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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1918)
THE UEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1918. 16 i r HELP WANTED FEMALE Professions and Trades. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. I MODERN turnlahrd room for mD only at the Sunshine, tifli North 17tb St Reason able rent WANTED Young Ladies to hari telephone operating. Good wages paid while Isarning, rapid advance . tnent, permanent positions. Apply to C. F. LAMBERT, : 1807 Douglas St. ;: GIRLS! GIRLS! WANTED Experienced and Inexperienced girls for Icing and packing dept. Idal storking" conditions In clesn, modern factory. Apply fietorr entrsnes. ITEN BISCUIT CO., 2611 G..PITOL AVK. Clean, cozy, front room. 1st fl.sll furnished. Harney 6360. NTcE.7arge room, quiet surroundings, 13 a wek. 2632 Harney St. Harney 6955. 61S PARK AVE. Large front room, suita ble for two. private home. Harney 6614. NICELY furnished room, convenient for railroad employes. Call Webster 1783. 2621 HARNEY-Nicely furnished sleeping roomii Tel. H. 6749 NICELY furnished, clean front room, cheap, walking distance. Red 5790. FURNISH EI) ROOMS, In private family, close In. SIS N. 53d. Tyler 3673-W. WELL furnished room In private family In Wnt Farnam. II. 1669-1745. nil HOWARD alreet, nicely furnished rooms. NEATLY furnished 3-room aulte; also gar age. 3026 Davenport. CLOSE IN for two; large room, modern flat, good board. Rod 8557. CRAYSTONK. 261h and Cass, ntehd rooms. Douglas 7994. nicely fur- Housekeeping Rooms. 1578 HARNEY Large front room, kitchen ette, (as range, running water; children admitted. J NICE front hk. rooms; everything fur nished; tin children; also single room; walking distance. Ph. D. 9193. lJth and Capitol Ave. Saleswomen and Solicitors. .WANTED MILLINERY SALESLADY. AP PLY TO T 8 I. INI), HAtl'l.T onu MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. Salesladies to travel in Iowa, to work with local dealers; ones rspabl of earn- In from$100 to 1150 per. box Omaha flee. v VTtrnf'HAMIIKUMAIDB. APPLY TO HOUSEKEEPER. HOTEL FONTE NKLLK. 'WANTED A smart lady to learn art aalea. A. Hosp Co , WANTED Olrl to clerk In grocery atore. Buffet Son, $11 8. Fourteenth lit. Agents and Canvassers La DIES for canvaaslnc a national adver tised product, not over 96 yean, salary 14 a week snd car fare. Inqulr 4649 Reward. , "Household and Domestic. gtrla ivamtkii Firat-class cook, also two g for diet kitchen. Apply to housekeeper, Wise Memorial hospital. 24th Ave, and Harney fit. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Middle-a fed, good home and good wages to right per. son. Frank M, Norman. Ord. Neh. COMPETENT girl for cooking and general housework; three In family; good wages. 108 8.'32d Ave. Harney 5:3.1. ' . WANTED A competent second girl. 410 N. . 4Sih St. Mrs. Ueorg A. Hoagland. Tel. Walnut 199. TvANTED Cood girl for light housework in small family. Very good home. Wsl. lh or Tyl. 143. . WANTED Girl to assist with housework In small family, best of wages, and no wash Ins. Wslnut 3666, ft""' Capitol Ave. WANTEI An experienced nurse for chil dren; references required. Tel. Hsrney :s14. , ' YOUNG or under 86 years old. keep widow. , er's home; no children. Address Bo J012, ' Omaha Bee. ' " WANTED Competent roiHt.also second girl; good wages; no washing. Mrs. B. R. Hastings. 3606 Hawthorne Ave. Wal. 84M. AWOD girl for general housework. Hmall famllv. Good home. 606 a. 41st Bt. WANTED Woman to do chamber work In exchange for room rent. Red 604. 01 RL for cooking and general housework, no washing, and small family, Har. Dm. WANTED Olrl for general housework or to assist. Call 2054 Blnney Bt. WANTKD Olrl to assist with housework and rare of small child. Phone Wslnut 31. J7J3 TWO front light housekeeping rooma. Harney St. 2013 NICE, neat housekeeping rooma for rent. 313 N. 22d St., Douglas 9378. FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeep ing. St. Mary's Ave. Unfurnished Rooms. TWO unfurnished modern rooms for light housekeeping. Call Douglas 8078. Hotels. COOL rooms, 12 week; also apartments with kitchenettes. Ogden hotel. Co Bluffs Rooms Wanted. YOUNO business man wish's well furnished room with private bath. West Farnam or llansrnm Park district, also breakfast. Box SI 23, Dee. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. 10 SUBLET from June 1 to September 1, to family without children. The Winona Aptartment 10, Twenty-seventh and Dewey avenue, 12 to 1, or after t o'clock. CoZY, two-room apt. with private bath. Furnished for housekeeping. T. 1895. NICELY furnished housekeeping and sleep ing rooms, 205 N. 2.1d. Red 6468. A f WO-ROOM nicely fufnlshed cottage apartment. 2323 Harney St. Houses. FOR RENT. New .6-room bungalow In Montclalr, finely furnished Oarage. Everything complete. Will lease for six months to mall family. References. 155. Boi 4270 Bee. i-ROOM collage for runt. 120 per month. Men only Cull afternoona. 18)1 California. i-ROOM furnished house. Kountz addition, for summer mntilhs. t'sll Web. 3918. -ROOM seml-bsseinenl, for 2 couples. Harney modern. 372. 578 suitable 8. 28th. FOR RENT HOUSES West FOR RENT one of .the best modern homes In West Farnam district. 15 rooms (nine bedrooms) furnished, ready to move Into. Prefer- to rent to some business rnan or some party of first class reputstlon. 3125 per month for the duration of the war, FAYNE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. 537 Omaha Nat. Bk, Bldg P. 1781. 130 203iSt. Marls, 10 "rooms' 130 620 S. 20. 10 rooms. $10 109 s. 28th, 4 rooms, newly papered. 8151211 8.' 13th, 6-room flat, for colored. Rlngwnlt, Brandels Thes. Bldg. 2888 Douglas, rooming house 133 1511 North 18th, rooming house 33 John N. Frenzer, Douglaa 5(4. VvTsTnTu r na furnished rooms, strictly modern, no chil dren; references exchanged. H. 5850. MODERN 10-room residence; keys on premises. 