Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1918, SOCIETY SECTION, Image 14

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Conducted by
u 1
'ffiSMB' I Washington, 1
1 .Women Play Big Role in
T Enriching Red Cross
: ; v War Cof fiers
Second Red Cross war fund drive
kospital, now completed on the cot
v ter of the court house lawn, is being
' equipped as a miniature base hospi-
tat. It is to be an exact replica of
t the hospita-ls near the trenches.
Miss Mona Towle will ,be head
fiurse. She will be assisted by several
; of the younger girls, who will be sta
tioned , in the hospital to redeem
pledges and take any cash for the Red
i Cross drive.
Following is the amount realized
from the departments of the woman's
' division: Clubs, Mrs. C W. Axtell
! chairman $4,231.97; hospitals. Mrs. S.
! S. Caldwell chairman, $452.68; street
! vaudeville. Miss Gladys Peters chair
Itnan, $369.39; auxiliaries, Mrs. Lee
Huff chairman, $3,264.13; Catholic
churches, Mrs. Willard Hosford chair-
'. man, $14,528.23: Protestant churches,
t Mrs. W. J. Hynes chairman, $27,
; 976.49; booths, Mrs. J. E. Davidson
'chairman, $22,521.09.
i Mrs. Otto Wilson, chairman of the
Red Cross auxiliary at Waterloo,
Neb., brought $144.50 to Mrs. Lee
Huff, in charge of subscriptions for
;, the public shop.
"Rastus," a pet bulldog, has been
doing his part to raise money for the
"Red Cross. He has been giving a
daily program of the newest canine
dance steps. Mrs. Bert Fowler is the
stage manager.
i A variety of musical numbers nave
teen given for the benefit of travelers
- who tre spending a few hours be
. tween trains. Often these tourists
'produced musical instruments, which
t they played to lielp out local talent.
Mrs. P. A. Wells' whistling was de-
.cided hit Miss Annette Evans played
a babyr organ, assisted by a duet of
violinists. Patriotic songs were giveo
Mn chorus.. . . . , '
? Trinity Lutheran churcn, on west
" Dodge, donated $744.50. The solicitors
went sometimes seven and eight miles
" for subscriptions. They were the
' Misses Greta Glissmann, Margaret
.' IPahl, Elsie Weoger, Mane Larsen,
. Agnes Fribery. , '
j Dr. Calif as Home From
'r - - Defense Council Meet
Dr: Jennie Callfas returned Friday
".from Washington, where she went to
attend ' a meeting of the woman s
committee, National Council of De
.' fense, held there May 14 to 16.
During her stay she received a
fwire from Governor Neville, asking
her to go, to Philadelphia as state
Regelate to the peace conference, held
Ithere May 17 to 19. After leaving
Philadelphia, Dr. Callfas spent a few
Hays in Toronto. '
The Red Cross benefitted to the
amount of $567.34 by the sale of ftow-
r held on the downtown . streets
J i f.! J- -.. T..1:.- m.t. ...Urn .aaUtxH
Mrs. S. balerno. ocai florists do
nated the blossoms. The workers
were: Mesdames F. Tobin. J. Saitia,
;A. Faro, J. Mounelli, F. Plenler. N.
Ryan and J. Sgarlato; Misses Jo La
;mengano, E. Lamenzana, N. Longo,
;F,. Pattavina,' Saitta. H. Smith, M.
;Camllo, F.. Destifeno, D. Crisci,
"Sarah Grasso, Mary Garrotts, Sarah
" Miceli artd A. Tedesio.
