Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1918, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 16, Image 16

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    P Conducie3Ty Ella Flei shmtm j
V--" ' 7 ,, -
1,111 1 sw j mr-r-j i rvt Jt- n 1 airai " (I II II ' 7 7? 1
"Meet Her Majesty, the Dairy Cow"
Let us introduce the prime food producer, the standby
of American agriculture who feeds us, fattens us, shoes
us and provides a round hundred necessities of life not
the least of which heaven bless her is Ice Cream.
When you serve . .....
Vanilla Ice Cream with Fresh Jersey Berries, Our
Special Dessert, at Dinner Sunday, Give Praise to Her
S 1'
Majesty, tha Dairy Cow.
life' mmn
I V -v""" In I oa "" 'W,T Harding
I ; -t, ' ' ' "J"-,
B oy of America! We must Bay, Well done!
A gainst big odds yon defeated the Bun. -
T he nation is ringing with praises of, thee, . .
T nought are all with you, far over the sea. ; '
Long live Democracy! It the cry we all hear,
E verlaating peace in the land we hold dear.
O ver the tops, boys, again and again, ,
F reedom for ever among us hold reign.
CANTICNY CAPTURED I By our own Yankee Sons, , .
A nd five times defended against the onslaughts of Huns,
Nebraska boys, listen! , Don't the news thrill you through? v
Then hasten to help the Red, White and Blue. , ..
1 1 is remarkable how we, can help in this war.
C et your groceries from us, we are a reliable store.
N ever has the Washington Market failed to do right,
Y our patronage is solicited. . Well help win this fight
Trade at the Washington Market where all goods are sold as rep
resented , .
fancy Sirloin or Round Sleek, lb.. 30c
C kolas Steer Bump Boast, per lb ... . ZS
Kitra Fancy ; Veal Roast, par Ib.25c-2B
Xxtra Fane? Young Vsal B reset, with
pocket for dressing, lb. ........ 20o
Fresh Spare Ribs, per lb,., IBS
Good Bait Pork, per lb.. aiVio
Corn Flakes, S for 25c
Pager Cored Skinned Hamj Ib.....I84a
Choke Steer Shoulder Roast, lb.V . . .25c
Fancy Flank Steak,- lb.. A . .SOe
litre Fancy Young Veal Round Steak,
par lb. See
Cera Beef, per lb. ............. .22'ie
One ef the Urgae Matt Order Houses In the Middle West.
United State Feed Admlaietratte License , No. G-27634.
VTail Our Branch Market at McCrory 6e and lOd Store, in Basement.
The Washington Market
Tbc .'3W Hanagccicnt of
E-apress Darket 60.
C:fer some exceptional apeclala tor Saturday. All goods will be sold
.h prices advertised. Everything new and the highest quality ob-
Fancy Dressed Chickens, lb. 28 Me
Hind. Quarter Spring Lamb,
lb. 2Se
Fore Quarter Spring Lamb 22 He
Cteer Pot Roast, lb. 22He
Yeal Stew, lb. ........... I4He
Veal Frfast, lb ...... 20-22 H
Curtly JPrnh No. 1 Eggs, dos.3Se
Cmatloa or Wilson Evaporated!
Lllk, tail cans............ 10c
ria cans ........ Se
?iej Ealmon, 25e eans for . 18e
wtr Fine Tomatoes, 16c eans
113 South 16th
' '
Extra Fancy Brick Cheese br the
Full American Cheese, per lb
All Brands Creamery Butter, lb ,,
Swift Winchester Breakfast Bacon.
lb. 37 Vie
Gennlns Spring Lambt
Hind Quarter, lb .294e
Fore Quarter lb.,,- 24e
Choice Rib Roast, lb. ........... .28e
Rib Boiling Beef, lb. . i .17Vj0
Beef Tongue, lb. ., 22 Vie
Pork Boast, lb. . .k ............. ,22c
Extra Lean Bason, lb 40e
Vsal Sirloin or Porterhouse, lb 35c
Veal Chops, lb. ,..t..,.,...25e
Pork Loins, lb. , , , . , , . . . . 22 He
ieaf Lard, lb. .... .'. , . . . . .24 H e
Skinned Bams, tb. ,...., ,27H
Pienle Hams, lb. 21 He
Baeon Stripa, lb. ......... .22e
Lean Bacon, lb '...,..-. .42H
for ... , ..... ... . , . . . lOe
Masola OIL pint eans 30e
6 bars Crystal White Soap...25e
6 bars Diamond C Soap. . . . . .2Sc
16o Macaroni or Spaghetti, 2
pkgs. ISe
6 boxes Pine Tree Matches. . . .2Se
nn n
St. D. 2307.