2801 Capitol avenue. Telephone Harney 8884. WANTKD Jnnes St .A second girl, good wages, Harney 14.15. 114 WANTED Cha'mbermaiil and dlshweaher at .'once. Th Woodruff, 114 N. 18th 8t. N. 24th St., 13 rms., modern. 140. F. D. WRAP, 310 S. 18th St. D. 1 Tf . SEVEN-ROOM house. EXPERIENCED second maid In family of 3. Mrs. W. Hynea, Harney 4780. TvANTED An experienced nurse mild. Ap ply Mrs. George Brandeis. Walnut 98. WANTED White work; best pay. wssherwomnn, Webster 4283. steady YOUNO girl to assist t family, small house. In housework, small H. !48. WANTKD White nurse maid. Mrs. Clarks "lowell. Telephone Walnut 13. FOR RENT S013 Orace St., 8-r. mod. house, ,120.00 ALFRED C. KENNEDY CO.. Realtors. 208 South 18th St. Polities 723. PARTIES having houses for rent or ssls In thi neighborhood of a, Basket Store will do well to mention this sdvantsgs to the prospective renter or buyer. WANTED Olrl for general Aouaework, and no eooklng. 2979 Paclflo St. 17 GIRL for general housework; no washing, ill) Davenport. Harney 53S- WANTED A good girl for general house work; good wages. Colfa C96. FOR RENT 3-room house In rear, 1830 N. 30th at.: will rent to a family with chil dren. Call Colfax 1108. WANTED White, woman for general house . work, two In family. Colfax 476. Hotels and Restaurants. FOR "RENT 3-room house and 6 lots. Call Wet), 2600 or Web. 4523. house. 3888 Hamilton St. WANTED AT ONCE Dining room girls, also cook, short hours. Hays' rrstsurant. al Cumins St. ' -. Walnut 8313. N Miscellaneous. (COLORED, worrien wanted to sew . sacks, e 1413 N. 17th St. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. OMAHA government clerk 'examinations coming. Thousands wanted. 1100 month, Sample questions free. Franklin Instl tute. Dept. 233 E. Rocheeter. N. T. V ANTED Men, ladles .and boys, iesro barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or writs 1101 Dodge St Trl-Clty Berber College. Phons P 3147. ' - - HOLER Barber College wants young men and ladles to learn the barber trsde. Csll or writs for free catalogue. 110 aV 14tb St.. Omaha. Neb UOOD proposition for Solicitors, outdoor work. ' Inquire 9 to 10 a. m., and 4 to I p. m.. 2019 Cuming Bt. HhoeShup. EDUCATIONAL T"I BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL" Every day Is enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotypy. typewrit . Inc. telegraphy, civil service sll commer cial snd English branches. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE. Douglas 1685 18th and Harney Its. Van Bant School of Business. Dsy snd Evening Schools. 120 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas lilt. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERS. . 4 , If you fsll to find the room yon deslrs among these ads csll at The Bee of ties tor a Room List. Gives complete description of vscsnt rooms In all parts of tbs city. New lists Issued every week. TWO nicely furnished rooms, wltb sn ssat v front' Prices reasonable. .. Close In. Til 8. 17th Aes. NICE modern rooms, everything new; no pbjecUons to man snd wire and small child. Meats optional. Harney 1985. 70J 8. lst Ave. boOD-SIZED sleeping room In private fsm lly; will glvs breakfast It desired. 1011 Chicago St H. 4684. THE NORTON A large splendidly furnished : room, suitable for I adults, with light housekeeping accommodations. 2118 Dodge. WANTED 2 young ladles or couple to share s 6-room flat, til Paxtoa court. near 25th and Fsrnsm. H. 4630. CLEAN, cool, beautifully furnished room. nesr canine, walking distance. Hsrney 1113. -A ROE, cool, beautifully furnished room, on bath floor. In modern privsts home, 65 8. 26th AVS. XOOM, opposite Turner park, beautiful , West Farnam district walking distance. lie a. disc Ave. 1108 DAVENPORT Nicely furnished, cool outside rooms. In strictly modern flat a. 8591 walking distance. Hot water Hsrney 2049. best, North. AND 6 ROOM a partem! ns, mondern, new, screened porches, very light, (33.10 to 130, 18th and Maple His., Tyler 1813 J. ROOM modern P. 1538. South. 647 80. 24TH AVE. 8 rms.. mod., 132.60 548 Bo. 24th, 4 rms. close In. 111. F. D. WEAP. 310 8. 8th St. D. 171. Miscel'aneous. 1859 CALIFORNIA ST., 8 mis 130 2131 Jackson St., 7 rms I3T.I0 1003 California St., 7 rma 151 ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1638. 133 Securities Bldf. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. CREIOH SONS CO., BEE BLDO. LIST your property for rent or sals wltb FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtors. Tyler T2I. Bbopea A Co.. Retsle. Souglaa 4111. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. MORRIS APARTMENTS 18th and Dodge Streets Two room apartments. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. ' Hotel Servloe Phone, Tyler 1210. FOH RENT APARTMENTS Sooth. FOR RENT June 1. 7-room steam-heated flat st 2624 Leavenworth St Nebraaka and Wyoming Investment Co., , 322 Brandels Theater Bid r Phone Poug. 1 171. 3 AND 4 -room modern apts. 16 S. 22d St. Tyler 2248. MOVING AND STORAGE rPTTlT RENTAL L AVi-ll 8ERVICL A 11 i JUL. A 16TH AND JACKSON. POLO. 2S8. STORAGE. MOVINO, PACKING. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL . SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT Hi'l;si:s AND APARTMENTS. MICTRuPULlTAN VAN & STORAGE CO. Owned and operated by Central Furni ture store; office on Howard St., between 15th and 16th. Phone Tyler 3400. Hsve your moving bandied Just as you would sn order for new furniture. Thst's ths wsy ws do u. Ask to see our dally rental lists. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separata locked rooms for household goods snd pianos; moving, pscklng snd shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAOE CO., -tP.6 B. 16 th. Douglas 4161, Globe Van and Storage Co. For reel service n moving, packing and storing call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. OMAHA EXPRESS CCX" LARGE moving vans; rsreful men? Fur niture psck., storage. 