Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1918, AUTO SECTION, Image 41
x THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY '26, 1918. J. U. - J BURGESS-NASH TO CARRY MOTOR CAR ACCESSORY LINE Omaha Store is Made Distribu tor for Portage Tires and Many Other Auto Parts and Fixtures. ? Transmission Silencer. To silence a noisy transmission try mixing flaxseed meal with the lubri cant This is recommended only as a temporary expedient, as a noisy transmission means generally break age of the gesrs or misalignment that calls for a major operation to effect a real cure. 7 i) New Farm Tractors Ready For Service in Nebraska The Best Battery For the Motor Car Owner .A f ' ' 4" , . .is? -hp Aa automobile accessory depart ment with a complete line of automo bile extras and necessities is now a feature of the Burgess-Nash store, Sixteenth and Harney. Quite a gen erous portion of the fourth floor, has been devoted to this feature and there milady or friend husband may do au tomobile shopping to their heart's content, free from all noise and grease. Among the leaders in the Burgess- A ?,. Nash accessory department is tne 3 I Portage tire, manufactured in Akron, A' C TUim nariffilar fir laimm rhn.n ! after quite an extensive search V through the tire market and repre sents. according to the Burgess-Nash company, a very excellent quality Contracts have been signed for dis- Omaha s trade territory " " ft9 1 4 c. .'hi t tribution in and out-of-town orders will be han- died with great dispatch. I ' 5,000-Mile Guarantee. I ' The Portage tire carries with it i I 5,000-mile guarantee and all adjust- i.menti are to be made by the Burgess INash company. , In building the Portage tire, an ' extra wide breaker strip is used, which 't acts at a buffer in distributing blows r and road shocks over a greater area. An extra layer of fabric is used in . the construction of the Portage tire, Which gives it an average breaking strength of 425 pounds. The Daisy tread is the popular , seller and has grown to be a great favorite among eastern motorists. The manufacturing company turns out 'about 1,500 tires per day. ' Big Eastern Truck Company Insures All Its Employes "The Stewart Motor corporation of 1 Buffalo, N. Y., makers of the Stewart motor trucks, asserts J. M. Opper of the Jones-Opper company, are great .believers in employe welfare work. . One example of the treatment ac corded to Stewart employes is the - method of insuring every employe in the organization, in addition to com plying with the compulsory New York compensation law. - "When an employe begins work he is handed a life insurance policy ' for $1,000, made payable to whomever -the employe names as beneficiary. After' being in the company' employ ior a period of over one year the policy is automatically increased to .$1,500.. Should the employe become totally disabled through accident, either is the line of duty or else- 'where, or become incapacitated for work on account of an incurable dis ease, the amount of the policy is paid jto the holder in monthly install ments. "This is just one of the many ways in which the Stewart Motor corpora-; tion keeps its employes contented' and which accounts for the high .standard of Stewart quality which is maintained in the Stewart organiea-tion." : For the first time since' they were perfected Fordson tractors will .A be available for use in Nebraska. Five hundred of these iron horses will be sold in this state to farmers who will agree to keep them in tbnstant use on their farms, or at a reasonable rental on the farm of a neighbor. These tractors will be sold at ab solute cost No one will be per mitted to make a profit on them. Clyde L. Herring has arranged with Henry Ford & Sdn for this distribu tion and the machines will be shipped in limited numbers in every county m tne state to help increase food pro duction. ? Nebraska is the fourth state to be favored in this manner. Previously almost the entire output of these trac tors ' has been shipped to England to accellerate and enlarge grain pro duction there. The Fordson tractor will plow eight acres in 10 hours and burns three gallons of kerosene to the acre. It will pull a double gang plow and two regulation harvesters, one be hind the other. INSPECTION OF. BRAKES QUITE ESSENTIAL NOW The brake inspection movement has spread throughout the country like wildfire. Motor clubs and auto dealers .associations nave taken up the matter of warning motorists of the danger of poor brakes. During brake inspection week, the lining is looked at to see if it is worn, and if so, it is relined, as half of the automobile accidents are found to have resulted from brakes failing to hold when needed. W. S. Killy, King distributor, states that the same care which is lavished on the more delicate parts of the auto mobile should be applied to brakes. "They should be set so that the wheels will hold to the ground with-, out skidding. Both foot and emergency, brakes should be so ad justed that they give an even force when applied. Also particular pains should be taken to .prevent setting them too tight or they will burn and ruin the lining. "Another thing every automobile owner should learn is how to stop a skid. When he feels the back of his car skidding, if he will turn the steer ing wheel immediately in the direc tion of the skid, he will find that it will cause the car to rotate in the opposite direction. With a little prac tice this swing of the steering wheel will become almost automatic when the car begins to skid. "It is ,auch knowledge of a car's tendencies under all road conditions that will enable the .owner to so handle his car that he can maintain a good average speed without having to continually throw on hit brakes and slow up his engine. London