Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 28, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, . MAY 28, 1918.
George Curfman Files Salty
Allegations in Replying to
Divorce Suit Started by
Mrs. Curfman.
New Passenger Ticket Schedule
Cnnflc Cora in Con Crinnir.
n Day Needs Are Here
George Curfman, 62 years old,
reputed wealthy farmer of Garden
county, Nebraska, Monday morning in
district court filed his answer to a suit
tor separate maintenance brought by
his wife, Mary Curfman, on May 7.
In his answer, Mr. Curfman sets forth
, a series of alleged "mulcting" that
bears a resemblance to the days of
Robin Hood.
Mr. Curfman, in his answer, alleged
that on October 25, 1917, while in
Omaha on business, he was ap
proached on the street in front of a
local department store by the then
unknown woman, who became so
familiar as to ask him to join her at
her room in a hotel. lie refused at
the. time, the petition alleges, but on
a later visit to Omaha. called at the
hotel, where he alleges he remaiited
with Mary as man and wife for sew
eral days.
On January 3, Mr. Curfman al
leged in his answer, Mary and he were
married in St. Joseph, Mo., and re
turned to Omaha.
Wife Suggested Divorce.
- Shortly afterwards. Mr. Curfman
"-alleged that his wife suggested a di
vorce, a "proposition which he would
not listen to. In the events that fol
lowed, Mr. Curfman alleges that he
placed a note for $10,500 in the hands
of his wife's attorney to act as a
promised settlement. Later, - Mr.
Curfman alleges, Ill's wife followed
this transaction by a request for $5,
000 as a further settlement, and she
then wanted possession of a 640-acre
farm, which he alleges he turned over
to her. Mr. Curfman alleges he paid
his wife various other sums during
the interim.
In Mr. Curfman's answer he asks
the deed to the property to his wife
oe set aside and that his promissory
notes be nulled.
T A TT T"k a mftTMT I TIA
Stella, Neb., May 27. (Special
Telegram.) A small cyclone wrought
havoc tp more than a half dozen
, farms at Barada, along the Missouri
river, 12 miles east of Stella, last
night. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kuker,
aged people, are not expected to live
and Mrs. Erskine was very badly in
jured. Mrs. Cliff Ham, mother of a
baby 2 days old, walked a half mile
to shelter through mud and water.
The storm resembled a water spout
and was the worst in this locality
since 1883. At Stella nearly five
inches of rain fell. Hundreds of acres
of corn was washed out or covered
up and Muddy river is overflowing
The bottom railroad tracks are
washed out and no mail train has
been here for more than 24 hours.
Nebraska, Iowa and the two Da
kotas were drenched Sunday night
and early Monday by rains that
varied frmil a rtnnrlhnrcf cnillinT 5 75
inches of water at Nebraska City, to
.U7 ot an inch at Lulbertson, with
cyclonic winds south of Beatrice, se
vers ertnral and hpi stnrtnc in
Douglas county, sleet between Bea
ver Uty and Uxtord, and snow in the
extreme nortnwest part ot the state
Kailroad trathc in localities was
interfered with and in some cases
tlpH tin
The cloudburst at Nebraska City
and vicinity caused Lamp creek to
burv one and nne-half mil nf track.
on the Holdrege division of the Bur-
itngton, between Nebraska City and
Peru, with water, mud and drift to
depths ranging from one to six feet,
and annulling all traffic on that line.
Crops Are Destroyed
In the extreme southeastern part
of . the state, irt a territory extending
from Beatrice and Fairbury to the
Missouri river, the abnormal precipi-
out fields' of corn, doing immense
damage, and necessitating the re
planting of thousands of acres.
The soil of a larger part of the
state, is thoroughly drenched and the
- subsoil saturated with water. Farmers
say that crops will be enabled to draw
from his reservoir to the extent all
will be guaranteed for the balance of
the season.
Eastern Nebraska was stormswept
at the same time. Conditions in and
about Omaha have now resumed nor
mal. Weather predictions are for con
tinued showers.
Oan Stephens Tells of Visit
- To Trenches of War Zone
Congressman Dan Stephens deliv
ered an address Monday night at the
auditorium of the Young Women's
Christian association rooms following
a btnquet given by the board of
directors in commemoration of the sil
ver anniversary of the organization.