Our Standards
Rigorous as the old
Puritan standards is
the inspection through
which every one of
our hams must go be
fore it is passed for the
Puritan brand.
That is why only ,
one ham in ten is con
sidered good enough, to
bear the Puritan labeL
Ask for Puritan. '
STtm turn TdbT
r year oW deex'l handle rirkan Mephens
F. W. CONRON, Maaer,
13St Jonas Street, Omaha, Neb,
Telephos Douglas 2401.
PnrKaa Rams and Bacon are smoked dally fat
oar Omaha plant. Insuring- fresh, brightly
smoked meats at all times.
' Persy Rescues the Captives.,
Peggy'e trip to Birdland aboard her toy
airplane has been described In previous
chapters, and also how tbe birds, after
making: her their Princess, have besought
h.r to rescue their "loved ones from ths
dungeons of ths Giant of the Woods.)1
T) EGGY darted among the treetops,
where she found the birds bidinsr.
Through the leaves they watched the
Giant turn again to the snared Wood
pecker and thrust it roughly into one
of his cages. he stalked off injo
"Poor Mr. Woodpecker! What will
the Giant do to him?" whispered
Peeev. - " i ' ' '
"Lock hi up in his dungeons. Per
haps kill him, answered Canary.
"Isn't that awfull" Peggy was rilled
with horror at the thought. "Can't we
save him?" .
"We can't, but "you can, our Prin
cess, cried the birds.
v"I have a baby son in the dungeons
of that castle, wailed a , Canary.
"And I a father," sobbed a Finch.
"And I a brother and sister," cried a
Blue Bird. Every bird in the forest
seemed tojiave a loved one locked up
within the castle walls. W
Peggy thought solemnly for a mo
ment. Perhaps ehe could do some
thing before the Giant got back. ,
"Has he gone ffr?" she ahked.
- "He is visiting his traps along the
river and marsh, reported Mr. Swal
low, swooping down from the sky,
whither he had gone on scout duty.
"He will not be back for some time."
"Then I'm going, to have a look
inside that castle, declared Peggy,
turning her airplane toward the clear
ing. She landed at the door of the
castle, the birds timidly following her.
Peggy found the door-knob far
above her reach. So, too, were the
-Ai.... .rV SamePrlcs)
A Nutritions Diet for All Ages.
Keep Horlick's Always on Hand
Quick Lunch; Home or Office.
Madam: (
r Top Off Your
Sunday Dinner
Special This Sunday
Unusually Good
Fairmont . .
. Creamery .
BjnTTT 'IP11 l,IMaaaaee'e''"e,1'1'''" ' KXt
lar JH Willi- .teafg
I It. Forlnfanb
" BvDaddy-"The Giant of the Woods"
windows. She was sorry now 1 that
she was so tiny. Her size made her
as helpless as the birds i
Mrs. Canary, oerched on a window-
sill and looking through the dirty
glass, was sobbing, "My baby I Oh,
myybabyl" Other birds also perched
along the windows, and instantly
there was a hubbub within, shrieks
being mingled with meanings and
The noise was hushed bv Mrs.
Robin, who cried our loudly to the
captives: "Weep no morel Princess
reggy has come to save your
"Save us quickly I" came a plead
ing chorus from within. "The cruel
Giant is going to carry us away to
night." "What is he eomg to do with you?"
asked Mrs. Robin.
"Some he is going to stuff for. mu
seums, some he ts going to tear- to
pieces to trim hats. Some he is going
to sell into slavery, ..replies. the un
happy captives. , , '
ffOhl Ohl Oh r wailed the birds
outside. "Save them, our Princess."
