Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 05, 1918, Page 7, Image 7
THE BEE: OMAHA. SPECIAL NOTICE. Clip your Liberty bond interest Coupons of the See ond Liberty loan (due May 15). We will accept them, eame aa cash in payment for merchandise. "Merchandiie of Quality at Lowest Pricct Alway." "EVERYBODY STORE" TUESDAY. JUNE 4, 1918. STORE NEWS FOR WEDNESDAY. PHONE D. 137. Sale of Notions Nickel 'plated safety pins, dozen, Sc. Pearl buttons, white or col ors, dcsen, 5c Fancy dress buckles, black or colors, each, 10o. Shoe trees, keeps shoes in shape, pair. 10c. J. &. J. Coate's 6-cord thread, spool, 4c. x Basting thread, 3-cord, doz en, 28c Wire hair pins, 8 packages for 4c. t . Hooks'and eyes, card, 8c. Bias lawn tape, white, bolt 5c. Wire hair pins, cabinets, THc. " . White belting, special, yd. 5c Hose supporters, pair, 10c Tracing wheels, each, 7e. . Sanitary belts, each, 10c. Sanitary Napkins, box 6, 28c Black-headed pins, paper, Nickel plated scissors, 25c. sanitary aprons, 19c. At3c-L One special table, choice of many odd lots, at 3c Choose from: Finishing braid, hair curlers, crochet cotton, hair barrettes, pearl buttons, silk thread, thimbles, corset laces, etc. Bur(ni-Nuh Co. Down Stairs Star ROMS THREE-DAT $AI M THE Wednesday, hnrsday-'and Friday AN extraordinary clearaway movement, including big groups of good, trustworthy merchandise of the wanted and needed sort at prices that are in most instances way below the present wholesale cost of production. It's Burges3-Nash way of doing business to give their patrons the advantage of the reductions when they can get the most benefit and good out of tie merchandise. NOTE-In Most Instances Lots Are Small, and Early Selections Are Advisable W omen's Cotton ' Union Suits, 29c Women'! low neck and slesve less union suits; knee length made of good quality white cot ton In regular slues, at 29a each. Women's Cotton Vests, Special 14c Low neck and sleeveless, pink ribbed vests full taped; very special at 14a. , Women's (JloHoli Hose, Pair, 20c Black or white cotton, full seamless, double tops; special at 20e a pair. i Chitdren't Hose, H 17c Fine ribbed black cotton hose, seamless j special Wednesday, st 17e s pair. , PurfMt'NuhC.Dfm3Ulttfttert A Decisive Clearaway Wednesday of WOMEN IRE AD Y - TO WEAM At Prices That Are Less Than The Cost of Manufacture Silk Dresses Reduced to $9.95 Remarkably pretty range of. selection in a wide variety of styles, materials and colors. The materials include taffeta, messalines, pongee, foulards, in navy, black, taupe,, brown, tan, etc. Too much stress cannot be laid on the real bargain importance of this offering. . ( - '" ' V ) : . Sport Dresses, $2.95 New creations In two-piece wash dresses; the skirt or the jacket can be worn separate. White gabardine trimmed with colored collars, cuffs and hem. Special at $2.95. Wash Skirts Reduced to $1.29 Four styles, made of white gabardines, honeycomb cloth and linenes in -sport styles. Gathered back, pockets and extra belt, $1.29. T AFFETA Silk Petti coats Reduced to $1.69 Special big lot of taffeta silk petticoats, soft finish, In navy and black. Very special for Wednesday, at $1.69. BurgMt-Naah Co. Dewn Stair Star Silk Waists Reduced to 1 $1.98 Sample lot of silk waists, Including Georgettes, crepe de chines. Jap silks and taffetas; embroidered ana bead trimmed. Reduced to about reg ular price. House Dresses Reduced to $1.29 This lot includes some of the very best makes of house dresses. The materials in elude ginghams and percales, and are .of an exceptional quality. Some are slightly im perfect, but every one is a most extreme value at $1.29. Waists at 98c Including Jap' silks, organ dlcs.plaln and fancy voiles, etc. White or colors, splendid selec tion of new styles, at 98c. Clearaway of Boys' Wash Suits For Ages 2V to 8 Yrs., Wednesday, 79c REMARKABLE values made in a variety of good styles, including Nor folks, Tommy Tuckers, etc. Big assortment