com plete with pipes and tubing, special at 98c TwoQuart Rubber Fountain Svrince. special at 79c One Lot of Bathing Caps, special at 29c Spanish Castile Soap, 20c cake 12c Elmerito Castile Soap, special, 7c Creme Oil Soap, Special at.... 7c White Rose Glycerine Soap at 14c Kosella Bath Tablets, special at 7c i Bath Sprays, 98c values, spec'l 79c Main Floor, Rear Underwear Offerings for Saturday Giving Wide Choice at Low Prices. Women's Union Suits of fine ribbed lisle thread and mercerized, excellent grade, tight or wide knee or lace trimmed, beaded or band top in pink or white, all sizes, $1Q0 on special sale. v Women's Italian Silk Vests, taylor or bodice top, all sizes, $1,98 Women's Silk Top Union Suits, fine lisle bodies, band top, pink or white, sizes 34 to 46, $lQ Women's Lisle Vests, low neck, sleeveless, hand cro chet yokes, or plain top.. in pink or white, on KQn sale . . . . y. . . Ji'i' Women's Lisle or Cotton Vests, with plain tops or lace trimmed yokes, on sale Saturday at, OC -each Children's "M" Nainsook or Balbriesan Union Suits, sleeveless, short or long sleeve, tight knee, 7rc all sizes, on sale at. ' . t Third t Floor . WpmraVWliifeuli Skirts, $3, $49.5, $5 WE MENTION in detail jus three groups, from the largest and most complete stock of Wash Skirts ever shown in this vicinity. The styles represent everything that is o good and new in Wash Skirtswide belts, fancy pockets, fancy designs, beautiful em broideries, shirrings, pleatingsetcf. you can choose from this stock in a jiffy. ' A ajCQ QC Smart styles in White Gabardine or WhipxCords, well tailored skirts 7U' with novelty pockets and belts. There is an extremely wid6 range for choice at this very low price. Put one or two in your wardrobe iand be prepared for Summer, $4.95 Non-shrii)kable, Fine Quality White Gabardine Skirts, splendidly tailored with deep hems; all the - new Ideas in pockets, wide belts; trimmed with pearl buttons; doz ens of styles in this group.. Also in extra sizes. This is a very fine assortment, and you will surely find what you 'want at this pricey $5.95 - Some of the smartest designs of the season, in Noa-shrinkable Gab ardine, pure white; well tailored; novelty pockets and wide belts, trimmed with white or ocean pearl buttons; a number of designs to choose from; regular and extra sizes. x Others from $6.95 up to $15 Girls' Dainty Summer Frocks For Vacation Wear Hundreds of styles to choose from and each one very moderately priced the latest types in every in stance a Children's Department that lives up to the specialty idea in every way. v Girl' White Frocks Hundreds of fresh new styles to select from, one prettier than the other, shown In pretty Georgettes, Crepe de Chine, Organ dies, Nets and also the new colored Organ dies, in pink, blue, salmon, rose, with the new tunic skirts, ruffles, dainty tucks, etc., shown in sizes $ to 14. Also Flapper, sizes 12, 14 and 16. Prices at $6.95 to 25 Girls' Colored Frocks v Shown in colored Voiles, prettyGinghams, Percale, Stripes, in' clever models, nifty pockets, well made. If you had made them yourself, they could not have been better finished. Very attractive with the new round necks, smockmg and hand touches. Shown in sizes 6 to 14 and the flapper v sizes 12, 14 and 16 years. Prices at $2.95 to $5.95 Girls' Flapper Skirts A splendid assortment of girls' flapper' skirts,-new stylish models, made of the most favorable wash ma terials, tailored and others designed for sports wear. $2.50 $2.95 $3.50. $3.95 to $5.90. Girls' Tub Frocks In spite of the high cost of gingham, we are offering a special lot of girls' tub dresses, sizes 6 to 14 yean, which are absolutely fast colors with a good liberal hem, pretty patterns, new and different styles, at $2.50 Soeoad 'ft Fie Two Wonderful S a turd ay Sal e s In the Boys' Department Wash Pants and Blouse Waists s At 6 0 c Each 4 Just in the nick of time for outfitting the lacls for vacation wear. Here, is the story One Hundred Dozen Pants in various wash, fabrics, crashes, khaki, linen, cotton, etc., in a varied assortment of plain colors, itripw -. and checks, in light or dark colors. Any pants in V this lot worth fully $1.00 today and many even mors. Your choice Saturday. .............. . .s . . . . .69c (Knickerbocker styles or straight pant styles, " sizes 3 to 17 years. . , ' ' ' Here's Our Big fiA Waist Special "JC One Hundred Dozen E. & E. Sport Blouses, with long sleeves, light per cale and dark madras effects; worth $1.00. One hundred dozen regular blouses from ' our regular stock in light and dark colors. Among them are. many slightly mussed $1.25 to $1.50 blouses from previous sales. All sizes. Every blouse worth $1.00. J t Second Floor, Mob's BIdf. Chil dr en's Summer Footwear At Very Special Prices Two items for Saturday that should arouse lively interest in the mind of every mother- excellent assort ment of sizes and styles. ..:,. ,, ' . At 98c a Pair Infants' and Children' White Pumps. Several hun dred pairs of splendid qual ity white canvas pumps. Slightly soiled, turn soles, sizes, upto 10. yr At $2.48 a Pair Misses' Mary Jane Pumps of patent colt or dull calf, with turn soles, broad nature, shape last and . low heels, all sizes from ljrto 2, widths B to E. ' Mala Floor, Roar ' Children's Hosiery Children' Liile Hoio in black, white and colors, extra fina -quality; good dye; spliced heels and toes, fin ribbed, at S0 Boys' Hoo in all weights, Black Cat brand and other makes; triple knees, high spliced heels and toes, at 35 to ..... . .BOe ' Children' Half Sox in all colors and styles; plain tops, fancy tops, rolled tops; JSnglish Sox, silk and lisle; all sizes; aU -prices, from 2S to $1.00 Mala Floor T Eastman Kodaks and Supplies No. 2 Brojwnio Camera, takes pic tures 2yx3, at $2.75 No. 2A Brownio Camera, 1 takes pictures 2 x4 i , at ...... $3.50 No. 2C Browaio Camera, takes pictures 2x, al $4.50 No. ' 2A Folding Promo Camera, 2x4, special at .... . ... .S8.B5 No." 2 Folding Premo Camera, takes pictures 24x34, at. .$5.98 7all Loote Loaf Kodak Album, 50 leaves, special at ..79c 7x10 Paper. Cover Kodak Album, 16 leaves, at .... r. ....... .25c Take a "picture of the fish to make good the story. 5 , .. Maia Floor v 3- V: .4' i I :1, v J