Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1918, Page 6, Image 6
THE OMAHA SUNDAT BEE: ..MAT 26, 1918. I i i ; f ' s ? I 113 1. 17. WHEN 1URNED OVER TO U.S. COURT Judge Sends Lawyer to Jail, .Scores Organization Mem bers,Then Sentences ,20 on Vagrancy Charge. Sixteen members of the In dustrial Workers of the World, ;ho were arrested Friday and booked for investigation, were bound over to the federal gov- , trnment Saturday morning by police Judge Madden. The men were taken into custody when detectives raided the Industrial Workers of the ,Torld headquarters,' 1301 Douglas street, and broke up a cseting on the second floor. . John Edenstruta, 1407 North Seven teenth, appeared as counAl for the ren end was arretted by Court Bail iJ Wilson when be attempted to create agitation among the 16 prison ers in the court room. . , : Lawyer Sent to JaO. , i aic was given w u iu i which time he will be turned over J . . . I. ! to xeaerai auuionucs. - Standing before the court with 20 ; other prisoners, arrested during: the i nsht by: detectives on charges of yagrancy, the 16 members of the In. duetrial Worker of the World stout ly attested their faith and affiliation to the organization. When Edenstrum, representative , 'ct the organization, attempted to die. plea for the prisoners, the city grrotecutor asked him if he was aa . xxstted to the Nebraska state bar. Edemtrum Is Challenged. ' "No, I am not admitted to the bar," JHfenstrum replied. "But as chosen f-?resentative of the advocates of the f aring class, I mean to defend 1'olice cay Edenstrum is the most ;--I;nt agitator of 'the local organize ' -j of tn Industrial Workers of the i .crld. 'Twenty other prisoners were firen V bus jail sentences for vagrancy. Detectives made the rounds of ho ' "" i of the lower class early Saturday raing and arrested 15 guests. They ; : a aroused from their sleep and L .;a to Jail to face court All denied rrabership in. the Industrial Work t. i of the World organisation, but "t. tted they were without work, r detectives aroused five guest of " i 'Owl hotel from their sleep and ::ted them, for vagrancy. Three were taken from the Elm, hotel. . . .t persons were arrested in the :.inental hotel for refusing to ,:;.k at useful employment, Judge Scores Prisoners, dressing the 16 Industrial. Work i cf the World, Police Judge Mad- said: - - oi all must realise the extent ot ' i recant icditiAn law. Yon are Really able to work, and.mtletsi ' I refrain from your dastardly .i of cbitructing the duties of the crernment, you will be interned in : :.: 3b. Anyone- traveling aimlessly ::rri the country, as you fellows . i keen doing, la an enemy to the -rnment, and this will be stopped. he quicker you eliminate these ' aical ideas from your heads, the r yon will fare with the govern- 7s Csnd to Play at Manawa Park Sunday Jt big band will play the fol - J . program at opening day at :jwa park Sunday: " PART t "America" v.. .TV..A&0 t "0htr of Amarloa" Lamp atfoll dadlcatad to th. Dauihttr. ' e( the Anmrloan Revolution. "" "Whoa Bammy Comos Marahlof - .......,,..w..Eilwarda ot ctMwr E. . ho Caooon BAll , 1TM RT! , l MelM "OlS rTOltMr..,,.'.nnn ro4ucln Bona Hlta ol otbor dtr ) a "Amerteu Efl" ...V....M11U (Old Qlerr uu tho War.) PART It ItM. Th atrlnaa ul Tawf . ...v.. v.lO'Xfero .m trom "Him Honor the Moyof" M.Edwtrdi - rtui rktnotio Boan . i 4lttT Doll ... .v.4nt.. ...... .Vohf . Mf Boy ..r.....TV....'.AVr,.Bitrl rtmvai" .Ktlor sol j from "imita at XjMnmonaoofM .