The Omaha Bee DAILY (MORNING) - EVENING - SUNDAY FOUNDED Bt tDWABP BQSEWATEB . . VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOB "TBI BIB PPBUSHINq COMPANY. PBOPBIITOB, Entered et Omaha postotflca as sscond-clan matter. ." TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION Br Camsr. bt auu. Daily without Buaoas ,. lg tiog Baa ClwaiaUoo PapartntaM. MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS m also nHnad. REMITTANCE Kmlt W draft, tip tw or port- onUt. 0l I " Omfia jd 4jurm aahaaia. not -CWU4. OFFICES . , CORRESPONDENCE 4dtn- ooeummltatloes MlaUaf to " Onub Bm. BdttorUl Papartawot APRIL CIRCULATION. Daily 57,265 Sunday 57,777 i it at to sDsonti and w - WlUltma. CWaalaOso ' Subearibers laavM city bould have Tha B mallsd to these. Addraae bangee' ftM M raqutatad. fHE BEE'S SERVICE FLAG p m . : Still that new city hill broom if not sweeping ts fast as most people expected. To be perfectly fair, the oversubscription of one quota ought to be credited on the next allot ment , - : . ; , V In the Hun calendar shelling a soldier's burial ground is a companion sport to bombing base hospitals. J , . - Oversubscription for the Red Cross is the answer 4o the Hun's murderous attack on base hospitals. I All - signs indicate that things are about to pop again on the western front. Keep close to your newspaper. Lifting, the enlistment limit offers a fine chance tox a lot of fellows who are a long way from the dead line. , ' ' White House wool is selling well in Ne braska, but the home-grown variety will go farthest at the mills. , ' THE ANGELU8 FOR AMERICANS. Only a dullard can look at Jean Francois Mil let's painting, 'The Angelus," and fail to be im pressed by its message. In it the peasants are shown as stopping for a moment in their toil, to stand uncovered and bowed in veneration if not in actual prayer, as the chapel bell's note re minds ihem of the hour. Their faith, "as" much a part of their life as their breath, is lifted up for the moment, and thus they are kept constantly reminded of the obligations of man to his, Maker. So, too, the muezzin calls the faithful Mussul man to prayer. "Allah il Allah 1" brings the true believer into contact with his God, and morning, noon and night he makes obeisance and returns his thanks for mercies shown. It is now pro posed by the Presbyterian authorities that a similar custom be adopted in America, and that daily at a stated hour the church bells ring, while all shall for a moment cease their work and send up a short prayer to' Heaven. Such action may be scoffed at by the materialistic, but Ameuy is a nation of believers still. "In God we trust" is not an idle inscription, and. though we hive in our circles every creed and every sect, their prayers all go the same way. And just as faith is effective only when supported by acts, so our trust in God will be strengthened y daily, ac knowledging it. Efficient School Organization. An interesting development in the manage ment of school affairs is taking place in New York City, where the school board has just voted to employ an executive manager at a sal ary of $8,000 a year to look after and be respon sible for the business details of the schools. This is precisely along the line of what The Bee has been advocating for Omaha and which, we believe, points to the most desirable system of school organization. It is an approximation to the general manager system for city govern ment, though with a dual division between the business side of the schools and their educa tional direction. , The function of a school board should be ad visory rather than administrative. It should look after the broad questions of policy rather than the distribution of petty spoils and patronage. Its i membership should command the com munity's best business talent and its recognized leaders in the learned professions. . The boafd should hire a competent expert educator to con trol and supervise the work of the teaching staff and another competent expert manager to have charge of the business affairs. It should then itself keep out of the work delegated to these two experts. Our present school organization is cumber some, wasteful and costly to all concerned. It is retained only because it is a relic handed down to us which we must reconstruct eventually, and so why not now? Views, Reviews and Interviews Size-Up of Militarism in Germany Made Over Twenty-five Years Ago Proves Peculiarly 1 rue Splendid discipline, cool courage and the American spirit robbed the U-boat of iti prey when the Moldavia went down. Chairman Compton finally listened to the "cranks and interested persons" on the road .matter, and he will perhaps hear from the voters later. ,- - : , Credit Uncle Sam's navy just the same for havinar convoyed 500.000 