1417 Chicago. D-3354 Jp T?l7l7ri Express Co.. Moving, . Kj. IILjLjLJ packing and 8torags. 1207 Farnam St. Wer, 2748 Poug 814S FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. STORE FOR RENT 16th and Douglaa. iOx 80, stesm heat, rent 1115 per month. WORLD REALTY CO.. Pouglsa 6343. Sun Theater Bldg. MODERN store, 16lh St., near P. O. rent O. P. Stebblns. 1610 Chlcsgd. Low Office and Desk Room. CONSIDER. The Bee building when choos ing offices. It Is time well spent Key stone Investment Co. Tyler Lil. Garages and Barns. FOR RENT Oarage, 2010 Blnney. Webster 471. FOR RENT Oarage. 4124 Farnam St. WANTED TO RENT WE can sell your acreage. Call Mr. Browne, Ty. 1672. Inter-State Realty Co., 113-14 City Nat'l Bank Bldg REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. BEMIS PARK HOME If you appreciate good construction It will pay you to Inspect this property; an unusually well built, 2-story and at tic, 8-room modern, frama house, fin ished In quartersswed white oak, with oak floors on first floor and quarter sawed pine on second; ha9 a futl ce mented basement with McUee furnace, laundry and fruit room, etc.- tiled front vratlhule, living room, dining room and kitchen first floor; 4-torner boil rooms and bath, second floor; stairway to floored attic; all walls aro back plastered, ranvssed. nnd hand-docnraleil In oil; this house alone cost llie owner 17.200 when material was much cheaper than now; lot alone Is worlh $1,500. Price 16,350. Terms; One-third rash, balance monthly, immediate possession; key st our office. GEORGE & CO., Doug. 756. DEWEY 3301 Dewey Ave., new apts, three large rooms with two built-in beds, dress. Ing room, nicely decorated, oak finish, all outside rooms, porches, high snd sightly locstton, Apt. 11, renting for $17.50. to October 1. Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Harney. DEWKY 3301 Dewey Ave., new, very choice, semi-basement, S-r. wltb 6-r. se commodatlons. renting for $27.60 summer, winter $30. Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Harney. HAMILTON APTS., fireproof; fine lawn and flowers; best location, 34th and Fsrnsm. .Prices reasonable. Call P. 147J. PETERS TRUST-CO. Specialists tn Apartment management Beautiful Home Field Club District, $7,500 1322 S. 35th Ave. Owner Instructs us to sell this fine hlg home, which Is strictly modern In every detail. It has a brand new hot water hestlng plant, fine basement with laundry room and fruit cellar: screens snd storm sash for entire house; beau tiful sun porch, living room (with fire place), . dining room, kitchen, butler pantry and refrigerator rpom on flrat floor! three large bed rooms, bath, den snd fine sleeping porch on second floor; also maid's room nnd store room on third floor; this house and double garage Is equipped with burglar alarm and theromstock; also niHny other fine feat ures that you do not find In most homes. Call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Clark. HASTINOS - HEYDEN, 1614 HARNEY ST. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Norn. THREE ROOMS $9. . Modern except heat, water furnished. Southeast corner 30th and Saratoga St. TRAVER BROTHERS CO. 819 First National BankBldg. 6-ROOM modern houoe and large ground, northwest corner 31st and Miami atreets. 120x160; orje lot all In potatoes; owner leaving city. Trice $3,000. W. H. GATES. 647 Omaha Nat'l Bank. Doug. 1294. NEAR KENNEDY SCHOOL and 1 blk. to car, dandy 6-r. cottage, mod. ex. heat, east front cor. lot. I'rlco $1.500 250 cash. Rasp Bros, 210 Keeline Bldg. Ty ler 721. HIGH GRADE HOME, strictly mod. bun galow, 5-r. oak. cor, lot, 50x127, paved st.. I Wk. to car. Price $3,750. RASP BROS.. "10 Keeline Bldg. Tyler 721. FTiR-SALE-Southwest corner Marcy and 31st Sts.. full lot, three houses, partly modern, choice location; Investlgste snd mske offer: hslf cgBh. Phone lValnut 1301. UIN.NU LUSA nomes snd lots offer the best opportunity to Invest your money. Pbnne Tvler 181 BEAUTIFUL modern 7-room home with garage. Exceptional bargain. 2595 Man- derson street. Go see It. Douglas 788. South. 915 WILLIAM STREET, l-room, strictly modern house; built for a home seven years ago; costing $9,000; lot 65x130 cost $1,750 besides. Hot water heat; double garage: bullt-ln Ice box; sleeping porch; hardwood floors and finish: first class neighborhood. This $10,000 property priced for a short time st $7,500. terms. WHITE & HOOVER. 454 Omaha Nat. Bank Bld?. 31ST AND MASON"; BARGAIN. 6 rooms and bath, oak finish, strictly modern. nice lot and garage, paving paid. $4,000 on terms. Own your home. P. J. TEBBINS, (Realtor). 605 Omaha Nat'l Bank. Phone D. 2182. 6-ROOM HOUSE, newly decorated; not very old; faces Fontenelle park: city water and electricity; can be handled at $25 down and balance monthly. Will allow any time. Walnut 677. A DANDY HOME. Fine location, thoroughly modern, oak floors, hot water heat, fine lot snd garage. Price right. Parly leaving city. Act quick. 2537 So. Tenth St., phone Douglas 4617. W. FARNAM SMITH CO.. Real Eatst snd Insursnce. 