Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1918, Page 6, Image 6
----.',..'- . , . , . . - . . - ..... - .v ;- '' -"" - ' -v" - . vv .V'"'' ' "' 7:-s V t-- s .' :'. .. jV ., -. ' -,",-7 X" '''"' ' ' ! ' ' V , ! " . ... - , ' . . '. ,. . . ... ,-. ' j v. -"-,r - 6 V " fHE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, MAY 27, 1918. ' ' v. V , V ; ' '' ' - v ' - ' ' . ' '" ' " ' . AGENT WUw.WW - ) t -. ( jh 1 fil'aasr) i SMA oN i : ' ' " Want Ad Rates (Caah With Ordtr.) Pr word eicb Inicrtlon te per word (or thr concu(v Inarrtloni . lo per word for each addttloml linprtton No ad tikon for leu than a total of :0c ' or lata than lvo par day. CHARGE. per Una count worda to Hue) one time lo vr Una each time, t conaecutlve ttmea 1 ptf Una each time. ,30 conaecutlve llmea PITCAT10X WANTED. ' SSo per line per week CARDS OF THANKS AMI f FUNERAL NOTICES. ' ISa per lire each Inaertlon 4Mfnlmum CharRa. 10 Centa.l A Contra rl Ratra On Apptlratloa For rnvenlenr or advertlaera wan ada will be arropted at the following- offlcee: MAIN OFFICE nee Uulldlnf Amea Office , 4110 Norlh 24th 8L take Office 2I1 North t4th St. - Vinton Offloa 2M7 South 10th St. Ear- Office 2ll Leavenworth St. Walnut Offlca lit North 40th St South Side , 2111 N St. Counctl Bluffa ...I... ...14 Main St., North THB BEE wilt not be reaponalbla for mora than eaa Incorrect Inaertlon of an advertlae iaii ordered for mora than oaa time. Cm THB TELEPHONE If you cannot con. , vanlently brine or aend your, ada to any of : the- above offlcea. Aak for a Want Ad 3'aker and you will receive the aame rood aervlce aa when dellverln. your ad Id peraon. PnOXB TITER 1.000. " ' ; Want Ad Colomna t'loae Evanlnf Edltiona 12:00 M. Morn In f Edition! 10:00 p. M. , Sunday Rdltlona 10 P. M. Saturday Eventna '" 111 . 1 1 '" "- MOVIE PROGRAM North. ALU AH BRA - 24TH AND PARKER J. WARREN KERRIGAN, IN MA MAN'S MAN. I GRAND ., " 16TH AND BINNET EARLE WILLIAMS. IN "THE LOVE DOCTOR." South. 1 , APOLLO STH AND LKAVENUORTH HARRY MOREV. IN ' "A BACHELOR'S CHILDFLEN." J DEAL 1TH AND KQRCAS . , BERT TTELt, IN .:-:.. "EMPTY POCKETS." . CKARL1H CHAPLIN, IK THB CimE," nOMLFF 2TH AND LEAVENWORTH V OLIVE TELL. IN : ' "HER "SISTER." West. DUNDK- II8T ANJ) UNDERWOOD OEOROB BE BAN, IN I "THE GOLDEN FEATHER." ' - 1M M''H OIIBIO OF H A T B." DEATHS ft FUNERAL NOTICE.. jt KASK Mra. ollle, . belovoU wife of A. , W. Peaae. ; She la aurvlvad bealda her huaband by -year-oia aon, Haymona Jerome. Ite fnalna will be ahlpped to her former home at t nicago. in., from John A. Qentleman mortuary, Jill Farnam, Sunday after, noon at l;3. Interment Calvary ceme tery, Tueeday morning. ROWLEY Mia. Cecelia B.. age 64 yeara. May 2. Funeral from the realdence of , her alateV, Mra. Nellie Redmond, 42t Bo J2d atreet, Tueaday at 1:30 a, m., to ; tit. Agnea church at a. m. Internment at St. Mitrya' cemetery. She la aur lved by her alater, Mra. Nellie Redmond, a brother, Joseph C. of Omaha and a alater, JMIaa Sarah Madden of Chicago FUNERAL DIRECTORS. UNDERTAKERS and llcanaed emjlamera; alao private ambulance. Call Webatar 47. WU!la C. Croaby. 2511 N. 24th St. W.N A. OENTTfcMAN. undertalter and embalm-r. 1411 Farnam Bt. Harney lt. HULSE a R1EP-N. uodertakera and em ... talmera. 701 B. 10th. i Douglaa 1220. STACK & FALCONER Independent Undertakera. 24th Har. D. 117. B L. DODDER CO.. FunerallrecTori: F. t," Fero, Mgr., 23d and Cuming Bta. . nnn- inuim auio amouiance. FLORISTS. lunteoella Flortata. LEE L. LARMON ' 1114 Douglaa St. Douglaa $214. Mnuoi aaaonmeni or ireen nowera. i H ENDERSQN. 1519 FARNAM. 1 PARKER FLlTWER BHOP. 411 8. li7. 1101 rOQERS Florlat. tit 8. Kth. D. t400. BATH Careful Florlat, llOt Farnam St, A. DONAGHUE '5!!!!!,W?! ESP. prepaid. MONUMENT ft "CEMETERIES. . PROSPECT Hill, the cemetery . beautiful , JOta ar altigle lntermenta. Perpetual care airangemeota. Terma to ault. Call SupL. Web. 2404. t THE largeat dlaplay In the United State. FRANK 8VOBODA. 2?i-' Sjnthf" Phonea Douglaa l7t-tyt. WEfrXAWN offe'ra aympathetlo aervlce ii audden aorrow; lerpetual vara: no aaaeaa er !a : lota on eaay terma. Phone Wal, t;o. LOSt-FOUND-REWARDS OUAU - COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET " RAILWAY COMPANY.