Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1918, Page 12, Image 12

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    12 A
One of Most Attractive Cloth
ing Quarters in Wc:'.; All
Departments Are Nearly
Orkin Brothers will move into
their new store in the Conant hote
building, Sixteenth and Harney
. streets, after waiting: several weeks
in order that it would be in as com
pitted condition as possible.
Havinsr agreed to vacate the old
store at 1519-21 Douglas by May 25
J. L. Orkin stated there was but one
thing he could do, and that was to
move and to ask the indulgence of
the public for the incompleted con-
; dition of their new store.
Several departments of the new
store will not be ready for occupancy
-: lor a snort time, but as soon as tney
.'are completed and the stock placed
a grand opening will be held, to
which the public will be invited.
In arrangement, finish and lighting,
Orkin Brothers new store is all that
r rould be desired, ' Nothing has been
left undone that would tend to make
this store the best of its kind in the
Floor Arrangements.
The first floor, which is finished in
walnut, is to be given over to - the
display of blouses, silk undergar
ments, etc.; All so arranged in cases
that they are' free from the dust of
the street at all times.' Yet shoppers
will be able to see at a glance the
enormous stock of high class mer
chandise. : . .
The second floor, reached by an
electric elevator as well as stairway,
is finished .in mahogany. The Six
teenth street side of this floor is de
voted to the sale of ladies and
misses' coats, suits and dresses. Here,
too. the ladies will find the choosing
of a gown or street dress made ex
tremely easy from the large and care
fully selected stock with plenty of
daylight daylight all around the big
The second floor back on the Har
ney street side is to be devoted to the
millinery department,, as well as the
fitting and work rooms, which is in
an uncompleted condition owing to
V the non-arrival of many fixtures, as
well as the carpets. However, the
delay is expected to be of short dura
tion ana as soon as iney are in piace
Omahans will be pleased to have a
,LUiC V .III V IV1I, UlUUIH . kll.l V.
ter, and located as it is in the very
heart of the downtown shopping dis-
- trist. ' , - ' . ' ;
affords delight
to lame crowd
The formal opening of New Krug
park Saturday , night attracted sev
sra! thousand people and was a great
success. Every woman who attended
was given a beautiful rose.
The "Giant Coaster," with its mile
long rtde and its striking view of the
country for miles around, proved the
most alluring attraction, the dancing
pavilion, which accmodates more than
1,000 couples and was almost crowd
ded with merry dancers.
"Danceland" was formally opened
.with an - exhibition dance, but, the
real' feature of the evening was the
spscial dance orchestra, brought to
Omaha for the season at the park.
Delays in the receiph of machinery
prevented the erection of the "Cap
tive Aeroplanes", in time for the open
ing, but this, attraction, the newest
and most thrilling in Omaha, will
be in operation , within a very few j
The park will be open this after
noon, tonight and every afternoon
and night for the season. '
One of the new features is the use
of tickets instead of money , at all
concessions. ' Tickets are sold at
small booths throughout'thc grounds.
This plan reduces the number of em
playees according to C S. Rose, man
ager of the park, and enables the em
ployment of more young women,
! Special attentioin wilt be paid dur
ing the season to picnic parties and
one of the features of the park will
be the community kitchens at which
the picnickers may make their cof
fee or do their cooking, as well as if
it home.
SELL FOR $1,300
Contributions to the Red Cross war
fund were slackening up m an almost
noticeable manner Saturday during
the last few hours of the drive 1 here
was no doubt about it. So two busy
Red Cross workers Miss Mary Coll
and Mrs. Margaret Judson, who had
labored during the entire week, de
cided to "liven things up a bit.
Both called on Julius Orkin, head
of the Julius Orkin store, 1510 Doug
las street, and '"fessed up" that they
wanted still more contributions. Mr.
Orkin proposed a scheme. Soon
every clerk in the store was busy
selecting articles of women's wear
ing apparel and placing them in
one huge pile. Approximately $500
worth of ladies' and misses' dresses,
coats, shirtwaists, etc. were gathered
"Here take these, auction them off
and keep the proceeds," Mr. Orkin
said to the Red Cross women.
