Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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    a a
Publicity Director in 1,700
Mile Autb Tour in Nebraska
Finds Crops in Good
(From a SUff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, May 25. (Special.) Re
turning from a tour-of 1,700 miles by
rail and auto, covering nineteen coun
ties in central and wasternand north-
' western Nebraska, Will Maupin, di
rector of the Department of Publicity,
reports that he has been rained on in
each one of the nineteen counties,
With the exception of a small sec
tion, comparatively, in the central
eastern division, the wheat crop is
looking unusually fine. And the rains
of the last few days will be of in
calculable benefit to the section that
has been suffering.
, "The 'Sandhill' region of Nebraska
is coming into its own," said the di
rector. "The sand hills have been soaked
time and again this spring, and as a
result the pastures are in .fine con
dition. Alfalfa never looked better,
and it is easy to see a constantly in
creasing acreage each year.
Fine Wheat.
"I have seen no finer wheat than
the immense fields I saw in Box Butte
county Wednesday in a couple of
auto drives that permitted me to see
practically all of the wonderful table
in that county. I was with the dele
gates to the associated commercial
clubs convention at Alliance when
they drove to Antioch to see the
great potash plants there. It was a
revelation to most of them. Inci
dently Antioch now has a population
of 3,000 which is an increase of about
2,875 in less than three years.
"From personal observation and
from conversation with a great many
wheat growers and other, I am led
to believe that the government wheat
estimates for Nebraska are much too
"A most pleasing fact is the aooar-
ent increase in the number of cattle in
the great grazing sections and the
noticeable improvement in the breeds
"It was raining at Alliance at 6
o'clock Wednesday evening, raining
mere wnen my train lett at midnight,
and raining when I reached Lincoln
And there were evidences of rain all
along the road. We used to speak
of 'million dollar' rains in Nebraska.
but millions are small thinzs thes
days. Nebraska is enjoying half-bil-
non aonar rains this week.
Disloyalty Charges Against
State University Faculty
Members Come Up for
Hearing Tuesday.
- (From a Staff Correipondent.)
, Lincoln, Neb., May 25. The Uni
versity board of regents this after
noon decided on a formal hearing of
charges against members of the fac
ulty by the Nebraska State Council
of Defense, starting next Tuesday
morning at 8 o'clock, at the chan
cellor's office. ,
Each of the 12 professors accused
of passive sympathies in the war will
be given, a chance to appear and de
fend himself.
The board will send out copies of
the charges and the names of the
council's witnesses, to each of the ac
cused. Until after the hearing, at least,
the names of the accused professors
will not be made public.
The resents decided to invite mem
bers of the State Council of Defense
to attend the hearing, but it is under
stood that the public will not be ad
Names Are Withheld.
Dr. P. L.'Hall of Lincoln, suggest
ed the names of the accused should
be made public at this time, but after
Regent Landish had called attention
to the fact that earlier in the day the
council had sought to withdraw its
charges against one professor, A. J.
Schrab, it was decided that this
should not be done.
Chairman Brown, of the reeents.
called attention to the fact that the
council complaint was defective in
that, signatures of all the members
had been typed instead of penned.
He urged a speedy action but said
that the professors should be given
an opportunity to defend themselves.
Telegrams From Averv.
Two telegrams from Chancellor
Avery, engaged in war work at Wash
ington were, read. One expressed
willingness to appear before the
regents as a witness, while the other
expressed the belief that prompt vin
dication or dismissal was the only
course left to pursue.
Action by the Alumni association
meeting in class reunions and as an
organization here today as a part of
the commencement festivities threat
ened to come to a head at the busi
ness session here tonight.
A resolution of the alleged dis
loyalty in the university faculty with
the alumni assisting.
C. A. Sorenson opened the dis
cussion with remarks that yellow paint
was being indiscriminately thrown at
the university. His remarks were con
strued as requesting a white wash
for the faculty from the council
charges, but were not incorporated in
motion or resolution.
Two Broken Bow Farmers
Ordered to Buy Liberty Bonds
Bow, Neb., May 25.
(Special.) The
Broken Bow high
school commencement took place
Thursday night at the Methodist
church. Thirty-two graduates re
ceived diplomas. The address was
given by F. M. Currie. Miss Marion
Lomax received a $100 scholarship
for the best four years average in
high school.
John and Ben "Beshaler, prominent
farmers living near Callaway, were
cited to appear before the advisory
board of the Council of Defense
charged with not having purchased
Liberty bonds according to their
fipancial ability. John Beshaler was
assessed $2,000 and Ben Beshaler
$1,000. Both parties agreed to the
assessment. Gus Ehlers, an alien
enemy, who purchased four hundred
acres of land in the Ansley neighbor
hood, was brought up for not con
tributing anything to war activities
and for not having registered as an
alien enemy and failing tp fill out his
valuation card on registration day.
