r liii't'ii.i'f . ... It i 4 it . : . .. THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 26, 1918. 7 B Intensive Training at Fort Crook Interspersed , . With Play That Soldiers May Become More Agile Iwr iMl J Tim Hfefr ' Mi? if A 111 - ao - WiFM M fc LODGE ROOM NEWS OF GREATER OMAHA Foster Wins Prize for Being Best Hustler Among Wood men of World in State of Nebraska. Court of Honor. Banner court, No. 540. was visited by H. A. Smith. Des Moines, the state manager of Iowa and Nebraska and a member of the supreme audit ing committee, last Wednesday night. He brought words of cheer from head quarters and assisted in initiating a class of candidates. Brotherhood of American Yeomen. Last Wednesday nicht Omaha hom stead, No. 1404, save a benefit dance. Next Wednesday bright the Yeo men will give a patriotic dance in the Lyric building. Supreme Director Murphv. Minne apolis, expects o be Th Omaha for the initiation June 5. A service flag is being prepared and all Yeomen are reauested to report the names of members of their famil ies who are in the service. Woodmen of the World, Edward I. Foster, the clerk of Druid camp, No. 24. secured more applications than any other man in the Soldier 8 at Fort Crook Feed on Egg Omelets, Roast Beef and Pot Pie Boys at Fort Crook are well fed. Here is the menu for yes terdays Breakfast Egg omelet, fried potatoes, boiled rice and cream, coffee, bread and butter. Dinner Roast beef, mashed potatoes, creamed peas, bread, butter, cornstarch pudding and coffee. Supper Beef aot pie, stewed apples, fried potatoes, bread, ap-, pie butter and iced tea. state of Nebraska, as shown by his name appearing in the honor roll of the Sovereign Visitor. Sunshine Mustain from camp No. 16 is on the committee for the picnic to be held at Krug park. Saturday, Tune IS. This is going to he an old-fashioned basket picnic. The person sell ing the most tickets will receive a $50 Liberty bond. Arrangements have been completed for the Noon degree to be conferred at the hall of Alpha camp. No. 1, next Wednesday night. Sunday June 2, a ioint memorial service jill be held in Hanscom park. In case the weather is bad. it will be postponed one week. The Woodmen circle will take an active part. The ladies' drill team from Fraser grove, No. 1, will be the guards of honor. Sovereign Commander Fraser will de liver the address. Ancient Order United Workmen. Last Friday night Union Pacific lodge, No. 17, held a celebration of the anniversary of the reafliliation with the supreme lodee. Council Bluffs lodee. No. 270, will entertain the supreme foreman Thurs day night, June 6. Omaha lodge, No. 8. and Patton lodge No, 173, are claimants for the honors of first place in war activities. Gdte City lodge No. 198, will give an entertainment with refreshments. The women will be the guests. North Omaha Wodge. No. 9. enter tained their members and families Wednesday night with dancing and refreshments. ' America lodge, No. 99. surprised the central committee by delegating a former representative of Ak-Sar-Ben lodge, No. 322, to the meetings and the announcement of its subscriptions to the war stamps. South Omaha lodee. No. 66, will give a smoker at the next meeting. , Spanish War Veterans. Spanish war veterans and wives will meet at Fortieth and Grand avenue this morning and march in a body to the Olivet Baptist church, where Rev. J. A. Jensen will deliver the an nual memorial sermon. It will be along patriotic and reminiscent lines. Tribe of Ben Hur. Mecca court, No. 13. Tribe of Ben Hur, will not hold a meetingnext Thursday evening on account of it being Memorial day. There will be an open meeting, the evening to be spent in dancing and card playing. Odd Fellows. Triangle encampment, No. 70, will hold its regular meeting Monday evening in Danish Odd Fellows' hall at Twenty-fifth avenue and Leaven worth street. All three of the en campment degrees will be conferred on a class of 18 candidates from Waterloo. Hesperian encampment, No. 2, and Crusader encampment, No. 37, of South Omaha, will be present and assist in the conferring of the de grees. All-Potato Dinner. An all-potato dinner i one of the feaV tures of a recent meettnf of the