1 Canteen workers numbering 32, dur
ing .the past week at the Red Cross
'canteen at Fort Omaha, have served
9,762 orders. f '
. .Trop train canteen workers have
given cigarettes and fruit to 143
traveling American soldiers and to
325 Belgians. During the past week
,26,150 'surgical dressings, 1,482 hos-
pita! garments and 2 J 00 gun. wipes
.were completed by Red Cross work
ers. .v'.-: j. n;'"1' ; : ..
i Girls' School Fills v
" Government Contract
. A thousand olive-drab flannel shirts,
, nade under a government contract
land strictly in accordance with gov
ernment requirements, were among
;he year's achievements of the Girls'
' Vocational High school of Minne
apolis, ' a public : school under the
IBoard of Education of that city. But
.-the school did much other war work,
t "As a member of the Junior auxil
l iary of the Red Cross," states Eliza
beth Fish, the school's principal, "we
ire doing the usual things undertaken
'Vy these auxiliariesknitting, the
making of refugee gowns, thrift
tamp selling. Liberty loan work, etc.
tOur school is a vocational school,
ftnd wherever possible we are using
Red Cross work in the teaching of
slewing. .. .'
i , "In the power machine department,
. . as an extension of the work we have
Undertaken and are doing, the cutting
of garments (pajamas, bed shirts,
convalescent robes, bed socks, etc.)
for the northern division of the Red
Cross. The work is under the divi-
. fiion s control, and the division is
i caving for the cutting. In this same
department, in addition to making
x many garments, we are filling a con
tract for tape and one for sterilizing
, ; bags. ' a
Stomach Trouble Cured
Could Not Eat-Peruna Made
. 's , Three
Cured me of
Catarrh of
the Stomach
Tkot who aojact t 'liquid madi-
a can bow procura Pruaa Tab
New Chairman of Red
Cross Auxiliaries
J- :. YMrs.ZW.
Mrs. Frank Carmlchael has been
appointed chairman of the auxiliaries
for Omaha Red Cross chapter. She
succeeds Mrs. C. T. Kountze, whose
recent illness caused her to resign.
The new chairman has earned
much praise for her work in estab
lishine the Public work shop, one of
the most successful branches of local
Red Cross activities. In the present
drive the Public shop has brought
41,910.40 in subscriptions.
' T r .u. t D.J
il YHL9 1IU1H IMC 111 SI $IUU(J U lU
Cross workers, the Daughters of the
American Revolution, who, estab
lished a work shop irt the Army build
ing almost as soon as war was de
clared, that Mrs. Carmichac! ' first
learned the how and why of surgical
dressings. It will be her task now
to meet with chairmen of all surgical
dressings and Jiospital garments aux
iliaries, to explain the work and es
tablish new units.
Mrs. , Frank I. Ellick, assistant
chairman of the Public shop, has
been 'named to fill Mrs. Carmichael's
former post. Mrs. Kountze s plans
are indefinite, but she will temporar
ily fill a place in the state! Red Cross
work. She plans to spend most of
the summer at Lake Minnetonka,
where she had a cottage last year.
Outfitting 1,000 Hospital
Beds in Three Hours
Out . of the ever-chapging death
struggle on the plains of , Picardy,
with its promise of victory, its specter
of defeat, one thing stands forth Un
changeable day by day the duty of
the Red Cross, -
Behind the blood-stained battle
line misery is again on the, road. As
in 1914, the refugees pld men,
women and children carry the help
less on shutters; the bird cage and
the improvised cradle make their ap
pearance on the muddy roads; the
trains are loaded with the wounded.
In Paris civilians lie crushed be
neath the ruins caused by air raids
and bombardment, while the railway
stations are crowded with the fleeing
refugees from northern France. It
might be 1914 over again.
Only this time there is a difference.
5o far as military relict is con
cerned, the same efficiency is observ'
aoie. A single illustration, inaeea,
can demonstrate the difference be
tween 1914 and 1918, where the
wounded soldier is concerned. In
three hours, recently, all the splints,
accessories, instruments and surgical
dressings required for a hospital of
1,000 beds were assembled and dis
patched from Paris.
To those of us who are left behind
these facts have become vital. Amer
ica is in the war at last a hundred
thousand strong.
Our duty is plain. Francis R. Bel
lamy, in The Red Cross Magazine.
Hair On Face
Ordinary hair growth oa fae,
Mck ana arm aooa. beroma eoaraa
ana brtatlr whea merely remoTea
from taa aartaee of the akla. Tha
air rommaa-ocaae way to raata va
Jettoaaalo hair la ta Attack It
aaaer tha akin. DalUracle, tha
arlKtaal aaattary liqnM anea this
by abaorptkm.
