Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1918, SOCIETY SECTION, Image 17

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.6 B
'Conducted by. Ella Fleishman.'-
M U S I C I Sf l?
i 5
sLS WE have had Several re
quests for a reprint of the
folldw ing, story which . we
ywrote the first year we were
a musical editor, we have
finally searched it out and
revised it somewhat in order to have
Jt really up to date.'
Once upon a time in the outskirts of
i city somewhere in the land of music
:here started a game of Hare and
Hound, in which four boys Sam,
Andy, Ted and Bob took part. Sam
was the Hare. He ran along a street
for some distance, dropped a small
piece of paper, and then turned into
the thick shrubbery which lined the
side of it. He hovered near the street
irntil he saw each of the Hounds get
a start. As soon as this was assured
' he made a detour, crossed a vacant
lot and dodged behind' sorac'houses
and sheds, ran through several cross
" streets and then emerged again upon
the main thoroughfare. This he no
sooner reached than he left again to
. run through a shady lane, which a
vshort distance away led him out into
the open country, where the winding
. brown roadway looked like a ribbon
stretched across the lovely green land-
. scape. He ran on for miles, some
times upon this road, and sometimes
digressing into the cool green wood
at the left of it, or to follow a path
across, a meadow, past a farm house
and back to the road, and having a
tine time. But once more the road is
becoming a street, and the houses
scattered about show that he is ap
proaching a center ot civilization,
' In the meantime, what of the
Hounds? - Each was allowed to start
SO yards behind the other. Andy, the
first "one, came to the spot where the
-: paper showed the Hare had left the
road. HeMooked about, but could see
no sign of the Hare, then turned and
ran swiftly lin another direction. The
other two. Ted next, and Bob, the
last, when they carne to the same
spot, each in his turn also left the
street, and chose his own path, with
the hope that they would soon see
the Hare ahead of them.
After some time, however, Andy
sights Sam ahead in the roadway.
With a shout he runs out upon it only
to discover that the Hare has dodged
from sight. The other two come to
the road as rapidly as they are able,
each to be disappointed in turn.
On and on goes the race. The three
Hounds pursue the same general di
rection as the Hare. Sometimes they.
. lose the "scent," and two different
times, Bob stands still to look ahead,
sooner than to lose his time in a use-
.But gradually they have gained
upon the Hare. He glances back and
sees that further dodging is impos
sible. His only chance now is to reach
the city limits before his pursuers.
He takes again to the smooth road.
Sodo they. Instead of being SO yards
' apart, the runners are separated now
only by 20 yards, and now by but 10.
The yards are being reduced to feet.
Already Ted can feel Bob's hot breath
upon his cheek, and Andy can almost
touch Sam's shoulder. They strain
every muscle, and as Sam, the Hare,
panting, reaches the city lrhiits, the
other-'three are upon him, and to
gether, the four1 plunge over the
boundary line yrhich has made their
. Now during this race, there was a
merry crowd of Uninitiated out enjoy
ing the fresh airrThey were trundling
in a basket beneath a large balloon
like those swinging above the fort, and
viewing the landscape through their
telescope. They had seen the boys
making ready, and had followed the
whole race from start to finish.. They
were much mystified, suspected enemy
plots, and begged the pilot to tell them
what it meant. He frankly admitted
that he did not know, Put said he
would take them to see his" friends the
Crazy. Musician, who was very 'wise
and knew everything.
The Crazv Musician heard the
. story and then replied: "What you
have just described to me is known
in music as a fugue, and is considered
as a flight rather thaji a race. The
boys, Sam, Andy, Ted and Bob, are
really the four voices, soprano, alfo,
tenor and bass. When the first one
started alone down the street in that
way, . he announced the subject, or,
rather, that first little sprint was on
the main tune of the piece. When
he ran parallel to the road while he
next boy started, life merely an
nounced the countersubject. Each one
of the others in his turn sang the
. same first tune or ran upon the same
road, until they came to the place
where the Hare had left it. When
they had all done it, that completed
the Exposition of it. Where the
Hare made his- detour, they all ran
in their own paths that is what is
called the first Episode. They re
turned to the rflaSn road for a few
minutes, you say. Well, that is where
they got back to the main tune fof a
' brief time, and is known as the Coun
ter Exposition, and where the Hare
led. the chase through the lane and
out into the open country, he really
led the fugue through the Second
Episode and into the Middle Section.