Topek (Kan.) Chamber of Commerce. The din ner wti a demonatratlon of the poaelbllitlM that Kanins present! for palatable and cheap aubstltutea for wheat In thla time of need. ' ' 1 No wheat wa aerved at the dinner. Every dish contained potatoeey from potato aoup to potato cake ae a wlndup. -. , r The girls of the home economics depart ment of the Topeka High achool dliplayed 101 different ways of 'preparing potatoei for food. The Idea of the potato dinner followed an addreea by Food 'Administrator Innea before the Rotary club. liifilSI! QUALITY FIRST g NOT HOW SOON ? g BUT . bOV GOOD! INDIVIDUAL EXPERT ATTDtnOHf i PROMPT 'DELIVERY Photo supplies exclusivity Ih'ROfr. DEMPSTER COL EASTMAN KODAK CO. r. 188 FARNAM Sir BRANCH 306 S0.155T. Fort Crook Soldier's Grope in Hell-Hole Filled With Hun Gas Reality is Combined With Intensive Training to Fit Troops in Omaha for Active Service in Trenches; Await Orders to Go Overseas. By MABEL GUDMUNDSEN. ' Creeping through the winding passages of a dark tunnel, rank with the heavy odor of poisonous gas, soldiers at Fort Crook are facing the mosj; intensive training in dangerous war lare since they enlisted in United States servite. This tunnel of gloom and treacherous smell has just been completed under the direction of skilled and battle-trained army officers that the men may actually face the realities of enemy gas attacks. The "hell-hole," as the tunnel is described, is one of the latest in novations at American training camps. The experiences of the men in invading the tunnel quickens their intuition, puts them on guard for the unexpected and trains them in, prompt avoidance of lurking treachery. Combatting Gas Attacks. y ; The horrible gas attacks of the enemy will not phase the soldiers from Fort Crook. They can adjust their masks in six seconds. Even the knowledge that the air about them is filled with poison will not frighten them, for by the time jthey go overseas that will be a , familiar experience with them, Gas is injected into the -ew tun nel at the foot and the boys adjust their masks and walk safely through it. They will know what to do when the Huns try to make a "hell hole" out of their sector of the line "over there." They will adjust their masks and continue their attack upon the enemy just as they,were taught to do in peaceful Omaha. Pep, push and pride mark the activities at the army post at Fort Crook.- ..The mighty work of war and the miracle of changingan awkward rookie into an efficient sol dier goes on unceasingly. . Training is Thorough. The men are trained to win the war. Outwitting the Hnn, withstand ing a gas attack, using a bayonet, throwing hand grenades and firing machine guns at an enemy miles away are a few of the things the sol diers are taught to do. They grow familiar with the awful things of war and think clearly and act quickly under conditions that would craze an untrained man. .. It givei one a thrill of pride to see the men run forward carrying parts of heavy machine guns. There is not an instant's hesitation, not one misdirected movement. At an order they drop to the ground, mount the guns and fire; all in less time than it takes for a German to drink a stein of beer. Periscope Range-Finders The guns will hit the target even though the enemy is miles away for the periscope-like machine seen in the picture"- is a Grange finder." The officers looking into the lens can see more than a mile away. A system of prisms reflects the object and computes the distance. The roar of cannons and the noise of bursting shells will not hinder messages which will be signaled by the red and white flags. Only one flag is used in the international code. All real soldiers can "wig-wag." Often as -ships pass in mid-ocean, a Yankee soldier wig-wags 9. greeting to a Jap sailor on a passing boat. "Over there" where the soldiers who are holding the line speak so many different languages "wig-wagging" is a common bond between the men who have no other means of 'communication with their allies. In the semaphore method two flags are used and the words are spelled by letters. , Enemy Dummies Used.1 The spirited soldier lads will do more than withstand the assaults of the