American troops across the broad Atlantic without a' single serious mis hap to date. ' . . ., , . A - The question alsd propounds itself whether Mayor Smith's promise to make Omaha a strike less city will in fact repress or stimulate indus trial disputes by demands made for the express purpose of reselling a compromise. Governor Neville is still trying to defend those shady potash Ijand leases corralled by democratic state house politicians seeking to profiteer off of the state school fund. The governor would make a bigger hit by announcing that he would not stand for leasing an acre of school land to any one on the state pay roll. - Better Distribution of Labor., One of the earlier results of the order to work or fight ought to be better distribution of labor. Investigations have fairly well established that sufficient of man-power exists for even the ex traordinary requirements, but it is not so ar ranged as to be immediately available for best ' uses. The manless job and the jobless man are widely ; scattered. Co-operation between the War department and the labor authorities ougt to remedy this,' and to bring about a systematic distribution of unemployed men, or men taken from non-essential jobs, to the end (hat the real work of war needs will be supplied with available man-power. Whether the movement be looked upon as a conscription of labor, or whether it be accepted for what it really is, a proper attempt ' to put the men of the United States into places where they will be of greatest service is not so important as the fact that ft has been undertaken, and in'a spirit that indicates it will be thoroughly carried out. N Memorial Day's Double Meaning. Memorial sermons today will have a deeper meaning, for they will include soldiers newly dead in battle for the right. In America and in France today Americans are pronouncing eulogies and giving praise to the men who have made the last sacrifice for freedom and liberty, not for them selves alone, but for all mankind,. It is historic that Americans have never engaged in war for conquest, but have fought only for the rights of man, to liberate the oppressed and to establish justice in the world. So today the nation is in arms again, with all its strength aroused to de fend those things it holds dear. Its people will enter the sanctuaries today not only to return thanks for the courage and steadfastness- of those who won and preserved our freedom, but to in voke blessings on those. who are standing against the terrible forces of wrong and injustice, and who are laying down their lives that liberty's light may not go out in the world. And next Thursday, more than half the world around, flowera will deck the graves' of the dead, while the living renew their pledge, and the world will be made safe because these men who have died did not die , in vain. Mounting Prices Still the Rule. Following a law thatis good in the economic as well as the physical realm, prices all around the world have gone up, and are going higher. By way of the United States customs house ac curate figures may be obtained, since under the law the invoice price for importation must be the selling price in the country of origin. This gives an accurate basis for computation, and it es tablishes the fact that Egypt, India, China, Aus tralia, the fatthest corner of the world that pro ducesstuffs for us to consume, have felt the im pulse and acted accordingly. Whether it be olive oil fr5m Spain, cotton from Egypt, or "pig's bristles from China, the same story is told. .We now pay from three to four times as much for all these things as we did in 1914. Beans and bananas have joined the parade, and profiteers abroad are quite as complacent as those right here, and a little harder to get at. You can buy1 crude rubber and coffee a little cheaper now than you could a year ago, but that is about all. Deal ers do not understand why these staples should have reversed their motion but they did, and therefore are noteworthy among the schedule of articles we continue to purchase abroad. The new home rule charter convention, let it be noted, has gone back to our first home rule charter convention, over which I presided, for its plan of organization and methods of procedure. The present body of charter members are setting for themselves an entirely different task, being pledged to submit the present charter practically un changed, while we in our convention under took to reconstruct and improve the existing charter as far as conditions would permit. To do this work we asked for suggestions from the public and especially from the im provement clubs, the Economic league nd other civic bodies, and devoted a large .part of our time to public hearings which will be unnecessary now if no innovations