Rev. T. J. Mackay pronounced the in
vocation and Mrs. Fred J. Clark ren
dered a vocal selection. Addresses
were delivered by Mrs. W. P. Har
ford, former president of the associa
tion, and Miss Pickering, general sec
r&ry. Mr. Stephens told of his visit to the
front line trenches of the European
war front.
Wife Draws Pair Black Eyes,
Husband is Given 120 Days
' B. Ferguson, 209 Francis street,
ipred in police court Monday
ymn two charges against him un
lawful possession of liquor and as
sault and battery. Mrs. Ferguson's
black eyes and bruised face bore mute
testimony to the latter charge. Fer
guson pleaded guilty and was given
W days in the jail for the assault and
30 for the illegal possession of liquor.
Egg Dealers to Work. Out
v Plan for Handling Product
Egg dealers of Nebraska wHI meet
Tuesday afternoon with the state food
administration to work out a plan
for the handling of eggs in Nebraska.
Representatives of the Egg Dealers'
association, packers and shippers of
eggs will be present. Otto Murchel,
state pure food commissioner, wilj al
to be here.
uuuoio i aig iu yjan i laiimo-
co More Than $10; an Ex
ample of Regulation.
Railroad officials in Omaha Mon
day were advised by Director Mc
Adoo that, June 10, passenger rates
will be advanced to 3 cents per mile.
This will apply on all railroads and
to intrastate as well as to interstate
If travelers have laid in a stock of
tickets in anticipation of an advance
in fates, these tickets will be void un
less the holders pay the difference be
tween the original cost and the 3
cents per mile, the rate that after
June 10 will be standard.
After J une 10 there will be no ad
vantage to be gained in buying round
trip tickets, f6r Mr. McAdpo holds
that th : rate will be on the ont basis
and that no one class of transporta
tion will have the edge on another.
Examples Under Increase.
As an illustration of what the ad
vance in rates means to the traveler:
At the present time the coach rate
from Omaha to San Francisco is $54,
including the war tax. The tourist
sleeper is $6.33, making a total of
$60.33 for the one way trip. Under
the new schedule, fare will be $64.48,
with the tourist remaining at $6.33,
making the total, $70.81.
Under the old schedule the traveler
going to San Francisco, if he occu
pied a lower berth in a standard
sleeper, paid $66.10. Under, the new
schedule the same accommodations
wilj cost him.$79.88.
From Omaha to Kansas Citv. under
the old schedule the railroad fare is
$5.18, but under the new it will be
$7.56, with $2.20 additional if the
-ticket holder occupies a sleeper.
Five Dollars More to Chicago.
To Chicago the rail fare is $13.01 at
the present time. Under the new or
der of things it will be $18.40 and
$2.75 additional if a sleeper is occu
pied. -
Omaha to Minneapolis the old rate
is $9.15, but tinder the schedule effec
tive June 10 it will be $13.78.
The Omaha-New York one-way
fare is $35.80. The new rate, as fig
ured out bv the railroad men, will
be $51.59, with $8.25 added for a lower
berth on a sleeper.
Unused tickets, brought prior to
June 10, will be redeemed at the price
paid for them, and on round trip tick
ctc, when one end has been used, the
return portion will be honored if the
holder is enroute to destination on
June 10.
Commutation Fares Advanced.
Second class iminiurant. convention.
excursion and tourist rates are dis
continued and stopovers on one-way
tickets in order to permit of the hold
ers making side trips are abolished.
Optional routes are things of the past
unless thev are soecified in the tar
iffs. Commutation fares everywhere
are advanced 10 per cent. An addi
tional charge of 16 2-3 per cent of the
normal one-way fare is made for the
privilege of riding in standard and
8 1-3 per cent for tourist sleepers.
Under the new schedule all offi
cers of the army and navy and all
enlisted men and nurses, when travel
ing in uniform, whether on furlough
or official business, will be carried at
one-third the regular fare. This rule
will be applied on all trains and in
sleepers and day coaches.
Boys' Wash Suits
For Decoration Day Wear
We are showing a complete stock
of the smartest styles with CUFF
BOTTOM PANTS. Fabrics and tailor
ing are equal to suits selling regularly
at $5.00. Special at $3.50.
A varied assortment of colors and patterns.
Flain colors and fancy stripes. Contrasting
tones on collars and cuffs and sleeves. Very
unusual models. Short or long sleeves.