enemy. They will charge the German lines; they are lea'rning'how to do it in a miniature battlefield of trenches and barbed-wire which they have made at Fort Crook. Their battlefield is even equipped with German enemy and the soldiers are taught how to "make a bayonet charge and "run them through." These hated German soldiery at the Fort already have been pierced The Rook at Ft. Crook many times and likely will suffer many more bayonet jabs, for they are only stuffed dummies that help the boys in learning how to attack. The soldiers in the picture who have just "wound up" and made a record throw are base ball pitchers but they aren't throwing spit-balls this time. They hold American gre nades, lemon-shaped balls of iron, harmless-looking, heavy little balls filled with' explosives whose killing capacity will cause long casuality lists for the enemy. Grenades Timed to Explode. The grenades are timed and ex plode just five seconds after they are thrown. They are dangerous death-dealers and skill is needed in throwing them. Te soldier drops to the ground as soon as the grenade is thrown so thatt he will not be a victim of the bursting iron. The grenades burst into 42 pieces. They can be thrown a maximum distance of SO yards and have a killing range of 75 yards. I The soldiers have often fested the little "death balls" and have been awed at their power. One was placed under a heavy oak door which was covered on one side with zinc. The grenade gave a whizz like the snap of a whip and exploded. The door was torn into toothpicks. Work and Play. The work is not all serious. The husky soldiers have their play time and then they shout and augh like children. The picture shows them playing "churn." The boyish sol dier in the center is "it" and the others are whirling him and tossing him around. The eager hands are keeping tne soldier in the air for the one who lets him fall will be "it" next and will have to take his turn at a "churning." Thegames help train the men to be quick and alert and; with the more serious training, are making the Fort Crook soldiers quick and strong and "fit to do their bit." The soldiers expect overseas orders soon. r 1 ( -OOHtOVl)f NiTHfjr ONP ) (tOO MICH ! TOO HtCH.1 MO 20y fj An Army of 3;000,000f1 jOo a. or i urn 11 1 11 1 1 p 11 1 1 1 1 1 ip . Tt tcl ;r fsfi ImJMMmM lift mtiJni $J It" 'J l N"l HI ("'""i. prn4 f A 0mA fliX Yt . ltl ' 1 I X if '(I HI iluri wll-kn.wn Intfln II fc" .fWI I 17 ' S fA vf4' lx I HI !"' ..b iqu II " SLJyiiiff VMfjX Asj 'HIS. It '? iZN j4 ! 71 HI "Blt mi mn MvmiM s( I m 'AM-. TS sAEX J "' V I H I r.rfl.rn.th.r.nlsii, II TTCJT nH4lMlt Vf ' I til " " ' , I stall II I ' 1 1 HI C'm t-a if l hi - n i Hi Sh'"1 ''JISTu ! if , " U tal 5'"'"5 If finiry M tlw bam a wmm mm . v vhan anly U .ar eld. Ha f that Nui.i.a (ran la tna I I avamllablatonlslhatliaaktalaaa' If moil aurarialaa raaulls If am M I C t a.alatwowwus' "ma. Ml General Gordon, Hero of the Battlo o'f Gettysburg, Leads the Way; United States Judge Atkinson, Former Governor of West Va., Tells Benefits He Derived From its Use) Former United States Senator Chas. A. Town Commends 'Wuxated Iron To All Who Feel the Need of Re newed Energy. Sworn Statement of Composition of Nuxatod Iron Formula Printed Below Should Con vince Every Physician and Druggist That it is a Product of Greatest Therapeutic Value. Doctor Tells How Best to Use it to Create New Red Blood Corpuscles and Thereby Greatly Increase Your Strength, Power and Endurance. IN discussing; Nuxated Iron at a dinner in a fashionable hotel in New York, a well-known man of affairs said that the fact that over three million peo ple annually were endorsing: It by their use of it, according to conservative1 estimates, was to him the strongest possible argument that could be advanced as to its therapeutic efficacy. No newspaper or magazine in the world has a vast army of three .million purchasers. It represents more than half the total num ber of votes usually cast for successful candidates for President. ;Such an army of trained American Soldiers in France today could, in our opinion, immediately sweep the combined armies of the Central Empires baek across the Rhine and win a