Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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Crcce lusk Suffering From
Pcrenola at Time c Roberts
Tragedy, Dr. H. W. Pow
ers Testifies.
(Br AhocUM Fmi.)
Waukesha, Wit, May 25. Grace
Lusk, completed Telling the story ol
- her life at her trial for flaying Mrs.
Mary Newman Roberts today and the
defense immediately began the intro
duction of expert testimony to prove
her insane.
Dr. H. W. Powers, formerly of
Chicago and now a resident of Mil
waukee, in answering a hypothetical
question nearly 5.000 words in length,
declared that in his opinion the
cefendant was not of sufficient mental
capacity at the time of the tragedy
to distinguish between right and
wrong and that she . was suffering
from paranoia. j
Insanity In Family. ,
The question recited at treat length
iflss Lusk s early history, the tact that
she frequently suffered from 'head
aches which rendered her unable to
perform her duties as a school teacher,
that there was an apparent strain of
insanity in her family, that just before
meeting Dr. David Roberts she had
suffered a nervous breakdown, and
her relations with the veterinarian,
Earlier in the day. the prosecution
succeeded in introducing a copy of
"Love and . Marriage," a book, by
Ellen Kev. which Miss Lusk revised
in a paper for a woman's club. Miss
Lusk who was on the witness stand,
Protested against questions regarding
er review of this work, declaring
that she had written other things,
"Whv don't vou brine "those up?
Walter D. Corrlgan of Milwaukee
conducted the cross-examination and
asked additional information regard-
mi the interview in a Milwaukee
hotel, during which Miss Lusk had
pointed a pistol at Dr. Roberts and
made him swear that he would tell
his wife the truth.
Admits Bluffing Dr. Roberts. ..
- "If he had not given the promise
would you have shot him? asked Mr.
"I don't know, I don't believe so,"
she answered.
"Then you attempted to bluff him,
did you not?"
Miss Lusk attempted to qualify her
answer, but finally replied: -
' 'Yes.S
After Miss Lusk left the stand her
aged father, A. P, Lusk. was called
by the defense and testified that when
te was on his honeymoon, his wife
attempted to commit suicide because
of some trivial remark he had made.
,More alienists will be called to
testify for both the prosecution and
defense when court opens Monday.
j Obituary Notes
.UiN HARTEH, 48. died of. heart
vav miv iiuiiis vi urn urumer,
J Barter, at Orson. The body will
be taken to the home near Linnwood.
rw rancher . and financier, was
t uried at Crawford, Neb,, Saturday.
, lie was SI years of age and had been
-a resident of Dawes county for SO
isars. t
3. D. STEWART, 48, died in the
yoods near his home In Wyoming, la.
,I.'o explanation of his death has been
'-celved by relatives thus far here.
."Ike funeral was told at the Hennes
r Y chapel, with Interment in Boss
I,. .'A cemetery.
CATHERINE B. BRUHN, 8-year-tli
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Lrubn, 1811 Van Camp avenue, died
-.rly Saturday morning, Death was
iz to diphtheria, whiah the little girl
co ;tracted aeveral weeks ago, Fu
xral services will be held at 2 o'clock
Colonials and Oxf ords
Designed by Napier
are good
Large assortment of cut
steel and nickel, buckles
now on display.
Lace Oxfords
As frustrated, in a rich shade
of nut brown calf or black calf ;
welt soles; 4-inch
i I, i . ,, .
iemer uuoan wanting
heel. , Price......... .
Also patent leather lace
Oxfords with turn
sole and high
French heel, at. ....
Cash Mail Orders Prepaid
Send fer New Spring Style Book and Salf-Measnring Blanks
(Continued From Fate One.)
posed of the chattels while they were
still mortgaged.
Mrs. Hansen-Roberts-Zellmar, de
spite her many matrimonial episodes
of an irregular character, never came
into the limelight until she married
Harvey Zellmar, private, at the Fort
Omaha balloon school.
