Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 07, 1918, Page 9, Image 9

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, : JUNE 7, 1918.
, $17.70 PAID FOR
South Omaha Packers Pur
chase Two Carloads at
Average of $265.50
v , Per Head.
' The highest price ever paid for
heavy cattle on the South Side mar
ket was given by the packers Thurs
day for two loads of steers from the
E. T. Graham estate, near Creston,
Neb., which averaged 1,500 pounds
and brought $17.70 per 100 pounds,
the average price being $265.50. The
previous record for this grade of
cattle was $17.60 per 100 pounds.
, Grimes Announces Freight
Assistants for South Omaha
. E, E. Grimes, in charge of the con
solidated freight offices of nine rail
roads at the South Side stock yards,
has announced the office staff as fol
lows: ' ; '
J. F. Gillette, assistant agent; J.
L. Longstreet, chief clerk; XV. B.
Wyman, chief cashier; Dennis Mc
Gloin, chief rate clerk; Sam Palais,
chief bill clerk; A.. A. Jasmer, field
agent; James, Dunn, chief clerk car
accountant's office; Frank Sevick,
car distributer; L. Tyner, claim clerk;
Miss Viola Williams, ticket depart
ment. ; "
The same work will now be handled
by 70 persons that required about 100
before the consolidation.
Motor Truck Is Demolished
By Crash Into Telephone Pole
A heavy motor truck belonging to
the Hardin Ice Cream company, and
driven by Harry Drogan, 4835 South
.4 nciitjr-iuui ui Mrcei, crasneu into a
telephone pole at Twenty-fourth and
vO streets, completely demolishing the
front" of the truck Thursday after
noon. Brogan escaped injury by jump
ing fr,om the truck.
Briej City News '
One thousand skilled workers in all
trades are needed : at 'once for the
Public Works Department of the U.
S. Naval Training Station at Great
Lakes, 111., and in order to fill this
need a special recruiting mission will
come to Omaha this morning to en
roll experienced tradesmen in the
naval reserve forces.
The party is headed by Chief Ma
chinist's Mate A. R. NicksoD and
comes here prepared to examine men
as to their qualifications and to give
them ratings as petty officers in the
naval; reserve forces, entitling them
to advanced pay and many special
privileges not extended the ordinary
Headquarters will be maintained at
the local navy recruiting station, in
the Faxton building, and an active
four-da campaign will be conducted
by the Great Lakes party among
local labor organization.
Carpenters, painters, plumbers and
fitters, electricians, machinists, boiler
makers,, architectural draftsmen, ship
wrights, shipfitters, firemen, copper
smiths and blacksmiths are especially
in demand.
The monthly pay averages $41 to
$52, in addition to which the govern
ment makes liberal allowances for de
pendents. Men of all ages are eligible for this
service'. ' v - :. :-
'Pershing's Crusaders" Get
i i Much Attention in Omaha
Several of the largest manufactur
ing plants in Omaha, have supported
the official government film, "Persh
, ing" s Crusaders," . at the Brandeis
theater this' week. The M. C. Peters ;
Mill entertained their entire force i
wiW a theater party on Monday i
evening, almost 150 emnloves bein? '
guests of their firm; the iten Biscuit
company purchased tickets for 311
oft their employes, who attended the
Tuesday evening performance in a
body and the Byrne & Hammer Dry
Good company has reserved over 100
tickets for the Saturday afternoon
performance. . . i
.Many who have relatives or mem
bers of their families in France at the
present time, follow the film with
the keenest interest. Battery C, the I
: battery which had the honor of firing I
the first American shot in the war on 1
land, and of which Earl Sutphen, the
brother of Joy Sutphe of the Brandeis !
theater,, is a member, is shown in its
entirety; in fact every unit comes in
for a generous share. , ,
Superintendent Beveridge, of 'the
Omaha schools 'has had the special
children's performance, which will be
given. on Saturday morning at 10:30.
inndunced in all the schools.
"Pershing's Crusaders" remains it
the Brandeis over Sundav. when the
lastitwo performances will be given
and the government will entertain all
men in uniform free at the matinee on
that;day, starting at 2:30.
Strict Supervision Over
Sale of Fireworks This Year
No fireworks will be sold this year
which exceed 10 cents in- value. This
order has been made to guard against
aliens buying explosives in large
quantities. Exhibition pieces and pyro
technics valued above a dime may
be bought only when, a signed order
from the fire commissioner is present
ed. Dealers are required to make a
record of all sales for which licenses
are fequired.