The women immediately called up
W. A. Tyrrel, well known auctioneer,
and at 6 o'clock, in front of the Em
press theater the big donation of
clothing was auctioned to ready buy
ers. The sale netted $1,300 for the
Red Cross fund.
Mrs. Mollie Pease Dies
At Home in Omaha
Mrs. Mollie Pease, 30 years old,
wife of A. W. Pease, sales manager
for the Jav Burns Bakinar company,
died at 6:30 Saturday evening at her
home, 640 North Forty-second street.
Mrs. Pease was born in Chicago
and came to this city a year ago with
her husband, who, with a 4-year-old
son, survives her.
The funeral will be at John A. Gen-
t'eman's mortuary Sunday atternoon
at 5:30 p. m. Burial will be at Calvary
cemetery, Chicago. '
"King of McCook Bootleggers"
Abdicates Throne for 60 Days
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, May 25. (Special.)- The
king of McCook bootleggers has
abdicated his throne, according to a
message received this morning by
Governor Neville from that city
which read:
"Mike Moore, king of McCook
bootleggers, arrested and sentenced
to 60 days, becond offense. One
hundred and forty-four pints."
Question "What can
you do for Neuras
thenia?" Answer Once the
nerves are relieved of
pressure, nature will do
all that is necessary to
restore the body, to a
normal condition.
Neurasthenia usual
ly begins with occipital
headache and mental
depression, making it
hard to concentrate the
mind. This is accom
panied with sleepless
ness and general irritability.
The patient may complain of a
cranial restriction or of a pres
sure upon the vertex of the head
besides these symptoms there is a
feeling of spinal weakness, and in
some cases ringing in the ears and
dizziness, with various cardiac and
gastric neuroses.
Hundreds of people have come
to me knowing that Chiropractic
adjustments has cured case after
case exactly like your own.
Consultation is free at my office
djustments are $1.00 or 12 for
$10.00. Outside calls made by ap
pointment, $2.60.
Dr-. Burhorn
(Palmer School Graduate) '
Suite 414-19 Securities Bldg.
Corner 16th and Farnam Su.
Lady Attendant. Doug. 5347.
See This Beautiful
Jpi t rdj " lip
wiZZSEZ 111
at Mickels
for the latest equipped
Victor Victrola Style 10.
The greatest Victrola
yalue ever offered.
Monday , we will of
fer very easy terms.
.Don't be wifhout a
Victrola any longer.
Please ail We Will
Enjoy Demonstrating.
15th and Harney.
D. 1973.
There's More to Cash Buying Here Than Mere Savings There's Quality Satisfaction.
Store Opens at 9 A. M. J""
f:rl;;':'-'!i:riiv!ir(r!:!iririi'i:'i.:a;:..i I I :i;i;il't
- m
Z Colored I
I Wash Dress and 1
: Suiting Fabrics i
Z Lonsdale Fabrics in plain 4
Z shades, splendidly adapted I
- to making of ladies' and
m m
children's tub dresses and f
suits, 36 inches wide. Cash r
price, a yard 45
1 Organdies, in plain shades jj
I and the newest block check
pattern, fine quality. Cash ;
I price, a yard 95
Z Satin Stripe Voile, 36 inches
I wide, white and tinted
j grounds, all woven effects, Z
4 one of the best offerings in f
s dainty wash materials. Cash 1
I price, a yard 68
I Ginghams, 32 inehes wide, ;
1 checks, plaids, stripes and
plain shades; we feature I
two qualities that are re- I
I markable values. Our cash
Price, per yard. 58, 35
I Plain Colored Voile, 45 t
inches wide, all the leading ;
I 3hades; this value cannot be "
duplicated at less than 50c -anywhere.
Our cash price, I
i H fk 1 una i
Here Are Apparel Values to Delight the Economical A Big
Special Cash Purchase of Stylish
New Suits, Coats and Dresses
Secured By Our Buyer, Now in New York, and Sent On Specially for This Month
End Sale MADE TO SELL TO $35.00.