One particular fabric used In the making of these Suits
is the justly celebrated RENFREW DEVONSHIRE
CLOTH, the best cloth for kiddies' wash togs that we
know of. COLORS WOVEN IN, not printed. Sizes
2 to 8 years.
Boys' Wash Suits, Two Lots
Suits that were $2.00 to $2.50, now $1.39
Suits that were $3.00 to $3.50, now $2.00
Most pleasing assortment at either price. Sample Suits
and small lots and others slightly soiled from previous
sales; every one remarkable value. Sizes 2 to 8 years.
Second Floor, Men's BIdg.
Parasols for Decoration Day
We carry a complete line of parasols, showing the
very latest styles and colors.
Ladies' Parasols from $1.00 to $20.00
Children's Parasols, from 25c to $1.98
Main Floor '
For Decoration Day
Flags on sticks, with gilt
spear, 12x18 inches,
10c each.
3x6 Feet Fast Color
Flag, on hard wood pole
with brass ball at$1.00
Pure Silk Flags on black
sticks with gilt spear
4x5 inches .... 5c each
6x9 inches . . . 10c each
914 inches . .25c each
12x18 inches, at 50c
For Poles or Porches
3x5 feet, fast color. 75c
3x5, sewed stripes $1.00
4x6, sewed stripes,$1.50
6x10, sewed str., $2.98
Large Defiance Bunting
Water-Proof and Fast
Color Flags from $5.00
to $20.00.
Main Floor
Dainty White Dresses
For Growing Girls
or Decoration Day Wear
Vnjendid assortment
t '.'4..
oi ite Dresses,
trimi.t'ed with dainty
laces and embroider
ies, tiny tucks; sizes
for girls from 6 to 14
years; specially priced
only . $2.00
Girls' Middy Skirts
We offer a, 'arge assortment of Girls' Middy Skirts,
made of good quality drill cloth, gabardine, repp,
etc.; suitable for camping, picnics, golf, tennis and
all outdoor sports, in sizes from 6 to 14 years; which
we offer at the exceptionally dl OC to d0 Eft
low prices of from 1 i0 PO.OU
Wash Skirts for the Flapper
e offer a complete assortment of Wash Skirts for the flapper,
12, 14 and 16 years; smart styles; trimmed with pearl buttons,
fancy pockets, wide and, narrow belts; made of Honeycomb
Cloth, Gabardine, Sport Stripes fcO Ci to tE? AA
and Pin ids, at $.OU pO.UU
Second Floor
Leg Sore
A huje sore very deep full of foul
discharge. Agony all day; no rest at
night Then just a few dropi of the gen
tle, cooling liquid, D. D. D. Irritation
and pain gone. Sweet, refreshing sleep
at night In due time, complete heal
ing. We guarantee D. D. D. 85c, 60c
and $1.00. Ask for O. D. D. today. ,
JHe Licruid Wash
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. Druggists
refund money if it fails. 25c
!' CadniYlfmA Tahletft JiffnvA R.
lief to the Shattered Nerves I
of the Drinker.
Manv men. soldiers nnrl "snilnrs.
have stated that when they were de
nied their liquor, their nerves be
came shattered, until the wonderful
tonic effects of Ca'domene Tablets re
stored them to normal health. The
man who swears off liquor or tobacqo
will find his task easier, and will re
gain his normal poise and control
quicker by taking Cadomene Tablets.
The wornout man or woman, the
nervous and sleepless, find a boon in
Cadomene Tablets, which are guaran
teed safe, harmless and effective al
ways, or money back. Get a tube
today from 'your druggist and hcln
yourself to get right right awav.
For Decoration Day
We are offering the most complete stock of these
splendid Wash Skirts, in a wonderful variety of styles.
We mention just three of them as examples of what
you may find.