TTaM ATI Viicritiv ftbarrrA '
wa -w mm mm Q va V W A V
Leland Jones, giving his home as
Springfield, 111., is being held at the
central station, pending the arrival of
officers from Springfield. He is held as
a fugitive from justice 'and officers al
lege .he is charged with forgery.
.Hastings Man Held. - .
Theodore Reef of Hastings was ar
rested Thursday and is being held for
investigation. Officers allege he is a
draft slacken
Ust Beet Prtrt It -New Boaooa Fret
Elec, Fans, S8, Burgess-Grafiden Co.
Lightning; Hits House Lightning
struck the house of U. B. Mcintosh,
2421 North Sixteenth street. T7edneS'
day night, demolishing the chimney.
Entertains Employes The Byrne
& Hammer Dry Goods company will
entertain 107 of their employes at
the Brandeis theater Saturday after
Matinee for- Pupils A special
school children s matinee sanctioned
by the Board of Education will be
given 'at the Brandeis theater Satur
day morning at 10 o clock.
Prudent saving In war times la a
hostage for ODDortunities of peace,
Play safe by starting c account with
Nebraska Savings & Loan Ass'n. Ill
3. 18th at. II to 15.000 received.
Uniform Is Free Ticket Sunday
afternoon at the Brandeis theater all
soldiers and sailors In uniform will
be admitted free as guests of the gov
ernment to review "Pershing's Cru
saders" In fMm.
In Service of U. S. Murray E
ThOmas, former manager of The
Pantorium, left Omaha Thursday
morning' fqr New Orleans where he
will assume his duties in the united
States service as Inspector of the dry
cleaning department in the quarter
master's corps.
Judson Flag Day Chairman
Frank Judson has been- appointed
chairman of the committee to arrange
the Elks' celebration of Flag day.
The day comes on Friday, June 14,
but the Elks will celebrate it Km the
following Sunday, June 16. The pa
triotic exercises will be given in Hans-
corn park.
Leave for Training Ciuup Her
bert Negele, Harold E. Steere and
Howard Payne, all Omaha young
men, after finishing the course at the
Kemper military school,- Boonvllle,
Mo., .returned to their homes here
for a short visit and then left for Fort
Sheridan, to enter the officers' train
ing school, which opened at that
camp on June 3.
Verdict ,r Union 1'aclflc in the
damage suit brought by Mathias
Smith against the Union Paciflc for
alleged permanent injuries- sustained
when he was thrown from hand
speeder on April 14 while in thu en.
ploy of the railroad, a verdict in favor
of the Union Paciflc was returned
Wednesday afternoon by a Jury in
district court.
Judge Recommends Guardian
County Judge Crawford Thursday
morning ordered that a guardian be
appointed for Edwin E. Olds, retired
farmer, now residing in Omaha. Mr.
Olds' wife and several other members
of the family testified that Olds was
incapablfc of handling his business af
fairs and made allegations that he
was of unsovnd mind. The guardian
has not been earned.
Three Divorces Granted ".three di
vorce decrees were granted Wednes
day by Jud-e Day in district court.
Nellie Wise was granted divorce from
John Wise on gr- .nds of nonsupport;
Mabel Mclntyre was granted a di
vorce from John Mclntyre on grounds
or cruelty and abandonment, and
Hilda Jensen was given a divorce de
cree from Christian W. Jensen on
grounds of nonsupport.
Fine fireplace soods at Sunderlands.
Do you show your
bathroom gladly or
Many a time you've wanted to
rid your home of those old.
unsanitary eyesore and put in
modern, sanitary bathroom fix
tures. You're ashamed of
every piece of that old
fas bon ad equipment every
time gueit comes to the
Then why don't you tear them
all out and replace them with
modem, sanitary, Thomas
Maddock bathroom equipment
not alone for your pride's but
for your HEALTH'S sake. If
you knew the danger that
lurks in an undeanable lava
tory wastepipe you wouldn't
wait another day before find
ing out how easily you can
afford to replace thoae old fix
tures in the safe and sanitary
Maddock way. .
Come in and look over our
model bathroom display.
See Your Plumber or
United States Supply Co.
Ninth 9t Fanuun Streets
M 1
Gives Recipe for Simple Home-Mads
Remedy That Quickly Darkens It.
