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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1918)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY; BEE : "MAY 2ft 1918. . , : 1 : " - : il. . 1 : r 1 Onifie ScrflNn it Jf -V ft I fi 1 I 7s; m ufh fool Lfex, , ) I v (rtfe&) II I ":,Lx " l , J J r; ifi&ovotht, "S jxJ W$ 'WiwL 81 r r" S&4 c--M ' 1 . ; .. ' (APOLLO) " SI ' rl( ' ,j Crook '''V w on. of the. rip-ban. FHlrb.nU.0 j A ' QVJ - v picture. pontalnlns a .pontaneou. combua- 1 VAX' I "V" ; I tion of complication, wnersm uoua uki i w Bessie Shows Up as Expert Yegg Only to Be Brought to True Life Under Powtf of Love N' Resale RarrUrate'a rhirrl I' n i - ti iri 9ctj ed,M which will be shown; at I the dun theater, is an cIct tnent which carries striking interest It is the remark able training of "Peggy," which is portrayed by Miss Barris tale, raised fiom earliest childhood to the belief that it is rigfit and just to steal from the rich. In the years that follow, when "Peggy" becomes fa mous as he feminine crook, her con ' science is at rest despite her many crimes due to this fundamental train ing in ethics, conceived and developed from the warped viewpoint of her foster-father, "Patrick Muldoon," who is widely known' in the underworld as 'The Ear. ' ' "The Ear" Is blind, having lost his eyes in a premature explosion 01 m-tro-glycerine while- blowing a safe. Eacfi da he gives "Peggy" her les sons in the science which he regards as his art The safe is kept in "Mul doon's" living room and the combina tion is changed each day. It is "Peg gy's" daily duty to open the safe without an explosive in order to stim ulate her already keen sense ofhear ing. Besides this practical training, "Muldoon" supplies a daily code of ' moral for her to study which he in tends shall corrupt her viewpoint of life. Later in the story when1 "Peg gy" begins to see the light of honesty filtering into her soul through the darkness of ignorance and misunder standing due to her early education, Miss Barriscale displays some of the best acting of her career in the trans formation of character. "Pershintt's Crusaders," the first of ficial war film, will be presented by the committee on public information under the auspices of the United States government, at Jhe Brandeis theater for one week starring Monday afternoon, June 3, with daily matinees 1 thereafter. This is really a pictorial t history of America' part in the great war, living history, full of human in terest and patriotic thrills. It should , be seen by every American who has given his boy or bought a bond, and it skjould particnlarlx be seen by those who have not yet mastered the lesson of Americanism. Over here and over there "our boys" in khaki, are seen in training and in action. Canton ments spring into being as by magic, ' boys fresh from farm, desk and fac tory are hardened into fighting whirl winds, massive ships are launched, airplanes speed through the air. uni forms are turned out by the million, in tact all ot the activities of war creo aration . are spread before your eyes. - . In the last half of the him you are transported to France and see just what has been accomplished, since the Start and Stripes were carried over there, secretary of War Baker and General John J. Pershing are seen on their tours of inspection to the battle front and around the big bases at . y unknown ports. You can see for your self that your boys' are as hard as nailshappy, well-fed and well-clothed. Watch them on the march with springy steps and then you will know that they are ready for the bodies. You will enjoy every scene in this varied panorama of events and you will thrill with pride at every scene. ' Bills for Current Week On Th. Oldest Law" la th title ot th featur. t the Sun today and Monday. Th aiory detail, the- experience, of aa unso phisticated mountain firl who. under stran.e eiramstances, ia forced to come to th. etty and ther endeavor to eke out aa existence fee herself. Jun. Elvld.e is superb In th role of th mountain Ctrl, and popular John Bower, play, opposite her. Mr. and Mr. Sidney Drew will dellrnt ta another ot thetr r.w comedies and th latest Bun screen tele tram complete, th program. Starting Tue. dar for three daya Douglas Fairbanks is the featured player ia "American Ariatoe- arULLU L.a.anworth Today CESSIE BARRISCALE, . to "MADAME WHO S Monday .