Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1918, Page 5, Image 5
0 THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 26, 1918. 15 A 1 TUT BE $URE To read our announcement on Page Three, Section D of this issue today, it'll interest you if you own a car. SPECIAL NOTICE mi Clip your Liberty Bond interest Coupons of the Second Liberty Loan (due ; May 15th) 'we will accept them same as cash 'in payment for merchandise. . "EVERYBODY STORE Sunday, May 26, 1918 STORE NEWS FOR MONDAY Phone Douglas 137 BURGESS-NASH STANDARDS ARE NEVER LOWERED tan Merchandise of Quality at Lowest Prices Always That's the foundation stone upon which this splendid business is building. It's the foremost ideal of our business policy in an effort to be of "the greatest service to the greatest num ber," that our co-operation may be keener and our mer chandise more worthy. This store cherishes a confi dence begotten of the ceaseless desire to supply service in merchandise that quality which means True Economy. To turn to an institution whose foundation is built on quality is to safeguard the character of the merchandise you buy. f Quality today is of much more concern than price. Unreliable merchandise, no matter how cheap, is sheer waste. In the long run, quality price for price out-lasts the flimsy or the imitation. Be Patriotic on Decoration Day Decorate Your Home With Flags EVERY true American will bang out Uld uiory to the breezes next Thursday in honor of our heroes who have passed on, for the boys who are "Over There" and those who are in the training camps preparing to go over. Our stock of flags is very complete and at moderate prices. Burr-Naah Co. Down Stain Storo I F YOU STORE YOUR FURS- In our storage vaults you are assured of perfect protection, even revivified in an atmos phere made identical with that where fur-bearing animals thrive best Telephone Douglas 137 our automobile will call for your furs and any other articles you wish stored away for safe keeping. Burcaaa-Naih Co. Second Floor HANDBAGS, $1.95 to $3.95 Choose from three specially selected groups, large variety of styles Hand bags of Pin seal, morocco, long grain and vachette leathers, also silk moire in black and navy, brown, gray, purple and wine colors. Specially priced, each $1.95, $2.50 and $3.95. Burgesi-Naih Co. Main Floor Beautiful New Silk Ribbons for Trimming the Graduation Dress RIBBONS 'have come into their own again this season and will be in greater demand than for some time past. These special values Monday: Exquisite Brocaded Ribbons, 59c. Brocaded ribbons, dainty patterns, white, pink and blue, 6 inches wide, special at ac yara. Same quality as above, 5 inches wide, at 39c yard. Satin Taffeta Ribbons, 39c. Satin taffeta ribbons, 6 inches wide, for girdle and hair bows, in white and colors, at 39c yard. White Gros-Grain Ribbons, 35c. Wliitu eros-sT&in ribbons. 2 U. -inch width. 35c. yard, 3 -inch width, 49c yard. NOTE: Sah and girdles made to order at a nominal charge. Burfeta-Naah Co. Main Floor Dress Patterns of Wash Goods in 7-Yard Lengths. Special for Monday at $1.95 Each PRETTY new wash goods flaxons and batistes, in neat designs, with floral, figured, checked and striped patterns in a large assortment of colors. Cut up in dress pattern lengths of 7 yards, especially pncea ior monuay, at panem, Wash Dress Patterns of 6 Yards, Monday, $2.95 Including voiles in floral, figured, striped, checked and plaid designs, also wash summer suitings in poplins and Hawaiian cloth. Prac tically everywanted shade either light or dark, 6- yard lengths, So incnes wiae, yarw. 6-Yard Dress Patterns of Dress Ginghams, $3.49 ' Pretty plaid check and stripe dress ginghams, also fancy voiles, in light or dark colors, large assortment of pretty patterns, 6-yard lengths. Very special Monday, at $3.49 the pattern. Burreaa-Naah Co. Main Floor Rich, Lustrous Black Chiffon Taffeta Silks, Monday $1.15 Yard BLACK taffeta silks, chiffon finish, 36 inches wide for dresses and skirts. Splendid quality, at $1.15 yard. Black Chiffon Taffeta, $1.39 Rich raven black, 36 inches wide. Splendid quality for skirts and dresses, $1.39 yard. Black Chiffon Taffeta, $1.59 36 inches wide, heavy quality for suits, dresses and skirts. A good quality for wear, $1.59 yard. v Black Chiffon Taffeta, $1.95 i Extra wide, 40 inches, soft finish, rich