Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1918, SOCIETY SECTION, Image 15

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3 B
Conducted by Ella Fleishman
I dal CailendflUP.
Linen shower for Miss Ovilla
' Squires, Mrs. C. H. Cady,
Bloomquist-Derbyshire wed
ding. ,
" T..unrknn fnr Mica Rmio!
Miss Bird Craig, hostess.
Dinner-dance at Happy Hoi
, low club.
Luncheon parties at Prettiest
Mile club.
, Shower given for Miss
; Squires, Mrs! William Mad
den, hostess.
Midweek dinner-dances at
Country and Field clubs.
Opening dinner-dance at Car-
- ter Lake club.
-.. Misses Lucile and Blanche
' McCreary, tea for Miss
i. Squires.
- Luncheon parties at Happy
Hollow club.
Formal opening, of Seymour
f " Lake Country club. .
V " Fingarson-Donnelly wedding
J. in Plattsmouth. v
Dinner-dances at Field, Happy
j. Hollow and Counter clubs.
3enolken-WilliaiTis wedding
at Trinity cathedral. '
- Benefit card party for Creche
at the Fontenelle.
u Phi Beta Phi luncheon. Mrs.,
j.. Austin EDodds, hostess.' f
Military Weddings
Miss Lenore Williams has chosen
June 1 as her wedding day, and at
high noon at Trinity cathedral her
.carriage to Lieutenant. Irving Benol
ken will take place. Miss Williams'
father, Bishop vArthur L. Williams,
will perform the ceremony, and the
wedding will be military in-every de
tail, four of Lieutenant Benolken's
brpther officers acting as ushers.
' The bride's only attendant will be
little Miss Elizabeth Collar, who will
scatter rose leaves in her path.
' Many a lovely bride has passed up
the broad aisle of the stately cathe
dral, but this wedding promises to be
the most striking one seen for many
a day with our fighting men in at
tendance. Miss Williams will be a
true war-time bride, for she has made
her wedding gown herself, down to
the last seed pearl on the court
i f There will be no reception after
wards, but the white satin bride and
the silver-barred bridegroom will re-
' ceive the congratulations of their
friends at the church immediately fol-
lowing the ceremony.
A military wedding took place
Saturday morning when Miss Frances
Koller, daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth
. Koller, became the bride of Lieuten
ant Edward Welch. The ceremony
took place at StPeter's church, Rev.
Father McCarthy officiating. ,
The bride and her bridesmaid, Miss
Marguerite Weldvwore tailoredsuits
of blue and with small hats. Their
corsage bpuquets were of pink sweet
Mr. Francis Welch attended his
brother as best man.
Immedaatefv fnllnwinc ihe rere.
j e -
mony the young couple left on a short
honeymoon "somewhere in the United
States." Thy have taken an apart
ment at the Anslow, as Lieutenant
Welch is an instructor at the bal
loon school.
Mrs.' Welch is a graduate of the
Omaha High school and Lieutenant
. Welch was graduated from Crejghton
before entering the service.
Announcement is made of the wed
ding of Miss JeanrieUe Sargeant of
New Bedford, Mass.. and Lieutenant
Robert A. Drake- of Franklin, N. H.,
, now instructor of artillery observa
tion atjort Omaha, which took place
Saturday at-1:30 o'clock at a church
... in New Bedford. ' -
The bride is a graduate of Smith
college. Lieutenant Drake has been
at Fort Omaha for the past seven
months. At the end of the month
the young couple will come to Omaha,
4 where they will live in the apartment
of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Kiddoo, who
have gone to Washington.
' The wedding of Miss Margaret
Day of Los Angeles and Private Rus
sell Cooke of the 30th balloon com
panyat Fort 'Omaha took place Sat
urday morning in First Christian
church. Rev. Charles E. Cobbey read
the marriage lines.
The bride wore a French blue suit
with a white lace hat, a corasage bou
quet" of pink sweet peas completing
her costume. Miss Viola Herbert at
tended the bride and Sergeant C. D.
