Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1918, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 A
American's War Duties Out
lined by Ex-President at
- Springfield, 0.; Pleads for
Unified Nation.
J Springfield, 0, May 25.TCo1one!
Jf heodore Roosevelt, former president,
as enthusiastically received here to
night by a large audience. His speech,
in part, follows: ;
-At this time no good American
ihould sleep easily, if during the day
he has not done everything m lus
power to put this country back of
the armed men who in France are
fighting for our own national honor
and interest, and for the future of the
free peoples of civilized mankind. The
peril is faced by, and the honor is
rightly due to those at the front.
But' the rest of us, the , men and
' -women who cannot get to the front,
muit at least back up our men in
every possible way; and the way to
bade them up is every day, every
v -week, every month, to do the thing
that is next At this moment the thing
that is next U the Red Cross drive.
" Last month it was the Liberty loan.
And all the time the biggest thing
that is next is to back up the men
who wear our uniform by insisting
that we at home tolerate absolutely
' 'no. division on the great question
; of Americanism.
No Fifty-Fifty Allegiance.
' The first essential here in the
United States is that we shall be one
nation and that the American nation.
We are a new nation, by blood akin
to but different from every one of the
nations of Europe. We have our
wn glorious past, we are a nation
with a future such as no other nation
in the world has before it, if only
we, the men and women of today,
do our full duty and bring up our
. aons and daughters to do their full
duty, as Americans, and as nothing
else. ; ""' '
"In such a nation, there can be no
Efty-fifty allegiance. YThere is no such
thing as being loyal to the United
States, and also loyal to any other
tower. It if just as impossible as
or a man to be loyal to hit wife and
also equally loyal to tome other worn,
an. If any man dilutes his loyalty to
America by any degree of loyalty to
any other country whatsoever, he
ought instantly to be tent out of this
country and back to the country
.where he belongs. And of course the
. ' case is even worse if he sacrifices his
loyalty f6r America to his hatred for
. tome other country. The German
American alliance put the interests of
Germany above the interests of the
United States, it showed itself the
embittered foe of America and tried,
to run our politic with reference not
to our own honor and interests but
to the needs of the Germany of the
- Iloheniollernt. ,
, Would Intern Sinn Feineri,
"The Sinn Feinera have put the
oner and interest of America second
to their hatred to Enriand. The Ger-
. man-American alliance is dissolved,
' but congrest ought by law to make
the dissolution permanent and to
, render forever impossible its revival
or we creation or any similar anu
American and semi-traitorous organ
isation. In just the same way every
Sinn Feiner who directly or indirect
ly seeks to discredit America's allies
in this war and thereby to give aid
and comfort to Germany, should be
interned as an enemy alien or sent out
of the country.
. "The same thing is true of the
Russian Bolshevists who seeks to
plunge this country into the chaotic
ruin into which Russia has been
( plunged. All these men are the al-
1 lies of Germany, and the enemies of
toe United States. Their most potent
allies are the native American dema
gogues, whether politicians or news
pi per editors, who pander to the for
eign vote that is hostile to America,
' and the native American pacifists who
Itavo been the mean allies of Ger
man militarism, and the I. W. W.
people, and the Germanized societies.
All these are enemies to the United
States and ihould be treated as such.
Duty of Germana Here.
This question of Americanism has
two sides to it. The first side is that
which I have above outlined. AddIv
la what I have said in concrete form.
it means that at this time the Amert
can of German blood should himself
take the lead in proceeding against
every man in this country who di
rectly or indirectly favors Germany,
or is likewarm in our -war against
Germany. In the Revolution the
American of English blood took the
' lead against the British king and his
y backers.
"In this war it should be the Amerf
cans of German blood who take the
lead against the Germany of the
Hohenzollerns, the Germany that has
become a menace to liberty and to
iustice and to mercv and to honor
throughout the world. America has
f pedal ancV intolerable grievances of
tier own axainst Oermanv. lor no na
tion it worth being called a nation if
it permits such wrong as Germany
, Cid this country to go unpunished.
Out in addition America is fighting
the battle of all well-behaved nations.
It is fighting for the right of free
i peoples to exist No nation can be
of full effect in such a war as this
unless it stands loyally by its allies
and any man who now seeks to em
broil us with out . allies is a traitor
Jo the cause of America.
. Would Have but One Language.