complete victory in less than three months, dictate the terms of peace to Germany in Berlin. Nuxnted Iron is such a valuable product to give the "stay-there" strength, power end endurance so much demanded by soldiers in the army that General Gibson says thaC Judging from the results in his own case, he feels that every soldier who g.oes to the front should take Nuxated Iron, and that it has brought back to him in good measure that old buoy ancy and, energy that filled his veins in 1847 when ha made his triumphant entry with General Winfield Scott into the City of Mexico. SOME OF THE PROMINENT PEOPLE WHO HAVE USED AND ENDORSED NUXATED IRON Hon. Leslie M. Shaw Former Sec retary of theTreaB ury in the Cabinet of one of the most strenuous of Amer i e a n Presidents, also former Gov ernor of Iowa. United States Judge George W. Atkinson Of the Court of Claims of Washington, D. C, former Governor of W. Va. General John L. Clem, U. S. A. (Re tired) The drum mer boy of Shiloh, who was Sergeant in the V, S. Army at J 2 years of age. Former United States Senator Chas. ' A. Towns the silver-tongued orator ,of Minne sota, nominated for Vice President. Former Health Commissioner Wm. R. Kerr of Chicago. General David Stuart Gordon. U. S. A. (Retired) Well-known Indian fighter and hero of the battle, of Get tysburg. Former United States Senator Obadiah Gardner of Maine. Former First As sistant Postmaster General of the United States, C. P. Gran field. General Horatio Gates Gibson, U. S. A. (Retired) Who entered in the City of Mexico in the war of 1847 with: General Winfield Scott. Farmer United States Senator Wm. V. Sulivanof Mississippi. Judge Samuel S. Yoder S t a tes man. Jurist, for merly Ssn-geon-Ma-jor in th Army. Former United States Senator Richard Rolland Kenney Present Judge Advocate General in the 28th Division, Hattics burg, Miss. , Sworn Statement of Composition of Formula of Nuxated Iron Iron Peptonate (special specific standard) Quality given below. Sodium Glycerophos phates U. S. P. (Monsanto.) Calcium Glycero- U 1. . - TT C D Mnm.antn k P V. Mil Vomica U. S. P. Cns'carin Bitter,' Magnesium Carbonate, Po. Ginger U. S. P, OH Cassia Clnnamom ' U. S. P. Calcium Carbonate Precip. U. 8. P. , ' , Each dose of two tablets of Nuxatpd Iron contains one and one-half grains of organla Iron w the form of iron peptonate of a special apecific standard which in our opinion possesses auperiot) qualities to any other known form of iron By using other makes oi Iron Peptonate we could have put the same quality of actual iron in the tablets at less than one-fourth the cost to us, and by uainlf metalllo iron we could have accomplished the same thing at less than one twelfth of the cost, but by sn doing we mutt htva mnt certsinlr Impaired thalr ttiurmieuUff elTlcacy. flhreroiihosphstea uned In NuxMetl Iron in one of the most ex pensive tnnlo lniredlriita known. It is enneclslly recominwided to build up the nerve foroa and tliofoliy Increase brain power, as slrcemphoapliates sra said to con tain phoiuihormu In a state very similar to that In which It Is found In the nenre and brain celli of man. As will be iesn from the tbote, two Important tngredlentt of Nuxated Iron (Iron Peptonate and OlyceropUoaiilialea) are very sxiienilve products as compared wita most other tonlr. ' N Under such rlrrtimntances the temptation to adulteration and substitution by un scrupulous persona Is very great, and the tmbllo la hereby warned to be careful and see every bottle la plainly labeled "NUXATEK 1BON" by the Dae Health Laboratories. Paris, London, and (Detroit. U. fl. A., as tills Is the only genuine article. Look out for preparations lalwled Nux and Iran and othor similar names, aa these preparations are- not the genuine Nuxated Iron. If you have taken other forma of iron without siatfDM. this does not prove jtuxitert Iron will not help yon. We wtrantes satlsrae tlon to every purchaser or your money will b refunded. Dae Health Laboratories, Detroit. Mich. General David Stu" Former United States Senator Chas. Upon the declaration of war I decided to forming drugs, stim- art Gordon, noted Towne says: "As a member of Congress re-enter public life whlchi to me