0 1 ' THE - OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 25, 1918. . I - 7 A , - i . i , , , Day "on lit! Ireh's Shoes X OXFORDS in mili ier elk soles: nair. $7 XFQRDS, leather mili- and quarter; pair, $5 ii covered and leather air; at......... $4.95 military leather heels, t.-V-?3.50, $4 and $4.95 A V 5 GROWING GIRLS' is I jh cut, lace styles; a ..:'U.$1.75, $2.75 and $3 lnk&ear . ... i ' : . ijp Skirts ration Day Ji I complete stock of these hderful variety of styles. s examples, of what. Cvt ,m wash SKiKTmaoe iH W NKABLE" Gabardine, ; tiored' self - banded side f jj irl buttons, wide belt, 1J Vot& buttoned over with jfc1 $4.95 WASH SKIRT made of jatardine,-exactly as illus mty . pockets trimmed with )ttt, wide belt trimmed with jery neat mr Qr ..;.. tyU tU rE WASH SKIRT made of H&INKABLE" Gabardine, nraedwith white pearl riinned.with (tQ QpT special at. .-. . tpOs VO J Floor A : . ; ided Sailors Day -$1.95 drednew Banded Sailors n smart black and white iii1 ns, some with black brims hj rowns; banded with 2- ille ribbon and smart b ;r siae trimming or DiacK sF m t 1 1 1 M Woomand straight A general utility hat. Mhing Suits invites when the tt&tma up, and we are in unusually broad and :-3t4 stock of Bathing .i right prices. t- Suits, knitted One- i s a tin and Taffeta, ipes and Tights and isfr icolor corBfoinations in tthaki and Black. 73, $7.50, $12.50 to $25 ) Second Floor. ilfjCrfngs in Bathing Caps, ' Floor, Dni Dept. r L.i . 6&T. -Jt rm M V J f tfWtTstural Tan. Deep con Ke pleats in back for full- ySOO, $6.98 to $10.00 5VSKBa EH'IK $1900 poi. Jarerieted, rery smart and J.:W. .SS5.00 to S39.00 Floor. 7 iU iA I al- 4 brandc mmnwry Offerings BWl I I LMtM - .. ft XMM ' 31 Outing Frocks for Women 4 Sport Dresses of Ging ham, tailored models. Cotton, Crepe and Linen, attractive coat etyles, showing vestees, belts, collars, buttons, etc. New plaids and plain col ors in Copenhagen, Rose, Tan, Green and Browns. Very attractive styles to choose from and priced at $8.98, $12.50, $15 to $25 Second Floor Corsets for Sports Wear The foundation of style and comfort f dr you is in the Corset if you get the right model and have it properly fitted, as our ex pert fitters will do, then you can be sure of these two essentials. The service is free and the satisfaction assured. We recommend thesetwo models for mo toringltnd sports wear. Model 357 Low top Corset, especially suit able for Summer wear; rubber section over hips with ventilated back and no fcQ en lacing Model 356 The same style as 3 5 7, but this one laces 4 CA in back ..... PJeeJw Extremely light boning adds to the comfort. - Third Floor Sweaters for Decoration Day Our stock is varied and most complete and all prices modest. Knitted Sweaters Pure Silk . SUk Fiber , Zephyr Vicuna Wool and Mohair All the smart styles in sport models in vivid colors, and the more practical models in subdued shades, also com binations of colors. Coat SwmUh, Long-Sash Sweaters, Tnsdo Opii Front, S1tIm , Slip-Orer Middies and mart tailored ftecte. $4.95 to $59" Second Floor ii This Skirt, $3.95 b Stores in Fabrics Last Week of Our May Sale Of Dainty WHITE FABRICS Prtly Whit Embroidered Norelties, many dainty de signs to select from for your Summer Dresses; Gradua tion Frocks, Blouses, etc., 40 inches vide; a yard, 59c Plain Whit Chiffon Voile, soft and sheer, finest quali ty; 40 inches wide and exceptionally lo? priced, a yard, Monday, at $1.00 40-inch Whit Lily Cloth, pretty and soft, lace check and very dainty and sheer for waists and dresses; a yard, Monday, at .....49c 44-inch Whit Voile, made from hard-twisted, combed yarn, splendid quality; a yard 59c Honey-Combed Skirting; a fabric that requires no starch or ironing:, easy to launder; 40 inches wide; spe cial, a yard, Monday, at ,85a Delayed shipments of three numbers of fin quality Imperial Chamois Finish Long Cloth, snow white, con tains no filling, very soft for undermuslins, men's pajamas and night shirts, etc. Buy your season s re quirements of these three specials sold according to quality. All these are 36 inches wide. 1,000 pes., 12 -yd. bolts, $2.49 600 pes., 12 -yd. bolts, $3.39 500 pes., 12-yd. bolts, $2.98 40-inch Silk Check Voile ' -very wanted plain color for dainty frocks and b! ; special, a yard. .