- f MARY WORE Y, in . VTl'Z BACHELOR'S CHILDREN" nna ' at thoa. rlD-Urig Falrbanka1 picture, pontalnlna- a .pontaneou. combua tlon of complication, wherein Dour doe. everything- from drlvlnf hydroplane, to bu.ttnt up .muggllna- plot, agaln.t the United State. On Friday and Saturday popular Ileeste Barrlarale will appear In her third Paralta play, "Bllndrolded." In which Mia. Barrlacal. play, the role of Peggy Muldoon, a flrl who wa trained from early childhood by her foster father. The ploture 1. ten.ejth .uapena. and Interest and con tain, ft atronir, unexpected climax. A BUlle Rhode, comedy and Bun .creen telegram are alio featured. Strand Dorothy Dalton and (!harle. Ray are to b. the featured .tar. at thi. popular playhouie for tha current week. Dorothy Dalton will b. hown in th. late.t Para mount production, "Flare Up Sal," today and until Tueaday, tn which .he haa a simi lar rol. to her well-remembered eharacterl tatlon In "Th. Flame of th. Yukon." Sh. I. a dance halt girt lit mushroom mining city In California In fh. day. of the mad gold ruth. A .Montgomery Flagg and a Luke comedy will also be shown, while th. ever-Interesting Strand-Path. New. will com plete th. bill. Starting Wednesday and con tlnulnr for the balanc. of th. week come. Charlee Ray In hi. late.t role In "Th. Family Bkeleton," which 1. th. humorou. account ot th. struggle of a young millionaire who believe, he ha. , Inherited an imaginary craving, and la cured through the lov. of a chorus girl and a trumped up kidnapping. Th. Hippodrome comedian "Toto," will also be presented in ft two-rl comedy and Htrand-Path. New. will also be In evi dence. t- . " Empress Charlie Chaplin I. coming to th. Empress theater for the first half of tha week In "His New Job." It I. a .nappy, lap-.tlck, convulsive catching humor that', contagious. Virginia Person, the beautiful William Fox (tar will also be on th. photo playprogram for th. first half of the week In "Th. Firebrand." Thl. play 1. a stirring drama ot conditions In war-torn and revo lutionary Russia. Mis. Pear.on give, a dra. matla portrayal of th. feeling, ot a princes, who, brother 1. killed tn battle because the traitors have given th. Midler, bullet, that do not fit their gum. A "Mutt and Jeff" cartoon by Bud Fisher, with a Path, weekly will complete the photoplay program tor th. first half. "With Neatness and Dis patch," a. Metro photoplay featuring Francl. X. Bushman and fleverly Bayna, will b. on th. program for the last half ot th. week. Muse A clever mixture of straight com edy and mock melodrama la Included In the latent Madn Kennedy production, 'The Danger (Jams. '1 Miss Kennedy' la delight' fully natural and the story fits her person ality. There isn't a dull moment In the en tire five reel.. Tom Moor. play, oppostta Ml. Kennedy. Wednesday only Jewel Car men will be shown in "Confession." It', her husband convicted of murder on cir cumstantial evidence, the attempt of hi. wife end her father to prove hla Innocence and the la.t minute rush for th. governor'. pardon is handled In such a manner that make. thl. a wonderfully convincing fea ture. Thursday and for the balance of th week Norma Talmadge will be the attrac tion In "De Lux Annie," from th. play of th. .am. nam. Dundee "Th. Warnor" with Maclst .tart. th. week at th Dundee, a play full of action. In which on.' hairbreadth escape follows another a. th. acrobatlo giant and hi. enemle. contend. In addition will be shown Path weekly. On Monday a double bill 1. shown, Oeorg. Beban In "Th. Golden Feather" being the leading feature and th closing number being the aerial ot "Th House ot Hate." . Hipp Karl Williams in "The Seal ot Si lence" will b. th. feature at th. Hipp to day and Monday. William, ha. b.en.glv.n th lead In a vivid drama with a strong lov story attached to tl and he doe. not full Justice to It. On Tuesday and Wednes day th Lee children will be shown In "American Bud.." Their rollicking antics will fill th. house with laughter. Clara Kimball Toung appear, for on day only. Thursday, In th. .creen version ot the f.mou. book, "Th. Easiest Way." Th. story of th. woman who took th. easy way of life It not th. most moral ha. been well told In pictures, resulting In a screen drama of atrength and purpose. 