1I2S Fsrnswn 8t Poug. 1064. Miscellaneous. NEW AND NIFTY. Five-room stucco bungalow. Beautifully finished In oak and enamel. Well located In new reatrlcted addition. Close to car snd school. Well worth the price, $4,250. Let us show you this place. , Benson & Carmichael, (Realtors 642 Taxton Block. Pmiglas 1 722. "WEST FARNAM (New Stucco Bungslow) T-foem new stucco bungalow; living room with fireplace, inn room, dining room and, kitchen first floor; 2 large bed rooms, bath and sleeping porch second floor, full basement, furnace heat; oak throughout; corner lot; garage for 2 cars; threS blocks to car line st 40th and Far nam Sts. A very sttractlve place. Price $7,100. J. L. HIATT COMPANY, QAA FIRST NATIONAL PHONE Q vVlBANK BLDO. TYLER UO BEMIS PARK HOME MAKE OFFER 1314 N. 36th St. This Is s good. 2 story, 6-room, modern house, first-class condition, having living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry snd Ice box room, first floor; three large bedrooms snd bath, second floor; paved atreet snd ornamental lighting system throughout ths district Price low for quick sale. GEORGE & CO., Doug. 756 NEW HOME. ' ON WEST HARNEY. $5,600. A beauty, strictly modern, tins golden osk woodwork, beamed ceilings, etc. Has ( large rooms besides sun-room, sleep ing porch and bstb. Full cemented, base ment Largs Jot, Will arrange terms. Shown only by appointment. P. E, Buck & CO., Excl. Agts., 441 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. Douglas 1000. FINE MODERN HOME I rooms. In tins condition, hot wstsr heat, corner lot, paved street, fins neighborhood, plenty large shads trees, (owner non-resident, must sell; essy terms. Located In west partof Oma- S. S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY, 111 CITY NATL. BANK BLPq. BRAND NEW IS.lToi -ROOM. OAK FINISHED HOME. Two-atory, S rooms, oak floors through out, completely modern, on paved street snd psvlng sll paid. This houss Is ad jacent to either the Farnam pr Harney car ana can be bought on easv terms. BEDFORD-JOHNSTON CO., v Realtor. t Keeline Bldg. Douglss 1140, SIX ROOMS, brtnd new, $1960. Osk throughout. Paving paid. Near 36th and Cass. Ready to move Into. tan aays, I'ougias 3140. Easy terms FOUR-ROOM upper tlut. modern except heat, pleasant location, $12.60. S604 Leavenworth. Harney 3128. 4-ROOMED upper flat, modern except heat, pleasant location, $12.50. 1604 Leaven worth. H. 3128. T1ZARD PALACE BLOCK Close In. lew squal; 4 -room apartment; slao 4 -room flat. Apply ):nH N. 23d. Phone Red 4111. North. -ROOM, corner apt, second floor, screened porch, modern, $25, Apt 1. Marlon; 4 roem snd sun room, new, corner. Apt I, Mspls Court 130. 16th snd Maple. Red 68$. DESIRABLE 4 -room apartment wltb -room accommodations: has privsts porch; $45. The Angelua, Harney 4293. MODERN Estabrook Apts., near poatofflcs, $22. a. P. Stebblns. 1610 Chicago. Miscellaneous. 4 rooms "The Hudson," 207 8, 26th Ave., $20. Z snd 1 room apartments with t snd 4 room accommodations In The Coro . nado, 22nd and Capitol Are., $33.60 to $3J.I0. . Benson & Myers Co., Realtors. 124 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Deug T4I. Prettiest 6-Room Bungalow, Miller Park. Paved Streets. Ornamental Lighting System. $1,000 Down. Pries 14.200. lib Month. Built for a home. A full all screened In front porch, vestibule, large living and dining rooma, bullt-ln bookcases, 2 large bedrooms, dsndy kitchen, pantry and refrigerator rooms. One Isrge bedroom snd store room upstairs, dsndy full base ment, floor drain, best furnace. You should see this. Call Tyler 491. . Osborne Realty Co., , T01 Omaha Nstlonal Bank Bldg. $300 Down and $2Q a Month 6-room strictly modern bungalow, lo cated on a. corner lot, with new garage. Tine finish throughout: large lot 60x130. Tr(ccd at $.'.,'00, a snap. Payne Investment Com panyRealtors 557 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Poug 1781. NEW AND NIFTY Five-room stucco bungalow. Beautifully finished In oak and enamel. Well located In new restricted addition. Close to car snd school. Well worth the price, $4,250. Let ua show you this place. Benson & Carmichael, (Reallorsl 642 Paxlon Block, Douglas 1722. 8-ROOM cottage, two blocks from csr, full lot, $3,000. Terms, $300 csah, balance $20 per month. BENSON AND CARMICHAEL 612 Paxton Block. FOR RENT AND SALE. HOUSES, COTTAGES AND APARTMENTS PORTER A SHOTWELL. 203 S. 17th St. Douglaa 6018. St. 'Dougja ND HOMESI HOMES AND HOMESITES, PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 637 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg Pong. 1781. REAL ESTATE Unimproved West. ELM WOOD GARDEN LOTS. $1 DOWN. $1 A WEEK. PAYNE A SLATER CO. North. ONE pleasant 4-room ground floor apart ment; also 4-room apartment on upper floor. Telephone Webster 933 and Web ster 4328. CUMING Near 2th St., 22 or 44 ft; must be sold to close estate. C. A. Grlmmel, 849 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. REM ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty WE WILL buy your boms or buslnsss property and pay cash. H. A. WOLF CO., Eleetrto Bldg. Tyler 81. BUSINESS property snd Investments. A. P. TUKEY snd SON. 820 First Nstlonal Bank Bldg, M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO.. Income, Business snd Trackage Bpeclsllst 15th and Dodge Ste. Douglas 411. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. 20 ACRES NEAR BENSON Fine valley ground, very rich soil; " location would be practically 60th and Redlck avenue; will consider good rental property up to $3,000 . snd some cssh ss first payment. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 HARNEY ST. PHONE TYLER 60. Bungalow Home, Five Lots. Five rooms snd room for bath; oak fin. Ish and floors; full brick 'foundation, fur nacs heat, electrlo light, good wall; east front Nearly an sere of ground. Price, 'only $3,100; $300 to $500 down. Osborne Realty Co., T01 Omshs Nat l Bank Bldg. Tyler 498. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. DUNDEE, $5,250. An 8-room modern house, full two story, with sun porch and sleeping porch: located on full lot near the school, with cement driveway and gar age for two cars; now advertised for the first time. Act quickly If you want a bargain. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 3962. 019-20 City National. HIGH n n H fffhtlv Dundee lota. SS75 to $1,150. Easy terms. Loan arranged for building purposes. Pbons D. 6074. Shuler cary. Realtors. .- Acreage. ACRES HALF ACRES. QUARTER ACRES In Caldwell's Acres. Omaha's neweat acreage subdivision, located southwest of Field club. Prices low. Terms easy. Call THE BYRON REED CO., Phone Doug 297. 