Here, 'of course, each went his own
way in his attempt to overtake and
pursue, but always in the same gen
eral direction. Every once in a while
it was but natural that they sHould
emerge upon the main tune, and where
, your Bob stood still, he had to, be
cause he was only the bass, doing a
Pedal Point. ' '
"As tHey gradually came to the out
skirts of, the city,' they were coming
bark to the main tune in the same
key in which it was first presented.
As each voice gained on the other,
and the Principal Melody sounded out
a shorter distance apartf until the
parts sometimes overlapped, that is
the Stretto, and very soon after that
it is finished."
. The Uninitiated were impressed- "I
couldrt't follow each one of them all
the time,'' complained one'I couldn't
tell where they were."
. The Crazy Musician smiled. "That
comes with fanrrliarity with this sort
of a game," he saif. "In a fugue, if
you can always keep a weather eye,
weather ear, I should say, out for the
principal melody, and watch how the
diifererir voices appear in it, and leave
it, the same as your facers appeared,
in the road, even if you don't know
much about it,' you will have a good
time." '
"Are they all alike?" asked another.
"Same general rules," said the
Crazy Musician. "Some are; fast,
some slow, some dignified and some
gay. "Sometimes they sing their tune
upside down and sometimes their
composers make them -shorter or
longer." '
' And as there were no more ques
tions to be asked, they all went out
side and departed for their homes,
after agreeing' that they thought the
Crazy Musician must be crazier than
ever. j
The followingis from the "Art of
Listening, by Howard Wells:
"The average listener at a sym
phony concert has an emotional en
joyment and a generaljmpression of
hearing a great work, but the intelli
gent following of great orchestral
works is left to the chosen few. Even
a person who has studied the con
struction of a symphony and is able
to explain its forrfl and harmonic
scheme may not be able to follow it
well by sound.
'The performance of a musical work
passes so 'rapidly that our sense of
hearing must be trained to be so
alert that we can realize the structure
of the composition, the emotional con
text, the variety of tone and rhythm,
besides hearing and appreciating the
jliterpreation as it passes by. This re
quires great quickness of thought and
considerable retentiveness of memory.
These faculties are developed only by
"T-he lack of special training in the,,
art of listening is not only a great
detriment to the concert-ftoer, but is
a decided drawback to the music stu
dent in his development. If the train
ing of his musical hearing had begun
with his first lesson and had been
6arried along regularly and systemat
ically as an integral part of his musical
work, he would gradually have ac-
auired the ability to hear himself, and
have greatly increased his power of
self-criticism, which is a highly mi
portant factor in musical advance
Ossip Gabrilovitch has been en
gaged as conductor of the Detroit
Symphony orchestra at a salary of
$.W,000 a year.
This column will close nfxt week.
Be sure and send your announcements
in before Friday.
The West sisters string quartet will
play at the bright annual festival of
music at Peru, Neb., which will take
place on Tuesday. May 28. In the
norning the chorus will sing the
Creation, by Havdn, with well
known Chicago soloists, accompan
ied by the West sisters. 'In the after
noon a program bv Frances Ingram
of the Chicago Grand Opera com
pany will be given. Miss Ingram will
he assisted by Miss Madge West,
violin soloist. In the evening a grand
concert will close the festival, in
which all soloists, the festival chorus
and the quartet will take part. This
is a return engagement for this tal
ented Omaha quartet, which is quite
an honor and speaks well of the satis
faction which they gave at their en
gagement last vear.
Musical Notes.
Mr. E. M. Jones has resigned his position
as dean of the fine arts department and
teacher of piano at Bellevue college. Mr.
Jones has completed his 27th year at this
school. He will now devote his entire time
to his Omaha class. His class requires so
much of his time that he considers it neces
sary to give up outside work.
The North Side Christian church will be
the place of an interesting concert next
Friday evening, given to raise the debt on
its pipe organ. The musicians who take
part have kindly donated their services, and
the entire proceeds will be turned over to
the fund. Among those taking part with
whom arrangements have been completed at
this time are: Mr. James H. Simms, Mr.
Henry Cox, Mrs. Hazel Peterson, soprano;
Miss Grace Slabaugh, accompanist; Mrs.
