Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1918, WANT-ADS, Image 32

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    - - - -- .
Old Houses Made New Through
, Remodeling Methods as New
Phase of Building Art
in Omaha.
' Omaha is participating in one of the
greatest conservation movements 01
the country just now.
This is the remodelling and modern
izing of old homes and business
structures. . ,
The twov principal reasons tor ire
modelling arc the utilitarian and the
aesthetic; the need of more space or
more convenience or comfort, and the
natural desire to make a building more
pleasing to the eye. These require
ments ordinarily can be met by prop
er remodelling and there are a num
ber of local architects the bulk of
whose lime is now being engaged in
'these projects. It is a new phase of
the building art, comparatively speak
ing, and is growing more important
all the time.
Ugly Exteriors Altered.
There are many examples, both in
the residence and business districts,
where the ugly exteriors of homes and
business houses have been altered in
to a dignified and handsome facade,
while rearrangement of the rooms
' have given more space.
Persona infected with the home
owning fever, this spring, have given
up projecti of . building their own
homes, after long planning of arrange
ments of rooms and exterior archi
tectural features during the winter
months and have purchased old prop
ertiea and are remodelling them. In
spine districts of the city an entirely
new appearance ha been given, so
extensive has this work done.
Bargains in houses and lota have
been picked up and many yet remain.
The transformation of some of. the
houses treated with remodelling is
startling, and it would be well for
those who have not yet entered the
game to study this phase of home in
vestment. ' ' '
London, May 25.-The White Rus
sian republic "has t been proclaimed
with German's consent, the Exchange
Telegraph correspondent at Moscow
reports under date of May 16. A
coalition government has been form
ed, the dispatch states, and negotia-.
tions are proceeumg icgnmi
unity of Lithuania and White Rus
sia with the idea of forming a sepa
rate state under a German military
' protectorate.
K . . -
White Russia is of inaennite scope,
but roughly takes in the region norm
! of the Ukraine with . Poland and the
.Baltic provinces on, the west and
Great Russia on the north and east.
It includes .Lithuania, where the
greater part of the population' of
White Russian nationality resides.
Lvthuania has already been recognizee
by Germany as an independent state
allied to the German empire. ' , '
'Truck Attachment Units Used
In Fair Per Cent of Small Jobs
'The motor truck attachment which
can be used with automobile power
plants-has become a permanent part
of the motor truck industry, says E.
A. Bullock, distributor for Graham
Bros, of Evansville, Ind., manufac
turers of the Graham Bros. Truck
Builder.' .
During the last two years the one
ton truck attachment, adapted for use
with the power plants of Ford cars,
has been developed to such a point
that the business in attachments at
the present time exceeds in many sec
tions of the country the business in
one-ton trucks.
The Graham' Bros, of Evansville,
Ind., have, gone to the very farthest
' point in developing their one-ton at
tachment for use for Ford cars.
Devoted to the manufacture of the
Graham Bros. Truck Builder is a fac
tory which cover 17 acres of floor
space, in which the Truck Builder
- chassis and the truck bodies are butit.
The Truck Builder chassis for
Fords employs the chain type of drive
in which the rear axle of the Ford is
converted into a jack-shaft carrying
the sprocket of the chain-drive sys
tem. -
In dimensions and specifications,
the frame, springs and axle construc
. tion, the Graham Bros. Truck Builder
Jtresents standard measurements, sl
owing the use of any special or reg
ular type of truck body, in cases
where the stake or express body is
not used. '
There are thousands of. Graham
Truck Builders in service in all parts
' of the country doing practically ev
ery kind of work that is done by mo
tor trucks of one-ton capacity.
