Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1918, AUTO SECTION, Image 39

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PicturesqueRoyal Northwest Mounted Police Answer
Call to Arms; Auto Fills Gap Occasioned by
Shortage of Scarlet-Coated Riders.
' The advent of the automobile
marked the . going to the front of
the loyal Northwest mounted police,
who patrolled western provinces when
Canada . was - undeveloped, according
to Major ,A. Wallace Owen, officer
commanding the western division of
the British-Canadian recruiting mis
sion and a one-time member of the
famous police in the Klondike days.
Remote districts will be policed by
high power cars instead of on horse
back and the romance of the scarlet
coated riders has come to the prosaic
pause that may be expected of the
end "of the frontier days.
"Indian chiefs in full regalia were
part of the guard of honor which
sped the departing officers, who, in
khajci instead of red coats, left head
quarters at Calgary for duty over
seas. When 44 years ago the first Do-
v minion police arrived the Indians were
. on hand, but not taking part in any
? . cheering, nor waving demonstrations,
and the automobile had not displaced
" the horse.
:N ' It was back in 1874 that the guardi-
ans of the peace arrived to police the
' wild, vast, unknown land, inhabited
only by hostile Indians and even more
hostile whisky smugglers. That these
men have made good in their objects
J of making the west safe for habitation
" by the white men and at the same time
! given the Indian assurance of their
-.friendship and protection was shown
at the farewell celebration. The In
dian quite fittingly had the honor of
- acting as escort for these" troops on
the way, to the city hall, where
speeches were given and the pre
sentations made. f
The Indian escort, whether inten
tional or not. wafc ouite cleverlv ar
ranged, showing a distinct gradation
from past to present times- First came
Lhiet , Big Belly, chief of all the
Sarcee Indians, and the minor chief,
Jim skylark, mounted and dressed in
the full tribal costume. Next came a
democrat wagon containing- four of
the trjbe and following the$ were two
more mounted men in the semi-Indian
costume jof today-c6wboy hats,
bright orange chaps and coarse black
hair worn over their shoulders in
long braifls. Completipg the . Indian
escort was a splendid seven-passenger
motor car, filled with Indians, several
squaws bemtr present also.
.Major Fitz Horrigan, replying on
behalf of the troops, said: "These men
have done their little' bit to make this
great west a white man's country a
country where order and justice ana
security reign, and now they're going
to do their little bit overseas. When
the news flashed across the water by
the premier of Britain that our army
had its back to the wall and that
more men were required, although the
little band that I see before me would
have preferred to go to the front as a
unit, at their country's call they re
sponded, although there are Oxford
and other university men amongst
them, and the majority would have
honored the king's commission in any
regiment in the service, they volun
teered to proceed overseas in any ca
pacity no matter what or where duty
called them, to serve in the ranks.
How often one hears the question
asked: "What would we do if we
didn't have automobiles?" How sel
dom we stop to ponder exactly what
such a condition would -mean. In the
May issue of MoToR, Samuel A.
Miles, manager of the national auto
mobile shows of the National Auto
mobile Chamber of Commerce,
answers the question at length ' and
in detail, by telling us exactly what
we would Mo if we are suddenly de
prived of our motor vehicles.
In the- first place he points out
that the efficiency of the modern
farmer would be so far reduced, if
he were to lose his passenger auto
mobile, that he could not hope to
meet the demands that are being
made upon him to feed not only our
owni country but half the world be
side. He goes to poiat out the effect
that the disappearance of the motor
vehicle would have upon the value of
real estate, rural and suburban.
'Next Mr. Miles shows us what the
loss of passenger automobiles would
mean to our cities. If the carrying
of urban passengers that is now done
by automobile were suddenly dumped
upon the existing street railways,
they would not be able to handle the
traffic without enormous additions, to
their rolling stock. If we include
motor trucks in our reckoning the
traffic condition of the cities would
be critical, immediately.
Mr. Miles proceeds to consider
what would happen to the railways
if the motor car were suddenly with
drawn. He shows that if the passen
ger miles carried by automobile were
thrown over upon the railways, they
would be utterly unable to stand the
strain. It would require 60,000 new
passenger coaches and nearly 15,000
new locomotives to handle the traffic
annually carried in .motor cars, and
this new equipment, even if it were
obtainable, which , it is not, would
cost the railways over $1,000,000,000.
' It is a fortunate thing for all of us
that the country is not likely to be
reduced to a motorless condition.
Incidentally it is important that we
should not fall behind in our pro
duction rate, for by just as much as
we fail to maintain by replacement
of scrapped vehicles our present
registration, so does our general
efficiency falter.
Sedan Sales Show Enormous
Increase During Past Years
One of the most noteworthy fea
tures of automobile buying this sea
son is the greatly increased interest
that is being shown in enclosed cars,
particularly the sedan type.
The Franklin Automobile company,
a oioneer in enclosed car manu
facture, gives some very illuminating
figures concerning the tremendous
increase in sedan sales during the
past four r years; 33 times as many
being sold during the first eight
months of the 1917-18 season as dur
ing the entire fiscal year of 1913-14,
Franklin Sedan sales so far this year
already equal the total sedan produc
tion of last year.
