Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 04, 1918, Image 1

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    . VOL. XLVI1 NO. 301.
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Allies Not Only Holding Ground, But Making Some Sub
stantial Gains by Taking the Initiative and Driving
Back the Minions of the Crown Prince:
Paris, June 3. The battle in France was resumed with
great intensity during the night and in the course of the day,
according to war office announcement this evening. The Ger
mans, with fresh troops, attacked between the Oise and the
Ourcq with redoubled violence.
A (By Associated Press.)
Although it cannot be said that the Germans in their new
offensive have been definitely stopped, there is, nevertheless, a
marked diminution in the speed with which they started out,
and their gains since Saturday have been relatively small, when
compared with those of previous days.
And, according to the accounts of unofficial observers,
wherever they have been able since the stiffening of the allied
lines to attain new positions, an exorbitant price in lives has
been exacted from them: So great'have been the casualties suf
tered that the Prussian Guards division the pride of the Ger
man crown prince is declared to have been withdrawn from
the battle.
Particularly hard fighting again has
been in progress between Soissons
, and Chateau Thierry, where the Ger
man? are endeavoring to push further
ttsrwrA war4 "Parte fnf 1nAf alrtti
have the-Fmich troops almost every
where' successfully withstood ihe"on-
t slaugtit, but on severa sectors-them
selves have taken the initiative and
tioli, along this line is relatively un
changed. - The German war office at last has
admitted that the allied line on the
.west, has been reinforced by fresh
: units, but it asserts that they have not
been able to hold the positions to
which they were assigned. Neverthe
less; the fact is patent from an obser
vation of the war maps that almost
everywhere in this region the German
line, for the moment, at least, is being
hard held. i
v Huns Stop at Marne.
From Chauteau Thierry eastward
along tlie Marne, and thence to
. Rheims, the situation is virtually un
changed from that of Sunday.
. The enemy now holds the northern
bank of the Marne for. a distance of
ibout 15 miles, but as yet he has
made no serious endeavor to cross
the stream.
Little, fighting aside from the usual
small affairs between raiding parties
is taking place on the Flanders front.
The- British have carried out success
ful raids on several sectors here and
taken nearly 300 prisoners.
American Aviators Make Good.
American aviators are giving good
accounts of themselves over the bat
tle lint in France. Since April 14,
when they first took the air in of
fensive operations, they have shot
down at least 33 enemy planes, and
themselves only lost seven.
1 Volunteer recruits to the number of
50,000 for immediate service with the
Irish divisions are asked for by the
lord lieutenant of Ireland in a procla
mation. After this recruitment, 2,000 to
3,000 monthly are asked for to main
tain ,the Irish divisions. Legislation
giving land to men who fight for their
country is promised in the proclamation.-'.
- - "
Los Angeles, Cal., June 3. (Special
Telegram.) That art army unit from
Omaha has received orders to pro?
xeed to Arcadia and that work on the
new government school at Arcadia
will proceed rapidly from now on was
the statement today. Major J. M,
Harris, an agent of the War, depart
ment, on arrival here, will proceed
Immediately to Arcadia to make ar
rangements for the arrival of the unit.
In the Omaha squad will be 200 men
uid llofficers, Major Harris says.
."' Colonel Hersey, in command at
Fort Omaha, stated last night that he
has received no orders to send men
to Arcadia, although it was probable
that men would be sent. The new
government school will be used for
instruction in flying only. The Omaha
tchool will continue to be the only
ichool giving a theoretical course of
instruction to cadets. ,
: Major Harris, who is making ar
rangements for the arrival of troops
at th new flying school, was formerly
stationed at Fort Omaha. While in
Omaha he was a student in the bal
loon school
in Fighting.
Huns Held Back and Unable to
Make Any Gains During Mon
( day's; Battle; , Most
' Hopeful Ne.vs.
(By Associated Tress.) -'
London, June 3. Tonight's report
is the most hopeful since the begin
ning of the battle. 1
"For the first time since last Mon
day it can be said that the enemy
gained no ground during the day,"
says Reuter's correspondent with
French headquarters in France.
