Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1918, Page 8, Image 8
o '8 TEE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, ; MAY 30, 1918. I; I "I I I ; 11 ' r I i WOMAN IS BEATEN WITH HEAVY BAR; FOUND IN ROOM Mrs. Blanche Walsh Discovered in Serious Condition; Man Arrested Under Suspi ; cious Circumstances. Mrs. Blanche Walsh, 40 yfars old, a janitress employed at the First Na , tional Bank building, was assaulted late Wednesday afternoon in her room at 405 North Fifteenth street. ' and is in a serious condition. Frank Sarscormello, 504 South bix tcenth street, was captured by a rail , road detective late Wednesday after noon. He had a revolver and a large turn of money in his i-ossession. There was blood on his hands. He was ai tempting to board train out of the v- city. Police say he has confessed to the crime. Assault was the motive, police ' wy. , The woman was beaten with a heavy iron bar and was unconscious i when discovered by two ityen who occupy rooms in the same building. They are Geprge Rogers and James Kirwin. The men found the woman, after hearing her groans, just as the man escaped and notified the police. LAKEVIEW PAEK 3ETTER THAN EVER THIS SEASON " t ' In striving to obtain the newest and latest amusement' devices to ' please the public, the management of Lakeview has put forth an organized and concerted effort to bring to Omaha the creations of some of the greatest builders or park devices in .he country. Located on Carter lake, easily ac :essible by Lakeview or Carter Lake ;lub cars, the natural beauty of Lake riew is doubly enhanced by' the great lumber of fun temples, modeled in irchitecture after some of the great ist resorts in the country. Arabesque ' walls, minareted towers, pergolas, trellis work, trees, flowers and shrub bery are1 all incorporated in Lakeview, not only as an attraction, but to help increase its natural beauty., , There's room for the biggest picnic Mincli or , one can buy a meal or luncheon at the cafe on the grounds. ., Roomy, non-sinkable steel boats with air chambers are plentiful, bait and fishing tackle can be obtained close at hand. In the evening free motion pictures will be shown each day, a program of screen shows having been arranged that will keep the crowds from wish . ing. to leave for home until the last scenes have been shown. ' HAYDENS GIVE' . r R00 F,MPT.flYT!R . PREE INSURANCE , Haydeti Brothers made a present 1L 1 f . t't i io mcir employees or iree me, acci- .. dent' and health insurance policies, , - announcement ot tnis was made at a meeting when the store closed Wed nesday, which was received with great joy by the 500 employees. -'The insurance was written by Tom S Kelly, Omaha manager of the Travelers' Insurance company. It was the first group contract insurance taken out by any department store in - the middle west. The premiurasare all paid by Hay den Brothers. All employees who have been in the store for one year ' or more are beneficiaries. For an employee who has been with the store one, year the death benefit is $500. It increases $100 with each year of service until it reaches $1,000. iVv Weekly payments wrtl be made to ' employees who are sick or who are hurt by accident. The total insurance in this group . contract is $200,000. , , North Side Christian Church To Give Choir Program Friday The following program will be given it the North Side Christian church, Twenty-second and Lothrop streets, Friday evening. May 31, under the auspices of the choir; 'America" A...... , Ud by J. D. HImIiw, iltss Jessie Cady. - Organtat, , Violin Quartet-' () Mlnuette Valeneln bl Serenade Haydn e Final ...... lk . Haydn ' Wet Ststere. Reading The Littlest Rebel......,,.,. ( Miss Mozelle Thomaa. 1 Vocal Solo . ta) An Open Secret,,...... .............. ,r; Huntington Wootman b) Tht Spirit Flower... Cempbell-Plpton ; ) To a Messenger.. Frank LaForge Mlaa Hasel PeteSson. Aecompanlad by Miss Grace Slabaugh. Violta Solo Andant From B Minor con- erto .Mendeltaobn Henry O. Cox. Bass Solo The Armor ra .....DeKoven Peter Fisher. Reading Tb Dumb Saviour A. L. R. Cramer. Vocal Solo An Irish Folk Song.Arthur Foot lira, Jullua Steinberg. Organ Solo - a "legend". ...... .. ; '(b) "A Sea Bong". ...5 Cadman McDowell J. H. Slmms. Mrs. Gladys Taoaart Loses Purse Containing $2,500 Note ' Mrs. Gladys Tastrart 27M Riirf ' street, reported to the polilce the loss hi a pocweiDooK containing a note for $2,500 and $6 in money about 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. The (OSS Was first tinted after hnarHImr a street car at Sixteenth and Farnam .. streets. She was unable to state " whether she had been robbed or lost . 