Come in Silk Taffetas,
Crepe de Chines, Geor
gettes and Taffeta and
Georgette Combinations.
per yard
- Fashion Silk. This plain
1 color maferial is very lus-
I trous and strictly washable, :
I 36 inches wide, used for ;
Z dresses, waists, underwear
Z and foundation purposes; Z
we show 35 shades, also :
" black or white. Cash price,
1 yard ...68 I
P l'liilllllMIIII!::lll!i;l:illl!!li:ll:l!lllllllill!li!llllll!lllll;
Come in Gabardines, Pop
lins, Serges and Silks
all shades and sizes.
Come in all the latest Spring and Sum
mer styles, in the most wanted colors,
including black and many blues.
A wide range of the season's most
approved styles for your selection at
values we're confident you will not
find equalled.
New, Extra Size Dresses
for stout ladies, just received ; come
in big assortment of styles, in silks,
voiles and ginghams; sizes up to 58;
all most attractively priced.
Store Closes at 6 P M
! The New j
I White Dress and j
1 Skirting Materials
I V6ile, in all the many dif-
I ferent qualities, fine domes- 1
tic, also the sheerest import- 1
I ed grades. We feature a I
? splendid domestic grade at
cost price, a yard 25J . I
Lingerie Material, the sheer I
Wamsutta quality, 39 inch-
I es wide; per yard 30tf 1
a. if
f Embroidered Voile and Ba- Z
? tiste, dainty materials with
I embroidered, figures in self- t
color, 36 to 40 inches w'cle. !
Cash price, yard 95 I
I White Organdie, crisp fin- Z
I ish, fine, transparent qual-
I ity, wide width. Our cash
price, a yard 50d 1
I Checked Pajama Cloth, 33 i
inches wide, a splendid
quality, very serviceable.
1 Cash price, a yard .... 20 1
s - White Poplin, finest thread
Z mercerized finish, 27 inch-
I es wide, per yard. .. .35 1
I White Nainsook, 36 inches
I wide, excellent quality. Our
i cash price, yard 25 1
White -Skirtings, 36 inches 1
1 wide, oxford, pique, gabar-
s dine, fancy and plain weave 1
I these popular skirtings I
1 here in best style variety.
Our cash price, yard, 50c i
New Summer Silks at Attractive Cash Prices
Hay den's Always for Silks
Thousands of Yards of Stylish New Silks for Summer Wear Shower-proof Foulards, Silk Ginghams, Chif
f on Taffetas, Novelty Pongee Suitings. See Them in Our Daylight Silk Section.
50 Pieces of 36-Inch Chiffon Dress Taffeta
In every new and wanted color; a soft, supple
quality, with brilliant lustre. Worth $1.75
Cash Price $1.35 Yard
36-Inch Stylish Silk Ginghams In plaids and
checks ; Louisennes and Taffetas ; very smart for
summer dresses and skirts. Worth $1.75 and $2.
Novelty Striped Chif f on Taffetas and Satin Me-
salines Pretty block checked Surah silks ; just
right for summer skirts. $1.50 and $2.00 values.
Cash Price $1.38-$1.68 Yd.
40 Pieces of 30 and 36-Inch Silk Pongees In
plain colors and polka dot effects on tan and
white grounds. Regular wash summer silks
AH Silk Foulards In a fine line of new col
ors, medium and small designs, dainty polka
dots; 36 inches wide; strictly all-silk
Cash Price $1.18-$1.38 Yd.
40-Inch Handsome Pongee Suitings In white
and tan. A fine heavy quality for suits and
skirts. Positively worth $4.00 a vard. Mondav.
y t j v '
Cash Price $1.25 Yard Cash Price 45c-78c Yard Cash Price $2.50 Yard
White Bar Harbor Satin 42 inches wide; in
great demand for separate skirts and coats.
