V i i THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 1918. ABIE THE AGENT ' Copyright Ull. teUroaUoatU N.we DRAWN FOR THE BEE BY HERSCHFIELD 1 t ' -, t J S,WUWS,VM Wfu. Nfl' TICK, if HViN SH0UO X fisttt'n T'fHf. JfSw SlE" BUS W 171? "I" 'TM...I "- ', " 1 1111 - ' " ,' : - ; - ' Went Ad Rates (Cash With Order.) io per word eaen iRMrtlon to pr word for three consecutlv Inaartlon la per word for each additional InMrilon Nt ad Ukin for leu than a total of J 9c v or ln thin lOo par day. . CHARGE. ta par Una (count word to Una) ana tlmt ta par Una each time, 1 consecutive tlmu Ta ptr Una aach tlma. It consecutive tlmaa SITUATION WANTED. ltd par Una ..........gar waak CARDS Or THANKS AND ' FUNERAL NOTICES. It per Una .......aach Inaartlon (Minimum Charge, ta Ccnta.) . Contract Ratca Ob Application, For convenience of advertlaer want ada , will ba acctptad at tha following offlcm 11 AIM OFriCH tBulldlng Am OfHca ............4110 Nort14th St Laka Offloa ........... .1511 North 24tn St. Vinton Offloa .,,.,,.,...1467 South Utn St. Park Offlea .........Sill Leavenworth St. Walnut Offlea .......... Ill North 40th St. South Slda till N St Council Bluff i..l4 Main St, North TUB BED will not ba raaponatbla for. mora tha a ana Ineomet Inaartlon of an advartlaa ftaat ordered for mora than eoa tlma. '' uea TBB telephone if ran tannot eon. anltntlr brlnt or aand your ada to anf ef tha abova otflaea. Aalc for a Want Ad Takor and you will reealva tha aama food BorYtoa aa whaa dtllvarlnf your ad la paraoa. PHONE TTLEB 100. Waal Ad ColumM Ctoaa Brantoff Edttlona 11:41 M. Moraine Rdltlona ....... ......10:80 P. if. f J.y Edltlona Iff P. M, Saturday Bvanlnt MOVIE PROGRAM North. ALaAMBRA 84th AND PARKER WILLIAM COURTNEY, in . "THE RECALL." wAAND Hth AND BINNET FBARIt WHlTH and ' ANTONIO MARENO. In- Flrat Eplaoda of ' "THE H01788 OF HATE." South. APOLLO llth AND LEAVKN WORTH CARMEL MYERS, in THE MARRIAGE LIE." IDEAL lth AND DORCAS , CHARLES RAY. in THE HIRED MAN" ROHLFF tSth AND LKAVENWORTH DOROTHY DALTON, in "FLARE UP SAL. West. DUNDEE Slat AND (JNDEHWOOD . NO SHOW TODAY GOOD PROGRAM TOMORROW. D5ATHS FUNERAL NOTICES. " PJLANT Mra. Uaxp"A.. J una I, 1918.. aa 71 year, atMiiy raaidanoa, nil M. Ilth Funaral Wadnaaday at I p. m. from tha Flrat Praabytarlan church at Floranca. In- iwmmt Mount Hop evmotcry. DIN--'harlra T., a ii yaara. i muntha and II daya, Jun I. 1U. Funeral Wadnaidav tram famtiv rui. danca. 4205 Paolflo St., ta Foraat Lawn FUNERAL DIRECTORS. UNDERTAKERS and lioanaad amUlamara; alao prlvata ambulanoa. Call WabaMr 47. ..I'll m i .... . . . . A vrq.oy. 8B14 CT..Sfin ot JKN A. GENTLEMAN, undartakar and - ambalmar, 1411 Farnaw St Harnay 111, KUL81S RIEFEN, undcrtakara and am- raimara. toi B. 18th. Doudaa 326. STACK & FALCONER Indapandant Pndrtahara, 3d A Far. H. 40. L. DODDER CO.. Funaral Dlrectora. r. ij. ro, air., isa ana cumin 61a. - Pbona Douglaa ITT. Auto ambulanca. lt(llTtMAJM VtlNR'n A. 11.111 Hoffmann quality aervlce, coat ' laa, .n'h and Dodaa. DoualaaJMl, KONUMENT tt CEMETERIES. FROKPKrT Mill I).. '".....: 4...... ...... I I'Ota or alnrla intermanta. Parpatual cara rrmnmBBii, larma to auik call Bupt Urtaat dlaplay in tha United Stataa, lltl-ta B. llth, Phonaa Douilaa ISTl-lila. Vi 4ST LAWN otfara aympathatlo aarvlca In aorrow; larpatuai eara: no aaaeaa' mta on aaartarma. Phone Wa 1. at FLORISTS. tontenalla Flortata. L.EE L LARMON Itl4 Duuflaa St. Doualaa 1141 'iit. isa7 Flowera ahlppod avarywhwa. C.p. pfapald. aRQE8T aaeorTment of "freah tlowara. - HENDERSON. 1519 FARNAM. pTricerflSwkr SHOP. 411 s. iCU.'iTii. ROGERS Florlal. 111 H. 16th D. 1400. BATH Carf ul Florlat. 1804 Farnkm St SPECIAL NOTICES ATTENTION STAIW Th.r. will k. I TT. maetlnc of Drove No. 13S Thurtilay, Jun . a p. m,, at ctuo roomK, 1408 llortaa atraet, for the purpoaa of lmtalllnr newly alacttd office. ' H. ST ALET. Exaltad Director. JT. B. JOHNSTON. Recorder. MARRIAGE LICENSES J'.rmUs to wad have been 1mu1 to tha followlnt: Name and R'aldnea. ' 1 Are Karl Record. Nebraska Pity. Neb.,..1. & !J Kllaabath Ingram, Nebraaka Hty. Heb l Frank A. Johnson. Sidney, Neb....,,,., ST Eella Ray, Eira Creek, Neb,....,..... 12 Albert O. Stanley. Omaha... ..over It Ida R. Burdlrk, Omaha, ....... .....over 1 Herman H, Kane. Omaha......,..;.,,,, ;i Ita Oatrom, Omaha..... 2 Nick Farrall, Omaha , IT Catherine Mora. Omaha ., 43 C'hrla Noer, Omaha tt Chrlattna Oiaen. Omaha... 