- ' Peraona having loat oome article would well to call up the office of the Omaha 4 Council Bluffa Street Railway company ti. aacertalD whether they left It lo the atreet car. Many artlclea each day ara turned In and the company la anxloua to reatore thera to the rightful ownera. -r YOU loae anything and wllladvffttiae it 1 Nr you will aurely iccover It If foun.l bt aa honeat peraon. If you find any thing of value the honeat way la to ad- LOST Ob street car or restaurant, brown leather portfolio, containing V. S. pat enta catalogue, signed E. A. Wegner. Call Roroo hotel: large reward. LOST A tripod head In doorway of Ben-aon-Thorne. Wednesday night. Finder pleaae return to Omaha Bee and receive tcw ara, . r Cost ' Plantlnum Ooaka ik llv,rl tn downtown. Wednesday, fdrs. Ford e' Hovey. Wailnut 1(11: reward. - FOUND Bunch of keya on 16th St. Owner .may nave same by paying lor ad at Bee - LOST Green broadcloth dreea . skirt "lh and Dodge. Call Walnut 2464. For SaleMiaxeUaneoeus Furniture and Hcusehold Gooda. V WHY rAYIOR WHEN lOU UN BUT IT FOR LESS. AT THE STATE. Our big spring aale of furniture and . hauaa furnishings la now on In tall awing. PottUvely the btggeat sale ef Ita kind ever held ia the middle west If you need fur niture for the kitchen ar parlor; "a refrig erator or a atove here la where you will buy If quality and price I a considera tion. , Wa make a apeds My of complete home outfits, also hotela and rooming nonaea. Railroad fare free to all out-of-town buyers within St mile of Omaha ea Firrchaaea of t2i or mora. -.- STATB FtRNITURB CO.. 1.1 Doug. 1317, Cor, litb and Dodge St. For Sale Miscellaneoeus i ' i wt-ui., iJiiurtuuiilj YYHllItU tltLr WAnlLU MALL Furniture and Household Goods. IKRNITURB A HARDWARE BARGAINS. , Beda, aprlnxa, nrMtreaara, dreatera, chlf fonlera. tahlra, chairs, china and kitchen cablneta. run and linoleum, trunka and .ult caaea, gaa atovea and Ice boxea, full line acreen wire, poultry net tin, garden tools. H3J-47 North 24th St. Tel. Wab. J 607. Open till p. m ACTUAL TRUTH FOR BAROA i'lNS KTl line of furniture, (aa and coal ol! atevea, rtiRs, haby catrlaftea, trunka, etc. Loyal Turn. Co.. 223 N. lth. rtiK'KKH. aettee, library table and mattrela. Apartment 14, 3301 Dewey Ave. Tkone Harney 252. FOR HALF; S ii ii room furniture, practically new; five plecea. Telephone Harney 367. " " Pnrk AVe. LAR buffet ami 64-Inch dining room table. Harney Bf.4. COMPLETE furuiahlnga for five-room home. Rargain. Phone Florence 433, Fl'RNITl'RK for aale, inns Florence boule vard. Call Wehater 2564. FOR SALfc: Oaa atove, kitchen cabinet and porch rockera. Walnut 30)15. RUDD WATER HEATER NO. I Worth 1121; will aell for 140. Pnuglaa 0424. ' 14-INCH quarter-aawed oak buffet, new, Wehater S9:;6. almoat FOR RALR CHEAP Plnno and houaehold gooda. Tyler 3440-W. Coronado No. . Pianos and Musical Instruments. FOR SALE. " New Century cornet, In good condition, nickel plate, leather caae, only 110, Ad "dreaa Box 1,000, Bee. WE have aeveral Victrolaa that we took In on tradia for aale; In good condition. Rouae Phonograph Parlora. Cor. 20th and Farnam Hte, WANTED. Rome one to donate a plana to the Life boat Miaalon, 2710 Leavenworth atreet. Call Harney 5455. A. HOSPU CO., 1613 Douglaa, have planoa to rent at 23.(0 par month, or will aell on eaay term a. 400 PLAYER PIANO, with (0 rolla. good condition; aell for 1250 caab. Call 8. 1100 after o'clock. FOR SALE An excellent upright piano. Phone Douglae I30S. Sewing Machines. ING MACHINES We rent, repair, aell needlea and carta ef all aswlng machlnea. MICKE1.41 NEBRASKA CYCLB CO., 15th and Harney Sta. Doug 1M2. Store and Office Fixtures. WE buy, aell and make deaka. aafea, enow caaea, alielvlng, eto. Omaha Fixture aV Sup ply Co.. 11th and Douglaa D. 2724. Typewriters and Supplies FOR RENT Remington, Monarch and Smith Premier typewrlera. 8ent anywhere. Rontal appliea on purchnae. Remington typewriter company, nineteenth and TYPEWRITER aold, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver i months for 15. Central typewriter Kxcnange, not ararnam. WE buy, aell or exchange typewr'tera; guar, typewriters tlO and up. Writ for list. Midland Typewriter Co., 1404 D..dge. Nurseries, Seeds and Plants. YEI.EOW JKRHKYSWliET POTATO. . , PLANTS, 75o per hundred, 16. to per thousand. Colfax 39, Ferguaon Brof., Station D, Omaha. FOR BWEET POTATO plante, call Colfax Printing and Supplies. A PRINTING Tearl press and six kind of type for aale at a bargain. Call any time. Mr. A. Poakua, 3211 Q St., 'South Side. Phone South 2651. ADDING machlnea, all makei, bought, aold. and rented. Central TypewrltrEicbange, 1905 Farnam. Miscellaneous. FRESH country buttermilk, butter, beat ot cream, atrictly fresh egga; delivered to any part of Omaha. Phone Sooth 210 or Tyler 029. Wagnera. ' OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feathera steamed, renovated nd made up In new feather, proof 'Icklng. 