of fine quality "NON-SH RINK ABLE" Gabardine,
well tailored, with deep tailored self-banded side
pockets, trimmed with pearl buttons, wide belt, neatly
tucked with shield front buttoned over with white
pearl buttons, giving an unusual novel t ne
effect, at J4.I70
"NON-SHRINKABLE" Gabardine, exactly as illus
trated, with two large fancy pockets trimmed with
large carved pearl buttons, wide belt trimmed with
tour large pearl buttons; a very neat fcE QE
design, all sizes, at pO.0
good quality "NON-SHRINKABLE" Gabardine, novel
tailored pockets, trimmed with white pearl buttons,
wide belt, also trimmed with ' pearl do ne
buttons; all sizes, special at ipO.iJO
Other Skirts for Misses and Small Women
Smartest Styles Shown on Fifth Avenue
The new features are braided and embroidered belts, panels on skirt and new sash
effects. Fashioned of Georgette Crepe, some are tucked with graduated tucking all
around. For sport and dress wear. Others of Gabardine, Georgette and Satin
Prices are $6.95 to $29.00 '
Second Floor
i f,. " T...J
Buy These Mid-Summer Blouses
New Middy Blouses and Smocks
, For Decoration Day Wear
We have just received from New York these excel
lent styles, which we can sell at very moderate
prices. As a matter of fact, you will go a long way
in any part of this country to find styles to duplicate
these at the prices we quote.
. DAINTY LINGERIE BLOUSES, lace and f ftfl '
embroidery trimmed models, special at .... Pl lU
and Organdie Blouses. Very special, at
BLOUSES, all new colors, white and flesh
New Middy Blouses and Smocks
Dozens of styles to select from made of Galatea,
Linen, Linene, Pongee, Voile and Crepe, $1 to $12.95
Second Floor
Outing Shoes
For Ladies and Children
Ladies' and Children's
White Sea Island and Can
vas Pumps, Shoes and Ox
fords; high and low heels;
in all the new and wanted
shapes and styles.
Ladies' Sea Island Linen Oxfords in military covered heels,
white leather elk soles; at, a pair $7.00
White Canvas Boots in military leather heels; especially
priced, at, a pair $3.50, $4.00 and $4.95
Children's, Misses' and Growing Girls' Shoes in white canvas,
high cut, lace style; at, a pair $1.75, $2.75 and $3.00
Main Floor, Rear
" ' ,
Some people are yountr at SO red
cheekedyjMddy and vigorous. Others are old
at 40 joints beginning to stiffen up a bit;
tep beginning to lag and lose its springiness :
occasional touches of pain in the back, feel
tired without cause, and possibly a twinge
of rheumatic pain.
In most cases these are the danger signals
to warn you that the kidneys are not prompt
ly doing their work of throwing off the poi
sons that are always loriping in the body.
To neglect these natural warnings is a crime
against yourself. If you have these symp-
m .y,ou'',n find mPt relief in GOLD
MEDAL Haarlam Oil Capsules. I'or more
than 200 years this has been the recognized
remedy for kidney and bladder ailments.
GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules are
imported direct from the laboratories at
Haarlem. Hoi and. n.f tt,. - j
gist. Do not take a substitute, in Wes,
three sizes Adr,
. i i i ; wi i
Bathing Apparel
reg. u. s. pat orr
Vlookfor.thename on.the. label
j everyone knows the wonderfu
swimming ability of Annette Kel
lerman. and a suit named after her
must surelv possess merit bevond
Knitted Jersev Rathinir Suits.
0kr- trunks attached, whifp trirnmino at-
neck, sleeves and hem; colors are:
Royal, Emerald, Black GO QO
v V and Cardinal; special &t.'JO
' Second Floor.
500 Pieces Fancy Glassware
Excess Stock of a Big Jobber
No need of our stating value on these, because if we put down the real worth
of these pieces you would not believe it better come and see them for your
self. We do want to make this statement however, that this is the best offer
ing of this kind of Glass that we have ever madeor that we have ever heard
of you can take our word for it that you are going to miss a big thing if you
miss this sale.
Baskets, Comports, Vases, Center Pieces, Flower Bowls,
Fruit Bowls, Low Comports, Salad Bowls and Lily Bowh
THE COLORS are wonderful, every harmonizing tone you can
iuhik ui ; borne aainiy, some gorgeous Mother of Pearl, Topaz
Amethyst, Green, Blue and the dainty Tiffany effects. '
THE SHAPES The sketch shows a few, but there are hundreds of
others some .are massive, others are slender and dainty all are so
r wondrously fascinating that you will wonder and wonder how we
can sell them at 98c.
Main Floor
Buy War Savings
Stamps Whenever
You Can
' m M,rifi fnT.r
Difflideis Stores
Complete Stocks of
all Decoration Day ,
Needfulc .
(. . 1U til IT IWt) I ll.tlllrti HlllH ill! 11 W ilWIitai into WU1U JtHlft HI irttt thtfe-