f 15 ' ABl THE AGENT virm w www: OopyrtsM 1111. International New u-rte,' DRAWN FOR THE BEE BY HERSCHFIELD Want Ad Rates f (Cms With Order.) I He par word........ each Inaertlon ' to per word for thre consecutive Insertion la per word tor each additional lnsertlen No ad Uka (or leaa than total of lOe or leaa than lOo par day. 'charge. I par Una (count I worda to lino) ona tlma to par Una aacb tlma, t eonecuttvV timet la par una ach tlma, 10 eonaacutiva time SITUATION WANTED. 15a par Una par waek CARDS OF THANKS AND FCKERAL NOTICES. tOa par Una.... .....each Insertion 't i (Minimum Charge, 58 Cente.) . Contract Bate On Application. Por oonvanleaea of advertlaara want ada will ba aoeaptad attha tollowlnc offlcaa: MAIN OrriCH ....i.t.. a Bulldlnc Amaa Offloa 4114 North I4tb St. Uka Otfloa 1 North 14th 8t. rintoa Offloa I4IT South Kth St. Park Office Mil Leavanworth St. Walnut Offlc til North 40th St. South Slda ll N St. ftoaaell Bloffa 14 Main St.. North TUB BKB will got ba raaponalblo for mora thaa ona Incorrect Inaertlon of an advertlae aanl order ad for more than ona tlma, fjaa THE TELEPHONE K jroo cannot eon ranlantlr bring or eand your ada M anjr of tha abora off leaa. Aak for want Ad Taker and you will recelra tba aama food I trice aa when dellrerlnf your ad In hereon. FROinB TTLEB 1,000. WairtNAi Colamna Cloaa Etenlnt Id It lone 11:00 M. Wornlnc Edltlona 10:00 P. M. (onday Edltlona 10 P. M. Saturday Evnln MOVIE PROGRAM North. tXKAMBHA 24TH AND PARKER JUNK tAfKlLt, in THE CAMOUFLAGE KISS." .HAND KTH AND' BINNKY WILLIAM RUSSELL, in "HEARTS AND DIAMONDS." - South. U'OLLO !TH AND LEAVENWORTH KITTY GORDON, in ' "THE PURPLE LILLY." I)SIL 1CTH AND OK6A8 ' j MARIE OSBORNE, in "DOLLT ROES HER BIT." "THE FIOHTINO TRAIL." lOHLFF 26TH AND LEAVENWORTH TOM MIX, in "WESTERN BLOOD." West. DUNDEJj) (1ST AND UNDERWOOD BEMI LOVE, in 'HOW COULD YOU CAROLINE." DEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES. ATTENTION, DANISH BROTHERHOOD. Deceased Member P. Johnaon of Lodge No. II will be burled from hla reeldence, 1071 South Thlrty-flret atraet, Sunday, I p. m. J, NIELSEN. Praaldant. rORSELL Peter A , Way 21th, 1911, aged II yeare, I monthe, 11 dayan. runeral Saturday, 1:50 p. in., from family raaldenoa, 1101 Burdett St ln , torment, Saronvlll, Neb. a I i. a mxa am ' FUNERAL DIRECTORS. - wNDERTAKERS and lloenaed em'ularaerei a 10 private ambulanee. Call Wabater 47. Wlllla q Croaby. 11 N. 14th St. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN, undertaker and mbalmer, 1411 Farnam St. Harney til. L'uW A RIEPEN, undertakera and am talmera. T01 8. llth. Douglaa 1121. STACK & FALCONER Independent Undertakera, I Id 4 Fur. H. 400. I UDODDER CO.. Funeral Dlrootora. F. L. Faro, Mgr., ISd and Cumins Sta. Phona Douglaa 477. Auto ambulance. HOFFMANN FUNERAL. HOME. : Hoffmann quality aervlce, coeta leaa. Jtth and Podga Tpouglea IM1M FLORISTS. SFH L. LARMON 1814 Douglee St. Douglaa 1214. L aRQEST aeeortment of freah flowera. HENDERSON. "1S19 FARNAM. rTRKER FTJSweR SHOP. 4118. 1. D. 11 01. KOCERS Florlat. lit 8. llth. D. 1400. KATH Careful Florlat. IS04 Farnam St. A, DONAGHUE Eat. 1811. 1118 HARNET. rift warn ahlpned avery where. Ep. prepaid. 'I'3NUMENT ft CEMETERIES. (nvtECT Hill, the oematery beautiful. Lota a alngle Intarmenta. . Perpetual care arrancementa. Tarme to ault Call Supt Wah, 1404. Monuments and Cemeteries. tilt largaat diaplay l tha United SUtaa. FRANK SVOBODA. -PH-le a 13th. Phone Douglaa 1172-IUI. LAWN offera aympathetlo eervlca In euddaa corrow; rpetual care; no aaaeaa maota; lota oa eaay terma. Pbon WaL 820. MARRIAGE LICENSES Nam. Age. ft'tUlara H. Hubert. iTorktown, la 41 Ma Hutchiaon, Yorktown, la. 40 Salph Burney, Darning, N. M. 21 Lorraine Peteraon, Council Bluffa, la... II runtoa, J. Frank, Molina. Wtch....... II able' Ruth Nygren, Arcadia, Nob. . 14 Vllllam J. Patera, Waahlngton. Neb., orar tl tnna Roevnktlde, Waahlngton. Neb., over II frank Rugg, Omaha IS Mabel Warner, Omaha ................ tl Nlchola E. Fain. Omaha, orar 21 71ara A. Fltna, Omaha, orar , II Henry Sherman, Omaha II ttella, Guaak, Omaha . . . It Loula teuek, Vlnalde, Neb. ........... 