V The' OMAitA' Daily ' Bee VOL. XLVII NO. 294. L OH AH A, MONDAY MORNING, MAY 27, 1918 Da I'SXsftSfft. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. Nwi nn nn LnJ VJ IMIU THE WEATHER. 1 ' i Showers Ml mm 2,000,000 RAIL GET RAISE McAdoo Announces $300,000, 000 Increases, to Begin . Saturday, 4 Retroactive to r . First Day of January. (By Auroclatml rrr.i Washington, May 26. Gen eral pay increases for nearly 2,000,000 railroad employes were announced today by Di rector General McAdoo, effec tive next Saturday and retroac tive to last January 1, carrying out substantially the recom mendations of the rajlway , wage commission. The aggre gate of the increases probably ' will be more than $300,000,000 a year, half of which will be distributed Within a fewAveeks as back pay in lump sums rang ing from about $100 to nearly $200 each. The director general departed from the wage commission's recommenda , lions in the following: particulars: The principal of the basic eight hour day is recognized, but owing tc the exigencies of the war situation, hours of employment are not actually reduced and overtime is to be paid pro rata; future adjustments of pay are to be made on the basis of eight hours. ' In addition to the ordinary scale of increase, day laborers, employed main ly on track work, are to get 2Vi cents an hour more than they received last December 31. 55 Cents in Shops. ' A minimum of 55 cents an hour is established for the shop trades, in rluding machinists, boiler makers and blacksmiths; and, Women ait to receive the same pay as . men for the same work, aud negroes are to get the same as white tnen for similar employment. " fo work out a multitude of in equalities of pay among employes doing similiar work in different. local ities and other injustices caused by varyingrules ofjmiplovment and con dition of organization, the director general created a new board on rail road wages and working conditions, consisting of three labor representa tives and three railway executives, which will conduct extensive investi gations and - recommend wage and other employment changes. ' Increases on Percentage Basis. All increases now ordered will be de termined according to a percentage . scale based on pav received in De cember, 1915, and any increases which have" been allowed within the time will be deducted. In manv cases raises in pay in the last two and one-half years are about equal to the increases t.ow approved and consequently those employes will get little or no more. To correct just such situations when . injustices appear will be one of the principal duties of the, new wage beard, whose creation was suggested by the railroad wage commission. In no cases are wages to be reduced. Men working on the monthly, daily, ' hourly, piece work and train mile basis will benefit fcv the new al lowances, and members of the four leading railroad brotherhoods whose pay was raised through ODeration of the Adamson act are to receive from 10 to 40 per cent additional, a smaller ' increase than thev-had asked of the , railroads shortly before the govern ment took control. Applies to 164 Roads. . The wage order aoolies to all em ployes of the 164 roads now under federal management, but not to the o-called short lines, unless they are letained by the government utter July 1. It affects employes of termi nal, union station and- switching com panies, lighters, ferries and tugs cwned by the railroads, but no em ployes of railroad boat lines on the lakes, rivers or coastwise" traffic. Al ,'CoatiBned on Pse Two, Column Four.) The Weather For Nebraska Showers and con tinued cool Monday, probably fol owed by clearing with rising tempera ture Tuesday. Temperatures at Omaha Yesterday. Hour. Dee. S a. m 64 S a. m 63 7 a. m 63 8 a. m 63 .9 a. m , 65 10 a. m 65 11 a. m 63 12 m 64 1 p. m 65 2 p. m.... 60 3 p. m. 4 p. m. I p. m. 6 p. m. p. m. 62 64 67 66 66 . t Comparative Local Record. Official record of temperature and precipi tation compared with the corresponding , period of the last three venr: - 1918. 1917. 19ttt. 191S. Highest yesterday ....67 62 81 66 Lowest yesterday 60 52 64 52 Mean temperature ....64 59 72 59 Precipitation 06 T. 00 .12 Temperature and precipitation departure from the normal: Normal temperature 7..... 6 vPeflciency for the day 2 Xotal deficiency since March L 1918.. 394 Normal prestation .1, inch Excess for the day 09 Inch Total rainfall since March 1 .... 3 50 Inches Deficiency since March 1 4.53 Inches Excess for corr. period.-1917....0.60 inch Kxcesi for corr. period. 1916... .1.26 Inches . 