are to be entertained. vEither way, however, there is no alternative method of doing the business of drafting the charter, if the drafting is to be done intelligently and the results properly- correlated, conflicts avoided and dupli cations eliminated, to the method pursued by us originally. While the different sub jects or municipal departments can and should be assigned to separate sub-committees, there must be one general committee in a paramount position to sift and fit togeth er the work of these committees and to Joojc after those sections of the charter which relate to no department or -which relate to more than one department or to all of them. That is the plan we adopted, which, it will be remembered, evoked severest criticism, and yet it is the same plan with slight modifica tions that the present charter convention is following. There are also members of the present convention that asked us to incor porate various pet hobbies in our charter, and when we did not were more or less of fended. I wonder if they will now be as in sistent when they themselves are doing the charter making. We must never forget that but for the mothers of Omaha,, and out for the self sacrifice and patient submission to privation of our noble pioneer women, this great and growing and prosperous city would not be what it is today. By the death of Mrs. Sabina Wakeley, the widow of Judge Eleazer Wakeley, the small circle of surviving moth ers of Omaha is again narrowed. For years the Wakeley home was one of the bright centers of social life in early Omaha and its attractiveness and popularity was due as much to Mrs. Wakeley as to the younger members of the household. In addition to her motherly virtues and fine devotion to her family, Mrs. Wakeley was keenly alert to everything that was going on in the outside world, constantly posted on events of the day and with opinions of her own and ability to maintain them. She was a builder of Omaha in her modest and humble way as much as as the most pretentious or the great est captains of industry. Though I never suspected myself of being endowed with any prophetic genius. I must say I experienced quite a surprise and al most a shock, delving through some old pa pers the other day, to find that I had written and published this epitome of militarism, in Germany after my first and only visit to that country, 20 odd years before the awful war demon broke loose: "Wherever I have been in Germany I , have found that the people generally an ticipate a war in the near tuture. Ihey are not anxious for war; they dread it, yet dread it with a spirit of defiance. They prefer td have war postponed from year to year as long as possible, but are deter mined to be prepared in case it comes. The personal opinion of the emperor is not definitely known. His individual ef forts will have much to do one way or the other with prolonging the present state of peace, but it is evident that he joins with his people in approving the time-worn saying: 'In time of peace prepare for. war.'" This was printed as the concluding para graph of a letter dated September, 1891, which I wrote to The Bee. I was giving my observations and experiences in Germany that culminated with witnessing a review by the emperor of an army corps, out for the customary autumn maneuver. Reading it over attain, it seems to have proved to be remarkably true to later developments. But if this ominous situation was so easily visible to a novice and utter stranger to it, surely the advent of the war should not have been unexpected to those on the inside supposed to be watching every change and shift. "It is a very interesting and curious fact, this prophesying tendency in time of war, though by no means' a strange one." I am quoting from an article in a current magazine dealing with what the author calls "the very ancient, human and natural desire 'to antici pate future events," which is quickened and aroused by great crises like the present one. For scientific classification he differentiates the faculty of anticipation under four head ings:' 1. Presentiment by which the individual has some inward premonition of his own future. 1 2. Prescience, by which someone not en titled technically to know foretells' what is to happen'. ' . . 3. Prediction, by which definite issues are anticipated without, any real information. 