Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 31, 1918, Page 11, Image 11
THE BEE:' OMAHX, FRIDAY, MAY 81, 1918. 11 EDUCATIONAL " BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Erery -day la nrollment day. Book, ksaptnt. sborthand. atanotypy. trttwrlt Inf, tsterrapby. civil strvloa all commsr elal and English brancbaa. Catalonia traa. BOYLES COLLEGE. Dourlaa 1661 18th and HarneySta. Van Bant School ot Buajnata. Day and Evanlnc Senoola. 110 Omaha National Bank Bid. Doualaa 680 ' FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERS. If you (all to find tha room yon daalra among thesa ada call at Tba Bea offlea for a Room Llat Olvca eorapleta daaerlptlon ot vacant rooma in all parta ot tba city. Naw 1UU lasued vary week. TWO nloaly furnUbad rooma, with an aaat front. Prloaa raasonabla. Close la. . ' . Tit 8. 17th Aw. MCE modern rooma, everything now; no objections to man and wire and amall child. Meals optional. 703 S. Slst Ave., Harney 1835. GOOD-SIZED sleeping room In prltate fam ily; will give breakfast If desired. 1011 Chicago Bt. H. 4614. THE NORTON A large splendidly furnished ..i.H1 a t iiHa with llfht- ruvui) .u.vmu. . ' -- - housekeeping accommodations. 8218 Doage. WANTED 3 young ladlea or couple to share a S-room flat. 216 Paxton court. near 5th and Farnam. n. CLEAN, cool, beautifully furnished room, near ear Una, walking distance. Harney 113, LARGE, cool, beautifully furnished room, on bath floor, In modern private, home. Ode a. join a. . ROOM, opposite Turner park, beautiful West farnam district, walking distance. 116 8. 31st Ave. 2406 DAVENPORT Nicely furnlehed, oool outside rooms. In atrlctly modern flat. D. 8691. ' " MODERN furnished rooms for men only at the Sunshine, 601 North lTtb St. Reason- able rent 1614 C-JPITOL AVE.-;iean, coly, front room; 1st tl. all turnisnea. jiarney NICE, large room, o.ulet surroundings, (3 week. 3631 Harney Bt. Harney H PARK AVE. Large front room, suita ble for two. private home. Harney ei. KICELT furnished room, convenient Jor railroad employes, van wbquw NICE room in modern apt. for 1 or I glrla, 3 blocks from pern, n. mm. NICELY furnished, clean front room, cheap. walking dlstanoe. Red no. FURNISHED ROOMS, In private family, close in. 31 is. aa. xyier ooio-tt. WELL furnished room In private family In West farnam. it. 1611 HOWARD street, , nicely , furnished rooms. - NEATLY fumishei 3-roora suite; also gar- , age. 3036 avnpor.. 0LOSE IN for two; large room, modern flat, good board. Red 6667, GRAT8TONE. 35th and Cass, nicely fur nished rooms. Douglas 7994. Hnuaekeerjinsr Rooms. 1673 HARNEY Large front room, kitchen etta, gaa range, running water; children admitted. ' TWO front light housekeeping rooma. 3013 Harney Bt HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, 624 N. 30th Bt. r FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeep Ing. 3153 Bt, Mary's Ave. Board and Rooms NICELY furnished room andboard. Red 6836. Unfurnished Rooms. FOUR rooma to rent, 2623 Sherman Ave. Web. 1403. . TWO unfurnished modern rooma for light housekeeping. Call Douglas 6078. Hotels. COOL rooms, 33 week; also apartmenta with kltchenettea. Ogden hotel. Co. Bluffs. Rooms Wanted. WANTED By army medical officer with no children, board and room for wife In private Christian home, north or central portion of city; reasonable distance from Fort Omaha. Referenoea exchanged. Box 8138, Omaha Bee YOUNG business man wtshea wall furnished room with private bath, West Farnam or Hanscom Park dlatrlct, also breakfaat. ' Box 8133, Bee. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. FIVE-ROOM FURNISHED APT. Fine Location, (90 a. Month. Wa have been authorised to lease for six months or one year a beautiful 6-room apt., well furnished, to Include piano, to right party, references required. J. L. HIATT CO.. 300 Flret National. ,. Tyler 88. COZY, two-room apt. with private bath. Furnished for housekeeping. T. 18SS. NICELY furnished housekeeping and sleep- Ing rooma, 205 N. 33d. Red 6468. I TWO-ROOM nicely furnished cottage apartment 8332 Harney Bt. : Houses. l-ROOM furnished house, Kounta addition, for summer months. Call Web. 8916. I-ROOM semi-basement, modern, auitable for 2 couples. Harney 2373. 676 S. 28th. FOR RENT HOUSES West. 3302025 St. Marys, 10 rooms. 130620 8. 20, 10 rooms. 310103 8. 28th, 4 rooms, newly papered. 116 Ull 8. 18th, 6-room flat, for colored. Rlngwalt, Brandels Thea. Blag. 2568 Douglas, rooming house .333 1518 North 16th, rooming house 38 John N. Frenser, Douglas 664, WEST Farnam district, (20 S. I5th 8t, t furnished rooma, atrlotly modern, no chil dren; references exchanged. H. 6850. 114 N. 24th St., 12 rms., modern, (40. F. . WBAD. 810 B. 18th St. D. 1T1. 6EVEN-ROOM house. Hot water .heat walking distance. Harney 2049. . 114 N. 24th St., 12-rooms, modern, 340.00. i F. D. Wead, 810 8. 18th St., D. 171. North. FOR RENT. 2013 Grace St., 8-r. mod. house, 120.00 ALFRED KENNEDY CO., ' Realtors, 208 South 18th St. Douglas 733. ... FOR RENT. 2013 Grace 'St., 8-r. mod. house.. $20.00 ALFRED C. KENNEDY CO:, Realtors. 80S. South 18th 8t Douglas. 722. PARTIES having houses for rent or aala In tb neighborhood of a Baaket Store will do well to mention thla advantage to the prospective renter or buyer. FOR RENT 3-reom house In rear, 1830 N. 20th at; will rent to a family with chil dren.- call colfax -1608. FOR RENT S-room house and 8 lota. Call Web. 3600 or Web. 4523. T-ROOM modern house. 3866 Hamilton Et D. 1628. . - South. ' 147 SO. 24TH AVE. 8 rms., mod., 682.(0 648 So. 24th, rms., 'close In, 113. F. D. WEAD, 810 8. 18th St, P. 171. Miscellaneous. 