1907 Cuming. Doug. 2467. WANTED TO BUY H. GERBER IS KNOWN TO PAY THB HIOHK8T PRICE FOR CLOTHINO AND FURNI TURE. D. S444. BE PATRIOTIC! HELP UNCLE RAM, BELL YOUR OLD CLOTHES AND BUY LIBERTY BONDS. GIVE MB A TRIAL. WILL CALL. PHONE DOUG. 1430. 1219 DOU0AS ST. DESKS desks; desks New desks, used deaka bought aold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1201 Farnam. D. 6146. THE NEBRASKA FURNITURE CCX WILL rT YOU THB HIGHEST PRICE FOR ri'KN.. STOVES, CARPETS. Doug. 171J. WANTED TO BUY Rare olT". S. colni or an Kinas or will exchange for others. Aaaresa ox Z3z, uee WB DON'T ARGUE. BUT PAY YOUR OWN r-Bll-lQ FOR TOUR CLOTHES. DO. (914 AK-SAR-BEN Furniture Co. pay full values ior rurniture and clothea. Dodglaa 6148. LARGEST BUYER OF" FURNITURE AND Wf.iN-a CLOTHING. DOUGLAS I61S. CASH paid for diamonds, estate appraised. nce jeweirv to.. 4 01 n. nth- ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON. aide, knife, aunburat, - box pieaiing, covered buttons, all aixea and atylca; hemstitching, plcot edging. ' eye let cut work, button holea, pennanta. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATIXO i:n I00-3O8 Brown Bldg. Phone Doug. 1I HEMSTITCHING. PLEATING. BUT TONST O. U. VanArnam Pleating Co.", S36-7 Paxton Block. Phone Doug Slot. Awnings. AWNINGS AND PORCH FURNITURE. Auto touring tents and camping supplies, SCOTT-OMAHA TENT & AWNING CO.. Billiard Parlora. PRIVATE tablea for part lea at Holmes'. Baggage and Express. REPUBLIC AUTTrKXPRE88 COMPANY will haul everything for . you. . Packeget mm .ii ids., la cents. Douglas 453.- I THE ONLY WAY S5 f THE OMAHA TRANSFER CO. Bldg. 215., Brass and Iron Founderies. PAXTON MITi-u ir.i.r. en 27th and Martha Sta.. Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine aray Iron rastlnaa. Chiropractors. SPINOGRAPH. Ir. Edwards. 24th A Far" nam. Dr J. C. Lawrence. Balrd Bldg. D. 8441. Contractors. J. KLKIN, building and repairs. 1138 N, 23d. Web. 3927. Web. 757. Estimates free. Coatiimr FULL dreaa suits for rent. Opp. p. O Johi Fcldman. 109 N. 1(1 h St. Douglaa 111. Dressmaking. HISS BTURDTrdrceamaklng." SaMf. tlltTl AN nil II mi P Mr ra IN Al THMnR I EG CTTIlATmiUC lirilkl'rprt iiriniliiuKn , Dentists. D- Bradbury. No pain. 21 W. O.' W. Bldg. 21 w. o.' w 'f.ft'a Dent. Rtrai., JOS Rose Bldg. D. 21S4U Detectives. JAMES ALLAN, 112 Neville Blk. Evidence aecured In all caaea. Tyler 1130. Express T fnsf er. WEST A BUTTON. Piano, heuaehold moving; live atock hauled. T. 8719. 1006 Caae St. Ejlm Developing. FLMii developed: rolla. 10c; packa. ISc; cne-day aervlce. Kaae Studio. Neville Blk., toth and Harney. Fixtures and Wiring. f T T p T T XT E I oc t r I o " w a h in g ma c h fnee, XVXIiN electric Irons and reading lampa. 2223 Cuming St. Douglaa 2510. Jewelry, UltXLU VJVilJO prlvllega to buy back at email profit. GROSS. 403 N. 16th St. Hat Cleaning. ALL klnda of hate remodeled. 1620 Harney. Live Stock Hauling. WB will haul your live atock. LIVE STOCK TRANSFER CO. T20 Farnam Sr Teliphone Douglas 250S. Osteopaths. DR. MABLE WESSON, 014 Brandete Bldg. T. 2f.O. Rea 4741. Piano Tuning and Repairing. W. R. Dalhey planO ttinerThouitiaii" ;7. Patent Attorneys. STUROES - 8TUROES. U. 8. and forelan patenta and trademarka, 330 Bee Bldg, Medical. PILES, fistula and other rectal dis eases cured without surgical oper ation. Cure guaranteed. Write for bock on rectal diseases with testi monials. DR. E. R. TARRY, , 240 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Patents. PATENTS procured, bought and aold Inter- national Patent Co., 6S3 Brandela. D. fdtl. Printing and Office Supplies, watera-Barnhart Ptg. Co.. 624 S. 13th St Rug Cleaning. QUALITY RUO CLEANERS. Scientific Olive Oil Woahlng. Peralan Ru Cleaning Co.. 2267 Farnam. ' ' ' H. 1842. Safes. SAFES BARGAINS, 1213 Farnam. J. J. Derlght' Safe Co. Tailors. Dledrlck. P. ..j31 H. 20th, Tailor. D. 2432. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply, 207 S. 1 1 tlx. D. 628. Trusses. CLECO COMFORT TRUSSES. Fitted Perfeellv hv t'n..i. The W. a. Cleveland Co.. 1410-13 Harne SK Vacuum Cleaners. WILL clean your rugs on the floor. I use noover machines. Harney 19rV Wedding Stationery. -r 1 . WEDDING announcements and , printing. Pougla Printing Co.. Tel. Domtlaa 644 BUSINESS CHANCES Real Estate Business for Sale Owing to the draft the Northwest Loan A Realty Co. will aell their good going business. Including equity In lands, con traota for sale of lands, good paper, in surance and loan connections. Only good real estate offico and business of Its kind in town, located on ground floor on principal corner. Good opportunity for nusuers. Tnis is an opportunity to get practically all the going buslnesa In the nmun Klver valley, one of the best val leys in state of Montana. 