1 A, WELSH, Meteoroloflst. Taft and Roosevelt Have Friendly Chat At Dinner in Chicago Chicago, May 26. Former Presidents Theodore Roosevelt, and William 'H. Taft exchanged friendly greetings, and held their first extended' conversation since the republican national convention of 1912 here tonight. The meeting took place in the dining room of a local hotel and the diners cheered. . The two former presidents sat down at the same table and talked for about half an hour. "Mr Taft heard I was here and immediately came to see me," said Colonel Roosevelt afterward, with .a smile. "We had a very en joyable half hour's talk and I am very happy to see him again.", "I heard the colonel was here before I saw him," said Mr. Taft, "I missed the opportunity of see ing him at ihe time of the dinner to Joffre in New York. I was very glad to see him this time." An hour after the meeting', Col onel Roosevelt left for Des Moines oh his western speaking itinerary for the National Security league. OMAHA $350,000. STATE $2,500,000 FOR RED CROSS Sunday Comes as Welcome Day of Rest to Army of Work ers; Drive Closes Mon day Night, s . Sunday was a welcome day of rest for the army of Red Cross which had finished a week of the most strenuous kind of work. It was ob served as a rest day by most of the workers. Chairmen of the city drive and Judson of the state drive were at their offices for a time but the machinery pf the great drive was comparatively silent. Totals are estimated around $350, 000 for the city and around '$2,500, 000 for the state drive. Both of these are1 nearly double the quota assigned to city and state by the national drive committee. Standing of Omaha and State. And now the interest centers on how Nebraska and Omaha will stand compared with other states and cities. That both will stand very near the top is certain. Some even predict that Nebraska will stand at the head of all the other states with the amount of her oversubscription and that Omaha will have a similar proud distinction among the cities of the land. The drive isn't over yet. Today is' the last official day, and it ends officially, tonight. But the returns will continue to pour in from re mote districts and from' belated sub scribers for days to come. Chairman Judson's Statement. "We don't intend to let down just because the date set for the end of the drive has arrived," said State Chairman Judson. "We certainly are proud of our state and our generous people. "We won't refuse to accept sub scriptions to the Red Cross war fund even if they come in late," said City Chairman Buckingham. We certainly are proud oji our people, rich and poor alike. They have demonstrated magnificiently what stuff their hearty are made of. And the workers have done wonders. They are beyond praise." General Pershing Attests Great Work. Chairman. H. P. Davision ' of the War Fund Council, American Red Cross, has just received the following cablegram from General Pershing, and has 'wired this information to Omaha: . "H. P,. Davison, Chairman War Council American Red Cross, WasIT ington: Our people may be well proud of the record of the Red Cross. It could besT be" told by the widows and orphans of our gallant allies and by the mutilated soldiers to whom it has ministered in giving prompt and efficient relief. The Red Cross has won the eternal gratitude of millions of people. The armies of France, from commanders down, testify to the great good it has ' ac complished with our own rapidly in creasing forces in France. The care of our own men now becomes the most important object of our solici tude in this great work. The Red Cross is indispensable. "Pershing." Omaha Belgian Greets Comrades Here From Devastated Country The advent of the Belgian soldiers to Omaha Thursday afforded a rare treat to R. Bogard, 511 North Thirty first street, who left his hom,e in Bel gium and came to America 19 years ago and, since that time, has seldom seen any of his' countrymen. H talked with the brave men from his native land and listened sadly to their stories of the Hun devastation of the fair country. Among the soldiers was one from Wafrthem, Belgium. It was here that Mr. Bogard spent his childhood and the soldier bnpught him word of the people he had known in the quaint jittle town. It was like a journey into the pst. Namei and persons he HOOVER BARS WHEAT ONTIL HARVEST DUE Food Situation Leads to Strong Appeal From Washington, Heralded From Pulpits; Meat Ration Cut. Omaha and Nebraska heard another war call yesterday. "Use no wheat until next harvest!" From hundreds of pulpits throughout the city and state, at morning and evening ser vices, Gurdon W. Wattles, fed eral food administrator for Nebraska, hearled this mes sage Sunday through the medium of ministers of every creed and denomination. Food must be kept flowing in end less shipments, to the American troops in France and for the aliles fighting side by side with the United States. , To this end, .Herbert Hoover, the United States food administrator, is calling upon the American people te- abstain from the use of wheat or wheat products until the next harvest. Hoover's Urgent Message. "'The message of the food adminis tration, as read from Omaha pulpits, urges all organizations and com munities in Nebraska to join in the pledge "use no wheat until next harvest." "The confidence of the United