212 S. 17th. REAL ESTATE WANTED HAVE CASH BUYERS. For 5 or 6 room modern bungalows In good repair, north or west, at from $2,750 to $3,500. List with us for quick re sults. D. E. Buck fz Co.. 442 Omaa Natl. 5ank..Dou?1:000. WILL exchange for western land, two full lots and six nausea, corner 25th and Decatur; also fiAl lot and two houses. 2425-29 Franklin St. JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1802 FARNAM ST. WE HAVE several good reliable buyers for I snd (-room houses snd bungalows with $300 to $500 down. Call Osborne Realty Co. Tvler 496. 701 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. MEET at F. D Wead's office. REAL ESTATE To Exchange STOCK of hardware, harness. Implements; seventy-five hundred, building twenty five hundred. Want western Nebraska land. Clear, give legal numbers for reply. F. C. Worrsll, Minden, Neb. 640 ACRES Cherry Co., Nebraska, trade for good, clean stock general merchandise. Price $22,400, clear, full particulars. D. MrLeod, Valentine. Neb. GOOD Omaha residence property to ex change for clear western land, or eastern Neb. farm. Mr. Pease. 211 Bran. Th Bldg. FINANCIAL Real EstateLoans and Mortggges VE want 100 mortgages on Omaha resi dences; funds on hand for quick closing. E. H. LOUGEE, INC.. 638-40 Keeline Bldg. 604 QUICK" ACTION ON LOANS. W. T. GRAHAM, Bee Bldg. Douglas 1533. DIVIDENDS OF 5 PER CENT OR MORE. One dollar starts an account. OMAHA LOAN & BLDG. ASSOCIATION. 512 FARM LOANS. 0 PAUL PETERSON. 364 BRANDEIS THEATER BLPG 5M 11. W. BINDER. Money on hand for mortgage loans City National Bnnk Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Nat. Bunk Bldg. Doug. 2715. CITY AND FARM LOANS. 6. 64 and 6 Per Cent. J. H. PUMONT CO.. Keeline Bldg. CI Of MONEY t72 H ARISON & MORTON. O 2 i 919 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. $100 to Wead, $10,000 MADE promptly. F. D. Wead Bldg., ISth and Farnam Sts. MONEY to loan ranches. Kloke on Improved farms and Investment Co., Omaha. Piivate Monev. BHOPEN & COMPANY. Douglas 4228. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY. W. H. Thomas & Son, Keeline Bldg. LOW R A TESC. G. CAR LB EI SOT 31 2 B ran -dels Theater Bldg. P 5S5 Dundee Lot Bargain ' Fins location, near 61st and Cuming, 60x135 ft., raving all paid. Will sacrifice for quick sale. Owner. Walnut 1580. DUNDEE BUNGALOW. $3,750 Five rooms, modern, oak finish. Large lot. Paving paid. Easy terms. Call days, Douglss 3140. Stocks and Pond3, WE are offering stock in an established, dividend-paying Omaha Nebraska corpor ation. An unusual Inveytment offering, and all Rtocks snld now participate In a July dividend. For further particulars, without obligation, address. Hankers' Sales Agency, Woodmen Building, Omaha. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands. JUNE 4TH. Our next excursion to MrOehee. Ark. W. 8 FRANK. 201 NEVILLE BLK. GREAT BARGAINS 85 down, $5 monthly buys 40 acies, good fruit and poultry land, near town, southern Missouri. Price only $220. Address Box 282, Springfield, Mo. Colorado Lands. COLORADO offers grent opportunities for farmers of moderate means to secure farm homes on very easy terms. Inform us location desired. For free hook and map and special railroad rate., write Floyd C. Tallmndge. Colonization Agent Kan. -Colo. Ry Co., Flr3t National Bank Bldg., Pueblo, Colo. Minnesota Lands. 40. 80 OR 160 ACRES; GOOD HEAVY soil; well settled part of Todd countyr Minn.; good roads, schools snd churches. Price $15 to $22.50 per sere; terms $1 an sere casl balance $1 an acre a year; 6,000 acres to select from. To actual set tlers who w.Il put' up buildings and Improve land we will give deed snd take mort gage back for full purchase price for 5 or 10 years, 8 per cent Interest. Schwab Bros., 1028 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. YEARS n't experience tn locating home seekers, we try to look nut. for their best Interest, when they come Into our dis trict, helps us In assisting them In the selection of the right kind of Innd. Can't we help you? Prices aro low, $12 to $20, $3 to $3 down. Write Arnold, Com'r, Iron Range Railway, 607 Wolvin Bldg,, Puluth. Minn. Montana Lands. FOR SALE Judith basin land; 2S0 acres level land, ; mile from Stanford: 170 acres In wheat, all fenced; running water. $75 per sere. Stanford Ranch Co., Stan ford, Mont. Nebraska Lands. MERRICK COUNTY BARGAIN. 180 acres, lies level, nicely Improved, 8 miles from good town on main Una of Union Pacific R. R., only one-half mile to rural high school; perfect level road to town; good 8-room house, well sheltered by plenty of shade trees, barn for 12 horses and five tons of hay, nog shed, chicken house, granary and garage, good well and windmill, best of water at a depth of 20 feet; 80 acres under plow, 15 acres in alfalfa, balance patsture which can all be broken and profitably farmed, all good black sandy loam soil that produces any crop grown In Nebraska; price, for a short time, $85 per acre, about one-half cash, balance terms; noth ing doing on any trades. See M. A. Larson, owner. Central City, Nebraska. A CHOICE quarter section for sale In Cus ter county, Nebraska; no sand; deep black boII; fair Improvements; 6H miles from railroad town; 90 acres In corn and rye; rest In about as good; raised between 30 and 40 bushels corn per acre last year: $500 will handle this deal, balance at 6 per cent; 5 years If wanted. Write to owner for particulars. LESTER FORNET, Thurman, la. FOR SALE 480-acre Buffalo county farm, to settle an estate; 230 acres pasture; 35 alfalfa; 20 of wild hay, meadow, balance farm land. Land rolling with heavy clay subsolL Fenced and-cross fenced; 2 good wells and windmills; 7-room house; barn 40x42; other outqoildlngs! 