See this beautiful satin, worth $4.50, Monday
Cash Price $2.98 Yard
SO Pieces of Imported Shantung Silk In the
natural tan shade; a good heavy quality; the
ideal summer silk. Worth $1. Specially priced,
Cash Price 78c Yard
$2 Taffeta at $1.5820 pieces of black chiffon
taffeta ; splendid quality that will give satisfac
tion; 36 in. wide; brilliant finish, worth $2
Cash Price $1.58 Yard
Matchless Values in New Rugs
Carpet Department Third Floor
Just received, a big shipment
of Rugs in all grades and sizes,
on sale at the following low
Cash Prices :
9x12 Best Wilton Rugs, worth
$85, cash price. t $70
8-3x10-6 Best Wilton Rugs,
worth $72.50, cash price, $5S
9x12 Wilton Velvet Rugs,
worth $52, cash price. . . .44
8-3x10-6 Wilton Velvet
Rugs, worth $47.50, at
cash price ........ $38
9x12 Best Velvet Rugs,
worth $38, price. .$29
8-3x10-6 Best Velvet
Rugs, worth. $31.50.
Our cash price... $22
6x9 Wilton Velvet and
Axminster Rugs, worth
$31, cash price. . .$21
3x6 Axminster Rugs, worth $7, cash price $5.50
All Sizes of Congoleum Rugs, from. . . . . .$2 up to $12
Our Line of Deltox Rugs, all sizes, from 55c up to $12
Now is the time for a good Carpet Sweeper or Vacuum
Sweeper. We carry a full line of Bissells
om $3.25 P to $9.50
Lace Curtains and
Annex Salesroom
First Floor
Have you investigated
the difference in prices be
tween Hayden's Cash Pay
ment Method and the oth
er Plan?
On Monday we offer an un
restricted choice of splandid
35c to 40c Filet Net, in white
and ecru, at, our cash price of,
per yard 256
500 Pair Filet Net, Lace
Trimmed, 2S-Yrd Curtain,
in white or ecru, at our cash
price, a pair.... S1.25
ISO Pair Lac Curtains of fine
quality, plain net, edged with
domestic cluny lace, choice of
cream, white or ecru; Curtains
that cannot be replaced at less
than $3 per pair. Monday only,
our cash price, per pair. 815
Attractive Values, Summer Furniture
Take Our Advice and Buy Furniture Now, as AH Furni
ture Prices Are Rapidly Advancing.
Four - Passenger Lawn
Swings, only $5
Children's Four-Passenger
Lawn Swing, for
a 11
Couch Hammocks, khaki,
with springs, at.. $7.50
Regular Hammocks .... $3
All-Oak Porch Arm Rock
er, only $2.50
Large Reed Baby Buggies,
at $20 and $25
Porch Beds and Springs,
complete, for $10
Folding Army.Cots, in this sale, for. .-. .-.-.$3.50
Folding Lawn Settees, up from. $1.50
312 and 4-foot Porch Swings, at $3.50 and $4
$4.50 Dining Chairs, leather seats, at $3.75
Children'. High Chair $2.50
Cedar Che.U, at $14.50
and $17.50
Folding Sulkie, without a hood,
at $4 and $5
Best Sanitary Couch Made, at
only ......... $6.50
Sanitary Couch, for.... $5.00
Kitchen Cabinets, aluminum
tops, for $29.50
Genuine Layer Felt Mattresses,
full weight, for $12
Good, Well Made Bed Sprint;,
for $5
New, Heavy Vernis Martin Bed,
for $10
K'iiiHir'iiiiii'itiii!ii:ii!ii:ii.ii:ii':ii.:iiiaii'K'i.'r'rii its, i''rn'iimi!ia:!iiii;wi.n'ii;ir't!H!H.'i' r
J Cash Prices on Summer House Furnishings?
White Mountain Refrigerators
1 35-Pound Capacity, beautiful oak case, fully insulated and a great Z
fice saver. Special cash price $10.50 1
s 75-Pound Capacity "White Mountain Refrigerator," golden oak case f
I and baked white finish inside. Special cash price $18.50 Z
I Golden Glow Lawn Mower, four patented, tempered blades, 14 inches
5 wide. Our cash price $5.50 Z
1 Golden Bust Lawn Mower, three patented, tempered blades, 14 inches Z
2 wide, ball-bearing, high-wheel. Cash price $7.50
fFiTe-Ply Red Garden Hose, H-inch. Cash price, per foot.,.13?
