Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1918, AUTO SECTION, Image 42

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Catting Rivets.
The proper tool to use in cutting
tut rivets that hold together thift
metal parts is a sharp chisel ' The
head of the rivet should be backed
p with a weight of some kind so as
to prevent, tearing of the adjacent
metaL An oxyacetylene torch is the
quickest method of cutting off rivet
leads. w .
- Oil Screens.
Where a mesh of fine screening
is used in the lubricating system to
separate foreign matter from the oil,
these screens should be frequently
inspected. Par.icles of metal or other
sediment collect here and if the
screens are not cleansed at frequent
intervals, this foreign matter may
seriously impede the flow of lubri
cant, with starved bearings or a flood
ed crankcase as the direct result.
Sticking Shackle . U
If the shackle bolt refuses to come
out during the operation of dismount
ing, a jack placed underneath the
spring to reduce the load will help.
Then, if the bolt is turned by means
of a wrench, while being driven out,
no great trouble will be experienced.
As the shackle bolt wears in the
course of service, shoulders form,
which prevent easy removal When
worn as badly as that, such bolts
should be replaced by new ones.
S6me Picture.
Soon you are going to see the mov
ing picture. Careless America, put
out by the Firestone Tire company.
You can't escape it It is a thrilling
and vivid sermon on "Safety First in
Motoring" and gives realistic exam
ples of the dangers and expense of
bad driving and improper use of tires.
With the police of every city and ham
let co-operating, it will be shown in
every picture theater in America, and
you should see it.
This is not an advertisement We
have just seen the picture and were
much impressed by its thrill, sincerity
and value. Motor Life.
Loosening Hnb Caps.
In case the ordinary method of
placing a wrench on a sticking hub
cap and then tapping the wrench
with a hammer, fails, try this Place
a small box' or horse of very nearly
the height of the hub from the floor,
alongside the wheel, so that when
the latter is turned the end of the
wrench will strike the box, the force
of the blow loosening the cap.
"Automotive Shows,"
By accident or inspiration the peo
ple who staged the show in the Twin
Cities St Paul and Minneapolis
called it the "Automotive Show" in
order to include a number of tractor
exhibits. Immediately the industry
seized upon the idea as an excellent
one. There is no reason why the fu
ture should not see "Automotive
Shows" in which are exhibited under
the same rocf (grauting one cin be
found large enough) .all the products
of the automobile industry, or art
motor cars, trucks, tractors, motor
cycles and even motor boats. And
there is no reason why, eventually,
we should not have "Automotive
Dealers." Motor Life.
An Obscure -nock '
An obscure cause of knocking was
recently discovered, in a crankhandle,
which stuck so that the cog at the
end touched the ratchet on the end of
the crankshaft. In this way the two
parts would strike as the crankshaft
turned over, causing an annoying
Mileage and Safety Are the
Important Things in Tires
' "First cost is a minor considera
tion in buying tires, asserts Mr.
Felthaus of tie Portage Rubber com
pany, who is now located with the
Burgess-Nash company, recently ap
pointed distributors of Portage tires.
"The way down deep basis forbuy
ing lies in the construction and qual
ity. The vaiious- parts must be built
on a scientific basis to insure maxi
mum resistance to wear and shock.
"The Portage tire, for instance, is
so well constructed that many, users
are getting a far greater mileage than
the guaranteed mileage of 5,000 miles.
'Tire manufacturers must give at
tention to points other than mileage.
They must give due consideration to
safety in designing treads that will
grip the road. The Daisy tread fea
tured by the Portage Kubber com
pany is so constructed that the vari
ous angles and curves form a gripping
surface which gets a firm hold of all
kinds of roads or pavement."