6 miles from railroad town; mail and telephone. Sold subject to lease. Possession March 1. Price $43 per acre, half cash. Terms on balance. T. C, Box 125. WESTERN NEBRASKA LAND HAVE good farms In Garden. Deuel, Morrill and Cheyenne counties; have tracts of land any size you want; close to town, school and churches. This land Is going up. Now Is the time to buy. Llsco Land Co., Llsco, Neb. NINE hundred sixty acres, 200 level; 20 alfalfa; bal. pasture; 3 miles depot; no sand; three wells, barn 32x40, granaries; house 25x26; all good condition; hog house. Incumbrance, $13,000, 6 per cent; runs four years, 10 per cent down. Alfred Flint, Litchfield. Neb. 68 ACRES Irrigated land, Lincoln county; rich Platte valley land; all under Irriga tion; 3-room house, barn, etc.; 9 acres of alfalfa. Price $100 per acre: $4,000 cash required. Immediate possession. White & Hoover, 454 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. WE 8ELL. Rent, Insure and make Loans ua City property. North. " MITCHELL INVESTMENT CO.. ' 14th snd Ames Ave Col. lit. NICE 4-room house, city water and elec tricity. Cheap tor quick sals. Good neighborhood. See this today. WAfiNUT 739. FIVE-ROOM, strictly modern, with garage, located on Brown" St.. In good neighbor hood. Will be sold at a bargain. Would consider automobile in part payment Nathan Watts, 637 Paxton Blk. KOUNTZE PLACE $3,000. eight rooms snd bath: garage, large lot: paving all paid; fins location. 1219 Bfcnney St. Terms. NORR1S NORRIS 104 N. 15TH ST. IMIONE DOUGLAS 4271. Acreage Wanted. THIRTY acres on Ames Ave., 40 rds. west of Fontenelle Psrk. ' FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF OMAHA. Realtors. 400 First Nat. .Bank Bldg. Tyler 729. Acreage- ABOUT ACRES If you want the best located acres at the very lowest prices and on the eas iest terms, either In the west, north west or southwest part of the city, close to transportation and paved road. In tracts from one to ten acres, you will always find that we have the best and most desirable list to select from. We also have a number of pieces thst are Improved that wo can give possession of at once. Call Tyler 60 any time and make arrangements to have one of our salesmen show you what we have to offer, or call at ths office and we will be pleased to talk to you about "acres." HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St ' Thone Tyler 60. NEBRASKA FARM LANDS ARE SURE INVESTMENTS. For beat lands at best prices wrl Oto Antlll. Blslr. Neb WHITE me for pictures and prices my farms snd ranches in good Old Dawes County. Arah L. Hungerford. Crawford. Neb. Oklahoma Lands. 160 ACRES, 2 4 miles from Dover. Okl.; half timber, half cultivated; wire tences; price $4,000, easy terms. Address M. Haynes, 2601 Troost Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Wisconsin Lands. LAKE SHORE lots and acres on The Yel low Lakes, the Soo Line Fishing Lake of Wisconsin, home of the big fish; 20-acre tract and cottage for sale; also lots on which we will build cottrges to your order. Write for partlculsrs. Burnett County State Bank, Webster, Wis. Wvcming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming terms. $50 per a.. Including pild-up waiter rights. Henry Lev! ACM Rvlander. 854 Omens Nst'l 640-ACRE Wyoming homesteads, for Information. Frank Duff, Wyoming. Write Casper. GRAIN ANDPRODUCE Cash Com Lower, Bulk Sell ing Off 2 to 5 Cents; Oats Show Loss; Rye Rules Steady. Receipts were: Official Mondsy .... Official Tuesday ... Estimate Wednesday Morris & Swift & Co Omaha. May 29, 1918. Receipts of grain todsy were very light totaling only 85 cars snd consisted of 10 cars of wheat, 69 cars of corn, 15 cars of oats and one car of rye. Reports from all other markets show unusually light re ceipts but it is generally believed arrivals will pick up as son as the farmers ars re lieved of their field work. Cash corn was generally decidedly lower, the bulk selling off 2c to 6c. Quotations were unchanged to 6o lower, some of the good yellow bringing yesterday's prices, while the No. 3 mixed corn showed a decline of 5c a bushel. Good sound corn sold read ily, the 2 and 3 grades showing a decline of generally 2o and 3c. No. 3 whits corn sold at SI .62 1.63 ; No. 3 yellow at $1.64 1.56 and No. 3 mixed at $1.501.61. Trade in oats was very limited, receipts being 15 cars. The spot on this cereal was quoted lc and l'ic off. Standard oats sold at 72',-ic and the 3 white at 72&72VC. Sam ple oats brought 70c. Rye was about steady, a part car of No. 2 and one car of No. 3 bringing $1.75. Bar ley was nominally unchanged. Tomorrow, Decoration day, will bs ob served by all exchanges throughout the country. Clearances were, wheat and flour equal to 41,000 bushels; corn 19,000 bushels; oats none. Primary wheat receipts wers 209.000 bushels,' and shipments 92,000 bushels. against receipts of holiday bushels, andiCudahy Tack Co shipments of holiday bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were 607,000 bush els, and shipments 674.000 bushels, against receipts of holiday bushels, and shipments of holiday bushels last year. Primary oats receipts were 737,000 bush els, and shipments (53,000 bushels, against receipts of holiday bushels, and shipments ot holiday bushels last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat Chicago 2 Minneapolis 131 Duluth 7 Omaha 10 Kansas City 2 SS 16 St. Louis 11 53 30 Winnipeg 156 These sales were reported today: Corn No. 2 white: 3 cars, $1.66; 1 car, $ No. 3 white: 2 cars, $1.63; 2 cars, I 62. No. 6 white: 1 car, $1.30. No. 6 white: 1 car, $1.20. Sample white: 2 2-5 cars, $1.00. No. 2 yellow: 3 cars, $1.58. No. 3 yellow: 10 cars, $1.56: 3 3-5 cars, $1.55; 3-5 car, $1.65. No. 6 yellow: 1 car, $1.33. Sample yellow: 1 car, 85c, No. 6 mixed: 1 car, $1.15. Oats Standard ; 3 cars, 724c. white: 6 cars, 72Uc; 3 cars, 72c. white: 1 car, 70c. Rye No. 2: 4 car, $1.75. No. 3 $1.75. Omaha Cash Prices Corn: No. t white, W5. $161. 66;. No. 3 white, $1.621.63; No. 6 iiitc, $1.30. No. 6 white, $1.00: sample white, $'No. 2 yellow, 1 1.58; No. 3 yel low, $1.651.56; No. 6 yellow, $1.25; sample yellow, S5c; No. 3 mixed, $1.50; No. 6 mixed. $1.15. Oats: Standard 724c: No. 3 white, 7207240. sample, 70c. Rye: No. 2, $1.75; No. 3. $1.75. Chicago clcsing prices, furnished The Bee by Logan & Bryan, stock and grain brokers, 315 South Sixteenth street, Omaha: Corn. 62 59 Oats No. S Sample : 1 oar, 36 U I t74', i 66! 