Peggy grew desperate. She must
save the captives. But how? Sud
denly she thought of thev leaves of
the Wishing Rose. She dug down
into her knitting bae. found a leaf and
ajpped it into her mouth. .
i "I wish I were as big as ever," she
said. '
Instantly she shot uoward. The
birds scattered in fresh terror.
Don t be scared. Im still your
Princess,", explained Peggy.
"Oh, our Princess can make herself
Beaton Drug Co., Omaha, Neb.
fa few, mxmm
i i .
Snag Ankle Fit
WaIkOver women's oxfords fit the ankla
so snugly that shoe and hosiery seem tos.
melt Into one another. The oxford above, :
with the tong wing tip and military heel, "
is designed for street service and for the
prosperous business woman. - ' I
.All tha daintiness of a
oxford with its jlaylight
; quisite turn of the instep,
plete a shoe that is dress
un xxuur iot bu occasions
tttire .
Prioenix and Onyx
for Men tyiid WomeA
as tig as , the " Giant,"' chorused the
birds, their" alarm turning to joy.
cy standing on a chunk of wood,
Peggy could look through the win
dow. As her eyes becarrie accustomed
to the gloom within, she couldsee
rows of cages along the walls.
Through the bars of each f age a bird
was peering out despairingly.
I "You poor thing 1" exclaimed
Peggy. -"I'll have you out of that in
a jiffy!"
She tried the windows andthe door.
They were all locked fast. Peggy had
to think quickly. ,lhe uiant might be
back any minute.
A long pole leaned against the cas
tle. It gave Peggy an idea. She
picked it up and .then crash! she
smashed a window to - smithereens.
Mounting the chunk, she crawled
Our New Puzzle Feature
Complete the letters of Simon's signf-they will spell "the name of a movie
' , star. (Answer given tomorrow).
Answer to yesterday's puazle THAMES.
pump in this high heel
arch.. The flat sole, ex-
and Louis heel com- ;
itself and the Style of :
tnat call tor smart
through the broken pane, and dropped
to the floor inside.
Instantly there was a loud clamor
among the imprisoned birds. "Let
me out! Let. me outl" . they , all
"That's just what I'm going to do
as fast as I, can," declared Peggy.
Not wastieg' a moment, she began
opening the cages. Out flew the cap
tives, making straight for the smashed
window and the IbeVty beyond.
Then a joyful contusion arose as
parents greeted children, husbands
greeted wives, brothers greeted sis
ters, and friends greeted friendsS It
was as though the prisoners had comf
back from the dead. '
' Peggy worked desperately opening
the cages. .There were so many of
them it seemed she couldn't possibly
get all the birds free before the Giant
returned. If he caught her there, or
any of thebirds, he would be sure to
wreak his vengeance upon them.
From cage to cage she rushed until
she was tired ahd dizzy. Finally she
sne w;
ind si
to clir
ought the last one had been opened.
she ran to the window, preparing
mb out. A snore caused her to
whirl about. There in adark cortier
was an owl fast asleep. He was so
used to sleeping in the daytime that
the din hadn't aroused him. Peggy
rushed to the cage, pulled the owl out
and gave him a sharp shaking.' He
opened his eyes, blinked, and went
blundering around the .room until
Peggy steered him to the window and
pushed him through. She was 'about
to follow when a creaky voSe droned
mournfully: v
Aren't .you gobig to let me out?"
Back in a corner a large Blue Heron
was standing patiently 'in aN:age.
Peggy ran to him and swung back
the dopr. At that instant there was
a loud shriek outside and Mr. Swal
low appeared at the window.
"Fly for your life!" he cried. "The
Giant is coming!"
Peggy dashed toward the window.
The Heron was there before her. He
spread his broad wings ana tried to
fly through the opening. His wings
stuck out on either side and he
couldn't get through. Peggy pushed
desperately from behind. It was no
"Close your wings, you simpleton !"
urped reggy. , v - 1
The Heron gave a final flutter, then
obeyed. Peggy boosted and boosted,
and finally, with the. strength of de
spair, sent him tumbling through.
The lock of the door rattled. It
was too late to try to escape by the
window. Peggy dropped behind the
table, just asthe door swung open
and the Giant strode in. '
(What happened' next will be told to
morrow, when the story of the Olant of
the Woods will be ended.)
x 1 ' -
The Young Women's Christian as
sociation, out of its $4,000,000 budget,
has appropriated $200,000 for war
work among' colored women.
