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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1918)
l i i The Omaha Sunday bee i ' ! PAGES1T012 Ol- JLJL PAGES 1 TO 12 - - I - - - , x ' , ; . . . V" """ i - : ' VOL. XLVlf NO. 50. . , OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 26, 1918. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. V .? t- .1 ' , ' " ' ' ' -' - : - ' - - : si Your Country Calls I 4 TJ OW an I bcomc a Red Cross nurse r was the question heard L, WS!i&& 1 1 1 Tf Vt-, V-,;., , . : ' . (6TT OW an I bcome a Red Cross nurse?" was the question heard ' FI everywhere when America just naturally followed Red - Now "Red Cross" may mean anything from gathering up second-hand magazines or raising chickens to doing canteen work in France. In the process of discovering the Red Cross, the idea of nursing wounded Sammies has been overlooked. . , Today the call to arms has been sounded for Red Cross nurses. The cry is most urgent and immediate. It is absolutely necessary that 5,000 nurses be recruited byjhe end of June and 30,000 by 1919. The wounded boys "over there" are stretching feeble arms of entreaty from their beds of pain, the ,' men in army camps and naval training stations on this side are neglected because the white-uniformed Red Cross nurse is missing. ..Why. roll bandages or make bed shirts if th ministering hand of ths nurse cannot be found to care for the men who are fighting the world's 'battles? ' ' Women have enlisted for so many hard and unpleasant tasks since their sons and brothers marched away to war, surely they will not remain heedless to the voices calling them. Uncle Sam has said that the greatest and most patriotic act any woman can do is to enlist as a nurse. It is second only to joining the ranks of the sailors and soldiers in the line of heroic service. FOUR WAYS TO ANSWER CALL ... There are four ways to answer this call to the colors: First, registered professional nurses may enroll-with the government, to be assigned to active duty either in army camps in the United States or overseas service. ' , Second, married professional nurses or those unable to leave their homes . may join the Home Defense nurses, to be called upon to give part time as . instructors or in case of local disaster. . Third, any woman may join the Home Nursing "First , Aid and Dietetic 'classes to learn to care for the sick at home, or help in the hospitals and in that way relieve professional nurses to active patriotic service. , Fourth, any woman may enter training to become a professional nurse. Provisions are madeVo help those who need financial aid or other special 'arrangements. .',:"' ; . , Women interested in professional work should apply to Miss Gertrude Smith, field secretary for the Nebraska Red Cross, with headquarters in the Wead building. . . , ' . . . , . ,. The same address will reach Mrs. A. L. Reed, who is in charge of all 'Home Nursing andv First Aid classes. A hospital room is being fitted up in the Young Women's Christian association building where the classes will be held.. Mrs. Charles Elgutter has offered hr services for teacher of Home Nursing.' She was before her marriage in charge of a local hospital and is ' excellently fitted for the work, i : ,i 5 - Red Crp .Rejects s i Decollete 'Sweaters For : Soldier Boys " VTO MORE decollete sweaters for ' IN soldiers! . . . . . ! Knitters have been , bringing in such low-neckejl garments-that the women a Red Cross headquarters . have ;' had-'to build up several rows aroundthe neck band. The difficulty arose from misunderstanding the di rections, whicji read 14 rows across. That -means seven rows across and seven rows back, or seven .ridges, ac cording to Mrs. Lucien Stephens. ' v On Thursday, there were 103 sweat ers finished and 96 received completed on Friday. They .'arc made of F. K. and A. G. wool and will be added to ...the shipment which will be sent the first of the week, instead of Saturday, as was originally planned. ; . Lieutenant Pressly Kelin and Lieu tenant Ralph Mosher, who have been :, stationed at Fort Omaha, left for Fort Cilt. Friday evening. - Philip Downs, who was called home by .the death of his mother, returned Ittttfsday to rehsacola, Flf entered the war. The word Cross" in those days. Visiting Nurses 0 p e n Threejnf ant Welfare t .oiayons Junes , x "1. TVFANT welfare work for the sum- mer will be instituted Mdnday, June 3, b the Visiting Nurse -association, Miss Florence , McCabe, superintendent, announces. Dr. Newell Jones and Dr. F. S. Clark, assisted by the nfirses' staff, will have charge of tie work. Weighing rfnd examination of ba bies, instruction , and advice to moth ers orf feeding.'care and protection of infants is part of the welfare work. Three places have been named for the work, to which two hours will be givfti each week. Monday and Thurs day morning between 10 and 11 o'clock is the time set for the social settlement on the South Side; Tues day and Friday 'morning at Long school, and Wednesdays and Satur days at the City