66' 1 34 1 134 "i i! T44 i! 65 1 S3 4 !1 25 4 1 354:1264 75S 66 744 65 Article! Open I High Low Close lYest, Corn. June July Oji Is. May July rork. Mav July Lard. July Sep. Ribs. July Sep. 39 60 40 10 40 00 40 00 139 20! 39 50 39 80 1,11 I 24 00 24 05 33 72 23 87 23 92 24 20 I 24 30 123 97 24 12 24 20 21 65 ' 21 65 III 32! 21 4J 2t 65 22 00 I 22 05 21 82 21 92 20 00 St. Louis Live Stock. St Louis, Mo., May 29. Cattle Receipts. 3.i'i00 head; market steady;, native beef steers. $11.5O17.60; yearling steers and heifers, $9.50310.55; cows, $7.5013.75; stockers and feeders, $8.5012.00; fair to prime southern beef steers, $10.00 10. 55 ; beef cows and heifers, $5.0013.60; native calves, $7.t5igi4.00. Hogs Receipts, 9.800 head; market lower; light, SlC.50tflS.7u; pigs, $ 1 6.00 16.50 : mixed and butchers, $16.5516.70; good heavy, $16.40016.60; bulk, $16.3316.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 600 head; market steady; lambs, J140017.00; ewes, $1 2.00 iQ? 14.00 ; tanners and-choppers, $7.00 10.00. Kansas City Live Stock Market. . Kansas City, Mo May 29. Cattle, Re ceipts. 6.000 head; market steady; prim fed steers. $16. 8017.25; dressed beef steers. $13.0016.50: western steers, $14.O0 17.28 ; cows, $8.00J13.00; heifer, $IO.OOQ14.00; stockers and feeders, $9.75(5)15.50; bull;, $0.nOll.OO; calves, $8.5013.0O. Hogs Receipts 13,000 head; market low er; bulk of sales, $16.4016.65: heavy, $16.35S16 .55; packers and butchers. $16 35 (R16.60; light, $16.3516.60; pigs, $16.25 1G.65. Sheep Receipts, 6,500 head; market high er; Iambs, $15.0020.76; yearlings, $14.00 1S.25; wethers, 13.00 S' 16.50 ; ewes, $11.00 16 25. Sioux City Live Stock. Sioux Cltj. 7a., May 29. Cattle Receipts. 2.500 head; market 10c to 16c lower; beef steers. $11.0017.25; fat rows and heifers, $9,00.' 14.00: canners, $7.008.60; stockers, and feeders, $9.5012.00: calves, $8.00 13.00; bulls, stags, etc., $8.0012.50; feed ing cows and heifers, $7,501? 1 1.00. Hogs Receipts, 13,000 head; market 60 to 15c lower; light, $16.30fl6.4O; mixed, ?16.2516.35; heavy. $16.1016.30; pigs, $16.251G.50; bulk of sales, $i6.2016.35. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 300 head; market steads'. St. Joseph Live Stock. St. Joseph. Mo., May 29 Receipts, 2,200 head: market steady to weak; steers, $12.00 17.00; cows and heifers, $7.0015.50; calves. $7.0013.50. Hogs Receipts. 11,000 headi market lower; top, $16.60; bulk ot sales, $16.35 16.65. Sheep snd Lambs Receipts, 2,500 head: market higher; lambs, $!2.00(3'17.25; ewes, JS.OOljr 13.75. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Miscellaneous. FOR' SALE Fox River valley and dairy farms, grain and "poultry farms, from 10 to 225 acres. James Dorsey, 34 Noltlng Blk.. Elgin, III. RANCHES of all sizes and kinds, easy terms. A A. Patsman, 301 Karbacn Blk. CHOICE FARMS Nilsson. 429 Rose Bldg. FARM LAND WANTED FARMS WANTED. Don't list your farm with us If you want to keep It. E. P. SNOWDDN & SON. 610 Electrlo Bldg. Douglas 9S71. WANTED 20.000 .seres of Kimball and Banner county land. Must bs first-class farm land, improved or unimproved. Ad dress Box Y 467. Omaha Bea. Horses Live Stock Vehicle! For Sale. PUBLIC SALE June 6, at 1 p. m. In East University Place; my entire herd of 90 head of pure bred Duroc-Jerseys; S herd boars, 4 Sept. boars," 11 tried sows, gilts sll bred for last ot August and Septem ber farrow, $ sows with litters, 11 De cember and January pigs, 36 March pigs. Sale bills sent on request. D. L. Adams, Bethany, Neb. HOLSTEIN cows for sale. Menagh. 1613 Farnam St, Inqulrs David FOR SALE Work team and wagon. Web ster 62:10. POULTRY AND PET STOCK 2,000 DAY OLD CHICKS; Rocks, Reds, Or pingtons, Leghorns. Webster 1708. 2212 Charles. 2,000 DAY-OLD chicks, Rocks, Reds, Or pingtons, Leghorns. Webster 1708. 2212 Charles. MONEY TO LOAN Organized by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, pianos and notes as security. $40, mo., K goods, total, $3.60. ..Smaller, larger am'ts. proportional rat. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY 432 Securities Bldg.. 16th. Farnam. Ty. 868. Loan or diamonds and jewelry" icf smaller loans. o cj t'O W. C. FLATAU EST. 1891 10 6TH FLR. SECURITIES BLDO. TY. 950. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rstes. Private loan booths. Harry Malashock. 1514 Dodge. D. 661$. Est 189L OMAHA 1IYE STOCK Cattle Market Draggy; Hogs Sell 10 Cents Lower; Sheep Trade Shows Higher Trenc!. Omsha, May 29, lsls. Catte. Hogs. Sheet. 6.354 11,948 11.600 3.051 4,677 3,900 ,2ia 10,331 4.800 Three days this week.11,628 Sams days last week. .27,027 Same days 3 wks. ago. 23.365 Sam days 3 wks. ago.29,824 Sam days yrar ago. .18,48$ Receipts and disposition of live stock si the Union Stock yards. Omaha, Neb., tot 24 hours ending at 3 o'clock p. m.: T.ECEIPTS CARLOADS. 23,800 24.35S 39.927 19,191 11,129 19,033 42,627 15,37ft) 24.167 9,361 C, M. & St P 3 4 Wabash t Missouri Paciflo 4 1 Union Pacific 56 41 C. & N. W., east 3 t C. & N. W.. west 39 41 C, St. P.. M. & 0 12 13 C, B. & Q 1 13 C, B. & Q , west 23 23 C, R. T. & P., east C. R. I. & P., west 3 3 Illinois Central 2 Chicago Gt. Western 6 3 Total receipts 176 150 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Co 419 1,386 631 1,074 Armour & Co. . . , Schwartz & Co. J. W. Murphy Lincoln Pack. Co 29 South Omaha P. Co. 15 Wilson & Co ion F. B. Lewis 63 .1. B. Root & Co 11 J. H. Bulla 11 Rosenstock Bros 85 F. G. Kellogg 6 Wcrthelmer & Degen. 37 Ellis & Co 6 Sullivan Bros 21 Rothschild & Koebs.. 38 Christie 45 Higgins 6 Huffman 31 Roth 14 Meyers 28 Glsssberg 4 Baker, Jones & Smith 10 John Harvey 427 Dennis & Francis .... 4 Jensen & Lungren . . 