Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1918, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 a THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE; MAY 26, 1918. -ww r ... J - - -
. ! : i i n ' ' " - - ' ' -
nrn nnnoo unnc
ulu ouuoo nuuo
: FOR $267,31 8.98
V ' . .
tfebraska and Iowa Farmers'
Generous Offerings Sold In
South Side Market; Come
From 90 Counties.
' Following out a movement started
- threa month! ago by patriotic urmers
. in tha vicinity of Genoa. Neb., where-
i aarti farmer in ft community wai
'asked to donate a ho, a calf or a
heep to be sold for the benefit ot
the local Red Cross chapter, $267,
318.98 has been realized from these
. tales on the South bide market
Kinctv Nehraiki and Iowa com
insanities hare sent in contributions, a
- few tnilrinff second donation. The
commission companies have disposed
ef the consignments .without charge
for aemces.
South Side Donates.
'.' While complete figures of the Red
Cross fund on the soutn Mae were
not available late Saturday night,
Chairman Everett Jiucmnnnam, in
cnarge oi ine youxui cuuiut u"p
-w aid he would not be surprised if
30,000 had been received m casn
B. E. Wilcox, chairman of the
tight districts comonsinsr trie mam
business section, said Saturday that
let. n,,th Sifle'e nnota nf 26.000 had
easily been doubled, with the returns
from several districts vet incomplete.
Reports from the packing houses
Indicate that close to 100 per cent
-subscriptions would be obtained from
,tJe plants and oflices. Armour at lo.,
ia addition to the tirni s contnounon
-.t annnunccn amn u.miikiicit
the same amount from cmolaves, with
the canvass still incomplete in several
Large Donations.
, The Cudahy Packintr company, in
addition to the firm's $5,000 contribu
tion, reported approximately $3,000
from the plant, and the canvass sun
a progress. ,
. Swift & Co.; announces approxima
t;ly $3,500 from plant and office em
rlnvi in tAMtinn tn ft enmnanv
cantribution of $7,000. Fisrures at the
Ilorria plant were not available, Dut
grill be announced Monday.
. At the Stock Exchange building
1,7,006 was reported trom tne com
?Jnion firms and employes and the
f 5urnal-Stockmen and employes. The
Leader's exchange and employes had
t Ascribed $3,000. the Union Stock
,'arda company and employes, $7,100,
C ad the Railway Live Stock offices
ltd allied interests. $500. ,
Cesse Theater Program.
. Today, "Naughty, Naughty," with
fnid Bennett.
Monday, Miss Bessie Barriseale, in
r.Vithla the Cup," also "The Eagle's
Tuesday, Frances X. Bushman and
rly Bayne, in 'The Brass Check."
. Wednesday and Thursday, Billie
I nrlce in, "Eve'e Daughter, never
i."!own beore.
Friday, Wallace Reid and Kathlyn
rilliams in, "The Thin We Love."
Saturday, "The Woman in The
.'eb and Charles Chaoliil
Sunday, Bill. Hart in "Ihe Dawn-
The Particular Man.
' 'At a time like this when you ex
: every dollar to do a full duty, it's
rib a lot tn be able to buv clothes
"e you can be absolutely certain
Omaha Boy Wins First Prize in Contest
For Best Liberty Loan Bond Paragraph
Morris Block, 1811 North
Twenty-Second Street, Re
ceives $50 Prize From
Chairman T. C. Byrne.
Morris Block, 1811 North Twenty
second street, Omaha, won first prize
of $50 in the state contest among
school children for the best para
graph telling why Liberty bonds
thould be ourchased.
Willard Rogers of the Windsor
school, Omaha, won second prize of
$25: The third prize of $15 went to
Eileen Olsen, Herman, Neb., and the
fourth prize, $10 to Louis A. Walden,
North Platte, Neb. .
The contest started with the third
Liberty loan drive, April 6. State
Chairman T. C. Byrne offered the four
prizes. The contest was open to all
school children, the only condition
beinz that the paragraphs should con
tain less than 50 words and that they
should be published in the local paper
before being submitted to the com
petition committee, appointed by the
federal reserve bank in Omaha.
The prize winning paragraphs were
Br Morrta Block, lSli North Twenty-Meend
Street, Omaha. Ael II, Kellom Bcnool,
Eighth Orade, Cle A, MlM
Read, Ttaehar.
Bar Liberty fconda In oritur to defeat aa
toeraer and ahow tha Huna tha right haa
conquered over barbarlams that autocracy
will etiecumb to democracy; that we wlH
(Ight until tha laat man, and aacrlflaa tha
laat American dollar, but will not band
under tha tyrant'a yoke.