I Fire-Ply Red Garden Hose, -inch. Cash price, per foot... 140
"Domanco" Electric Iron, 6-lb. size, complete with 6-foot cord. Spe- ?
jcial cash price, each. $3,501
I No. 50 Climax Food Grinder. Cash price $1 .25
i One Lot of Bathroom Fixture, including Glass Towel Bars, Robe "
Hooks, Tooth Brush Holders, Toilet Paper Racljs, Tumbler Holders I
i and Soap Dishes. Cash price, each 350 -
-Carpet Beater. Cash price 100 I
ril:ii::l:;l:il!:l.ilHI!!i:!l:i!:i:ii:i!!;iii,i;il:!li:!il.:l:.l''.!:,;ll!H!l;!iri':i:il::;l: I I .1 t.: .1 :iiS.:l:,S':l.:i:.s: S.i::B: B.'l. l;:i::l.:lt:s. I fSr'l!:!:-!,!!:!!!'!!:!!!!
I Why Not REDUCE. Your LIVING EXPENSES Materially? j
Thousands Upon Thousands of Wise Housewives Find the Low Cash Prices in i
- Our Sanitary Grocery a Great Aid I
10 brt Diimond C or Swift's Pride
Laundry Soap, for 38c
Lux Washing Compound, pkc....lOc
4 pkgs. Gillett's Washing Crystal.. 5c
4 pkgs. bulk Laundry Starch.. . .2Se
t cans Old Dutch Cleanser 25c
5 lbs. best White or Yellow Corn
meal, for 42c
6 lbs. best Barley or Corn Flour, ,38c
16-os, cans Condensed Milk lie
6-os. cans Condensed Milk 5c
24-lb. sack Pure Rye Flour $1.95
Tall cans Salmon for 19c
Ho. & cans Golden Pumpkin or Hom
iny, for 10c
No. 2 cans Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn
for 12V,e
No. 2 cans Wax, String, Green or
Lima Beans, for 15c
Large Jars Pure Fruit Preserrn. ,25c
Large jars Pare Apple Butter ....25c
Lergt bottles Chow Chow, Saur,
Mixed. Sweet. Picililli or Split
Pickles, for cold lunches and picnics
at , 23c
Fancy Queen Olives, battle 15c
Fancy Ripe Olives, per can 10c
The best Domestic Macaroni. Vermi
celli or Spaghetti, per pkg. . . .7',e
No. 1 cans Pork and Beans . . . .SVic
Breakfast Cocoa, per lb 25c
Eat Mora Dried Fruit and Save the
Choice California Prunes, lb. ...,10c
Choice Muir Peaches, lb. ...... 1 2 "jc
California Muscatel Raisins . ...8Vsc
Large jars Pure Mince Meat 25c
Fancy Seedless Raisins, Jb 15c
Fancy Moor Park Apricots, lb. ....25c
Fancy California Apples, lb 15c
Fancy California Silver Prunes, at,
per lb, 20c
Faney Brazil Nuts, lb 15c
Fresh Roasted Peanuts, lb. ISc
The best Tea Sif tings, lb. 20c
Choice Basket Fired Japan Tea, at,
per lb. . : 39c
Choice English Breakfast Tea, at,
per lb 49c
Faney Golden Tip Ceylon Tea, at.
per lb 59c
Faney Ping Suey Gunpowder Tea, at.
per lb 65c
Our Famous Golden Santos Coffee.
it. n
l WW uc
Five pounds for 95c
Fancy Maracaibo Blend Coffee . ...25e
M. A J. Blend, nothing finer, at.
per lb. 35e
Three pounds for $1.00
New Potatoes, per lb. 4c
16 lbs. No. 1 Western Potatoes. .. ,25c
Fresh Spinach, per peck 20c
6 bunches Home-grown Onions . . , .5c
2 bunches Home-grown Asparagus,
for 10c
4 bunches of Home-grown Radishes.
Fresh Beets or Carrots, bunch
Fresh Wax or Green Beans, lb. .
Fresh Peas, per quart
Fresh White Texas Onions, lb.
New Cabbage, per lb
Tomato or Cabbage Plants, at per
dosen 7V,c
Watch Monday
Evening Papers for
Pineapple Sale
i:i!'li!liil:litl;;S;'l:;i::i I l:.iit'!sl:(i:tlill!i't"li.ii'l':l I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I III
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