$1.35 Woven Tissue in stripes auJ plaids, pretty color com binations and fast colors; 36 and 40 inches wide; a yard, Monday, at ' 59o Printed Flazon, a sheer, crisp linen fabric in large assortment of new patterns; 28 Fin Quality Plain Dress Voile, 40 inches wide; special, a yard May 36-Inch Dress and Wrapper Percale, light and dark colors, plenty of the much wanted blue grounds, a yard ..29 Fine Zephyr Dress Gingham, made in America. Pretty plaids, checks and stripes, hundreds of pieces to se lect from, at, a yard. 35 d and 29d 36-Inch Linen Finished Suiting in a variety of plain shades and white, very desirable for wash suits, skirts, etc. Special, a yard 35 48-Inch Woven Voile in a splendid assortment of pretty stripes and over sho plaid effects, the season's most popular wash fabric. Splendid 60c values, a yard, at 39 Fancy Printed Dress Voile, in a splendid assortment of new patterns and colorings on white and tinted grounds, very sheer and dainty for summer wear, a yard at 19 W1t, Si $2.50 Splendid Sport bilk Kaww The Regular $4.00 Quality A fortunate purchase enables us to offer the Genuine White Khaki Kool, which is conceded to be the most popular Sport Silk, at a price away below its real value. Just another evidence of the supremacy of this Silk Department. Main Floor Buy a Good Refrigerator NOW Food Will Win the War Don't Waste I The Food Administrator advises strict economy in food eat what you want, but don't waste. A poor ice box will waste food by letting it spoil. It is a duty to get a good ice box that will .preserve all the foods perfectly. Here is wide variety. Bohn Syphon Refrigerators (Seamless Porcelain Lined) are the best food preservers that we know of. The patent syphon air circulating system prevents odor contamination of all kinds of easily tainted foods and you can put in the same compartment, onions, bananas, butter and cream not one will spoil. The air in the Bohn Syphon Refrigerators is drier than in a room; the syphon causes the air to circu late rapidly- through the fooo chambers and always in the same direction. The rapid circulation pre vents collection of moisture on walls or shelves and keeps the entire food chamber sweet and sanitary. 125-lb. Capacity "Bohn Syphon" Refrigerator. .$60.00 ,125-lb. Capacity "Sanitor" Three-Door Type Refrig erator, seamless porcelain lined, first quality oak case $43.50 100-lb. Capacity "Sanitor," same as foregoing. .$35.00 1201b. Capacity "Furniture City," white enamel lined, three-door type Refrigerator, oak case, golden oak fin ish; eight walls of charcoal sheathing and wool-felt insulation $32.50 65-lb. Capacity "Furniture City" .. .--; $21.50 yi p I u ri fpl't in Sx5, fast color 75c 3x5, sewed stripes...... $1.00 Finest Quality Whit Gabardine, soft wool finish, for suits," separate skirts, middies, etc., 42 inches wide; special, a yard, Monday, at .$1.25 Another Beautiful Quality Whit Gabardine, wool fin ish; extra special in our May Sale; 36 inches wide, a yard, Monday, at 65c 36-inch White Poplin, highly' mercerized, good heavy quality, pure white, for suits, nurses' uniforms, chil dren's dresses and rompers; special Monday, yd., 48o 36-inch White Pajama Cloth in broken satin plaids, ex tra special, yard IB Imported Whit Piqu in wide and narrow wales, for suits, skirts, etc., extra fine quality, 86 inches wide; a yard, Monday, at ....65c Colored Wash Goods Printed Voile in plaids stripes, florals; light and dark colors; all new patterns and colorings; 40 inches wide; a yard, Monday, at 49c Silk and Cotton Crepe de Chin in every wanted plain color, for dresses, blouses, undermuslins, etc.; 86 inches wide; a yard 59e Linen Pongee for suits, dresses, middies, etc., medium light weight; In green, light blue, pin, white, tan and Copenhagen; 27 inches wide; a yard 59c in. wide; a yd., 25c regular 60c value; 