These trucks have demonstrated
actual service of economy by using
the Ford for power plant. '
In the conversion from the Ford
passenger car to a one-ton truck the
front end of the Ford remains un
changed. Pneumatic tires .are used
on the front wheels, while the solid
rear tires of the wheels are pressed
?; on ' .-.;'' v'' ,
F vftnitr li-a .ltum that nnti-
snatic front tires play a big part in
reducing depreciation of the truck,
and ' motor truck users are already
urging pneumatic front tires on near
ly all trucks to prevent crystalization
of the motor parts from excessive vi
bration. .From the factory . Mr. Bullock has
received records showing the earning
cower of the Graham Bros. Truck
".. Builder to be in the vicinity of $7 per
day in practically every line of busi
ness.' This earning cower is demon-
ctrated either in increased hauling and
delivery facilities or in the reduction
r In expense in maintaining service pre
viously done with other forms of
v-: pauhng.
' The Torbensen drive is a distinc
live feature with Graham Brothers
and lias already proved itself a most
efficient sort of drive for truck
ervic. .
Many Attractive Features
In Double Five-Room Flat
An attractive, well arranged double
five-room flat, built by Home Build
ers, Inc., 202 South Seventeenth
street, is shown above, with plans of
the entire structure, giving in detail
the many homelike x features incor
There are two individual porches,
roomy and providing, real lounging
Real Estate Values Continue
Strong, With No Deprecia
tion, But Indications Point- ;
ing to Rising Market. 7
Since the fateful day in 1914 that
President Wilson declared war on
Germany, Omaha has loaned and con
tributed to the government, and the
different philanthropic activities con
nected with the war, nearly $15,000.Q0O
f I . i.-l .
01 us .worKing capuai. -
This money has been absorbed in
the financing of all industries con
nected with the war 'and also in the
waging of war itself. : '
In times of peace it would have
been impossible for Omaha in so
short a time to provide out of its
working capital this immense sum.
Local financiers would have prophe-
bicu a uicaKiug uuwii ui inc. viijr a
ability to finance its gofag concerns or
to do new development work under
this' tremendous drain. t
-" Omaha Capital Not Lacking.
The displacement of this great sum
from the financial resources of the
city has been accomplished without
any appreciable effect upon the stabil
ity of institutions here and it demon
strates that if this unthought of abun-
dance of capiul was here for war, it
can be produced in the same volume
in times of peace. - -
Building operatioins on an extensive
scale have been held up in Omaha
this year, not so much on account of
of lack of capital, as it has been for
a lack of labor and material. As soon
as normal conditions return all these
projects will be more easily financed
than they could be before the war
ind Omaha will enter upon an
era of commercial and industrial ex
pan sion such as has heretofore been
undreamed of.
There is no more opportune time
to invest in building sites or improved
real estate in Omaha than right now.
There cau be no depreciation and all
conditions point to nsing values.
Ferrier Seeks Passports to
France to Enter W. Work
Albert C. Ferrier, formerly' a Sut
ton. Neb., man and now a resident of
Los Angeles, applied in Omaha Fn
day for passports to France and Eng
iana, wnere ne win De eneaeed in
secretarial work for the Young Men's
Christian association . national war
work council, with American expedi
tionary forces abroad. Mr.. Ferrier
at present is in Omaha, but will leave
soon for New York. : ,
Colfax Aviator Is in German
Prison With Arms Broken
Des Moines, May 25. (SpeciaV Tel
egramsCaptain James Norman Hall
of Colfax. Ia.,, famous aviator who
wen down five miles behind German
lines recently, is in a German hos
pital with two arms broken, accord
ing to word received by his parents
at Colfax today. On recovering from
his injuries he will be taken to a Ger
man prison. -
Not": All Oars..,
It doesn't take all cars 500 miles to
get broken in. Some of them begin
to show their metal after the first Sun
day trip. Motor Life. .
I -T I ' I ,rjrrn tfii QlT0O II
I P" I raff v,w I
bvmatoon 7 ' t UruwlJpQrt
I Jcfltooit Je Too ' I
. JrJ LvLl A-
... JT Pores -ORwflw- . polM , I
. - Tlooic tVjn :zm
. n '
spots. The exterior of the flat is as
attractive as the Interior.