Previous to that she had married,
according to her own statement to
Ogden and Salt Lake City police of
ficials, Frank Roberts, formerly an
employe of the Dresher tailoring con
cern, one of the first selects to be
drafted from Douglas county, and
who was also one of the first to be
sent from Camp Funston to the
trenches on the western front in
" Zellmar Falls Into Net
While she was grieving over the
absence of her quondam soldier hus
band, she sought surcease of sorrow
in the companionship of Harvey
Zellmar. He deserted from the army
and the couple, with federal agents
after them, went to San Antonio, Tex.,
where the fickle woman tired of her
most recent matrimonial acquisition
and deserted him. '
She went to Ogden, Utah, where he
followed her. She reported to the
federal authorities that he was a
deserter, and a German spy. He was
brought back to Fort Omaha, court
martialed and sentenced to serve a
40 months' term in the disciplinary
corps at the Leavenworth mility
prison. i
In the meantime the woman became
sick and was at the Dee hospital at
Ogden for several weeks. '
Since then she has disappeared and
Mr. Hansen is procuring service in
his divorce proceedings by publica
tion. '
"I have lost what affection I had
for her," he said, "because of her
actions. She is thoroughly bad,
"I have adopted a little girl, whom
I am caring for in an educational in
stitution, and am living for her sake
Dr. King Entertains.
Dr. Marcus L. King, Seytnur Lake
county, club, entertained 30 members
of the sentot dental class of Creighton
University ar the club Saturday night.
The Alpha Cappa chaoter of the Fsi
Phi fraternity presented
Sunday afternoon at Stack A Fal
coner's chapel. Burial rites will be
4S years old, 4024 Charles street, wife
of C. B. Searson. secretary of the Mar
shall Paper company, died Friday
nljrht following a recent attack of Ill
ness. The body will be taken to Grand
Island, the former home of the Sear
son family.
SAMUEL R. STEEL, old soldier
and pioneer settler of Johnson
county, died at the state hospital at
Lincoln Friday at the age or 86. Mr.
Steel was a native of Ohio and served
with Company O, 144th Ohio volun
teer Infantry, throughout the civil
war. He was married in Ohio and lo
cated on a Johnson county farm in
1881. The body was brought to Te
cumpeh and the funeral will be held
Bunday afternoon, -
i Auto
2107 Farnam St.
Phone D. 3564
Expert . Radiator 1 Repairing
We take dents out of auto bodies.
We straighten out auto bodies.
; Manufacturers of
Fenders, Hoods, Cowles, Gasoline
Tanks, Oil Tanks, Battery
Boxes, etc.
I II II jl
New Colonials
Exactly as pictured in patent colt
or dull kid; large nickel buckle;
medium length vamp ; turn sole;
2i inch leather Louis heel. A
perfect fitting, smart look- thfy
ing Colonial that will sure- Jn
ly appeal to you. Price . .
V Same in white kid, with
white kid covered d J
buckle and heel . . . P
Same in white
This same
oxford in
white Hnen
with white sole
and heel at $6.50
South 16th'
. Street
GIYE $350,000
(Continued From Fa One.)
more subscriptions will come in then
and even later.
"The impression seems to prevail
in some circles that it is a mistake
for this state or any community in
this state to raise an amount above its
quota," said State Director Tudion.
"Such an impression is most unfor
tunate, as is evidenced by the tele
gram received from H. P. Davison of
Washington and also confirmed by
telephone conversation with that gen
tleman. Mr. Davison has just re
turned from France and other battle
lines abroad, is closely in touch with
the situation over there, and believes
that much more money than $1,00,000-
000 will be required; furthermore, the
War Council would figure, at present.
on a quota of S15U,UUU,UUU instead of
$100,000,000. It is absolutely certain
that they will need every cent that is
raised in this drive on account of the
casualties on all fronts, and especial
ly on account of the greater partici
pation in the conflict of the American
soldiers, ihe more we raise this
time, the longer the next drive will
be postponed, and by raising a large
amount on this drive the expense of
putting on another drive soon will be
Nebraska Strong in Patriotism.
"The people of Nebraska have indi
cated their patriotism time and time
again during the past two years. They
have money and are liberal with it.
We hope the quota in the state will
be doubled and if doubled we can all
figure that we are doing just twice as
much good with this money as could
be done by raising the quota, all of
which I am sure our people appre
"The people of Omaha last week
had an opportunity of viewing 350
Belgian soldiers who have fought on
the eas. front and are now returning
to fight at home on the west front.
Every man, woman and child who
had a chance to see these boys will
surely come through to the limit.