States food administration," the message continues, "that the people of the country would respond en thusiastically and whole-heartedly, upon presentation of the facts, to any necessary request for reduction of food haSjbeen fully justified. We have demonstrated .our ability not only to think together, but to act together. This response of the people is the reason, for the 'present appeal. "Out work is not yet complete. In spite of the encouraging results, of our efforts, in. spite of the fact that onr exports of foodstuff are ' con stantly increasing and are approach ing the minimum requirements abroad, the need for renewed devotion and effort is pressing. An Inequitable Division. "While all of the requirements of the food administration should be constantly observed, there are certain matters which I desire to present at this time. "In the case of meat products, the (Continued on Page Two, Column Four.) GEKMAN CRUISER SUBMARINE SUNK BY BRITISH BOAT London, May 26. A Gqtman sub marine of the cruiser type was sunk May 11, in the latitude of Cape St. Vincent by a British Atlantic escort submarine, the admiralty announced tonight. , "A heavy sea was running at the time, the statement adds. "There were no survivors. "Shortly afterward another enemy submarine was sighted, but by swift diving it escaped the fate of its con sort. .... . "This being the first cruiser sub marine destroyed, it has been decided to depart from the usual rule of not announcing the destruction of indi vidual enemy submarines." V Cape St. Vincent in on- the south west extremity of Portugal. Madrid, May 25. The German sub marine U-56, which entered the port of Santander Friday, was forced to come into the harbor because the ac cumulators of the vessel had been damaged. - ' A Spanish gunboat has been sent to Santander to convoy the U-boat to Furrol for internment. 24 Austrian Planes Destroyed ' On Italian Front in Week London. Mav 26. Twentv-friir enemy airplanes' have been destroyed by the British in air fighting ,on the Italian front since May 18, it was officially announced todav in a num. raary of recent operations by the British forces in Italv. Not a British machine was lost in this period. The situation generally is quiet. the statement says. "We success fully raided enemy outoosts both day and night. Tlie-hostile artillery occassionally has been sliehtlv more active." had almost forgotten were recalled. Waerethem was only a small village and Mr. Bogard and the sodier both knew practically all of Jhe persons who lived there. The town is now devastated, many of the inhabitants! have been killed, others have been de ported. The men who are still living are in the army to avenge the crime against their country. The two, Belgians met in Omaha, thousands of miles from the home of their childhood, and talked of the tragedy of the war. Many other Belgians in Omaha found someone from their native vil lage among the hundreds of soldier heroes who visited Omaha Thursday. Von Hindenburg Doyn With Typhoid Fever in Strassburg Hospital Geneva SwiUerlaiH, May 26. Field Marshall VoriHindenburg, chief of the German general staff, is in a hospital atStrassburg, suf fering from typhoid fever, accord ing to reports from that city. 1 These advices states that the re port of Von Hindenbiirg's death is incorrect, but that his condition is critical. Typhoid fever is said to be spreading rapidly in . the German army. The train bearing the Austrian emperor and empress from Con stantinople, where they had been, on a brief visit, reached Vienna yesterday in a dilapidated condi tion. The trairi came by way of Sofia and was stoned by Bulgarian troops. Even some rifle shots were fired and several members of the royal entourage were injured by glass broken from windows. Not a cheer was heard when the Austrian royal couple passed through Bulgarian stations. (I. S. NAVAL FORCE BRAVES MINES TO SAVE 34 ON SHIP Lieut. "Haislip Rushes Vessel Through Exploding Wreck age to Relief of Crew of ' Blazing Florence H. r Washington, May 26. Stories of the heroic daring of American naval forces and men in rescuing .34 of the 75 members of the crew of the Amer ican munitions ship Florence H.' which caught fire and broke in two in French waters April 17, are told in the re port of Rear Admiral Wilson, com manding American naval forces in France, made public tonight by the Navy department. Lieutenant H. D. Haislip. of San Mateo, Cal who, at the risk of f'e- tqnaling his 4eptlTrge-''an(i de stroying his vessel, promptly charged his destroyer through the mass of blazing and exploding wreckage cov ering the water in which survivors were struggling, is recommended for commendation. Recommended for Medals. Gunner's Mate F. M. Upton, of Denver, Col., and Ship's Cook J. W. Covington of Durant, Okla., are rec ommended for congressional medals of honor and gold lifesaving medals. They leaped into the sea and res cued a man who, exhausted, wa in the