Kane was best man.
- Mrs. Cooke will remain in Omaha
wniic x rivaic v,ookc .is ai inc oanoon
I ; Tricof Smith College Graduates From Omaha
ing the winter. Spring flowers deco
rated the large table and covers were
laid for the following guests:
jueura. una juesaanifa
A. L. Rcd,
Joseph Brkr,
0or( Trim,
J. K. Davidson,
"Ludtvlo Crofoot,
a W. Hull.
Hwrbrt Whelr,
Will Foye,
J. d VonB Rlrharda,
Charles T. Kountx.
Earl Oannatt
Smith college will graduate four
Omaha girls this June, the Misses
Irene Rosewater, daughter of Dr. and
Mrs. Charles Rosewater; Miss El
eanor McGilton, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. E. G. McGilton; Miss Katherine
Woodworth, daughter of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Charles L. Woodworth, and
Miss Katherine Robinson, whose par
ents are Mr. and Mrs. John F. Robinson.
Miss Rosewater was signally hon
ored by an offer to take the post of
demonstrator in the chemical labora
tories of the college. Whether she will
accept the offer has not yet been de-
lded, but Miss Rosewater is planninc
to take a summer course in bacteri
ology at the University of Nebraska
medical" college. Miss Rosewater is a
clever linguist.
Miss Woodworth plans to enter the
teaching profession. Miss Robinson
will visit in the east following com
mencement and will take un Red
Cross work on her return home. Miss
McGilton s plans, outside of active
war work, are indefinite.
Mrs. Ralph
P. Peck entertained
I Country, Field and Happy Hollow
I Clubs Open With Dinner-Dances J
Ms. Austin E. Dodds will entertain
alumnae of Phi Beta Pi sorority at
- . i . - i i- . j l .
juncneon at ner nome aaiuroay. As
sisting the hostess will be Mrs. F.
M. Hunter, Mrs. J. C. Martin and Miss
Florence Mason.
THE summer club season is on I
One has viinn nf hrppp-curAr
porches, soft music, the sound of
dancing feet, pretty girls and white
flanneled, blue-coated men. The roll
ing green of the golf links calls many
and the click of the bowling balls is
music to the ears of the tired business
man. This year the opening of the
club season has been welcomed even
more eagerly than ever, for the dull
days of winter have been filled to the
brim with war work. The theaters
have become tiresome, the hotels are
deserted and anything pertaining to
the great outdoors has an allurement
too strong to resist.
Many lovely new gowns were seen
aat the club openings Saturday eve
ning, and though they were not so
elaborate as in former years, the col
ors were so bright and the lines so
new and smart that our Omaha wo
men looked more attractive than ever.
It is notthe June brides alone who
wear the "somtthing blue," for that
bright shade, known as the "Joffre
blue" is most popular, and every new
frock has a little dash of this
Frenchy bit of color. The hats were
rather "pokey," or of the garden va
riety, with spring flowers around the
Dinner tables reflected the spring in
their decorations, for every hostess
chose the blossoms of May rather
than the more conventional flowers
used on the winter' dinner tables. Pur
ple and yellow iris, Shasta daisies,
pink snap-dragons, lavender sweet
peas, yellow jonquils and rosy tulips
vied with each other on the tables,
while the patriotic idea was carried
out in, the myriads of allied-flags used
in profusion about the clubs.
Mr. and Mrs M. C. Peters enter
tained one of the largest parties, their
guests numbering 16: Mr. and Mrs.
Moshier Colpetzer entertained 12 !
guests at their table.
Mr. and Mrs. .George Shields en
tertained a party when covers were
laid for the following guests: Mrs.
Rose Gross of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Gross, Mr. and Mrs. John
Patton and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Mar.
In another party dining together
Messrs. and Mesdames
C. E. Hunter W. W. Head
Harry Cameron W. J. Brandt.
Dining together were Mr. and Mrs.