316.000 buys ine Duaincae, including the lands and everything pertaining to company's af fairs. 'Write Northwest Loan & Realty Co.. White Sulphur Springs. Mont. "special m a n u f a ct ur e rsi n l ine ' of druog1st sundries. ' Secure right to manufacture our physi cal culture training weights; there is use for mllllona of them today: retail from io io ii. so. 2318 Chicago St MUST SELL AT ONCE SUBURBAN PIC- ruma situw DOING OOQJJ BUSINESS; BEST REASON FOR SELLING: INVES TIQATH THIS QUICK. BOX 6024. OMA Tin , rrtUINIS WEB. X7S1. BA KERY anoxcafe for sale In aronri eo. town doing from 1100 ta 8150 bust neaa per day. Address Box Y 667, Omaha Bee. DANDY CAFE First-class in every respect. Doing flna business. Open day and night. Seating capacity 10. Excellent opportunity and money maker. Box 7998, Bee. CAN"1 SHOW YOU aa Income of from 13.000 to tlO.OOt a year on few hundred dollars' Investment with your services, Daniel Kuhn. 2411 Capitol Ave. BARBER SHOP FOR BALE Three chairs, white shop, northwestern la., town 1,200, good business; retlrmg; prices. Address -Box Y-M2. Omaha Bee. GUARANTY locate you; any line busineaa; any atata. Guarantee sell your business. F. V, Knleat. Bee Bldg.. Omaha. NebA ONLY . Pool hall for sale In good town II tables and everything In good shape. Ad- dresa Box T-842, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Ford garage, machinery and tock. Address : owner, F. E. Hammon, . Lynch, Neb. SMALL Ladies-Oenta' furnlsiilng store for aaK F.' V ' Knleat. Bee Bide;.. Omaha AUTOMOBILES RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiators repaired and rebuilt; large atock used radiators on hand. Mashtd fenders and lajrips repaired Ilka new. . ' New honey-combed Ford radiators. 1916 model, 122; .4917, 121. OMAHA TtADIATOR AND TIRE WORKS. 1911 Cuming St. Omaha, Neb. LISTEN Wa will aave you 60 per cent oo J your ur dim. Trade youc old tlrea for new one. Tubes vulrsnlseoit cents cas ings (0 cents up. Rebuilt. Kin 1 casings for aale, 11 up. U. S. machines' for sale. U. 8. Vulcanlier Co... Branch It. 120 8. ISth St.; Omaha. '4-rass. 1917, Scripps-Eooth, still new, good tires, $675. Gall W'eber, Tyler 1000. NEW TIRES AT PRICE. ALL SIZEsT New SOxl Firestone, !9.43Ford tubes. 12 New 30x1 Republic $ g 75 New lexlH Firestone, non-skid 1475 New HxlH Firestone 14 so K A! MANS TIRE JOBBERS, 1721 CUMING. K ELS EX "Streamline"' body makes old Ford new. Bol. 8. Goldstroin Co. distributor, 260T Farnam street. Telephone Harney (54. Forda aold for caab or time pay menta. - FOR SALE New Stearns Knlaht. 4 nmm. eoger roadster. A bargain, till Dodge St. BARGAINS IN USED CARS All makes. With and -without atartera, 25 to pick from. Phone D: 2914 or call at 1116 Davenport. BOY LAN AUTO CO.. FOR SALE ifHEAPAl iTJseV COLE TOURINO CAR. BUY" FROM OWNER AND .SAVE COMMISSION. CAN BE SEEN AT 8415 N. S0TH. FOR SALE A flve-paaseng trio; In excellent conditl nger Wooda elec- nditlon. new tlrea. paint and batteriea; army officer. Thone Harney 5175. ALL kinds of cars for hire, with or with out driver, by the mile or by the hour. Fords, inc per mile. Douglaa 7390. Ne hrnaka Rervlre Oarage. NEW Maxwell cars, 1318 models, for aale. J30O cash, balance monthly payments as desired. Answers atrictly confidential. Box II 08 J. Bee. BARGAINS IN USED FORD CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co. 15th amfj Jackaon. Ford Agenta. Doug. 3500. WANTED FOR gPOT CASH, 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex change Co., 2069 Farnam St. Doug. 6035. WE ARB THB USED CAR MEN. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 Farnam St. Douglaa 1070. QUALITY USED CARS. VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO, 2406 LEAVENWORTH ST. USED CARS AND TRUCKS. AT BARGAIN PRICES. 2020 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. 60 FORD! WANTED. AUTO PARTS CO., 2105 FARNAM ST. GOOD USED CARS. OUT L. SMITH, 26th and Farnam Sta. Douglaa 1970. OAKLAND, Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO., 2300 Farnam St. DODGE Touring: good condition. 1600. CARD-ADAMS MOTOR CO., 2421 Farnam St BARGAINS In used care. ORR MOTOR SALES CO., 4flth and Farnam. Harney 414. FOR SALE Studebaker four.V Good condi tion, bargain. Owner leaving city. Wal nut 667. TELL A BINKLEY. Commercial body builders. 