-.Donltotti I "Saloto tho nr ....JwwU "SUr Bpuflad Baaaor" Xr Detoured Because Of Washouts in Iowa ;r Rapids, la- May 25. Trains t Chicago ft Northwestern and . Janeapolia & St Louis railways j v -touring tonight over other lines oi wasnouts at Lamoiue, on ..srwthweatern, and Marshall on the Minneapolis & St Louis. v heavy rains this morn in sr. x cars of a Northwestern freight 5 were derailed near Lamoille. No CM injured. :asualties 7c. Iowa Avfetar r iide Priaoocr by Hun. I U.S. FORCES tlngton. May 25-The army list today contained - 23 , divided as follows: -4 in action, 4; died of woands, J of disease, ii wounded se , 4; wounded slightly, 8. a named included: Lieutenant i U. Johnson. Collins ville. Conn, cf wounds; - Lieutenant Lee 7 Znapp, D anbury. N. died CAPTAIN JAMES NOR- HALL. COLFAX. IA, pria . tvioualy reported mlsaing. Hi Ofty. Kr4 PrioM Boa e txt cari. x. CAvuraa, chaju- Cmariao O. atwdnl. OrtMa, Albart X. ' Jaattila, Ooaa.t PriTktaa Laor. mm, Qaeboa, Oaaadai Toar MKOrUla, Pa. Prank f. '!, Paw.-1 iimi IiM Hoarr SIBEET TO DIRECT ARMY -GASSEBVICE Major General StberL who com manded the first division of American troops sent to France with General Pershing, has been relieved ot com mand of the Southeastern department and detailed as director of the army era service. Major General Sibert is an engineer officer. He built the Gatun locks of the Panama canal, ml recognition of which congress pro moted him to the rank ot brigadier general OtticlalLittofU.S. Soldiers Lost Aboard Ill-fated Moldavia Washing;.. i, May 25-The War department today gave out the names of 53 members of Company B, Fifty-eighth United States in fantry, Fourth division, missing from the torpedoed Britiih steam er Moldavia. The list follows: Corporals: I FRED CHAPPELL, Phila delphia. ROY H. SHENK, Lancaster, Pa. Private: v OSCAR O. ARMSTRONO, Bridgeport, OkL , ANDREW BLA6KWELL, Hominy, Old. r GEORGE D. BOOSALIS, Far. go, N. D. fcLYDE E. BOSLEY, North Troy, Vt ERWIN W. BOSLEY, North Troy, Vt. LESLIE C BRACKEN, Royal, ton, Minn. , WALTER O. BACKEN, North St. Cloud, Minn. WILLIAM A. BROWN, Hoyts vllle.Utah. GEORGE N. BUCHANAN, Marienette, Wl. EMIL BUCHER, R. F. D. No. 2. El Central, CaL n JOSEPH P. CALLAN. MQwan. fee, Wis. , FRED D. CANWELL, Fall River, Mas. LOUIS V. CASTRO, M37 Del ma avenue, San Jose, CaL EDWIN L. CLAUSING, Graf. nWia. IRQIL C. COOK, Hobatt, Old. , T x WILLIAM O. CROATT, Port Washington. Wf. HERMAN DIEHL, New York City. Herman W. Dierk. Braonfels. Tex. CONRAD ECKEL. West AUls. Wis. . FRED GERHARDT, Chicago. EDWARD L. GERL, Manltoo- woe, Wis. REDWALD GOTTENBERO. Pigeon Fall, Wl. GIUSEPPE GRACL LkatL Sicily. CHARLES P. HACKLER, Mill. Tille, Cal. THADDIUS HODGES, Mount CarmeL Utah, CLEM JOHNSON, Martina Mill, Tex. ISADOR M. KNEIP, 8t Paul, Minn. JOHN'KOBUS. Sooth Mil. HENRY C LANDING, Straus, burg. - JOHN S. LARSEN, Chicago. IH. BARNEY B. WILLIAMS, Dixon, Ky. : FRANK LEWANDOSKI, Chi cago. CLYDE B. LINDSEY, Clark, bar;, Mis. ANTON W. LUNDELL, Sooth Chicago, I1L JAMES G. M'CARTHY, Boston, Mass. - FRANK M'KINNEY, Stoning, ton. Ill - " JESSE MARS, Shalbyvm, VI RUDOLPH MIKLE, Do Pare, Wis. JESSE MILONB. Omey, UL - FRANK ODELL, BrflhrrCle, Ark. EMIL BOSCHE,' Lankin, N. D. FRANK ROUX,ice Lake, Wla. LEE RKASER Cedarvffle, W. WALTER B. SAUTTER, New' 'Hartford, N. Y. JOHN SCHUH, PortamoQth. O. JOSEPH SHERMAN, FortTot ten, N. D. LEWIS P. 8PIES, Nelson, W. RAY SWARTZ, Pleasant HUL Ohio. MAURICE G. SWEETLAND, Albany, Vt WILLOW TRAPP, Arbor Vltae, Wis. . EDWARD N. WEBER, ToHey, N. D. 9 o o J Q ' Hall Storm Does Heavy Damage to Vegetables And Fruit Over County The fruit marketinc committee of 'the Chamber of Commerce v esti mates Saturday that the hail storm of Wednesday night did $100,000 damage to the fruit and regetable crop in an area of 25 square miles m tha northeast section of Douglas county. - ..: . . It affected approximately 110 farms. Grape vines, blackberry and raspberry bushes were stripped of foliage. Practically the entire crop of cherries was knocked from the trees. The damage to apples is 50. to 75 per cent Young vegetables and strawberry Tines were crushed to the ground. . He estimates that the cron will be Pure Silk Hags en Black 4x5 inches. ...... . . . . ,5e Each 6x9 inches... ....... 