1 Ideal A double bill will be shown here today, Bert Ly tell -leading in "Empty Pocket." and CharlleXhaplln In "Th. Cur Th title. "Empty Pcketa," when applied to real life, as may well be Imagined, lead, to many tragic and humorou. dtuatlon. and th story of how these ar overcome or circumvented haa been well played by Ly tell. "Th Cur," with Charlie Chaplin need, no explanation; It 1. merely another ALII AM DRA 24th and , Park.r MARJORIE WILSON In ' "LAW OF THE GREAT NORTHWEST" Also Second Red Cross Driva Film MONDAY AND TUESDAY J. Warm Kerrlfaa ia "A Man'. Man" GRAND 16 tli and Binnay Today at 2, 3:30, 6:30, 8 and 9:30 MARGUERITE CLARKE in "SEVEN SWANS" Monday EARLE WILLIAMS to "THE LOVE DOCTOR" IDEAL 16th and Dorcas BERT LYTELL ia "EMPTY POCKETS" . , . AND CHARLIE CHAPLtN in THE CURE" FRIDAY BILLIE BURKE In "MYSTERIOUS MISS TERRY" Omaha t vi (MUSE) of Cuprite's way. of filling the audience full of laughter anil bringing It out In volley.. On Friday lllllle Burke come to the. Ideal In "Mysterious Miss Terry." Apollo Bessie Barriscale In "Madame Who" wilt be the feature In a pretty play with atouch of war splrltruniftng through Lth. plot. On Monday will be shown Harry Morey in a rouicKins; comeuy, ini nscu .lor'. Children." It ls a play with lots of action and humor. Another patriotic play Will be shown on Wedneeday, when-Wallace Rold i. .hown in "The Thing. W. Love." Hamilton George Beban In "Jules of the Strong Heart" la th headllner for Sunday In a .toryof th. Canadian northweat. The characterization of the French-Canadian Pioneering In the great wildernesses of the country has been most falthtully carried out by Beban and the play - ft filed with cctlon from start to finish. In addition to th. regular reel. 1. carried tha Path. News. Suburban Junej Carmen appear. Sunday In "The Brld of Fear." An Innocent girl flnda after th ceremony that ahe ha. mar ried a burglar, who soon goes to prison, where she is informed lator that he ha. died. Later ahe. marrlo. a second time only to have the crook again appear, con fronting she and hetT husband. In the fight which follow, .he kill. th. burglar, but 1. acquitted by the Jury. It 1. a strong drama and well played. On Monday and Tuesday come. "The Song of Songs with Elsie Fer- guaon. ' . Lflthrop-J. Warren Kerrigan, In "Th Tura of a Card,'' play, a story ot love, gambling and conflicting situations here Sunday and Monday. A western man, he In. a Long IslMld home and all ap purtenances tn the west Hardly settled In It, he awake, one day to find the daughter of the loser has appeared and he. Immedi ately' aver, that tn the place ot tha owner, he 1. th chauffeur. The many mlxup. that follow before th. girl 1. won bring, many a lagh. , Rohlff Harold Lockwood In on ot his comedy-dramaa, possibly the greatest one 'Broadway Bill," leads the bill for today. Full of action and humor the play hold, tha attention of the audience In Its serious part, and rock, the house with laughter with the wit arid comedy. On Monday la shown OIlv. Tell In "Her Sister," another good play and one In which the actress does full credit to the theme. Theda Bara, tn one ot her aucresse. of the season onMhe screen, "Rose of Blood," will be shown Tuesday and Wednesday. i Grand Marguerite Clarke, In "Seven Swans," will be the feature for Sunday. This comedy-drama ha. beei brought out to it. full bloom with Marguerite Clarke tn the leading role. On Monday will be shown Earle Williams In another drama of the lighter typ1, "Th VV9 -Doctor." Elsie Ferguson In th ."Rose of the world- la tn leading feature tn th Tuesday program, a play tn which the former .star of the stage .how. 10 good au vantage. ,: """" Alliambra Marjorl Wilson In "The Law ot the Great Northweat" will be the leader at this theater! today, j It 1. a drama of th. wilderness of northwest Canada, telling the .tory of how Justice U meteo; out there. In addition the regular fame new. win oe hown and a second Red Cross drive film, on. ot th. be.t of th patriotic film, ot th day. On Monday and come. J. Warren Kerrlsan In "A Man'. Man.'l The plot leads one from thl. country to a revolutionary South Amejrlcan republlo and many adventure, follow tho coming' of a foreigner Into one ot the., hotbeds of real trouble and Intrigue. SUBUnOAIl 24th and Antes Colfax 2841 'Today ! JUNE CARMEN 'THEltRIDE OF FEAR" LOTHROP:'tt? Sunday and Monday, J. WARREN KERRIGAN in THE TURN OF A CARD" Thursday and Friday . THEDA BARA "DU BARRY " HAMILT.ON-L TODAY GEORGE BEBAN "Jule of the Strongheart" MONDAY AND TUESDAY 'Tarzan of theApes" .-..