34 tiaritn F. McOlil, Wtaner, Neb arcarett Cam It, Omaha lames U Hubajks. Omaha ary . Raly. Omaha Joeeph SV Tuckfr. Omaha............ -nla Henderaon, Omaha...,. l.rneat L. pecker, Waahtnatou,, Neb. Anna Raamuaaent rWachlnf ton. Neb. aarge Keith Jtturray. Omaha. .......over 21 1 eta H. GamMe, Omaha.... ..over 1R t rl A. Wollaey, Omaha... 21 fa'ira Lee Mikeaell. Omaha It Aid Jonathan Wharton, Woodbine, la. 23 I 8. Collin. Woodbine, la. ........ .. 20 ,tl If. Baaaett. Mankato, Minn........ II ra C. Mack, Omaha 17 vard B. Teter. Dea Moines, la. ....... 27 Kjt B. Smith. Dea Molnea. la. ....... 18 a A. Abramovltx, Omaha 13 '. Abrahamaon, Omaha............. 22 BUILDING PERMITS. ,.ng periaita have beea issued to the -c: E. H. Allen, 4141 U r'palr ad oa, 810; W. C. Noni. 4169 Florence , frame end stucco dwelling, I a, Byrow W. Hart. 4105 Florence t. frame auto abed. 1251: 3. B. 1 tJi concrete auto abed. M04); t.-i Arbor, frame dwelling. BIRTHS AND DEATHS Itlrlha Uriah Mather, 4321 Grand avenue. BTlrl : Charlea and Harriett Morrlaaey, 1(34 North Eighteenth, boy; John and Katharine Matyja, 3901 Patteraon avenue, girl; Brad, ford and Cora Hllla, 2410 North Fifty eighth, girl; Frank and Florence Thomaa, 1)10 Mold, girl; A. H. and Joaephine Han aen, 7361 1 Bedford avenue, boy; O. A. and Maria Meyer, 2324 Bhlrley, girl; Adolf and Helen Wancewlecz, 1104 South Twenty. ninth, boy. Deatho Mr. H. Whitney. 71. Omaha; Clara M. Chopman II, 2824 Blondo; Dan lei Methena, 11, Eaat Omaha; Oacar 81. veran. It, 1S72 Davenport; Mamie Tyler, 44, 1211 South Eleventh; Creaton A, Hughea, I, 4474 Evan; Baby Carofolo, 1013 Bouth Thirteenth; Baby William, 3811 North Twentieth; Baby Oulnane, 1411 North Thirty-eighth Ethel M. Pariah. 17, 1331 Wirt; Mra. Lorotta Andrew. (8, hoapital; Emma Hbupe, 14, hospital; Baby Burger, hoaplta Bhupe, It, hoapital; Baby Burger, hoapital; Mary Oottateln, B3, hoapital. BUILDING PERMITS. W. It. Huffman Auto company, 1411 Orant treat, repair 12.000. LOST-FOUNDREWARDS LOST A HINGED MASONIC WATCH CHAIN CHARM. 1 Loat Sunday at about I 'p. m. a hinged Jlaaonlo watch chain charm, either on Florence or Facnam atreet car, or near Intersection or 14th and Farnam atreeta, Ownera name, inltiala C. B. H. engraved on Inside charm. Finder will receive suitable reward If charm left at this office. OMAUA A COUNCIL BLUFFS tiTRBET RAILWAT COMPANY. Peraona having loat aome article would S well to call up tha office at tha Omaha A Council Bluff Street Railway company W etoerxala whether they left It la tha atreet ear. ' Many article aach day are turned fa and tha company la anxloua to reatora them to the rightful owner. - T YOU to anything and will advertla It . bare yoa wilt aurely recover It If found by aa honest person. If you find any . thing of value tha honaat way la to ad vertlse for tha owner. LOST Very small black patent leather pur containing 121.00, entire .month wage of working girl. Leave at Bee office. LOST Pair of tortoise shell rimmed glaasea In black case, on Elm wood golf link Saturday atternoon. Finder call Harney fOOl, Reward. LOST Saturday afternoon, black leather bill caae with HI and some personal card; reward, Pleaaa noll'y Private Otto Kortamr. jr., 63d company, Fort .Omaha. WILL party finding black allk parasol .with gold handle engraved "Lillian, pleaaa re turn to Bee Want Ad Counter and receive reward. LOST Folding check book containing .two ISO third Liberty loan bonds and aome receipts. Reward, Call Webster 8380. LOtST A, pockluook al Mesa. Hall Sunday night. Finder call Harney 133 and re ceive reward. - , ,-- STRAYED Holatnlii calf came to my farm. - Owner can call for aama. paving for thla ad. (Ins HIM, Omaha, Neb., Sta. B, R. 1. LOST Ulrt-iaalilonoii bar plu, turquoise set- tingx. Kewarfl. Ji, Klllotr, Millard hotel. LOST Eye glasaea In caae Saturday eve. nlng. Telephone Harney 8008. LOST Eastern Star pin. on West Q car minaay, June 3. Howard. Webster 4871. For Sale--MisceDaneoeus Bottles, ROOTHKKR bottle patent stoppers and others. Nat Btelnberg, 1019 Har. I. 1148. Furniture and Household Goods. WHY PAY MORS WHEN YOU CAN BUY IT FOR LESS AT THE STATE. Our big spring sal of furniture and , house furnishing la now on In full awing. - Positively the biggest sale of It kind ever held In the middle west If you need fur. nlture for the kitchen or parlor; a refrlg. " erator or a stove here I where you will buy If quality "and price is a conldera tlan. We make a specialty of