meant the plants and aleoholio Indian fighter and from New York, as a member of Congress army in the mlds't of war time. With the beverages. There hero of the battle of and" Senator from Minnesota, as particl- sustslnlng tonie of Nuxated Iron I have ar thousands who Gettysburg, says: pant in political campaigns and candidate had no occasion to weaken under the most J"1 "When I became for Vice President, my nervous energy and strenuous duties and the longer the hours the, re1 bIood ,or. badly run down this reserve forca were tremendously drawn of work and study, the better I have felt, puscl. Increase year, I found myself "upon. . That 1 survived these trials and I beg to recommend to every man, whether thejr phy totally without the came into advanced middle life witn tne ne wonts wim nana ana oraiu, n. ...- physical power to elasticity snd strength of aboy Is unques- able medicament which only yourselves pre- 'corns back' as I had tionably due to the righteous attention I pare. It has no equal on the market" done In my younger have paid to the proper care of my body. Drv Ferdinand King, a New York phy- days. I tried differ- Recently I have been taking Nuxated Iron siclan and -Medical author, says: "There ent so-called 'tonics' and have found it of tha greatest benefit as can be no vigorous Iron men without iron, without feeling sny a tonic and regulative. Henceforth I shall Pallor means anaemia. Anaemia means Iron Wf.r hut finallv I not be without it. I am in a position to deficiency. The skin of anaemic men and and do not know it heard of how physl- testify for the advantage of others, to the women is pale; the flesh flabby. Th mus- U clans were widely remarkable and immediate helfulness of cles lack tone, the brain fags and the mem- ow( jt to youriej recommenaing or- tn:g remedy .and I unhesitatingly recom- ,ory fsils and tftey Decoms weaK, nervous, to make the follow. ing into a condition to ward off the mil lions of disease germs that are al m o s t continually around us. It is surprising how many people suffer from iron deficiency ganic iron to renew red blood and re build . strength in worn-out bodies. As a result I stsrted taking Nuxated Iron and within a month it had aroused my weakened vital forces and made me eel strong again, giving me endur ance such as I never hoped to again pos sess" United States Judge George W. Atkinson of the Court of Claims of Washington, D. C, says: "Only this Spring I have tried your valued pre scription, Nuxated Iron, as a tonic, and elites' States Jaat 8. W.ltalamfaraw tiavaraer. aaya taat U mails a kaa telaea Iroai taking NaaateS Iraa bar ba slaiplr ssarnl that ha has aarar haa raaaara to a Medldaa wkosa ra alia ware sa ,atisfaa taryt that wltbla U law waek, ba haa baaa taklag It ba teela ba haa SropveS all tba baraa el tba tasnthi' at talk , 1 I aa. teasel. fkaia, faraiar eMralary at tha traeiary, la tba eableet el aaa at tba eat ttreaaeea ! SBMrleaa FrsaUrate. alee lener Savaraar at lewa. fi.er.ury Shaw baa takea Sal. at Ml Irea buaitlf aaS aiparlaatea tba ba aaflta al its teale Bad health giving proper tlMae tbat la writing ale aaaarwaBt ba kaawa a hartal ha restorative following mend Nuxated Iron to all who feel the need Irritable, despondent, and melancholy. 1L. I A.t on, ine riirors oi Tne . ... .., piist winter. , The of "neea energy and tne reguiaruy oi results have been bodily functions." haellnv"rVhad,re Former Unittd State Senator Richard ouree to a medicine Rolland IJenney, Judge Advocate General, whose results were 28th Division, Hottiesburg, Miss., says: "It compete and.o free ive' m enuine Ple"ure to beir te'timpny from any of the in- to the curative properties and the restora- cidental complies- tive and , tonic value of Nuxated Iron. I tions Which India- When the iron goes from the blood of women the roses go from their cheeks. In the most common foods of America, the starches, sugars, table syrups, candies, pol ished rice, white bread, soda crackers, bis cuits, macaroni, spaghetti, tapioca, sago, far ina, determinated corn meal, no longer is iron to be found. Refining processes have ?ne. down, ,,n . , glorious defeat sim- removed the iron of Mother Earth from vy