"Until today it was only possible
to hold the enemy from hourMo hour.
The enemy's numbers enabled him to
maneuver and go around abstacles in
his path; but his numerical advantage
vanished from day to day and we now
have arrived at the stage where the
formation of a continuous line forces
the Germans to attempt massed at
tacks against strongly held positions,
instead of turning them."
Chicago, June 3. ," A two-hour
workday with a minimum wage of $6
a day was the ultimate aim of the In
dustrial Workers of the World in the
western mining centers. This was dis
closed today by government witnesses
who testified at the trial of the Indus
trial Workers of the Woftd leaders
before Federal Judge Xandis.
Congress Gives Ballot to
Women of Hawaiian Islands
' Washington, June 3. Woman suf
frage for Hawaii is authorized in a
senate bill passed today by the house
and sent to President Wilson for ap
proval. It empowers the Hawaiian
legislature to provide that in all terri
torial and municipal elections women
may vote under the same restrictions
applied to men and if the legislature
desires, to order a referendum on the
subject. , .
Omaha Street Railway Men
To Present Demand to Wattles
A committee has been appointed by
the recently organized street car
men s union to meet Gurdon W. Wat
tles, president of the Omaha & Coun
cil Bluffs -Street Railway company,
and present the demands of the. or
ganization for the recognition of their
union. ' ' -
Mr. Wattles returned yesterday
from Washington, where he had been
on business connected with' the food
adimnistration, and it is thought that
a conference will be asked for at an
early date.
Members of the union declare they
are satisfied with the recent increase
just off the shores of the United States. They are known to have sunk at
least seven vessels,' only a short distance out - of sight of land off the
southern New Jersey shore. 9 ;
It is feared that still other vessels have been sent to the bottom, as
their movements have been reported at various times during the last fort
night by ships coming into port from southern waters. Thus far, only one
life is known to have been lost in the sinkings. .
Largest Craft of Kind Seen on This Side of Water Em
ployed in Chase; Captain Hart of Bristol Saves
Crew of Cole and Then Speeds
to Safety.
(By Associated Press.)
New York, June 3. Captain H. G. Newcomb of the steam
er Edward H. Cole, who hails from Boston, said the two UTboats
appeared less than 600 feet off when the steamer was 75 miles
southeast of Atlantic Highlands, N. J: Thinking they were
American submarines, he hoisted his signal flags. The U-boat
commanders at once unfurled the flag of the imperial German
navy After being given 10 minutes to abandon ship; Captain
iMewcomD ana ms crevrut away
- For 24 hours prior to the Cole's At-
strucfioh at 4 p. m. on Sunday, when
75 miles off Highland Light, N. J., the
crew saw an unusual amount of wreck
age. The sea from this point to the
shore also was filled with wreckage,
the rescued crew reported. .
The submarine which sank the Cole,
the crew said, was the largest they
had ever seen. It carried guns fore
and aft and was 2S0 feet long.
a Story of Destruction.
The Bristol captain, Frederick Hart,
sighted the Cole's crew in one open
boat with one pair of oars, a sextant,
a weather glass, steering by starlight
after setting her course by sun, try
ing to reach shore nearly five hours
after their vessel was sunk at 4 o'clock
in the afternoon.
The Bristol, coming alongside the
Cole's crew, had not noticed the sub
marine in the distance. Captain New
comb of the Cole said to Captain Hart
of the Bristol: "Don't stop to pick
us up. Beat it quick or that subma
rine will get you."
The U-boat meanwhile was moving
toward the Bristol, but Captain Hart
defined to depart without first res
cuing the Cole's crew. Six of the
latter, together with the nine firemen
on the Bristol, went to the Bristol's
fire room and coal holds and for the
first time in the voyaging of the Bris
tol, she is said to have made 17 knots
an hour, as compared with her nor
mal nine knots. The Bristol escaped
by reaching shallow water, into which
the U-boat could not go
Strike Calls Mailed to 'V
Telegraphers of United States
Washington, June 3.- It was re
ported tonight that telegrapher strike
calls already were being mailed to
locals from the Chicago headquarters
of the mion, fixing a day late next
week for a strike, unless recalled by
wire. ",''.'
