Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1918, SOCIETY SECTION, Image 16

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    I I I I II I I I I I II I II W I I I I H I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I 11 I I I I ifMUMMaM Til J
Conducted by , Ella Fleishman
i mi iwi im sr
- i H t t .ii..i--H-4"'ilK",i',H,"H
Dundee Woman's Patriotic
club, military darning party,
Mrs. J. A. Witt, hostess.
Y. W. C. A, 25th anniversary
dinner, 6 p. m.
Business Woman's dub Y.
W. C. A., 6 p. m.
Benson Woman's club lunch
'v eon, Cricket room.
Custer Woman's Relief corps,
Memorial hall, 2 p. m.
. P. E. 0. sisterhood, chapter
B. T, Mrs. I. S. Allen, host
ess, . ' .
THURSDAY ." ' .'
Q. A. R., Garfield circla. Me
morial service. Forest
Lawn, 10 a. m.: decorating
the waters ceremony, Hans
com park, 5 p. m.
FRIDAY ' ' '
Crook Woman's Relief corps,
Memorial hall, 2 p. tn. .
Railway majl service, B. T.
club, Mrs.. A. F.j Atkjns,
t hostess. . s
Central Conservation council,
district chairmen meetings,
, ' Y. W. C. A, 3 p. m.
Saturday- , ,
- Daughters of the American
Revolution, Isaac Sadler
chapter, Fontenelle, 2:30 p.
V m. -:
Student clubs of Y. W. C. A.,
. . - annual banquet, I p. m.
UH hV V 1' t -l"t-
At the convention of the Nebraska
iranch of the Woman's Missionary
issociation held at Harford Memorial
church last week officers were re
flected as follows: President, Mrs,
E, F. Bowers, York; first vice presi
dent, Mrs. Carrie A. M. Burt, Aurora;
lecond vice president, Mrs. S. C. Cald
well, Swanton; secretary, Mrs. W. A.
Keith, Lincoln; treasurer, Mrs. E.
Patrick, Aurora; secretary of litera
ture, Mrs. Julia Haug, bnelton; utter,
bein guild secretary, Miss Pearl Con
way, York; thank offering secretary,
Mrs. S. L. Spangler,' Lincoln.
Mrs. Frank Johns, York,' and Miss
Rena Whita were elected delegates to
the biennial to be held in April at
. Scottdale, Pa. . Miss Belle Myer, mis
sionary from China, who spoke at
the convention, has gone to Aurora
in the interest of missionary work.
The Katherine chapter, Westmin
ster guild of the Benson Presbyterian
church, has completed the year, of
1 atwdy of foreign missions. The book,
"The Lure of Africa," was the guide
'for the work. The chapter will do
( Red Cross, work this summer.
Decorating the waters for those
who' .died at sea in service of. the
rmtntrv will take nlare at S O. m.
' Thursday at jianscom Park by Ladies
ot Uarncia. circle, io. , yrna
yirtny of the Republic.
Rev,, Taft, will openthese memorial
f services with the ritualistic service.
A 'male quartet will give a program.
- A firing squad from Fort Crook will
. take part.
Arrangements for Memorial day
' services will be made by the George
Crook post' of the Woman's Relief
corps at the meeting to be held at
V 2 p. m. Friday at Memorial hall. j
Major Isaac "Sadler chapter Daugh
ters of the American Revolution, will
meet. Saturday at 2:30 o'clock in the
Fontenelle hotel for election of of
ficers and, annual reports.
Garfield circle, No. 11, will meet
. at 10:15 a., m. today at Howard and
Sixteenth street to go in a body to
attend the memorial services to be
held at the, Methodist church at Q
and Thirtv-eitthth streets.
A regular meeting of George A.