22 3alna f Oreea. Omaha 21 Kartba Chrtatenaen, Omaha .......... IT Wlllara T. HcWIIlIama, Omaha 20 :iar Boyd. Omaha IT Carrol & Franklin, Omaha, over 11 iai B. Krelmer, Talmaga, Neb, over II fohn Peteraon. Perala. Ia.' ., 11 Hill Zolk, Perala, Aa II rsft E. Jonea, Havalock, Neb. 21 .. at. Olaon, Omaha , II BIRTHS AND DEATHS irth Loul and Antonio Stoyakal, rarty-clghtii and Harrlaon atraot. boy; D. J. . and Mart Croae, 2122 Haskell atrMt, boy; . Iiaata and Mary HeCoanell, ITU Sprague .rail, boy; Frank and Eula, Brunaon. Til Voath Thlrty-flrat annua, girl; Roy and Vera Root. -Mo. II Drake apartment, boy; I. Clifford and Mabel Haney, 1211 North v. -nty-foarth atraet. girl; Ales and Lliil i. Forty-fifth and Z atreet. girls Frak l bloreac May, 4111 Farnam atreat, girt; .4 and HolII Peteraon, 114 South Twen-(y-iearth avenue, glrL , BCTLDIXO PERMTTS. Kenry Hack, 124 Dorcaa, brick auto abad, ITS. ' , . "ner D. HameL HIS lackaen, frame abed. so vim, you JliiviiwmmKIW him ovs waohih r -ww ? l a R I wLak ' 'fi wpiy, LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA A tfOUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANI. -Peraona bavins loat rami article would e wall to call up tha office of the Omaha A Council Bluffe Street Railway company tv ascertain whether they left it In the etreat car. Many article each day are turned In and tha company la anxloua to reator them to the rightful ownere. .r YOU loae anything and will advertlae It here you will aurely recover It If fouml by an honeat person. If you find any thing of value tha honest way la to ad vertlae for the owner. PERSONS who took gold-handled umbrella from Thompson-Beldnn Hat Dept. Wed neaday morning kindly return to 1835 S. Ith; engraving on handle 3. E, E, Heward. Douglas 6037. , LOST English bulldog, brlndle with white face and breaat, four white pawa, bobbed ears and tall; reward for any Informa tion larding to hla recovery. Colfax 1182. LOST Black bracelet, gold lined and aet with tiny pearls, between Kith and Far. nam and Keene hotel. Return to Keena hotel deak. Reward. FOUND Bunah of keye on 16tb BL Owner may hare aama by paying for ad at Bea offlc. - .. LOST BUI fold with currency and check. Reward. Phone Roaacher. HarneyMI ' For Saie--Misceltaneoeut Furniture and Hcusehold Goods. FURNITURE aV HARDWARE BARGAINS. Beda, aprtnga, mattresses, dreaaara, cblf tonlera, tables, cttolra, china and kltohen cabinet, rug and lmoleum, trunks and jult, oaaei, gaa atoves and lea boxes, full Una acrean wire, poultry netting, garden tool. 1131-47 North Kth 8U Tel. Web. 1407. Open till I p. m. FOR SALE Five-piece Ivory bedroom set, Adam daalgn; reaaonable. Harney 5(51. , WHY TAY MORE ' WHEN YOU CAN BUT IT FOR LESS AT THE STATE. , Our big spring aale, of furniture and houae furnlehlnga la now on In full awing. Poalttvely the biggest aale of Ita kind aver held In tha middle west. If you need fur niture for the kitchen pr parlor; a refrig erator or a etove here la where you will buy If quality and price la a eonaldera tlon. We make a specialty of complete horn outfita, alao hotela and rooming houae. Railroad fare free to all out-of-town buyera within 60 mllea of Omaha on purchasra of 120 or more. STATE FURNITURE CO. Tel. Doug. 1317. Cor. 14th and Dodge Sta. ACTUAL TRUTH FOR BARGAINS Full line oi furniture, gaa and coal oil atovel, ruga, baby carriage, trunk, etc Loyal Furn. Co.. 213 N. Kth. VERNIS MARTIN baby bed, with aprlnga and mattteae. Webster 510. CHICAGO Jewel gaa range. Harney 1522. Pianos and Musical Instruments. FOR SALE, New Century cornet. In good condition; nickel plate, leather caae, only 110. Ad dress Box 1,000, Bee. WE have aeveral Vlotrolaa that wa took In on tradta for sale; In ooo condition. Rouse Phonograph Parlor. Cor. 20th and Farnam St. A. HOSPE CO., 1513 Douglaa, have planoa to rent at 13.60 par month, or will aell on easy terma. 500 PLAYER PIANO, with 50 roll, good ' condition; aell for 1350 cash. Call S. 1110 after o clock. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES W rent, repair, aell needle and part of all aewlng machine. MICKEW4I NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., llth and Harney Sta. Doug. 1881. Store and Office Fixtures. WE buy, aell and make deaks, aafea, ahow- caaea, ehelvlng, eto. Omaha Fixture eV Sup. ply Co., llth and Douglaa D. 2724. Printing and Supplies. ADDING machtnea, all makea, bought bold and rented. Central Typewriter Exchange, hob varnam. Typewriters and Supplies. FOR RUNT Remington, Monarch and Smith Premier typewrltera. Sent anywhere. Rental applle on purchase. Remington Typewriter Company, Nineteenth and Douglaa atreeta. TYPEWRITERS aold, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver 1 montlta for 15. Central Typewrite; Exchange, 1906 Farnam WE buy, aell or exchange typewr.'tera; guar, typewriter 110 and up. Writ for I list. Midland Typewriter Co.. 1404 Djdge. Miscellaneous, OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather teamed, renovated and mad up In new feather. proof ticking. 