3859 CALIFORNIA ST., 8 rms $30 2821 Jackson St., 7 rms... 227.60 (002 California St., 7 rms.... .356 ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1536. 8J8 Securities Bldg. BUNGALOWS Special reduced rate If you help sell. Rent applied If you buy. Also couple plain houses for colored. Walnut 8587 evenings. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. CREIGH SONS A CO.. BEE BLDG. LIST your property for rent or sale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY, neaiiora. Ayir Shop Dourlss 4228. FOR RLNT APARTMENTS West. MORRIS APARTMENTS , 18th and Dodge Streets . Two room apartmenta. ; COMPLETELY FURNISHED. ' Hotel Service Phone, Tyler 3218. , "PETERS tRUST CO. Sosclaltlau la Apartment managament. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. FOUR-ROOM upper flat, modern except . heat pleasant location, H3.60. 3604 Leavenworth. Harney 8128. HAMILTON APTS.. fireproof: tine lawn and flowers; beat location, 34th and Farnam. Prlcea reasonable. Call D. 1472. North. 4-ROOM. corner apt., second floor, screened porch, modern, 126, Apt 8, Marlon; 4 room and sun room, new, corner, Apt 3, Maple Court 3S0, 18th and Maple. Red 683. DESIRABLE 4-room aoartment with 6 room accommodations: has private porch; 345. The Angelus, Harney 4293. - MODERN Estabrook Apts., near poatofflce. 323. Q. P. Stebblna, 1610 Chicago. South. FOR RENT June 1, T-room steam-heated flat at 2624 Leavenworth St Nebraska and Wyoming Investment Co., 322 Brandels Theater Bldg. Phone Doug. 1671. 1 AND 4-room modern apta. 814 & 22d St Tyler 2248. - -- ' Miscellaneous. 4 rooma "The Hudson." 207 8. 26th AveJ 120. m 5 and I room apartmenta with I and . 4 room accommodations la The Coro- nado, 22nd and Capitol Ave.. 832.60 to 337.50. Benson & Myers Co., Realtors. 424 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Dong 746. MOVING AND STORAGE FREE lltZk FIDELITY 16TH AND JACKSON. DOUG. 283. STORAGE, MOVING, PACKING. REASONABLE RATfcS. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. METROPOLITAN VAN A 8TOBAQB CO. Owned gad operated by Central Furni ture store; office on Howard St. between 16th and 16th. Phona Tyler 1400. Have . your moving handled Just aa you would an order for new furniture. That's tha way we do it Ask to aee our dally rental lists. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separata locked rooms for household gooda and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 806 8. 16th. Douglaa 4168. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real aervlce In moving, packing and storing call Tyler 230 or Douglaa 4338. OMAHA EXPRESS CO. LARGE moving vans; careful men. Fur niture pack., storage. 1417 Chicago. D-3364 Jp T?T?T?Tl Express Co., Moving, . j. IXHiEjU packing and Storage. 1207 Farnam Bt Web. 2748. Dong 6146 FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores, STORE FOR RENT 15th and Douglas, 2 Ox 60. steam heat, rent 3116 per month. WORLD REALTY CO.. Douglaa 6342. Sun Theater Bldg. MODERN store, 16th St., near P. O. Low rent. Q. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chlcage). Office and Desk Room. LET US SHOW YOU why you should office In The Bee Bid. Keystone Investment Co. Tyler 131 WANTED TO RENT Furnished Apartments and Houses A GENTLEMAN and wife would like to occupy four rooms and have meals served during the summer; private family, large house, neighborhood Happy Hollow club; best references. Address ABC, Bee office. WANTED To rent furnished cottage or bungalow for summer months. Box 8199, Omaha Bee. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. BEMIS PARK HOME MAKE OFFER 1314 N. 86th St. This Is a good, 2 story, 6-room, modern house, first-class condition, having living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry and Ice box room, first floor; three large bedrooms and bath, second floor; paved street and ornamental lighting system throughout the district Price low for quick sale. GEORGE & CO., Doug. 756 FINE MODERN HOME 8 rooms, In fine condition, hot water heat, corner lot, paved street, fine neighborhood, plenty large shade trees, owner non-resident, must sell; easy terms. Located In west part of Oma- S. S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY,' 213 CITY NATL. BANK BLDG. BRAND NEW $3,950. 6-ROOM. OAK FINISHED HOME. Two-story, 6 rooms, oak floors through out, completely modern, op paved street and paving all paid. This house Is ad jacent to either the Farnam or Harney car and can be bought on easy terms. ' BEDFORD-JOHNSTON CO., Realtors. 222 Keellne Bldg. Douglas 8140. SIX ROOMS, brand new, 33,960. Oak throughout. Paving paid. Near 86th and Cass. Ready to move Into. Easy terms. Call days, Douglas 8140. North. WE SELL, Rent Insure and make Loans An City property. North. t MITCHELL INVESTMENT CO., 24th and Ames Ave. CoL 217. NICE 4-room house, city water and elec tricity. Cheap for quick sale. Good neighborhood. See this today. WALNUT 739. FIVE-ROOM, striotly modern, with garage, located en Brown St., In good neighbor hood. Will be sold at a bargain. Would consider automobile In -part payment Nathan Watts, 637 Paxton Blk. KOUNTZE PLACE 83,000, eight rooma and bath; garage, large lot; paving all paid; fine location. 2213 Blnney St Terms. ' NORRIS & NORRIS, 104 N. 16TH ST. PHONE DOUGLA8 4270. THREE ROOMS 39. Modern except heat, water furnished. Southeast corner 20th and Saratoga St. TBAVER BROTHERS CO. 1 819 First National Bank Bldg. 6-ROOM modern house and large ground, northwest corner 31st and Miami streets, 120x150; one lot all In potatoes; owner leaving city. Price 33,000. W. H. GATES, 647 Omaha Nat'l Bank. Dougi 1294. NEAR KENNEDY SCHOOL and 1 blk. to car, dandy 6-r. cottage, mod. ex. heat east front Cor. lot. Price 31,9003250 cash. Rasp Bros., 210 Keelln Bldg. Ty ler 721. M1NNE LUBA homes and Iota offer the best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 18J BEAUTIFUL modern 7-room home with garage. ' Exceptional bargain. 