Grace Steinberg, contralto, and the West
sisters' string quartet.
Yourself and friends are cordially invited
to attend a violin recital given by Misses
Mildred Bliss, Isabella Radman, Clara
Schneider, Muriel Thomas, Gertrude Wied
ing, and Masters Archie Baley, Morris
Brick and 'Phillip Krasne, pupils of Frank
Mach, kindly assisted by Miss Nancy
Hulst, pupil of Mrs. R, Beecher Howell, at
the Young Women's Christian association
auditorium Wednesday evening, May 29, at
8:15 o'clock.
Mr. Frank Mach will present his inter
mediate class of violin pupils in recital at
the Young Women's Christian association
auditorium Wednesday evening, June E, at
8 o'clock. All interested are invited.
Miss Luella Allen and Mr. Patrick
O'Neill will give a concert at Fort Omaha
next Wednesday evening.
.The program at the Fontenelle hotel this
evening, given by the orchestra under the
direction of -Robert Cuscaden, will include
selections from the works of Massenet and
Puccini for the principal operatic offerings,
and lighter numbers by various modern
Advice to
the Lovelorn
- Coufil You Be Happy?
Dear Miss Fairfax: 1 am U and mother
less. I live with strangers and have to
support a little sister. I met a young man
seven years my aenior and be asked me to
marry him. My relatives know him and
know his character. He earns a large
salary and la able to aupport a wife. But
he has one fault be la very stingy. I
don't love him, but my friends say I will
learn to love him. Kindly advise what
How much happiness do you think you
wil have with a man you call stingy and
for whom you feel uo love ? AftS all, yu
are marrying him if marry him you do
for money; If he doea not give It to you,
what are you going to get out of your ugly
bargain? I don't believe muoh in "learning
to love." Learning to admire and respect
and be fond of a man are all possible, if
ha la kind and generous and his character
Is fine. On the other hand, love i not quite
the romantic, feverish, sentimental thing of
moon shine and kisses and heart throbs
which girls Imagine It With affection,
respect and congeniality, you might find
happiness. But with nothing but money
to give you Joy. how can you possibly feel
like anything but a creature who has sold
heiWf t Think over your own feelings to
TirOMEN dear: One of the intcr-
esting things in this shopping
game of mine is to note the ever-
changing panorama of Fashion. No
sooner have we made up our blinds
tn ,i,.c ...t,,,.. :., ct..,.,J. ....
v iiiui ij uai in ijivici uni u di i c
vacillating Dame decides upon some
thing new and quite different.
But isn't it these caprices that hav
i ....... ... , t. 1 1 r i . i
a.w,a .u-uc l.ic wurm OI ClOUieS ail
lnterCStlllff One 10 US WOIlien folks.
ever since the first fig leaf came into
fashion? v
t.-,.- 1- . .v.,
iaKe sieeves ior instance! Jiave
you ever, in all your experience, seen
such a variety of sleeves as are shown
this season? The dressmakers, the de-
signers, the students of the museums
and even the artists are nromotine-
new sleeves Therfar! I Leves f!om
Assyria, Egypt and arlv French his-
torv. sleeves taken from the Italian
Renaissance, and from the quaint
styles of our earlv Colonial grand-
mothers. There are graceful, loose
hanging sleeves and-skin tight sleeves.
Verily, sleeves seem to be the subject
upon which everyone is dwelling these
days. 1
It is interesting to note the transi-
lion from Spring to Summer. Smart
and beautiful things are appearing
now in the shops as a sort of fore-
r3St nf th, tbiLc , dii ;..
midsummer. And cVinWh.,,
about them enough charm to make us
positively long for warm weather,
Capes of quilted satin trimmed with
ostrich feather banding or monkey fur
are extremely swagger.