Oalr eenulne DaMltaela ha
aoaej-aack graaraatea In each
aekhe;c. At toilet covntm la
ttOe, 91 an4 93 alaea, er by nail
fraaa aa la piala wraa act , a ra
eclat of frica.
FRFF haak with teartaMaJaJa ml
rMUlWit Mthorlttea, x
latna what caabea hair, why It
taeitraaaa ami how DaMlraela a
vttallaaa tt. Mile la alala aealea
avalaaa am raaaeat. DaMlraela,
Park At. a4 Uth St. New York.
Me a Well Man
Mr. George W. Close, No. 12 H Ne
vada Bldg., Denver. Colo., writes:
"I have all tha faith In tha world ia
your madictn, as it cured me of ca
tarrh of the stomach.' I was in a
most distracting, condition, and life
looked dark indeed, I could not aat.
My food did not do ma any good. I
gradually lost flesh and was thin and
emaciated. I was glad indeed to find
that the first bottlo of Parana was
doing no good, and so I kept on us
ing it with a gradual increase of ap
petite and strength. Thraa month
aftar I first began uinf it 1 was a
wall man. and all tha cradit i dua
to Parana. I recommend it to. all
who are in seed of a medicine for
From Waihlnfton B ureas of The
Omaha Bm, 1111 O Strut.
ED CROSS week in Washington
s was Quite the most active one
yet among the women of the District
of Columbia, whether they be prema
nent residents or only here for the
war period. The week really opened
last' Saturday with the mammoth
parade of Red Cross workers, a
veritable sea of blue veils and white
suits, so far as the women were con
cerned, and various divisions, led by
the most prominent official and other
society women. Mrs. mcaooo, aaugn
ter of the president and wife of the
secretary of the treasury, marched at
the head of her organization, as Mrs.
Lansing, wife of the secretary of
state, marched at the head of the
State department workers, the first
one of the cabinet sections to be or
ganized. Mrs. Daniels, wife of the
secretary of the ' navy, marched
proudly at the head of navy women,
and Mrs; Bennett, wife of the major
general commandant of the marine
corps, headed the women of the ma
rine barracks section. The medical
branch of the army emergency com
mittee, with- Mrs. William C Gorgas,
wife Of the surgeon general, at its
head, was one of the most interesting
divisions of the mammoth parade,
which was the most picturesque one
Washington has seen in many years.
Wounded Soldiers.
Ah army 5 ambulance with six
wounded convalescing was a feature
of it. In the wagon was one soldier
-who has lost both legs in France, and
another who has lost an eye and a
part of the face. They are among the
large detachment of wounded men in
the Walter Reed military hospital in
Washington. They had in the am
bulance with them their bull terrier,
vuhn ha also seem service in the
trenches, and was actually rescued
with them and brought over. He was
once slightly wounded. About his
neck in the parade, he had a tin cup
fastened to his collar, and during the
course of the parade $21 was dropped
into it. Following the ambulance was
the ambulance corps of women with
Mrs. Borden Harriman, its organizer,
at the head. The, women were par
ticularly picturesque in their soft gray
costumes of small, close-fitting caps
and long coats over bloomers, boots
and puttees. ;
Mrs. Thomas F. Wal has an in
teresting and distmguisnea circle oi
personal friends, including her inti
mate friend, Mrs. Marshall, wife of
the vice president, converting the
good parts of men's old shirts into
dresses of all sizes for children; both
men's and women's stockings into
pretty and useful sweaters and under
shirts tor little cnuaren, ana oia kiu
gloves into splendid linings for avia
tors waistcoats, n is one u
most practical of all modern works
Genuine, Delicious, Foaming, Sparkling Malt and Hops
Make It In Your Own Home
In a Few Minutes, From a
Pure Malt and Hops Extract
These are the days of temperance drinks.