35c Main Floor and Basement Sale of Domestics The Genuine Dallas Bleached Seamless Sheets, size 72x90, with 3-inch hem. A well known popular make at less than today's mill price. Monday only, 81.25 36-Inch Unbleached Muslin, extra heavy, round thread quality, for making sheets and slips, special, yd., 20 s Galatea Suiting in a variety of light and dark colors, neat figures and stripes, for boys' and girls' rompers, etc., a yard 29 i 40-Inch Black Sateen, hand loom woven, highly yarn mercerized, permanent finish, for underskirts, bloom ers, etc. Regular 60c value, at, a yard 39 36-Inch Fancy White Skirting, in a variety of new pat terns and weaves, for summer suits, skirts, etc. 60c values, a yard 35 .Mill Remnants 36-Inch Dress and Wrapper Percale, light and dark colors in long, serviceable lengths, spe cial, a yard 18H N Base ment Top-Fill Type Refrigerators, oak finish, heavy double wall with six thicknesses of insulation, SO-lb. capacity, at $8.95 45-lb. Capacity Refrigerator, top-fill type, oak finish, heavy double wall with six thicknesses of insulation, white enamel lined, at $15.00 70-lb. Capacity Top-Icing, white enamel lined Refrig erators $18.00 Front-Fill Type Refrigerator, oak case with golden oak finish; insulated with charcoal sheathing and wool felt, white enamel lined, 85-lb. capacity. .... .$24.00 100-lb. Capacity Refrigerator $25.00 Basement E& I fl! 1 1 Flags or Decoration Day Large, Defiance Bunting, Water-proof and Fast Color Flags, from $5.00 to $20 Flags for Poles or Porch 4x8, tewed stripes...... $1.50 6x10, sewed stripes $2.98 fl D PAUL DICKEY ENTERS AVIA- TION COUPS Paul Dickey, playwright, author of "The Misleading Lady, "The Ghost Breaker," "l he L.ait Lsugh" and -the -va vTSftsiscBta. ) jubi tyia sworn in at the New York rectuiting omce as a second lieutenant in the aviation section of the United States marine corps. He was a student at the Curtlss Flying school at Miami, Fhk, where he qualified as a first-class flyer. He was the first aviator on rec ord to change spark plugs at an alti tude of 5,000 feet CITY TO BUY Army Commanders in Cleanup Conference. AMBULANCE Commissioner Kinder nf th nnlire and sanitation department held a con ference Saturday with Colonel Her scy of Fort Omaha and Colonel Pickering of Fort Crook, in connec tion with co-operative plans for bet ter sanitation in Omaha and con tiguous territory. Health Commissioner Manning re ports that disregard of quarantine regulations by several residents of the Train school district has resulted in an increase of diphtheria. "We a.re going to insist on observance of quarantine rules," the new health commissioner announced. Robert (Bob) Smith avers that he has not been in the city hall since the recent city election. Commissioner Zimman has decided to allow full pay to 32 firemen who were out working for the Jim Dahl- man ticket on election day. It was stated that most of the city hall em ployes were working at the polls on May 7. and the argument has been offered that if the firemen's pay was cut, then many others should be given the same treatment. The health department will buy an ambulance for city work, instead of using a car owned by an Omaha un dertaker. Weather Bureau Says Cool Wave is Coming From North Demo te the rising temperature in Nebraska since Friday morning, un settled and cooler tonight and Sun day, with probable showers, is the forecast of the local weather bureau. A cool wave is due to arrive here from the north, where freezing tern neratures have been orevailing in Montana, Idaho, southeastern Ore gon, western Canada and in the ex treme northern portion of North Da kota. Snow was reported Friday night at Helena, Mont., and the tem perature fell to 24 above In south eastern Orgeon, where killing frosts occurred.sThe weather conditions are considere(Tunusual for so late in May. Our Near Neighbors Springfield. Mr. snS Mrs. Rom Whitney of SldnT, la., r her Tliltlng Mrs. Roy Whitney. R. O. OloTer of Weeping Water was a SDrlnifleld visitor. Minus Frances and Elisabeth Roes of Oman