lustrous black, especially desirable for skirts, suits and coats, $1.95 yard. Burf eaa-Naah Co. Main Floor With a Small Down Payment You May Take Your Choice of a dozen different styles of , "STANDARD" ROTARY OR "STANDARD" VIBRATOR 7 Sewing Machines with a price range of $37.00 to $65.00 And Then You Can Arrange to Pay the Balance at $1.00 a Week Come in and let us tell you why we think the "Stand ard" is the very best machine to buy let us demonstrate to you its easy running qualities, lock and chain stitch, device, central needle and the many other superior im proved features tnat represent the best that can be found in new machines. SPECIAL THIS WEEK ' 1 Singer Sewing Machine, used, $10.00 1 Singer Sewing Machine, with motor, $28.00 1 White Sewing Machine, almost new, $22.00 1 Standard Rotary, floor sample, $28.00 1 Standard Rotary, upright electric, $45.00. Burgeaa-Naah Co. Fourth Floor. FXQUISITE White Cotton Goods To make beautiful gradua tion dresses. White Voile, 50c. With lustrous finish and of fine quality, 40 inches wide, 50c yard. White Voile, 75c to $1.50 39-inch of exceptionally fine quality, a beautiful range of embroidered designs to select from, price range from 75c to $1.50 yard. Imported Organdies, 75c. A fabric greatly in demand for dresses. Splendid quality that will retain its beautiful finish, 45 inches wide, 75c yard. White Batiste, 89c 45 inches wide, a quality with silk-like appearance which is retained after laundering. Very special, at 89c yard. Burfaai-Naah Co. Main Floor NOTIONS Small articles you will need for the sewing room specially priced. J. & P. Coates, 6-cord sewing thread, spool 4c Sew-on , hose supporters, pair, 15c. Bias lawn tape, white only, bolt, 5c. Snap fasteners, dozen, 5c. Skirt markers, nickel plated, each, 15c. Tracing wheels, good quality, each, 7c. Dressmakers pins, box, 35c. Jet black toilet pins, box, 10c Khaki button kits, box. 10c. Scissors, various sizes, spe cial, 25c, 75c. French belting, just received. Very nice quality, 30c to 50c. Sanitary aprons, very light. Specially priced, 19c. Sanitary belts, well made. Specially priced, 10c. Basting thread, dozen, 28c, spool, 2c. Safety pins, nickel plated, dozen, 5c. Nickel silver thimbles, each, 10c. Lingerie tape, with bodkins, bolt, 10c. Burgest-Naah Co. Mala Floor Just in by Express Saturday A Charming Line of N ew Coat For Women and Misses at $25, $29.50 and $35 JUST in and out of their tissue wrappings in time for Monday's sell ing. The season's very newest and smartest creations, individual and distinctive models, embracing those little style features whichv makes Burgess-Nash ready-to-wear so characteristic. , The materials include serges, . wool poplins, Poiret twills and wool velours, in the new season's most approved and favored shades. You'll enjoy viewing these new styles even if you do not need a new coat. Come and see them we assure you it is no trouble to show them. ' BurfMi-Naah Co. Second Floor Gift Suggestions for the Graduate Just a hint that may help you in deciding what to give: Boudoir Lamp M a h o g a n y finish and white ivory, standard variety of colored shades, in cluding rose, mulberry blue or gold, $2.50 to $7.50. (Third Floor.) Kodaks An Eastman, No. 1A folding junior autographic 2x4tf, at $15.50. (Main Floor.) Desk Set Futurist designs, verde antique, hand painted, pad and six pieces, $8,00. (Main Floor.) Stationery " Crane's v delicate tinted French, bordered ' box stationery, at 75c to $3.50. (Main Floor.) Necklace French pearl, opera length, graduated beads, at $3.00. (Main Floor.) Bar Pins Sterling silver In exact imitation of platinum mounting, set with brilliant white French chatons, $3.5C. (Main Floor.) Wrist Watch Either gold filled or ribbon bracelet, 15 jewel, 20-year case, at $21.50. (Main Floor.) Furs S c a r f s, Stoles or Coatees, wide variety of styles and kinds of furs, $15.00 to $100.00. (Second Floor.) Ring Diamond set, tiffany design in solid gold, at $25.00. (Main Floor.) Mesh Bag Roman and green gold in extra fine mesh, en graved top with stone set clasp, $11.00 (Main Floor.) Fan Of beautiful real lace or spangles and lace, at $3.50 and upward. (Main Floor.) NeckweafAn exquisite filet collar in shawl effect, beautiful new designs, at $5.50. (Main Floor.) Cedar Chests Assorted sizes and designs, rubbed varnish finish, $10.00 