2595 Man demon street Go see It. Douglas 786. South. 31ST AND MASON; BARGAIN. 6 rooms and bath, oak finish, strictly modern, nice lot and garage, paving paid. 34.000 on terms. Own your home. P. J. TEBBINS. .Realtor.. 605 Omaha Nat'l Bank. Phone D. 2182. (-ROOM HOUSE, newly decorated; not very old; faces Fontenelle park; city water and electricity; can be handled at 326 down and balance monthly. Will ahow any time. - Walnut 677. A DANDY HOME. Fine location, thoroughly modern, oak floors, hot water heat, fins lot and garage. Price right , Party leaving city. Act quick. 2527 So. Tenth St, phone Douglas 4617. FOR SALE Southwest corner Marcy and 31st Sts., full lot, three houses, partly modern, choice location; Investigate and make offer; half cash. Phone Walnut 1301. W. FARNAM SMITH CO, eai jsatat ana Insurance. 1320 Farnam St Dong. 1866. Miscellaneous. (-ROOM cottage, two blocka from car, full lot 32,000. Terms, 3300 cash, balance (20 per month. BENSON AND CARMICHAEL 642 Paxton Block. FOR RENT AND SALE. HOUSES, COTTAGES AND APARTMENTS PORTER SHOTWELL, - 202 8. 17th Bt Douglas 6012 - HOMES AND HOMESITfcS. . PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. (37 Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 178L REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Miscellaneous. $300 Down and $20 a Month (-room strictly modern bungalow, lo cated on a corner lot, with new garage. Pine finish throughout; large lot 60x130. Priced at 32.(00, a snap. I Payne Investment Com panyRealtors 637 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 1781. REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty WE WILL buy your home or business property and pay cash. , H. A. WOLF CO.. Electrle Bldg. Tyler 83. BUSINESS property and investment. A. P. TUKEY and SON, 880 Flret National Bank Bldg. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO, . income, Buslneaa and Trackage Specialist MJ6thand DodgeBta Douglaa 16;M REAL ESTATE To Exchange 640 ACRES Cherry Co., Nebraska, trade for good, clean stock general merchandise. Price (22.400, clear, full particulars D. MoLeod, Valentine, Neb. GOOD Omaha residence property to ex change tor clear western land, or eastern Neb. farm. Mr. Pease. 811 Bran. Th. Bldg. REAL ESTATE Unimproved West. ELMWOOD GARDEN LOTS. 31 DOWN, 81 A WEEK. PAYNE A 8LATER CO. North. ONE pleasant 4-room ground floor apart ment; also 4-room apartment on upper floor. Telephone Webster 933 and Web ster 4328. CUMING Near 29th St., 22 or 44 ft.) must be sold to close estate. C. A. GrlmmeU 849 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. SBassc i ' ' ' i J f 't 3eee a w REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. 32-ACRE IMPROVED FARM Located 3Vi miles west of Benson. Has a good 4-room house, barn for 10 head of cattle and 4 horses; double corncrlb; chicken house, 13x24; all buildings are nearly new and nicely painted; hog house; fenced and croaa fenced; only 40 feet to splendid well that haa 22 feet of water; 7 aorea In alfalfa; two acres In pasture; amall ' bearing orchard. Thla la a farm that . haa been worked by owner and la In splendid condition and elegant quality of land. If you want one of the best little farms near Omaha, you ahould be sure and look this over. Owner will sell crop, stock and farm machinery and give possession Immediately if wanted. Price of farm, (12,000. Come in and We will take you out and show you the property any time. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. x 1614 Hareny St. Phone Tyler 60. Dundee. DUNDEE, $5,250. An I -room modern houae, full two-, story, with sun porch and sleeping porch; located on full, lot near the school, with cement driveway and gar age for two cars; now advertised for the first time. Act quickly If you want a bargain. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 3962. 919-20 City National. HIGH and sightly Dundee lots. (875 to 31,150. Easy terms. Loan arranged for building purposes. Phone D. 6074, Sbuler & Cnry. Realtors. DUNDEE BUNGALOW. 3,760 Five rooms. modern, oak finish. Large lot Paving paid. Easy terms. Call days, Douglas 3140. L. Acreage Wanted. THIRTY acres on Ames Ave., 40 rds.,west of Fontenelle Park. FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF OMAHA, Realtors. 400 First Nat Bank Bldg. Tyler 719. REAL ESTATE WANTED HAVE CASH BUYERS. For 6 or 6 room modern bungalows In good repair, north or west, at from (2,760 to $3,(00. List with us for quick re sults. D. E. Buck A Co., 443 Omaha Natl. Bank., Doug. 2000. WILL exchange for western land, two full lota and atx houses, corner 25th and Decatur; also full lot and two houses. 2425-29 Franklin St JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. WE HAVE aeveral good reliable buyera for ( and 6-room houses and bungalows with (300 to (500 down. Call Osborne Realty Co. Tyler 4(6. 701 Om. Nat Bank Bldg. WE can sell your acreage. Call Mr. Browne, Tyler 1672. Inter-State Realty Co., 918-14 City Nat'l Bank Bldg, MEET me at F. D. Weed's office. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. WE want 100 mortgages on Omaha resi dences; funds on hand for .quick closing. E. H. LOUGEE, INC., (38-40 Keellne Bldg, . QUICK ACTION ON LOANS. , W. T. GRAHAM, ' 604 Bee Bldg. Douglas 1638. DIVIDENDS OF ( PER CENT OR MORE. One dollar starts an account. OMAHA LOAN A BLDG. ASSOCIATION. PAUL PETERSON, 512 864 BRANDEI8 THEATER BLDG. H. W. BINDER, Money on hand for mortgage loans. City National Bank Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Doug. 8716. CITY AND FARM LOANS. 