'he pocketbook. Graduating Exercises for Creighton University Saturday 1 he graduation exercises at Creigh ton- university will be heir! nrxt .Sat urday morning. The academic pro cession will form on California street and march to the gymnasium. . The principal address will be de ' livered bv Chief Instire Cnnstantim T. Smvth ' formerly of Omaha and who is now sitting on the bench of tne circuit court ot appeals of the district ot Columbia. Accused as Fugitive. i A. C Roberts, 3139 E street. Lin . . coin, is. being held at the Central po ' lice station fnt Tjnrnln nffirera ' Hi is charged with being a fugitive from In the Silent Drama Rial to John Barrymora playa the opan- Inc engagement at the Rlalto In "RarTlaa. Hia charactertiatlon of the drama ot tba amateur cracksman la ena of Barrymora a flna plecea of work on the icreen. Hia entry Into the field aa a burglar la atarted by hia belief that It la light and proper that ona ahould 'iteal from the rich and the bene fita accure to the poor, and backed by tbla belief "Raffles myatlfiea the police and brings a feeling of unsecurlty to owners of valuable Jewelry among rich society roik among whom he moves as a highly respected and well liked member. Nothing has been pared in the way of expense to produce the finest staging and lighting effecta In "Raffles" and the opening play of the new theater la one that makes a splendid repre sentation of the book in films. Empress The vaudeville ahow at the Empress thester for the last half of the week has aa Its headllner an act having eight people, called 'Tba Golden Troupe," who will present songs, patter and en semble numbers. Henry and Adelaide will also be on the bill In a novel dancing num ber. ' Ocracl, the accordionist, will offer a program ranging from opera to popular songs. Barney Firxt will offer hia latest monologue. "With Neatness and Dispatch" a Metro picture has as Us stars Francis X. Bunhman and Bovcrly Bayne. The story Is full of fun from start to flnlBh, and things fret' budly mixed "up before the climax. Htrand It seema that each new picture that Charles Ray appears In Is better than the pravloua one. and "The Family Skele ton" now ahowlng 'at thle theater ta no exception o the rule. The atory ia rapid fire replete with comedy moments, and as no Ray plctura la complete without a fistic encounter a realistic one has been filmed. , Tne story Is an humorous account of the atruggle of a young millionaire against an Imaginary Inherited hnblt, and the manner In which ha overcomes It with the help of his chorus girl sweetheart -snd a trumped up kidnapping. Comedtea and the Strand Pathe News of current events completes the bill. Sun Douglas Fairbanks appears for the teat time today In "American Aristocracy." closing a aecond run on thla play at the Sun. Ha meets a girl on a lonely road while on hia chosen occupation of the pursuit of bugs, she klsnes him on .sight and from that moment on Doug puts all hia many ener gies Into winning the girl. His rival, he dim-overs la a smuggler of munitions Into Mexico and In tha finale Fairbanks .chases and catches him In a hydroplane while tha vllllan la attempting to aoauei ine h.rolno end hriaks up the gang of smug glers ot which tha rival la tha leader. Hnw-After some delay In securing thla fphotoplay we have tha pleasure to announce that Norma Taimsage win oe snown kuj and for tha balance of the week In "De Luxa Annie." Triply guaranteed; It was a R.turd.v Kvenlna Poat atory. a pronounced aucceaa on the atage. now a Select picture. A crook Play with a aurprlslng psycnoiogicai twist and ona that holds you In doubt until tha last minute. No ona can beat "Da Luxa Annie." especially with Norma Talmadge In tha title role supported by Eugene O'Brien. n 'tti, ti" with )una Caprice telle the atory of a girl alone In a big city, unknown ana innui. road from nobody to somebody Is strewn jit.mi. hut msnv a smile peeps la as aha resolutely downs one ogre after another in ner new m . triumphant at tha end. Suburban Jack Plckford In Mark Twain's masterpiece "Huck and Tom jvlll r,e shown for one day only, today. Primarily , . .. knva the rjlav la a written nuiiu J source, of continuous laughter for grown ups aa well as for tna cnimren. ha been nroduced In cooperation with the Uiemena ,.,..