Althoucrh non-alcoholic. malt beverages, "near-
beers." etc- are
where, they all lack a certain maescriDaDie snap
and flavor. But you don't need to miss these de
sirable qualities. You dont need to put up with
those flat, tasteless, lifeless substitutes. '
It is not generally known that a genuine mart
and hops brew-on-intoxicating,, but with all the"
cheer and invigbration can be eaymade athome.
V Most people think that such a brew can be made
only oy a brewer. But a wonderful hew process
enables you to make, at small expense, as palatable
and satisfying a drink as you coul$ wish for. Just
get a package of '
Peerless PvMtt and bps
from any druggist and follow the easy dhctkmsvrhich
accompany it You mix the Extract with 7 gallcmaof
water--nd you produce, at small expense, a most
delicious, sparkling, temperance lager, entirely unlike
the usual insipid substitutes.
It wtisfiea the nalate ierfedh. You will Kke it bet-
ter than you did the old saloon beverage and it will "tang-y," foamy, mvigoratoig temperance lager ror
be far better for you. Malt and hops make the most only ' ..
Afooufltt 22 Cemtte Pcf .(MHom!
A package of Peerless Malt and Hops Extract - enough 'to
make a brew of 7 gallons will cost you bat $ 1 30. Where
could you ever get a perfect beverage as cheap as that
Try it now I You will be delighted Remember, you will
Golf Champion Gives Up
Links for Red Cross
DyrsJikUe? Silver
An example of untiring devotion to
war relief work is to be seen in Mrs.
Walter Silver, chairman of surgical
dressings for Omaha Red Qross. chap
ter. For months she has been guid
ing the wprk of thfs branch, and keep
ing up with, all the new patterns and
quotas is no small task- Mrs. Silver
has only been absent when in Chi
ago, where she has been to acquire
more details of her work,
' While every one who devotes hours
daily to patriotic work 'sacrifices
many pleasures, not every one gives
up chances to .win golf trophies and
high score prizes, as does Mrs. Silver
whose busy days allow her no time
for the Jinks, where she formerly
spent many a summer day.
and a good lesson for every housewife
and mo'ther t learn. Mrs. . Walsh
has turned her mansion into a real
workshop with numerous electric sew
ing . machines and knitting, machines
in her white and gold drawing room
and her tapestried library. All the
garments are turned over to the Red
Cross for shipping to the most needy.
News of Nebraskans. .
Mrs. .William E. Andrews, wife of
the former representative in congress
from Hastings, Neb., has had as her
guests for a short time Mrs. Fergu
son, wife of Ensign Richard Fergu
son of the aviation section, United
States army, now an instructor in the
aviation school in Boston. Ensign
Ferguson's brother is a lieutenant in
the army. They are sons of Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Ferguson of Lincoln. Mrs.
Richard Ferguson was formerly Miss
Freda Smith of Emerald, Neb. She
and her husband were both graduated
from the University of 'Nebraska, and
Mrs. W. H. Ferguson and Mr. and
Mrs. Haskell, all of Lincoln, are
about to come east 'to make visits
now being sold in bottles
in Boston and in Washington wdere
Mr. Haskell has been doing his'bit.
Mrs. Andrews is an active worker
in all charities, but particularly in the
day nursery and dispensary, of which
she is president. She has also with
her a number of young girls here do
ing war work and whom she is tak
ing into her home circle. One of the
recent arrivals is Miss Hazel Holmes
of Hastings. Mrs. Andrews was for
four years president of the National
Federation "of Women's Clubs.
Reavis Family. .
Representative and iMrs. C. F.
Reavis of Falls City have with them
for, a, short visit their son, John
Reavis, who returned recently from
Ithaca, N. Y., where he is attending
Cornell university. He will go to
Falls City in another week or, so and
spend the summer among relatives,
there and in Lincoln and Omaha. The
older son, C. Frank Revis, jr., who is
now an reserve military aviator, has
recently been ordered from San Diego
to San Antonio, Tex., for duty. Mrs. I
Isham Reavis of Falls City, mother
of the representative, who has been
here all the spring, will return to Falls
City about June 1. -
Representative Sloan will return
tomorrow from a short visit in his
home, Geneva, Neb.