complete horn outfit, alao hotels and rooming house. Railroad far tree to all out-of- town buyer within CO miles of Omaha en purchase of l:'0 or more. STATE FCRN1TURB CO. Tel. Doug. 1317. Cor. Hth and Dodge Sta HJKN'ITURE & HARDWARE BARGAINS. Beds, springs, mattresses, dresser, chlf. . fonlera, table, chair, china and kitchen cabinet, ruga and linoleum, trunka and jult casea, gaa stoves and to boxea, full line aorevn wire, poultry netting, garden tool. 1834-47 North 34th St Tel. Web. l07, open I HI 9 p. m lib' 1ST be old before Thursday. Household furniture including gaa range, dreaaer, three-quarter bef spring and mattreaa, nearly new, 1150 phonograph, $35 worth of records, cheap. Genuine leather Davenport, aewlne- machine.. 1013 NS4th ACTUAL TRUTH FOR BARGAINS Full una vi lurmiure, ga ana coal oil atovea, ruga, baby cairtugea, trunks, eta Loyal r urn. i.u., J . J n. Mn FOR BALE A Duntley Vaccum cleaner aultabl for office building or apartment house. , Good condition. , Call Douglaa " 8978.- ' CARVED walnut parlor auite; bedroom suite, piano, In exchange for good lot. Box S50 Omaha Bee. FOR BALK Flvo-plece Ivory bedroom aet. Aiism nemnn; reasmtanle. Harney S6M One mattreea cotton lop; una month in uee. Call Harney 4784. Nurseries, Seeds and Plants. GENUINE yellow Jeraey sweet potato plant for . sale. Tel, 244. J. K. McPhereon. Co. Bluffs. la. FOR SALE 20 bushels of white seed corn, germination teat 90 per cent F, W. Bl. . oee, Turin, la. . Pianos and Muskal Instruments. WK have several Vlctrolaa thst ws took In on trtiK for aale; In good condition. Rous Phonograph Parlors. Cor. 101 b and Farnam Bt. A. HOtjl'lS CO., 15U Douglas, have planoa to rent at 13.60 per month, or will aell on ease term Clothing and Furs. FOR HALE Soldier' complete outfit. In excellent condition. Consist of regular wool O, D. uniform for small man, leather puttees., pr. ptrnl putteta. pr. half leather Imagine, officer' cap, service hat, wool ehtrt und alx p.rfectly new allk stock. Owner Just out of st-u-lca and will aell at a aecrlflra. Inquire Apt. 29. The An gelua, 2(14 ttouth 25th St, SewlngMachines. SEWING MACHINES We rent repair, sell' needle and parte at all aewlng machlnea MlCKEWa NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., ' " llth and Harney sta Doug 1881. ; Printing and Supplies. ADDING machine, all make, bought, aold and rented. Central Typewriter Exchange. 1905 Farnam. . Store and Office Fixtures WE buy. aell and make desks, lafea. show caaes. shelving, eta Omaha Fixture A Sun- nl. rH ,1.1. n , . . m ann tJougiaa v. ziz. Typewriters and Supplies FR..RfNT "" Rnalnton. Monanh and ouiiiu rr.mier lypewnter. Bent anywhere, -v Rental annllM am m,.ii.m t, i . Typewrll.r Company. Nineteenth and FOR SALE Miscellaneous ' TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver I month for 15. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1906 Farnam. WE buy, sell or exchange typewr'er"; guar, typewriter 110 and up. Writ (or list Midland Typewriter Co.. 1404 D..dge FRESH country buttermilk, butter; beat of cream, atnciiy iresn egas; aeuvereu 10 any part of Omaha, Phone South 211 or Tyler 129, Wagnera. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feathera ateamed. renovated and made up In new feather pfoof picking. 1007 Cuming. Doug 2487. SWAPPERS' COLUMN , WANTED TO BUY Rare old U. S. coin of all kind or will exchange for othera. Address Box 2342. Bee. EQUITY In Funtenelle boulevard lot for Ford car. Colfax 8817. . WANTED TO BUY BE PATRIOTIC! HELP UNCLB SAM. SELL YOUR OLD CLOTHES AND BUY LIBERTY BONDS. GIVE MB A TRIAL. WILL CALL. PHONE DOUO. 1431, 1211 DOUOLAS ST. , , H. GERBER IS KNOWN TO PAY THE HIGHEST 1 PRICE FOR CLOTHING AND FURNI TURE. D. 1444. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desk, used desk bought, (old and traded. J.V. Reed, 1201 Farnam. D. 4144. WE DON'T AROUB. BUT PAY YOUR OWN PRICE FOR YOUR CLOTHES. DO. 1414. AK-SAR-BEN Furniture Co. pay full valuea for furniture and clothea. Dougla 1388. LAROKST BUYER OF FURNITURE AND MKN'8 CLOTHINO. DOUGLAS 8518. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accor deon Pleating. ACCORDEON, (Ida, knife, eunburat, box pleating, covered buttons, all size and atylea; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work, button holes, pennant. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., 100-308 Brown Bldg. Phone Doug. 1931. HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING, BUTTONS. O. U. VanArnam Pleating Co.. I3I-T Paxton Block. Phone Doug. 1101. Awnings. AWNINGS AND PORCH FURNITURE. Auto touring tent and camping auppllea. BCOTT-OMAHA TENT A AWN1NO CO. ( Billiard Parlors. PRIVATE tabIe"for partle At Holme'. Baggage and Express. REPUBLIC AUTO EXPRESS COMPANY will haul everything for you. Package lea than 20 Ilia., 15 cents. Poiigln 7463. The ONLY WAY THE OMAHA TRANSFB;R CO. t Brass and Iron Founderies. PAXTON MITCHELL CO. 17th and Martha Sta., Omaha. Neb. . Bras, bronxe, aluminum and machine gray Iron caatlnga. Chiropractors. BPINOdRAPH. nam. rr. Edwarda, 24th A Far- Dr. J. C. Lawrence. Balrd Bldg. P. 8481. Costumes. FULL dreaa suits for rent Opp. P. O. John Feldman, lot N. 18th Ht. Douglaa 8128. Contractors. J. EI. KIN , building repairs. Web. 757 Dancing Academies. SPECIAL summer rate; learn to dance In II lessons, 15; class and assemblies every Monday and Thursday. Private lessona any time by appointment. Keep Dancing 1 Academy, 2424 Farnam St. Douglas 7860. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN. SU Neville Blk. Evidence eeeured In all caaea Tyler 1138. Dressmaking. MISS STURDY, dressmaking. Doug. 6396. Dentists. D- Bradbury. No pain. 821 W. O. W. Bldg. Tsff Dent. Rin,. 808 Rue Bldg. D. 2181. Express Transfer. - WEST A SUTTON. Piano, household moving; live stock hauled. D. 8T2. 1808 Casa 8t Film Jeveloping FJLMit developed; roll. 100: paoka. 15o: one-day service. Has Studio, Neville Blk., Hth and Harney. Fixtures and Wiring. TlTTP IT TT Electrio washing machlnea. UVJIUVHI electrio Irons and reading lampa. 1221 Cuming St." Douglaa 2519. Jewelry. DIAMONDS "IXStiMS nth back at amall profit. GROSS, 4t N. 18th St. Hat Cleaning. ALL kind of hat remodeled. 1620 Harney. Live Stock Hauling. WS r.lU haul your live slock. LIVE STOCK TRANSFER CO.. ft!" Farnam St TelcphoneDoiiglaa 250S. Musical. PROF. HENRY B1ANCH1. teacher of violoncello, mandolin, tenor banjo, and other wind Instruments. . Harley Hotel, loth and Farnam 8s. (teopaths DR. MABLE WESSON. 814 Brandela Blif T. 2960 Rea 4741. Patent Attorneys. 3TURUK3.A STfRUKS.U. 8. and foreign patent ana traoemarka. 33r Be Bldg. Rug Cleaning. QUALlttTkUG CLEANERS. Scientific Olive Oil Washing Paralan Rua Clranlnc Co.. 1257 Farnam. ' H. 184S. Safes. SAES BARGAINS, 1213 Farnam. .?. J. Perlght Safe Co Medical PILES, fistula 'and other rectal dis eases cured without surgical oper ation." Cure guaranteed. Write for -bock on rectal diseases with testi monials. ' . DR. E.' R. TARRY, " 240 Bee Bldg.. Omaha.' Patents. PATENTS procured, bought and sold Inter- nanonal Patent t o. 3 Brnet. p 8891. j Printing and Office Supplies. Watr-Brnhart Ptg. Co.. 524 S. llth 8t. Tailors. Dtedrlck, P. I... 21 8. 20th. Tailor. T. 1433. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply 207a llth. D. 128. Trusses. - CLECO COMFORT TRUSSlJel Fitted Perfectly by Expert. The W. O. Cleveland Co.. 1410-19- Harney St. Vacuum Cleaners. WILL clean yoar ruga on the floor. I use Hoover machlnea, Hainey 1915. ANNOUNCEMENTS Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcement and printing. Douglas Printing Co.. Tl Pnutlas 44 BUSINESS CHANCES PROMOTER ' A auccessfrif, capable, experienced pro moter Is looking for contract aa fiscal agent for any live, high clasa proposition. Box 1532, Bee. Hotel for rent. Commercial hotel, Rushvllle, Neb., go ing good and paying business 1 for rent, ' Immediate possession, and will take very little money to handle, aa I own fixture and will rent furnished If preferable, to tenant If yon want a good hotel propo sition and are reliable write or wire owner for description and term. Mr. D. Dulla ghan, Ruahvllle, Neb. HUNTER'S GROCERY. Building and flxturea for rent W." J. Hunter, Webster 3521, FOR SALE Soft drink parlor and lunch counter In good live town, best location; nice large, modern room; good clean stock. Good chance for man and wife to run reataurant In connection. A. B. No. care of Bee. DANDY CAFE First-class In every respect. Doing fine business. Open day and night 8eatlng capacity 80. Excellent opportunity and money maker. Box 7998, Bee. an;! 