mission. - " t '. The fale of flowers on the' street for Italy day Friday netted $567.34 for the Red Cross. Mrs; Luther Drake, treasurer for the woman's division, announces that the total Friday night was $74,465.18. - - v ... . wL i&m&Jm r nam i: J- i (i'- . sfjiSHmsaB' . l Aujmr rsjtr sini .run ill n w . . i ,i v- b v v v - f - w- . mmMmn- m I'lr r stray !i ' 'IZ ' ' Reports for Friday night's collec tion at the theaters re as follows: Strand, $124.95; Brandeis,, $143.15; Orpheunv $155.03 Empress, $75.40; Sun, $69.95;, Muse, $21.30. . ' Little Misses Ann and Margaret Mahin, the twin grandchildren of Col onel Pickering, commandant at Fort Crook, dressed as Red Cross nurses, and Master 'Jack Beaton, in a sol dier's uniform, sold, flowers for the Red Cross at Beaton drug store Sat urday. ' Platte county has arranged a scale assessing each person for Red Cross subscriptions in proportion to the amount of land he owns. The committee submits the follow- iig as a basis on which to determine the minimum quotas: Farm tenants, not less than $10 Land owners, up to 80 acres, not', less than 16 Land owners, . up to 160 acres, not less than 3b Land owners, up to 320 acres, not less than '75 Town people are expected to con tribute in the same proportion.. Uur Angels of the . , J Firing Line ; , , Dear, nurses fair, and how you T care 2. .For us, who need you so! v Keep pulse astir,, and death 4 , defer,'-' " ,- r4 i Keep hearts athrob below I 4 vWith manner sure,- you calm and cure,- ; - What soothing hands can do! . , f ..r Our' comforters of 6ufferers,- . God love you, we're: for , you! : J ' ; Dear Nurses Jair, what hearts you wear, ' - , To soothe and cheer and bless, ' Our angels of the firing line,. You banish . wound's t di-, stress! You death defeat, you pain knows what good you do; You lend a hand, and under ' stand, . v ; God love you, we're for' ' you! , ' - ; -r Dear nurses true, here is to -you! "', 4 You duty's call fulfill. ' For your sJcill. helps, as nothing, else,- You serve, with heart and . wiU! Born unafraid, you hea and aid, Your ouch relief insures, Yourself you give.that . we may live! God love you, we are . yours! , - v ! CHAUNCEY Li WILTSE, ' s Fullerton, Neb. ' Wv v i ' 11 1 Gabby Detay'3 sPends I -fe-K:' ' ).; .)!, II fill Week in and Out of f. ) '-"" ' ' ; I I! Cross Head- f . K Home Makers Discuss f Food Conservation x Problems WOMEN of Omaha have found it is quite as necessary for home makers to' get together and dis cuss their problems as for teachers, doctors or people; of any other pro fession. ' The instruction classes he4dvm, va rious parts of the city furnish, ahJ'pp portunity for, the. study:,of food'.siibr stitutes and . suitable . food combina tions adapted ' to the needs of lthe family. ' Two ' new classes ,will be opened bhis week in Farnam and Lake school districts'... ' : . Miss Nellie Farnswprth, federal food" agnt, will carry out the follow ing program: . ' . Monday. 3 P. -M. Clifton Hill school. Mrs.,' F. E. Gilbert, chairman. Jqstruction class. - Subject, "Liberty Breads;"-- ' 'Tuesday. 10 A. M. Lothrop district'. Mrs. Maynard . C. 'Cole, chairmatf.In-. struction class in Christian -church. Subject, "Canning;" 1:30 p. m., Jung- man school. Mrs. Liska, chairman, Wednesday, 10 A. M.Farnant dis trict, Mrs. J. L. Mickel, chairman. Instruction class. Subject, .'"Liberty Breads." Meeting in, First Baptist church; 3:30 p. m., Mason school. Mrs. J. P. Winn, chairman. .Instruction class. Subject, "Meats." , v -Thursday, 10 A. M. Dundee school. Mrs. Wymer Dressier, chairman, In struction class. Subject, "Meats; 3 p. m., Lake scjiool. Mrs. Charles A. Powell, chairman. Instruction class. Subject, "Liberty Breads." Friday A meeting of all district chairman in Young" Women's Chris tian association at I o. m. Mrs. R. E. Winkelman, chairman; 7:45 p. m., Howard Kennedy school. Mrs. W. H, Weymuller, chairman. Instruction class. Subject. 'Planning Meals." , 0 , ' War Work Notes West .Omaha Women's Christian Temperance Union Red Cross auxil iary will 'meet for work on' hospital garments all day Wednesday in Jen nings ivietnoaisi episcopal church. Catholic women of Flornr will give a card party at Druid hall, Twen ty-fourth' and Ames 'streets, at 2:30 p. m. Tuesday for. the. benefit of the Red Cross, . Y OU would have thought you were II , ,f , ST - f , II S . 111 iue ouimwicii isies 11 you 11 i ' 1 -ii ' could, hae dropped in at the H 3 .) ' ' ' court house Thursday afternoon 11 J. . f ' , . If when the Belgian war heroes were l . d " A " ' "' - Y in our midst. Sandwiches there were JL " K. ' ' II ' ?of all shapes, sizes and varieties, for jxi ' " II could, have dropped in at the court house Thursday afternoon when the Belgian war heroes were in our midst. Sandwiches there were of all shapes, sizes and varieties, for the members of the Service League had worked faithfully, filling whole laundry baskets full and huge pots of fragrant coffee were prepared for the returned warriors. But, the sad part of the story is to come. You see, Everett Buckingham, in his usual generous way, dined the visitors so royally that even delect able sandwiches made no appeal to them when they arrived at the court house, i ; Sandwiches to right, sandwiches to left,-what-should the ladies of the blue' sailors do? In these days of conservation all that good bread, but ter and mayonnaise could not be wasted!