They may not be of our own flesh
and blood, but they are our boys
nevertheless and are not only fight
ing our fight at the present time but
have been fighting our fight for sev
eral years and will continue to do so
to the limit Certainly every man
will contribute to the greatest extent
of their means. Red Cross is giving
all of us the privilege of serving our
country at this time and in the man
Summer Frocks
Of Embroidery
K Cool and very lovely, particu
larly when the patterns are so
distinctive as these newly im-1
ported ones on view tomorrow,
fl An exceptional showing of or
gandy, mull and voile flour e
ings; daintiest of patterns; 27
and. 45 inches wide,
fl Narrow edges of organdy,
voile and Swiss for collars and
fl Embroideries with colored .
edges, for as little aa 35c and
up to 75c a yard.
Genuine Scotch
The Celebrated Dan'e J. Andersons
fl It's a real pleasure to an
nounce the arrival of more of
these very excellent ginghams,
because, as you well know, they
are particularly scarce,
fl Exquisite plaids, checks and
stripes in exclusive color combi
nations. Certain to make the'
loveliest gingham frocks one
could 'desire for summer days.
Every piece was imported from
Scotland, and -is so marked. Do
not confuse Dan'l J. Anderson's
with those bf domestic make.
(32 inches wide), $1.25 yard.
Shown in tha Basement
The Best
Seasonable Silks '
Taffetas that will give complete
satisfaction. Fifty good shades
$1.75 to $2.50.
Tub Shirtings for blouses and
men's shirts. Choose one of the
new crepes that launder per
fectly. White Silks for Skirts; satins,
crepes, pongees and broadcloth
silks,, $ 1.50 to $5.
Many Pretty Summer Frocks
For Utile People
sups in
ner. If we cannot go into the trench
es we certainly should be willing to
back these to the limit with the re
lief that money only can bring."
Workers Put in Busy Week.
The volunteer workers in city and
state drive headquarters and on the
streets put in a strenuous week. Some
of those in the accounting force
worked from 8 a. m. till midnight
Office Manager H. T. Cutler was one
of these and he says splendid work
was done by the volunteer office force
including Mell Merklin, Nan Mur
phy, Marion Towle, Naomi Towle.
Franc4 Wessells, . Evelyn Ledwich,
Mrs. Ben Wood, Rudolph Von Kis
sell, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Owen. W.
J. Martin, Mrs. H. T Cutler, Mrs. W.
A. Pixley, Al. Eggers and Mary
Burke .
But it is useless to continue the
list of the ready workers in the cause,
for it would be endless. R. M. Switz
ler with his speakers, A. D. Peters
Buckingham and Vive-Chairman S. S.
Caldwell and a host of others were
on the job continuously.
Talked Themselves Hoarse
And then there was the army
women workers canvassing on the
streets and in a thousand other places
and workine in their own head
Quarters, and there were the Toe Mar
rows and the Mogy tfernsteins who
talked themselves hoarse at the street
entertainment and auctions. And
they had iaz bands and all sorts of
professional entertainers to help them
gather in the com trora trie crowd.
The newsoaoer advertisements in
the Omaha daily papers were written
by Z.A. Lord, assistant advertising
manager of the Nebraska Telephone
company. The newspapers inserted
them free.
Three hundred members of the Om
aha fire department gave a day's pay
each, totaling $900. Steam Fitters
union No. 464 gave a day's pay each,
amounting to $360.
A little collection anions 13 -Bee
reamers at the Vinton station yielded
$5.75, which plainly reveals the true
spirit of giving.
Sergeant Havenstein Speaks
To Large Crowd at Blair
Blair, Neb., May 25. (Special
Telegram.) Sergt. Paul A. Haven
stein, returned soldier of the engineer
corps with the American army in
France, whom the government is send
ing through the'United States in the
interest of war- measures, spoke this
afternoon to one of the largest
crowds ever assembted on the court
house grounds. The weather was
ideal and the sergeant spoke in a
strong voice and held the large
crowd for over an hour. He was
cheered continuously.
Laces You'll Enjoy
The newest neckwear fash
ions favor filet and.Venise
laces, -of which we have a
splendid assortment. Real
filet laces and .motifs that
are most , distinctive. Be
sides vals and linen tor
chons, novelty laces and
skirt flouncings. Helpful
in planning Summer frocks.
The Blouse Store
We have, of course, pro
vided the newest and most
distinctive styles, but we
have gone further. We
have insisted upon ma
terials in keeping with the
excellence of the styles, not
overlooking the care with
which every stitch was ap
plied. You can be assured
of having blouses more
than ordinarily fine and
dainty at any price you
may care to pay.
' From $2.50 to $35.
Those that give long service
and stylish pleasure to the
Two-clasp Trefousse French
kid of first quality, j Backs
finished in self and contrasting
embroideries. , Black, white,
pastelN navy, and gray, $3.50. .