visited their father, Dr. a H. Roes. Mr. end Mrs. John Hart of Omaha visited the borne of John H. Wataon. Ernest Chrlitlanion Is attending the United States court at Omaha. Mr. B. M. Swain and sons. Bob and Jaak, returned to their home In Chicago. Mrs. W. R. Hell of Louisville visited Mrs. Martha Mettngr. The old school house bought at amotion by W. H. Davldooa Is being torn down. Alois Elwell visited his home peopl for a fw days and left for Camp Dlx, Tea. He Is now a lieutenant. Mr. and Mrs. Orey Miller vlalttd at th horn of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Miller. Mlas ArUn Smith and Miss Berntoe Mlteh U who. hay bean teaching here the past year, left for their homes, th former at Calhoun and the latter at Belden, Neb. Miss Llda Herrlck who eonduoted a re vival matting her II years ago, will b here for two servloe Sunday. Miss Loo Keeler and children of Farnaia, Neb., are visiting Mrs. Keller's parents, Mr. and Mr. Frank Adair. The graduation exerola of th high school were held last Friday night tn th Optra house. Dean Rouee of Pent gave th address. Thos graduating were Margaret Ward, Orace Klger, Minnie Anson Emerald Keyes, Luoll Mundell, Lilt Swanson, Don ald Phelps, Herbert Hots and Fred Hots. Avoca. Miss Beralo Nutsman has returned from Bertrand, where she has been attending school. Joseph C. Elm merer, Claud Fahnaatock and W. O. Barker were Llnooln visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Stutt and son visit ed the stat capital. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Harmon and children were here from Weeping Water. Mr. and Mr. Henry Brookmaa and daughters of near Elmwood war hare for a visit. Mr, and Mr. Win, OoIIner and children visited relatives near Palmyra. Frank Qreenrod and Louie Carstea were at Omaha the first of the week with a ear of stock. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Maeemaa and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Graham and son, Ralston, were Pent vleltors. Mr. and Mrs. Robert NIckle. son, Harry. and daughter, Genevieve, were Nebraska City visitors. Mies Florence BardlH has gone to Blyrla. O., for a few weeks' visit.- Mrs. James F. Toung and son, William, and Mrs. and Mrs. Hal Proudfltt of Cook, were her Sunday for a visit with relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Franzen and Mr. and Mr. L. C. Ruhge were Omaha visitor. H. H. Marquardt made a trip to Osceola, la., Saturday. Elkhorn. a Mrs. Charles Witt was an Oman visitor Wednesday. H. A. Hansen has returned from Colorado, to vlalt his daughter, Mrs. Chester Hall, and family. Mrs. Amy Calvert Is spending th week with her daughter, Mrs. Clarence Baadla, near Hooper. Marie Holllster Is visiting' In th country with her aunt, Mrs. Floyd Seberte, and family. ' Miss Lucy Richardson and Lawerenc Coita were married at the Cathollo church. They have gone to Iowa to visit. Mlas Twills. Chamberlln Is In Falrbury visiting her sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Oaeth are visiting at New man Grove with Mrs. Gaeth's parenta 1 ft, A w ARMY SEEKS TANK FIGHTERS; MUST BE MAN-KILLERS -Recruiting Officers Coming Here to Obtain Big, Double Fisted Men of Brawn and Quick Thinking. . Big, double-fisted righting men, the kind who are aching for a "crack at the Hun," men who want to kill and who don't care what happens to them while they are engaged in the job of kiliibg, are wanted for the tank corps. Lieutenant Garland of the tank corps will be here for the purpose of recruiting such men and will remain one day only. He will be at at 1607 Farnam street, May 28, which will b next Tuesday, h ' y Only volunteers are used in this service, which Is composed of picked men, who are quick thinking, devils for righting aj)d who are strong physi cally. Men between th ages of 18 and 40. who can drive a truck or tractor, ana who are auto mechanics or machinists, will be given the preference, although a limited number of men of high mental character, good soldiers and of fine physique will also be ac cepted. The Tank-Killing Unit j The