THOUGH its ancestors were of at 208 Securities Building is to be of
plebeian birth, calico is now seen fer,ed Bt very special prices for the
in company with as aristocratic a fab-
ric as Georgette. The alliance of the
two was seen thr? weeW mi a rorin
fetching hat at The Nebraska Clothing
Lomnanv's Mi inerv Strn- anrf it
was smart astonishingly s'o! Pinkff excellent style and quality, you
printed calico covers the crown, which
is embroidered with blue silk in criss-
cross stitches, while the brim is of
navy Georgette. But this is onlv one
ot about a dozen different versions of
chalantly flaunting silk fringed sashes,
nthers are trimm.H ,!!, K,,l,
others are trimmed with woorfen beads
aid numerous piquant touches. Pink,
of that, delicious rose-petal tint, is
shown iit some dainty Georgette hats
to wear with fluffy summey frocks,
while sand, and sand combined with
navy may be seen in some very ultra
creations. Really, you must see these
wonderful hats!
ir t , . .
various snaaes or yeiiow compose
, ij
i . r,
THE price on some makes of Eng-
X lish blue china has increased 100
per cent, and that alone is a very
Kood reason for usine Sheffield Ser-
rood reason for usine Sheffield Ser-
ice pieces. And there is also much
v.;t. . .!, ,;i.
.llguiljr iu iiiv. Diiuyi Miaiiv.13 ui l 1 ic
i r rL.n.ii '
lutely complete, and has an unique
' a;; rnnm f,-f.. TUi
Adam etched I pieces I are oarticularlv
beautiful As Sheffield plate is euaran -
teed for a life time it is most ao
nronr-'ate for weddin'p irift
v v' , iik whs. . -
Chantilly lace is coming into vogue
tor tne large transparent nat to be
-i.t. i t'Y .
worn wun uic uKureu cninons ot
THE red letter da on my calendar
J- this month is May 30 Memorial
he navy ueorgette hat which has parent colors reflected in a tasc.nat- H j ; , h d - . h ,t , and one and swt simplicity of early New. Eng.
been heralded by the fashion maga- ing manner by a .sprig of natural day file eighths leather Cubarl heels. The land home-life, orchards . of appU
T ZJu 5er"ier cr'lt, Hattoni; flowers suspended in the limpid .quid Al)d h worI(J f p , . " perforation on the vamp and blossoms and long winding lanesaK
and which arrived iust this week at When I was up in the little shop at T , f . demurest rav . fl d 'lig pin punch design on tips of these charming bits are character
rh r'SSn Sfff ClCVer Sai'rr 71 ?7ni?ei' B4iIdin' T,ewRee "SJ "on? Lake h m Ts Aching as can be. tic of the beautiful Wallace Nuttin,
with corded taffeta crowns, some non- snlendid Franco-American toilet Ke- ' ' ... .u.j :., aiii Vi nnre n ptnrM. For a commencement, oi
day! This reminds me that ypu'll wish v.-are in the delighfwl little' shop of the
to be ordering flowers to place on the Nippon Importing Company, at 218
grVves of your loved ones. Let me 'South Eighteenth street. "I was for
suggest if you want a particularly tunate to secure a shipment directly
artistically arranged wreath, spray or from the factory," replied this pleas
loose bouquet of blossoms, that -you- antly - polite Japanese gentleman,
give your order to lofvn H: Bath, 1804 "and they are. indeed, most humbly
Farnam. There are wonderful rose, priced." Now that the season of
peonies, daisies and other flowers ap- flowers is with us. I cannot iniagine
propnate for this occasion now. in anything lovelier for a gift than one
season, and to be seen in his flower of these vases. They're priced 75c to
shop. $3.50.
ward the man, aad don't marry him be
cause you are too lazy to go on earning- an
honest living;. Marriage is a big- job. It
requires two partners working together
amiably to make a go of It.
' Don't.
Dear Miss Fairfax: My husband la real
good, but It takes all the money be makes
for us to scrape along. I don't think he
loves me as much as the other man does
either. The other man has his own business,
au automobile sod can give me a nice home.
A play I saw has set me thinking as
t told this man that I waa going to leave my
husband for him, but now I don't know
what to do. He is after me every day to
tell him.' Has a woman a right to leave her
husband if she can better herself?
There ought not to be this "other man."
Love 1s not entering Into your calculations
you Just want to sell yourself for a few
luxuries! If you do, you will not be "better
Inj; 'Vourself," but wrecking your own life.
What strides
.The Springtime makes
Before we know she's here she'll
, And Summer comes with all
its hum
v Of bees and things
Flitting 'round about on gamy
. wings
Thjsweet younq girls in busy
Flit in and out o school
Their minds intent -on other
Not bent upon their lessons'
ONE of the things a bride has to be
ukiiikiui ior uus summer season
i i.f..i c i -
is the fact that Dame Fash
p,i,; v,,.
decreed that she must have several
Pasols in her trousseau. It was a
wisely intentioned little bird that
aaiuiMi iias
i . i .