- pages of tha book. Neighborhood theatera n(lna f.1na1v the everywhere nave oeen ir Ing children -wherever It haa been shown. ... . ft. . TCa r annearlng In "Du Barry" holds the bosrds both Thursday and Friday. A atory of the French court at the k.iffht nf avtrsvaaanca and lime .1 ' l" .,pb... - - - loose living has been put on to tha finest n,i. anil mnrala Af the TterlOO era portrayed well but not braxenly while .u. ,t,A the flna clot of the atory have been brought out In tbelr best style. Knhlff Edna -Goodrich shows today tn the patriotic drama "American a play Wlta action ana a ,? , story. On Friday Douglas Fairbanks ap peara In "His Picture In tha Papera. On ..... I . 1 Srt aa. AAawnnv antiirflay Tom mix ia snown m - play, "Western Biooa." a txsb nu.. Is Introduced to Los Angeles society where he raises the pollca and almost a acandal. The play, ends In a thrilling rescue of the heroine ftom Mexican bandits. Dnndea Bessie Jlarrlscale appears for to- Ujiy 1,11 1 III tn"mo considerable merlti and. well put on. On a ... i- Mil AT. n. a ivhft?" a ftf Friday will oe snown jayior nifim comedy. "Two Bits a 8eat," ona of tha most delightful of Holmea' scrsen playa. . -. 1. it.. mmiiIIii nf the vaur Anavnrr wi . . ' " " w ' - - will be run Saturday when Bessie Love will be shown In "How Could You, Caro line." In addition to tha flna aense of humor developed In the action of these a .41.. thrn ninmnUri hava atarftd them In exceptionally fine settings and the supporting casts nave maus i me piaja draniaa of real Interest. 1.1.. 1 nulla Tlnrlia annearlnr In "MvS- terlous Miss Terry," and a Lonesome Luke comedy make up the double bill for today here. On Friday will be seen George Be ban In the light drama "Lost In Transit," m vuttv Arhiii'hla enmedv. while Baby Marie Oaborne closes the week In a pa triotic show of the little ones, "iJony n... U till Tha laat half nf the double 1.111 . D.t.i..u will ha tha final chanter of the aerial which hag been running here, Tne rignung irau. Grand "Brave and Bold," with 6eorge Walsh In the leading role, will be at the Grand today. The play Is ona to whirl. Walnh Is well ' fitted and ha carries 11 through with lots of action arid humor. Kmtly Stevens In "Daybreak" will be tha big feature for Friday, a drama of force and power and well acted. William Russel will close the week on Saturday in "Hearts and Diamonds." It la a comedy drama. with a complication of- plot that leada lo situations which develop lots of humor for the audience before tha cast- extricates It self and all nds well. Hipp Clara Kimball Toung In "The Easi est Way", will appear at the Hipp for to day only, A acreen drama haa been built on the play that tells tha story tn much mora foroetul way. Love, riches, dresses', Jewel and a good tlma may be had by the heroine at tha expense of the quieting of her conscience In regard to tha morals of the matter, and the actress handles tht characterisation In fin manner. ' Alhamhra William 8. Hart appear a the feature today only In "The Dawnmak- cr." A quarter-breed Indian educated In the white man' achool, he attempt to bring tha tribe up to the whit man' way ot living. In tha end ha leaves the tribe a It Journeys southward to food and plenty and dlea a- martyr to hia Ideals and his lave for the whit girl. On Friday Wallace Retd wUI be aeen in the comedy drama, "A Prison Without Bars," and on Satur day "A Camouflage Kiss," with 'June Ca- RINGGOLD, GEORGIA, MAN WRITES A thankful letter about, the benefits received from using Sulpherb Tablets. Its effects are like grandmother's remedy of sulphur, cream of tartar and molnaapa. Rut this rnnaUta nf Bulnhur, cream of tartar and. herbs, in a sugar-coated tablet, easy and pleasant to use, for bad blood, stomach, liver and' bowel disorders. Mr. (John M. Plemons, Ring gold, Georgia, writes: "I had an awful bad case of stomach trouble and constipation, and ;had the service of a specialist with only temporary relief. I saw an advertisement of Sulp Jierd Tablets and began using them, and iff a short time noted very good results, and I further used them, and at this time am perfectly well as far as I can tell. - I don't recommend anything unless I receive some good results. Some friends use 1 them and they also note good results, etc." Druggists sell Sulpherb Tablets everywhere.; Don't take ordinary "sulphur" MDieis ana De disappointed. MEMORIAL DAY TO BE OBSERVED AS HOLIDAY IN CITY Parade in Afternoon Will Be Followed by Patriotic .Ex ercises in Auditorium; Sloan to Speak., The stage is set for a most impres sive observance of Memorial day. In dications are that it will be a holiday, a day when people will forget busi ness and turn their thoughts to the boys in the trenches