' "Nor can any nation make such
' Sght effectively if it is not itself
(united!, We can permit no division
- IJ-iere, Uur ideals and our princi-
- pies of national unity and honor and
1 greatness must be the same in what
fever part of the country we dwell and
. ' rom whatever stock we came. There-
ore, we must have but one nag
he American flag, and but one lan
, Tiage the English language. In our
I primary schools nothing but the En
J ,Iish - language should be taught or
' tudied. and the law should require
ilhat after a reasonable period every
newspaper in this country to be pub-
t.snea in cngusn. jiot our nipa
r institutions of learning, all foreign
languages should be taught In them
Insofar as it it considered necessarry.
tut the language of the high school
rt college itself should always be the
tghsh language, and only the bn
r'Jlah language just as it is in Wit
. ;aberg college today, just as it is in
' ' Hntgers college, which my own Dutch
V. ;5ormed ancestors helped to sound.
"Room and Bath" in Front Line-Trenches
1 zr 5;.".':.t Of W f rn.jiia I
And-what is true of the newpaper
and the college is true of the church.
We .Americans . must speak in the
school, in the church and in the home
and must read in our newspapers one
language, the language of the Dec
laration of Independence, of Wash
ington's farwell address and of Lin
coln's Gettysburg speech.
"This is one. side of Americanism.
But there is another side just as im
portant If a man believes as an
American it is an infamy to hold his
creed or his national origin against
him, or to fail in any way to give
him the square deal as an American.
If the man is a straight American it
is our business to stand by him. I
don't care a rap whether he is Catho
lic, Protestant or Jew I don't care a
rap whethef his ancestors or he him
self came from England or Ireland or
GermanyFrance or Italy, the Scan
dinavian or the Slavonic countries.
We have a right to insist that he be
an American and nothing else. If
he lives up to that requirement he
has a right to insist that we treat
him exastly on a level with every
other American.
"A Red Cross friend, Mai. Sim
mons, of St. Louis, told me a little
anecdote the other day that illustrates
just what I mean. He had just come
back from France, where he had been
toj the hospital to see my son Archie.
In the next cot but one to Archie lay
worse hurt even than Archie was,
for a bullet had gone right through
the point of his heart. He had to
lie absolutely motionless for eight
days, until the muscle knitted, and
his life was saved.
Ht , had shown conspicuous gal
lantry and ability. My friend, the
Ked cross' man, got into conversa
tion with him, and after taking cer
tain messages to be delivered to his
family (and to one young lady who
was not of his family) my friend
asked him what his name was.
Whereupon the young officer, who
was : really little more than a boy,
grinned and said, say now don't
faint when you hear my name. It
is Von Holtzendorf. Wouldn't the
Hunt feel good if they knew they had
'got' a man with a name like that?
"The boy in the cot between my
son and this young officer had an
English name. But those three boys
were Americans .and nothing else
1 hey were stranght United Mates
They had given their blod for this
country ior one country, lor one
flag! and they talked to one another
in one language the language of the
soldiers of Washington and of the
soldiers of Grant and Lee."
Business Men of Elk Creek
lace Ban on German Language
Tecumseh. Neb.. May 25. (Spe
cial.) The business men of the vil
lage of Elk Creek, south of Tecumseh
and in this county, have posted large
placards about' the business streets
announcing that the German language
must not be, spoken in that town.
When the cards appeared one or two
of the more timid business men, fear
ing no doubt that their business in
terests were endangered, removed the
cards from near their respective
places. They were called upon
promptly by the promoters of the
plan and given to understand the
cards must remain posted. They
were put up again and are still hang
O One of the most necessary things.O
and mostly the thing that is lacking,
is a bath for the men at the front.
Behind the lines there are bathing
quarters, which are more popular
than the canteen with the fighting
men. inese two British xommies,
after being relieved from duty in the
trenches, double ud in the lone bath
tub, while their pals await their turn.
Memorial Sermon Sunday.
Rev. W. J. Shallcross will preach
a special memorial sermon at the
South Side Congregational church
Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. The
Ladies' circle, Grand Army of the Re
public, have accepted an invitation to
attend. Night service will be held at
8o clock.
Ex-President, in Hot Reply to
Burleson, Declares Adminis
tration Discriminates in
Favor of Certain Papers.
(By Amoeiated Press.)
, Washington, May 25. A reply by
Theodore Roosevelt to Postmaster
General Burleson today in their con
troversy over alleged discrimination
by the Postoffice department in treat
ment of publications, presented to the
senate today by Senator Poindexter
of Washington, charged that the ad
ministration had played for and
against different newspapers and ma
gazines and that President Wilson
was directly responsible.
Loyal Papers Embarrassed.
The administration, Mr. Roosevelt
declared, has condoned the anti-ally
attitude of certain publications
among them the Hearst newspapers
while embarrassing those that have
made honest criticism of the conduct
of the war. -
Honest Criticism Stifled.