10 Each Extraordinary Drapery if. .. 1 These Suafast. Materials, M inches wide"! in a large assort, ment of colon and patterns; a yard.. $1.98 to $3.98 Kapoak Silk lor ovef-enrtavins, in a fall line of col ors; wide variety for choice, at..... .$2.30 and $3.00 Matting Boxes, priced 'from .,.,....$6.00 to $9.50 Lot -W0 Pieces of Fancy Net, Scrims and Fancy Bordered Voiles, worthO Q up to 69c a yard, special Monday.. v, Lot O 500 Pairs of Curtains in two and three-pair lots, sold regu- KQo larly at 98c a pair, special Monday, pr. Lot Q 200 Pairs of Curtains, reg- Qfir tnlarly 1.69, now.. ... . . , Lei A ISO Pairs of Curtains, M CO regularly $2.50, now.... Hammocks in large assortment. .. Porch Swings in wide variety. . . ' Third When the Boys on Furlough Pay a Flying Visit Are you ready to welcome them? Can you roll back the rugs, start the Victrola, and give a dance on a momenfa notice? Or haven't you"a Victrola? vIf not, step In our, Department, ask us about the con venient terms on all styles. $22.50 to $395.00 Listening 15 minutes a day Victrola will brighten and your whole life. PoncMlaa Room Transparent Oven Glassware M -Piece Set, as illustrated, Special, $4.48 Other Table Tumblers, 8-02., bell-shape; cut. . .10c Haviland China Dinner Sets, white and gold, plain Derby shape, 44 pieces.. ,.K. .$48.50 Pickard China Hand Decorated Plates, $1.50 Flags for Decoration Day Every Horn Should Fly One Flag on Stick, with gilt spear, 12x18 inches, special for Monday, at 10c' Sticks With Gilt Speari 9x14 Inches. 25 Each 12x10 inches.. ....... 50 Each And Lowest Prices oii Curtains " , In addition to our splendid regular stock, we have grouped together for very special selling on Monday, Nets, Scrims, Colored Madras and hundreds of pairs of Curtains, at prices which are away below the actual value. It will afford hundreds of women an opportunity to obtain Curtains and Draper ies for the outfitting of their homes at very low cost tyai X Are Regular Stock Beautiful Tiffany Gauze Silk for dainty bedroom cur tains and over-draperies, a yard $2.75 Dainty Nat in plain and allover patterns, yard, B9c np to $3.00 Cedar Cheats, priced from. ....... .$13.30 to $22.50 These Are the Special Items Lot C Porch Cushions, covered with cre- tonne and filled with mosa, worth 59c, specialMonday at Lot C Fancy Figured Scrims, worth 39c a V yard, very special for Mon- IQc day's felling, at, a yard A' Lot 7 2,000 Yards of Curtain Fringes, in a ' large variety of wanted color- C ings, worth 10c, now, special at. ..... . us Lot Q Colored Madras, for over curtains, sold up to $2.25 yard, to close Qgc out Monday, a yard. . .-. ...... . ... . . ... . . . .$1.50 up to $15.00 ..,............$13.50 to $42.50 Floor to the alter 7i Off erings for Monday Glazed Jardinieres, 7, 8 and 9-inch sizes, fin ished with light ivory finish, choice, each, 98c' Libby Cut Gla, Sugar and Cream Sets, large size,' beautifully finished, the set for.. .$4.75 Main Flo or, Raar Needs and Offerings Items Three Linen Department Offerings That Make Interesting Reading It is economic and prudent for every housewife to share in these offerings. , $1.25 Damask at 98c For Monday, we will place on sale 50 pieces of a high-grade quality of mercerized Damask, pattern copied from high clas linens, 72 inches wide light imperfection in weave, special, a yard. .98c $4.50 Summer Spreads, $3.50 The famous Rippelette Sum mer Spreads, scalloped and' cut corner (requires no iron ing), size 80x90 inches, for Monday, each $3.50 75c Japanese Printed Lunch Cloths, 59c For Monday, a limited Quanti ty of these now so popular Scarfs and 36-inch Lunch Cloths with hemstitched end and all pretty patterns, spe cial, each ..59c Mais Floor Gift Sets of Transparent Oven Glass for baking and serving. Ready, for1 immedi ate service and may be used for any foods baked in the oven. Looks well on