Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1918, SOCIETY SECTION, Image 21

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    .THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 26, 1918.
9 B
Western Trappers
Build Up Industry
As Fur Prices Soar
Animals Shipped to Omaha Make This City One of Na-
tion's Greatest Skin-Producing Centers, Ranking With
Chicago, St. Louis and Minneapolis, Bringing In
creased Wealth to Trappers Throughout West.
Did you know Omaha is one of the nation's greatest primary raw fur
markets? If not, you're a stranger in your own country. Nebraska pro
duces annually more than $2,000,000 worth of furs, and Omaha is a ship
ping center for all the west One Omaha concern markets the furs of
wild animals shipped here by 50,000 trappers. Listen Nebraska today is
a more important fur-producing region than it was in the days of Lewis
"and Clark, John C. Fremont and John Jacob Astor. Nebraska trappers
last year shipped to Omaha more than 1,OOO,OQ0 muskrat skins alone. John
H. Kearnes, a member of The Bee family, after careful research, has pre
pared the interesting special article below:
1 Many well informed Omahans are of the opinion that the
prestige of this section, as a fur market, faded with the pass
ing of the French courier du bois, the frontier trapper of the
Lewis and Clark period, and the romantic race of traders of
which Manuel Lisa, founder of Bellevue, and Peter Sarpy" were
splendid types.
Yet Omaha today stands in the same relation as a fur mar
ket as it does as a live stock and grain market, sharing with St.
Louis, Chicago, Minneapolis and Kansas City the distinction of
being one of the great primary raw fur markets of the United
It is not a matter of common knowledge that the little wild
folk of fur and claws are an important asset in Nebraska's
wealth production, but the fact is that this state produces more
than $2,000,000 worth of furs annually, and is today a much
more important fur-producing region than it was at the time of
Lewis and Clark, John C. Fremont and John Jacob Astor.
Animal Population Growing. Othe remaining beaver colonies of the
' .A surprising feature is that the ani
mals that bear the valuable furs of
commerce are increasing in number
in this state as civilization grows and
density pf population increases.
There is one firm in Omaha, that of
Lotz liros., which receives ship
ments of furs from more than 50,000
rappers! scattered over every state
in the union, Canada and Alaska.
During the season this concern sends
out more than 1,500,000 circulars and
market reports to trappersmany of
-them located in isolated wilds in re
mote Canada, Alaska and in the lone
ly valleys of the Rocky mountain re
gion. Nebraska looms large as a fur-pro-'ducing
state. Trappers within its
boundaries last year marketed more
tha 1,000,000 muskrat skins. The
price of the raw fur of these animals
advanced during the current jear 300
er cent, and choice skins sold at
1 apiece. The best muskrat skins in
he world come from the sand hill
country around Valentine. In that
section,, too, and in the vicinity of
Hyannis are located the largest of
Then and Now
- Editors Note The following observation
of Canadian conditions, by Tom Botterill,
Hudson distributor at Denver, Colorado, will
id us to avoid hysteria and self-pity. If the
war last for any length of time conditions
of this sort will conifront ns here. We mntt
recognize the fact that we are at war. Be
kind and sympathetic, but war is war and
we mutt carry one thought above aU others
-thst we mast adjust ourselves to the new
conditions and fight doubly hard. We must
throw aside our personal ambitious and pri
vate sorrows and keep op an everlasting
fight in spite of them.
"In May, 1915, I found the city of
Toronto depressed and pessimistic.
The people wee saddened and con
fused; business was bewildered and
A few weeks ago I visited Toronto
"On the trin- going over from Buf
falo, I counted in a single dining car,
at one time, eighteen men with legs
shot off; some with one, some with
both. .
"The sight struck me dumb. Noth
ing I ever had seen had so affected
me. The horror of war came close;
its cruelty became vivid.
"I was almost afraid to go on to
Toronto. "If the city was so de
pressed in 1915, what must it be
now?" I kept asking myself.
"When the train reached the To
ronto station, those eighteen war crip
ples hobbled through its gates al
most unnoticed. No one there
seemed depressed at seeing them.
"And then I began to notice some
thing else. I noticed that the men
themselves were not depressed. They
stumped along as cheerily as though
nothing ever had happened to them.
Not a gloomy face among them; not
one made piteous by fear of the fu
ture, j
"Within an hour 1 knew that I was
in a changed Tvoronto. There was no
depression. There was no pessimism.