5Ti FOR SALE Flrat-clas meat market In town of 1,000, doing good business; must ell on account of health. Address Bo KIC7 nm.li. Pu TAILOR SHOP FOR SALE A good money , making proposition In live town; price reaaonable for quick sale.. Wm, Meier, Syracuse, Neb. GUARANTY locate you; any line business; any atate. Guarantee sell your business. F. V. Knlest Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. RESTAURANT, soft drinks, confectionery; will sell or trade. Box 22. Overton. Neb. BAKERY Confectlanery, etc., 7or sale. Net 1321 month. W. Christiansen, Min den, Net), AUTOMOBILES USED CARS'. 1917 Maxwell touring, newly painted, winter top. 1915 Ford touring, elf ttarter. 1911 Old four touring, excellent condi tion. 1911 Studebaker four. . Tbese cars ar In flnt-clasa condition and priced right 1 . -..-. NEBRASKA OLDSMOBILE CO. 2SS9 Farnam, Tyler 3336., , RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiator repaired and rebuilt; large atock used radlatora on hand. Mashtd fendera and lampa repaired Ilk new. New honey-combed Ford radiator, 1918 model, 122; 1917. 123. OMAHA RADIATOR AND TIRE WORKS. 1918 Cuming St .' ' . Omaha, Neb. SEVERAL used 34x4 Vs cl. caaea for sale. 1911 Maxwell touring car, I good tire. 1375. National 70 H, P. racer," regular track car, 1175. 1913 Ford. Just overhauled. 1238. 1915 Col 4. perfect condition, (tarter, light, etc.. 1300. . CUMING GARAGE. 2415 Cuming St., Omaha. Douglas 2833. 4-Pass., 1917, Scripps-Booth, still new, good tires, $675. Call Weber, Tyler 1000. BUICK light" I touring. Molfn Dreadnaught touring.' Maxwell touring. All good cara. Com In and look them over. BARNUM-SMITH CO.. 2123 Cuming St. ' , LISTEN We will save you 50 per cent on your 4lre bill. Trade your old tlrea for new one. Tubea vulcanised I cent, caa Ings 40 centa up. Rebuilt. 2 In 1 casings for sale, f 1 up. , U. S. machlnea for aale. I!, a Vulcanlser Co., Branch It. 120 8. 13th St.. Omaha. NEW TIRES AT H PRICE. ALL SIZES. -New 30x3 Firestone. 19.45; Ford tubea, 13 New 30x3 'Republic I 1.71 New 30x3 H Firestone, non-skid..... 14.75 New'3'.'x34 Firestone 14.90 KAIMANS TIRE JOBBERS. 1721 CUM1NO. 1375.00. ( 1917 Saxon Light Four Roadster, dandy little car. fully equipped, excellent ihape, ' fine car for running around In. Call WALSTROM, Co. Treas. off Ira or Colfax 291 S evenings. BARGAINS IN USED CARS All make. With and without startera. 25 to pick from. Phone D. 2fl4 or call at 1511 Davenport. . BOTLAN AUTO CO.. WANTED TO BUY. : Wajnted. Ford touring car, 1417 model; must be nearly-new and In perfect me chanical condition. Call Mr. Robinson, room 344, Paxton hotel. FORDS exchanged, bought and aold; we re . build your Ford with a Kelaey streamline body like new: cars sold for cash or time . payments. Sol 8. Goldstrom. 2887 Farnam t. Hrner 6548; agent wanted. FOR SALE 1917 Maxwell touring car. Ex cellent condition. Will consider trade on light roadster. Addreaa 4311 Seward. Telephone Walnut 3260. ALL kinds of cara for hire, with or with out driver, by lb mile or by the hour. Fords. Iflo per mile. Dougla 7390. Ne braska Service Oarage. NEW Maxwell cars, 1911 models, for sale. 1300 caah. balance monthly paymenta a desired. Answer atrlctly confidential. Box t83. Be. . WE ARE THE USED CAR MEN. TRAWVER AUTO CO.. 1910 Faflram 8t. - Dougla I9TI. MEEK S AUTO CAR. . ' USED CAR BARGAINS. 2028 FARNAM ST. DOUGLAS 829A BARGAINS IN USED FORD CARS McCaffrey Motor Co. ' IStb and Jackaon. Ford Agent. Doug. 3509 WANTED FOR 8POT CASH. 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex Change Co.. 2069 Farnam St Doug. 1031 QUALITY USED CARS. VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO., 340 jLKAVc.NWOKTH 8T. USED CARS AND TRUCKS. AT BARGAIN PRICES. 1030 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. 10 FORDT WANTED. AUTO PARTS CO.. 1104 FARNAM ST. T GOOD USED OAa. GUT U SMITH, Xfta and Farnam eta, Aiauxlaa 1171 - AUTOMOBILES TELL & BINKLEY. Commercial body builders. 2318 Harney St.. D. 1540. ,. t A BARGAIN .Brand new 6-passenger road ster. Stearns Knight. "8413 Dodge 8t. GOOD second-hand delivery car, cheap. In quire 1319, W. O. W. Bldir. OAKLAND, Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO, ' 2300 Farnam St. DODGE Touriug; good condition, 1600. CARD-ADAMS MOTOR CO.. 2421 Farnam St. BARGAINS In used cara. - ORR MOTOR SALES CO., 40th and Farnam. Harney 414. AUTOMOBILE'S and trucks sold on time. Address B-487, Bee. Starters and Generators Repaired. ' AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Anything electrical about your auto. 318 S. llth St. Dougla 64S8. Auto Livery and Garages. RENT A FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF. . lOo a mile, 85c per hour minimum charge. (EXCEPT Sunday and holiday.) FORD LIVERY CO.. Douglaa 8822. 