There have been suggestions that
the government might take over the
companies if a strike threatened inter,
ruption of telegraph communication.
Dr. Fluno, President of
Boston Scientist Church
Boston, ' Jun 3. Dr. Frances J.
Fluno, 'Oakland, Cal.,- was installed as
president of the First - Church of
Christ, Scientists, at the annual meet
ing of the mother church today.
of pay, but that they would also de?
mand a recognition , of their' union,
also a working basis that would per
mit them payJfor the time they put
in' while waiting for their runs. They
declare that the regular runs are now
so split up that many of them have to
wait 12 hours on the bench to make
10 hours' nav and that there have been
cases of men waiting 24 hours to putl
in 10 hours
' They assert that they should be put
on the payroll from the time they re
port at the car barn to be assigned to
a run. ., ' ., ' - .-
sea wolves are
wiuim jive
Royal Ruler Calls in. His Vas
sals and Lines Them Up for
Season of Fun that Comes
' Next Fall. ,
"The best show ever , put on the
stage of the Den," was the verdict of
the revelers in mirth and jollity who
thronged Samson's building Monday
night for the first Ak-Sar-Ben initia
tion of the season. And thewo part3
of the show "The Camp at Rum
Bay" and "The Burning of Berlin,"
with Gus Miller's, and George Long's
circus in between as an interlude,
puljed the cover off the pot .with a
bang. ;
Judging from the enthusiasm of fhe
1,676 members who attended the show,
Ak-Sar-Ben is in for a banner year.
For three hours spectacle followed
spectacle, stunt followed stunt and
climax followed climax. With Miles
Greenleaf as author, Gus Renze as ar
tificer and Charlie Black as master of
ceremonies, the opening night
brought down the house with song,
burlesque and thrills. . y
Applause For Everybody.
."The Camp at Rum Bay," a mili
tary burlesque of camp life, started
off the evening's entertainment. Oscar
Lieben as General Debility. Henr
Dunn as Major Operation and Walter.
Adams in the dazzling role of tileeda
Shara, handled the leading parts in
masterly fashion, and drew forth
rounds of applause. But the chorus,
especially trained by Ben Johnson,
and the solo numbers received their
share, too.
With , the excellent accompaniment
of Ernest Reese's orchestra Henry
Dunn delivered "Give Me the Kjtchen
Police," and a quartet composed of
Henry Dunn, Oscar Lieben,' Dean
Smith and Kenneth Reed revived the
old favorite, composed several years
ago by Miles Greenleaf aud Harry
Hanguar, and brought up to date with
some new lines, "A Damn Good
Town."- ?
' Bleeda Shara's great exhibition was
but one-, bright spot among other
brilliant stunts like the "Bonehead
Court-Martial" and the dose of
"Trench Life" - given some of the
drafted recruits inducted into service
at f Rum Bay."
Some Real Circus.
A complete and up-to-the-minute
circuS, under the direction of Gus
Miller and George' Long, with trained
horses, a trained elephant, a trained
camel and a trained bull, with "Doc"
Frye as a crack-shot cowboy and real
goat for the neophytes, provided an
interlude which rocked the benches
with applause. ' A' squad of picked
members of , the Modern Woodiqert of
America gave a fancy exhibition drill
just before the curtain rose for the
second act of the show, 'The Burn
ing of Berlin."
191812 PAGES'
preying, on commerce in the Atlantic ocean,
Fleets of American Vessels
Combing Atlantic Coast From
Maine to Florida, on Search
for German Wolves of Sea.
(By Auoclattd Pre.)