1107 Cumin. Doug. 248T. FRESH country buttermilk, butter; beet of cream, atrlctly freah egg; delivered to any part of Omaha. Phone South 216 or Tyler 421, Wagner. FOR SALE A . tent 40x60, complete, In fair condition. Clauaon Proa, Klron, la. FOR SALE cheapic box, 8x9x10 feet Ad dreaa Box 73, Ewlng, Neb. feODA FOUNTAIN, .Albert Mueller, Hader, Neb. - - - , SWAPPERS' COLUMN ONE to 20 patra i1 lad lea' uhoee for a lata date typewriter, Underwood preferred, or what have you. Box 8. O. Ill, Omaha, Neb. m CARTER Lake club a took; 1700; 1131 oaah: eome swap; balance 1100 yearly, with fine realdent lot Act quick. Be 8. C 121 Omaha Bee. .v ' HAVE a 1914 i-paaaenger touring car, fine ehape, to exchange for light truck with expreea body. Box S. C. 817, Omaha Be. WANTED TO BUY Rar old U, & coin of all kind or .will exchange for others. Addreaa Box 2143, Bea, WANTED TO BUY BS PATRIOTIC! HELP UNCLE SAM. SELL YOUR OLD CLOTHES AND BUY LIBERTY BONDS. GIVE MB A TRIAL. WILL CALL. PHONE I DOUG. 1431. 1211 DOUGLAS ST. H. GERBER IS KNOWN TO PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR CLOTHING AND FURNI TURE. D. 2444. v DESKS . DESKS DESKS New deaka, uaed deaka bought aoldand traded. J. C. Reed. 1201 Farnam. D. 1141. THE NEBRASKA. FURNITURE CO. WILL PAY YOU THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR ruKW., BlvviLa, CAKfKTS. DOUg 1711. WE DON'T ARGUE. BUT PAY YOUR OWN rmia. run IUUK vLUTHEe. DO. 1114. AK-SAR-BEN Furniture Co. pay full values ir mrnugr ana oiotne. uouglaa 434a. LAROEST BUYER "OF FURNITURE AND MEN'S CLOTHING. DOUQLA8 1616. CASH paid for dlamonda,' eatat apprshed. Reeaa Jewelry Co.. 408 R Utsv i ANNOUNCEMENTS Dancing Academies. SPECIAL aummer rate; learn to dance In , II lease ns, 15; claea and assemblies every , Monday and Thursday. Privet lessons IridJmv sVJ!! r P p."nc,n Academy. 2424 farnam St. Douclaa 7S54. I J ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttona, all aizes and atyles; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work, button hole, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., 100-208 Brown Bldg. Phono Doug. 1111. HEMSTITCHING. PLEATING. BUTTONS. G. U. VanArnam Pleating' Co., ' 188-7 Paxton Block. Phone Doug. 1101. Awnings. AWNINGS AND PORCH FURNITURE. Auto touring tents and camping auppltes. SCOTT-OMAHA TENT A AWNING CO. Billiard Parlor. PRIVATE tablea for parties at Holmea'. Baggage and Express. REPUBLIC AUTO EXPRESS COMPANY will haul everything for you. Packagea leaa than 10 lb., 15 cents. Douglaa 746 J. THE ONLY WAY 5 fit'- THE OMAHA TRANSFER CO. Brass and Iron Founderies. PAXTON MITCHELL CO. 17th and Martha St., Omaha, Neb. Braai, bronze, aluminum and machine gray Iron cat tin Ka. Chiropractors. SPINOORAPH. rr. Edwarda. 24th Far- nam. Dr J. C. Lawrence. Balrd Bldg. D. 1411. Cisterns. CISTERNS built and repaired. OMAHA CISTERN CO., I0rttroun Blk. Red lift. Contractors. J. ELKIN, building and repalra, 1111 'N. 28d. Web. 8I2T. Web. 767, Eetlmatea fra. Costumes.t FULL dreaa aulta for rent Opp. P. O. John Feldman. 101 N. 16th St Douglas 1128. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN, 212 Neville Blk. Evidence eecured In all caees. Tyler 1121. Dressmaking. DRESSMAKING, plain and fancy. 20 yeara' xperience. Harney 5755. MISS STURDY, dreaamaklng. Doug. 1811. DRESSMAKING and milliner. Red 8628." Dentists. D" Bradbury. No pain. 121 W. O. W. Bldg. Tsft'a Dent Rma., 101 Rose Bldg. D, 218T Express Transfer. WEST A niTTTWtf Piano, household moving; live stock hauled. D. 8721. 1108 Caas St Film Developing. FLMti developed; rolls, 10c; packs, 16o; one-day service. Kaaa Studio. Neville Blk., Hth and Harney. Fixtures and Wiring. TlTTRTfTM Kleotrlo waahlng machines. U U 1VXV11 ,ie0trlo Irona and reading lampa. 2221 Cuming St Douglaa 2511. Jewelry. -' privilege to buy back at email profit GROSS. 402 N. I6th St. Hat Cleaning:. ALL klnda of hata remodeled. 