, , , . .... ... . ..,
.I J.. Yr..
beauties I First there is the parasol to
match the going-away frock I'd sug-
- . o r... .l . t
gfsi a oun-nane ior inai, ior u win
obligingly do the double duty of
I'arasol and umbrella and comes in
almost arrj shade imaginable, and in
either ithe regulation or India shape,
To cornDlement the airy frocks of
summerCre J paSs in dainti
colors which, when hoisted, look like
veritable blossoms. The sunburst is
a wonderful style in parasols verv
new and voguish this season! It
comes in plain rich silks to match or
Harmonize with a costume, or in the
new silk ginghams or foulards. By
the way, if you're in doubt about a
graduating gift, could anything be
more acceptable than a pretty para-
Beaded bags are the smart things
L."... :ll.u:.V. ..i.., -i
ore,' IA showin "in
bright and glowing colors which
would help materially to liven a plain,
ctark gown.
Tt-v-xtt i , 1,
DON T know whether Mr. La-
I J I J 1 .L. r-- L.-i
mond has advertised the fact, but
I happen to know that every spring
suit and coat in his fashionable shop
Miance ot tne monm or May. i reany
hesitate to tell you all the good fea-
tures of these well-tailored garments,
for. fear you'll think I m overenthusi
asiic. dui n you wibii a suit ur lua
rea"y must v,slt this shop.
W' LOWER-in-the-bottle perfumes
and toilet waters! Have you ever
seen these, wih their beautiful, trans
quisites are sold. I was shown an ex-
- ..:- i;- f r (rs.,.r v.
auisite line of these true flower ex
tracts. Simply couldn't resist buying
a bottle for a little girl graduate friend
of mine and I know she'll be pleased
with its artistic appearance as well as
the delicate, refreshing and natural
cdor of the violet perfume. The toi-
let waters are priced at $1, the per-
fumes, $1.50 and $2.50. in any flower
odor you prefer.
Hindu turbans are conspicuously
tUiUia ui uanua ui utuv.ut uiyv.,
THE desire for style attractiveness
fm,ay,b,e, economically as well as
Joy.1"" ""niiea. u one w.u oik wena
'their way a few steps from the down-
town shopping district to the smart
l"w" """vy" l"
shop for women of F W. Thome s at
1812 Farnam. I want vou to see, the
, . . .i, I ' ti
tICVtl 3M1 13 J 1 3 IIIV JJJliil VVUIVIl ai V.
soIH at this shoo for onlv $8.95-
really worth every cenfof $10 These
shades of tan, which harmonize with a
hi V ja iiiv o v- v v n i njwivjuauiv nvn
Mouse of any color. One model shows
tne ntted vestee belt- ynm swaKKer
IittIe panel Pockets- while another has
3 Prtty graduated pointed tunic.
fringe grows daily more popular,
It is used on gowns, on capes, on hats
and even on blouses.
' WV. Mr. Taso, how can you
W se these lovely Canton vases
so reasonably?" I exclaimed on exam-
inine a tableful of this artistic Chinese
The man who makes love to a married
woman seldom marries her after she gets
her "freedom." He breaks up her home,
ruins her reputation, steals her husband's
haziness and then throw's her over some
day, telling her sneerlngly that his wife
"in st be a good woman! Why don't you
try to help your 'husband 7 Why not work at
his side and try to make a success. There
is a very ugly name for the thing you are
contemplating do you want tt applied to
you ? , 1
"A Little Liberty."
Dear Mlsa Fairfax) I am a
stenographer, 11 and think that a girl as
old as I am should be given a little liberty
as far as going out la concerned. My
mother has very peculiar ideas. For' In
stance, if several girl frlenda of mine ask
me to go to the theater with -them, my
mother refuses, saying that there will be
fellows with ua, and she simply will not be
llsva me. It seems to me that my mo thy
I f E ;ivu ;ar70irwhicl coud 1 to r n otion c , the cond flooV o 'K U and see them for myself. I never sus-
it iitnttraii ,A i i (i 1 1 r tnn nim iaci impure or Gvtrrs arf. I nw nrawn nil . . ' - - . r , i ir - r
v found at Thompson-Belden's, so 1 Brandeis' Store: Why, I was fairly ;e 0f the over-the-head affairs, petted so much charm and chic couW,
e hied myself over there the other day. d.zzy atter reviewing so many differ- f the pepIum tvpe. embroidered very 7 r:: ' uZ. Zi'
c . , f- ,..if .i,., t ;. rnt irnc nf cmarr ctirt ctvi.d ,., "L . . v.v . ,A " ui j ...ui.. Most of these were of stunning plaid
They're far too slow
The Springtime calls, "come
out!" and out they go.