midst of exploding powder boxes. Six officers who commanded life and motor boats which entered the wreckage to rescue men who were being badly burned about the head and arms, two surgeons and a chap lain and 48 seamen who were wjth them are mentioned for commenda tion. Admiral Wilson's Report. Admiral Wilson, in describing the situation, said: "The sea to the leeward of the wreck was covered by a mass of boxes of smokeless powder which were re peatedly exploding and amongst this yvreckago were a number of surviv ors. The wreckage was so thick that small boats were unable to reach these men. The heat from the burn ing vessel in the Vicinity was so in tense that the converted yachts pres ent, wth wooden upper works, could not safely penetrate the wreckage. "L'nder these conditions. Lieuten ant Haislip took his vessel at high speed into the midst of the wreckage, at considerable risk of detonating the depth charges carried on his vessel and made lanes through which the small boats towed by his and other vessels could reach the survivors. "The dash, initiative and courage shown by Lieutenant Haislip on this occasion are in accord with the best traditions of our service, and it is recommended that he be commended by the Navy department." Public Hearings to Be Held For U. of Nebraska Instructors Lincoln, Neb., May 26. The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska have decided on A plan of holding public hearings for tht 12 instructors against whom charges of disloyalty have been brought, by the State Council of Defense. The Board of Regents will act as judge and jury, with its president E. F. Brown, presiding. Several Persons injured . By Tornado in, Kansas Topeka, Kan., May 26 Several persons were injured, some of them seriously in a tornado which struck Bern, near Sabetha, tonight, accord ing to reports received here. A Two Killed by Blast. Basin. Wyo., May 26. A message from Flk Basin says that the .explo sion of 90 quarts of nitroglycerine in the magazine of the Independent Torpedo company killed G. B. McElhaney of this place and John son Glenn of Casper. TJie men were preparing ,to use the explosive in shooting a well foithe Colony Oil company. Harry Lauder's Own Story of War Zone Experience Will Be Found on Paje 5. ROSS HAMMOND CANDIDACY FOR U. S. SENATE Republican Editor of Fremont Presents Platform and States Where He Stands on Public Questions. v Fremont, Neb., May 26. (Special). Ross L. Hammond, Fremont editor, business man and prominent in re publican political circles, has decid ed to, enter the race for the nomina tion for United States senator. Mr. Hammond's statement follows: "It is my purpose to stand as a candidate at the August primaries for United States senator. To that end I have filed my name to appear upon the republican ticket. For 35 yea'h I have participated in that par ty's councils and supported its nom inees. Its long and creditable rec ord of achievements is its guarantee of future service. I believe its pres ent leadership and its rank and file9 are such as to 'constitute it the most capable of all political parties. As a party adherent, I have been bound by republican platforms in the past and I have no doubt they will in the future approximately voice my polit ical convictions. But we are now living under such abnormal condi tions that all old-time political issues have been practically submcrgeiV.We arc in an age of violence and a world at war. For the present we have one supreme duty to perform. We must make every sacrifice to win this war. Every other thought, every other obligation, pale beside this. The leader of this nation, thcom-mander-irt-lliief of the American army and navy shall continue to have my loyal support, cither in private or official life, whichever may be my lot. 1 cannot conceive of any parti san temptation that could lure me from such a -path of duty, for the highest purpose of every true Ameri can is to preserve his country and make sure the world is kent a fit place for freemen to live. Foresaw the Conflict. "Before our nation became involved in war I foresaw the coflict and urged a vigorous defense of American rights and American ideftls. As evi dences multiply of Trussian purpose . ....,... i j i . - i . iv uvrnuu me wonu aim m crusil out no hesitancy for any reason whatever in denouncing the dastardly acts of the common foe. .It was plain that autocracy and democracy could no longer dfcell together in the world and that tha. privilege of mustering the final force that is to strike dead the hateful autocracy that menaces human welfare. I have recently seen the ghastly and bloody work . of the war-mad enemy. I liave been up and down the battle fronts in Belgiunl and in France, and in the first line (Continued on race Two, Column One.) FULTON MATCHED TO BOX DEMPSEY 20 BOUNDS JULY 4 Minneapolis, May 26. According to a telegram received here today from Mike Collins, who is in Cali fornia, Fred