6 Other buyers (03 1.599 2,290 66 9,208 525 3,390 770 1,927 1,088 1,111 ::!f 46S Totals 6.396 10,073 6,361 Cattle Receipts this morning oontlnu light, estimated early at 3,900 head, or 168 cars. The market opened up with a littls better feeling all around and packers paid as high as $17.25 for prime offerings, but on the medium and handywelght grades trading, as th9 market wore on, was rather draggy and barely steady and quotable at $15.7 5016.50. Yearlings were strong on th , real choice and steady with yesterday; good cows quotable from $11.25 to $12.60 and heifers from $11.60 to $13.00, and canners and cutters from $7.50 to $9.75. Thin bologna bulls were In very poor demand. Beef steers held about steady and quotabl from $8 50 to $13.50. Stockers and feeders were in very light Hupply at strong prices. Quotations on cattle: Good to choic beeves. $16.50 17.10: fair to good beeves, $15.751916.00: common to fair beeves. $12.00 15.50: good to choice yearlings, $14.75 15.75; fair to good yearlings, $12.6014.60r , common to fair yearlings, $3.60011.60; good to choice heifers. $11,500)13.00; good to choice cows, $11.2512.60; fair to good cows. $9.5011.25; common to fair cows, $7.5009.75; prime feeders, $12.OO0'13.OO; good to choice feeders, $10.2511.75; fair to good feeders, $9.00'g) 10.00; common to fair feeders, $7.608.50; good to choice stock ers, $10.0012.00; stock heifers. $8.603110.50; ' stock cows, $7.25010.00; stock calves, $8.60 11.60; veal calves, $S.5012.75; bulls, stags, etc., $10.0012.60. Hogs There were 63 loads of hogs placed cn the market today estimated at 11,600 head. There was practically little difference between bids of shippers and packers. It largely a one price markst again, ths majority of the hogs selling st $15.25. Th market was fully 10c lower. Bulk of sales were from $16.20 16.30, tops reaching $16.40. Sheep The sheep run today was marked up at 20 loads estimated at 4,800 head. While trade was slow In starting th senti ment seemed to be that the market would be higher. A large portion of the run today consisted of spring lambs. No sales hsd been made at the time of writing this re port. Quotations on sheep snd lsmbs: Lambs, good to choice, $19.2519.80; lsmbs, fair to good, $17.50019.00; shorn lambs, choic light, $15.5015.85; shorn lambs, fair light, $15.OO15.60; shorn lambs, cholcs heavy, 514.7515.25; spring lambs, $15.00019.50; spring lambs, culls. $10.0015.00; yearlings, fair to choice, $15.0017.50; wethers, fair to choice, $14.5016 50; shorn ewes, good to ChoicS, $12.00(413.00; shorn ewes, fair to good, $1C.OO$12.00; ewes, culls aqd can ners. $7.009.00. NEW YORK STOCKS. Ball Dealings Moderate bat Diversified; Shares Readily Absorbed. New York, May 29. Taking th Impend ing holiday with Its many possibilities re garding the foreign situation Into account, ths traders proceeded warily In today's stock market, seeming to favor th con structive side. Dealings were comparatively moderate, but more than ordinarily diversi fied. Irregularity at the outset was succeeded by general strength which Industrials shared invariable degree with equipments, coppers, shippings, oils, motors, fertilizers, and numerous miscellaneous Issues. Utili ties were at all times heavy, however, on the nispension of tho Interboro Consolidated dividend. Number of sales and quotations OB leading stocks: Closing Sales. High. Low. Bid. 2,200 7,300 'V,900 200 7,900 4,100 6,200 900 8,400 Am. Beet Sugar American Can 6,100 Am. Car & Fndry. Amer. Locomotive. Amer. S. & Refng. Amer. Sugar Refng Amer. Tel. & Tel. . Am. Zinc, L. & S. Anaconda Copper.. Atchison A. a. & W. I. S. L. Baltimore Se Ohio. Butte & Sup. Cop.. Cal. Petroleum.... Canadian Pacific. Central Leather... Chesapeake & Ohio C. M. & St. Paul.. Chicago & N. W.. C R. I. & P. ctfs. Chlno Copper Colo. Fuel Iron. Corn Prod. Refng. Crucible Steel Cuba Cane Sugar. . Distillers' Security. Erie 2,500 General Electric... General Motors.... Gt. Northern pfd.. Gt. N. Ore ctfs Illinois Central.... Inspiration Copper. Int. M. M. pfd.... Inter. Nickel Inter. Paper K. C. Southern.... Kennecott Copper.. Louis. & Nash Maxwell Motors... Mex. Petroleum... Miami Copper Missouri Pacific... Montana Power.... Nevada Copper.... N. Y. Central N. Y.. N. H, AH.. Norfolk & West.. . Northern Pacific. Pacific Mail Pacific Tel. & Tel. Pennsylvania Pittsburgh Coal... Ray Oon. Copper.. . Reading Rep. Iron & Steel.. Shat. Ariz. Copper Southern Pacific. Southern Railway.'. Studebakcr Corp.,, Texas Co Union Pacific U. S. Ind. Alcohol. U. S. Steel U. S. Steel pfd 2,100 76 75& 1,500 63H 624s 6,300 764 74?i 600 1114 111 5,100 Si. 95 200 154 15 10,400 62H 61 1,300 854 84 71 434 7514 62 754 1104 8Vs 15 6244 344 1.700 1058, 1044 1044 4.300 654 300 22 1,800 18 800 148 1,600 65 4 694 464 234 40 47 404 634 30 68 4 164 55 214 17. 147 644 684 44 '22 40 454 39 614 294 65 16 684 214 184 147 4A 68 4 444 93 22M 40 . 5 89' 614 294 66 16 900 1,300 3.800 20,100 700 1,900 700 1,500 90 31 484 964 284 36 4 184 32 4 200 117 300 2454 1454 1454 6,400 118 116 1164 894 304 48 944 23 36 " 18 31 116 25 4 U4 274 23 ' 67 19 724 43 104 86 294 20 43 74 494 23 67 4 82' f-4 4 234 40 143 4 234 6,300 400 6.300 900 5,600 20,800 274 23 19 73 4 45 4 89 30 47 94 28 354 18 31 117 '914 274 23 194 714 434 200 864 86 2,800 1.500 800 63.300 3,200 300 2,600 4. 300 7,100 44 60 24 88 33 16 85 24 4 414 900 146 16.400 1144 1214 13,700 120 117 1194 361,600 1054 103 103 j"u 1094 1094 43 494 23 4 86 s; 81 16 84 23 4 39 4 143 titan copper z.suu 794 774 7714 Wabash pfd. "B'.. 1,000 24v24 24 Western Union 200 90 89 89 Westingh. Electric, l.noo 42 41 (,, Total ssles for the T. 725,000 shares. $25 A Month Grows to $8,116.36 Send fcr chitf showing how $25 s month Invested in N. Y. 8tocx Exchange Securities grew to $8,116.35. Larger or imaller monthly striata produce timilsf profitable returns. KRIEBEL A CO, Investment BanksM W testa La Sail Street, Clpasj, 1 : iS, 4