Confusion, bewilderment and demor
alization had vanished.
"The stores were busy. The thea
ters were packed. A cousin in the
silverware business told me his
factory never had had so great a de
mand, nor at suchprices. The far
ther I searched the less I found of
the old stagnation, the more of ac
tivity and high hope.
"I stayed some days and I came
away with a new comprehension of
the effect of this war.
-"The people of Toronto are not
less tender-hearted than they were
in 1915; not less appreciative of the
sacrifices men are making; not less
anxious for peace or less prayerful
that war may ever come again.
."But they have quit all idle dream
ing. Shaken off all lethargy faced the
situation squarely and settled to
work to "see it through."
'Thv art fiaat jiierticcinar itm fart
th't it is "a bad situation" and are
middle west,
The eastern part of Nebraska and
western Iowa produce the finest of
skunk, civet cat and opossum skins.
Fifteen years ago there were very
few opossums in this state, but
now they are very numerous in the
counties of Otoe, Nemaha, Johnson
and Richardson.
Hundreds of the finest skins are
being shipped to this market an
nually by Falls City trappers.. In the
same section red foxes and raccoons,
which were not indigenous to the
country two decades ago, are multi
plying rapidly. Southwestern Iowa
is already supplying large numbers of
There are plenty of coyotes in the
eastern part of the state, but their
skins are not valuable, being used
only for the cheapest robes and
coats, but the coyote skins sent in
from the region north of Chadron,
when tanned, dyed and worked up,
sell as fox skins.
Trapping by School Boys.
Among the fur-bearing animals re
ceived at Omaha from shippers in
this state are white weasel, badger,
wild cat. lynx cat and lynx. These,
of course, are rare, as are the otter.
Mink, which produce very valuable
Creighton College Fraternity Furnishes
Thirteen More Men to Help Fight Huns
D. M. Nigro.
' ' ' '
E. T. Uangner.
F. P. Cogley.
S. Parker.
COLLEGE fraternities, as well as"
business houses and industrial
plants, have given more than
their share of members for service in
the army and navy. An instance of
unrivaled royalty . to the colors is
shown by the fact that, every one of
, & ; , o
now concerned only with "making
the best of it."
- "They give and give and give, and
they work and work and work. But
they do not moan. Time is too vil
uable for that. Cheerfulness is so
much more helpful.
"They have decided it will be a
long war. So they "have arranged
matters on that basis. They are
pushing business not to enrich them
selves, but to keep themselves oc
cupied and keep their armies financed.
They know that idleness and inac
tivity beget fear, and that stagnant
commerce can pay but a feeble tax.
"The fighting man has found his
work and is doing it The business
man has found his work and is doing
"But having found their work, they
make no burden of it. Smiles and
laughter are everywhere; stout pluck
and a fixed determination written on
every face. It is the greatest spirit
the finest spirit I eyer have been.
"I thought you might like to know
of it. For surely that is the spirit
we must have here, a our boys get
farther in and the calls upon our
courage multiply." '
Wild Animals
Important Facts That
Relate to Fur Industry
Pelts o.' muskrat, mink, raccoon
and opossum are at their very
best from February 1 to May 1.
Nebraska laws permit the trap
ping of these animals from Novem
er 1 to February 15, only.
Hundreds of thousands of dol
lars would be added to the wealth
of the state each year if the
trapping season were extended to
April 1, and there would be no
detrimental effect on the future
supply of animals.
An attempt to amend the laws
of the state to permit trapping to
extend to April 1, was killed by
the ridicule of one member of the
legislature who was ignorant of the.
great value of the industry to the
state as a source of wealth
Skunks should be protected after
February 1 to November 1. Be
sides being fur producers, they
have an economic value to farmers
as destroyers of rats, mice, gophers
and field squirrels, destructive ver
min ihat cause great farm losses
every year.
fur's, are numerous and on the in
crease in this state.
Most of the trapping is done by
boys who work at it at odd times
before and after school and on holi
days and who average about $100
per season for their catch.
In the western part of the state,
however, there are trappers who
make from $1,000 to. $2,000 net in a
season! In the lake regions of the
sandhills are bodies of 'watef which
are populous with muskrats. The
farmers who own lakes lease the
trapping rights to hunters for com1
fortab'e sums each season.