And brides! Ah me, we see you
While you prepare you for
Your wedding day
I say,
E'en though 'tis war time, you
May set your fancies free.
Indulge your every whim, for
time is fleet;
Just now you have the whole
At your feet.
If ... . .
y arouna tne corner, , ana tor a
.4,.. : ,u. .... t u-
summer clubs, tubs skirts with, a
sports jacket or a sweats will be the
correct outing costume. Several reg-
iay in mc Lummy, ur ai unc ui mc
r . r .i. ..i. j
, .nHIc. ,ri.w nf r1ff.r n,,
umrlpl a.irl mnAJnnhlncr mafn'olct
First in line of march vcre the white
skirts-gabardines, corduroys, piq .es.
pcC;,n .,rc i,,cto.0 ..rt
y "o, v. ...
new tubablc cotton broadclo'hs-all
looking so spotlessly white and in-
viting. One unusually lovely model
of very fine gabardine had white
daisies with yellow centers scattered
all about its .border. Think of the
ciiarm ot u witn a yeiiow sweater or
satm sports coatee' Just for the sake
of diversion, some- skjjts have adopted
bright-colored belts a'nd pockets; and,
speaking of pockets, why, the de-
signers must have lam awake o nights
thinking o
and contraptions used to make pock-
! such objects of interest. Stun-
"ing black and white stripes and
P,aid formed a company all their
own, while gingham skirts came next
m hne;, An a,n of, thse skirts "e
prepared to be laundered any number
the French are featuring velvet
nags 10 dc carried witn ngnt summer
j ,r. "
- frin Mf
1 S m0T. trP( OT Hdlllg OUt,
In regulation stvlc.
A small trig hat. with band so neat,
Will take you many a mile.
For afternoon a hat of braid,
While round it pleated silk is laid,
And all one needs to finish it
Is ribbon round the crown of it.
For service is the sailor hat
Of rough straw brim, and silken
'Or small ciose-fittin, hat of straw
a it ... u... .
n rr
lie ijuuc me oiiidiicui iidis m luwii.
But ah! lilady has her charms.
Her daintiest frock she now w
And hats of organdy or tulle.
Qr dainty shade of straw, put on.
. ,. , . ,
Printed organdies make perfectly
lascmaung coiiar ana cuns.
A ROUND bouquet of daisies in a
Colonial lace paper frill and tied
A Colonial lace paper frill and tied
with fluffy pale-green tulle there!
with fluffy pale-green tulle there!
can you imagine anything sweeter tor
a girl graduate to carry on her Com-
mencement day? This is only one
of t()e artigtiy flowef arrangernents
suggested tor graduates by i-ee Lar-
mon, the Fontenelle Florist. And
you may be sure that the blossoms
whirh rnme frnm h e chnn are alurava
"." colorful that
can be obtained.
i "
Remember. I'm always happy to
help yu out with ideas and to do
your shopping for you.
Be sure to state price, size and
as many details as possible when
writing to me, and kindly enclose
stamp for a reply. Purchases will
be sent C. O. D. unless accompa
nied by a check or Money Order.
Omaha Bee.
should trust me Just a little mors than
that. She knows that I tell her where I
go and who I go with, because I need
keep no secrets from her. Do you really
think that she Is Justified? A. It.
A little liberty like the oft quoted "little
knowledge" may be a dangerous thing.
Tour mother has no Idea In the world other
than that of protecting you. It Isn't you
she distrusts, my dear; It is the unexpected
circumstances that may come up while
you are out and the people you may meet
quite accidentally. You see, at 17, no one
can have the poise and knowledge of hu
man nature that are needed to face all situ
ations In life. I think your mother la Justi
fied, but a trifle over-cautious, perhaps.