The employment of women as rail
way postal clerks is said to be among
the possibilities of the near future.
SimoiiS Signs.
Red Cross Work in
The Virgin Islands
The people of the Virgin -islands,
the most recently acquired possession
of the United States, have organized
for Red Crpss work, according to a
report received at Tied Cross head
quarters in Washington from the
chapter in Frederiksted, .St. Croix.
The work progressed with such in
tensity that materials gaye out and
it was necessary to borrow from
Porto Rican neighbors. . .
Tall Carnation, Pet, Elkhorn or Wilson's
Milk, per eaa lOe
Baby Carnation, Pet, Elkhorn. or Wilson's
Milk, per eaa ..Be
Strictly Fresfcf Eggs, tuaraateed,
doien .......... ..r..... 29s
Fancy Elgin" Butternut Butter, per
pound 41e
Wisconsin Full Creasa, Brick, or Ameri
can Cheese, per lb. ...t24Vie
large Cucumbers, each .....4e
Fancy New Home Grown Potatoes,
S pounds for .......J 23c
Fancy Pineapples, each f. 10c
'Fancy Large -Bunches Asparagus, per
bunch ........................ Be
Special for Saturday only for Sunday Winners. .' .V
Fresh Roasted Ducks with dressings. ' - w
Don't forget. We deliver all orders of f S or ever. '
' Remember, our deUcateesen and Kosher department, the largest and most whole
some department ef its kind to hefound ia the eity. Our roast meats and salads are
the most delicious te be found. Try our salads and roast chickens for your Sunday
dinner and
yoa will be convinced and
ili...aTa r.rlM J f frMh
Advice to
' Lovelorn-
f f Apprehensive.. ' -
Beatrice Fairfax, Omaha Bee: la order ts
keep peace in the family, I am writing yoa
in the hope that you can furnish me advice -as
to bow successfully to handle the follow
ing: .
1ST wife and I hare for more than a quar
ter of a century been dwelling together in
fairly orderly manner, an up to a week age
neither has thought of susplclonlng ths ether
of acta which might not be according to
Hoyle. However, after 25 yeara I am ac
cused of talking in my sleep and referring
to one "Mary." The accusation is made 1b
a jesting way, yet it has actings of sus
picion that leavea me uncomfortable.
- I can truthfully confide to you that I have
no lady acquaintance by the name of Mary
with whom I am on intimate enough terms
to call by her first name, and I am at a
loss to account tor my unconscious reference
to said "Mary'ln my sleeping hours.
As a matter of fact, I cannot recall any
one just now by the name of Mary, unless
It Is Mary Plckford, or Mary Miles Mlnter.
Do you suppose they have anything to d
with UT I admit being a movie fan. '
The only thing I can do Is to "laugh It
off," but you know that Is not a satisfactory
explanation for a woman, although the Mrs.
apparently accepts it
Oh, what shall I do to allsy this unjust
yet apparent suspicion? , ; INNOCENT,
I sympathize with you deeply la
matrimonial trouble, for, though I belong te
ths gentler sex, I can understand how ths
golden curls of our adorable Mary Plckford
could enmesh themselves aroundyour mascu
line heart, married though the wearer of the
heart may be. As for tbe talking in your
sleep, that is a serious matter. My advice
Is to keep away from those glittering palaces
where the lovely screen stars flash thejr
smiles for a slim dime and "the war tax,
please!" .
s For tlje Best.
Dear Mtss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: I am
17 years old and live with my mother. I
am very simple and neat In dressing. My
oldest brother has left for France and, there
fore, the girls in the house keep up the
1 belong to a club, and the leader, a
young man of 22 years, fell in love with
me. lie is refined and - makes a good
salary. Some time ago he received his -card,
stating tbat he is in the first class
of the draft. Since that time he has neg
lected -me. He called me up and asked me
to meet him and told nie that we must
pari. He la very well known In . several
circles and has Introduced me to everyone '
as his future wife. Everybody In my club '
will know, and I don't knowvhat to do, as '
I am really heartbroken. ' 8, B,
i My dear child, of course, everything looks
black to you now. You are young and yoa
had a beautiful dream from which you have
been suddenly and roughly awakened. But
you are awake! , This' boy's family objects
to you, and he, being young and under
their sway, does not make a firm stand
against them. Surely, you do not want te
hold him when he is unwilling and to feci ;
that he Is slipping away front you. slowly,
but steadily. Probably he will be called In
the draft soon and then there will bs months .