1520 Harney" Live Stock Hauling. WE Will haul Vour llva atnolr LIVE STOCK TRANSFER CO., 2204 Farnam St. . Telephone Dougla 2608. Osteopaths. 'mtM DR. MABLE WESSON, 111 Brandel Bldg. T. 2960. Re T41. Patent Attorneys. STUROES 8TURQES. U. 8. and foreign patent and trademark. 830 Bee Bldg. Medical. PILES, fistula and other rectal dis eases cured without surgical oper ation. Cure guaranteed. Write for bock on rectal diseases wjth testi monials. DR. E." R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Patents. PATENTS procured, bought and aold. Inter- national ratent Co.. 6S3 Brandel. D. 1811, Printing and Office Supplies. Wtar-Barnhart Ptg. Co.. 524 8. llth St Rug Cleaning. QUALITY RUG CLEANERS. Soiantirin ntiv. mi w..v.n. Persian Rug Cleaning Co., I26T Farnam. jh.' ia9. Safes. SAFES BARGAINS. 1212 Farnam. J. J. Derlght Safe Co. Tailors. Dledrlck. P. L 216 8. 20th. Tailor. P. 1411 Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply, 207 B. llth. P. 521. Trusses. CLECO COMFORT TRUSSES. ' Fitted Perf.rttv tiv R.n.rt. Th W. Q. Cleveland Co.. 1410-12 Harney St Vacuum Cleaners WILL olean your rug on th floor. I Hoover machine. Harney 1916. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcement and printing. uougia Frintlna- Co.. Tel: Douglaa 844 ' BUSINESS CHANCES Real Estate Business for Sale Owing to th draft th Northwtat Loan At Realty Co. will aell their good going buslneaa. Including equity Inv land, eon tract for aale of land; good paper, lif. uranc and loan connections Only good real esUte-office and business of Its kind In town, located on ground floor on principal corner. , Good opportunity tor hustlera. Thla la an opportunity to get practically all th going bualneaa In th Smith River valley, one of th beat val- I.V. In -tot. Af Mam,-. . . r aa. ft. th business,- Including th land and voi j-iuin pertaining to company af faire. Write Northwest Loan A Realty Co., Whit Sulphur Spring, Mont .ABOUT $400 CLEAN STOCK GROCERIES. viL,L. lkavh Alib FIXTURES AND RENT BUILDING CHEAP. W. H. HUNTER WEBSTER 1621. CLOTHING STORE FIXTURES for aale cheap; equipment for email clothing atore, consisting of I cabinet, overcoat cabinet, hat case, 4 ahow cases, wrapping oountet, aafs, desk and furnlahlng good (helving; ' a fin location to atart a clothing itor. Duff A Moulton. Tecumesh, Neb. MUST SELL AT ONCE SUBURBAN PIC TURE 8HOW DOING GOOD BUSINESS; BEST REASON FOR 8ELLING: INVES, TIGATB THIS QUICK. BOX 1024. OMA HA BEE. PHONE WEB. 1711. BLACKSMITH ahop for al; will aall atock and leaa machinery and tool; a mighty good atand; no ether shop or garage In town. Writ or cU. Geo. Llnqulat El. more, Kan. , . .- RESTAURANT, soft drinka, confectionery; will sell or ttade. Box 22. Overton, Neb. , . ' ' . . ' . THE BEE; OMAHA, SATURDAY, BUSINESS CHANCES OMAHA reataurant, completely equipped; large, well established good location costing 115,000. Business reasons. Offered . 15,000 cash on property. Box 6351, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Grocery and meat market at Falrbury, Neb., doing a caah bualneaa; price 12,500. Address P, O. box 287, Fair- Bury, Neb. EXCELLENT hardware business for sale; a real, opportunity; rent modern building. Stock new, business good. Box 656 Oma ha Bea. ' DANDY CAFE Flrat-claaa In every reaped. Doing fine bualneaa. Open day and night Seating capacity 60. Excellent opportunity and money maker. Box 7998, Bee. FOR SALE Flrat-claaa meat market In town of 6,000, doing good bualneaa; must sell on account of health. Address Box Y 667, Omaha Bee. GUARANTY locate you; any Una bualneaa; any atata. Ouarantee aell your bualneaa. F. V. Knlet Be Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. FOR SALE Groceries and meata, with living rooma In rear, cheap rent, 6900 will buy It. Webster 847. DRUGGIST WANTED Fine location etart tore. Special deal. J. McParland, Rueh vllle, Neb. BAKERY Confectlanery, etc., for aale. Net 1225 month. W. Chrlstlamen, Mln den, Neb. p AUTOMOBILES SEVERAL used 34x4 cl. caaea for sale. 1911 Maxwell touring car, i good Urea, 1275. National TO H. P. raoer, regular track car, 1175. . lilt Ford, Juet overhauled, 1235. 1916 Cole 4, perfect condition, starter, lights, etc., 8300. CUMINO GARAGE, 2416 Cuming St.. Omaha. Douglas 1832. FO.R SALE Ford runabout and bicycle. Phone Harney 2924, after I o'clock. ' RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiators repaired and rebuilt; large atock used radlatora on hand. Maahfd fenders and lamp repaired Ilk new. New honey-combed Ford radiator. 