. Mrs. A. Dixon, a well known Brook
lyn trained nurse, made the follow
ing statement regarding gray" hair:
"Streaked, faded or gray hair c"an be
quickly turned black, bro.wn or light
brown, by the use of the following
remedy that you can make at home:
"Merely get a small box of Orlex
powder at any drug store. It costs
only 25 cents and no extras to' buy.
Dissolve it in one ounce of water and
comb it through the hair. Full direc
tions for use iti each box.
"You need not hesitate to use Or
lex as a $100.00 gold bond comes in
each box guaranteeing the user, that
Orlex does not contain silver,- lead,
line, mercury, aniline, 'coal-tar prod
ucts or their derivatives,.
, 'fit does, not rub off, A not sticky
or gummy and JiaVes",the hair fluffy.
It will tr.I:a ,a siray.Jipcd person
look twenty years younger., Acv.
8:30 A. M.
to 6 P. M.
8:30 A. M.
. to 6 P. MV
Thursday, June 6, 1918-
-Phone Douglas 137
AgainFriday in the
Child's Underwear
One table of odds and ends of
good quality nainsook and muslin
underwear for little girls, in
cluding pants, waists, skirts and
combinations for ages 2 to 6
years, 19c.
Beach Rompers
Bisr lot of slinover beach rom
pers for little boys or girls, ages
i to 6 years. Made of chambray
and ginghams in -solid colors and
neat stripes, at 29c.
Breakfast Sets
Women's breakfast sets and
aprons, good quality gingham and
percale. Light or dark and fancy
colors. Good assortment of
stripes, all sizes, $1.35.
One lot of corset covers and
chemise of good standard muslin
and nainsook, daintily trimmed
with lace and serviceable embroid
eries, 34 to 44, at 35c.
Garden Sets
Special assortment of women's
aprons, petticoats, breakfast and
garden sets. Made of good
standard nrints. nercales. madras.
and seersucker, light and dark
Crepe de Chine
With fine (nt.fnn warn tliat will
iws tuiwv nui
x' vvj j ucouautQ
for waists, dresses and underwear.
In all Tflfilft shftriea n1iirli'nfl 1aaU
j-- -.... MiviHUUtg AlCSIli
white and pink, 36 inches wide, at
Remarkable CI araway for Friday of
TTP. materials urn whito rroho r-Ainaa hnnaiMtmlv 1nt1 1:a.. I. i. .
-1- several styles to select from, including gathered in back, finished with pockets
and extra belt. Your choice Friday, at $1.29.
BurgMi-Nash Co. Down Stairt Star - I
A big group includ
ing Jap silk, organ
dies, plain and fancy
voiles, etc. Plain
white and colors.
Wide variety of
styles from which to
choose, at SSc.
BurftM'Nuh Co. Down SUlrt Stora
This lot includes
some of the very best
makes of house dress
es. The materials
include ginghams and
percales and are of
exceptional quality
Some are sliehtlv im.
perfect, but everyone
an exterme value.
Burfom-Nuh Co. Down Stair Star
m m mm.
Mohair Special
Silverbloom mohair for.' sport
skirts and bathing suits, in the
smart stripes and pretty colors.
Sale price, 49 yard.' v 4 .
: " ;'59c
Embroidered voile, organdie
and swiss dress flouncings, 27 and
40 inches wide, colors and white.
Friday, at B9 yard. r' , ;
v f- ,
Flouncings v
: 29c
Embroidered voiles and swiss
dress flouncings, also allover em
broideries. 2? and 40 inches wide,
at 29e yard. , , ,
; .'-'.;. . . ....
Val Laces
2ic :
Val laces and insertions, pretty'
selection of patterns and ' designs,
Very special Friday, at 2e yard,
:--- 25c "-v ;
Net flouncings for dresses and
underskirts, 12 inches wide. Very
special for Friday, at 25c yard.
:. 15c
Embroidery edges, 'Insertions
and wide galloons. Variety of
patterns. Very special; at t8
yard. ' -"'- -':
Clearaway of Women's and
Children's Underwear Friday
y" !;
A BIG group of, odd lots of women's and
children's summer underwear. Var
iety of styles, kinds and sizes, reduced to
close quickly, at 20c each. ' "
Boys' Union Suits, 50c.
Boys porus knit union suits, with short sleeves
and knee length, at 50c.