The shipping records of Franklin
cars to dealers in 2i cities through
out the United States from Septem
ber 1. 1917. to April 25, 1918, show that
an average of 26 1-3 per cent have
been sedans. In five cities in Ohio
practically one-third of the business
of Franklin dealers has been in se
Walt Mason, the famous author of
"Ripling- Rhymes," recently intro-
aucea nis new rraniain aeaan as a car
that is "no drunkard on gasoline." "My
Franklin, he says, rolls along so
easily it doesn't seem to care whether
it has gasoline or not.
Rubber Preservative.
A saturated solution of turpentine
in alcohol makes an effective preserv
ative for rubber. The point of sat
uration is reached when a drop of un
dissolved turpentine remains suspend
ed in the alcohol and a little more of
the spirit should be added to dissolve
the turpentine. Rubber articles
should be painted with this solution
What if Your Spark ShojJd Faa?
If the spark fails there's nothing to do but
phone for help. '
Worse than , the expense is the annoyance
the loss of time both easily avoidable. "
We can show you how to get at the facts arid '
avoid the danger of a "dead" engine and a
. tow back home. .
In the Still Better Willard with Threaded
Rubber Insulation there's more starting ca
pacity, more sparking ability and better light
ing than ever before, and besides that it is the
only battery with the "Bone- Dry" principle
that is your absolute assurance . of getting 'a
' battery as new as the day it left the factory. Let
v . us tell you about it.
Nebraska Storage Battery Co.,
2230 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 5102.
Authorized Willard Service Station.
wISSSl ;
Are the Exclusive Distributors
for Omaha Territory of the Famous
TN announcing this acquisition to our department of Auto Accessories we fee that we are offering to the motorist
the very best tire on the market and a service of certain satisfaction, because the BURGESS - NASH GUARAN-f
When You Buy Tires
it's not the first cost, it's the mileage that gives the real value. Just
as character is 'developed by a slow, steady process, so have the good
and dependable qualities of "Portage Tires."-been brought out by
long study of the tire business and its needs. Test them by your own
standards of what a tire should be and do by the extraTgood way
they are made by their ability to carry the car smoothly by their
splendid mileage records and you'll find them doing the things you
want in your tires. This explains the leadership of the
Portage Tires
. Extra rubber and extra fabric, built layer by layer, into a tre
mendous strain-resisting unit.
Materials selected strictly for quality rather than price.
Design and Plan based upon years of careful study of cars and
road conditions. ' -
Expert Construction generous use of rubber and fabric, united
to give maximum security, comfort and long mileage. This
Means More Mileage
Better facilities, better workmanship, closer inspection, means
PORTAGE QUALITY more mileage.
Burgess-Nash Makes All Adjustments
This means absolute satisfaction at all times. Any mileage may
be claimed for tires, but war-time thrift demands that you get Por
tage 5,000-mile guaranteed tires, and we invite you to become a Por
tage user, upon the basis of tire quality and satisfaction as expressed
in plain, honest, day-after-day performance. -
v 'GUM
At an introductory offer Monday and this week
we will give, absolutely free, a pure gum inner tube,
fully guaranteed, with every Portage tire sold. V :
An expert factory re
presentative will be in
our department of auto
accessories this week to
give you free advice
about tires. Come and
talk, over tire troubles
with him.
CONTAIN five dominant features which mean additional
service and satisfaction to the motorist.
PORTAGE Straight-side Bead consists of 19 strands each
190 strands of fine high-carbon wire. Each strand is in con
tact with firm adhesive rubber, making a rigid base of un
equalled strength.
PORTAGE carcass contains one more layer of fabric than
standard construction and this fabric averages -425 lbs. break
ing strength, one-third more than standard. This means that .
the Portage carcass has almost double strength.
PORTAGE pure' gum cushion stock extends from bead to
bead, giving an unusual degree of protection to the carcass.
Over this cushion extends a protecting layer of tough tread
PORTAGE Breaker strip, is extra wide, affording additional
strength to the side wall and distributing the force of blows
over a .greater area.
PORTAGE treads are gray the
tough, wear resisting rubber.
true and natural color of
Price List of Portage Tires
Smooth Daisy All Tubes Pure
. Size Tread Tread Gum Gray-Red
'28x3 Clin only 1 1 "T7T80 I " 3:50 .
36x3 Clin 16.60 19.20 380
30x3 12 Clin only ' 21.55 j 24.70" 4.60T
31x3 V2 Clin only ' 22.75 26.05 1 4.75
32x312 SS & QD Clin 24.70 28.50 4.90 ,
34x312 SS only 28.05 3230 5.25
31x4 Clin oniy 33.05 37.90 - 6:20
32x4 SS & QD Clin 33.65 38.65 6.50
33x4 SS & QD Clin 35.30 40.65 6.70 V
34x4 SS & QD Clin , 36.15 41.55 6.90 ,
35x4 SS only 37.80 43.50 7.10
36x4 SS & QD "Clin ' 38.50 44.35 7l25
32x412 SS only j 47.40 54.75 8.10 -
33x412 SS only 49.00 56.25 8.25 ;
34x412 SS & QD Clin 48.00 55.30 8.40,-
35x412 SS & QD Clin 50.35 57.75 8.60
36x412 SS & QD Clin 51.05 58.70 8.90 :
37x4 SS& QD Clin 53.15 61.15 9.10
35x5 SS & QD Clin I 57.40 66.05 9.95 j
36x5 QD lm only 58.30 67.10 10.25
37x5 SS & QD Clin 60.90 69.85 10.35 '
Copyright ngutcied, 19 It