, The living room and dining room
are finished in oak. White enamel
predominates in' the sun room, bed
room and bath room. The kitchens
are finished in yelrow pine and are
equipped with Powell kitchen cab
inets. There are built-in cases and
space for refrigerator in each entry.
There is a full cemented basement to
each flat. ;
' " ;
Action' Taken by , Director Re-
qua Expected to Stabilize
Petroleum. Products to Do-"
mestic Consumers.
(By Associated Frese.)
Washington, May 25. With a view
to stabilizing the price' of gasoline;
fuel oils and other petroleum products
to domestic consumers, Mark L,
Requa, director of . oil supply of the
fuel administration, today announced
the prices the allies will pay for these
products for the 60 days from May 20
to July 19.
At the expiration of the 60 days the
fuel administration will take further
steps if it is found that today's action
has been without avail in reducing the
price of gasoline and other oils to do
mestic users in the United States.
The price of gasoline to.thr.allies
was fixed as follows: F. o. b.,. gulf
ports, 21 cents per gallon; f. o. b.,- At
lantic seaboard, 23 -cents per gallon;
United States navy specifications in
both 'cases. .
The price for aviation naphtha was
fixed as follows:' Thirty cents per gal
lon, gulf ports; 32 cents per gallon,
Atlantic seaboard; British specifica
tion, 302 degrees Fahrenheit final boil
ing point in both Cases. X
Fuel oil prices were fixed at: Gulf
ports, Sy3 cents, Brirish admiralty spe
cifications; li cents United States
navy specifications: Atlantic seaboard,
7 cents, United States navy specifi
cations.. , , . ' . ' " r
The price of standard white refined
kerosene was fixed at 7y cents at
Gulf ports and 8;4 cents at Atlantic
seaboard: Mexican reduced oil was
fixed at o cents, Atlantic seaboard.
Washington, May 25. More evi
dence than that disclosed in the Brit
ish official statement of the close con
nection between the Irish Sinn. Fein
and German influence is in the hands
of the British and American govern
ments, it was stated officially here'
Arrests are to be made soon in this
country and possibly additional ar
rests in Ireland.
A number or prominent Irish-
Americans, including several hereto-
fore known as Irish patriots, are un-
der surveillance. In most cases, it !
was said, arrests will be made on 1
technical charges of seditious utter
ances with most of the facts, con
cealed until the trial
.. -
Burning Steamer Docked.
A Pacfic Port. May 24.The Jap
anese steamer Burma Mura, which
caught fire in its hold at sea Wednes
day night, reached this port today and
docked. The fire is still burning and
city fire appartus was .called to fighi
the blaze. . ....
Taxpayers May Now Appre
ciate Foresight in Laying Out
Broad Thoroughfares
in Omaha.
Omaha's founders, who were re
sponsible for the laying out of the
streets of the city, were wiser than
they knew.
Whether they adopted the system
of laying out the broad thorough
fares as a matter of foresight, or be
cause of reckless western prodigality,
because land was cheap and plenti
ful, is immaterial.
This generation can thank them
because there is not another city in
the United States', with the possible
exception of Salt Lake and Indiana
polis, where the streets "can accom-"
modate the traffic of modern growth.
especially that of the automobile.