Fulton, Rochester, Minn., heavyweight fighter, has ac cepted an offer to fight Jack Demp sey 20 rounds at Danbtiry, Conn., July 4. The message also announced that Fulton will fight Willie Meehan in San Francisco Friday night. Two Men Arrested for Alleged Theft of Car Joe Murphy, 2436 Taylor street, 24 South Twen- and Carmen Boyle, 32 ty-sixth street, were arrested Sunday night by Policemen Hays and Hogg of the Central station. They are charged with grand larceny. The officers were at Krug park looking for stolen automobiles and found a car reported stolen by S. E. Gilinski from his home at Thirty seventh and Jones streets about 9 o'clock last night. They "planted" in the vicinity and when Murphy and Boyle, accompanied by two women, returned to the car they were ar rested. Physicians Abandon Hope For Recovery of Anna IJeld New York, May 26. Physicians have abandoned hope for the recov ery of Anna Held, the actress, who has been ill at a hotel Here for several weeks, according to a bulletin issued tonight. Miss Held is suffering from mul tiple myeloma, a disease 'which attacks the bones and bone marrow, and which a transfusion of blood three weeks ago failed to check. "Gir Patriots of Omaha" Namd of N, New War Organization Under Way Young women war workers -will or ganize a patriotic club tonight in the city hall. The club will be coinposed of young girls who want to help in all kinds of war activities. It will have as its foremost purpose the helping of rccruiting'in both the army and navy. "Enlist or get another girl," is the sentiment the members hope to foster among the girls of the city. "We, hope to instill patriotism in the girls who whimper to their civ ilian sweethearts, 'I couldn't bear to have you enlist and go away to war.' We want to teach them to be brave enough to insist, 'I can't bear to have you be a slacker,'" explained one of the charter members, ANNOUNCES v x v ROSS L. HAMMOND. PERSHING'S MEN TAKE BIG TOLL OF HUN PILOTS American Aviators in Toul Sector Have Unusual Results and-Germans Regard Line as Dangerous Zone. With the American Army in France, May 26. The activities, of the Ameri can air squadron operating; in the sector northwest of Toul seem to have had results even moreyeffective than was anticipated. When it first began its work there' were between 30 and 50 summonses to activity com ing in to our aviators daily. Gradually the number of calls has dwindled until for several days the average has been only two a day. From a strictly technical, military I. ....j r n.. ftandpoint, the Ihe first is to kill oft the opposing airmen, while the second is to keep the enemy from flying his machines rn the American side of the line and thus preventing him from taking photographs.vrcgnlating artillery fire, or in any way securing information. Ihe American airmen have done much toward accomplishing both ob jects. V Take Many Enemy Pilots. The record shows that the new squadron has already taken a credit able toll of enemy pilots and ob servers, while for a German airplane to come oy.fr the American line is a rare ocrurl V ce. This situation con trasts sliarpfy with tkat which pre vailed when these aviators first started operating. t was a rare occasion then when one or more enemy air planes was not circling over or behind the American Vi'.cs, operating with almost complete freedom. Moreover, according to information obtained from a German officer aviator brought down within the last few days, fear of the American aviators has been instilled into the German flying corps. This prisoner furnished the information that the line from St. Mihiel to Pont-A-Mousson, within which the American airmen are operating, had come to be regarded as a dangerous place for German pilots. Our fighting aviators could not possibly have heard a more wel come, tribute. Patrol Routs Enemy. An American patrol had an en gagement last night in the Luneville sector with a German patrol carrying light machine gims, and routed the enemy in a sharp fight." Several of the Germans were killed, their bodies being dragged back by their com rades. There were no American losses. On the same sector a German ser geant crept into the American lines, holding up his hands and shouting "kamarad," he said he had had enough of fighting for the kaiser and von Hindenburg. He was sent to the rear. Ten Hours, 45 Cents Hour, Day's Work in Wheat Fields Salina, Kan., May 26 Ten hours will constitute a dav's work in the Kansas wheat fields and the standard wage scale will be 45 cents an hours with no extra paytor overtime, ac cording to the decision reached by Kansas wheat growers in session here today. The club will be know as "The Girl Patriots of Omaha," and any young girls who wish to help America win the war are eligible and are urged to attend the meeting tonight. , The fijst drive will be for navy re cruits. Some of the nwmbers will wear the navy regulation dress and patriotic peeches and demonstrations will be held on the