4. Prevision, by which future events are outlined on the basis partly of historical knowledge and partly Qf conjecture. Many examples are collected of each of the different kinds of prophesying. One va riety of forecasting consists of reading pres ent conditions into indefinite prophecies of long ago, making them fit actual occurrences, a pastime which has resurrected a lot of an cient sayings, particularly scriptural prom ises. Here, for example, is a bunch of them: "By the so-called prophecy of Mayence, a gypsy woman, telling fortunes in 1849 to Prince William of Prussia, foretold by three simple additions the date of the for mation of t'-e new German empire that is, 1913. Another Mayence prophecy of 1854 gives the 'field of Birches between Ham, Woerl, and Paderbotn in Westphalia' as the theater of the decisive battle putting an end to the German empire. Is the pres ent kaiser to be recognized in the emperor who mounts his horse on the wrong side, and whose son will perish on the scaffold? Is it true that a Polish Jesuit with the name of Bobola announced in the seventeenth century that his natives land would, after disappearing, be restored as a kingdom 'at the same time when theTurk will be driven out of Europe?' and that a prophecy which goes back to the Low Empire fore tells that when a Constantine, king of Greece shall marry a Sophia, their son will reign in Constantinople?'" Of course, we all remember the Tolstoi forecast of the war that was embodied m an interview printed in The Bee several years before the war's outbreak and also the warn inir of Lord Kitchener to oreoare for a three years' conflict. None of ' the prophets or prophecies have come fully up to the mark of hideous reality and there's plenty of room yet for ambitious oracles to try out their possibilities. Belgian Church Bells to Plunderland Belgium had a great host of bells, towered in many high places, the music of which, morning, noon and night, carried comfort to its people long after the invasion of their country for no offense of theirs, and, as it is now established, for no otU. end than that of quickly serving the aims of a woulcl-be world conqueror. For long the bells of Belgium hung nnmolested, and it may easily be imag ined what solace they must have carried to the stricken and desolated people of that unfortunate land while the iron heel was upon their necks. Now that solace is taken away. Encom passed by enemies, growing in numbers and also in confidence, beleaguered, and shut out of the great world of traffic, the would-be cohauerer. at last standinsr at bay. though seemingly aggressive, has torn the bells of Belirium from their old towers- and turned their metal into munitions of war, changing voices of peace and good will to man into thunders of artillery. It can be ana win oe said that Germany has also stripped all Ger man churches of their bells, but that act is one 'of national defense and not robbery. Belgium, first invaded without cause and in plain violation of a treaty to which Germany was sienatorv. made a strong plea to the world against that violation, because of its breach of faith and honor. Such as may then have wrongly excused it as a military neces sity can never excuse such wanton spoliation a, tint content with the destruction of a wronged people's material life, would rob them even of their spiritual blessings. States have Often been conquered, but never, even in the days of the older barbarians, were such robberies as this perpetrated. St Louis Globe-Democrat. People and Events Only one drink, but it was enough to sicken a St. Louis policeman and prompt his resignation. Must have tackled a sample of the stuff concocted for dry belts. Noiseless lawn mowers are announced. Another neighborly joy doomed. A noise less machine offers no incentive for getting into the push at sunrise and giving the snooz- ers on the block a hurry call for breakfast. "Work or fight" is the slogan of war time, emphasized by state and local laws against idleness. Provost Marshal Crowder gives it the federal okeh. The deathknell of the tramp is sounded and hobodom should worry. Justice manifests headiness and adaptabil ity in spots. JBack in West Chester, ra.. law breakers win terms of farm work. In Omaha auto speeders have their heads searched for bumps of lunacy. In some directions war makes for progress. For cruelly beating two of their children. caught licking a bottle of jam, Charles Strang and wife of Staten Island, N. Y., were sent to state prison for an indeterminate terms. In the world struggle against autocracy the parental brand cannot escape an occasional smash. . "I don't give a blank for you or anybody, else," exclaimed Hans Xrueger, a Chicago saloonkeeper, to a policeman who warned him against violating the Sunday closing or dinance. (Hans persisted in his defi for bare ly a minute and won a "Black Maria" joy ride. As it is impractical at this time,to send Krueger.back home for a few '.sjons in obedience, the court contented itself -with a monetary shakedown. , Maud Gonne McBride, the Maud Gonne of Omaha memory, is among the Sinn Fein ers taken over to England for a vacation. One, of the few masterpieces of