6, 6H and 8 Per Cent J. H. DUMONT CO.. Keellne Bldg. 512 HARISON A MORTON. 818 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. 8100 to (10.000 MADE promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., 18rh and Farnam Sta. ilONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranches. Kloke Investment Co., Omaha. Piivate Money. SHOPEN COMPANY. Douglas 4828. " LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY. W. H. Thomas '& Son, Keeling Bldg. LOW RATES C. G. CARLBBRG, 313 Bran dels Theater Bldg. D. (86. Stocks and Ponds. WE are offering stock in an established, dividend-paying Omaha Nebraaka corpor ation. An unusual investment offering, and all stocks sold now participate In a July dividend. For further particulars, without - obligation, address, Bankers' 8ales Agency, Woodmen Building, Omaha. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands. JUNE 4TIL J Our next excursion to McGehee, Ark. W. 8. -FRANK. 201 NEVILLE BLK. GREAT BARGAINS (5 down, (( monthly buys 40 acres, good fruit and poultry land, near town, southern Missouri. Prlca only (220. Address Box 282. Springfield, Mo. Colorado Lands. . COLORADO offers great opportunltlea for farmers of moderate means to secure farm homes on very easy terms. Inform us location desired. For free book and map and special railroad rates write Floyd C. Tallmadge, Colonisation Agent Kan. -Colo. Ry Co., First National Bank Bldg., Pueblo, Colo " Minnesota Lands. 40. 80 OR 160 ACRES; OOOD HEAVY soil; well settled part of Todd county, Minn.; good roads, schools and churches. Price (16 to (22.(0 per aore; terms II an acre caal. balance II aa .aore a year) 6.000 acres to select from. To actual set tlers who w.U put up building and Improve land we will give deed and take mort gage back for full purchase price for 6 or 10 years, 6 per cent Interest Schwab Bros., 1038 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. Montana Lands. FOR SALE Judith basin land; 280 acres level land, 14 mile from Stanford; 170 acres In wheat, all fenced; running water, (?( per acre. Stanford Ranch Co., Bun ford, Mont " Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms, 169 per a.. Including D4ld-p water lights. Henry Levi ACM, Kylander, 1(4 Omaha Nat'l. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Wyoming Lands. 640-ACRE Wyoming homeeteade. Write for Information. Frank Duff, Casper, Wyoming. Nebraska Lands. MERRICK COUNTY BARGAIN. 1(0 aorea, lies level, nicely improved. ( miles from good town on main Un of Union Paclflo R. R., only onettalf m,tle to rural high school; perfect level road to town; good (-room house, well sheltered by plenty of shade trees, barn for II horeea and five tons of hay, nog shed, chicken house, 'granary and garage, good well and windmill, best of water at a depth of 10 feet; 80 aorea under plow, 16 aorea In alfalfa, balance pa tsture which can all be broken and profitably farmed, all good black sandy loam soil that produoee any crop grown In Nebraaka; price, for 41 short time, (36 per acre, about one-hlt cash, balance term; noth ing doing on any trades. See M. A, 1 Larson, owner. Central City, Nebraska. HAY RANCH. 1,360-Aor ranch, Garfield County; well grasaed; cuta 400 tons valley hay; 30 acrea In corn; 16 mile from Burwell, on level road; house, barns, milk house, granary, sheds, wells, fenced and cross fenced; now running 100 head of cattle and aome horses; price 111 per acre, H cash; possession can be given buyer who also purchases stock and machinery, oth erwise possession given March 1st, 1919. WHITE A HOOVER. 454 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. . A CHOICE quarter seotlon for sal In Cus ter county, Nebraaka; no sand; deep black soil; fair improvements; 6V1 miles from railroad town; 90 acres In corn and rye; rest In about aa good; raleed between 80 and 40 bushels corn per acre last year; 3600 will handle this deal balance at 6 per cent; I year If wanted. Write to owner for particular. LESTER FORNEY, , Thurman, la. FOR SALE 480-aor Buffalo county farm, to settle an eatate; 330 acrea pasture; 35 alfalfa; 30 ot wild hay, meadow, balance farm land. Land rolling with heavy clay auhsoll. Fenced and cross fenced; I good wells and windmills; T-room house; barn 40x42; other Outbuildings! 8 miles from , railroad town; mall and telephone. Sold subject to leas. Possession March 1. Price 142 per acre, bait cash. Terms cn balance. T. C, Box 12(. WESTERN NEBRASKA LAND HAVE good farm In Garden, Deuel, Morrill and Cheyenne counties; have traot of land any ale you want; close to town, school and churchea. This land la going up. Now Is th time to buy. Llsoo Land Co., Llico, Neb, It ACRES Irrigated land, Lincoln county; rich Piatt valley land; all under Irriga tion; l-room house, barn, etc; 3 acrea of alfalfa. Price 1100 per acre; 14,000 cash required. Immediate possession. White A Hoover, 454 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. NEBRASKA FARM LANDS ARE SURE INVESTMENTS. For beet land at bet prices write Geo. Antlll, Blair. Neb. WRITE me for pictures and prices my farms and ranches In good Old Dawe County. Arab L. Hungerford. Crawford. Neb. Wisconsin Lands. LAKE 8HORE lot and acre on The Yel low Lakes, the Soo Line Fishing Lake ot Wisconsin, home of the big fish; 20-acre traot and cottage for sale; also lots on which we will build cottr ges to your order. Write for particulars. Burnett County State Bank. Webster, Wis. Miscellaneous. Equipped Tractor-Worked Farm 75 bu. Shelled Corn Per Acre On main macadam road between large oltles, ( minutes walk high sohool, churches, stores, cannery, etc Auto 'bus passe door 8 time dally to city 3(0,000; 94 acre rich clay loam soil, clay subsoil, for big crops corn, potatoes, wheat, alfal fa, etc., has grown 75 bu. shelled corn per acre; spring watered, wire-fenced pasture, milk collected at door, good wood, timber. First class slate-roofed house, verandas; spring water house, barns; slate-roofed stock barn, carriage, horse barns, garage, 8 big slate-roofed granarle, new poultry, corn, spring houses. To settle quickly will Include cow, heifers, pigs, poultry, pair horses, pair mules, plows, harrows, corn workers, corn drill, potato digger, wagons, buggy, runabout, harnesses, tools, etc., all for only (6,800. Easy terms, Immediate possession. Details page 84, Strout'a cata logue. Write today. E. A. 8TROUT FARM AGENCY, DEPT 3073. 