X)ur 'special" pique a one-clasp
style in white, pastel, navy and tan,
with contrasting embroidery, $2.50.
Expertly Fitted.
White Silks
For Bridal Gowns
Rich, fine, all-silk materials
that .are worth while in
quality and modest in price.
Crepe Meteor, -Charmeuse,
Morning Glory Taffeta
Pebble Crepe,
Voile and Crepe Chenette.
For the happy, sunshiny days of
summer, when children are out
of doors as long as daylight lasts.
TI White dresses of voile, or
gandy, poplin and lawns, hand
smocked, lace trimmed, with
tucked or lace trimmedskirts. A
most distinctive selection in 6 to
12-year sizes. ,
fl Colored dresses, too, for less dressy
occasions. Sturdy materials and sen
sible styles that will prove a boon to
every mother. - -
fl White voile and organdy frocks, high
waisted, tucked and embroidered most
becomingly: 2 to 6-year sizes, with silk
pinK ana Diue.
Brtej Ctty News
Have Boot Print .It New Bmoob Pron
Eleo. Fans, $8, Burgess-Granden Co.
Omabans Wed In Plattamontb
Chester A. Arneth and ' Bernice
Sompon of Omaha were married Fri
day in Plattsmouth.
Prudent Bavin la wif tlmM la a
Hostage for opportunities of peace.
rt a. j hii dj Brarung an account with
Nebraska Savlnn Tjm.ii Au'n .411
H isth Ht fl tn tR Ann
Navy Complaint Heard Nebraska
miuiaiT nun complain mat the naval
recruiting station tnrougn unusual
activity and entmHm la niiatinv th
cream of Nebraska's young manhood.
a no mauer is under inv" .tigation.
Washouts Delay Trains Passenger
trains from the east, over the Rock
isiana, were lour hours late in arriv
ing Saturday morning, and those over
the Northwestern two to three hours.
The cause was due to washouts in
central Iowa, where a cloudburst Fri
day carried away sections of the
trades. . .
G. A. R. Memorial Sunday All
Doata of th Orand Armv nf th. -Re
public of Greater Omaha, with their
auxiliary societies, win assemble Sun
day, May 2. at 10:30 a. m., Thirty
fourth and Farnam streets. Rev. Dr.
Edwin Hart Jenks of the First Pres
byterian church, will preach the
memorial sermon.
Passes Worry Rail Men Railroad
employes are worried over the pros
pect of the elimination of free trans
portation since they began working
under the'government control system.
In the past employes when they went
on their annual vacations have trav
eled on passes over the lines of the
companies for whiclthey worked.
Connon Books Rrailv Knnn Th.
coupon books containing admissions
10 nouns para; win De placed on sale
Monday by the Chamber of Com
marce. Dick TCItrhen ni nni.i
Baldrlge have the distinction of be
ing me nrsi 10 send their checks for
books. The chamber expects to sell
1,000 books, each , containing 20 ad
mission tickets.
Summer Rail Ratm RnnHnl roll.
road rates wilt be made to persons
who desire to visit western parks the
coming summer. This th infnr.
matlon that reaches the local offices
or tne railroads. What those rates
will be no one knows, hut it r,in
theV are not arolnc tn ho Innr an n
former years when . people went
10 me western playgrounds at one
tare tor tne round trip.
vine nrepiaoo oods at underlandf
Funeral of Henry C. Ostrom
' Held at Home Tuesday
The funeral of Henry E. Ostrom,
deputy election commissioner, who
died, after a short illness, Saturday
morning, will be held at the home,
5126 North Twentv-third street, at 2
D. m. Tuesdav. A son who i. at Tamn
Harrison, is expected to arrive here
tucsqay morning.
For the Bride of the Month of Roses we have
thought ahead and have gathered the most
beautiful essentials of the trousseau. Every
thing that the bride will desire and admire has
been arranged in charming selections of the
most "recent fashions.
Brides will find their attire most
carefully considered in this store.
Outer apparel for all occasions. Hats, Lingerie
Fabrics, Footwear, Hosiery, Gloves and all else that
goes toward making a comprehensive wardrobe.
May We Have the Pleasure of Serving You?
Great Union Meeting at Trinity
Cathedral Today to Herald
"Every Member"
Special addresses in every Epis
copal church in the morning and a
union service at Trinity cathedral in
the evening, today, will start the city
wide "every member" campaign in
1 Omaha. A Sunday school rally at All
Saints church at 3:30 p. m. will also
be a feature.