Harley Moorhead, Mr. and Mrs. Ar
thur Cooley.Mrs. Alice B. Reed and
Lieutenant Paul Cooley,
Dining together were Mr. and Mrs.
Sam Burns, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Brlnker and
Mr. and Mrs. E
in their party:
Messrs. and Mcsdamea
E. h. Burke. Jtilten Barlow
Mcsdamos Meadamaa
Harry Cummlnra C. W. Hamilton
Dr. W. O. Brlges.
Mr. and Mrs. Casper E. Yost enter-
tamed the following guests at their
Messrs. and Mesliames
C. W. Lyman C. B. Parmalea
Tyler Belt
Miss Ruth Sales
Mr. Wallace Lyman.
In another party were:
Messra. and Mesdames
J. L. I'axton Henry T. Clarka
Mrs. W. A. Frasser.
Jressrs. Mogars.
J. A. Cavers Keith Cavers.
Mrs. E. H. Sprague entertained in
honor of Mr. and , Mrs. E. V. Dixon,
wno nave just returned from (.ah
forma. The other guests were:
Messrs. and Mesdame
J. J. Hess O. C. Redlck.
Charles Teat Stewart
Mr. E. E, Hart.
At a table decorated with
spring flowers Mr. and Mrs
Ludlow had as their guests:
jucssrs. ana Aiesaames
A. J Love, J. E. Fitzgerald,
John T. Yates,
Mrs. F. A. Nash had as her guests
the Saturday Night club, who have
been entertained at a dinner and thea
ter party nearly every week-end dur-
Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Henry will have
in tneir party:
Messr. and Mesdames
Robert Glldden, Bert Fowler.
Will Yohc, Joseph Kradenburf.
Messrs. Messrs.
Howard B. Graham, Laird.
Mrs. W, H. La Munyon of Cheyann.
A large Dutch treat party at the
Field club included:
Messrs. and Mesdames '
A. V. Shotwell D. Q. Balrd
H. o. Mllltken PaulBralley
Will Wood H. C. Mlfhelaon
Jack Sharp C. D. fturdevant
K. P. Hoyer Robert Manley
b A. Balrd
Max Beg-htol of Lincoln
Harry Fletcher of Chicago
Miss Mary Hall.
Dining together were: v
Messrs. and Mesdames
L. M. Pegau L Huff
W. M. Oilier If. M. Oouldlnf
I. H. Mlkesell Oeorgs Wilson
Mesdames Mesdamea
Julian Hahn Gladya Cbamberi
of Chicago
Miss Luella Ptnau of Los Angeles
Lieutenant Caaaidy '
Lieutenant McNally.
Dr. and Mrsv-J, F. Anson enter
tained one of the parties. A mound of
pink sweet peas formed the center
piece for their table. Covers were
iaid for the following guets: v
Messra. and Mesdames '
Shirley Wilson Jamea T. Allen.
Uscar Llebcn 1
A Dutch treat party included:
Messrs. and Mesdames
Will Carey George Raamuasen
B. B.MfCagu J. B. Henakt
Prand Mrs. J. E. Pulver.
Dining together were: Messrs. and
Mesdames Charles Trimble, Fred
Dale and G. M. Wellman.
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Durkee,
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Kimberly. Miss
Adelyn Wood, Miss Marian Coad,
Miss Ruth Carter, Miss Grace Sla
baugh, Lieutenant Ferguson, Lieu
tenant Jacques, Lieutenant Sullivan,
Lieutenant Walter Roman and Lieu
tenant Fitzgerald dined together at
Happy Hollow club Saturday evening.
Dr. and Mrs. I. C. Wood had the
following guests at their table: j
Messrs. and Mesdames j
M. Shirley W. I. Walker '
A. . Pinto Charles Weller
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clarke had as
their guests:
Messrs. and Mesdames
J.C.French Mr. H. W. Tatea
F.N.Connor - Jdlsa Helen Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Goodrich
had Mr. and Mrs. Ut H. Hammond
dining with them.