By Willard, Rodgera, Aged IS, Wlndaor
School. Eighth A, Omaha, Mill
' Went Teacher.
If yon wera In Germany and had a bomb,
would you healatata to throw It at tha
kalaert Of eovrae not! Each Liberty bond
you buy la aa good aa a bomb and In tha
end will affect tha kalaer tha eame way. If
you can't go arroee, coma acroea.
By Eileen Oleon, aged 11.. Herman School,
seventh Orada. Herman, Neb., Mra.
Smith Teacher.
Think of our boya "over there" who ar
willing to die for Ihelr country. Then can
you itlll be nclflahT Won't you help "Liberty
of value. "If you don't eet all the
satisfaction you think vou ought to
get, you get your monev back."
Heart Shaffner and Marx,
gives you this guarantee and we are
here to back it up. Lively styles for
young men, they are here in the new
military models,' just the styles that
young America is looking for.
For men who want the finestfor
such men we have taken special pains
and we feel we can. in fact we know
we can fix up. the particular man to
his entire satisfaction.
South Side Brevities
tr. Aberty. location, 48SS B. 34th St.
Joe Fltagerald will leave Sunday night to
Join an ambulance corpa at Loulavllla, Ky.
William P. Mullln and William Analine,
two popular South Slda boya, left Friday
night for Camp Funaton.
FOR SALE Partly burnt building at
J81I Q St., aleo will aall property. Mra.
Byrne, So. 1111.
Seymour Lake county club will ba formally
opened at a dinner danca Friday ntfht.
May II.
Tha ladlea ot St. Agnea Court ef Tweeters
wilt hold a bualnaaa meeting at St Agnea"
kail Monday night at I o'clock.
Telephone South lot and ordar a eaee of
Oma or Laetonade, tha healthful, refreahlnf
Roma Beverage, delivered to your reeldenoe.
Omaha Beverage Co.
Tha LadleaV Aid eoctety ef the Wheeler
Memorial church will hold a apaclal meeting
at tha church Turaday afternoon. All
memos ra are requested to attend.
Economlxe Do not waata, Chicago Metal
and Iron Co. paya lo to 4e par pound for
raga, Tlo per 100 pounda for Iron, lo to So
apiece for bottlea and top prlcaa for aecond-
hand furniture - and all other junk. Call
South 1668.
The Packers' National bank, at Twenty.
fourth and O atreeta, will keep your Lib
erty bonda aafa In Ita Vaulta and attend to
the collection of tha coupona aa they ma
ture for the email charge of 31 oenta per
year for each imn bond.
ill '!'
' r SSeaejl aIIISSJ
In a Class by Itself
R keen buyers and careful dressers whether
it be a flannel shirt for general all-round com
fort indoors or out. or a nee band shirt for dress or business, or
work ikkt for long wear and utk'tctory service, the Racine
V Label is your safest guide.
A Distinctive Shirt
Every style is good to look at better to buy and best to wear,
v The shirts with more than a million friends. Every Racine ia
good, or we make it good.
Do Cha8.flshulor Mf.Q.
VSoft Shht SftUbH hr 34 Yn"
K ytm da not find the Racine ahh-t promptly, write and tell oa the bum el
lwfavortudamieTaodwawiUlaethatyouaraaupplied. InaiatoatheRaciDa.
For Drea or Sport . UmmMad
f Ml
) Mo
bell" ring again T Thla appeal la made to
loyal Americana. Juat loan your money; you
don't need to give It. Down with the "Beast
of Berlin!"
By Loud A. Walden, Aged 11, Junior Four
Minute Speaker of Jeffereon School,
Sixth Orarto. North Platte. Nb.,
Ml Sylvia Watte, Teacher.
We cannot all ahouHlcr guns to retain the
liberty our forefathers died for. But we at
home can help dn our share by buying Lib'
erty bonda to financially back our govern
ment. Thla ia easy compared to what our
noble Sammlea are giving. So buy bonda, and
more bonds.
to fit shoes properly, but the short
time you spend is an investment that
will well repay you.
On our part, we are glad to take time
to make certain that the shoe you buy
here Is one that is PROPERLY fitted
to your feet
The finest shoe in the world is worse
than useless to you it is a positive
evil unless it Is a real fit, and our
shoe salesmen feel that so time or
trouble is too great If we can Insure
your feet against shoe ills. .
Douglas Shoe Store
117 N. 16th St.
Opposite the Postoffice
Alumni Association Urges
Speedy Probe of Disloyalty
Lincoln. Mav 25. CSpecIal Tele
gram.) There was not the slightest
discord at the alumni business ses
sion here tonight, a resolution, pre
pared by a committee appointed dur
ing the morning session being
adopted without dissent.