I Si Year. I .JSVes W. Pleat B
1324 $LXAH I
Farnam IWYm 1 J Refund I
Street VHi I l T . , iftjjlkr'' Your Money h
'JllUI!lnHIWIIUI!!lllllllllllltllllllll!lll!IUIIIIIRI!IIHIIIII!llllllll PhOtlC Tyler 3000 lli:i:tillllllllt:!llllllir
lllllllllllllllllllllllllllill.ll II llltllllllll'j
Dr. McKenney says:
"No better way to save health than by having your
teeth fixed no better way to save money than by having
us do the work. Such economy and thrift will mean
health to you, a duty performed for your country, and
another powerful stroke at kaiserism."
Beit Silver 7C
Filling OC
Wonder Plate
I Hours, 8:30 A.
M. to 6 P. M.
and Saturdays
I Till 8 P. M.
Not Open
Best 22k
Gold Crown . .
Worth $15 to $25
Heaviest Bridge 0A
Work, per tooth,
... $8 d $10
14th and Farnam Sts.
1324 Farnam Street
NOTICE Out-of-town patrons can
get Plates, Crowns, Bridt as and Fill
ings complete in ONE day
. Auburn, Neb.. May 25. fSoecial.1
Congressman C. H. Sloan spoke to
a large crowd here this afternoon
He was applauded when he said:
"But let me say, as an appeal for
filinnortmor th Rpd frrte. alia ...I..-
ri - o v.voii) wiat wiicil
the battle line established by Hinden
burg, the Hun, under the combined
- mignr. 01 America and the seasoned
strength of those who fight with us,
has been smashed; when the arro
gant Hohenzollern whose savagery,
added to civilization, makes him the
Satanic nersonifiratinn nf th Mimtn,
in his mad emulation of the mighty
Macedonian, tne imperial Koman,
and the powerful Corsican, shall fall
short of universal dominion; when his
degenerate son, crazed by the ghosts
of Verdun, shall desperately cling
to the crown of a diminished Ger
many; when the allied powers shall
taice up tne greatest burden of all
. time . in the rehabilitation of conti
nental Europe; and when the states
men of our own great country shall
be solving the problems of our post
war period; and the boys come home,
and you see, as I hope, the stalwart
form, clear, proud eyes, and hear the
stories of battle, of the wounded and
dying, and all the incidents leading
to victory.
"You who could not go but who,
thinking over your own sacrifices
will say, yes, I paid my taxes. Yes,
I bought bonds, which are now at
Eremium. But your real joy will
e that while not going yourself, you
aided in sending a representative
over there, an angel who ministered
to the sick and wounded and re
moved the death damp from the brow
of him who came not back to receive
a welcome. That one whose body
lies among the lillies of France, but
whose soul is up yonder, having ex
changed the uniform of the republic
for the white robe of immortality."
College of Medicine to Rush
Classes for Army Service
Lincoln Neb., May 21 (Spe
' cial.) Plans have just been an
, nounced by the faculty of the
University of Nebraska College of
Medicine providing for the con
tinuance operation of both junior
and senior years. This is in response
to a general demand on the part of the
government that competent medicine
men snail be rendered available at
the earliest possible moment for
Army and Navy requirements. The
Surgeon General recognizes the tre
mendous need for well trained medi-
3 1 mPTI atlH Viae erttrart li i e eintinn
- uusi ,vwi hi j pau, l I Vj 1 1
:ontinuous operation of these clasps
n well equipped medical schools. The
leeds of the Army and Navy as well
is of the civil population must be met.
At the present time the entire coun
try is feeling the' loss of several
thousand medical men who have en
tered the Army service. From Ne
braska alone approximately four hun
dred physicians joined the colors.
Syracuse High School
Alumni Elects Officers
Svracuse. Neb.. May 25. 'Special. 1
-The Syracuse High School Alumni
a5-iation held its annual meeting
rr.d banauet in the high school par-
1-"? i i t i . - J r
- mc Kinuua'cs or
l0,S The officers elected are- May
- -! Bra'-e. president; Irene Copen
Hver.. vice nresic'-nt; Perl Trimble
secretary; Dr. A. O. Specht, treasurer.
nut? 'i'iiI-'-V'T " '-. '..i " ""i-lJ 1 11 ,w" J..f -L-.-rsn snjaaa
&SONS CO. -iJLvv.
Our fireless gas range is the stove to save fuel. It cooks
with the gas turned off. Saves its cost in a short time.
Our McCray and Peerless refrigerators are the most
economical you can buy.
Visit our house furnishing department, second floor.