Women's and Children's Hose
.t Reduced for Friday to
Women's plain colored hose, seamless, also chil-
aren s DiacK or wnite cotton; very special at 25c a
Baby Sox At 20c
Baby sox, big variety, all white and fancy tops,
special at 20c.
Burfeu-Naah Co. Dowa Stair Stora
Children's Gingham Dresses
in the Clearaway Friday
m HEY'RE in sizes for ages 2 to 6 years,
x raauu oi gingnams in piaid and striped
patterns and a wide variety of selection of
colorings. All trimmed with pretty con
trasting .colors. Very specially priced for
Friday in the Down Stairs Store, at 59c.
Bur(M-Nah Co. Down SUira Stora
Reliable Electric Fans Featured
Special for Friday
' v Polar Cub Fani.
A"inch ,,ze three-speeds, complete with cord, at
f 395 l
' ' Pittsburg Fans, $5.25
6-inch fans, large motor, $5.25.
PitUburg Fans, $7.95
Has three-point regulating switch, 8-inch size, com-
Pittsburg Fans, $10.39 ffSS2
Illinois Kef rigera tors
I N golden oak finish, lined with white
enamel. A 45-lb. ice capacity; top
jeer; priced, $14.95. A
A Side Icing Refrigerator
75-pbund ice capacity in golden oak
finish, with nickel trimmings, white
enamel lining, at $23.50.
Burfeu-Naah Co. Down Stair Stora
.Lrrn S3f k M
f 7 -- , Jrt
Table Damask
Bleached, extra heavy weight
and fine quality, six handsome
designs, 64 inches wide, 69c
Hemmed Napkins
Of splendid quality, size 18x
18 inches. Unusual values, at
$1.50 dozen.
Bath Towels
$2.85 Dozen
Bleached, splendid quality of
terry cloth in sizes 18x40
inches. June sale price, $2.85
Huck Towels
$1.95 Do"n
Hemmed of excellent quality
all white, size 16x32 inches.
$1.95 dozen.
Crash Toweling
An excellent quality of part
linen that will give splendid
service. 18 inches wide. Very
special, 18c yard,
Bed Spreads
Hemmed crochet, heavy
weight for full size beds. $1.69
Bed Spreads ,
' $5.29 '
Satin finish marseilles with
bolster cover to match; these
are of very fine quality and are
suitable for full size beds. June
sale price, $5.29 set.
2 for 5 c
Good size, very special in the
June sale Friday, at 2 for 5c
White Goods
"Linweave" 36 inches wide
and unusually fine fabric with
linen finish. A quality that
makes handsome dresses and
shirt waists, Friday special
price, 25c yard.
White Voile
40-inch; this is a fine quality
that will retain its beautiful
finish. Excellent value for
35c yard. ' ,
Long Cloth
23 c
36 inches wide; this is a soft
finished fabric, very suitable
for undergarments, unusually
good value for, 23c yard.
of Men's Sport
Shirts for Friday at
THERE are all sizes in the assortment in
a big generous variety of colors. Es
pecially well made of good quality shirt
ings and we consider them extrenie values.
at 59c.
Men's Athletic Union
Suits for Friday at
THERE'S real ummer comfort in tjiese
union stiifn at the verv unprial nnV nf
& 59c. They're made athletic style in sizes
34 to 42. One of th heat underwear vnlnoa
we've offered in a long time.
B urfata.Naih Co. Down Stair Stora
Me'h's .'Fibre Silk Hosiery
Specially Priced for Friday at
.TjllBER silk hose for men, made with
double heels and toea, assorted
shades, white and black. If you have a
nose need for present or future you can
not afford to overlook this special of-
fering, at 25c a pair. - ' .
Limit of 4 pairs to a customer. . '
, . Burra.NahCo-DownStlrStora
Men's Blue Denim Overalls in the
Sale Friday at
THAT'S less than you could buy the
material alone to say nothing of
the cost of making. The overalls are
made of splendid quality blue denim
in a range of sizes to 40 waist measure.
Sizes to 32 with bib. Sizes 34 to 40
without bib.
Extra well made with double stitch
ing and finished with pockets to suit
your convenience. ! .
This is without dcubt one ol the big
gest values announced on this page for
Friday in our Down Stairs Store.
We reserve the right to limit quanti- .
ties to each customer and refuse to sell
to dealers. No mail or phone orders
accepted. v j ( : ' I ; -J u '
,. , . -.; Burf.u-Nash Co. Down Stair Stara - v