the din ing table, the rich brown of the baking showing through the glass. For pies, bread, custards, cakes, etc' 1 It Never Chips, Flakes, Cracks, Dehts or Bends ' Wearables Wash Suits Complete Stock - Made of the novel and popular Delhi Wash ma terial. Very similar to the Epenges. Splendid fabric for laundering and retain ing their shape. Cut in the nobby coat effects with broad bands of lace in sertions, dyed in colors to match the material of suit. Very effective andjdressy and good for general hot weather wear. The same materials, also with col ored hand embroidered belts, pockets or cuffs. In white, rose, peach, tan and green $15, $19.50 to $29.50 Second Floor tt in. This Skirt, $5.95 The New French "War Bride " Veils Wear one of these on Decoration Day it will serve two purposes? be a splendid protection while motoring, and a nice little compliment to our allies.' These Veils are shown in combination of Net, with chiffon borders, in the popular shades, priced from $1.98 to $2.98. THE VAN RAALTE THRIFT VEILS used . for light face veils or v drapes in new large meshes and designs; soft Shetland finish ; very suitable for Sum mer wear; special, 59c Main Floor - Outfit the Boy . For Decoration Day Wash Suits the smartest styles suits with, cuff bottom pants. The fab rics and tailoring are ' equal to suits selling regu larly at $5.00. A varied assortment of colors and ' patterns. Plain colors and fancy stripes. Contrast ing tones on collars and cuffs and sleeves. Very unusual models. Short or long sleeves. One particular fabric nsed in the making of these Suits is the justly celebrated RENFREW DEVONSHIRE CLOTH, the best cloth for kiddies' wash togs that we know of. COLORS WOV EN, not printed. fcO CA Sizes 2 to 8 yrs.,JO.Ol , Boys' Wash Suits, Two Lots , Suit that to $2.50, were now $2.00 $1.39 Suite that were $3.00 1 to $3.50, . now $2.00 Most pleasing assortment at either price. Sample Suits and small lots and oth ers slightly soiled from pre vious sales; every one a re markable value. Sizes 2 to 8 years. Second Floor, Man' Bid-.' Decorat and Extr Ladled and Chi For Decoration : ; Day and Outings Ladies' and Children' White Sea Island and Can; vas Pumps, Shoes and Ox fords, high and low heels, in all the new and wanted shanes and styles. LADIES' SEA ISLAND fcf tary covered heels, white If LADIES' WHITE CANVA j tary heels, with white kid K WHITE CANVAS BOOTS A Louis heels? very special, ' WHITE CANVAS BOOTS i, specially priced, pair, at.? CHILDREN'S, MISSES' "A SHOES, in white canvas, f r - - w r : i I pair, at . .TV. . . .". Mata riafi ' .1-1 For Decori We are offering the iaK splendidWash Skirts, in 'km We mention just three of you may find. . s ; A VERY HANDSOME wtft of fine quality "NON-SH&I well tailored with deep, tw pockets, trimmed with neatly tucked with shield 4 white pearl buttons, givinf t novel effect, at. . . . . . 4 FINE TAILORED WHITE, W "NON-SHRINKABLE" Gaar trated, with two large fanW large carved pearl button four large pearl buttons; ! design, all sizes, at..'.4 .Vi' WELL TAILORED WHItM good quality VNON-SH&1? novel tailored pockets, tn& buttons, wide bfelt, also triP1 pearl buttons; all sizes, Saeom A Sale of Ba For Decoraio j Three or Mila combing and whj inch bjC pump b crowns K whitefh brimsMj' Several styles to choose from. A Deco ration Day Special, at $1.95 Second Floor M The w) weathel 7- s ho wis compref Suits, at a a t e Pieceii Batninf t Caps." Suits int nal, GoUi. $3.98, y . Special 29c, 331 -Coats for Del li 1 , Motoringan B- Mohair and Linen Autolc did quality Gray Khaki 'unLjtt vertible collars, smart pock ness and belts and gauntlet jp Linen Coats are. . . . .i-ajk' Mohair Coats .u'vcc2P Tweed Cou, in smart ulster typ e- very practical .............:Jwfc Second 1' -SSKKJT? f' Yv y V. H.I Prtaato WUU fft reduced 30 to 40 per cent by. reason t i.j-iSrs: J-7 ni!. Waft.