Among the most recent arrivals
from Nebraska is Miss Millia Nelson
of Borchester, who expects to take a
position in the quartermaster general's
office, and Miss Melcher of Omaha,
who has gone into the war risk office.
The knitting class of the Nebraska
Women's club had a moonlight knit
ting party last Monday, at least an
artificial moonlight party. They were,
as usual, with Mrs. George W. Nor
ris, wife of the senator from Mc
Cook, and, the weather being warm
and summery, they assembled on the
porch of their suburban home. The
electric lights were turned on and
they had a merry time with fruit
punch and needles. A picnic is being
arranged for the war-working girls
from Nebraska for early next month.
Senator Norn's is on a lecturing tour
for the Red Cross in Ohio.
Captain Buehler Metcalfe, who has
been at Fort Sill, Okl., is spending a
faw A ova ufit li Vi t as Aqrantt 1 r 9 m A
a. vi j j rriiu tus scia vuii J-tai anu
fMrs. R. L. Metcalfe.
Lieutenant Philip Chase and Lieu
tenant Victor Caldwell who have
been at Fort Omaha, left Sunday eve-'
ning for Akron. O. 1
f aaaamaaa- w aBBaaaaaBBBj a aaaBBapBBBB
Just Received
Prices from
1522 Douglaa Street.
every - r
hthful drink. Your homemade temwaaocelager
will be rich in nutritious properties, and you vaU tike
tt better man anything you ever drank. .
You can keep it in bottle to be used freely by
vnnr firm llv And rnrnda whenever you Kke. And
think how cheap it is! You
. - mJ ' ......
Eke it better than' injurious alcoholic nioon ttiS.Ya, Joa
will Up it better. YOU WILL LIKE IT BETTERI .
Call on your druggist today. If .he is sold out he can
quickly get more for you from his wholesaler. ; x
1224 - 1228 S. Western
Catholic Women Raise
Red Cross Funds by
Campaign in Churches
Reports from Catholic churches for
the second Red Cross war fund drive
Saturday morning stood as follows:
St Cecilia's, $8,590.85, Mrs. S. B.
Doyle, chairman.
St. John's. $1,491.21, Miss Mary
Duffy. - . '
St. Francis', $1,371, Miss'Wazyke
wicZa '
St Peter's, $1,203.90, Mrs. John
Latenser, chairman.
Sacred Heart, $166.30, Mrs. C. F.
St Philip's Neri, $50.75, Mrs. Wil
liam Kelly.
St. Agnes, $262.60, Mrs. M. P.
St. Mary, Magdelene, $210.90, Mrs.
J. E. Busch.
St. Ann's, $83.66, Mrs. Nifantina.
St. Philomena, $230.10, Miss E.
Holy Name, $58, Miss P. Mc Stra-
Holy Family; $164.10, Mrs. P. Ca
vanaugh. Immaculate Conception, $400, Rev.
St. Bridget's, $249.95, Mrs. W. M.
Jarrison. '
St. Patrick, $322.05, Mrs. Joseph
St. Anthony, $88.25, Rev. Lomo
lunos. St. Wencenlaus, $164, Mrs. C. F.
Holy Angels, $115.50, Mrs. James J.
Lieutenant Will Noble is now in
France, according to a cablegram re
ceived by Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Noble.
- oj bjbibbbbbbbbbb- bb uarj W
a New Lot of
Just the hat for com
mencements. Milans,
Organdy, Transparent
models, in blacks and
$5, $7 and $10
PlC? I
can make this tasty.
1 .1
- ; L v A
Dn.BaFBAiui '
This institution is the only one
in the central west with separate
buildings situated in their. own
ample grounds, yet entirely dis
tinct, and rendering it possible to
classify cases. , The one building
being fitted for and devoted to
the treatment of non-contagious
and non-mental diseases, no others
being admitted; the other Rest
Cottage being designed for and
devoted te the" exclusive treat
ment of select mental cases re
quiring for a time watchful care
and special nursing.