CuMer Woman's Relief Corps will be
held Tuesday at 2 p, m. in Memorial
' hall. '
Garfield circle, D. A. R., will hold
Memorial services for the unknown
f raves at Forest Lawn at 10 a. m.
hursday. 'j
' The) Business Woman's Council
will meet for luncheon and prayer
meeting Tuesday frotn 11:30 a, m. to
1:30 p. m. Rev. H. J. Howard, pastor
of the North-Side Christian church,
. will give the address. Women of the
Hirst Memorial church will t serve
-luncheon. , v
The Rev. G. A. Young of West
, minster Presyterian church will have
, : charge of the services at 3:30 Sunday
a at the Old People's Home on Fonte-
. nelle boulevard.
Mrs. I. S." Allen will entertain Chap
, ter B. T. of P. E. O. Sisterhood, at
; her home, . 1415 North Thirty-third
street, Tuesday afternoon.- Mrs. J O.
, Goodwin will have charge of the pro
gram.: ' ; ,:
The Philathea class of the Trinity
; Methodist church entertained at the
annual mothers' party at the home of
' Miss Virginia Lucas Thursday even
ing. Members' mothers were invited
and each presented with a white car
nation. , - " ,
Mrs, Blaine Truesdell was elected
president .of the West Omaha Moth
ers'. Culture club at the meeting held
Friday at the home of Mrs. Newell
Jones." Mrs.-"R. C Dozier is vice
. president and Mrs. Thomas W. Cox
, secretary-treasurer.
Mr. H. Bosworth Van Giesoa of
Bridgeport, Conn., is spending a cou
ple ot weeks with his mother, Mrs. .
Mary E. "Van Gieson. i
Mrs. Eugene Duval has gone to
Norfolk, Va, to visit her son, Mr.'
, Elair Duval, and Mrs. DuvaL !
The ! Dundee Woman's Patriotic .
league met Monday with Mrs. W. G.
Fuller. : -v '
'. Mr. G. G. Guinter. is visiting his,
parents and other relatives in Sioux
City and South Dakota. 1
The Missionary society of the Dun
dee' Presbyterian church met Friday
with Mrs. W. A. Gordor
Omaha Woman Will Fill Two Posts
in Federation of Women's Clubs
Mrs. M. D. Cameron, prominent
Omaha clubwoman, was named to fill
two important posts in the General
Federation of Woman's Clubs, from
the bfennial convention of which or
ganization held in Hot Springs, Ark.,
she returned Wednesday. Mrs. Cam
eron succeeds Mrs. A. G. Peterson of
Aurora as director from Nebraska in
the federation directorate and also
was elected secretary of the endow
ment fund Commission, formerly
headed by Mrs. Peterson. Mrs.
Homer Miller of Des Moines' was
named to replace Mrs. Peterson as
chairman, Mrs. Peterson having had
to decline renomination because of
the pressure of her war duties as
chairman of the Nebraska women's
Liberty Loan committee. Her
rfaifcrWr Wll leaves in Tune to do
Red Cross canteen work in France.
Mrs. FrH. Cole of "Omaha, who
headed the civil service reform com
mittee last term, w forced by ill-
heann to aecune reappwiunnciu w
this departments The board adopted
resolutions of regret on her inability
to continue in office, and named her
i.i . t i . . a ;
advisory chairman to the new head
of the department, wno nas not yci
been appointed.
Other Nebraska women serving in
important capacities at the biennial
were Mrs. IL L. Keefe of Walthill,
former recording secretary, who
...,r4 nn ,ti rrHentiaU committee.
and Mrs.. A. E, bheldon ot ..incoin.o
rules and regulations. xseorasKawas
the banner state for the number of
state chairmen present.
fcnroute home wun wrs. wmo,
who joined her at the Springs. Mrs.
Cameron visited Camp Pike, where
Mrs. C H. Johannes of Omaha is
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Miller have re
ceived word that their son, Milus,
stationed at San Antonio, has suffered
a broken arm in an automobile acci
dent. Harry Roberts, stationed af Camp
Dodge with the Nebraska base hos
pital unit, spent last Sunday with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Roberts.