streetl Later the girls will make a campaign to stimu late enlistments in the army. A patriotic song, written and copy righted by one of the members, will be used as the club song. Iir addition to helping recruiting, the girls will knit and- participate in various other forms of war work, ARTILLERY DUEL WON DYFRENCH Americans Carry Out Success- ' ful Raid and Italians- Push Back Austrians; Hinden burg Drive Delayed. (By AMOclated Freti.) J Paris, May 26. An artillery due! of . considerable intensity took place last night along the French front south east of Amiens, in the region of Hart gard wood and below the Avre, the war office announced today. The Cer rrians attempted a raid on French Eosts in the Orvillers-Sorel sector etween Montdidier.and Lassigny, but failed of their purp6e, as' they did in similiar attempts in the Champagne v , and in the Vosges -region. Prisoners were taken by the French during pa ' trols in various sectors.. Still another, week has passed and the Germans have not begun their ex pected new offensive against the al lied forces in Flanders and Picardy. And, as yet, there is nowhere any i dication that it is the early intention. It is not improbable, however, that the blow will Be launched at any moment. Aviators in reconnaisances behind the German lines still report a continuation of bringing tip fresh ' troops, guns and stores for what it ' is believed everywhere wfU be, their greatest attempt to win a decisive ?ic tory. '., . Meanwhile the allies are not idle. Every hour is being utilized to ' strengthen strategic positions and' every hour finds them the better pre pared to withstand an enemy on slaught. . In the -work of strengthening th battlefront, the Americans are playing , no secondary role. The steady stream of khaki-clad lads from overseas to- ; the line has served greatly to reassure the British, and French contingents '' that have heretofore so valiantly held " their own against tremendous odds. Those of the Americans already in the " trenches have given and are still giving a good accounting of them, selves, harassing the Germans with their artillery and outgamihg them in . combats in the open. Aware of American Strength. Even the Germans at home, pre viously adopting the tactics of sneer ing at the Americans, now are becom- v ing aware of their strength and viril- ' ity. No less an authority that the semi-official North German Gazette is remarking on the "maturing" Am erican reinforcements behind the al- ? lied line "and wondering "how the ' lightning-trained yankee will hold his own agaisst the German lads who i have had military training from their youth." Nowhere along the battlefront has there been fighting of any great mo ment. Several new raids have been( carried out successfully against" Ger-I ' man positions by the' Americans, Brit ish and French forces and some similiar attempts by the Germans promptly put down. , Heavy, artillery duels have been in progress on van- . ous sectors between the Germans and the British and French.. Americans in Silent Raid. - The Americans in the Montdidief sector have carried out another suc cessful raid, leaving their trenches without artillery support and over whelming an enemy trench. Six Ger mans were killed and one soldier was made pfisouer by the Americans, -who returned to hcir own lines. The ' British near Bucquoy in a similiar ad venture captured 14 Germans and two , machine guns and in two other raids took 15 prisoners and a machine gun. In the Ailette river region the French also brought in captives. ( There are still ' considerable activi ties over and behind the battle line, and numerous fights in the air oc- y cur daily. In the. Italian theater the Aus'trians have essayed several rather strong at tacks against the Italians in the 1 mountain region of the north, but - everywhere have met with repulse. Along the Piave river andNn the Tonale region there have : been in tensive artilleryduels. " Dr. L A. Merriam Seriously . Hurt by Unidentified Autoist Dr. L. A. Merriam uuitti nffii-a in the Bee building.was thrown 15 feet and badly bruised about the head and limbs, when an autombile driven without headlights struck him as he was about to board a street car at Twenty-fourth and Valley streets about 9 o'clock Sunday night." The driver of the car did not stop, and his identity has not been learned. Dr Merriam was taken into the home of - Dr. Caoell. 3507 Soutli Twentv- fourth street, with whom -he had been visiting. His iniuries were attended by Dr. Shannahan. Allies Destroy Lieqe Station. Killing 26 in Air Raid . Amsterdam, May 26. The Rotter- , dam Maasbode reports that .an en- -tente allied raid has been carried out '. over Liege. The Longdoz railway station was destroyed and 26 persons were killed. Gunboat Strikes Rock. Shanghai, China, May 26. An Am- ' erican gunboat proceeding to Chung King struck a rock 10 miles from Ichang. Although badly damaged A succeeded in returning to port,