- .. .. .... - ,x . , i r EXPOSURES By Kilowatt ODAY our desk is draped with crepe. "The Passing Show of 1918" carries with it our friend of embon ooint tendencies. As Irv ing Cobb would put it, no j longer will he "sway from his moor I ings" around these desks and lights. fAgain stealing, we are not here to bury this Caesar but to praise mm. In the vernacular, "Friend Harry, you've been a good old warhorse. Boss Dick mourns your loss, the ex change managers aver that they are now going to have the pleasure of selling you in place of signing for pace, while the theatrical merf wel come you as pleasant competition. Here's hoping it's all time and may the Strand be bigger and better be cause of Harry Watts.! Charles Ray has started work off a new starring vehicle at the Ince studios, which has the working title of "The Wise Guy." It is -a unique story and Charlie has a new charac terization, that of a youth who comes back to his home town after being a necktie clerk in a New York depart ment store, and proceeds to run his farther's business according to his own ideas. There are plenty of amusing situations as well as romantic points that Charley can be relied -upon to make the most of. It should, prove a highly entertaining feature and a sure Cure for thc "blues." Victor Schertz inger is directing and Chester Lyons is photographing it.. , Howard Hickman, husband and leading man for Bessie Barriscale, will direct the winning Bessie upon her return from New York, where she is visiting her sister, who is ill there. Hickman has studied the game so closely, and been in contact so much with the making of his wife's features that we should be able to sit right back, and look forward to some mighty fine plays with Mrs. Howard Hickman in the stellar role. Alfred Whitman has commenced work in a new Vitgraph production, "A Gentleman's Agreement," from the well known novel of that name by Wallace Irwin. Al has the title role in this production and is highly pleased over the story. David Smith, who directed Whitman, in "Baree, Son of Kazan," is handling the di recting end of the present feature. Al thinks that it is the best story that he has had so far at the Vitagraph plant, and is looking forward to its turning out to be an intensely inter esting photoplay. - Mary Pickford has commenced work in "Captain Kidd, Jr.," following her return from a successful third Liberty loan "tour, and William D. Taylor, who produced her last Art craft feature, "How Could You, Jean?" is directing Mary again. The little Artcraft star plans to take a long vacation and build herself a homein some mountain after making' two more features following "Cap tain "Kidd, Jr." and is getting up her plans for the place between scenes and after working" hours now. The works of Count Leo Tolstoi have attracted wide attention through out the world because of the condi tions that existed in Russia, but none have been more widely read than "The Resurrection," which not only exposed- the wanton cruelty and bru tality experienced by the Siberian prisoners, but made a terrific on slaught upon the double standard of morals. This book has been turned into pictures by Paramount with Pauline Frederick in the leading role of "Katusha." Now comes the ainouncement that Bill Hart is "threatened with matrimony. Bill refused to commit himself, but it is reported that the affair is rather serious. The young lady who hap captured the bad man of the screen is Miss Margaret Evans of Butte, Mont. Bill met her while on, his Liberty bond cam paign and it Is said that she is now in Los Angeles with her parents, and wedding bells may soon ring for the screen's greatest bad man. So far Bill has remained a bachelor and TODAY MONDAY TUESDAY vuivMiyi lUfflllLwW , WW America's Most Beautiful Playhouse I5&D0UGLAS' 7 '- Opens Thursday Eve., May 30 WITH Harry Silverman, Musical Director. Kenneth Wiednor, Organist Balcony, 10c; Lower Lpte Author Now Manager Watch Him Grow lives qaitely and peacefully with his sister, but you never can tell, as the picture folk say more mysterious things have happened. - Thomas H. ' Ince tendered, his newly-married star, Enid Bennett, a studio reception on her return from her honeymoon, spent with her hus band, Fred Niblo well known star of the speaking stage in Northern California. The feature of the re ception was a private showing of Miss Bennett's , latest picture, "The Greatest Show on , Earth." Miss Bennett is seen in the garb of an intrepidx animal trainer of a circus, and she proved her nerve wjien the picture was being made by entering a cage of lions at the winter quarters of