231S Harney St.. D. 1540. AUTO REPAIR (A. I..) Ortner. Now at 1617 Vinton. South side of atreet. Phone Douglas 167., CHALMERS 1915 Caboulet or Roadster. In ftrat-ciass condition. Cheap, Harney 2657. Starters and Generators Repaired. AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Anything electrical about your auto. 316 S. 19th St. Douglas 5488. Auto Livery and Garages. RiDNT A FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF. 10c n mile, 35c per hour minimum charge. (EXCEPT Sunday and holidaya.) FORD LIVERY CO., Douglaa 3622. 1314 Howard St. FOR SALE Public garage, all equipment, dandy location; must be aold at once; go ing to war. Call-Tyler 3187. -- Auto Repairing, EDWARDS. E. S! 2616 12th St. 1 Web- Hter 1102. For the beat results with repair work consult us. Tires and Supplies. GUARANTEED TIRES ONE HALF PRICE. 3.000 Miles Guaranteed. 30x3. S7.7B : 30x3H, t8.76; 32x3',, 1025; 33x4. $12.35; 34x4, 113.25; 35x4 115,60. Write us today for particulars. AGENTS WANTED. Expert Radiator and Tire Repairing "2 IN '1" VULCANIZING CO., 1.M6 Davenport St. Omaha. D. 2914. TIRES. New SOxS Firestone.. $8.90 New 30x3H Non Skid J2.50 Now 32x3 V, Firestone 16.35 30x34 Guaranteed Tubca 3.10 30x3 Guaranteed Tubes 2.80 Good used Ford tires 6,00 Other sizes in proportion. Retreading and vulcanizing. OMAHA RADIATOR & TIRE WORKS, 1918 Cuming St.. Omaha. Neb. . NEWLY patented automobile steering control with Yale combination lock. In sures safety and pleasure in handling your car and maximum Insurance against theft made to sell at $6.50. Price while they last, $5. Address C. B. Coon, Agent. Apt. 40, Angelus. Phone Harney 6723. Omaha. Nob. REAL bargains in well known tires. Just received a carload of new tires, 18 stand ard makes. We save you 25 to 40 per N cent. Wholesale and retail. Call, write, wire, phone. . OMAHA CUT RATE TIRE CO., Douglas 2916. 310 South 19th St. INSIST on G. & G. quality retread and save SO per cent on your tlrea. Bargains In new and slightly used tires. O. A G. I Tire Co., 2416 Leavenworth St. Tyler 12C1-3V. BUY Lee puncture-proof pneumatic tires and eliminate your tire troubles. Powell Sup Ply Co.. 2051 Farnam St. TIRE price wreckers. This la no 2-in-l tire. COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY. ' 422 8. 18th. Agts wanted. Omaha. Neb. Motorcycle and Bicycles H A R L E Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In used machines. Victor H. Root, the Motorcycle Man, 27th and Leav enworth. A NUMBER of 2d hd. Motoreyc(es and Tri- PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial Home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1113-1114 Dodge St. OMAHA Bath Hint, Electric, steam or tub baths, massages ot al Iklnds. 221 Neville Blk, Douglas 7161. 16th and Harney Sis. MISS FISHER, sulphur, steam baths artd massage, S70 Bran. Thea. Bldg. D. 1659. MASSAGE, bathe. manicuring cult. Miss Walker, 224 Neville physical Blk. MISS ALLEN, massage, facial and scalp treatment. ' 1801 Farnam St. Room 2. MAE BRUGMAN. aclentllio masseuse baths. 203 Karbach Blk. Red 2727. and Manicuring and mass. 1623 19. SCIENTIFIC mass. MS Paxton Blk. D. 6372. MISS WEST, manicure, mass. 21 N. 17th. Mls Holran. masseuse. 223 Neville Blk. MEDICAL WHY SUFFER! Latest and moat Scientific Treatment for All Dlseaaea. Dr. Charles ' Barnes. 613-12 Secutitiee Bldg. Examina tion and Consultation Free. He ia reliev ing thousands. WHY NOT TOUT Delays are dangerous. If you can't call, write. Hours: t a m. to S p. tn.. 7:30 to 1:19 evenings, Sunday. 11 a. m. to 1 p. m. RUPTURE successfully treated without a aurglcal operation. Call or write. Dr. Frank H. Wray. 104 Bee Bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. SALESMAN Wishes to quit traveling, wants city position. Twenty years' specialty experience, good producer, con vincing talker, good appearance', hustler, ran adapt myself to any line. Will con alder Inside position, Kiel Hotel, Coun cil Bluffa ' ' SITUATIONS WANTED kale. WANTED htcaily work June 1, with chance lor advancement for ambitious young man, not in draft. Council Bluffs preferred. Reference furnished. G. A. Manley. I'rlniKhar, la. POSITION wanted by young man below draft ago aa steno. and clerk in a coun try bank. Al references. Address Box 340. Dunlap. Ja. PAINT, carpet and paper cleaning, the Na tional Cleaning- and Service company, 2709 LcaveT.,vortli St. Harney 6012. EX PK Rl E NC F.D colored h"aiiff er under