The Jones-Hansen-Cadillac com
pany, for the past five months dis
tributors for the Cadillac motor car in
Omaha and territory, has been se
lected by the Cadillac Motor Car com
pany to represent them in a still larger
field. Practically all of the balance
of the state of Nebraska has been
added'to their territory, including the
Lincoln territory and the South
Platte. This gives the Omaha con
cern the exclusive selling right of
Cadillac cars in the greater part of
western Iowa and practically all of
The Jones-Hansen-Cadillac com
pany has shown itself to be successful
automobile merchants and has already
made many friends in this territory,
particularly among Cadillac owners
who are receiving efficient and mod
ern service. The factory seemingly
has put them on the preferred list in
the; matter of receiving motor cars,
and their showroom has constantly
displayed beautiful color combina
tions. The Jones-Hansen-Cadillac - com
pany is opening a salesroom and serv
ice station in Lincoln to take care of
the retail sales there, and intends to
handle the wholesale business out of
In commenting on the action of the
factory in this matter Mr. Hansen
said: "We are particularly Dleased
over this annexation of territory be
cause it proves to usjhat the factory
is entirely satisfied with the manner
in which we have looted after the in
terests of Cadillac owners and the
progress we have may have made
over and above their expectations."
Condition of Battery Can -Be
Determined-by Ammeter
"Next to the hydrometer syringe,"
says Elmer Rosengren of the Ne
braska Storage Battery company, "the
ammeter is the best instrument for
keeping tab on your battery.
"If your car is a modern one! it is
doubtless equipped with an ammeier.
If it is not so equipped you should
have one right away. .
"The ammeter will tell you exactly
at all times how much the battery is
giving out for lights, starter, etc
"A reading should be made after
the following fashion: With the car
standing still and all the lights burn
ing, take the ammeter reading. It
will naturally be on the negative or
discharge side of the dial.
"Then, with the lights out and the
machine running at a speed of 15 to
Z) miles an hour, take a reading again,
This will give you the amount of cur
rent that the generator is restoring to
the battery, and the reading of course
will be on the positive or right side
of the dial.
"Cotrfpare the two, and if you find
that the first reading is in excess of
the second, it means that your lamps
are using more power than the gen
erator is restoring to the battery. The
most desirable reading is for the In
come to exceed the outgo for lights,
for the battery lias to supply power
tor cranking and very probably for
lgntuon, too.
- s
m a
"More Miles Per Gallon"
"More Miles on Tires"
. Cars
- 5-Pasteoftf Car . $ 829
Roaditsf 625
)-Fa with Afl-
WuthwTop. M5
5-Pats.Sedai... 1275
t-PanTowaCar 1273
ABdMt.k.DMh '
Wh vkMli itffltt walvaM
IU Mu ui T Cu '
Mid-City Motor Supply
i. . Omaha.
v 2216-18 Farnara St Phono Tyler 2462.
, it You Want
for Car?
. -
That's easy to answer you want everything that the ingenuity of man has
invented; that science could develop, and an American, accustomed to the best,
desire. -
- .
You want comfort to the point of luxury in riding qualities.
-You demand a car that in outward appearance is one you and your family can
be proud to be seen in.
You insist on artistic lines in a body that is in accord with the prevailing fashions.
Upholstery that feels as easy as it looks that is as durable as the best. ,
And withal a finish in details and in the ensemble that looks the part your car is
to play in your daily life.
Speed, you desire, equal to any occasion and power equal to any emergency.
All these you may obtain in a motor car and at a price well within your reach if
you but select right.
There's the rub how to decide, between those who claim everything, which car
wfflfulffflthedaims. x
For makers are not over-modest Jhere's no patent on adjectives nor restriction
on the use of words.
Every maker claims everything. How is one. to decide?
After all, it isn't so difficult Just observe one rule accept no claim that hasn't
been proven.
You can see and test for yourself most of the qualities you desire in a motor car.
You can compare body lines. You can feel the upholstering. You can determine
the, quality of finish. . -
By riding in it you can verify or disprove all claims as to spring suspension,
balance and riding qualities. .
If you know how to drive any car you can drive it yourself and thereby test the
handling and control steering gear, shift, clutch, brakes, etc. and responsive
ness of motor. .
All these are an open book to the man who will read and can interpret.
So after all, you need only accept the word of the salesman for well, for the
most important facts. ,
These are, the reliability of the car and its gasoline consumption.
And there's where the claims come in for makers fieing human, and business
being competitive, there is a tendency to claim reliability unlimited and fuel
economy to the vanishing point , .