New York, June 3. Scores of
United States warships were ranging
the waters off the north Atlantic coast,
tonight in search of the German sub
marines which made their long ex
pected attack or American, shipping
in home waters late yesterday after
noon While the details of naval op
erations were withheld, it is known
that destroyers, fleets . of submarine
chasers and other vessels are flashing
their searchlights tonight over the
waters along the coast and far out at
sea from Maine to Florida. Hydro
airplane and airships arose like flocks
of huge birds from every naval sta
tion along the Atlantic coast when the
warning was flashed to them and soon
were scouting over the waters where
it was believed submarines would be
most likely to be lurking. Foreign
aviators and Arnerican students sfs
well as regular American flyers
eagerly volunteered for service. '
Airplanes On Scout Duty.
More than 100 airplanes and dirig
ible balloons left Hazelhurst aviation
field alone on scout duty. Nearly all
the aircraft were manned by regular
army aviators. They circled over
Long Island sound and off the At
lantic from Sandy Hook to the east
ern extremity of Long Island.
In their flights today the aircraft
were not armed, but in a short time
they will be equipped with bomb
dropping mechanism and machine
guns. The machines pressed into pa
trol service today had been used for
training purposes. ,
I Nothing to Do But Wait. ,
The only way of hearing from the
vessels in peril was by the flash of
their wireless. Even if S. O. S. calls
vere received nothing could be done
by their ships except to wait, tor fol
lowing the stern and heart-breaking
rule of the men in the German sub
marine, no merchant vessel could aid
through fear of their own destruction.
But it was known that the alert wire
less operators of the American navy
would pick the calls and that destroy
ers or other war craft wpuld steam
full speed to the rescue.
The Clyde line officials were wor
ried tonight about the safety of the
steamship Mohawk of that line, which
left Charleston yesterday afternoon,
with approximately 250 passengers.
No word had been received from her
today and it was considered possible
she might have been in the path of the
gnemy submarines. r --
Former Vice President
Fairbanks Near Death
Indianapotls, Ind,, June 3. Charles
W. Fairbanks, former vice president,
who has been ill at his home here for
the last two weeks, this evening
passed into a state of complete coma,
and tonight was sinking rapidly. Dr.
J. A. McDonald, chief physician in at
tendance, announced tonjght.
Mr. Fairbanks, the doctor said, was
much weaker than this morning, and
there was practically no chance for
him to rally. ; : .
War Risk Rates Take
Big Jump' as News of
Sea Raids is Heard
New York, June 3 War risk rates
took an abrupt jump upon receipt of
the news of submarine warfae on
this side of the Atlantic. Marine un
derwriters advanced insurence from 1
Wolves of the Sea, Manned by Huns Appear on This Side
of the Atlantic and Attack Merchantmen, Taking
Off Crews and Sending Vessels to '
Bottom of Atlantic Ocean. x ,''-
(By Associated Press.) ' ' ( '
Washington, June 3.Germany at last has brought her
submarine warfare to the shores of the United States, appar
ently in a forlorn hope of striking telling blows on this side of
the Atlantic and of drawing home some of the American naval
lorcea jrom the war zones, where the U-boat menace is being
slowly, but surely strangled to death. , . , , ,; . . ? " ; ! .
.; tln,the &ttacl upon coasting vessels almost. iiusight of the
New Jersey shore, reported today naval, officials see a frantic"
admissioil from Berlin that the submarine has failed. American
armed power is rolling overseas in ever increasing force, despite
the utmost exertions of the undersea pirates off the coasts of
Europe. ' .,'! - '' ' . ' , , , i
: O Now the raiders have' crossed the
Halted by Shell Fire, Taken off
and Into Cabins of Undersea
Craft, There Held
Prisoners. ,
(By Associated Frati.)