1314 Howard St GARAGE for aale In good northeastern Ne braska town on (account of health. Ad dress Box Y 569, Omaha Bee. Repairing and Painting. AUTO REPAIR (A. L.) Ortner.- Now at 1617 Vinton. South side of street. Phone Dougla 167. EDWARDS, E. 8.. 2618 19th St. . Web iter 1102. For the best result with repair worg consult u. Tires and Supplies. vGUARANTEED TIRES ONE HALF PRICE. I.00O Miles Guaranteed. 30x3, 17.76; 30x3Vs, 18.75; 82x34, 110.25; 13x4. 112.35; 14x4, 113.25; 35x4 Mi. $15.50. Write ua today for particulars. AGENTS WANTED. Expert Radiator and Tire Repairing "2 IN 1" VULCANIZING CO., 1516 Davenport St. Omaha. D. 2914. REAL TIRE BARGAINS. Eighteen atandard make fresh from factory, no Junk, all brand new. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.. Send for price list. It means dollars aaved on your tires and tubea. OMAHA CUT RATE TIRE CO. "Nebraska Tiro Bargain Center." Dougla 2916. S10 S. 19th St. TIR3S. , New 10x3 Firestone I 8.10 New 80x34 Non Skid 13.60 New 32x3 M, Firestone 15.35 S0x3H Guaranteed Tubes 3.10 10x3 Guaranteed Tubes 2.80 Good used Ford tires 6.00 Other alzea In proportion. Retreading and vulcanizing. OMAHA RADIATOR A TIRE WORKS, 1918 Cuming St., Omaha, Neb. ' Tires and Supplies. INSIST on Q. & G. quality retread and save 60 per cent on your tlrea. Bargains In new and slightly used tlrea G. & G. Tire Co., 1415 Leavenworth St Tyler 1261-W. BUY Lea puncture-proof pneumatic tlrea and eliminate your tire troubles. Powell Sup ply Co, 2051 Farnam St. Motorcycles and Bicycles H A R L E Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargain In used machine. Victor H. Roos, the Motorcycle Man, 27th and Leav enworth. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial Home so licits your old clothing, furniture, magi Bines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1113-1114 Dodge St OMAHA Bath Inst. Electric, steam or tub hatha, massages of al Ikinda. 228 Neville Blk. Douglas 7381. ltfth and Harney St. MISS FISHER, sulphur, steam baths and massage, 370 Bran. Thea. Bldg. D, 1569. M1S3 WEST, manlcur. mass. 210 N. 17th. MAE BRUGMAN. scientific masseuse and baths. 203 Karbach Blk. Red 2727. SCIENTIFIC massage. Miss Hairan, 222-S . Neville Block. Manicuring and mass. 1623 Farnam. R. 19. MEDICAL RUPTURE successfully treated without a aurgical operation. Call or write. Dr. Fran H. Wray. 306 Bee Bids. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. SALESMAN Wishes to quit traveling, wants city position. Twenty year' specialty experience, good producer, con vlnclng talker, good appearance, bustler, can adapt myself to any line. Will con sider insid position. Kiel Hotel, Coun cil Bluffs. GENERAL alore clerk with aeveu year' ex perience. Good In dry goods and gents' furnishings. Would like to make a change. Am above the draft age and can furnish best reference. Address Box Y 566 Omaha Bee. ' SITUATION , WANTED As cashier, or as sistant In ' country bank by middle, aged man with long experience; best of ref erence; can invest up to 120,000. Box 8295 Bee. PRINTER All 'round, can do anything except run machine; have had 12 year experience; married; Job must ba per manent; prefer town in Kansa or Ne- orasKa. box 4354, umana .nee. POSITION by young maji aa tractor and machinery aervlce man oh roa9 for whole sale Implement firm. 24 years' experience. ox ssu. umana utec PAINT, carpet and paper cleaning, the Na tlonal Cleaning and Service company. 1701 aavgi. worm tr. iiamey ei2 WANTED Rubbish and dirt hauling. Web ter 6230. EXP, carpenter wants worl. Douglas 6660. Female. give mother' care to baby, reason able; no other child, modern horn. Col fax 203, 1 WANTED Plain and fancy aewlng by re liable colored iady. Tel. Webster 3393.- WANTED Plain sewing. .103 Burt, Phone Harney 3983. GUARANTEED dressmaking. Call evening. Tyler 2804-W. - , Dressmaking- Millinery wk. done. Red 8623. Laundry and Day Work. DAY work wanted Tuesday, Wedneaday and Friday. Phone Web,- 4648.' BUNDLES carefully -Jaundered. Call and deliver. Web.' 42S3. ' ' BUNDLE washing, rough dry and finished Red 6673. EXP. laundress, bundle called tor and de livered. Webster 6322. LAUNDRY work called for and delivered. Webster 1953. BUNDLE washing, lace curtalna. Webater 1717." WOMiiN want day work, ret 1221 Webater BUNDLE washing wTd; price reaa. Web, 1127.' .. ' :f ' 1ST-CLASS iaundree wanta bundle wash ing. Web. 5894. LAUNDRESS Washing by the hour. Web, Oil. SITUATION WANTED COLORED lady wants day work. Har 6405. CURTAINS laundered, w'k guar. Har. 1110, Bundle waahlng wanted. Call Webster 2319. Day work and bundle washing. Web. 1088, DAY work wanted. Webater 1499. BUNDLE washing to take home. South 1613. 