Mr. and Mrs. George Updike, Mr.
and Mrs. F. R. Straight and Mr. and
Airs. James H. Morton were in one
Dining together were: Mr. and
Mf's. H. H. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. E. C.
Fox, Mr. and Mrs. John Dale and
Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Lyle.
Mr. Harry S. Byrne was host for a
party including:
Colonel and MrsF. A. Grant.
Misses I Mlsaes
Helen Grant, Mary Urant
Dorothy Grant,
, Captain Krus.
MMr. Robert Horner.
Sunday evening usually finds a num.
ber of motor parties at the Path
finder Inn in Fremont. Last Sunday
imong the Omaha people there were
Mr. and Mrs. Edward George, Mr.
and Mrs. J. D. Richards. Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Burgess, Miss Katherine
McCormick and Mrs. W. A. C. John
son. A motor party Wedneday evening,
members of which later attended the
Fontenelle supper-dance, included
Misses Helen Ingwersen, Regina
Connell, Marion Towle. Naomi
Towle, Margretha Grimmell and
Lieutenant Whistler. Lieutenant
Mosher, Lieutenant Philips, and
Lieutenant Morgan of Fort Omaha.
1819 Farnam St
Special Musical Program
by Annette Evans and -Isabel
1 p. m." to 3 p. in.
6 p. m. to 8 p. in
Table 4'Ho.te Dinner
75c '
Cream of Fresh Mushroom
Radishes- Sweet Picklei Wafers
Prim Rib of Beef au Ju
Fresh Ram Baked with Sweet Potatoes
Baked Chicken, dressing; demi (le
Fresh Asparagus .
New Potatoes, pan in
Small Peat in Cream
Hot Graham Rolls
Liberty Padding , Waldorf Salad
Vanilla Ic Cream " ,
Apple or Cherry Pi
a .
William Murphy, formerly chef at
The Flatlroa Cafe, ia in eharg of
our kitchens and all lover of whole
some well cooked meals, daintily
served, will appreciate this announcement.
Everybody reads Bee Want Adi.
J. E
Omaha people shoulfj know simple
buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as
mixed in Adler-i-ka, flushes the EN
TIRE bowel tract so completely that
appendicitis is prevented. ONE
SPOONFUL Adler-i-ka relieves ANY
CASE sour stomach, gas or constipa
tion because it removes ALL foul
matter which clogged and poisoned
your system. The INSTANT action
surprises both doctors and patients.
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., 16th
and Dodge; Beaton Drug. Co., 15th
and Farnam 7 Yates Drug Co.. 16th
and Chicago. Advertisement.
Also called Tetter. Salt Rheum.
Pruritus. Milk Crust. Water
Poison. Weeping Skin, etc.
For fifteen Tears I have been treating one disease
.Alone, ECZEMA. I have bandied over one million
cases. I do not pretend to know it all, but I am con
vinced the disease is due to an excess of acid in the
blood, and closely related to rheumatism and canceri
Ibis acra mat M rsmevao.
Eczema is called by some people Itch, Tetter, Salt
Rheum, Pruritus, Milk Crust, Weeping; Skin, etc. I
,am ruiiy convinced rvczema is a curaoie disease, ana ftp fiSMi
vrhen I say it can he Cured. I mean iust what I bit- Mnl
C-U-R-E-D, and not merely patched np for a while to
return worse than before. It makes no difference
what other doctors have told you, or what all you have tried, all I ask ia jurt a
chance to prove to you that this vast experience has taught me a great deal that
would be of help to you. If you will write me today I will send you a free trial
of my mild, soothing, guaranteed treatment that will do more to convince you
than I or anyone else could in a month' preaching. It's all up to you. If you
suffer any more with ecsema and refuse to merely write to me for free trial luit
blame yourself. No matter where you live, I have treated your neighbors. Merely
dropping me a postal today is likely to give you more real comfort in a week than
you ever expected to enjoy again. Do it right now, your very life may be at stake.