Revt L. G. Wood, field secretary of
the board of mission,, will deliver a
series of instructions on the duty of
the churchman at fellowship meet
ings at All Saints' church Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday at 3 and 8
p. m. Sunday afternoon, June Z, from
2 to 6 o'clock p. m., the canvass of the
parishes will be made. Today the
churches in Omaha will be supplied as
follows: St John's and St. Martin's,
Rev. E. F. Siegfnedt; St. Paul's and
Trinity cathedral, Rev. E. F. Clark;
St. John's, Good Shepard and All
Saint's', Rev. L. G. Wood; St. Bar
nabas', St. Philip's and St. Matthias',
Rev. C. C. Rollit.
There will be a Sunday school rally
at 3:30 in the afternoon at All Saints'
church, addressed by Rev. E. F.
Siegfreidt, Rev. F. J. Clark and C. L.
Hopper. 'v
At 8 o clock there will be a united
service in Trinity cathedral. The
music will be rendered by the united
choirs of the Episcopal churches and
the speakers will be Rev. F. J. Clark,
Rev. L. G. Wood. Rev. C. C. Rollit
and Bishop Williams.
During the last few years a notable
movement has taken place in the
Episcopal church in the prosecution
ot this "Every Member" campaign,
having eben successfully inaugurated
in a number of the larger cities, espe
cially in the south and east. -
Peace Treaty Ratification
Issue in Roumanian Election
Bucharest. May 25. The Rouman
ian conservative party stands tor the
expropriation of estates and the divid
ing of land among the peasants. Pre
mier Alenxander Marghiloman said
yesterday in a speech opening the
campaign prior to the general elec
tion. The party favors a free, respon
sible press and the election of a new
parliament that must ratify the peace
treaty between Roumania and the cen
tral powers before considering inter
nal readjustments.
lhe fashion Center Jbr WjomQtv
Adaptability and
Ever a Source of
We have an extensive showing
of the newest models for Sum
mer wear. Models just long
"enough to confine, high enough
to support safely, curving at
the waist, the skirt delineates
so well graceful slenderness.
Redferns give a figure of
much beauty, which has been
St. Paul Man Essays to Make -Comeback
at Age of 12 Years -
George, a St Paul at
torney, has been a star athlete since .
he was 13 years of age, butstill he
isnt' satisfied. A. the age of 42 he" is
prepared to win new laurels in the
handball field. N
Sudheimer has achieved fame as a
skater, sprinter, gymnast, bicycle
rider and swimmer. Like other cham
pions his first effort was a faijure arid
it was his determination to redeem
bimseli that brought him success.
4 In. 1889 oudheimer entered a cham- .
pionship skating race. He had short
skates rnd his veteran opponents wore
long ones. Sudheimer lost, but as
soon as he was able he got a pair of
real skates and his prowess was nota
ble. In 1900 he won the national in
door title at Montreal .
McAdoo Arranging Merger ;
Of All Express- Companies
Washington, May 25. Negotiations
are under way between Director Gen
eral McAdoo and four smaller ex
press companies Northern, Great
Northern, Western and Canadian
looking to their participation in a !
merger which already has been ar
ranged tentatively for the Adams,
Wells-Fargo, American and Southern ...
It was reported today that all the
companies probably would come in
and - that the combination, with
George Taylor of the American com
pany as president would be approved
by the director general as the express
carrying agency of the railroads. -
Y., M. C. A. Will Give Italian '
Soldiers Athletic Training
Rome, May 25. George W. Braden,
national director of recreation of the
Young Men' Chistian Association for
Italy, announced today that he pur- " '
posed introducing into the Italian
army the American system of massed
athletic training, such as he had used
in the American army a method by
which it is possible to exercise 2,500
soldiers together.
May Establish Training
Camps for Army Nurse3
Washington. Mav 25 Tratn5n
'camps for army nurses may be es
tablished as a result of the shortage
of nurses at the hospitals here and
in France. Secretary Baker recently
conferred with Surgeon General Gor
gas and members of the army nurse
corps regarding the best, way of in
creasing the number of available
nurses without drawing too heavily ......
upon private hospitals.
Beauty of Form
so easily made over that it is
difficult to realize that a corset
could do it. . -But
there ere few like Redfern.
Its accomplishments are
Front lace back lace 5
. as you prefer.