Still, I do not like the Idea of a 17-year-old
girl's being out lata at night or traveling
about with other girls she baa Just hap
pened to meet In her office and who may
seem to be splendid companions, and yet
are not fit for her to know. It happens!
TWT? nu TnrK-in nnora ,llianwis."
I "V" "- r -.
- may have been the inspiration
, . i, -i j:-..
rcj Georgette I saw at F. W.
Thorne's Up-Farnam Street shop the
otiier dav. but-whatever caused its
inr a verv sninnmo- mouse oi inuiaii-
.. .
. tiectiveiy in nc .u .
vorsteds. A sl.p-tl rough sash of blue
n n to an imnnrtatlT IMture. XhlS
. . V f.-..
b, se which is onc 0f the unusual
thj " s'from the House of Flanders, is
, t... .r
i;r,ce(i at au.o ana is nui ync-ui
Jy WOnderful new blouses which
arrived last week.
. . lan,scane more
Red hats dot the landscape more
and .more conspicuous y They
parucuiny j
dresses or suits ot navy Diue.
,(m , v.lir :t
' I O tfchU tit Jo o yj "
sentialweTOce. style and co
are found in the t xperfTy noJ
corsets which Mrs U. A. "
to show you in her little c0" sn0P
at Ne vill' ' j
.Mr4t Hi" '? fiS, :nC b' Js IlwaJs
in the art of fitting that one is always
J2"XVSr" " P"r'
chasing a corset irom ncr.
Dotted Swiss and novelty crossbar
fabrics are being shown in dainty
summer skirts.
SO varied are the names attached
to colors this season, that one
has to be constantly adding to one's
vocabulary soas not to be "15 miles
behind the procession." "Napi-tan,"
is one I discovered this week and it s
really, truly such a beautiful shade,
that it has gained a permanent place
on my list of words. Jt was affixed
to a stunning pair of oxfords of very
soft Russia calf, which I saw in the
windows of Napier's Booterie, and
were I to attempt to describe it, I
should call it a rich, chocolate brown
haH Thee oxtords are maoe wun
$700 The same stvle oxford is shown
in black calf at $6.50.
. .
, J .
Dutch pouch pockets frilled at the
top by ribbon drawstrings are shown
on dresses of sheer summery fabrics.
Th most allutine tissue for the
bridal veil is maline.
THE thoughtful giver of wedding
cifta will surelv consider linens
o - - .
ih.m mn fnr all linens are last van-
y-f - . .... r
TJ WZu7Z; ihl little bride
the disappointment of the little br ae
whose cedar chest is not tinea wun
fnK,Wy .111 f'Cl Belden's w d beautiful Mn" which Mu
table napery. Thornpso n-Jelden s dh , h fc fortunate to secure.
must have made i a lucky strike or H . , fc , fc f .
were vesjt foresighted, for their Linen . ' . thin; ,
Section shows a surprising variety ot
tu. k.al1.ifi HamaW and linens, so
ear to. the heart
of every bride.
Tlisrs t lis "vrv-r1av" tahlerlnth
y "-j
the bride must have at least two of
these, with a set ot napKins to go
with each. For company dinners
these, with a set of napkins to go
with each. For company "dinners
J saw some Hqumn uoigni m i
John S. Brown s celebrated Sham-
fock damasks. Then, of course, for
luncheons there are lovely sets of
uamass, consisting o a j-t-niLii mm.ii
cloth, with six napkins to match
Thonipson-Belden have a wonderful
line also Of linen Madeira luncheon
?XTi&V& ""S are priced $7.50 to $3U
Wrapped and draped skirts with
slender effect at the ankle and wide
at hips still continue in the smart
One of the real novelties I've seen
in the shops is hand-wrought iron
furniture, also decorations of iron,
such as lamps, candelabra, and candle
sticks. These are all reproductions
of Italian Renaissance designs, and
are finished with antique gold leaf. ,
Perhaps If there are one or two companions
about whom your mother knows a great deal
and of whose familiea aha is sure,, then she
may permit you an occasional excursion to
theator or concert. But It won't hurt you
to wait a year or two. Actually It would be
better for you to be escorted by a fine boy
than to' roam around with a crowd of girls.
By Hall.