I i'.' J,
I II 1 I I SZl -T? 1 -V
Use This Wonderful Varnish to Refin
ish Your Automobile or Furniture;
Dries Over Night; We Carry it
In All Popular Colors.
Famous forBIouses"
IN Julius Orkin's Blouses you will always find
styles that are distinctive, originarand ever at
tractive. AND you can always depend upon their uni
form high quality and good values.
PARTICULARLY interesting right now is a most com
plete showing of New GEORGETTE BLOUSES
featured at1
$9.75 and $12.50
WE have prepared values consisting ol several
hundred Georgette Crepe Blouses hand em
broidered and beaded; a41 sizes and every wanted
shade. Also heavy Crepe de Chine and Fussy Wil
low Taffetas. . '
These are the best values we have ever offered at
414-416-418 South 16th Street
The Summer Comfort Problem
Solved When You See These
For Porch or Garden
The coverings are not only durable,
but very attractive, even to the plain ones.
Hammocks at $12.75, $16.00, $19.50, $23 50.
$29.00, $30.00 and $33.00.
Standards at $6.50 and $8.50
Sun Shades at ...$9.50 and $11.50
Pillows at $2.00 and $3.50
Substantial Brown Fiber
Porch Swings
in 4, 5 and 6-feet lengths, at
$12.00, 16.00, $18.00, $22.00
A Splendid Showing of ,
William and Mary
I In Jacobean Oak
s One of the most satisfactory and enduring types for
the dining room, beautifully finished, carefully built and
skillfully designed. All oak interiors and oak finish
I throughout. From 48 to .66 inches long. Prices
I S44, $46, $52.50, $54, S58, $60
I Extension Tables, Leather Seated Chairs and
China Closets to match in wide variety.
With "texee-inch top.
as illustrated ,
Library Table of same design,
with 28x54-inch top
in Brown Mahogany'
Style and value are everywhere visible in
this design. Such a piece will harmonize nicely
with ahy furniture of a turned nature. The cup
turnings of the legs and the ball feet are typical
William and Mary details. A treatment that
makes for individuality is the unusual shaping
of the serpentine stretcher. The two side
drawers have shaped faces with oval leafage
carving in the center and a large acanthus leaf
and shell carving distinguishes the center of the
curved apron. The table top is shaped with a
series of fine mouldings outlining the edge.
-Main Floor
Slip Covers of Cretonne
The Slip Cover Season is here and fashion
decrees "Cretonne" the proper material ; which
is a good thing, because in addition to being
. war-time economy, "Cretonne" cheers one up.
The thousand and one brilliant and delight
ful patterns make selection easy and when we
plan to have our covers match the hangings
We have really devised a scheme
that will transform at least
one part of the house into a
glad retreat
that will
freshen our
minds and rest
our bodies.
Cretonnes fron
Bring us your Slip Cover
problems let us make them
The Sealy No -tuft
A sanitary, tuftless Mattress, made of
high-grade staple cotton. Very soft so that
it conforms to every line of the body. Sold
under a positive guarantee that it will never
become hard, uneven or lumpy. ;
Every mattress bears a label on which is
printed this guarantee.
.Fifth Floor.
You call a lawyer
When sick you call
a doctor.
If it's your teeth, a
If it's your eyes, an
oculist. v
When going to
build, an architect.
When you decorate call
our Department of Interior
Decoration and secure the
best professional advice.
fps Avnpm
William and Mary
Herrick Refrigerators
In this refrigerator you get an absolutely, pure, dry air current
continually circulating, eliminating all danger of mould or spoilage es
long as the refrigerator is kept iced. Then, too, the Herrick is very
thickly and effectively insulated with white mineral wool throughout
During warm weather the Herrick pays for itself by saving food
and keeping it more palatable.
Permit us to demonstrate.
65-lb capacity, spruce
lined, at 819.75
65-lb. capacity, white
i enamel lined 825.50
75-lb. capacity, spruce
lined, at 821.75
75-lb. capacity, white
. enamel lined A 829.00
95-lb. capacity, spruce
lined, with 3 doors, as
illustrated, at 828.50
105-lb. capacity, white
enamel, with 3 doors,
as illustrated, at 838.00
Wonderful American Rugs j
If these wonders of the loom were
paintings on canvas we should see v them f
hung in our national galleries, such is the
merit of design and color.
Japanese designs that have
abandoned the symmetrical
for that subtlety of balance
characteristic of the far east, f
Color balance and proportion
that charms. .
Grounds, mottled, watered
and taupe in effect. 1
Harmony with the new
draperies and furniture cover-
Considered in the light
of lifetime service, these I
, rugs are priced very low. .
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiuiNi.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiQjjjj iVilhelni Co
Permit us to Exhibit