utands taldnff rare of any kind ot car. Telephone Harney iil68. N HOUbhCLEANINO, window washing rug cleanltiK. Webster 9S. and MARRIED couple with child wish position on farm. Kox'7!IM Bee. Female. DRESSMAKER, one who can run ahop, to write National Cleaning & Service Co., 2709 Leavenworth St. DAY WORK, hoimecloanlnir or wanted. Phone Webster 3860. washing WANTED Plain and fancy sewing by re liable colored lady. Tel. Webster 3293. EXPERIENCED while lady wanta day work; reference. $2 day. Douglas 6071. GUARANTEED dressmaking. Call evenings, Tyler 2004-W. Laundry and Dav Work. WASHING Rough dry or finished; blank ets and curtains apecialty: soft water. Walnut 432. COLORED lady with references wants place 3 or 4 days each week. Webster 4621. LAUNDRY work Webster 1953. called tor and delivered. BUNDLE washing, 1727. lace curtains. Webster LAUNDRESS wishes work; bundles called for and delivered. Webster 5222. WANTED Day work by first-class colored laundress. Call Webster 1391. WOMAN wants day work of phone Webster 3925. my kind. Tele- BUNDLE washing, rough, dry and finished. Red 6673. WDMjN 2221. wants day work. rcf. Wcbater BUNDLE washing w't'd; 2127. price reaa. Web. LAUNDRESS Washing by the hour.. Web. 3017 COLORED lady wants day work. Har 6406. CURTAINS laundered, w'k guar. Har. 1130. Bundle washing wanted. Cali Webster YtlT Day work and bundle washing. Web. 108s7 BUNDLE washing wanted. Red 8779. Miscellaneous. WANTED Position as stenographer; have had some experience; will start reason able. Douglas 6108. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. VOU MEN WHO HIRE AND FIRE Advertise for "help" the same way yoo advertlae to aell merchandise, and the dlffefence In returns will surprise you. The next time you need help call Tyler 1-00. A trained and experienced ad taker will assist you In preparing your advertisement. EXPERIENCED TELLER wanted for bank with half-million deposits in town of 1,500, western Iowa, within 50 miles of Omaha, main lino R. R. Salary (85 to $100. Two experienced assistant cashiers for banks In northwestern Colorado. Salary $100 to start. - The Charles E. Walters Company. "The Bank Position Specialists." 1124-30 First National Bank Bids., Omaha. 1 WANTED. THREE YOUNG MARRIED MEN FOR GENERAL OFFICE WORK. ADDRESS BOX 5214 BEE. WANTED Youiitf man, grocery experience; either wholesale or retail; good at figures: If subject to draft don't answer; good chance for ad.e-ncemcnt; experience and reference in reply. Box X 551. Omaha Bee. WANTED Husky young man to take charge, ot small warehouse stock, keep fi),e records thereof and delivered with proper recommendation. ORCHARD & WILHELM, 414 -iS S. 16th St. EXPERIENCED warehouse man capable of handling men, to take chargo of a large house furnishings warehouse. Application from out of city considered. --Box 4271, Omaha Bee. OFFICE manager, accountant, small office $125. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS N. DEPENDABLE SERVICE. WATTS REFERENCE CO.. 1138 First National Bank Bldg. GOOD POSITIONS AT ALL TIMES. CANO AGENCY, 600 BEE RLDG. SODA fountain clerk 24th and Cumtngs at. northeast corner Professions and Trades. WANTED MACHINISTS,, BOIL ERMAKERS AND ' HELPERS. Recognizing the fact that the government Is enHed to first call In this line and that union men are given first chance, we appeal to nonunion mechanics, who are anxious to do their part to help the government in its efforts to win the war, to come to Tueblo and go to work. We are paying ''machinists and boilermakers a minimum of 6-ccnts and helpers 35 to 40 cents. Eight Hour day. Time and half foKbver tlme. THIS IS BETTER THAN THE NEW RAILROAD SCHEDULE. PUEBLO EMPLOYERS ASS'N, BOX W. KJEBLO, COLO. WE NEED CONDUCTORS' AND , motormen: i Apply in person to the superintendent of trans portation, second floor, Merchants' National Bank B!dg.. Omaha. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. WANTED Upholsterer for turnlture depart ment. 3ot 41406 Bee,. ;. . Professions and Trades. ' WANTED, DRIVERS AND WAGO?? HELPERS, ALSO FREIGHT HANDLERS. AMERICAN EXPRESS CO. APPLY UNION STATION. WANTED Good automobile painters; best wages; good working conditions; steady work. Auto Parts Manufacturing Co., 219 223 West 7th St.. Sioux City, la. OPERATOR-PRINTER WANTED One steady: new presses, new Intertype, easy work for all-around man. Write or wire at once: stating wage, to Independent, Rising City, Neb. WOODWORKER WANTED, Man for handsaw and ahaper; fine op portunity for right party. Jensen Omaha Toy Co., 2316 Vinton St., rear. EXPERIENCED man to hang shades and draperies. Permanent position. Appli cation from out of city considered. Box 4:171, Omaha Bee. REFINED young man as stock clerk to , learn the drapery business. Box 4271, x Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED furniture packer and up fitter. ORCHARD & WILHELM, 414-18 S. 10th St. WANTED Foreman for Plata Shop, heavy lanit worK in western city. Open ahop. Address Box Y 556, Omaha Bee. GOOD man for genera blacksmith ahon: good wages. pRED HE IEAVRIN. BLOOM- FIELD, NEB. BARBER WANTED June 1st., 318 guar antee and good over money. Steady Job. E. M. Day, 105 West B St.. McCook, Neb. WANTED 'Superintendent "Producer Gas Engines," Electric Light Plant, Elk Point, S. D. DRUG CLERK WANTEDSteady position. Salary $100 Reference required. Writ or wire Attebery Bros.. Morrill. Neb. REGISTERED drug clerk; references re quired. Harley Drug Company, 1101 O St., Lincoln, Neb. y LEARN barber trade, low rates now. Call er write Barber College. 1124 Douglaa St AN all steady around experienced candymaker; work. Box 7104. Omaha Bee. WANTED Young man $13 per week. Coca Cola Bottling Co.. 1423 N. 18th St. PRINTER WANTED One man shop; $2t. Wire Pioneer Press, Akron, Colo. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMAN, experienced proforred, to sell established line of gas engines, light plants, feed mills, etc., to Implement dealer trade. Northern Kansas and jwest em territories. Salary, expenses and com mission. Excellent opportunity for' a hustler. State full particulars concerning yourself first letter. Box Y 654, Omaha Bee. HIGH-GRADE salesman to handle real es tate proposition In Nebraska. We want men capable of earning big commissions. Will pay suitable drawing account to proper man. Would consider man with automobile or atock -selling experience. Address Box Y 656, Bee. SALESMEN If you are desirous of mak ing $100 and over per week, It will pay you to see what I have to offer. All classes of people buy. See Sir. Crosby, Sanford Hotel. SALESMAN WANTED To travel In Iowa for special line. One who has had ex perience in selling pianos and sewing ma chines preferred. Box 6245 Bee Agents and Canvassers. WANTED Agentafor local or special work for Illinois Bankers Pure Life Policies. Men and women written. Annual rate, age 33, $16.4?; age 45, $23.75; age 65, $37.44; other ages In proportion. This is the policy you can sell and make good in war times. Last month showed largest amount of business in the history of the company. For contract, terms and full particulars addresa C. A. Wilson, 204 Nebraska State Bank, Lincoln. Neb. WANTED Portrait artists and drapery workers, . H. Roberts Portrait Co., Kan sas City. Mo, Boys. TRAVELING salesman working all Ne braska wants boy to drive Ford. Mr. l.oeb. Room 316, Rome Hotel. Miscellaneous. MEN WANTED. AGE 21 TO 50, FOR GENERAL YARD WORK, STEADY JOB FOR GOOD MEN APPLY TO TIMEKEEPER, UNION STOCK YARDS CO. SOUTH OMAHA. WANT White Janitor for high-class apart ment house: must live at home; good wages to rtght man. Box 7872. Omaha Bee. HELP WANTEDFEMALE Stores and Offices. - WANTED. AN OFFICE GIRL. . Apply B. r. GOODRICH RUBBER CO. 2034 Farnam St. V SUCCESSFUL TEACHER For business po sition during summer. ' may be perma nent; opportunity for travel; good salary, and expense allowance preferred; -o demonstrating. Glvo qualifications and telephone. Apply Immediately by letter to Mr. Smltbson, Fontenello Hotel, Omaha. OFFICE clerk and Corap., $65-$75. Stenog rapher and dictaphone, $75-$S6 THB MARTI SERVICE. 915-16 W. O. W.-Bldu W ANTED Assistant for light office work. One with some stenographic experience preferred Call Monday 10-11 a. rrf. 917 - W. O. W. Bl.lg. GOVERNMENT wunte thousands clerka at Washington Immediately: $100 month; full Informatiomfrco. Box Y-534. Omaha Bee. STENOGRAPHtR insurance office. $86 $100. WESTERN REFERENCE A- BOND ASS N. GOOD POSITIONS AT ALL TIMES CANO AGBNCY. 6no BEE BLDO. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED Traveler to travel. Salary 1100 monthly and expense allowance, extra profits. Position will pay resourceful wo man with executive ability -and Inltatlve 140 to 160 weekly. Apply by letter. Mr. Smlthson, Fontenelle Hotel. State quali fications. Give phone purqber HELP WANTED FEMALE Piofessions and Trades. WANTED Young Ladies to 1-an. telephoi-e operating. Good wages paid while harning. rapid advance ment, permanent position Apply to G. F. LAMBERT. 