of training in camp and a long period in
France even if the war ends soon. Tou are
very young, so this quick break is a merci- '
ful solution of your problem. Tou are not, ,
called on to make the sacrifice of waiting
and believing and wondering about the
safety of the man yoa love. Tou simply" -know
that the roan for whom you thought -you
cared Is a young boy not sure of him-1
self and not worthy of real devotion. Ana t
to a period of the chapter I Life has. some-
thing better in store for you. ' -t'-i
V S,l,ll irrlpnila. 1
.Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: I have
read your advice for some time and hope
you can helD me out new. I have met.
, I av
two very nice young men who are In the ' '
army -and my father won't let them come
near the grouse because they- are soldiers
He refuses to allow any soldier near the
house. He insists they are all tough and
Judges all from soma he knew. I am al-
most It and my mother has tried te''
make him see that nearly all young men
are in the army, but he won't reason. He
has never seen either of these men and.
I am fo lonely as I have no brothers or.
sisters. Can you tell ms how I can talk
him out of H7 I have an aunt in CaU s
fornia who wants me to coma and live
with her. Should I le'ave home and aw
as I am so unhappy.
. Tour father evidently has some- "before
the war" ideas about soldiers, i It Is true
that' our army was made up, in most
cases, of inferior men, that Is In the ranks. '
But, now, when all the young men la
the country are springing to the colore,
many a fine chap Is in a private's uniform.
Does your mother sympathtzs with you la '
your dilemma T Perhaps she eould arrange
a meeting at your home between your
father and your soldier friends and he
could Judge for himself. X feel sure that
your father - Is thlnnklng enl of your .
good, but, if thess boys are nice compan
ionable fellows. ' V 1
At th6 Country Clubs
' ' , " Carter Lake V
Mr. W. R. Fulton will entertain a
foursome at the dinner-dance Satur
day evening at the club. Carter Lake
Kensington club will have luncheon
at the club Wednesday, when covert
will be laid for 45 guests. 1 f
. Happy Hollow. -;
y Mrs. Lee Huff and Mrs. Frank EU
lick will entertain 2tt guests at lunch
eon at the club Saturday when the
honor guest will be Mrs. Frank Car-
michaet Covers will be laid for 20 ,
guests. ' ' ' s :
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Ellick will have
12 guests at the dinner dance Sattir- v
day evening, Mr. and Mrs. C. Al
drich will have 10 and R. U Brown
will entertain Six. -'.,.' . -' , ; ,f-
v Country.
. Mr. and, Mrs. E. H. Kelley will nave
12 guests at the vdinner-dance isatur-
day evening. . ,
r -
t9-os. Jars of sweet and sofli Oiow- -Chow
or Relish picklesr Jar ..... 29s
Fancy Leaf Lettuce, 2 for ....J... Be
Gooch's Macaroni or Spaghetti, S for 2Sc
Large Cens of Pears, a lb. eansper -
ean IBe
.tt.l KV-.k nrmiaMl Dneks. Ihj.MV.e
Strictl Fresh Dressed Chickens, H).2SV,c,
Pure Cone lieal utrd, id ..i.c
Extra Lean Pig fork Loins, lb. ..23Vie
Steer Pot Roast, lb .. .v. 19 V,e
Young Veal Stew. lb. 14'te
Swift's Premium Reguar Hams, lb. Ste
Extra Lean Bacon, lb 43 Vie
Sugar Cured Hams, lb .......... 21 e
Segar Cured Bacon, lb. ..36Vsc
discontinue home cooking during the hot
aad Dacha, kQled and dreeeed
- - e --
Saturday trade.
317 South 16th Street
310-12 SiIStJ
- J
SB JW M U ll.l U ail J a
YzV I.I l FatJ((&r&r
S a A I
- a 1
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