Motorists Organize To Give Air RaidWarnings There is an organization of motor car owners in Londo, England, which has rendered valuable service in con nection with the raids of the German air pirates. When warning of an air raid is re ceived ' in, the city explosive sky rockets are fired from various points. The automobiles then drive through 'the city streets, honking their horns to attract attention. On each side of the car, above the motor hood, a large sign is carried, on which is printed the warning, "Take Cover." When the danger is passed the re verse side of the sign is shown, which reads, "All Clear." A Boy Scout bugler,, who rides in the car, also as sists to inform the citizens that the Huns have departed. The drivers of the cars wear a uni form which include a metal helmet similar to that worn by the soldiera in the (trenches. This latter is worn for protection against shrapnel from the British anti-aircraft guns, which usually provide the raiders with more or less special entertainment. Overland cars are well represented in this motor corps, of which Charles J. Wright, continental sales manager for Willys-Overland, Inc., is an active member. Conserving: Dry Cells. A simple and effective way of con serving dry cells is to plaoe them in a snugly fitting and nil the inter- staces among them with dry sand. When the cells rattle so that mo mentary short circuits develop they are quickly run down. Vibrator Pitting. The car owner can arreatlv reduce the rate of wear of his ctoil vibrator points by periodically reversing the direction of current flow through the svstera. 'fBB , a VSnaaMMHMHMSIHSHBSSHHMMSBiHBi Know in the the Stuff That's Truck You Buy MOTOR Henehetl - Spfll m&n. COOLING Fulton exclu sive design radiator, al lowing use of 20-ineh fan giving positive cooling in any climate. CARBURETOR Ante- matie, float feed, hot air quick starting device. IGNITION High tension magneto with advanced park. LUBRICATION - Con bination pump and splash system. Designed espe cially for heavy duty motors. CLUTCH 10-inch Borg & Beck adjustable dry disk. A unit with motor and transmission and very accessible. SPRINGS Front aprings semi-elliptic, 42 inches long, 2 inches wide. Rear springs semi-elliptic, 60 inches long, 2 ft inches wide. All springs are heavily bushed. Compare the' Fulton With Other Motor Trucks $1620 Capacity 1$ Tons . BRAKES EmsffSBST brakes 18 H inches In di ameter, 2 inches wide.' Service brakes 14 inches diameter, 2 ft in. wida. FRAME Two-Ton S 1-16 inches by 2 inches by 8-16 inches. ' TRANSMISSION Unit power plant type. AXLES Front axis drop forged I-beam, section. Rear axle, Russell Inter nal Gear,' with heavy dead axle carrying the load. ' WHEELS Front 84x8 H inches. Rear 84x5 inches. WHEELBASE 136 Inch es, standard tread and allowing short turning radius. STEERING GEAR Screw and nut irreversible with 18-ineh wheel. GASOLINE TANK 18- gallon capacity. TIRES 34x3 -inch front, 84x5 rear, solid rubber. NOYES-KILLY MOTOR CO. Factory Distributor Omaha, Neb. Kanaas City, Mo. Join the happy Permalife family. End your bat-; tery troubles for all time to come. The service does it Buy that Permalife now and for less than the present upkeep on your old battery you will have' Permalife service as long as you want it v No more batteries to buy, no waiting on recharg ing, no more expensive repair bills, no long delays of ; any kind, quicker and better service for less money that is what Permalife means to the happy Perma life family, Mr. Car Owner. Buy one Permalife battery. You will never use any other. You will be satisfied. fl25 Exchange Umrcral ' Pi FEE Serrice 4' Wo Intpoct BatUrUi Frao of Charge. W Rocharyo and Repair Any Mako of Battory. WE SELL PERMALIFE v Before buying a battery it will pay yon to investigate Permalife. For further Information or the name of your nearest dealer write, phone or call on us. . - - Auto Electric Service Co, 116 South 19th St., Omaha, Nob. Phono Douglas 94U. Nobraaka Distributor for Pornalifo Storage Battory Ceae Povgbkoopaio, N. Y. . Bee Want Ads Are Business Boosters. Why We're Glad to Give You Service . MANY of our customers express surprise at the willingness with which we Goodyear Service Station Dealers give service. , We give it willingly because we know it Is absolutely necessary to the welfare of our business. . once and We cannot prosper by selling a cusi then letting inn We must sell him over and over again, year after year and gain other customers like him in the meantime. We know that the best way to hold old customers and gain new ones is to gi?e satisfaction in every purchase. We have found that the best way to give such satisfaction is to sell our customers Goodyear Tires, backed up by our own service.1 This combination of Goodyear Urea end our own service means greater mileage, longer wear, greater freedom from trouble and lower tire costs for every man who deals with us. JVe're eager to prove it in your case, any time you say the wont This sign Identifies tht Good r Seniot Station Dealer. Goodyear Ttrms, Tttbas and Ao cessories are always kept hi stock. TROUP AUTO SUPPLY CO., 1921 Farnam St. Phono Doug. 5230. THE NOVELTY REPAIR CO., 4809 South 24th St. Phono South 1464. BLACKSTONE GARAGE CO., 3814-16 Farnam St. Phon. Harney 800. HOLMES-ADKINS CO., 4911.15 South 24th St. Phono South 420. NATIONAL AUTO SCHOOL, 2814 North 20th StPhono W.btt.r 5943. COUNCIL BLUFFS AUTO CO., 510.518 Pearl St., Concil Blufft Phono 2691- S. & A. TIRE & RUBBER CO, 2522 Farnam St. Phon. Doug. 3854. 1 JONES-HANSEN-CADILLAC CO., Farnam and 26th Phon. Harnoy 710. ORR MOTOR SALES CO., Packard Show Room. CHAS. W. WALKER GARAGE CO. . Font.nello Garage Auditorium Garage, and C. W. Walker Garage, 36th and Farnam Sta. i , 4 Ay ' A t H 1 0 I