Headache -Depression?
Headaches and depression may be
due to several causes. Prehaps yours rs,
mystifies you? May be kidney and
bladder disorders is the cause?, If so,
you surely want relief and restora
tion. Indiscretions in eating and drink
ing bring on such troubles- very grad
ually, sometimes at other times -quickly,
will bring the desired benefit if such
symtoms are present as these: If
the secretion that passes is highlj
colored, strong of odor, insufficient
or too copious, followed by pain,
burning, irritation, smarting, etc. It
chills or fever come and go, if the
head aches, the eyes burn and rheu
matic pains, general discomfort and
nervousness besiege you, Balmwort
Kidney Tablets
Not secret, not new, just right
and true. Sold by all druggists.
It is not necessary to shampoo
your hair so frequently if it is en
tirely and properly cleansed each ,
time by the use of a really good
shampoo. The easiest to use and
quickest drying shampoo that w
can recommend to our readers it
one that brings out all the natural
beauty of the hair and may be en
joyed at very little expense, by dis
solving a teaspoonful of Canthrox,
which can be obtained from anj
druggist's, in a cup of hot water. -This
makes a full cup of shampoc
liquid, enough so it is easy to applj -it
to all the hair instead of just to
the top of the head. This, when
rubbed into the scalp and onto everj
strand of hair, chemically dissolves
all impurities. It is very soothing and
cooling in its action, as well as bene
ficial to both scalp and hair. After
rinsing out the lather so created,
you will find the scalp is fresh, clean
and free from dandruff, while th
hair dries quickly and evenly, devel
oping a bright luster and a soft
fluffiness that makes it seem verj -heavy.
Advertisement. -
Says Thick Sluggish
Blood Should
Be Purified
A Greasy, Pimply Skin, a Foul
Odor to Perspiration, Boils aqd
Aches and Pains All Banished
by Sulpherb Tablets. Like
Grandma's Remedy for Spring.
Take these tablets made of sul
phur, cream of tartar, calcium sul
phide and extracts of rare herbs
and take regularly for a month or
so, and you can drive the poisons out
of your system. Sulpherb Tablets are
wonderful to overcome constipation,
sluggish liver and kidneys and they
quickly start all the eliminative or
gans working. . They "flush the
sewers," , as it were, and you will
feel their fine effects all through
spring and summer. Headaches, ca
tarrh, neuralgia, rheumatic pain, con
stipation and kindred ailments due
to poisons in the blood, all go, the
skin clears, pimples and boils are
absorbed and pass out through the
proper waste channels. Every pack
age is guaranteed so you can prove ,
it easily. , Good for children and -adults.
All druggists 50c per sealed
tube. .Get Sulpherb Tablets 1 (not
sulphur tablets) . Advertisement.
1llllllnllllllll!lllllllll!IMIMIIII!!llll!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllltlHI .
Thousand Are Sick But Gat No
Sympathy or Help Because '
xTey Are Not Bedfast. " t :
fllllllllllllllllllllllll'llllllllllilHIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlii V
A healthy man or woman, simply s
cannot loaf. When you lack energy
and vitality you don't feel like work
ing. All the organs of your body are
sluggish. You are not keen for either
pleasure or work. You eat a plenty
perhaps but your stomach and di .
gestive organs do not build up your
strength. Dissipation in one form or
another may have caused your trou
ble. Nature needs the help that,
Cadomene Tablets will afford anyone
suffering with that tired feeling,'
with headaches, body pains, restless-
ness, sleeplessness, despondency, loss '
of energy, etc. Try taking Cadomene
Tablets instead of using strong stim-
ulants like whisky or wine. They will
give appetite, aid digestion, enrich '
your blood, strengthen your nerves r
and make you a real live, healthy,
energetic person. All druggists can
supply Cadomene Tablets in sealed :
tubes. Adv. - ;:.
K When Buying Advertised Goods
Sty Too Kead ot lhem in The cec
, ..--J catarrh
i -