1116 model, 122; 1917, 2I. OMAHA RADIATOR AND TIRE WORKS. 1911 Cuming St Omaha. Neb. 4-Pass. 1917, Scripps-Booth, still new, good tires, $675. Call Weber. Tyler 1000. BUICK light 8 touring. Molina Dreadnaught touring. Maxwell touring. All good cars. Coma In and look them over. BARNUM-SMITH CO., 2123 Cuming St. LISTEN We will aave you 50 per cent on your tire bill. Trade your old tire for new one. Tube vulcanized 6 cent cas ings 60 cent up. Rebuilt, 2 In 1 casings ror aie, a up. v. a. machinea for aale. U. & Vulcanlier Co., Branch. 16, 320 S. 13th St.. Omaha. NEW TIRES AT Vi PRICE. ALL SIZES. New 20x3 Firestone, 19.46; Ford tube, 12 New 80x2 Republlo 8.75 New 20xm Fireetone, non-kld 14.75 New 3:xSH Flreetone 14 90 KAIMANS TIRE JOBBERS, 1721 CUMINO. FORDS exchanged, bought and aold; we re build your Ford with a Kelaey atreamllne body Uka new; cara sold for cash or time paymenta. Sol S. Goldstrom, 2867 Farnam pt. warney cms; agent wanted. RAROATN'S TM ITtiB-n fma All make, With and without itarter. 25 to pick from. Fhon D. 2914 or call at 1516 Davenport BOTLAN AUTO CO.. ALL klnda of care for hire with or with out driver, by the mil or by th hour. Forda, lOo per mil. Dougla T390. No- wTHHB oervice uarage Model AA Stavana Diirva firm condition, at 1500. GAVTTT A Kr Mm 40th and Farnam. Harney 1701. NEW Maxwell cara, 1918 model, for aale, 1100 caah, balance monthly payment a dealred. Anawera atrlctly confidential. Box vufli, nee. BARGAINS IN USED FORD CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co. 15th and Jackson. Ford Agent. Doug. 8500. MEEKS AUTO CAR. USED CAR BARGAINS. 8028 FARNAM ST. DOUGLAS 6290. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex ehang Co.. 2051 Farnam St Doug. 6035. WB ARB THE USED CAR MEN. TKAWVER AUTO CO., 1111 Farnam St Douglaa 1070. QUALITY TTSED f!ATlSL YAH BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO 1408 LEAVENWORTH ST. USED CARS AND TRUCKS. AT BARGAIN PRICES. 1010 Farnam St., Omaha, Nab. 50 FORD3 WANTED. AUTO PARTS CO., 2105 FARNAM ST. GOOD USED CARS. , GUT L. SMITH. v .- llth and FarnaV St. Dongl 1ITI. OAKLAND, Senalbl Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO- 2100 Farnam St I DODGE Touring; good condition, 1600. 2421 Farnam St i BARGAINS In need cara. ORR MOTOR SALES CO., 40th and Farnam. f Harney 414. TELL t BINKXBY. Commercial body builder. 2318 Harney St.. D. 1540. - Starters and Generators Repaired. AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Anything, electrical about your auto. Ill 8. llth St - Dougla 6488. Auto Livery and Garages. RENT A FORD DRIVB IT YOURSELF. 10c mile. 5o per hour minimum charge. (EXCEPT Sunday and holiday.) ) FORD LIVERY CO.. Douglaa 1622. 1314 Howard St GARAGB for aale In good northeaatern Ne. braska town on accountof health. Ad dress Box T 669, Omaha Be. Repairing and Painting. AUTO REPAIR (A. L.) Ortner. Now at 1617 Vinton. South lid of atreet Pbon Dougla 167. EDWARDS, E. S., 2611 llth St. Web ater no. For th oeai rxuita with repair work consult na. Tires and Supplies. " GUARANTEED TIRES ONE HALF PRICE. l.OOO Mile Guaranteed, v 10x1, 17.73; 20x3. 13.75; 12x3tt. 110 25; 11x4. 112.25; 14x4. 113.25; 16x4H. 116.50. Writ na today for particular. AGENTS WANTED. Expert Radiator and Tire Repairing "2 IN 1" VULCANIZING CO, 1511 Davenport St Omaha. D. 1914. TIRES. New 10x3 Firestone ,f 8.10 New 30x8 Vj Non 8kld 12.50 New 22x3 Vj vFlrten 15.16 39x3H Guaranteed Tube .3.10 80X3 Guaranteed Tube 1.80 Good and Ford tire ' t o Other stse In proportion. Retreading I and vulcanising, . . ' OMAHA RADIATOJe- A TIRE WORKS. I 11.8 Cuming St., Omaha. Nab I JUNE, 1, 1918. AUTOMOBILES Tires and Supplies. REAL TIRE BARGAINS. Eighteen atandard mala fresh from factory, no Junk, all brand new. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Send for price ,list. It mean dollar aved on your tires and tubes. OMAHA CUT RATE TIRE CO. Douglas 2916. 310 S. 19th St. INSIST on O. A G. quality retread and aave 60 per cent on your tires. Bargains In new and slightly used tlrea. G. & G. Tire Co., 2415 Leavenworth St Tyler 1261-W. BUY Lee puncture-proof pneumatic tlrea and eliminate your tire troubles. Powell Sup- piy o.. zuoi rarnam t. TIRE price wreckers. Thla la no 2-ln-l tire. COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY, 422 8. 