Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1918, PART TWO, Page 12, Image 12
" i V. fHE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. MAY 50, laig. 1 FILTH GROWS IN CITY HALL WHILE JANITORS SLEEP Efficiency Expert De dares Conditions Are Ap ' palling in Municipal 'Building. " Filth nd dirt have accumulated in the corridors and crevices of the city hall, while the janitors, continue to slumber peacefully in the comfortable chairs of the council chamber, accord ing to Murray E. Randell, efficiency - expert, in an official report to Com missioner Zimman. la his survey of the physical condi tions that prevail in the eity hall sub- ) mitted Wednesday. Randell says: "The city hall building, through many years of gross negligence, has , degenerated into a state of filthiness that will require many months of extremely hard work and considera ble expense to completely overcome. Explanation of Report 'This report is made without preju dice or biased opinions of any kind, but with a whole-hearted desire to place the operation of the city hall on business basis of efficiency and economy." "Here, indeed, will be some work for the new municipal broom we heard of a few weeks, ago," remarked the Oldest Inhabitant when Mr. Zim man showed him the Randell report. A few extracts from the report fol low: "It it amusing to look into the city hall from the second floor of The Bee building and see some of your janitors peacefully slumbering in the comfort able chairs of the council chamber al most every afternoon. . ' No Pretense of System. "The janitor equipment apparently is kept on the balcony of the council chamber in an accumulation of dirt and filth that is appalling. The council chamber should be the pride of the city hall and to ornament it with step ladders and other articles is a sac rilege. ' "I was informed that not even a pretense of a system existed and that the superintendent has never been known to check up the work. This is deplorable and it is no wonder that the city hall has the reputation of be ing an old soldiers' home." ! Employment of women , elevator conductors is recommended. An annual saving of at least $5,000 In city hall maintenance cost is be lieved t be possible., . ; Criminal Buyers Required To Candle All Eggs Purchased Drastic changes in the method of handling eggs came as the result of the conference of egg dealers with the food administration and Otto Mur- chel. cure food insoector, Hereafter alt origtnal buyers of eggs r !'J be rrauired to candle eggs before .,, mlehi'ent with the producer and all rejected eggs shall be returned, if pos , fCble, to the producers for his examin : at ion. i - Producers are prohibited from of fering for sale any other than edible f?s. In shipping eggs all "checks" I and cracks must be plainly labeled. The agreement means that all re tailers of the state who buy eggs from farmers and sell to others than con comers must candle the eggs. Crc.vnell Hall Commencement Moved Up to Next Week On account of the advance in rail road rates' the Brownell Hall com mencement will be moved up to next week. The baccalaureate sermon will be next Sunday evening at 8. Pupils' musical and reception for the seniors will be Thursday evening, June 6, at 8:30 and the graduation exercises will be Saturday morning, Tane 8, at 10:30. !!:rdware in Rialto Work Of Johnson Hardware Co. Johnson Hardware company. Thir t enth and Farnara streets, furnished the hardware used in the Rialto, auch ts locks, fire exit bolts and panic I alts on doors. The concern makes a specialty of putting in work for fine r resiucnccs inu oincc Duuaings. Capital City Electric Co. DOS s Much Work on Rialto Capital City Electric company, elec trical engineers and contractors, with aces in Des Moines, la., accom fished the largest electrical feat of r iy theater in the United States when , t 1 put in the work for the Kialto, Contractor Who Built New Rialto Theater C '' ' " t " .. -J CALVIN ZEIGLER. LEASE FOR SALE ON FONTENELLE; DEAL IMPENDING President Rafferty Here From Syracuse Negotiating With Several Prospective Buy ers is Report. Negotiations are on for the sale of the lease on the Hotel Fontenelle. Officers interested decline to state that the company will be sold, but President Rafferty of Syracuse, N. Y., has been here for several days and has been met by representatives of several interests which are anxious to buy. The Hotel Fontenelle property is owned by the Douglas Hotel com pany. It is a stock company and the stock ia held chiefly by Omaha peo ple. Gurdon W. Wattles is president. This