The resolution mereiv commcnas
Howard Bt.
the proposal to investigate the
charges of disloyalty preferred by the
Council of Defense and requesting
speedy action.
Alumni association officers elected
were: President, George B. Burgert,
Kearney; vice president, Mrs. Glenn
T. Babson, Seward; treasurer, Lynn
Lloyd, Lincoln.
Board of director's: Fred Deweese.
Dawson: Harry Tucker, Omaha; J.
H. Kemp, Futerton; Ralph Roper,
David City; Leo B. Stuahr, Grand
Island, and Charles McXamara,
North Platte.
Banka Increase Capital Stock. 1
Washington. May 25 (Special Telegram.)
The Treasury department .haa approved
the increase of the capital of the Smith
National bank, St. Edward, Neb., from i25,
00O to $50,000. and the United Statea Na
tional bank, Omaha, from 11,000,000 to !.
100. 000.
Between 15th and 16th
Given in timely
needs for porch, sun
room, and every
where about your
home, is the "Store News"
from the Central's extensive
showing in every section of
our stock for a smashing
"summer drive" of economies
that you will long remember.
Just in proportion to the
value you get in your furni
ture selections of us, will your
enjoyment in the use of them
be, along with that feeling of
satisfaction which follows
when you know the styles are
right the quality is right, and
the price was right. This ad
vertisement is the merest sug
gestion of the teeming hun
dreds of super values covering
every household need, now on
our floors awaiting your inspection.
Rug Arrivals by
the Hundreds
See Them This
Mahogany and
Reed Floor
Uimpt from '
to $35.00
The Money Wasted "Over
Here" Would Save Lives
"Over There"
"Red Cross Week" begins January First and ends
December Thirty-first this year and every year until the
war is won.
Liberty Bonds are on sale every minute in evefy day
everywhere. The man or woman who adopts the "I'm
glad that's over with" attitude and is not systematically
doing all in their power to help finance humanity's war,
would be paying tribute to the Kaiser today if the boys
in-the trenches were as recreant to duty as some of the
Many people who plead inability to contribute, have
contributed freely TO THEIR OWN VANITY AND
SELFISHNESS, and others are contributing to grasping
greed when they pay two dollars for imaginary "reputa
tion" or "social prestige" for every dollar they pay for
actual dental service.
Every dollar spent needlessly takes food out of the
mouths oi our soldiers and starving Europe.
If you people who have had estimates made by high
priced dentists will bring that estimate to my office, I will
GUARANTEE to save you enough to make liberal contri
butions to the Red Cross, or to buy Bonds and also guar
antee that the dental service will be as good or better
than you would secure elsewhere, at the higher cost.
The ECONOMY of my service is in the QUALITY of
my work not alone in the price.
Painless Withers
Dental Co.
423-428 Socuritiea Bldg. 16th and Farnam Sta.
. , Office Hourat 8:30 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sunday, 9 to 1.
Porch, Sunroom and
Interior Reed
Reed Chairs and Rockers, in Ivory,
Fibre and brown Fibre, done in pretty
Cretonne. Priced from (8.75 to
Brown fibre, 4-ft Settee, $7.50.
Ivory 8-plece suites, in spring seats
and loose cushions. Floor lamps and
table lamps, desks and tables.
Porch Swings, fumed oak, 4 ft. to 6 ft
sizes, from $2.25 to $9.50.
Fiber Swings in brown, $10.50 UP
All sizes. .
Fumed Porch Rocker or chair, after
the style of the swing pictured, $3.
The 6-ft. swing in the upper illustra
tion has a thick loose cushion of felt
covered in attractive striped material.
Price $19.00
The Fumed Oak Swing, illustrated, is
4-ft length; a ringing value at $2.25
Crez Grass
Rugs for porch or
sunroom, from $2.75 to $21.00-
This Dresser, mahogany.- 45
inch base, mirror, full width,
Odd Dressers and Chiffoniers
from $10.75 $11.50
$13.25 $14.75 P.
Sofa of Superior
Striped Velour, mahog
any base, $87.50. (These
are in rose or blue tones.)
Big, veasy Chairs, in
Leather, Tapestry and
Velour, after these
styles. From $24.75 up.
Duofolds and Sofa Beds
In Fumed . and Golden " Oak frames,
covered in Morocco and genuine
leather $24.75 UP
This is an
ideal Plant
Box of metal,
29-in. length.
It is self
Price, 95c.
Refrigerators-in plenty- Values from
$6.75 to $45.00
in. Hi, . .
m nvi 1 I 1 1 -vi --r e i i'
I .
Onahi't t?J
VatotSiii vH
Foroitare 2S 1
Stars tfCJ
H, E, BOWEN, President"