13th. Aa-ta wanted. Omaha. Neb. Motorcycles and Bicycles H A R L E Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargaina In uaed machinea. Victor H. Rooa, the Motorcycle Man, 27th and Leav enworth. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial Homo so licit your old clothing, furniture, magav slne. W collect We dlatrlbute. Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. OMAHA Bath Inat Electric, ateam or tub batha, massages of al lkind. 228 Neville Bin. Douglaa 7381. 16th and Harney Sts. MISS FISHER, aulphur, (team batha and massage. au cran. Tnea. Bldg. D. 1659. MISS ALLEN, maasage, facial and acalp treatment 1802 Farnam St. Room 2. MISS WEST, manicure, maas. 210 N. 17th. MAE BRUGMAN, scientific masseuse and baths. 203 Karbach Blk. Red 2727. SCIENTIFIC massage. Miss Halran, 222-S Neville Block. Manicuring and mass. 1623 Farnam. R. 19. SCIENTIFIC mass. 618 Paxton Blk. D. 6372. MEDICAL RUPTURE- successfully treated without a aurgical operation. Call or write. Dr. Frank H. Wray, 306 Be Bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. SALESMAN Wishes to quit traveling, wants city position. Twenty yeara' apeclalty experience, good producer, con vincing talker, good appearance, hustler, can adapt myself to any line. Will con sider inside position. Kiel Hotel, Coun cil Bluffs. WANTED Steady employment with oppor tunity for advance for a married man, who la a university graduate, class 4 In draft Can furnish best of references and am not afraid of work. Address Box Y 658, Omaha Bee. SITUATION WANTED A cashier or as sistant In country bank by middle aged man with long experience; beat of ref erence; can Invest up to 120,000. Box 8295 Bee. LUMBERMAN. Experienced mgr., buyer and salesman; could take full charge; beyond draft, mar ried; clean record. Address, Y 562,. Omaha T3ee. WORK wanted by reliable colored man, ex perienced In all kinds of housework, lawn mowing, waxing floors, wall paper clean ing and cisterns. Webster 4760. PAINT, carpet and paper cleaning, the Na tional Cleaning and Service company, 2709 Lea vei. worth St Harney 6012. HOUSECLEANING, window washing and rug cleaning. Webster 698. ALL KINDS of housecleanlng and lawn mowing, experienced. Webster 3094. GOOD all around butcher wanta a Job. 623 North 20th St. PICKING dandelions, beating rugs, clean carpets and lawns mowed. Webster 1719. WANTED Rubbish and dirt hauling. Web ater 5230. Female. GENERAL etor clerk with seven years' ex perience. Good In dry goods and gents' furnishing. Would like to make a change. Am above the draft age arid can furnish best reference. Address Box Y 666, Omaha Bee. POSITION as housekeeper for elderly couple, widower or bachelor, by lady near middle-age. Box Y 663, Omaha Bee. WILL give mother's care to baby, reason able; no other child, modern home. Col ' fax 2030. LADY wishes position In grocery store. Soma experience. Town preferred. Box 829 Bee. A- DAY WORK, housecleanlng or washing wanted. Phone Webster 8650. WANTED Plain and fancy aewlng by re liable colored lady. Tel. Webster 3293. WANTED Plato eewUig. Harney 3982. N 3103 Burt. Phone EXPERIENCED lady and millinery work. wanta dressmaking Red 8623. A-l atenographer wants work mornings. Ad dress X, Bee Office, South Omaha. TYPING done reasonable. Send to Hflen Headrlck. Superior, Neb. i ' GUARANTEED dressmaking. Call evening. Tyler 3004-W. LAUNDRY work, 809 N. 24th St Tyler 2967. Laundry and Day Work COLORED lady with reference wanta place I or 4 daya each week. Webster 4521. fl BUNDLE washing, rough dry and finished Red 6673. EXP. laundress, bundles called for and de livered. Webster 6322. 1 LAUNDRY work called for and delivered. Webster 1963. BUNDLE. washing, lace curtains., Webster 1727. WOMN want day work. ref. Webater Jill. BUNDLE washing w't'd; price reaa. Web. 2127. 1ST-CLASS laundresa wanta bundle waah lng. Web. 6894. LAUNDRESS Waehtng by the hour. Web. son COLORED lady wants day work. Har 6406. CURTAINS laundered, w'k guar. Har. 1189. Bundle washing wanted.. Call Webater 2311. Day worlt and bundle washing. Web. 1088. DAY work wanted. Webater 1499. BUNDLE washing wanted. Red 8779. BUNDLE washing to take home. South 1613. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. YOU MEN WHO HIRE AND FIRB Advertise for "help1 the same way yon advertlae to aell merchandise, and th difference In return will surprise you. The next time you need help call Tyler 1000. A trained and experienced ad taker wUl aaalit you la preparing your advertisement EXPERIENCED TELLER wanted for bank with half-million depoilta In town of 1.600, western Iowa, wtthin 60 mllea of Omaha, main line R. R. Salary 186 to 1100. Two experienced assistant, cashier for bank In northwestern Colorado. . Salary 1100 to atart . f The ChaVlea Bv-Walter Company. "Th Bank Poaltlon Speclallats." 1424-30 First National Bank Bldg.. Omaha. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. BOOKKEEPERS, 3125, 1100, 90, 85; stenographer and clerk, 1100; office clerks, 75 to 39. -J WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1138 First National Bank. EXPERIENCED warehouse man capable of handling men, to take charge of a large t house furnishings warehouse. Application from out of city ' considered. Box 4271, Omaha Bee, DRUG clerk wanted, registered or with 3 or 4 years' experience; must furnish A-l references; ateady position to the right man. Addreaa Box Y 668, Omaha Bee. T4fTSk-V vnnri. man llo-V,h rrwr,A to help in carpet and linoleum work room and learn tha business. Orchard & WU ! helm Co. SJTENO., 1110-185. Office clerks, 660-190. THE MARTI SERVICE, 915-16 W. O. W. Bldg WANTED Young man. C. C. C. billiard parlors, colored preferred. 1511 Harney St. i EXPERIENCED ledger clerk, 190. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N. GOOD POSITIONS AT ALL TIMES. THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEE BLDG. Professions and Trades. WANTED. MACHINISTS, BOILERBAKERS AND t HELPERS. We appeal to nonunion mechanic to come to Pueblo to fill the places left by union men who have gone to the coast to build shops for the government, and a few who have stayed at home and are striking for shipbuilders' wages. We are paying machinists and bollermakers a minimum of 60o and helpers 35c and 40c; eight-hour day, time and a halt for overtime, which 'i better than new rail road achedule or decision Just made by Colorado state Industrial commission work 1 plentiful and climate, working and living condition ideal. PUEBLO EMPLOYERS' ASSOCIATION, Box 43T, Pueblo, Cols. WE NEED CONDUCTORS . AND MOTORMEN. Apply in person to the superintendent of trans portation, second floor, Merchants' National Bank Bldg., Omaha. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. WANTED Electric Crane operator for large foundry I 1 T 1 m nortnern lowa. liood wages and bonus. Steady employment. Apply at once. Hart-Pan Company, Charles (Jity, la. WANTED Young man to work In the presa room. Apply to Supt, Bee Publishing Co. ' WANTED. DRIVERS ANDsWAGON HELPERS. ALSO FREIGHT HANDLERS. AMERICAN EXPRESS CO. APPLY UNION STATION. WANTED Meat cutter, reliable, eapable of running small shop. Call at Baaket Stores Office, 108 N. 9th St. Call any day. WANTED EXPERIENCED STORE FRONT INSTALLATION MAN. MUST BE ABLE TO CUT AND INSTALL PLATE GLASS AND METAL .STORE FRONT CONSTRUCTION. APPLY PIONEER PAINT & GLASS CO.. 15TH AND DAVENPORT. tvAflijjj a gooa rename shoemaker, a Swede preferred. High wages and every. thing satisfactory. J. N. Almqutat, Wahoo, nod. WANTED Two bakers ilrst and aecond men, steady Job, good wages, work on bread, machine ahop. Wall Lake Whole sale Bakery. Wall Lake. Ia. WANTED--rFlrst class machinist linotype operator; steaay jod; eight-hour day shift write or wire State Publshlng Co.. Pierre, B. u. BARBER wanted at once. Must be good workman, ateady job. up-to-date ahop. 120. Half over. 128. Lee Wood. Laurel, Neb. BARBER wanted at once"; gaurantee 120 a week, 60 per cent over 830; steady Job for good man. H. F. Schleke, Lead, 8. D. WANTEDAn all round blacksmith. The beat of wage wll be pafd. . Henry senraprrotn. mttie creeK, ia. WANTED First-clas map draughtsman; must understand lettering;, reference. An demon Publishing Co., Mason City, la. WANTED Foreman for Plate Shop, heavy tank work In' western city. Open ahop. Address Box T 655. Omaha Bee. - WANTED WINDOW WASHERS. APPLY TO HOUSEKEEPER HOTEL FON TENELLE. AUTOMOBILE trimmer or top maker; beat of wagea. Rehkopt Brother. Topeka, Kan. - DRUG CLERK WANTED Steady poaltlon. Salary 10O " Reference required. Writ or wire Attebery Bros. Morrill, Neb. LEARN barber trade, low rate bow. Call r writ Barber Cnlleg. 