for ne j,,,, 0 test: See how long you can work or how far you ean walk without becom ing tired. Next take two five grain tablets, ordinary nuxated iron, three times per day after meals for two weeks. Then test your strength again and see how much you have gained. Num bers o f nervous, run down people who were ailing all the while have in creased their strength and e n -durance in two weeks' time while taking iron in the proper form. Many an athlete and prize- fighter has won the day simply because he knew the secret of great strength and endurance which is so greatly aided by having plenty of Iron in the blood, while many another has lions wnicn ino.s- have been BgI prescription for a " " " ln ply for criminate dosing so , . . . . .. . . these Impoverisbed foods, and silly methdas iron. frequently brings to - number of months during which time I have " ' the people w h o enjoyed an incresse of weight, s decided in- ' klnB- bJ throwing down ths Usauhji SOME OF THE . PHYSICIANS WHO HAVE , PRESCRIBED AND RECOMMENDED NUXATED IRON Dr. James Fran cis Sullivan For- Srrly Physician of ellevue Hospital (Outdoor Dept.) New York, and the Westchester Coun ty Hospital. Dr. A. J. New man -Lata Police Surgeon of the City of Chicago and for mer House Surgeon Jefferson Park Hospital, Chicago. Dr. Ferdinand King New York physician and Med ical Author. Dr. Schuyler t Jaques Formerly Visiting Surgeon St Elisabeths Hos-s pital. New York. Dr. F. Rorback Graduate of Belle vue Hospital Medi cal College. Dr. J. W. Armi sted Graduate of University of Ala bama, School of Medicine, Mobile. Dr. D. F. Canone Graduate of -the Vanderbilt Univer sity. Nashville, Ten Dr. C. W. Bailey Graduate of the State University of IoWa. Dr. W. O. Parish Graduate of the College of Physi cians and Surgeons Keokuk. lows, v Dr. E. Truett Graduate of ths AJnive-Bity of Ar kansas, M e di e a 1 Dent, Little Rock. Dr. E. C. Ballard Graduate of the Eclectic Medical College. Cincinnati. Dr. R. C Baugh Graduate of the Memphis Hospital College, Memphis.. Dr. M. B. Pollard Graduate of the University of Tex as, Dent, of Medi cine, Galveston. Dr. J. D. Shelton Graduate of the Louisville Medical College. i Dr. E. Cross Graduate of the Tulane University of. Louisville, School of Medicine, New Orleans. ' make arVentsf "ffc cresa in y vigor tti in th" power, of Manufacturers' Vote! Nuxated Iron 1a mi a aaa. . wastepipe th. water in which our vegetable. yhlsh to wU known to il. at. .t . c,atne n t s. It is , t. ., . .,i ..,-j are cooked, is responsible for another grave it is easily assimilated, does not injur the testa. without hesitation that I recommend Nux- durance under the strain of newly-accepted ' , ...... ... . ... Bke them black, nor jioset tha stokarfi Vi.iTtXi " Iron Is not recommended for us In eases of acute UU iron deficienoy in your food by using some nets, but only aa a tonic strength and blood builder. tnrm of nrirnnin iron Nuxated Iron lust m oaM of cM ulnes always consult your family lorm or organic iron iNuxateairon just physl(jllln Md by h, tMatky lt ln aoubl as you would use salt when your food iias as to whether or not you need a tonic, ask your doe- ' not enough salt" tor, as we do not wish to sell you Nuxated Iron If . , . . . v.,.,ari 7. on dtTHot require It. If you should use it and it If people would only take Nuxated Iron d0M ot n,lp you BOtlfT M d ,m m when they feel weak or' run down instead money. It is sold In this city by Sherman aa aVkCoan of dosing thernse)res with habit-neU Dnuj store and other druggists. Ads, , sted iron to persons who in the stress of physical or mental labors have permitted the system to become debilitated, the body exhausted orthe nerves run down. It has restored my appetite and my vitality. I feel that I have dropped off the burden of months of toil in the few weeks that I have been following the very simple direction for the use of Nuxated Iron duties to the Government. From the time of my retirement from the Senate of the United States, nearly fifteen years ago down to the present time, or rather until the outbreak of the war, I had been actu ally and unremittingly engaged in ths prac tice of my profession in my home state.