and in the camps and cantonments on this side. Early Thursday, delegations from the relief corps of the Grand Army posts will visit the cemeteries; where they will spread flowers over the graves of the soldier dead. i' At 10.30 o'clock members of U. S. Grant post and the Woman's Relief corps will visit Forest Lawn ceme tery, where around the monument in the soldiers' plat they will hold serv ices for the unidentified dead. "Nearer My God to Thee" will be sung, after which Mrs. Ida Miller will recite the "Unknown Dead." i There will be the flower march 10 young girls, after which the Grand Army quartet will sing, "Tenting To night On the Old Camp Ground." Prayer will be offered by Rev. Mr. Bowen, to be followed by the firing of the military salute by a squad of soldiers from Fort Omaha. The exer- rlc In the leading role, will close the program lor tne wee., Apollo Rex Beach, starring In the screen version of hi own great book, "The Bar rlur," will play here toHay and tomorrow. la Kla intnrnrataHnn flf his Own Story Of the far. north Beach plays a strong and vlg. orous character ana tne piciursa im m much more striking detail the struggle to a,! ta in (ha ttlnnaarinv Af the areat indus tries up there On Saturday will be seen Kitty Ooraon in tn popular uranm, n Purple Lily." Not jnly a good play but the scenery and costume work done baa made It a picture or great oeauty, -i1 s 1 1 sn t . Submarine Destroyers Our destroyen and scout ihipi are waiting for the sndden attack ot the deadly torpedo the watch on the Atlantic is on the lookout for the first indication of hidden danger it ' a fight for life. For those leading a quiet life at home it is often the unexpected that hap pens., It may be that we are mysteriously attacked by pain in our back or limbs, lumbago, ' 4 neuralgic' ' pains shooting anywhere. Back ache of any kind is often caused by kidney disorders, which means that t!he kidneys are not working properly. :' Poisonous matter and uric acid accumulate within the body in greit abundance, over working the sick kidneyi; . hence the congestion of blood causes back ache in the same manner as 'a similar congestion in the head causes headache. Perhaps you become nervous, despondent, sick, feverish, irritable, have spots appearing before the eyes, bags under the lids, and lack of ambition to do things. The latest and most effective means of overcoming such trouble, is to eat sparingly of meat, drink plenty of water between meals, and take a single An-uric Tablet before each meal for a while, or until recovered. Simply ask your favorite druggist for Anuric Tablets (double strength). If you have lumbago, rheumatism, gout, dropsy, begin immediately with this newest discovery of Dr. Pierce, who is Chief Medical Director of Surgical Institute in Buffalo, N. Y. Send 10c for trial pkg. All druggists sell large package for sixty cents. Dr. Pierce's Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Compound of May-apple, aloes and jalap. Keep the body clean inside as well as outside. - PHOTOPLAYS. BRANDEIS THEATRE TWICE DAILY, 2:30 and 8:30 THIS SPACE CONTRIBUTED Douglas Fairbanks "AMERICAN ARISTOCRACY" J &D0UGI Now Playing" John Barrymore IN "RAFFLES" Harry Silverman, Musical Director - Kenneth Wtdenor, Organist. r .a ...ri a ..v.Y"4 . , in f!Ji una, X TODAY ONLY Clara Kimball Young in "The Easiest Way" v wrx war I WSF cises will conclude with the sounding of taps. . Downtown exercises of the after noon will start with a parade. Itwill form at .Twenty-fourth and Farnam streets, and move promplty at 2 o'clock. The line of march will be east on Farnam to Fifteenth street, and thence south to the Auditorium. The parade -will form ajid movey in this order, with Colonel "Grant, chief marsnal ; Forty-first Infantry band and 800 members of the regiment. Aviation corps. 1,200 men. . Creighton University cadets. High school cadets. Spanish-American war veterans. Veterans of the civil war. At the -Auditorium, where the ex ercises will begin at 3 o'clock, Colonel Banister will preside. The Forty-first Infantry band win play the "Mar Spangled Banner." Prayer will be by Rev. A. A. DeLarme, pastor of the First Baptist church. There will be a 'vocal selection by the Council Bluffs Elks' quartet and R. P. Tuten will read the roll of honor, contain ing names of Omaha war veterans who have died since Memorial day last year. . Lincoln's Gettysburg speech will be read by Benedict M. McConville to be followed by a vocil solo by George Long., The address of the aiernoon will he by Congressman Sloan. The