of' fabrics and color effects. Very spe cial at 79c Wash Pants, 75c Boys' wash pants for acres 6 to 16 years, variety of materials, at 75c Buriut-Nuh Co, Drw Stair Star Special Lot of Fancy Wash Voiles in the Clearaway Wednesday at 15c per Yard VERY desirable for making pretty summer dresses 40 inches wide; all this season's styles, such as plaids, figures and floral effects, in a large assortment of pretty colors. White ground, also a full range of plain shades, either light or dark. A very fine, high grade cotton ma terial, 40 inches wide, and extremely special at 15c yard. t BurfMt-Nasb Co. Down Stair Star 15c ' Child's Dresses . 59c Children's gingham dresses. Light . or dark colors, trimmed, with belts, collars and pockets of contrasting colors. Ages 2 to 6 years. , BurgM-NiCv DevaStairsStor Corset Covers, 35c Special lot of women's nainspbk and muslin cor set covers and chemise. Trimmed with dainty laces and embroideries, at 35c. . Barf-Nak CtvDava Stair Stare Fancy Pink Confiners Fancy pink mesh confiners, open back. Made of a splendid material, with strap over the shoulder, elastic gore in the back. Sizes 82 to 48. Very special at 50c. s ' 50 Cents Wash Goods Remnants SHORT lengths of fancy voiles, dimities, batistes, or gandies, etc. 36 Inches wide; desirable S- tot women's and children's dresses, etc. Very specially reduced for Wednesday, st Se yard. BurfM-Natb Cv Dew Sulr Star 8c Clearaway of Men'a Panto $2.95 STYLES and patterns suitable for dress wear or work. Made of striped worsteds, cassimeres and cheviots. All sizes to 46 waist measure, special at $2.95. Men's Pants, at $1.25 Dark striped worsteds and fine khaki. Some have slight imperfections, but not to hurt the wear or appearance. Five pockets, cuffs, side buckles, tunnel belt loops, etc. Very special at $1.25. . BorfM.'NuH C. Dnr Stair Stare Pretty New Banded Sailors Re duced for Wednesday to $ 1 .98 NEW shipment of band ed sailors. for mid summer wear, in white, black and colors in many styles and shapes'. Your choice, $1.98. Odds and Ends of Hats. 50c Short lots of trimmed hats, all good, desirable merchan dise. Small hats and medium hats, black and colors. Choice, 50c ' . BurfM.-Nuk C Om Stair Star Women's Low Shoes and Slippers Specially Reduced for Wednesday to $4.4! COMFORTABLE warm weather low shoes for the street and house. Including: , Women's soft; black kid Oxfords, with turn soles, low and medium high heels. Women's soft black kid J two and three-strap slippers. Turn soles, low and medium high heels. Women' patent and dull calf pumps with low covered heels, light turn soles. - Women's patent lights weight soles, leather Louis heels. Choice for $4.45. Infants' Soft Sole Shoes 39c A big l6t tl infants' soft sole shoes, pat ent kid with white kid top. " Patent kid with gray kid top. Black kid, sizes 0 to 4, 39c Women's White Pumps $2.95 Women's white canvas pumps, light spies, low and high covered heels, $2.95. BvriM.-Nua Ca. D StaJr Star Child's Underwear 35c Children's muslin and nainsook underwear, trim med and plain tucked skirt combination and pants; sizes 2 tolf years, at 35c , ' SurtMa-HutC, DoStairtur Breakfast Sets, $1.35 Also aprons, in solid pinks, blues, dot and stripe patterns, light or dark colors. Sale price Wednesday, $1.35. BwW'ffabCt0vm Stair Star Unusual Values for Wednesday In Home Furnishings Garden hose, 50-foot Ungth, with eonp ling, 4-ply. Guaranteed, $4.45. Wear-Ever Berlin aaae puns with lam in ura rover, 2-quart n'z, 88c. Garbs? can, made of galvanized iron, with safety cover. Good size, $149. Crepe tisstie toilet paper, Urge lz roll, 8 for 2S. O'Cedar trlangl-shap oil mope, oiled ready for aa. Com plete with handle, 59c. Window loxe, made of galvan ized iron, enam eled green, self watering. 24-inch flze, $145. ? Ti.rmi irfcnnlf l--rnt f r J 1 Ice tea glassea, larga siz, colon ial pattern. 6 for SO. Japanese - china rapt and iaars, pretty deeor. tiona, pair, 19c Bw(w-Na Cm W Stair Star 3