photography taken hereabouts pictures Maud laying a wreath on the Monument of General John O'Neill out in Holy Sepulcher cemetery. Many stirring events in Irish affairs have happened since then and Ireland's "Joan d' Arc ' hasn't missc 1 one of them. She lost her husband in the "Easter rising." Some unknown booster of tonsorial busi ness at Defiance, O., put in circulation re ports that certain unnamed persons would not shave Off their whiskers until Ortnnnv won the war. Joshers phoned the news to wenizei ceacner, who sported a wealth of chinchillas. Beecher crowded the speed rec ord in the race to a barber shop and depos ited his locks as proof of his Americanism. Defiance barbers quickly went over the top in subscriptions for Liberty bonds, so fast was the whisker mowing business. Around the Cities Preliminary figures on the assessed valuation of Salt Lake City property for 1918 total $10,000,000, an in crease of $13,000,000 over last year's toUL Buffalo, N. T., is lidding for the service of Superintendent Clark of the schools of Sioux City. It is reported that a salary of $7,000 a year has been offered and Mr. Clark thinks it, is worth looking into at short range. "Work or flght," with some trim mings, is the municipal slogan of To- peka. Failure to do one or the other spells a liberal fine and six months in jail. An exodus of gamblers, boot leggers and other parasites is confi dently expected. Retail grocers and meat dealers of Minneapolis on June 1 will launch the one-delivery-a-day system urged by the United States food administra tion. The move combines patriotism and economy and serves to ease the strain of labor shortage. Chicago proposes to stop the plac ing of gas water heaters in bath rooms and sleeping rooms and compel the. removal of heaters so placed. There is no objection to placing heaters in basements or other parts of buildings and connecting them with the piping. Rival arson gangs in Detroit, dis satisfied with the division of the loot, have, given themselves away, and the authorities propose to settle the dis pute by sending both pafties to fire proof buildings in the state peniten tiary quadrangle. The firebug squeal gives much satisfaction to the police and the insurance companies. St. Joseph's ice men have been called to the carpet by the county food; administrator and warned against putting over a price raise from 50 cents to 0 cents per 100. pounds to ticket purchasers and 70 cents to cash customers. , rood administrators, local and state, insist they must tje shown why, with an abundant harvest of ice, a price boost is necessary. A test or Vehicle traffic pass ing 17 of the busy street crossing in New YorbCity gave the top score to Columbus circle, where 39,210 vehi cles were counted between the hours o 8:30 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. This is 10,000 better than London's high score at Picadilly circus. The total count at the 17 corners was 274,305 vehicles in 10 hours. "Over There and Here" Charley Schwab, director of ship building in the United States, has 450,000 men under him, ranking next to William G. McAdoo, champion railroad boss of the country. Charles M. SchwabrVho is working for Uncle .Sam for a dollar a year and board .himself, gave a shipyard foreman a gold watch, for building a naval collier in 27 days. That is one style of extra reward of merit sure to keep things humming in the shipyards. During the second week of ADril the registred deaths in 96 great towns of England and Wales corresponded to an annual rate of 16.5 per 1,000 of the aggregate civil population. In London, the same week, there were 1,447 births and 1,338 deaths, a slight decrease in the annual death rate. An organization of patriotic women of New York has undertaken to pro vide a ton of milk a day for the chil dren and the sick of France. The French government provides shipping space. Milk is very scarce in France and costs in Paris as much as 32 cents a quart, when it can be had. The New York philanthrophy will re lieve much suffeqing and materially aid in saving the babies. Six out of 15 big leaders in the war have passed th,o three score mile stone of life. Premier Clemenceau, 77, is dean of the group. Field Marshal von Hindenburg comes next, having passed 70 last October. General Foch, 67, is a good third. President Wilson and General Petain are 62 'and Ad miral Sims, 60, is the youngest of the three score list. The other nine range in age in this order: Emperor Wil liam, 59; General Pershing, 58; Field Marshal Haig, 57; General Diaz (Ital ian army head), 67; Secretary Dan iels, 56; Premier Lloyd George, 65; General von Ludendorf. 