audi ence will join in singing "America" and taps will -be sounded by C. B. Mapes of the Mapes drum cores. Boy' Scouts will not march in the parade, but will act in canteen service while the march is in progress and as ushers in the Auditorium. Nondeliveries will be made Thurs day by postmen. On the day set aside for homage to be paid, to the dead heroes of former and present wars, mail carriers will be relieved of all work and the population will of neces sity be, without mail unless they ap pear at the postoffice for general de livery communications, which will be issued between 8 and 10 o'clock in the morning. The parcel post window will also be open for the dispensation of perish able goods during the same hours. Mail will be collected by the cars at regular hours and will be sent out as usual on holiday schedules. V'j-v7 PHOTOPLAYS. S June 3 25c and 50c NO WAR TAX BY OMAHA ROTARY CLUB '"Che "NORMA TALMADGE in- DE LUXE ANNIE' - SUBURBAN 24 A Ames Col. 2841 JACK PICKFORD in "HUCK AND TOM" LOTHROP "I"' TODAY AND FRIDAY a Presents to'CS5 ,. ? Charles $M - i a a ramiiy COLONEL GEANT MAY BE SENT TO MONTREAL, CAN. Colonel F. A. Grapt, commandant of the Qmaha quartermaster corps, may be transferred from Omaha to Montreal, Canada, to take charge of government overseas shipping. He has received orders but will not know positively until today whether he will make the change. Colonel Grant is experienced in all branches of army embarkation and transportation and has handled much government shipping. Under his su pervision the Omaha quartermaster depot has grown to be one of the most efficient in the country. Mr. and Mrs. Bacon Send Three Sons Into Service - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bacon, 4242 Wirt street, Wednesday sent three sons out to do their bit for their country. The three bovs have all been employed in Omaha and entered different branches of the service. Lester N Bacon went to the Great Lakes training station as a recruit in the navy. Roger went into the army and was sent to Fort Logan, Col., and Charles went to Washington to do his bit at the capitol. Hoth Lester and Charles were formerly employed by the Union Pacific while Roger was a printer. AMUSEMENTS. 9&UCS. I'm. I tnKiSjinnith 0 ' Sljj'k'J1 11 II II ia. AMUSEMENTS. !,.. SUOW .TODAV. GOLDEN TKOtPE Staring and Danclnir Spectacle. Cast at Eight People HEXHY & ADELATDB ' 1 Intrwlaclng Change In Dancing bakney nmft Singing and Dancing Convedlan ; GERACI ' Accordfonlt. FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN IN ' . "Witli Neatness and Dispatch" A Good Smashing Adventure Story HAROLD LLOYD COMEDYT BASE BALL OMAHA vs. JOPLIN May 28, 29, 30, 30. ROURKE PARK Thursday, May 30. 2 Games j First Gam Called 2 P. M. May 28, 29. Games Called 6:30. v Bex Seats On Sals at Barkalow Bros. Krug Park NOW OPEN Dancing Every Evening, and Other Attractions. PHOTOPLAYS. HAMILTON TJl JIINF. CAPRICE . AYP In! THE CASH STORE Closed AU Day Thursday- DECORATION DAY IN HONOR OF OUR GALLANT SOLDIER DEAD Who Hw Given All That We Mighi l Enjoy All the Blessings of a Free Country S t . - Store Will Open Friday at 9 A. M. Close at 6 P. M. Watch Thursday Papers for Announcements. V It Pays-TRY HAYDENS FIRST-It Pays- r AMUSEMENTS. Beautiful invites you for ecoratiomi Finn's band of 20 pieces plays patriotic concerts all afternoon and evening. Special invitation is given picnic parties. Shady Grove was never more beautiful All the attractions, thrilling and restful, v will furnish you enjoyment The trolly ride is delightful. Fare from Omaha, 10 cents, children, 15 cents From Council Bluffs, 5 cents Lake sports are ideal now. Fast launches, plenty of rowboats, and fishing is the best for years. Admission free to park, to children's play ground, to automoblie parking yard, to concerts, to motion picture show and to dance pavilion every afternoon except Sundays and holidays. REMEMBER Manawa Park invites that big-picnic in which you are interested this season. Telephone Omaha, Douglas 1365, Council Bluffs 974. IE. f 'Don't Wait! Iron Out LA REV JEW-PARK -"JOY SPOT OF OMAHA" 'An Ocean of Joy; With a Laugh on Every Wave" ' Awaits Y&u at the JACK RABBIT 1 GIANTCOASTfeRJ ROLLER RINK MERRY-GO-ROUND MINIATURE AUTO RACES PENNY'" -v ARCADE DANCING LAMP'S JAZZ BAND BOATING, FISHING IDEAL PICNIC GROUNDS BOOK YOUR PICNIC NOW Bee Want Ads Are Business Boosters, AMUSEMENTS. ' the Wrinkle Today" at 151 MAMMOTH DANCE PALACE IWONDER- LAND MINIATURE RAILROAD FREE OPEN AIR THEATER BOWLING ALLEYS 13 Day THEDA BARA "DU BARRY ia "UNKNOWN 274" r a