306 8. 18th St., Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE Fox River valley and dairy farms, grain and poultry farms, from 10 to 826 acre. Jamea Doraey, 24 Noltlng Blk., Elgin, 111. RANCHES of all else and klnda, eaar term. A 4. Pataman, 801 Karbach Blk. CHOICE FARMS. Nllssnn. 428 Rose Bldg FARM LAND WANTED FARMS WANTED. Don't list your farm with us If yon want to keep It E. P. 8NOWDBN A SON, 6)0 Electrlo Bldg. Douglas 1271. WANTED 20,000 acres ot Kimball and Banner county land. Must be first-class farm land, Improved or unimproved. Ad dress Box Y 467, Omaha Bee. 1 Horses Live Stock Vehicles For Sale. PUBLIC 8ALE June 6, at 1 p. m. In East University Place; my entire herd of 90 head of pur bred Duroc-Jerseys; 2 herd boars, 4 Sept. boars, 11 tried sows, 6 gilts all bred for last ot August and Septem ber farrow, 8 sows with litters, 11 De cember and January pigs, 88 March pigs. Sale bills sent on request D. L. Adams. ' Bethany, Neb. HOLSTEIN cows for sale. Inquire David Menagh, 1618 Farnam Bt. FOR SALE Work team and wagon, Web ster 6230. POULTRY AND PET STOCK 3,000 DAY-OLD chicks, Rocks. Reds, Or pingtons, Leghorns, Webster 1708. 2213 Charles. ' MONEY TO LOAN Organised by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, pianos and note a security. , 840, I mo., H. goods, total, 11.60. Smaller, larger am' ts. proportionate rat. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY 481 Securities Bldg., 16th. Farnam. Ty. 666. LOANS OR DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY. 10 SMALLER LOANS. OCT A O W. C. FLATAU EST. 1891. O' 6TH FLR. SECURITIES BLDG. TY. 850, DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rate. Private loan booths. Harry Malashock. 1614 Dodge. D. (111. Est 18IL Kansas City Live Stock. Kansas City, Mo., May 10. Cattle Re ceipt, 6,000 head; market steady; prime fed steers, (16.76 17.16; dressed beef steers, 13.0016.60: western steers, I15.00fll7.2o, cow, (7.(0911.00; heifers, 11.28014.(0; stockers and feeder, IS.604J1S.60; bulls, I8.0013.00; calves, 18 60 13.00. Hogs Receipts, 6,600; market ateady; bulk, 111.1(918.(0; heavy, 318.46 16.60; packers and butchers, (16.10011.11; light 116.35018.41; pigs, 116.25018.(0. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 4,100 head; market steady; lambs, I16.60O20.40; year lings, lll.00O18.00; wethers, ltt.00O16.60; ewes, (11.00O16.00. St. Louis lire Stock. St. Louis, Mo May 80. Cattle Recelpta, 1,500 head; market steady; native beef steer, (11.60 17.60; yearling steers and heifers, t.(O01(.(O; cow. 17. 60013. 76; stockers and feeders, 8S.60O12.00; fair to prime southern beef steers, (10.00015.60; beef cows and heifers, (6.00O13.60; native calves, 17.76 14.00. Hog Receipts, 7,500 head; market low er; lights, I16.60O16.70; pigs, 118.00 16.76; mixed and butchers, 316.35016.66; good heavy, H6.l5O16.50; bulk, S1S.2616.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,700 head; market steady; lambs, 114.00 17.00; ewes, tll.00O14.80; canners and choppers, 7.00 10.00. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, May 30. Cattle Recelta, 9,000 head; market steady, 15o higher; native steers, (10.50017.75; stockers and feeders, (1.36013.(1; cows and heifers, 17.25014. 90; calvea, (8. 00014.76. Hogs Receipts, 18,000 head; 20o lower than yesterday's average; bulk, 8.6.160 16.45; last night, (16.20916.66; mixed, (16.00 O16.(0; heavy, 315.26 JJiH. 80; rough, (15.25 1(.60 pig, 114.25011.75. Sheep-cnd Lambs Recreita, 1,800 head; market ateady, 15o lower; sheep, 10.25 16.(0; lamba, I1I.76O17.I0; aprlngs, (14.25 O20.00. ( London Moaey. London, May 30. Silver Bar, 48 & per ounce. f Money 3 per cent Discount Rates Short bills. 84 per cent; three months bills, 3 8-11 par cent OMAHA LIVE STOCK Cattle Trade Active at Open ing; Hogs Rule About Steady; Sheep Mar ket Unchanged. Omaha, May 30. 1318. Receipts were Catte. Hog. Sheep. Official Monday 3,051 Official Tuesday 4,677 Official Wednesday ... 4.286 Estimate Thursday .. 1.000 5.364 1,113 11.146 10,336 10.884 6,231 T.300 3,400 Four days this week.. 11.954 34.884 28.834 Same day last week.. 81 627 68,316 36,848 Same day S wk. afO.S5.Sll 38,636 31.669 Sam days 3 wka. ago. 23,025 ((.336 24,981 Same day year ago... 21,724 80,861 13,647 Receipts and disposition ot live atock at the Union Stock yarda, Omaha, Neb., for 34 hours ending at 3 o'clock p. m., May 30, 1918: RECEIPTS CARLOADS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C, M. A St. P I 3 ,. Wabash I Missouri Paclflo 14.. Union Paclflo II 38 3 C. A N. W., east 13 3 C. A N. V west 16 14 C, St. P., M. 0 11 4 4 C, B. & Q., east I 3 C, B. A Q., west 11 17 1 C, R. I. A P., east I ( C. R. I. A P., weat I I Illinois Central I I Chicago Ut Weatern I Total receipts 88 13 II DISPOSITION. Cattle. Hoga. 8heep. Morris A Co.. 8(1 (07 ..... Swift A Co..V (27 I7T 1,053 Cudahy Packing Co.... 411 4.670, 1,224 Armour A Co ...371 748 131 J. W. Murphy 298 ..... Lincoln Packing Co.. II ..... ..... Wilson Packing Co.... 91 F. B. Lewi 107 J. B. Jtoot A Co..,,,. 