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bet: I'm one
of your dally readers, have seen several of
your advices which I thought were ex
cellent. Now, this la what I want to know
if you answer questions by return mall: I
would like to have your advice and do not
feel as thirugh I would Want my letter pub
lished In The Bee. If 70a answer letters by
return mall will be glad to see the answer
in The Bee. Thanking you for your answer.
Pleaaa do not print my name in The Bee.
Wo do not ear to answer Inquiries by
mall, aa this column la conducts! that other
people may read the letter! and perhaps
HEARD so many nice things be-
inir said about the fresh, new irino
. ..
, i t , J u a f u th A
1" "V?' 5 iT. .1 "
. lii&iiimiaijiE HLLie seiTmici iiiinr hiiijii
patterns-but oh. the deft little tricks
designers had put '
.... r
t,lcmI fton ,c.kets Q.a
f.f then' P0""! ome hye lopted
the over-bouse, while cunning vestees
c j j j ,.rj
rfa".d; "dJ. "fiA
U e. $cWl Jf-.Tn ola n dotted
torn e tetel ning styl M l! W W"
t t one ofThese nrP
want one pt these pretty dresses when
you see them at 208 Secunt.e, build-
Many interesting little white yoket
and tiny inserted white frilly waist-
coats' are apnfaringjn place of the
white collars so long popular. - .
O INCE Fashion's decree that the
O blouse . must not be completely
covered she has given us .the most
charming sleevejess sport jacquettes .
for the summer season. At Herrberg'l
Women. Torfferv. 1517 Doug las.
there i, a lovely array of these, which V
Rre patriotic thev are attractive
for they're made of silk of wondrout
beauty and marvelous sheen. Satis
"arunciic n wimc ..u v,iwj
licious apple blossoms and jprini
greenN tints, besides bias plaJds t .
match purple or green skirts of lik ;
materials. Pongee is another favored t
silk shown m thse jaunty jacquettes .
touched up with, turquoise blue, oi
lose Oh, they're just too adorable loi
words 1
, ,
Inconsistent as it may seem, it ii
more patriotic to wear silk now, thai
t0 wear w00i or cotton. v
, ,
Q UAINT old. porches, flower-em.
bowered, with doors with hugi ..
cld-fashioned knockers; the interioJ
views oi nouses wmtu uiciuc ui uu
wedding gift, I cannot imagine any
thing more appropriate. The A. Hosp
Art Shop, 1513 Douglas, has a lovelj
collection of these. Prices. $125, $2.50
and $5
&f UJ . h
" J- estate of the famous ''Diamond
Jim.Bradyl" Such a whopping big
one I xes, 1 aciuauy neia mis marvei.
ous gem in my very own hand the
other day when Lwas in Albert Ed
holm's beautiful jewelry shop, on the
corner of Sixteenth and Harney
streets. This wonderful emerald is
streets, ihis wonaertui emeraio is
pled in a gorgeous festoon setting of
k A;mnA, ,nd i
. -
TJERF'S pood new for the comfort.
I 1 a l j l -t
luvingi uianu new suipmcni vi
siik kimonos arrived Friday afternoon
frorq Japan to the W. H. Eldrid
porting Company's OrientaQg
from Japan to the W. H. Eldridee Im-
porting Company's OrientaQShop at
ijjh farnam and they re Tieauties,
ju say everyone of them!; Some in
iovey shades of rose and old blue,
very charmingly embroidered, special.
iv pnce(j at $10. i 1
piEAL War-Income . Blouses-bul
I , ...... . ..... ,
one foves 17" onnThe SordngT
cause they sq reshIy
of striped voile in either blue, pink,
lavender, oeach. or ereen. with stvlish
collars of pique, or wash garbardine. :
Real wonder blouses for $1.98 at F. W, ,
Thome's, 1812 Farnam. -(
find an answer to their own problems la
reading of other's difficulties
Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: When a couple "
meets snothor on a walk only wide enough '
for two, which should precede the lady 01
the gentleman?
Where can one get Jn formation on the
advantages of the different divisions of the
array? KNUTT.
The lady should always precede the ge
tleman when passing another " couple oa "
the walk. ...
The recruiting officqr in your town caaf '"
give you all the information you wish on
the different branches of the service. 1
The Come Back.
"I never kissed a girl In my life,
declared the professor.
The flirt opened her eyes.
"It Is a very interesting , expert.'
ment,",naid she, trying to enlist hut
scientific side, - -
Jr. J.