New York, June 3. Forty-eight
survivors of vessels sunk by German
U-boats, brought to sort today by a
coastwise steamship, were landed to
night. About half of them had been
prisoners for several diys aboard the
submarines. The vessel which brought
in the 48 survivors was an American
steamship which picked them up at
9 o'clock this morning 25 miles from
Barnegat, N. J. , s
Captain Holbrook of the Hattie
Dunn, told the following story of
how he and his men had been kept
prisoners foreight days on the sub
marine:, . . ,,
"We were about IS miles south of
Winter Quarter lightship. I heard a
shell pass near the vessel. Then
came another shell, which fell per
haps a quarter of a mile awa.
"I was not taking much notice, be
cause I believed the vessel, which I
saw about two miles away, was an
American submarine at target prac
tice. A third shell exploded close
by and I knew that whoever it was
they wanted us to stop.
. - Saw the Submarine.
"The submarine, with her super
structure and conning tower showing
plainly above the water, came within
200 yards and J saw that she was
flying the two code letters 'A. B.
meaning 'stop immediately'.
"From a staff fluttered a small ih
Of the imperial, German navy. An
officer and three men came over in
a small boat. In perfect English, the
officer told us to get into our boats
and that we had but 10 minutes to
get clear of our vessel. ,i
; "They placed bombs alon the sides
(Continued on Face Two, Column Two)
to 2 per cent to all ports, coastwise
as welt as transatlantic, and it was
stated the quotations might go higher
if the U-boat menace was not elim
0 Train, tt hoHU.
Ntwi Studl, Et, Ic
seas and lurked for days near Amer
ica's greatest powers.'. They .'no doubt
were sent to sink transports, but here,
again, they , failed. Blocked-off the
troop ships by convoy craft, they
have turned in fury against defense-
less coasters. In all the record of de
struction they have written the raid
ing party has struck at' no vessels
bound overseas, and, therefore, armed
for a fight. Only ships that could not
hit back have been attacked. The only
one of half a score of vessels probV
ably sent to the bttm that had any
real value in ship or cargo was an oil
tanker. -
Fire Ships and Tanker. "
Up to a late hour tonight the de
struction of five sailing craft and th
tanker Herbert" L. Pratt was the rec
ord of losses officially reported to the
Navy department. The. fate of th
coastwise liner Carolina, which re-
ported by -wireless yesterday it was .
being shelled, was still unknown.
The crews of some of the craft dew
stroyed have been brought into port
with a story of 11 day's imprison
ment aboard an enemy submarine.'
During that period, scores of troop
and supply shipsihavc passed in and
out on the business of crushing the
German army in France. The U-boat-',
found no weak link in the chain of
armed craft that guarded them. "
Secretary Daniels went to the cap
itol during the day to tell members
of the house naval committee that the ;
raid was designed to frighten the
American people into demanding the
side. Hf gave assurance that congress -need
have no apprehension as to pro ?
tection of tfte American coast and
that there will be no recall of. forces,
from the war zone.
Vessels Caught by Subs. -J
Tonieht Mr. Daniels summarized .
the information as follows: . T
"Navy department reports show
that the. following vessels have been?
"Jacob ' M. Haskell, schooner, !, ;
362 tons, hailing from Boston, sailing .
for Norfolk; 11 in crew, no passen
gers.' ' " -
Isabel B. Wiley, in ballast, net ton-i
nage 611; crew 8.
"Hattie Dunn, Rockland, Me.; net
tonnage 36S; in ballast, sailing from
Charleston. -' vl ,
h-dward H. Cole, Boston; tonnage A
1,395; in ballast, bound for Norfolk,
crew of 11. . ,
"Herbert L. Pratt, steamship, oil
lanKer, sunic aDout nve miles south
of Overfalls lightship, off. the Dela- .
ware coast; 38 on board, 37 of the
crew rescued and landed at Lewef
one lost. : . , . ; r.
But One Man Lost. '
"All the crews of the vessels nimed..
except the one man lost "from the
Pratt, were rescued. '.' ' ...
"It appears that the schooner Edna,
Imi n 4 knitn. I J
and towed into Lewes,: Del., was a .
victim of the submarine , The crew r
of the Edna have been landed- in.
lncw lorK. ine master or tne win ,
;. (Continued on Fago Two, Column Two)