the Al G. Barnes circus, near Los Angeles. The big, shaggy occupants of the cage blinked and wondered what the fuss was all about and why their vocational privacy had been in vaded and they had to work. Outside the cage four cameras clicked off foot after foot of celluloid proof' of the Bennett daring, while Thomas H. Ince and half a dozen men stood by, armed with rifles that were pretty certain to be discharged at the first sign of danger to the Ince luminary. When t)ie scene had been photo graphed Miss Bennett proved her absolute femininity by fainting the moment she stepped out of the animal cage. . ROHLFF Leavenworth Today . Harold Lockwood in 'BROADWAY BILL' Tuesday and Wednesday THEDA BARA "ROSEOF BLOOD" nilMnC C52d and Underwood TODAY MACISTE In "THE WARRIOR'' Monday George Beban, in "The Golden Feather" Miles M inter, ' in "Beauty and Rouge" WEDNESDAY TO SATURDAY fi 1 Kfescms Charles If mm 99 Floor, 20c; Loges, 30c L Lev w "Raffles" to Open Beautiful New OHN BARRYMORE in a screen visualization of E. W. Hornung's famous stories and staee olav. "Raffles, the Ama- Sr teur Cracksman." lias been selected as the opening photoplay at traction by President Blank of Oma ha's newest and most beautiful the ater, the Rialto. This film play was selected after considerable delibera tion as being an attraction far above the ordinary: Many people have read the "Rafljes" stories and seen the play made from them, but the screen adap tation, is, said to be 'even more ab sorbing on account of numerous inci dents which were impossible for stage production. John Barrymore, -in the character of Raffles, the gentleman burglar, has a role that permits of some of his best work on stage or screen. He is a member of the well known Barry more family of actors and . is very pojHilar. Raffles, the amateur cracksman, be gins his career of stealing by; secur ing the valuable rose pearl while on shipboard. Here he meets Mrs. Vidal, who falls violently in love with him. Later Raffles is the center of an ad miring group a the club, and he is induced to join, the cricket club, enabling them to win an important match. Much- talk of the "Amateur Cracksman" is goinfg about and when a number of people are invited to a (Admission 10 cents.) TODAY and MONDAY Earle Williams in "THE SEAL OF SILENCE" Tuesday and Wednesday Lee Children in "AMERICAN BUDS" Thursday Only Clara Kimball Young "THE EASIEST WAY" ' Friday and Saturday Zeena Keefe in "iHAME" iffy Today Uj k'1J1 Today. and jjff'' - .gr tjj anrj Monday jwhi pm ftjj Monday ilk wmml "the An Unusual Picture Depicting the First, Law of Nature, -"A Woman's Struggle (or Self-Preservation." Sidney Drew Comedy News Weekly TUESDAY - DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS sWAsWMitfiiiMM jy " "A 4 VAUDEVILLE SHOWS Daily 2:15, 3:30, 7;45 and 9:15 Pictures shown at 11, 12:30, 4:15. r and 10 P. M. ' ' Los Espanozos NOVELTY DANCERS ON THE ATLANTIC SPECTACULAR MUSICAL MELANGE With Don Alberts and His . Famous Band. Roach 'McCurdy A TOUCH OE NATURE" Comedy Rube Number. Dorothy Dale CHARACTER . COMEDIENNE BUD FISHER'S Latest- MUTT AND Cartoon. PATHE WEEKLY Special Attraction Decoration Day "WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH Features Francis X. Bushman and Beverly Bayne. ' N ' . - "v ' ' .--. i. S I - - . Rialto Theater; Home of Movies house party a valuable necklace ii shown. During the night a burglar at tempts to steal this, but Raffles stopi him and gets the jewels. The Scot land Yard detective is set on the trail of the amateur cracksman. He sus pects Raffles and Raffles knows it The production is magnificentlj staged. One of the most notabl casts which has been seen on th screen of late is composed of Fred erick Perry in the role of the Scotland Yard detective, H. Cooper Cliffe, Frank Morgan, Christine Mayo, Kath dyn Adams, Mike Donlon and manj others. Omaha Real Estate is the best in vestment you could make. ReadVThe "Bee's real estate columns. The World's Most Beautiful Burglar The Star Who Cap-N hired the Nation A Story of Melodra matic Daring mum in The Danger Game MUSE Today - Mon. - Tues. OLDEST IfltT CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE From Eleven to Eleven 11 9 . I . I of 5 nr 1 CHARLIE CHAPLIN In "HIS NEW JOB" Maehine-Gun Attlon, Bomba of Funny . Stuff and Roar ing Laughter JEFF VIRGINIA PEARSON j In i "THE FIREBRAND" A Tale of the Russian Revolution a Love 1 That Survived the Fires of Hate f.-MiaisssaI M