company is merely the landlord of the' hotel and receives a yearly rental equal to 6 per cent on its stock. , The company which operates the hotel is the Interstate Hotel com pany, and it is composed almost en tirely of Syracuse, N. Y people. It is for the sale of this company that the negotiations are going on. Lincoln People May Buy. "Nothing definite has been done," said President Rafferty. "We have a paying proposition here. The Ho tel Fontenelle, ail must aamit, is 'some tavern,' but we are too far away. If I could get on the train in the evening and be in umana in tne morning it would be different. When we leased the hotel at its opening in March, 1915, we had Mr. Burbank here as our representative, tit in tended to live here and act with full power. When he died we got along by simply hiring managers. It took too much of my time, running out here. Our eastern hotels are enough to take up all, our time. "In the last year I dara say I have had 50 letters containing proposals to buy out our company. It's these other people who want to buy, not we who are anxious to sell. We have passed the experimental stages and the hotel is a big success. The men who control the Lincoln hotel in Lincoln, Neb., are among those who are anxious to buy the company operating the Fontenelle. H. fc. Gregory has been hotel mana ger for the Interstate Hotel company for the last year. Chicago Company Installs Many Fixtures in Big Theater The Newman Manufacturing com pany of Chicago installed the orna mental brass and bronze work, poster frames, brass railings and other fix tures in the Rialto. The concern in its 36 years of business has equipped more than 10,000 theaters in the United States. The company dona ted a floral horseshoe for the open ing of the Rialto. i John P. Daly Installs All Plumbing in New Playhouse John P. Daly, Thirteenth street and Capitol avenue, installed all the plumbing fixtures and the drinking fountains in the Rialto theater. Fontenelle Feature Film Co. Handles Billy West Comedies The Fontenelle Feature Film com pany, 1504 Harney street, handles the comedies starring Billy West, Funniest Man on Earth." PRO-HUNS GREET "BILL" HART Even Fame Has Its Penalties, Tall Movie Actor Learns On Trip to Utah. ON VISIT TO DETENTION CAMP "Bill" Hart was the victim of an embarrasing episode not long ago while touring the west in the interest of the third Liberty loan. While in Utah he was the guest of Colonel Byram, commander at Fort Douglas. The colonel was showing "Bill" around the place before lunch and they took a look through the de tention camp in which more than 600 alien enemies of the most undesirable sort are interned for the duration of the war. Hart's tall figure, in his well known western costume could not be mis taken, and as he passed along out side the barbed wire enclosure he was immediately recognized. When the first voice spoke out, "Hello, Bill," the film star was naturally somewhat pleased at being recognized, but when it dawned upon him that he was being familiarly hailed by a lot of pro-Huns "Bill became terribly embarrassed and whispered to Colonel Byram: "See here, colonel, just because these men seem to know who I am, I don't want you to get the idea that they are particular friends of mine.' The colonel chuckled at the evident embarrassment of the tall actor and remarked that "even fame has its penalties." ' Harry M. Binder Had Big Part In Building of New Rialto Harry. M. Binder. 811 South Eight eenth street, was the electrical con tractor and engineer for the Rialto. He went into business for himself March 1. He has received contracts for the Rialto, the Home Builders. Eighteenth and Dodge streets. Oma ha's largest family hotel; the Douglas Motors Corporation, Thirtieth and Dodge streets; Jones-Opper building, Van Brunt building and other struc tures in Omaha. Independent Film Exchange Co. Has Francis Ford Picture The Independent Film Exchange company, 200-201 Bromley building, handles the wonderful picture, just released, "Berlin via America," featur ing Francis Ford, supported by Edna Emerson. , Another fcovel In "The Claws of the Hun," the next Paramount picture in which Charles Ray is starred, Thomas II. Ince has conceived a telling effect ivhirh ia nnt nnlv novel, but imores- sive. A phonograph is shown in dose up playing Over mere, as me aisc revolves it fades into a circle con taining scenes of action at the front. Jacobs-Lee Drug Company To Open New Store in July The ohenomenal success of the Jacobs Lee Drug company. Seven- tnth and Tlmifflat streets, is being materially