Lawrence Knight of Stockholm,
Neb., spent Wednesday . with E. R.
Knight and family enroute to Gor
don, Wis., to visit his mother.
Mrs. ,A. A. Gerharz and sister of
Columbus, Neb., have been called to
Chicago by the death of another
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kurbis have a
new baby at their home.
nr. T.rn MVhane is in St.
A l " v .
Joseph ' hospital recovering from an
Adah chapter, Order ot eastern
Star, held Memorial services Satur
day evening.
nr.. Walter Hill entertained the
King's Daughters of the Wheeler
Memorial church Friday afternoon.
. Mrs. Margaret Voltz entertained
the Ladies' auxijiary of St. Martin s
church Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Albert Noe, jr.. entertained
the New Century club Thursday aft
ernoon. Five tables were placed for
high five and prizes were won 'by
Mesdames Kennedy, Shehan and
The Queen Esthers of the Grace
Methodist Episcopal church met
Tuesday evening with Miss Dorothy
. Philips' department store will give
10 per cent of its sales next Friday
to the Red Cross.
Miss Doris Berry, daughter' of Dr.
and Mrs. W. S. Berry, returned Fri
day from Kearney, where she has
K.n aHrnrtincr the normal.
Friday evening the Isabella club
entertained at a dance at the Knights
Or uoiumDus nu ac rori uuun.
Friday evening Miss LucilejEgan
entertained a party of friends.
The seniors at St. John's High
school will be honor guests at a
luncheon given Monday at the school
Covers will be laid for the following
juniors and seniors:
MiM Uim
Kftthertn Murphy Mary Burr
Helen Foley Alloa Murphy
Helen Ltvell Katherine Martin
Mary Bumeai Harg-aret Shea
Maria Part Alloa Meehan
MaryWtlllama Anna Monahin
Acnea Morrlion Helen Tobln
LolaFerrln , Jaaale Harrison
Grace Henna ' France Flltpatg
Anna McConvllle Ruth Kenedy
Stacla Early . liorothy Maaeej
.-' .. LJIL N- - .
' ' ; f , ' '
Jrt Mr. Foster
Travel Information
Service ,
i ;
Your Summer Vacation
11 1 1 i i i i I
, t -
You will need to get away from the stress and'
strain of the work and thus gain a renewed store
of energy, so as to be, fit to carry on yodr part t 1
of the great work. ,
We shall be glad to help'you plan a vacation trip
to, the mountains or seashore, to one of the
National Parks, or up in the great northwest
country and on, to Alaska. Up the Great Lakes
or into the Canadian Wobds. Our service is
always free and most cheerfully given. Tickets
purchased, baggage checked, reservations made,
introductions given. All the trouble i3 ours, the . v
pleasure and restfulness yours.
IjK Mr. Foster M
' Omaha Office Burgeis-Nash Co.
On the Balcony ' , ' -
There are 36 liK Mr. Foster Information Offices
in large cities and in Summer and Winter rosorts.
i i ,
:'" :':, v '-'"'f . ' -v; -; - ;:
4 i
t , - , $ '
i K"MI, V
aasaaaaBaaaaaVaVK. 9 f m m
k tp,i..
- '4rf i
J W ,
rwV1' "X. u
2.k ' i &JwiiAWiAl
serving as head of the Young Wo
men's Christian association hostess
honse.' Mrs. Johannes will return in
June to visit her mother, Mrs. Fitch.
In St. Louis, the Camerons attended
the opening of the beautiful Hotel
Steadtler roof garden.
Miss Marie Van Cleave arrived in
Benson this week from Idaho to
visit with her brother, James Van
Cleave. " ,
A luncheon was given Friday by
Miss A. Sticer at her home for a few
Red Cross workers. Decorations
were garden flowers and patriotic
colors. Covers were laid for eight.
Guests of honor were Misses Anne
Piatt, Madeline Hortcm. Mrs. F.
Pence and Mrs. C. C. bawtelle.