Boston, Pittsburgh, in fact nearly
'.very city of the first class in the
United States, confront the necessity
of widening streets, building sub
ways and adopting other means of
relieving traffic congestion, being
compelled to condemn millions of
dollars worth of valuable, improved
properties to accomplish this end.
bnormous bonded indebtedness, in
terest and ' principal to be paid' by
taxpayers or the municipalties re
sult. : ,
Persons who . invest in Omaha
realty are not confronted with these
enormous tax charges and there is
not the remotest prospect that such
indebtedness will have to be created
No city in the country can con
struct permanent improvements, such
as grading . streets, paving streets,
building sewers and laying water
mains as cheaply in the bulk as Om
aha. There is no heavy blasting to
be done. Hills can be reduced, when
the necessity arises, bv erosion and
all grading by machinery, as can also
be done the trenching tor sewer and
water pipe.;
. These are big items to consider
when the problem of investment in
real estate comes up for considera
tion. Artist Declares Omaha Has
Prettiest Girls in World
Mr. Lederer, Chicago artist from
the Columbia Medallion studios, who
is in Omaha this week, declares that
Omaha has the prettiest girls in the
-world. .
The artist is enthusiastic about the
beauty of the women who enter the
Burgess-Nash store, where his medal
lions are on display and regrets that
he can not use them for models for his
" "Eastern girls lack1 the simple
beauty of the Omaha girls," he de
clared, "and I am going to remember
some of the pretty faces I see here-
and, when I return to my studio, I
shall reproduce them from memory."
Home-Owner Loans
Up to 60 on residences
less than five years old.
Monthly payments.'
Special privileges and terms.
( Also straight loans at semi
annual interest.
1212 Fanan St TeL Doug 35.
Awnings and
Porch Curtain
Order Them,
" Now,
40th and Farnara. JOHN S.
mm(m f
IT. (-1 ii i
For your foundation, basement, garage and retaining walls use the
best quality
They, are better because made right Waterproofed, Machine
Tamped, Steam-Cured. ,
See us for Cement Flower Vases, Porch Boxes, Bird Baths,
Lawn Seats. They are handsome, durable and inexpensive.
Ooujla 4428
Beatrice, Neb., May 2.5 (Special.)
During the last few days nine inch
es of rain has fallen in the vicinity
of Cortland and Hallam about twenty-five
miles north of Beatrice. Ac
cording to Fred James, a farmer who
resides in that vicinity, acres of corn
have been washed out by the deluge
and will have to be replanted.
Word was received here that Gus
Graff, formerly of this city and at one
time mayor of Wymore, was criti
cally ill at Pasadena, Cal. His
brother, Louie Graff, of West Bea
trice, left last evening for Pasadena.
Ernest Robhins, son of Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Robbips, pioneer residents of
Beatrice, has enlisted in the navy and
is now stationed at Mare Island. Cal.
George Pefferman of the Ellis' vi
cinity stated that ' the winter wheat
in his-locality was damaged consider
ably by the dry weather. It is only
about a foot high, and is beginning
to head out. , r
The National Oil company sent a
check for $25 to E. L. Hevelone,
district chairman, requesting him to
apply the amount to the Red Cross
fund. .
A. R. Bradley & Son of Hastings
have been awarded the contract for
furnishing, the plans and specifications
for the: new consolidated school at
Holmsville. The building will cost
$30,000. . .
Chapter No. I, Next to " Kin so
ciety, held a meeting last night and
admitted 'twenty to membership. The
society will soon have placed in its
hair a tqII of honor with the names
and photographs. of , all of the young
from this city who are in the service
of Uncle Sam.- . -
War Department Order.
Wuhlngton. -May 25. (Special Telefram.)
Captain Lambert W. Rojenbaura, medical
reserve eorpi, la relieved from duty at Camp
Green Charlotte, N. C., and will proceed
to Dei Molnee.
Leave- of abaence for 10 day la granted
Major Charles, Military academy, Mexico, Mo.
By direction of the president, Lieutenant
Colonel Charlea Byrne, United State army,
retired, l relieved from-duty at the Iowa
Stat College of Agriculture and mercanclal
art, at Ame, and 1. detailed a professor
of military science and tactics at the Missouri-Military
academy, Mexico, Mo.
Every Dollar
You Save
will arn dividends if yon in
vest your surplus money in the
offered to the investing public
Home Builders (Inc.)
Secured by mortgages on new
Company does not speculate
and has no bonded debt.