demonstrated by the addi tion ot their new store in we naiuo theater building, which will be open to take care of the large crowds attend ing the theater after July 15. The place m11 K im.tnJ, in evrrv resneet. with fixtures of latest design and the soda fountain will personify cleanliness and Tri sHrntr dpnarrment will Douuaiivut , at v o i" T be replete with a line of drugs and chemicals and a tempting siock oi candies and cigars. This firm has done an immense business during the comparatively short time they have been established in Omaha and the new venture will mean success for the hrm. l he open ing announcement will be made in this paper. SCHOOL CENSUS BEGINS SATURDAY; SCOPE JS BROAD Persons Must Give Answers to Enumerators Under Oath; Penalty Provided for Failure to Comply. The ouestionnaire which will be used by enumerators who will take the annual school census, beginning Tune 1. will embrace a wide field of information, much of which hereto fore has not been attempted in a census of this kind. Information to be tabulated re fers not only to persons of legal school age. 5 .to 20 years inclusive, but to persons not of school age.. The new items of information in clude authority for date of birth, birthplace of children and of father, residence owned or rented, how em- oloved. classification of defectives, language spoken in the home, citizen ship, homes from which none of school age are reported. The following is part of the instruc tions issued to the enumerators "Explain to the parent that the law requires you to administer an oath as follows: 'You do solmnly swear (or affirm) that you will fully and truthfully answer all questions that the law requires you to answer in the matter of census enumeration, so help you God.' "If a , parent should absolutely re fuse to give the information required, and you cannot obtain i. elsewhere, notify the secretary and he will have the offending party arratttd." "You will find a number Mar ried people under 21 years ot age these people should be enumerated, reads another instruction. The enumeration must be com pleted on or before June 30. Welcome to the Rialto TRACY BROS. CO. DISTRIBUTORS Famous T. B. C. 6c Cigar Wholeaale Distributors Wellington Pipes 1415 DOUGLAS ST., OMAHA PRESENTING RiMiiwimrii The Funniest Man on Earth in King Bee Comedies The Kind That Draw the Crowds. ALSO WILLIAM S. HART Two-Reel Westerns SEE US "The i I JUST OUT Two New Features i VM. S. HART . in- "THE LION OF THE HILLS" with Edna Markey J Clara Williams Louise Glaum Rhea Mitchell yrRANCis K ORB supported by EDNA EMERSON BERLIN via AMERICA Billy West Fontenelle Feature p Film Company 1504 Harney St., Omaha. "' f 1 The SELECT PIC TURES COR PORATION has to offer its custo mers a series of 32 high class QUALJTY pro - Jgff. ductions during v the year by such noted stars as Clara Kimball Young Norma Talmadge Alice Brady Constance Talmadge as well as a number of super features, such as "OVER THERE" V "WAR BRIDES" y "LONE WOLF' "THE BARRIER" "THE PUBLIC BE DAMNED" ' , AND OTHERS To The PubKc 1 The Rialto Theater shall at aUthmmSmarto provide entertainment of a high class, refined nature that will not offend the intelligence of to pdrcm. The attendants have been instructed to be cour teous and pleasant at all times, and should any of (hem at any time prove otherwise, thf management would consider it a de-p favor to be informed of the matter an ' assure you that same will be rectified. Please r aliz that without your support, we cannot exist. The Rialto is your theater mm thorn ours. The Management m 3 Independent Film Exchange Co. 200-201 Bromley BIdg., Second Floor m SELECTIKiBlPICTURES The success of your theater depends largely upon your pictures. . , Let SELECT pictures be your success. ALICE BRADY - It is our pleasure to extend our congratu lations to the new Rialto with our best wishes for success. iiiiiki lllli li iil IIMiiih f vv If . I w 3 1 . , n mari WELCOME Rialto Theater Messrs. Thomas and Blank: We extend to you our good wishes for the success of the RIALTO. Also want to thank you, and at the same time we feel honored, in your decision to contract with us for the Pre mier News Reels entitled UNIVERSAL CUR RENT EVENTS, UNIVERSAL ANIMATED and the famous LK-0 COMEDIES, which are to be used each week at your beautiful theater. You have done the Motion Picture industry, yourselves and Omaha an honor. May the RIALTO under your management prove suc cessful. Again we thank you. T Universal Film Exchange Incorporated J. H. Calvert, Manager. Phone Douglas 4818 Omaha N WWimBIBIWIfflHlfll