Benson will be represented in the
new Omaha citv government by the
appointment of Mr. John M. uerger,
who will ac as city prosecutor.
fr nnA rf T A Shnnin enter
tained Wednesday evening in honor
of their tenth wedding anniversary,
Messrs. Ed Yarton and William
Burnett have returned to the Great
Lal(es training station after a few
davs furloueh.
Mrs. E. J. Crews, who spent the
winter in California, returned last
Mrs. W. J. Mills was called to
Lincoln Monday by the death of an
The Rebekah iode entertained at
a dancing and card party last Wed
nesday eveningTin their hall.
Miss lone Gardner was hostess for
the Queen Esther society Tuesday
evening. .
Mrs. J. S. Marshall was hostess for
the Good Times club at her home
Miss Madeline Horton, who spent
the past week at the home of her
parents, leaves Monday to attend
summer school at the university..
The Woman's club annual lunch
eon was postponed from last Tues
day to next lueSday at 1 o clock in
the Cricket Koom.
Mrs. George Iradale has returend
from a few days spent in Beatrice,
Mr. Carl Liljenstolpe spent a few
days last week in Benson, being
called here by the death of his father.
Mrs. John Calvert went to Camp
Funston Monday. She was accom
panied home by her daughter, Mrs
Roy Young, whose husband was or
dered to move to the front.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs
John Rickerson, and a daughter to
Mr. and Mrs. John Hulmer, during
the past week.
Mrs. M. D. Vieno was hostess for
the Woman's Christian Temperance
union at home on last 1 hursday.
Louis H. Brown, who is stationed
at Langly field, Virginia, will arrive
Monday to spend a short furlough
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Si.
Mr. H. B. Peters of St. Louis is
visiting his son, M. C. Peters, and
Mrs. Peters.
( Miss Mabel Maynard of St. Louis,
who has been the guest of- Miss
Gladys Robertson, left for her home
Wednesday evening
Mrs. W. O. Ulick of La Grange,
111., will be the guest of Mrs. Frank
Garvin for several weeks.
Miss Helen Pearce, who has been
studying with Richard Epstein in
New York, is expected home the first
week in June. k ,
Mrs. Paul T. Robinson and "small
daughter, Virginia, of Los Angeles,
are visiting Mrs. , Charles Rubendall
and Mrs. Fred Pearce for several
Mrs. Albert Brostan of Austin, Tex.,
arrived Thursday, to be the 'guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Brogan for
several months.'
Mrs. Edward Elder of Peoria, 111.,
who was on her way to California,
spent a few days with Mrs. J. J. Mc
Mullen. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Allen of
Oshkosh, Wis., are the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Walter D. Williams for a
few days.
Mrs. T. F. Kennedy left Wednesday
evening for New York to see her sis
ter, who will be leaving for France
to do Young Men's Christian associa
tion ork. .
Mrs. Victcr Caldwell left Saturday
to spend twt weeks in New York.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harding left
Wednesday to spend a few days in
MinneaDohs with their daughter. Mrs.
Justus Lowe, and Mr. Lowe.
Miss Dorothy Raymond of Lincoln
was the guest of Miss Sybil Nelson
for the week-end.
Mrs. Frank Hamilton left Sunday
for a few days in the east.
Miss Gertrude Stout and Miss Vir
ginia Offutt, accompanied by Mrs.
Charles Offutt, left Saturday for New
York. Miss Stout expects to attend
commencement exercises at Miss
Somers' school in Washington, and
win ttiuiil itiAi w 1 1 r. .
Miss Anna Bishop has returned to
Mrs. Joseph Seacrest of Lincoln
spent the week-end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rushtoij,
Miss Catherine Hastings, who has
been attending the Monticello semi
nary near St. Louis, is expected home
the first of the week.
Mrs. Maxwell Beghtol and small
son, Bobby, of Lincoln are speiding
i. J.... ...:.L. 1( ...
lew uajrs wiui iviis. uckihui 3
ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Wood.