The idea that the best furs come
n.. A. McCabe.
A. J.
E. Reichstadt.
J. Ebert.
V ; U r if4
.til' '
3 Jtf S-l
o, v
P. J. McCrann.
the 75 active members of Alpha chap
ter of the Phi Beta Pi medical fra
ternity of Creighton college have en
listed for military service.
The graduation of seven seniors of
the Creighton Medical college, who
are members of the Alpha Aloha chap
ter,, adds that many more to the list
of enlisted medical reserve men. Six
other local members of the fraternal
chapter J. E. Mannion. S. Parker, E.
T. Gangner, E. A. McCabe, J. P. Cog
ley and J. Ebert are enrolled in the
medical reserve corps, but by special
permit of the War department will
finish their schooling.
The seven who will enter the mili
tary service of the United States im
mediately after finishing school in
clude D. M. Nigro and R. F. Mullin,
police surgeons; P. J. McCrann. G. R.
Reith, A. J. Callaghan, R. L. Traynor
and Emil Reichstadt.
' The naval reserve corps will claim
of Nebraska Supply Fur
of Nation With Choicest Pelts
Wtttk IIWA F
from Alaska and northern Canada is
erroneous, for Missouri produces the
best coon and opossum, Nebraska the
finest skunk, mink, civet cat and
muskrat skins, while the region
around Sheridan, VVyo., is noted for
the "silver" beaver, one of the best
fur-bearing animals in existence.
There also is a local market for
skins of house cats, two grades being
quoted, black and angora.
Buyers come to Omaha from all
the large manufacturing centers of the
United States for their raw material.
For their inspection during the sea
son as many as 100,000 muskrat skins.
50,000 opossum and 25,000 skunk
skins are shown at one time.
Where Omaha Leads.
While St. Louis is popularly known
as the largest raw fur market in the
world, Omaha is far ahead of that
city as a manufacturing center for
furs. In fact, Omaha is one of: the
principal centers of the United States
for the production of fur goods, and
the half dozen ot more furriers here
turn out over $500,000 manufactured
product every year.
Twenty years ago the output of this
city in fur goods did not exceed $5,000
annually. Now single garments are
made which sell at retail here for
from $600 to $1,000 apiece, these gar
ments being made of sealskin or mole
skin. Garments of this character, made
in Omaha, and shipped to New York
for retail trade, have been known to
have been sold to Omaha persons for
$200 and $500 more than the asking
price here.
Before Germany entered into its
campaign of military conquest of the
world, it had a monopoly on the pro
duction of tanned and treated furs,
especially of the cheaper kinds. Leip
sic was the great center of produc
tion, and that city shipped its product
R. Reith.
R. L. Traynor.
R. F. Mullin.
five members of the Alpha Alpha
chapter of Phi Beta Pi medical frater
nity on June 15, when they will leave
for an American port for special
naval training. G. R. Reith and R.
L. Traynor will enter the medical
corps of the army on that date.
Several of the embryo officers of
the medical branch have had military
training at their respective alma ma
ters, and they look forward to their
military careers. A recent call by the
War department, ordering an in
creased number of physicians in the
medical branches pf the army and
navy has given the newly enlisted
medical students high hopes of cross
ing the Atlantic within a short time.
D. M. Nigro, R. F. Mullin, P. J. Mc
Crann, A. J. Callaghan and Emil
Reichstadt will see service on war
ships. They are ordered to repo. t to
thejr respective enlistment headqi 'r
ters on June 15, two weeks following
final examination.
J. Mannion.
to manufacturers and furriers the
world over.
The prestige 6f the city as a pro
ducing center was maintained by the
system of farming out the work of
converting furs into manufacturers'
material to families skilled in the hand
treatment required. This labor was
cheap and conditions were such that
no other country could compete wi
the Teuton fur specialists.
Now Germany is eliminated and
American manufacturers have devised
machines and erected modern
factories where furs are shaped up
for furriers' use under ideal condi
tions, by well-paid labor at prices
that would compete with Germany.
G. E. Slnikert, who has been in the
fur manufacturing business in Oma
ha for 33 years, and who was a
large importer of German furs in
peace times, on Wednesday of the
past week, sold to a lady who was
having a fur scarf made over 24 Si
berian squirrel tails, the last items
of German importation he had left of
a heavy stock he had on hand, and
which was purchased before the
Fur Demand Growing.