"Since the war began," said Colonel
Roosevelt "the administration has
used the very great powers of the
government over the public press to
stifle honest criticism of governmen
tal inefficiency while condoning
(which necessarily means encourag
ing) pro-German, anti-ally and their
anti-American agitation in certain
powerful papers which defended this
inefficiency and misconduct; and it
has sought from congress a great ad
dition to the already existing power
it has thus misused. I believe that
the first article of the constitution
guarantees the right of the people
to criticize truthfully the conduct of
their public servants .and that this
right cannot be taken' away by any
law." I
Calls Wilson Responsible. '
Colonel Roosevelt also assailed
Chairman Creel of the comimttee on
public information and in imputing re-,
sponsibility for the acts of the post
master general and Mr. Creel, said:
"I deal with Mr. Burleson and his
actions purely because he is a rep
resentative of President Wilson, ex
actly as is Secretary Baker; exact
Jy as is Mr. Creel. President Wilson is
responsible for everything Postmaster
Burleson and Secretary Baker and Mr.
Creel do or' leave undone."
In attacking Creel, Colonel Roose
velt declared he "assails publications
that truthfully expose shortcomings
of the administration and without re
gard to the facts personally and
through his bureau actively upholds
the administration in matters such as
the aircraft program, in which has
been grave governmental shortcom
ings." "This is partisan political propagan
da of the very worst type," the for
mer president declared, "carried on
with public moneys under the guise
of public work."
"There are cases, wCi&c.aU com-
petent and honest observers are mor
ally certain that political support has
been given and is now being given to
the administration by various news
papers, especially German-American
and semi-scocialistic newspapers, be
cause of the club thus held over them
by the administfation. From the
very nature of the case there can
rarely be positive proof in such cases,
but as regards the most striking cases
of favoritism, those concerning the
Hearst papers, as compared .with the
suppression of Tom Watson's paper,
and the attack, (for nominally whol
ly different reasons' on the Metro
politan, (magazine), I herein give the
facts which prove exactly what I
iave alleged. The postmaster gen
eral has raised the issue; I meet it
squarely; and he shall not evade it
The administration has successfully
endeavored to prevent expression of
opinion hostile to it and to put a
premium upon supporting the presi
dent personally and politically .with
out regard to whether his actions are
detrimental or beneficial to the coun
try.". There was no debate in the senate
on Colonel Roosevelt's statement,
which was presented without being
read. Afterward, Senator Swanson,
of Virginia, democrat, had the recent
statement made by Postmaster Gen-,
eral Burleson also placed in the rec-
ord. "
Senator Gallinger of New Hamp
shire, the republican leader, said, he
ventured the hope that the "incident
is closed."
Omahan is Speaker P. J. Barrett
of Omaha, grand trustee - of the
Ragles, spoke Friday before the aerie
in Syracuse, Neb.
German Submarine Enters
Port of Santander, Spain
Madrid, May 25. It it officially
announced that German submarine
No. 65 entered the port of San
tander a 6 o'clock this morning.
Why Pay More
When You Can B17. lt for
: ' Lee
At The State
' O Jk Fumed or
, v . , , U I GoM0k
(J Ftnth
$59.50, $39.50, $29.75
CmnpM Um f Stove and
Baarcs, 4-hol.
Bus,- room .lis. BnuseK .Axailnatet
ad VdTU ,
$7.85, $12.50, $17.45
REFRIGERATORS A lure Selection
( Refrigerators, sabeUatlaUr MUti
Militant ooastracttoni economies! tee
sen. Very low to price. .
Ice Boxes, Urge tad spa- FA
as low as..' PU.UU
mt-of-tewa : patrons within 1M
nlles ea parehaere of ate or ore.
tto Fimlare (to.
Take Dodae street ear at depot Get
oft at IMa and Dodge In front of our
store. ' "
Opposite rnioa Psclfle BaUdlng.
Telephone Poaglaa 1317. .
The Home without "COMFORT is like a pic
ture without a frame a hearth without a fire.
Comfort adds to your happiness and eontenU
mens your mental repose and physical relax
ation. J Comfort is vital Uartman't specialises
in COMFORTABLE homefurnlshings-which
is another way ef saying GOOD merchandise;
and tt eeete no more than the ordinary kind.
plank top,
quartered - sawed
oak 1 Chiffonier.