1ST class col, laundress with ref. Doug. 8712, HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. YOU MEN WHO HIRE AND FIRE Advertise for "help" the same way you advertise to aell merchandise, and tha difference In return will urprfse you. The next time you need help call Tyler 1000. A trained and experienced ad taker Will assist you m preparing your sdvertlaement. . " YOUNG MEN WANTED WE HAVE PER MANENT POSITIONS OPEN IN OUR MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT FOR YOUNG MEN BETWEEN THE AGES OF 18 AND 20, WITH-4IIGH 8CHOOL EDUCATION. APPLY WEDNESDAY, JUNE I. BURROUGHS ADDING , MA CHINE COMPANY. DRAFTSMAN at once, for city map work. Call Anderson, Dougla 605. OIL SALESMAN Good ruiure; salary anu expense. Office Clerk and Cashier. $90-1110. THE MARTI SERVICE, ; 915-16 W. O. W. Bldg. QMAHA railway mall clerk examinations coming; hundreds wanted; $90 month; sample question free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 231-F, Rochester, N. Y. BOOKKEEPER, real estate, 1126. - - A WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N. BOOKKEEPERS, $125, $100, $90, $85. $75. WATTS REF. CO. 1138 1st Nat. Bank. GOOD POSITIONS AT ALL TIMES. THE CANO AGENCY. 600 BEE BLDG. Professions and, Trades. ' WE NEED CONDUCTORS AND . MOTORMEN. 1 Apply in person to the superintendent of trans portation, second floor,. Merchants' National Bank Bldg., Omaha. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. WANTED AT ONCE, TRANSFER MEN, WELLS FARGO A CO. EXPRESS, UNION STATION. WANTED.. DRIVERS AND WAGON HELPERS. ALSO FREIGHT HANDLERS. AMERICAN EXPRESS CO. APPLY UNION STATION. WANTED Young man to work In the press room. Apply to Supt. Bee Publishing Co. WANTED Meat cutter, reliable, capable of running mt,ll shop. Call at Basket Stores Office, 108 N. 9th St Call any day WANT printer to learn linotype and .jvork machine and floor, mostly machine, will make good chance." Permanent for - good man not liable to early military call.. Modern ahop. Three- ' machines, electric pots, good working conditions, fine town. Telephone our expense. Dally Hub, Kear ney, Neb. FIRST CLASS carpet and linoleum layer wanted, good pay, prospect of permanent position. Answer . at' once, stating where worked, how long, . salary desired and when can come. Only experienced Capa ble men need apply. v , ORCHARD WILHELM CO. ' 414-18 S 16th. ' - . " LINO. OPERATOR WANTED In -man shop; town 6,000; set 26 galley 8 pt. in fourdays; then 2 day Jobs; good working conditions. Permanent; $20. Operator gone to war. Write or wire. Herald, Clarlnr da. Ia. ' MIDDLE aged mkn. without family, to live at private residence, to care for grourrtfs, garden and chores. Good wages and per manent place. Name last employers and give reference. Address Box 8332. Oma h 8e. ' - . . ' WANTED One chemist and prescription druggist; one first class counter salesman.'! Apply general office, Sherman ftUcCon nell Drug Co., 2d floor, llth and Farnam Sts., Omaha. Neb. WANTED Good ail round plumber and tinner. Will pay beat of wages. Steady Job by the 'year for good man. Address I. Wilson, Dunlap. Ia, - WANTED An all round blacksmith. The best 'of wages wll be paid. - Henry Schrapfroth. Battle Creek, Ia, GOOD carpenter for out-of-town work dur ing summer. NATIONAL REFINING CO.. llth and Clark Sta. ' CABINET MAKERS WANTED Steady work. Apply to Mr. Erlckson, Western Electric Co.. 103 Farnam St, LEARN barber trade, low ratea now. Call or writ Barber College. 1194 Donala a mt. WANTED Upholterer lor furniture depart- pient Boa 41406 Bee ELEVATOR boys. Apply to manager, Blackatone Hotel. Salesmen and Solicitors). . SALESMEN AND AGENTS Be . Inde- .. pendent make money, build a bualneaa of your own; we want men and women with automobile or rig preferred, to handje the Eltlnolen Phonograph, tn town and coon- . ry, from bouse to nous; it's a winner: sell at half the price of othera . looks, plays and aounda Just aa good; playa all recorda without extra attachment; ahow tt play It aell It; hundred of ether are doing tt; easy profit of 160 to 1108 a week: real worker make much more; ' jwrlte quick and get good territory. Charles Biting Co 1514 8. Wabash Ave., Chicago, III. WANTED Four men with real aale ability. Men who have had atock and Insurance selling experience preferred. This la a Uve proposition, so deadheada add advance grabber will make ua money by keeping - off. Bt 8333. Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED traveling salesman wanted for Nebraska by old established medicine house, selling store only; salary and ex penses. State experience and phone num ber. Box 1627. Be . . HELP WANTED MALE Salesmen and Solicitors. ' EXPERIENCED ttra salesman by large tirt company, Nebraska territory; state) age, experience and salary expected. Boj 8469. Bee. v - - STOCK salesmen to sell Lion Bonding1, and Surety company stock. Good territory open. Bankers', Sale Agency, 1 111 Wood-' men Building, Omaha. , Agents and Canvassers. DOES YOUR TIME PAY 7 A splendid op portunity Is offered by a large, conserva tive, well managed LIFE INSURANCE company, with I13,000,00 of asset. $4, 000,000 of surplus, nearly a third of a ctn fury old, lower rates than eastern com. panlea and dividends the greatest of any company a America. If you are In the life Insurance business or any one who want to learn It, we would Ilka to corre (pond with them. We can double your In. icome if you are a hustler. All communl catlona will be held confidential. Addaesi 1 Y 67 Omaha Bee. ' WANTED Portrait artlsta and drapery workers, li H. Roberta Portrait Co., Kn. sas City. Mo Boys. WANTED Boy about 16 years of age for composinff room of The Daily Bee night side. Fine opportunity for . bright boy to learn a good trade. Fair wages to start, with advance. See foreman after 6 p.Hji., Bee office. WANTED Strong boy, about II year old, , for wrapping. Apply The Omaha New Co., 15th and Davenport, . WANTED An errand tioy over 16 year. Must give references. " CARPENTER PAPER CO.. ' 9th and Harney. WANTED A bright boy for office work! APPiy monaay morning at McCord-Bradj Co., 13th and Leavenworth. Miscellaneous." WANTED. Laborers tor track work. 30 cents pel ' hour at start and carfare. 10-hour day, Apply STREET RAILWAY ' CONSTRUCTION DEPT. 22D AND NICHOLAS STS. 1 ' Men to unload coal by the. ton. Carry m by the ton ol , general yard work. Sunderland Brothers . Company, West Yard 42nd & Izard 0 i MEN WANTED, ' .' AT THE LUXUS PLANTr STEADt WORK, GOOD WAGES. APPLY AT BOTTLING DEPARTMENT, FRED KRUG PRODUCTS CO. MEN WANTED. -AGE 21 TO 60, FOR GENERAL YAP.C' WORK. STEADY JOB FOR GOOD MEN. APPLY TO TIMEKEEPER, . UNION STOCK YARDS CO.. - " SOUTH OMAHA. . WANTED 5v men to sell goods on passen. ger trains. v Must have caah security. Ap. r . ply Rock Island News Stand. Fairbury, Neb. ,' LADY with well established buslneaa would employ man past! draft age. No expert.' ' ence necessary. Might consider partner -ship. Address Box Y 673. Omaha Bee. - WANTED Man by month, board and room, farm and garden work. J. R. McPher son, 1381 Pierce St.. Co. Bluffs. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. GOVERNMENT needa 20,000 women clerka : at Washington. ExamlnaUona every where in June. Experience unnecessary. - ' Women desiring government position write for free particular to J. C. Leonard, ' , former Civil Service Examiner. 601 Kenols Bldg., Washington. ; . THE Continental Caaualty company wish ta ngage the services of a lady competent .1 to Interview business men and women and close applications. . This Is an Opportunity where a reliable person can be assured of a good Income. Salary and .commission. Call between 12 and 1 or t p, m.. 100 Bea ' Bldg. ., . MU.LTIORAPH OPERATORi Wanted at once, must be experienced and fairly rapid. Permanent position. Apply in person at 1424 First Nat Bank Bldg. GOVERNMENT wants thousanda clerka at Washington Immediately; 1100 month; full Information free. Box Y-134. Omaha Bee. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, aula firm, 176. - " ' WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N. STENOGRAPHERS, 90, $86, 176, $66. ISO. Bookkeepers, $55, 175. $66. Typlat 166. WATTS REF. CO. J138 1st Nat. Bank. . GOOD POSITIONS AT ALL TIMES. THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEH BLPG. ; WANTED Neat girl to answer phone, geoe! . wages. Harney 4011. Professions and Trades. 25 GIRLS ' Wanted For . Icing and Packing Dept . - Apply . ' . - LOOSE-WILES BISCUIT- CO 12th and Davenport WANTED Dressmaker and aewlng girl ) alto warts. Baraejr ! . . - v S - ),