tank corps comprises one of the finest fighting units of the army, and tank strategy Is of a nature that calls for quick wit, resourcefulness and the greatest amount of physical en durance. i is a'killing unit and the motto of every man In this branch of the serv ice is "Kill Germans kill them early, late and all the time, but kill them sure," The need for men in the tank serv ice is so great that those who volun teer are guaranteed quick action on -the French front, but no guaranty is given of safe return. Former members of the Fourth and Fifth Nebraska are now in train ing at the tank school at Gettysburg, -Pa and because they make the best material recruiting has been started out here, but the emergency is so great that the recruiting officer is al- -lowed only one day in Omaha to , gather red-blooded,' adventurous, reckless men for the service from this point Death-Dealing Devices. " Americas tanks are the most for midable death-dealing devices thai have yet been brought forward in this war. Great numbers of them are being made for the western front and it is to man these that volunteers are now being sought There are three types of the tanks, the slow, heavy tank for cleaning up; the intermediate, lor following an attack, and the faster driven kind, a powerful land dreadnaught, of 250-horse- power, used for keeping pact with the infantry In the battle cone in attack. British and French tanks were toe slow for this purpose, and they forced the slowing up of an advance, or caused the infantry to be with out the mobile artillery planned for support The high-powered American type and the intermediate will be right with the Sammies when they are go ing "over the top" and the Omaha man, who is qualified, who wants to kill the- Germans who stand between the world and peace, will have his chance to get in the game Tuesday May 28, by calling on Lieutenant G " G. Garland, 1607 Farnam street BURGLARS BUSY . IN NORTH OMAHA; HOUSES ROBBED Five homes in North Omaha where entered by burglars Friday sight A lady's gold watch was taken out of the home of G. F. Bovee, 5319 North Twenty-seventh street J by thieves who entered the house by un locking the front door. The home of A. B. Swanson, 6001 North Thirtieth street was ransacked from basement to garret during the . absence of the family. A diamond ring, a watch, one suit of clothes and ' a pair of shoes are missing. . Thieves entered the Howard Ken nedy school, Thirtieth and Binnej streets, by climbing through a sky light, and decamped with $7 in cash and $5 in thrift stamps. Two suits of clothes and a pair of shoes were stolen out of the home ot J. O. Richards, 4118 North Twenty. fourth street Burglars entered the home by break ing a rear window. F. B. Duncan. 28S Crows Point avenue, lost a gold watch to thieves who entered through a rear, window. Police believe the "jobs '.were Jer- : oetrated bv youthful burglars, be cause of the quantities of more valua ble articles they overlooked in th V homes ransacked. Two Negro Men Bound Over For Alleged Disloyal Talk Charged with, obstructing the work of the Red Cross and the violation of the new sedition law, Sam Hudei son and Tom Brown, negro laborer, employed at the Armour packing plant were taken into custody Friday afternoon. Tames M. Smith. Armour employe. who was soliciting for the Red Cross ' in the department which the men were working, testified in police court - Saturday that when he asked them if they had contributed to the Red ' Cross they replied: "To h with the Red Cross." Hudelson is also alleged to have made the remark, "I hope the Ger- ' mans will kill every man, woman and child over there." . ' Mr. Smith's testimony was cor- roborated by several other witnesses. In police court the men stoutly de-. nied the charge and declared their loyalty. They were bound over to the district court under $2,000 bonds. Hamilton Jto Build in Dundee. , R. P. Hamilton took out a permi' , this week to-erect a two-story bricli . dwelling at 5123 Davenport street, ' Dundee. The residence will cost $10,000, -ft!