53; Secaatary Baker, 47, and Admiral Beatty (Brit ish navy head), 47. DOMESTIC PLEASANTRIES. New Man I found thia IS bill upon jam. desk., air. '. ' " Employer I'm lad you are honaat I put It thera on purpoae to tejt you. New Man Thafa what I thought, air. Boston Transcrlot, yvivit Did you plant a rrdn thla year? GUlia Tea. Then the fellow next door decided to keep chickens. Willis What did you do? Gillie I bought the lot en the other aide of him and I'm going to raise chicken hawks. Life. "the problems of a detective In real life are not always so abatruae aa thoaa put up to Sherlock Holmea." 1 "For Instance?" "An elevator bor In a local hotel stole a pair of panta from a gueat and came to work the next day wearing 'em." Louie vllle Courier-Journal. Poplelgh Houae cleaning la not so bad after all. Parks How can you say that? Poplelgh Well, my wife haa lent the baby to Its grandmother for a whole week Boston Transcript "James married a magician's daughter and found she understood her father'e art" "How ao?" , "He had asked her hand In marriage, but he found it in his pocket." Baltimore American. "And you love me for myself alone?" y "Yes," dear." "Suppose I were to Inherit $1,000.000 ?" "I could help you spend It with a clear conscience." Birmingham Age-Herald. NEBRASKA. Impelled am I by swelling pride AU other tasks to set aside - And at this time enumerate , Some things that make Nebraska great. The richness of her fertile soil Rewards her hardy aona of toll; It Is the source of wealth untold, More precious than are mines of gold. Her acrea know no wheatless years. Her corn stalka have the biggest ears; Her valleys grow a world of hay; Her barnyards have the hens that lay. Her cattle graze on verdant hills And slake their thirst from sparkling rills; Her streams contain the largest fish That heart of brefoot boy could wish. Her factories all are on the boom: For Idlers here there Is no room; Her business houses and her banks Are foremost In the nation's ranks. Her statesmen are of world renown; Her women fit to, wear a crown; Most wise and learned are her teachers, And Godly men are all her preaohera. Her stalwart sons have crossed the sea To make their fight for Liberty; 10 crusn Autocracy iroro me earm And give to Freedom a new birth. And here at home the Red Cross drivel Will help to save our soldiers' lives; And this good work will never stop 'Till our fair states "goes o'er the top." LOR1N ANDREW THOMPSON. Fremont, Neb. . . , , . ' I HAVE NO IDLE MOMENTS My Superior Dentistry com mends itself to so many, I have no idle moments. I shall continue to give dol lar for dollar in superior work manship and material, but nev er inferior workmanship and material. Your Uncle Sam demands that his boys have gc6d teeth. To make them fit' to fight. So the battle of life demands the same of you. No charge made for examina tions. Dr. U. E. Ludwick Dentistry of the Better Kind. 606 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 1839. One Year Ago Toda In the War, Japanese claimed to have sunk 14 German submarines and three Aus trian warships in the Mediterranean. Rome reported Italians had broken Austrian line on six-mile front and captured 9,000 prisoners. ' The Day We Celebrate. , Ralph E. Crandell, president of the It- E. Crandell Mercantile company, born 1876. , Her majesty, Queen Mary of Great Britain, born In Kensington palace, London. 61 years airo. Dr. Guy Potter Benton, president of the University of Vermont, born at ; Kenton. O.. 53 years ago. , Harry ' A. Wheeler of Chicago, president of the Chamber of Com merce of the United States, born In Brooklyn, N. Y., (I years ago This Day In History. - V 1738 Five ' hundred Irish Insur gents killed, by royalist troops in bat tie at Tart,' 1 18(1 Federal troops ' occupied Farkeraburc. W. Va. 184 Montana Territory organised vy act of congress. ? 1888 Michael Barrett ft Fenlal leader, was hanged in London, the last oubuc execution m that city. 11 TO Canadian militia repelled a raid? of Fenians trora the United -, States. ' 1890 John J3. Carlisle qualified as Uiued States senator from Kentucky. Just SO Years Ago Today Mr. and Mrs. Charles Turner gave a select party to a few .of their friends and their beautiful home was rich In floral decorations and everything favored a most enjoyable evening: The Ladles' Musical society gave Its bi-weekly concert at Meyer's hall. The instrumental music was fur V lished by Mrs. G. M. Hitchcock, Mrs. Henshaw and Martin Cohn. The vocal numbers by Mrs. Isaacs and Nat Brigham. The Concordia Singing society Is making preparations for a great ex cursion to Blair In a week or two. After seven months' absence In Oregon and Washington territory, A. R. Drexel has returned to Omaha The Rev. W. J. Harsha haa had the good fortune to be one of the 80 Presbyterian ministers of the United States who will represent America in the grand Pan-Presbyterian council 