J. E. CANNADAY, M. D 1545 Court BIl, Sedalla, Itto.
Send this asticd to soma poor aaffarar froa ecxaxaa. It will be a kiad act by you.
tmw pclaHt T i i
A Most Welcome Sale
Japanese Ted tots
Cream and Sugar, pair 39
50 pairs Creamer and Sugar,
Attractive Seyi Tea Pots OA
at.......... ...,,..-.-.-.- LVC
Tea Pots with old blue'designs to jJQ
neautnul taj obel Tea Pot in dainty decora- (JO jr
tion of soft green and pink; value $4.50 $lAo
si i w w ' '
Attractive nana-pamted Tea Pots - 7A
at ... :.... .v. . . 5lC
Tea Pots, in shapes of ducks and iA and CQ
birds, attractive for summer cottage . TrC dJ C
Seyi Te Pot, 29 s
Crackle WPot, 81.45
W. H. Eldridge Importing Co.
1318 Farnam. Oppoiite W. O. W.
Omportant Piano flnnouocemeot!
Never before in the history of our Piano busi
ness have we been in a position to offer you such'
bargains as at the present time.
All Pianos that have been returned from rent,
frorti schools, music conservatories, hotels, thea
ters, private families', in fact every slightly used
Piano' on our floors will heplaced on sale Monday
morning and must be closed out regardless of cost.
We need the room for large shipments of pianos
now in transit.
$300 Practice Piano $ 50
$300 Kohler & Chase Upr.$ 85
$325 Kimball Upright. ...8128
$350 Krakhauer Upright. .8150
$350 SchmoIIer & Mueller 8105
$500 Knabe Upright..... 8275
$400 J. & C. Fischer Upr.8290
$500 Everett Upright..,. 8325
$425y Emerson Upright.... 8335
$1,000 Steinway Grand. . .8375
Here Are a Few of Rare Bargains That Must Go In This Sale
$375 Price & Teeple Upr.8225
$4Q0 Marshall & Wendell U.S245
$400 Chickering Upright. .8248
$500 Steger & Sons Upr. .$250
$550 Hardman Upright. . .8255
Terms Can Be Arranged as Low as $5.00 Per Month
On our regular line of new Steinway, Hardman, Emerson, Steger & Sons, McPhail, SchmoIIer & Mueller
and Aeolian Player Pianos we are quoting prices an d terms to appeal to the shrewdest purchaser. . .
Fifty Pianos for rent, 84. 85 and up per month. Rent allowed if purchased. Pianos tuned, moved and re-'
paired by Expert Workmen. s
, yftrite for catalogue, prices and terms about this money-saving sale or pay us a visit of inspection.
We caiy and will save you money.
SchmoIIer & Mueller Piano Co.
Largest Piano House in the West 1311-13 FarnanvSt, Omaha, Neb.
, - t
Latest Sheet Music and Musical Instrument at Special Price. ,
Sealed for Summer
Every person who wishes to aid the Government in conserving the supply
of wool .should have their winter garments Dry Cleaned NOW and Sealed for.
Summer. ' i '
It's Your Patriotic Duty To Make
Your Old Clothes Do Another Season
.We will not only Clean them, but will make such repairs as are necessary
to put them in first class condition. .
We put in new linings and sleeve linings, make new edges on sleeves and
pants bottoms, make new pocket edges, reinforce or put new seats in trousers,
put'in new pockets, put on new bottons, put new velvet collars on overcoats
or jackets, etc.
Say To Our Drivers
i v.
"Have these garments Cleaned and Repaired (disignate repairs), and returned in box or
bag, ready to put away f o the summer." - ,
We guarantee no moths will bother them if left in the box or bag in which they arj) "
returned. We also guarantee them to open up satisfactorily in the fall.
Bend them NOW Remember an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
The Pantorium
Phone Doughs 963.
Phone South 1283.
1513-17 Jones Street.
South Side, 4708 S. 24th St.
GUY LIGGETT, President.
N. B. W W return chars en all out-of-town orders. S end by Pared Poat Writ for complete Prlc Lis