9 Rosenstook Bros I ... Werthelmer A Degen. , 4T Sullivan Bros.. II . .... ..... Rothchlld A Kreb..,, I Christie II , Huffman 8 Meyer ,,, 18 ..... ..... John Harvey 81 Other buyera 317 670 Totals 1.216 7,069 1,177 Cattle Offerings today continue light, numbering 8,000 head or TI car, making 13,964 for th four day, aa coinrared with 31,617 tor th corresponding daylast week. Quality was very good and prime beef sold up to 117.36 and good to choice steers were quotable anywhere from 116.76017.25 and from (16.76016.75 for th fair to good gradea and on down for th common and warmed up grade. Yearling wereatrong this morning, selling at a spread of (15.00 if? 16. 86 for th good to choice and on down. Butcher stock ruled strong with yesterday good cow being quotable from (11. 25 13.00 and cannera and outterl ranging from 17.6009.75. The market on thin bologna bulls wa demoralised and has been so for the past few days, there bejng practically no demand on thla class and quotable from 18. 0009.60. Oood beef bulls are holding steady at from 310.00O1J.60. Calves are generally steady. Stockers and feeder were scarce In the light supply and generally steady. Quotations on eattle: Oood to eholo beeves, (16.60017.86; fair to good beeves, $16.78016.60; common to fair beeves, (12.00 IN 6.60; good to choice yearlings, (16.00 16.25; fair to good yearlings, (12.76014.76; common to fair yearlings, (9. 00013.60; good to choice heifers, (11. (0O12.00; good to choice cowa, (11. 15013. 60; fair to good cows, 19. 60O11.86; common to fair cows, (7.60O9.75; prima feeders, llt.00O18.00; good to choice feeders, (10.16O11. 7(; fair to good feeders, 9.0010.00; common to fair feeders, (7. 60O8.60; good 1o choice Blockers, (10.00O13.00; stock heifers, (8.60 10.60; stock cows, 7.2(10.00; stock calvea, 18. 50011.60; veal calvea, 18.00 0 IS. (0 ; bulls, stags, etc., (10.00012.(0. Representative aalest BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. At. I'r. 18 1049 114 60 II 1026 (14 75 6 1054 16 00 6( 1100 16 40 II 1058 15 85 10 1090 16 85 T 1244 16 85 31 1826 16 (0 16 1285 18 76 16 1(60 IT 00 STEERS AND HEIFERS. T 638 11 15 6 (28 11 (0 3 168 13 00 30 688 II CO 14 177 II 00 33 199 II 75 14 178 16 00 i COWS. I 1 796 T 76 4 110 I 00 1 935 8 10 3 140 I 00 18 817 I 90 IT 1085 11 85 !..... ..1040 12 00 HEIFERS. I Ill 10 00 T 707 II II 1 449 11 10 BULLS. 1 615 8 26 1 1(10 I 10 1 1120 I 10 CALVES. 1 140 I 00 4 290 10 10 I 1(0 11 00 1., 1(0 11 (0 Hoga Receipts today amounted to 104 loads, estimated at 7,800 head, making the total for the week (4,624 head. Packer had very little competition thla morning, shipping orders evidently being very small. While there was not much change from yesterday's general market, (16.14 wa the popular price today, with the bulk at (18.20 16.80, with more of the hoga selling at (16.36 today than yesterday, tops equaling yesterday at (18.40. The market opened steady to stronger, most of ths hogs selling on this basis. It was closing a trifle lower for the few remaining. No. Av. 8h. Pr. No. Av. 8h. Pr. 27. .260 220 (16 10 18. .836 ... 116 10 30. .801 ... 16 85 (8. .241 140 16 I , 60. .255 ... II 40 Sheep There were 14 loads of sheep re ceived here today, making the total run for the week 18,224 head. There was a heavy downpour of rain during the early hours and there did not seem to be much Inclina tion to trade. The prospscts were for a steady market. Quotatlona on sheep and lamba: Oood to choice lamba, H8.2IO1I.80; fair to chotoe lamba, (17. 60019.00; fair to choice yearlings, 116.00 017.(0; fair to choloe wethera, 114. 60016.60; shorn ewes, fair to good, (11. 00O16.00; spring lambs, (16.00 II. 60. Representative sales: . SHEEP. No. Average. Price, 126 spring lambs 70 (16.60 28 spring lambs , 30 17.50 1 shorn ewe., 80 11.00 10 shorn ewe.... ...181 12.60 216 shorn lamb., 33 16.85 818 shorn lamba Ill 14.65 111 shorn lamb 14 16.81 178 ahorn lambs 13 16.36 St. Joseph Live Stock. St Joseph, Mo., May 30. Cattle Recelpta, 2,000 head; market ateady; steer, (13.00 17.00; cows and heifer, (7. 00012.60; calves, I7.0013.(0. Hogs Receipts, 4,100 head; market lower; top, (16.45; bulk, 116.16 16, 40. . Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 800 -head; market ateadv lamba. Ill fin St 17. nil! (8.00O1I.76. FRENCH PEESENT SOLID FRONT TO HUN ONSLAUGHTS (By Associated Press.) The steadineis of the allied flanks under the heavy German pressure is one of the outstanding indications in the fans official report. The Germans, for instance, made attempt after attempt to debouch from Soissons after gaining: the town, but the determined French in the outskirts prevented the enemy from achieving this object. To the southeast the French re serves are coming into play and here the allies are resisting the enemy in engagement! .of extreme violence along the road from Soissons to Sar-tennes-et-Taux, seven and one-half miles southeast of Soissons. Fere-en-Tardenois, eight and one half miles southwest of Hartennes-et-Taux, apparently marks the limit of the German advance toward the southwest, with Vezilly, ten and one half miles eastward, representing the extreme southeasterly progress of the enemy. Ei-Czar's Family Moved Moscow, May 30. Alexis Roman off, formerly the Russian heir appar ent, and the daughters of the former emperor, have arrived at Yekaterin burg, in the government of Perm, on the Asiatic side of the Ural moun tains. ' ?. CASUALTIES 4 Sammies Reported Killed