1o be held in London this summer. He h the youngest delegate, and .the ap pointment is a hign honvr. Signposts of Progress A new attachment turns the tele phone Into a fire alarm apparatus. Two hundred thousand women in England are engaged In agricultural pursuits. A hand-operated emery wheel which can be clamped to any tree has been invented to sharpen the tools of men working In forests. , Time consumed by girls employed in the Standard Oil company plant fit Bavonne). N. J.. In dnnnlnar anit doffing overalls was classed by the company aa overtime. The police department of New York City has a motor truck wireless s'x tion. This station carries a powerful transmitter and receiver, and has two aerials one on a 85-foot mast and the other on a 10-foot mast Consul Henry S. Culver reports from St John, New Brunswick, Canada, un der date of April 83, that more than 17,000,000 bushels of grain were shipped from St John last winter, as compared with 8,450,000 bushels last year, making a record for the port The Inventor of the system of short hand established in China, must be nothing less than a genius. The lan guage has no written vowels aad con sonants.' and one syllable, spoken in as many aa nine different tones, has as many meanings. In sptte of these difficulties, the new system permits a speed of 140 words a minute. Schools tor teaching shorthand are being es tabllahed in various part of the coun try, ' Here, and There A shaving outfit that has an elec tric searchlight upon the handle of theafety rasor has been Invented for use In the dark.v The potato, for many years past has formed one quarter of alt the food eaten by European and English-speaking peoples. An acre of good fishing ground at sea would yield more food in a week than an acre of good ground on the land would produce In a year. If a box six feet deep was filled with sea water, which was then al lowed to evaporate, there would be two Inches of salt left in the bottom of the" box. , ' , A great French scientist predicts that by the year 2000 food will be made from carbon taken from carbonic- acid,' hydrogen taken a from water and nitrogen taken from air. In view of the fact that Chinese women are to be found in nearly all of the large American cities, it is surprising to learn that there Is only one Chinese woman living in Lon don's Chinatown. The happiest day in the year to the Japanese boy falls In May. On a chosen day of this month they all celebrate their birthdays, whether they happened to be born in May or not Every boy dresses in his best clothes, and all, rich and poor alike, wear dark blue socks. Their homes are gayly decorated with leaves and paper lanterns and the day is spent In feagt ingMn merry-making and in the in spection of the gifts of boyr ' Out of the Ordinary ' A new Yo.k beauty doctor has been sued for $5,000 damages for ruining the good looks of one of his pa tients. A British army officer, making a round of the historic sights in Phila delphia, found "made in Germany" on the thermometer in Independence hall. , M. A. Riley, a draftsman employed by the Shelby Steel Tube company at Newcastle, Pa., was busy knitting a sweater for the Red Cress during the three days he served as grand Juror. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Slauson of Stamford, Conn., May l. It was the birthday of Mrs. Slauson, of her mother, Mrs. Frank Haas, and also of the latter's mother. The potato waa first Introduced info Spain by Hleronymus Card a, a monk, in 1553; in England by Sir John Haw kins and Sir Francis Drake in 1563, and into Ireland by Sir Walter Ra leigh In 1586. ' , . The town of Ashton, 111., is looking for some person to climb to the top of the water tower and put a new electric lamp there. The light has not been used for a year because no body was willing to climb the; tower. Awakened by a cat crying ard scratching at his bed room door, Pe ter Bolsavage, a merchant of Johnson City, Pa., found the room filled with smoke. Rushing downstairs he dis covered a serious fire in his general stora t The Most Beautiful Wedding Gift, the Most Lasting, the Most Appreciated Is a Brambach Piano, $495 , Mt is wise to secure your Brambach now, not . only to take advantage of our present prices, the lowest at which a Brambach can be bought in the U. S., but io be certain of obtaining the style you want above all others. Call or Write l'-i.e ai'J'- 1513-1515 Douglas Street KM TO REMIND YOU THAT THE Woodmen of the World IS THE 4 Leading Fraternal Insurance Society. ; A Home Institution. Not Operated for Profit Why Not Insure Yourself and Family - With Us? Certificates $250 to $5,000. Rates Reasonable But Adequate. Ring Douglas 4S70. No Charge for Explanation. W. A. FRASER, J. T. YATESN Soveraiga Commander. a .Sovereign Clerk.