MrsArthur Remington has her
cousin, Mrs. Perkins of Grand Rap
ids, Mich., as her guest.
Mrs. Ward Burgess is in New York
for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. John' Redick are at
White Sulphus, Springs, Va.
Mrs. Wilson Low, who has been in
Little Rock, Ark., visiting her son,
Ot Alt
. 1 1 1 . . . . eaiMtf
We caninstairthe Vacuum Pipeless Furnace in
either new or old houses, without cutting the walls or
weakening the construction.
Only one large radiator required for both hot and
cold air; no pipes.
All heat goes to the rooms; no heat wasted in base
ment or between walls, as in the case of a. pipe furnace.
The Vacuum burns any kind of coal, coke or wood.
.The first cost is much less than a pipe system.
Send us a rough plan of your house, or b'etter yet, let
one of our men come and see your problem, then we can
tell you if it can be heated satisfactorily by the Vacuum
principle. -v . '
Phone for Literature and List of Satisfied Users, or See
Sample in Our Kitchenware Department.
v ' Convenient Terms If You Wish
IVlimMII!lllllMlllllllillllllllli!lllll!nllllllllltllll:iiMll!' ''- 1 , :'!IIUIIIIIIIII!IIUIMIIIIIIII!IIWIIIIIIIIIIIW
Mr. Chambers' Summer Classes in Dancing
' -Reduced Rates for Surnm.r T.rtn
Opens May 25 Closes August 31
for Chlldran Cluale daaelnc. bar work and tachnlqua, and baU room danc
ing avary Saturday. v i
PupUa, four to aiaht jaara, at 2 p. m. Nine to fifteen yeara. 10:S0 a. , as.
- Ladiea Clatie daacinf, bar work and technique erery Friday at S m.,
opening on May 14. '
Ball Room Dancing Clasaea for Adults Every Monday, Thursday and Sat
urday, at 8 p. m. i ,' '
PriTata lessons at any timo bv mr,nninmnt
STUDIO 1818 Harney St. Douglas 1871. R.aid.nee WaL 821.
ti,ana,ii'aNa!,aHiitiitai:t iaMtl,a:llKtaMtlll,laaHa .ariaKaiai'tMai.iiiaiiaiiaiianaiiiiiiiiauant'.a iti'iaiia'iir mfiiti'int),.
Omaha Girl Engaged to
w ' j nr.. TJ T1rtiW tndav an-
jvir. ana ivus. jj. - -j --
nonuce the betrothal of their daugh-
..- J If. AiaS Kdf.
ter, Tonnette, ana w,
j -i TkT..V,.,i11 Tenn The ro-
mance started when Miss Blotcky ac
companied her younger sister, Anne,
to the Ward-Belmont school m the
southern city. -
MISS 6'"" . ,
tral High and later studied music and
art in New voric. Mr. ccrgcua,
returned Saturday evening to Nash
ville, after a visit at the home his be
trothal, is a colonel on the saff of
the governor of Tennessee.
No date has been set for the
wedding. '
Lieutenant Raymond Low, will go to
T-i t. ... n a. Vi f m M
DOSlOn on licr wajf ikjiuv.
Mrs. C. E. Crain of Springfield, O.,
is at the home of her brother, Judge
A. C. Wakeley.
Mrs. Mabel Ogden has returned
from California and is at the Black
stone. Mrs. F. P. Kirkendali,' who has
spent several weeks in Toledo, O., is
expected home this week.
Miss Esther Wilhelra left Wednes
day to spend several weeks in the
Mrs. J. M. Harding, who has been
in the east for several months re-
The Vacuum
Saves Fuel
And Means a Deal of
Comfort Winter Time
Now is the time
to see about it 1
South I6th Street
. f j M- - - 1
covering from infantile paralysis, has
returned to umaha.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Fonda have re
ceived word that their daughter, Mrs.