in Action IN U. S. FORCES Washington, May 30. The army casualty list today contained 35 names, divided as follows: Killed in action, 5; died of wounds, 1; died of accident, 4; died of disease, 11; wounded severely, 9; wounded slightly, 2; missing in action, 3. Officers named were Lieutenant George Squiers, St. Paul, Minn., died of accident; Lieutenant Edward A. Koenne, Rochester, N. Y. missing in action; Lieutenant James F. Craw ford, Warsaw, N. Y prisoner, previ ously reported missing. The list follows: Killed In Aotlon Sergeant William It. Cartland, Wakefield, Mass.; Corporal Ray mond D. Miller Waahlngton Hetghte. Rattle Creek, Mich.; Privates Fleming McO. Fores man, Bardolph, III.; Clark O. Miller, Bovlna Center, N. T.; Jo Ruby Weat, Ulnnekab, Okl. Died ot Accident Lieutenant George flqulera, St. Paul, Minn.! Privates Johnnie Jackson, Lamar, Miss.; Wallle Waahlngton, New Orleana, La.; Ralph P, Wells, Wood stock. III. Died ot Dlseaae Rergeant Harris N. Hebb, Lakeland, Fla.; Corporal Earl J. Douglass, Clinton, Mo.; Privates Dave Anderson, Pla quamlne, La.; Clay Berlin, New Tork City; Andrew H. Cowan, Belmont, Mich.; Wesley J. Evane, Dallas, Tex.; Robert Harvey, Rust burg, Va. ; Victor Earl Johnson, Weyer hauaer. Wis.; Richard Murray, Round, 8. C; Lester N. Nelson, Mankato, Minn.; William Eagle Mills. Ark. Died ot Wounds Frlvat Charles Beter, Alexandria, Egypt. 8eversly Wounded Privates Henry Oil son, Philadelphia; William Quest, Scott dale. Pa.; Oeorge T. Hally, Roxbury, Mass.; Abraham Xnlberg, Roxbury, Mas.; Harry F. McCann, Dover, N. H.; Edward C. Nagle, Cambridge, Mass.; William H. Nelson, Ox ford, Wis.; George F. Richardson, Jr., Man chester, N. H.; Byron W, Van Ness, Minne apolis, Minn, Missing In Action Lieutenant Edward A. Koenne, Rochester, N. Y.A Corporal Oeorge NT. Williams, Henderson, Ky. Private Jos eph H. Brown, West New Brighton, 8. I., New Tork. Prisoner (previously reported missing) Lieutenant James F. Crawford, Warsaw, N. T. Private Harry B. Cook, East Hampton, Conn., previously reported missing, now re ported slightly wounded. 30 On Yesterday's Lilt. Washington, May 29. The army casualty list today contained 30 names, divided as follows: Killed in action, 5: died of wounds, 5; died of accident, 1; died of disease, 10; wounded severely, 7; musing in action, 2. Officers named Included were: Lieutenant Francis A. Mcllvane. In dianapolis, killed in action; Major John Frank Carmack, St Louis, and Lieutenant Oholmondeley Thornton, Bennington, Vt., wounded severely. Lieutenant Raymond t W. Parker, Champaign, 111., missing in action. Lieutenants Philip A. Hunter. York. S. C; Franklin Burche Pedrick, Washington, D. C and Louis M. Edens, Cabool, Mo., prisoners, previ ously reported missing. i The list: Killed In Action Lieutenant Francis A. Mcllvane, Indianapolis, Ind.; Private Jlo supaa Damssxeklvls, Pittsburgh, Pa.: Joseph William duyton. Evart, Mich.; Clyde Marks, Indianapolis, Ind.; Carl A. Blpher, Oreat Falls, Mont. Died of Wounds Privates Jame O. Dolln, Foster, W. Va,; Oeorge M. Swing, Auburn, Wash.; John P. Oearin, Tippecanoe City, O.; Jamea M. King, Merlden, Conn.j Find ley M. Bhuler, Bryson City, N. C. Died of Disease Recruit Harry D. Jamea, Hannibal, Mo. Prlvatea Frank A. Baker, Richmond, Va.! Cleo B. Brundage, Beattle, Wash.: David Hatoh. Lobdell, Miss.; Ed Jaok- son. Greenwood, 8. C. Mack Jonee, Craw ford, Miss,; Paul R. Lawton, Bellows Falls, Vt.; Charles W. McLaughlin, Hutohlnson, Mlnn.t Douglaa 8. Thompson, Brooklyn, N. T.J Orris A. White, Walker, Cal. Died of Accident Private William W. Walt, Schenectady, N. T. Wounded Severely Major John Frank Carmaok, St. Louis; Lieutenant Cholmon deley Thornton, Bennington, Vt,; Corporals Clarenoe Hancock, Grand Haven, Mlch.l Mlckolaa Maleo. Chlcaio: Privates Frank Aldrldge, Cardston, Alberta, Canada; Jesse J. Cox, Naihvtlla, Tenn.; Frank Moors, Wsst Lafayette, Jnd. Missing in Action bieuienani naymona W. Parker, Champaign, 111. Missing in Action (prsvlously reported wounded severely) Sergeant Eugene F, Sharkey, Ansonta, Conn. Private Loul Epiteln, Brooklyn, ti. T., previously reported missing, 1 now re ported a returned to ..Is oompany. Prisoner (previously reported mllng) Lieutenant Philip A. Hunter, Tork, B. C. Franklin Burche Pedrick, Waahlngton, D. C. ; Loul M. Edens, Cabool, Mo. U. S. AVIATORS IN HOT AIR BATTLES RAGING AT TOUL t With the American Army in France, May 30. From daybreak un til this hour there has been con tinuous series of aerial battles on the front northwest of Toul. One plane is reported to have fallen in No Man s land. There are unconfirmed reports that some German planes have been shot down, but at the moment of filing this dispatch nearly all the American aviators are either answering alarms or fighting and accurate details are unavailable. The German artillery threw hun dreds of shells of all sizes and kept up a destructive and harrassing fire. All night tha American guns have been just as busy and are giving the enemy more than he sends. It Is not improbable the Germans have some plans in which they may employ their infantry. The sun had hardly reached the horizon, on this cloudless, windless day, when large numbers of enemy planes made their appearance. ' The American aviators took the air one after another as the Germans came into sight. Within 15 minutes four battles were fought over No Man's Land. AMERICAN FLIER RESCUES BRITISH FROM HUN PLANES With the American Army in France, May 30. Lieutenant Douglas Campbell of California rescued a crippled bombing machine from two German airplanes which attacked it near the loul sector today. Two patrols ,f American pursuit