The demand for furs is greater now
than it has ever been in the world's
history and the prices commanded by
choice skins, in the raw and manu
factured stage, are sometimes fabulous.
In the quartermaster's depot, in this
city, are 5,000 buffalo skin coats,
which had been purchased in the early
days for the protection of soldiers
stationed in the lonely frontier posts
to prevent the uprising of hostile In
dians. These coats, sold on the mar
ket would bring large sums. Uncle
Sam, however,' is keeping theni year
after year, and it may be that in
generous moment he may send them
to France to protect men holding the
western line against the Huns when
the severe winter weather sets in.
Why Men Have Boils
On Their . Necks
In an article on boils and carbun
cles, the Journal of the American
Medical Association says the greatest
preventive is scrupulous cleanliness,
especially of those parts of the body
that are most liable to infection;1 for
every boil is an infection,
The reason that men so often have
boils and carbuncles on the back of
the neck or in the hair of the lower
part of the back of the head is that
they neglect having their hair cut and
shampooed. And the irritation of the
edge of a collar, especially if this be
not absolutely clean, furnishes a
means of entrance, to the staphylo
cocci that cause the pustules. Scratch
ing with dirty nails makes matters
A crop of boils arises from 'infec
tion transmitted from some focus of
infection in the nose, nasal sinuses,
tonsils, teeth and gums.
Carbuncles are multiple boils with
several openings. They are very dan
gerous, because likely to infect the
blood and also the deeper parts of the
body, such as the bones.
A history of repeated boils and car
buncles indicates a focus somewhere,
and this must be sought out and erad
icated. As for treatment, the surrounding
skin must be kept carefully clean with,
a mild antiseptic wash. At the begin
ning the boil can often 'be aborted by
opening it with a toothpick dipped in
pure carbolic acid. When it has
opened a wet alkaline poultice is ap
plied until the swelling has gone
down. No squeezing is allowed.
One-third of a yeast cake dissolved in
a glass of water twice a day is recom
mended as internal treatment. Vac
cines sometimes work wonders;
sometimes they fail.
Many Women Volunteers
Serving in German Army
Amsterdam, May 23. More than
30,000 women volunteers are now en
gaged in work directly connected with
the German army in the field, accord
ing to an official telegram.
Swimming Speed of Fish.
The speed at which fish can swim Is sum
marized by the Sclentlflo Amerlcsn from
recent studies as follows:
"A B'lKlan authority O. Denll, while
studying flshways, concluded that salmon
could swim at a speed of 3.15 meters a sec
ond for at least 14 meters. A Canadian,
O. P. Napier, from investigations In the
Frazer river, expressed the opinion that the
limiting velocity of a steady stream up
which a socknyi salmon 'could swim a very
short dlstnnce was between sis and seven
miles an hour. Finally, M. von Bayer of
the United Htatea Bureau of Fisheries de
clared that the velocity of the current In
ttshways should not exceed 10 feet a sec
ond. These various figures, arrived at In
dependently, are substantially )n agreement..
From his own studies on flsherways In
Mansachusetts, Emerson Btrlngham found
that a common species of alewlfe could
swim for at least a few feet through water
flowing about 10 feet a aecond, about the
limit for flshways."
Faculty Member Sherwood School of Music.
Studio, 613 McCagua Bldf. Fhon Doug. 4S04.
Safe, Sound
6 Investments
FIKST Mortgage Real Estate
Bonds issued against clear-titled,
improved city real estate of known
value, and on which the bond issue
amounts to only about 50 of the
real value of the property, form the
safest, soundest class pf investment
Such bonds are not listed on exchanges.
They pever fluctuate in value. They are
unaffected by panics and depressions. They
are worth exactly the same amount on date
of maturity as on date of purchase. They
can easily be converted into cash.
The properties securing the bonds we offer
comprise modern office buildings, hotels or
apartment houses in desirable locations in
thriving Middle West cities. Appraisal,
title and absence of liens on the property
have all been carefully investigated. The
mortgage has been drawn, executed and
recorded. You are relieved of all the details
you would have to attend to if making a di-
rect first mortgage investment yourselfl
And you can buy these bonds in any de
nomination from $50 to $1000, to mature in
two to ten years. The 6 interest return
is made semi-annually.
Our interesting booklet, "How to Choose a
Safe Investment," is free for the asking.