to $31.00 , , .Third Floor.) Books Gift book, fiction, girl graduate books, books from the pen of famous authors, etc., 75c to $3.50. (Third Floor.) Service Flags Made of glass and put up in a small box. Priced at $1.50. (Third Floor.) Photo Frames A large assort ment in various styles and fin ishes; prices range from 69c to $4.00. (Third Floor.) Insense Burners Odd looking ensence burners in a variety of styles. Priced from 35c to $4.00. (Third Floor.) Perfume A bottle of Houbi gont quelques fleues in a fancy satin lined box, $5.00. (Main Floor.) Silk Hose Pure silk, white, black and any desired color. Wide price range from $1.00 to $3.75. (Main Floor.) Silk Dress Pattern A girl would appreciate a pretty silk dress pattern. Prices from $9.00 to $25.00 a pattern. (Main Floor.) Wash Dress Patter, t A dain ty wash dress pattern for sum mer occasions. Large selection of patterns from $1.95 to $6.00. (Main Floor.) Candy Johnson's fine candies make appreciated gifts or a plumbridge basket. Prices $1.00 to $5.00. (Main Floor) Flowm Put up in artistic fashion and priced accordingly. ' (Main Floor.) The Wise Girl Graduate Considers Her Corset First A ND by so doing her graduation gown is not spoiled in the fitting by wearing a poor corset. Your corset is the beginning the foundation of your new outfit; upon it every garment is moulded and upon it depends the grace of every gown. Warner's Rust-Proof Corsets Give smart lines to the simplest frocks there's a special model for every type of figure and each model has the style, fit, comfort, and the wearing qualities for which Warner's corsets are so well known. Price, $1.25 to $6.00 BurtM-Naah Co. Sacand Floor ' 'IV . EASTMAN Kodaks - and Supplies This store has carried the Eastman kodak exclusively, for the past 15 years,', and we recommend them to our friends. No, 0 Brownie camera, $2.00 No. 2 Brownie camera, $2.75 No. 2A Brownie camera, $3.50 No. 3 Brownie camera, $4.50. No. 2C P r e m o Cartridge Brownie, $4.50. No. 2C Autographic Brownie camera, $13.50 No. 2 A Autographic Brownie camera, $9.00 No. 2 . Autographic Brownie camera, $8.00 Mo. 2 Premo Cartridge Brownie, $7.00 ' No. 3 A Kodak, E. E. lens, 1 $23.50. No. 1A Kodak, R. B. lens, S15.50 ;j Vest Pocket Cameras, $7.80 1 Burfaaa-Naah Co. Mala Floor Make the Home More Attractive With Some of These New Draperies BEAUTIFUL new summery draperies that will add attractiveness to the home are rep resented in this showing and sale for Monday. The range of selection is very extensive. New Novelty Nets at 30c A late arrival of novelty nets, very desirable for under curtains. An extensive range of selection, at 30c yard. Ivory Ground Madras, 35c and 50c 36-inch ivory ground madras, with colored floral designs in blue, pink, yellow and blue, 35c and 50c yard. Marquisette at 25c Marquisette for curtains, 36 to 40 inches wide, white, cream and ecru. Special, at 25c yard. Voile at 40c Figured and plain voiles, also marquisette,' big assort ment of designs, at 40c yard. , . New Cretonnes at 50c Yard Cretonnes for draperies and slip covers, in a large assortment of patterns and ings, at 50c yard. '""." : Imported and Linenized Cretonnes, 70c to $1.20 Eeautiful line of imported and linenized cretonnes, 31 and 36 inches wide, range of colorings and designs, at 70c, .90c and $1.20 yard. , Burgtti-Naah Co. Third Floor ..!,,"..' color- Large Salesman's Sample Rugs Offered Monday, at a Saving of 1-2 or More THERE are four price groups and we consider the offering one of uncommon importance. Brussels Ruga At $1.95 Size 27x54 inch in neat oriental designs and colorings. Very special at $1.95. Axminster Rugs At $2.85 Size 27x54 inch, pretty persian or floral patterns, in a wide range of coloring at $2.85. Hartford Saxony Rugs, $4.00 Size 22ix36 inches, wide selection of coloring and pat-' terns at $4.00. , Hartford Saxony Rugs, $5.00 Also Bigelow Saumoc rugs reproductions of fine oriental prices. Very special at $5.00. Cork Filled Lineoleums at 59c Genuine cork filled linoleums and fibre line felt process linoleums in a variety of new patterns, either light or dark effects, 6 feet wide, , at 59c square yard. i Inlaid Linoleums, Very Special At $1.35 , . , ' . : ; The patterns will not wear off, colors go through to the back. An ex treme value, at $1.35 square yard.,: i ' V Burfcaa-Naah Co. Third Floor