airplanes had gone out to protect a large squadron of British bombing machines returning from a raid into Germany. Just before the airmen crossed the allied line one of the British machines became separated from the party and was attacked by two uerman alba' tross machines. The British observer had been wounded by the machine gun fire of the Germans, who were about to finish the Britishers when Lieutenant Campbell dashed in. He emptied his machine gun at the Ger mans and the enemy replied, but Campbell's fire became so hot for the Germans that they withdrew. Lieutenant Campbell then escorted the British machine safely behind the American line. SHANNON TELLS OF VICTORY OVER GERMANS-BOATS Brother of Omaha Attorney , Describes How United States Destroyers Sent Hun Subs to Bottom. John J. Shannon, Omaha attorney, has received a letter from his brother. Corporal S. A. Shannon, of the 264th aero squadron, in which the latter graphically describes an attack on a transport convoy by Huh subma rines and the-destruction of two of the rattlesnakes of the seas. "It took us a week to make the trip," he writes, "owing to the zig-zag course our ship was comeplled to take to make it safer for us when we got into the war cone, and to get by the submarines. "When we reached the war ione we were met by a fleet of United States destroyers, which convoyed ui to our destination, it you never saw speed you ought to have seen them travel: Our ahip was making at least 28 miles an hour, and they fairly flew around us. After Big Transport. "In the short time thejj'were with us they got two submarines, and I ' saw them when they got both. It was very exciting. If the submarines had got us they would sure have got-" ten some prize, for our transport was one of the biggest and fastest ships carrying troops and supplies from the states. , "The camp In whfch w are located is a training station for British avia tors and mechanics. Thev. build aero planes from beginning to end here and wo are mixed up wun mem getting experience. - , A .. . . -I nun iuui ur uvc niuuiiis 01 training here we are sent overseas. It ' is a great sight to see the aeroplanes leave here tor France. Thev are all assembled for the flight at one time, tiiwiij mm w in 11 vi. iv, uu tucj leave the ground, one after another. They keep cruising around in the air in circles until they attain an altitude of about 4,000 feet, and then the whole flock fly oS in the direction of France. Brave Lot of Men,' Inf. . 1 4 a .a xou cannot nem out oe tnniieo by them and the aviators are certain ly a brave lot of men, and we watch them until they disappear in the clouds," , " Shannon has a brother who is suoer- intendent of the embarkation dock, from which the American , troooa leave for overseas service, at an east- urn ftAr Mia fatti lm . wa h v icf a Lti v so m m.m vaMiU and has turned his sea-going tug over to the United States government and is engaged in the dangerous occupa tion ot mine sweeping along the At lantic coast He has two twin brother who are ball players. Both are . red-headed and want to get into the army. They have just reached their 2lst year. JWS 13 vutHClUGI IUI LUC " JaikIIJVI w team and Morris is shortstop for the Philadelphia Athletics. ,: TROOPS AT FORT CROOK ARE TO BE SENT TO FUNST0N . ... ;T.1;; !.-, The adjutant general of the United States army has recommended that the 41st infantry, now stationed at Fort Crook, be transferred from the Omaha army post to Camp Futiston, Kan. ' There are more than 2,000 soldiers, stationed at Fort Crook. At present the first battalion it having intensive target practice at the rifle range near Plattsmouth. ' The men have been ready to., go overseas for some time and are anx ioAis for oversea! service. . j . There has been much speculation among military men as to what dis posal will be made of Fort Crook. Some think it may be made into an extensive military hospital similar to the one which has recently been es tablished at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. Colonel Abner Pickering, com mandant at Fort Crook, stated that he has not yet received definite orders to transfer the troops from the War' department, but he expects such orders soon. GERMAN FLOOD ' SOON DAMMED, IS FRENCH OUTLOOK Paris, May 30. The German flood soon will be dammed, says a semi- nffi.'iat n'ntc iniH tnAav siimmari. In t the situation between "Rheims and Soissons. ;, .;: , '' The note says: "The Germans again progressed yesterday, but while on One hand they failed to pierce our lines, on the other it is comforting to observe that their march was slackened considerably by. the arrival of our reserves. , "As these come into play the bal ance gradually will be restored and soon the German flood will be dammed. "The French command retains un diminished confidence, based as it is on the power of our resources and the incomparable valor of our sol- aiers. r ....... I i. - r i M.. i To Open for Season Friday . Seymour Lake Country club will open its 1918 season Friday, evening with a dinner and dancing party at the club houe at Ralston. In order not to overtax the accomodations of . the club, only the immediate families of members and out-of-town guests Htm nr1nre4 in invt'.a.lAM (- .!. opening date Friday evening, " The club announces a dinner-dance every Friday evening throughout the season. - r: Epidemic Grips Spain; 150,000 Cases in Madrid Madrid, May 30. The-, epidemic which is sweeping over Spain, a disease, which somewhat resembled grippe, is increasing ift-severity. There are more than 150,000 case., in Madrid. The- mortality however continues to be low. Bee Want Ads Produce Rcm3 i