Since this is so, what is the formula for accurate selection of a motor car?
Proofs that is the only certain way. .
'Claims are all right but only proofs count" that is the Maxwell slogan.
Believing that every claim should be susceptible of incontrovertible proof and
believing it to be good business to claim only what we can prove
, We have proven in official test, and before the whole world those two most
elusive but most important qualities reliability! and gasoline economy.
In 44 days and nights running, during which the motor never stopped the car
every minute under the supervision of A. A. A. Officials the Maxwell proved
its wonderful reliability. ;
That still stands the world's record for reliability the Official Record.
In that same non-stop test, a standard, stock-model Maxwell covered 22,022 miles
: at an average speed of 25 miles per hour.
That also is the Official World's long distance record. '
Again: The Maxwell Motor Company offered $50,000 in Liberty Bonds to
Maxwell owners all over the American Continent Canada, the U. S. and Mexico
for an economy contest.
M6re than 3000 Maxwell owners entered and the average of all those Maxwells
was 29.4 miles per gallon of gasoline. (That was for a U. S. standard gallon. Add
20 per cent mileage and you have 35.3 for a Canadian "Imperial Gallon.")
, That also stands a world's record for gasoline economy.
And remember, it wasn't the performance of one especially adjusted car, but an
average made by morq than 3000 Maxwells 1915, 16 and 17 models.
Nor were they driven by factory- employees or dealers the rules specified that
only actual owners or members of their families could compete.
So there's one car, in the selection of which you can be sure absolutely sure.
For what you cannot yourself see and examine and test, has been proven beyond
question. v , .-.
You are invited to see and to ride in and to drive yourself, a Maxwell
And, having done that having seen and tested all that can be confirmed in a
short time the official figures of those long-time, long-distance, reliability and'
economy tests are also available to you.
Then, if you are willing to accept mere verbal assertions in the selection of your
car that is your privilege, of course. (
But if you want a car that in official test has proven every claim made for it
that car must be a Maxwell. .
The Sign of
Motor Knighthood
' Any time you see this
Knightly figure on a car, you
may well "know that the -"
owner has used keen; judg
ment in choosing tlje best au
tomobile made, y
It is a Stearns-Knight and
represents the highest type of
motor construction as well as
the finest class of workman
. ship that human hands and
keen minds can devise.
Stearns-Knight--the perfected
sleeve-valve Knight motor - used
where efficiency and reliability, are
' paramount. There is a pleasant sur
prise awaiting you if you have never
driven a Stearns. . .
ft . - :
A Correct Answer is the Only
' Battery Insurance
Guesses at battery condition open the switch
for battery trouble. You're running without
signals unless you know what's dc:- inside
your battery.
Has enough water'been added? -'
Is your battery properly charged?
Has too much charging caused overheating?
' And don't forget to ask about the "Bone
Dry" principle. The Still Better Willard is the
only battery that uses it and thus gives you
absolute assurance that your battery is as new
as the day it left the factory.
Nebraska Storage Battery Co., v
Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 5102
Authorized Willard Service Station. '
Copyright Rflstere4, 1911
ii - ii
f I;
In . , & Wl
Look for Our Advertisement on WoodV
Car mtn aro
kaprf H la
not aurvrUlac,
in the June 8 issue
of the Saturday
Evening Post.
Yes, heat vulcanizing Is no longer feecessarr. You can now
repair any puncture or blowout up to seventeen inches In length
permanently with Wood's "EVERLOC." It takes no heat or tools ;
or even experience to apply. Absolutely Guaranteed. i ' '
' . v '0 ? "EVERUXr is the original self-vulcanizing tir
patch. It is made of U. S. Khaki and Pure Para Kubber. It makes
an immediate bond and the heat of the road vulcanizes it into part
of the tube. . . .
Try it on our Guarantee.' At your dealers, 50c, J1.00, 1 L60.
DEALERS Writ us or your Jobber on fEVEELOC today.
Do not accept substitutes on EVERLOC The market is flooded
with inferior patches. , .
' . , . 11s, S. Htt, Omaha. . phone Tyler 8044.
I , t Special Garage SIse 20x28 Inches.