- Of course all the lucky men who have offices jn-the great public building were deluged with food but, even then, there was no' bottom to be seen in the baskets. ' - Finally, a khiki-clad youth with an orange and white band about hi ser vice hat, spoke for his fellow men and suggested that they send the sand-i wicheto Fort Omaha. It was hardly spoken before it was. done and what a feast they .had at the Y. M. C. A. and Knights of Columbus huts! Ver ily, it is not a Belgian wind that blows nobody good. . . v TIHAT a prophet is tometimcs with ' out honor in his own home town was certainly proved at the Bur lington depot the other day. One of the pretty girls who was appealing for the Red Cross approached an important-looking man with a prosper ouiNiir and, smiling her sweetest at him, inquired: "Won't you subscribe to the Red Cross.?". - Amazement arid chagrin were writ ten on his face as he replied: , "Why, my dear younjr ladv. don't you know who I am? I am Gould Dietz, head of the Omaha Red Cross chapter." - , Was the young woman crushed? Hardly, for she fust tossed her head and answered "right back:" ' 'Well, I don't eare who vou are; I want your money for the Red Cross." I T wouldn't be safe to tell a lot of motion picture ticket girls or thea ter managers who have had to re peat war tax, please, so frequently of late about a very thrifty young corporal at ForJ Omaha, whose hobby has yirae to be collecting pennies. i at name oi this successful tinan- cier in khaki is Lcinback. He is a member of the famous 64th balloon company and a very good friend o( Sergeant Bob Northrup; in fact, it was from '.'Sergeant Bob"; that the corporal got his start. . . In a discussion of ways and means of spending their large weekly "in sult" -the scjgeant , pointed out to the corporal jthat if a soldier "watches his pennies the dollars will take care of themselves," ljkewise that "a penny saved is a penny earned," and other such words. Deeply impressed with the business ability of his friend, Corporal Lein back started to save the only thing he could rescue out of the United States pay check pennies. t saved and saved, and, far from robbing his bank as some, might have 'done, he never even counted up until one hap py day the bank was all' filled. WThen the coppers were added together the surprised banker found he owned $15. Do you think in his joy at finding his wealth that he went cuit and spent alj his money? Hardly; no true pa triot spends his ducats foblishly. In stead he called a van and had the 1,500 Lincoln heads removed to a down town bank, where he traded them for three war savings stamp books. T N making the world "safe for the , democratic party" we are forget ting (lass distinctions and creeds. The fact that everyone is united for the common cause is certa'inly evident in the street corner meetings that havei been conducted for the Red Cross the last week. V ' . ' Gabby was interested in a group composed of Bishop Homer C. Stunz, Miss Belle Ryan, an actress from the! Empress; Mr. F. S. Howell, two ne gro saxophone ' players, Miss Alia Davis, a SoutfySide High school girl; "X. "Mogy" Bernstein,1 and Anton Ort, I whose brother was killed in France; r They were all doing' their best for the Red Cross, and each , one, from . the bishop down, did his or her little :: bit for the. great cause. Gabby went on her way musing on the stirring days in which we ' live t id the changes they", are bringing to all of us.- TRAFFIC officers are no respecters' ., of personages not even of state governors.. (When they don't rec ognize theml") ' i. ., f , , Governor . Keith Neville . was Ain Omaha recently and with the cares of f state weighing particularly heavy iat ' day, absent-mindedly "jaV-walked" across Farnam street, colliding with a "V traffic cop enroute. ' "I beg- your pardon,", apologized the governor, but in the town where I live (meaning Nprth Platte) we don't need any traffic rules." ' : ' "You look like a hayseed. Pass on," ordered theop. The governor told this story on himself to NorjthPlatte friends. ' CUPID is hovering about . Benson way. Hints of a romance m which two prominent young, people of,., the newest addition to "Greater Oma- ha" figure were dropped at a luncheon given during the last week. Formal v announcements will be made in the early summer, so it was intimated, to Gabby., f . , 1 ? : , T EARER, My God. To Thee," -IN is the battle cry of American 8 aviators on the war front, ac- -cording to a letter received from & . soldier visitor at a French aerodrome, by a young Omaha miss. The aviar ors are a merry, courageous lot de spite .their hazardous "calling, so the; soldier wrqte . - - , ' ".'' s -' -" ' , ' j J