Semi-annual dividends paid
Regularly.' ' i,'v- ,
'' Company enjoys remarkable
AstU over $1,000,000.
An attractive investment.
Mail orders solicited.
Fiscal Agt.,
Omaha, Neb.
Iron and Wire Fences
Lawn and Farm Gates
Poultry and Garden Fence
Trelll (or Vine and Roa.
Flower Bed Guard. Steal Pott
Gat Our Low Price Befor You Buy.
207 North 17th St Tel. Red 4247.
Olivt Oil Proca
and Reweaving
Rug Cleaning Co.
Tel. Harney 1842. 3257 F amain St
We furnish
designs and es
timates. - Qet
our-prices, thej
are right.
OPDAHL, Mgr. Phone Harney 5022
Office and DUplay Roonj
. 1708-12 Cuminc St.
If. T
Fremont, Neb., May 25. (Special.)
a record-breaking crdwd is ex
pected at the opening day of the forty-second
annual tournament of the
Nebraska State Sportsmen's associa
tion, to be held on the grounds of
the Fremont Trapshooting club, Sun
day, Monday, Tuesday and Wednes
day of next week. Word has been
received from Norfolk, Beemer Stan
ton, West Point, Columbus, Grand
Island, Lincoln, Omaha and other
towns that they will send delegations.
J !
The scrubbing test
While scrubbing a varnished floor should
seldom be necessary, even this severe treatment
will not injure liquid Granite.
Floors treated with this durable finish stay
smooth and satiny. Neither boiling wter nor .
snowwflliniureLiquidGranite. Youcankeepitia
perfect condition by occasionally using a floor mop.
White Interiors are easily and economically possible
by applying Luxeberry White Enamel. This makes adur- v
able, rich, snow white finish that stays white and will net
crack or chip.
Sort Hit wonitrfvl Finuk tn nod If Btrrf
Brother, tht vorlfi largtH tarniik lMsera. . (OS
f51 II- Manufacturer of SITS LIGHT FAINT. . . J J Pflt
CD sJ'" Doa' 9048, Omaha, soe-ii s. lit itjrOr
1 1 jj j j j'jij j jjjjj j'y yi j ' j j j j j j'j j
1 The Federal Land Bank 9
0 Omaha
Federal Farm Loan Bonds for
immediate delivery at the
new interest rate of -
Interest Payable Semi -Annually
These Bonds Give the Investor:
(1) Perfect security.
(2) Unlimited tax exemption.
(3) A high interest rate.
(4) An opportunity to assist the Gov
ernment in the prosecution of the war By
stimulating food production.
. These bonds are secured by first
mortgages on farrrjs operated by the own
ers and the guarantee of the entire Fed-,
eral Land Bank system of the United
States. The securities and bond issues '
have been approved by the Federal Farm
Loan Board, a bureau of the Treasury De
partment of the United States, of which
the Secretary of the Treasury William G.
McAdoo, is chairman. . V
Price 101 '
. The bond are issued in denominations of $25, $50, $100,
$500 and $1,000 and either in coupon or registered form.
For immediate delivery, mail orders at once
to E. D. Morcom, Treasurer
The Federal Land Bank of Omaha
1205 W.p. W. Bldg. V
A number of professionals who will
ling the meet have arrived in . Fre
mont. Cal Waggoner of Diller 1917
champion, will be here to defend his
title. Five traps will be used to
throw the targets. - . '
Cattle from New Mexico where the
range pastures have been burnt out
by the drough pass through Fremont
daily. George W. Loseyr banker
and ranchman of Hagerman, ,N.
former Fremonter and for one term,
four years ago, representative from
this district, was in Fremont with a
trainload he is shipping to the Bone
steel country in South Dakota, where
he will pasture them for the summer.:
There has been no rain in the ranfe
section of New Mexico for the last
two years.
Everybody reads Bee Want Ads. .