1134 Dourlle 8t WANTED Meat cutters at once. Apply Washington market 140T Dougla St. WANTED Second baker or good helper. Fuman' Bakery, York, Neb. . WANTED Upholaterer for furniture depart ment. Box 41406 Be Salesmen and Solicitors. HAVE good city debit open for accident In- aurance salesman. GREATWESTERN ACCIDENT A INS. CO.. 624 First Nat Bank Bldg. GENTS furnishlna; goods clerk. 876-386. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N. HELP WANTED MALE' Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN AND AGENTS Be Inde. pendent make money, build a business oi your own; we want men and women wltl automobile or rig preferred, to handl th , Eltlnolen Phonograph, In town and eoun- ' try, from house to hou; If a wlnneri sell at half tha price of other; looka ' play and sound Juet a good; plays all record without extra attachment; ho it play It aell It; hundred of -other are doing It; eaay profit of 160 to 1101 a week; real worker make much mor, write quick and get good territory Charlea H. Eltlng aV Co., 1511 S, Wabaal SALESMAN, experienced preferred, to aall established line of gaa engine, light plants, feed mills, etc., to Implement . dealer trade. Northern Kansas and west ern territories. Salary, expense and eojav mlsslon. Excellent opportunity for I hustler. Stat full particular concerning yourself tint latter. Box T 164. Omaha Bee. - . Boys. - WANTED Two boy to wait table. Tb4 Woodruff 114 N. 18th St Agents and Canvaieert. WANTED Portrait artlat and draper) worker, U. H. Robert Portrait Co.t Kan. aa City. Mo. Hotels and Restaurants. Two bell boys, , On elevator boy. White only. Apply at ease. Wellington Inn. Miscellaneous. 50 MEN WANTED. AT THE LUXUS PLANT; STEADY WORK, GOOD WAGES. APPLT AT BOTTLING DEPARTMENT. FRED KRUG PRODUCTS CO. . . MEN WANTED. AGE 21 TO 50, FOR GENERAL TARD WORK, STEADY JOB FOR GOOD MEN. APPLY TO TIMEKEEPER, UNION STOCK YARDS CO., SOUTH OMAHA. WANTED. PORTERS, PERMANENT POSITIONS. AND GOOD SALARY. APPLY TO SUPER INTENDENT BRANDEIS" STORES. WANTED Several young men over II fot joaponaioie poaiuona; gooa aaiary to start and excellent chance for advancement Ap-" ply Taylor-Jenkin Optical Co., 615 Bran del Theater Bldg. WANTED 6 men to aell good on pasaen- ger iraina. niuat nave caah security. Ap. ply Rock Island Newa Stand. Falrbury, Neb.' WANTED Colored man to do rorter work in cleaning establishment 2907 Leaven worth. HUSKY young man aa helper In stove de partment ordhard A Wllhelm Co. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHERS, 90, 80, $76, 165, 160. ouunMipori, db io aso; OII1C OlerkS, 141 to 160. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, ms first, national Bank. SCHOOL teachers desiring remunerate vuiiuuiu uurin me vacation months will do well to address Box Y 664, Omaha Bee, giving residence and telephone la loner. STENOGRAPHERS, l76-$70-60-$5t. umco Cleric, 545-360. THE MARTI SERVICE, mi w. o. W: Bldg. I Steno., 176-890; Steno. and Bkpr. Ill, TvDiat. ISO-J 6 K- a nrfiA. r-iv. ii Co-Operatlve Ref. Co., 1015 City Nat Bk! GOVERNMENT wanta thousand clerks at iMouiiign immediately; iu month; rail Information free. Box Y-634. Omaha Bee. STENOGRAPHER and ecrtary, uptowa of WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N. GOOD POSITIONS AT iT.r. TTMn-cf rr,rr - - ' iy.o. i na KiAttu AUISflCT, 600 BEE BLDC6. WANTED-AAn experienced atenographer' S - yiuiiiuing nup. im fuming. Professions and Trades. WANTED Young Ladies to lean, telephone operating. Gocd wages paid while .t liarning, rapid advance ment, permanent positions. Apply to C. F. LAMBERT. " 1807 Douglas-St GIRLS! GIRLS! WANTED Experienced and Inexpartenc-d J,ri"?or ,cln' Ba packing dept Ideal working condition In clean, modes factory. Apply factory entrance. k ITEN BISCtTIT CO., 13th and Capitol A. WANTED 1 experienced power eewln i.vmu. upoiaiura, .! giri io learn, light clean, ateady work, pleasant aurroundinga bat wagea In the city. Apply at once Omaha Auto Top Co., T08-U South 16tl Sta j ' EXPERIENCED Burrougha postln mi chin operator. Beat of aaiary. Farm era Union Stat Exchange, 1023 Harney St WANTED First class lady barber: au.r..l te 120 and 60 par cent over 120. H. O Ball, Woonaocket. S. D. WANTED Girl Seat wraooara. irJl t Waahlngton Market, 140T Douglas (a "" ! 4 f I 1 ' .V .j V