Splendidly Finish
ed Golden. Roomy
wardrobe section
fitted -with sliding
nickel rack, com
bination coat and
pants hangers; 5
drawers; large
,French bevel plate
mirror. Only
a nil 11 i. it 1 v u m. r s ?i it 1 1 ja f-3vxr- . arjtT'4
' Id
Our prices are based on actual cost. We pay,
enough to insure good materials and good
workmanship and our enormous buying
power permits us to sell at LOWER retail
prices than you could obtain elsewhere. To
see what your money will buy in realty good
homefurnishings-mLET HARTMAN
Term of Payment Gktdh Amemtdi
2 " ' "iti rt f "'juji i ----'-"-------iitisieiiiitaisaseeew
s t -.. . .. ;
' . "
Consisting- of the famous Pullmanette, which is instantly converted from a
davenport to a full-size, comfortable bed; arm chair and rocker to match;
entire aet upholstered in nign graae, imitation (nsn rf
Spanish leather; mahogany or lumea oaK nn- sJjOiJU
ER Base has awell
front, 42 inches wide, and
heavy plank top. French
bevel plate mirror 24x28
inches. Has four roomy
drawers and is
well built
throughout . In
beautiful Imita
tion Circassian .
walnut finish.
Special for this
lsh; entire set priced at, only......
CHAIR Nothing- to
it for solid comfort!
Quarter-sawed oak frame, fin
ished fumed or golden; heavy
imitation feather upholster
ing; special this week
ROCKER Seat and back
upholstered in heavy, imita
tion leather, over steel spring
construction; frames are fin
ished golden or mahogany;
splendidly designed, and a de
cidedly comfort- QQ
able rocker, at. ... tp I IO
Let Hartman Feather
Your Nest,
1,000 Other Big- Bar
gain Values on Display.
inch continuous post; metal bed, finished in guar
anteed Vernis Martin enamel; cotton-top mattress;
steel, link fabrio. spring, and two
sanitary pillows; complete out
fit at, only
1 $21.75
built and splendidly finished
in imitation quartered oak.
Note the artistically-shaped
pedestals; top fitted with
roomy drawers; for this
week's selling, at
See Our Street Floor
Display of Fibre and
Reed Veranda and
Sun Room Furniture.
FET Solid oak con
struction; golden or
fumed oak finish; roomy
drawers; large linen
compartment; Prench
bevel plate mirror;
priced specially, at
Matches davenport shown
below; antique mahogany fin
ish; silk dam- Ayrf ft r
ask uphol- JhOyaOt)
Frames are built of genuine
quartered oak or birch ma
hogany; back and seat are
upholstered in genuine brown
Spanish leather, over spring
construction; f 1 1 07
splendid value. .$11 eO I
seasoned ash; thoroughly
inter-lined; double wall
construction; sanitary re
movable wire shelves;
roomy ice chamber and
large provision compart
ment; priced at, only
solid oak and finished in a rich fumed; table has large 45-inch top,
molded edge, heavy center pedestal and William and Mary carving;
chairs have full box scats, upholstered In heavy imitation Spanish
leather. In the face of advancing prices, we have fOn "7f
moderately priced this suite, for this - IriZrKial
week only, at.... v
peneque construction, upholstered in splendid silk damask;
attractive cane panel oacx ana arms; SJQVc R1I
antique mahogany finish....
Has comfortable link
fabric springs, fitted with
- adjustable head-rest; soft
mattress, covered -wnu
heavy brown canvas; price
of swing (sun-shade not
included), only
The Columbia
(71 Keoord Capacity)
$26.50 X
tfjtf Cash-9 Month. IffST
$2.50 Cash-42 Month.
This Special Outfit can
be had in golden oak or
mahogany finish. So
that you can fully real
ize the excellent value
of this outfit, we ask
you to call and play
your favorite record in
the privacy of a dem
onstration room on this
' graphophone. Or we
will be very glad to
flay for you any of the
Columbia records. We
suggest the patriotic
records just issued.
lutft 1 I
GONDOLA Large rubber-tired
wheels: nat
ural or brown finish;
interior upholstering to
match; .omfortable
springs. Price
Three Special Bog Yalnei for This Week Only
with stencil b o r -dr;
plain or fancy
9x1 1 FIBER RE
very new design;
- x 11 VELVET
RUGS; newest de
signs;' floral or
Oriental. Price
REED TABLE Rich baronial
brown or natural finish; well-
bullt; suitable
for porch or
Btronicly bolted.
and built of hard
wood; frame en
ameled ira!
seats flnishea
natural; suit
able for
rorch or
a w a : ts
i lart-e -taiaib
tor chil
dren op to
tre ..,......,L, , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1' i . ' " , . . Bn
wJV7 i Hi .i x i P) v t mc mm
I J 1 e- jm m s - M. W MJ u- mi . ejMsMknikr.
VMATB hi a
fiber reed pbrcb or sun
room rocker; fisished in
baronial brown or nat
ural; has nigh back,
broad seat; strongly
braced and well made
throughout. Trice
I jm hi i i i ' 'u ' " ' . ' 'I in H "mm
inu-.- 1 : in mi. i :il i in 1 1 1 miMlli,i I ll.l illill Ull,l I '.MM III. I ll III n ....j
nilliiililiill,i!h.... ! !,i'.,..idiWL,HU