1807 Douglas St. Household and Domestic. NEAT, reliable colored maid for general housework, small family, laundress kept. wages . tn a. mun Ave. Walnut 1792. WANTED A young foreign girl for light housework, no washing or cooking. Awful ly good noma. Douglas 6203. WANTED A competent second girt 610 N.. 4Sth St. Mrs. George A. Hoagland. Tel. Walnut 199. WANTED A competent girl for general housework, wages $3; small family. Call South 696. WANTED Girl for general. housework or to assist. Call 2024 Blnnev St GIRL for cooking and general housework. iiu wasmng, ana small family. Har. 2198. GIRL wanted for general housework Mra. . x-. nepnins, xjoage est. WANTEDA girl for general houseworkf tfnnA -a... 11, a r... . . ... j WANTED Girl lo assist with houseworK ' ana care or small child. Phone Walnut 81. WANTED Experienced girl for general ii.iuaeworK. wirt St. Webster 78t. WANTED Girl for general housework, reN erencea required. Call Harney 981. EXPERIENCED second maid In family of 1. ! a. vr. o. jiynes. Harney 4,60. WANTED COMPETENT WHITE NUKSb ' GIRL. CALL WALNUT 95. WANTED A girl for general housework. Telephone Harney 580. GIRL for general housework, amall family. Telephone Harney 2522. YOUNG girl to vassist In housework, small family, amall house. H. 2546. w A NTED Competent white nurse-girl. Call Walnut 95. Miscellaneous. GOVERNMENT needs 20,000 women clerks at Washington; examinations everywhere aoon; experience unnecessary; women de siring government positions write for free particulars to J. C. Leonard, former civil service examiner, 626 Kenola Bldg.. Washington. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Man and wife cooke, good pastry and meats; salary $135; references re quired. Cool kitchen and good place, by June 1. Full particulars In first letter. age peopie. fiox x 5S3, Omaha Bee. OMAHA government clerk examinations' coming. Thousands wanted. $100 month. Sample questions free." Franklin Instl- tme. uepr. Z3Z m. Rochester, N. T. WANTED Men, ladles and boys, leara barber trade; big demand: wagea while learning; strictly modern. Call or writ 1402 Dodge St. Trl-City Barber College. Phone D. 2147. MOLER Barber College wanta young; men and ladle to learn the barber trade. Call or write for free catalogue, 110 8. 14tb St.. Omaha. Neb. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day la enrollment day. Book keeping. ahortUand. atenotypy, typewrit ing, telegraphy. clll service all commer cial and English branches. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE. Douglaa 1561. 18th and Harney Sta. v Van Sant School ot Buslnesa. Day ana Evening Scboola. 120 Omaha National Bank Bide. Dourlaa 6890 FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERS. . If yooxfall to find the room yon dealre among these ada call at The Bea office for a Room List, .Gives complete description of vacant rooms la all parts of the city. New Hate issued every week. TWO nicely furnished rooms, with aa east front Prices reasonable. Close in. " 713 S. 17th Ave. 2023 CASS 2 large, cool, clean rooms for employed couple or 2 business girls, real home to refined people. Home cooking and conveniences. Douglas 7934. CLEAN, cool, beautifully furnished room, near car line, walking distance. Harney 1913. NICELY furnished rooms, 619 So. 26th Ave., board if desired; all new furniture. uougias sus.i. LARGE, cool, beautifully furnished room, on bath floor, in modern private home. 659 -8. 26th Ave. TWO LARGE, cool rooms for four young men or, women. Home cooking. Douglaa MODERN furnished rooms for men only at the Sunshine. (06 North litb St. Reason able rent. 2923 LEAVENWORTH Modern furnished 2 and 1-room suite for light housekeep ing. Harney 3095. 240S DAVENPORT Nicely furnished. cooL outHlde rooms, in strictly modern flat. D. 8698. LINCOLN APTS, 2102 Chicago. Furnlshei useaeeping ana sleeping rooms. Tyler TWO-fumished rooma for one or two; rea "-snnable; breakfast If desired. W'alnut 3726. 2611 C.PITOL AVE: clean, cor-" froTl room; 1st fl.: all furnished. Harny 6350. NICELY furnished room, convenient foj railroad employes. Call Webster 1783. 2031 HARNUY Nicely furnished sleeping rooma. Tel. H. 6749. 615 PARK AVE. Large front room, suitable for two, private home. Harney 6614. NICE large room, quiet surroundings 13 week. 2C32 Harney St. Harney 6955. , GRAYSTONE. 26lh and Cass, nicely fur - ........ .. . ."'UFIHS FURNISHED ROOM. 181S Chicago. Phone D 9219; men only. WELL FURNISHED .ROOM h5 private J'Jn Farnam. Harney 1669. FURNLSHErTrooru for rent. 843t. 23d"l Tyler 1375. I V - A V- i j