Call, phone or write for it.
Bankers Realty Investment Co.
Mrs. I,. L. writes "1 am Informed thai
I have kidney trouble and that It Is fast
approaching a serious stage. What would
you prescribe?
Answer- If your symptoms ar the usual
ones, such as puffs under the eyes, swell
ing ankles; scant, copious or foul-amalllng
urine, accompanied by headaches, pains, do
prosslon, fever, chills, etc., I would advise
the Immediate use of balmwort tablets, a
very fine remedy for such difficulties, sold
In sealed tubes with full directions for self
admlnlstratlon. . a
"Madam" writes: I have rbeumatlo pains
nearly all thj time, but they are mostly
aggravated when I take cold. What may
I do? Mi joints seem to swell and my
muscles are sore."
Answer: Tou will find greatest relief and
permanent benefit from the following mix
ture: 2 drams of Iodide of potassium, 4
drams sodium salicylate, l oz. wine of col
chlcum, 1 os. comp. essence cardlol, 1 os.
comp, fluid balmwort and 6 oss. of syrup
sarsaparllla comp. Mix and take a teaspoon
ful at meal time and again before going to
bed. It has benefited most chronic suf
ferers. Pimples writes: "Please tell me what to
take to get rid of pimples, bolls and bad
blood. I know I need a constipation rem
edy." Answer: It Is probably neglect of con
stipation that has made your blood bad.
Begin a thorough treatment of three-grain
sulpherb tablets (not sulphur tablots). Con
tinue for several months.
K. A. asks: "My hair la too oily and
my scalp Itches with dandruff, and of late
It Is combing out too much. What Is a'
good treatment?"
Answer: obtain plain yellow mlnyol from
your druggist In -oz. Jars and apply as
per directions. This cleans, purifies, cools
1 I
Made lo order ai
The questions answered below are gee)
oral In.charaotar.yths symptoms or disease) v
are given and the anawsrs will apply M
any case of similar nature.
Those, wishing further adylos, free, maj
address Dr. Lewis Baker, 'Collage Bldg,
College-Elwood streets, Dayton, Ohio, a a- .
closing self-sddressed stamped envelops fnl
reply, Full name and address must be
slven, but only Initials or fictitious names
will bs used In my answers. The prescrlp- i
tlons can ba filled at any wall-atookad drug
store. Any druggist can order of .whole-saler.
and Invigorates ths hair and scalp, thus -stopping
ths death of the hair, Dandruff
and itching are at ones relieved. Men aal
women all over the country now use It
Bertla L. asks: "What remedy can yosj
ruenmmend to reduce about thirty pounds?" -
Answer: I rely on flvelgrala arboloM
tablets as being ths ,most effective an4
convenient treatment to reduce abnormal . .
fat. druggists supply this in sealed tubes
with complete directions. After the first
few days a pound a day la not too much
reduction. -. ? " . . '
a - '
Henry F. writes: "Perhaps you can prs'
scribe for me, as I sm at a loss to under. .
slund my condition. For the past year havs)
suffered extreme nervousness, trembling
and extremities are cold Havs poor apps-
tlte, am weak, listless and no ambition ta)
work or seek recreation. Am tired all' ths
time and In no sense ths strong, capable
man I was a few years ago."
Answer:. A powerful rejuvenating nerve)
medicine should revive the dormant slug,
glsh condition and put new ambition an4
energy Into your blood and nervea. Obtain
three-grain oadomene tablets in : sealed
tubes, take as per directions. j
NOTE: For many years Dr. Baker hss '
been giving free advlos and prescriptions ,
to millions of people through ths press
columns, and doubtless has belpsd In re
lieving Illness and distress mors than any.
single Individual In the world's history.
Thousands have written him expressions of -gratitude
and confidence similar to ths r
following: '. v
Dr. Lewis Baker, Dear Sir: I happened
a few days ago to read Ths Pittsburgh, '
Leader and there I notloed your column
of questions and answers. I also notloed
that you advised those that are suffering
from constipation to use Sulpherb tablets,
and havs tried. To my amaxement it has
mads a new man out of me. I bars been
suffering from constipation for ths last I '
years and havs tried various remedies with
out avail. I am so grateful to you that t
don't know how to thank you for It Would '
be very glad to recommend It to anybody.
Very truly yours,
.821 Welser St
4 Pittsburgh, Fa, '