Oscar Gareissen, of New York, has
arrived safely in France. Mrs. Gareis
sen is with the JSfoung Men's Chris
association canteen service.
Mrs. G. W. Noble, who has been in
Newport News, Va., with her son,
Lieutenant William Noble, returned
home Tuesday. Mrs. Noble spent a
few days in New York as the guest
of Mrs. George Bicknell and about
10 days with Miss Martha Noble, who
is at Oberlin college.
Mrs. E. G, McGilton will leave the
last of the month for the east to at
tend the graduating exercises of her
daughter, Eleanor, at Smith college.
Chandler Trimble, formerly of The
Bee staff, who has been attending the
school of military aeronautics at, At
lanta, Ga., has received .his commis
sion as second lieutenant and has been
transferred to Kelly field.
Major Hanney, who has been in
Washington, has returned and is at
Fort Omaha.
Mrs. George Bernard Schaffer and
small son, George, jr. of Eugene, Ore.,
are visiting relatives in the city, en
route home from New York, where
they were the guests of Mrs. Schaf-
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,ii urn mmua
Silk Dress Sale Monday
the Union Outfitting Co.
bale or Women s and Misses
1 X
a m mm
Coats and Suits
You will be surprised at the many wonderful values '.
we offer in this sale in Coats and Suits. All the lead
ing styles, models and colors. Many in serges, silk 1
poplins, silks, taffetas. (t A A m r .
Values are up to $42.50. 3)Z4 I U
Monday, your, choice', at ..... t v '
. AH Alteration Fre.
I 31 M
The People's Store.
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiii'iniiitiiiiiiiiiiiii'i''tiitliiii'iiiiiniuiiii'iiii iimium
Instant Relief for Sore .Tired, Tender Feet; for Aching
Swollen, Calloused Feet and Corns
fSl My ore, tired, swollen
Tmn footaick! Your feet feel
Mrad. nuffed bp, chafed, achinir,
sweaty, and they need "Tis."
makes feet remarkably freeh
,r,A .nr.Broo& "Tiz" takes the pain
and burn right out of corns, callouses
and buaions. "Tiz w the grandest
Geoghan, formerly of this city. .,.
Mrs. W. H. La Munyon of Chey
enne, Wyo., who has been ..visiting
her sister, Mrs. E. C. Henry, for the
laf month, will leave for her home
early in June. . r. i
Mrs. N.B. Updike and Miss Haiel
Updike have returned from' an ex
tended eastern trip. They visited Mis
Updike's fiance, Lieutenant Robef t
Reasoner, who is in training. -at. the
school of aeronautics at Columbus, O,
Miss Margaret Howes is home for
the summer from the Universityof
Nebraska aqd wi'.l instruct private
classes in French; '
Miss Alma Huntley, soprano soloist,
left Omaha, recently to , manage
Ewing's Ladies' orchestra, a Chau
tauqua circuit feature which will tour
the , states of Minnesota, North Da
kota, South Dakota and Illinois. Miss
Huntley was . formerly soloist ; for
Ewing's Zouave band. She was' ac
companied by Miss Charlotte Huntley,
who will also take part in the or
chestra. .
Women of the Holy Name parish
will give -a benefit card party for
the church Tuesday evening at Ort-'
man's Enw England bakery, 116 Nort't
Sixteenth street
Another large 6hipment
of beautiful Silk Dresses
has just arrived. They are
superior to anything we
have shown this season
All colors, all sizes, all
styles, in values up to
$37.50. Monday your
Silk Georgette
Grepe Dresses .
" Silk Taffeta
Crepe de . Chine
Dresses ..
Silk Gingham
m m mm m ' . 1
1I I I I Klvll
Opposite Hotel Rome.
f oot-eladdener the world - has ere
Get a 25-cent box of "Tiz" at any
drug store and end foot tortare for
a whole year. Never have tired, ach
ing, sweaty, smelly feet; your shoes
will fit fine and youll only wish you
had tried "Tiz" sooner.
substitute. Adv. v