Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1918, Image 1

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IN ALL a at
ItVthe Strenuous Life "
"""""" . .. )
War News and World News
Are Absolutely Essential
Now to Keep Abreast of
What Is ' Happening All
About Us.
All the News in The Bee.
For Nebraska - Showers j
probably cooler. '
The Omaha
Hourly Trmpmtaret.
1 p. m 81
a. m.
7 in.
B . m.
I k m.
10 . in.
11 m.
It m....
, 72
, 74
t p. ra... i S4
8 p. m
4 p. ra M
5 p. m M
p.' m. .......... 115
1 p. m it
Suspension of Diplomatic Relations With Island Govern
ment Regarded at Washington as Indirect Action
Against This Country and Forerunner of In-
terruption of Friendly Intercourse.
(By Associated Press.)
Washington, May 25. In Mexico's sudden breaking off of
diplomatic relations wi';h Cuba is seen an indirect action against
the United States. Those here most familiar with Latin
American affairs profess to see in it the forerunner of more
direct action, possibly an interruption of intercourse between
the United States and Mexico. ,
Although without, official information of a detailed char
acter, it is understood here that Mexico's real grievance against
Cuba is the recent incident in which ' the Mexican minister to
Argentine, Senor Ysidro Fabela, was delayed in Havana, while
some official, ostensibly a Cuban customs inspector, searched
his baggage, and probably removed some papers said to be of
an international character.
tl:. V.r in tiO
1 Ills HILlucili ia utui-vu vv i " -
the real cause of the break, and those
who entertain this belief are firm in
the conviction that Mexico was con
vinced that the United States was re
sponsible for the incident.
When Senor Fabela's luggage was
searched it was maintained by some
that the person who did it was not a
Cuban official at all, but some other
agent in the disguise of a Cuban in
spector or gendarme. Later, however,
' it seemed to have been satisfactorily
: established that the man really was a
Cuban inspector.
Gives Cuba Free Hand.
iA break between Cuba and Mexico,
i it is felt, disrupts practically nothing
' but a long standing friendly relation,
in the opinion of those inclose touch
with the subject, it may actually give
Cuba a free hand, as the Mexican for
V eign minister says in his announce-
ment, but, perhaps, not in the manner
suggested. American agents for some
time have been reporting German
agents operating in Cuba, some of
- them crossing 'frequently ' to- the
United States as Cuban citizens or
Mexican citizens . A severance of
' diplomatic relations probably would
leave the Cuban government feeling
more at liberty to investigate their ac
tivities. When first class powers are con
cerned, a break in diplomatic relations
inevitably has been followed by war.
Between lesser powers this rule often
fails to hold good.
Break Denied at Havana.
. Havana, May 25. The exact situ
ation with reference to the diplomatic
relations between the Cuban and Mex
ican republics is difficult to define in
. view of the wide divergence of in
terpretations placed upon the depart
ure of the Mexican charge d' affaires
from Havana who, before sailing, paid
i courteous and friendly visit to Pres-
. ident Menocal.
Apparently his departure had no
more significance than that of any
other diplomat returning home to
make a report to his government.
That the Cuban charge in Mexico has
r been recalled recently is merely a co-
( incidence and not connected with any
question pending with Mexico.
Sub-Secretary of State Patterson
stated to the press that the reports
that diplomatic relations have been
broken Oil were groundless and
showed a uispatch fron. the Cuban
charge in Mexico, Senor Santamaris,
: stating that the latter had been in
formed by the Mexican minister of
foreign relations that the recall of
the Mexican charge does not consti
j tute a rupture of diplomatic relations.
The morals squad, headed by Ser
geant McDonald and ' Sergeants
Wheeler and Samuelson, swooped
down on the Orpheum gardens, con
ducted by Peter Loch, Saturday night
about 11:30 o'clock. Ten inmates of
the Harney street cabaret were ar
rested as vagrants.
-This raid was the largest since the
inauguration of the vice crusade by
Commissioner Ringer. All inmates
were examined for disease under the
recent city ordinance and in conform
ity with the agreement with federal
Packers' Employes Move for
V Readjustment of Hours
Employes of the four big packing
plants in South Omaha have joined
in a general movement among the
large packing centers of the company
in asking a readjustment of working
hours. '
In the department where the men
are worked in single shifts, the men
are asking that their dav's work be
gin at 7 a. m. and close at 5:50 p. m.,
with half hour off at noon, v
Under the present svstem the men
are called to work at whatever hour
- they are awnted and then worked
through an eight-hour day. The cut
ting and killing gangs complain that
on some days thev are not called to
work until noon.
1 Packing house officials and. union
leaders will present the matter to
Judge Altschuler, arbitrator, Chicago.
Another Omaha Man Brings to
Light More Details About
Checkered Career -of
"Roberts" Woman.
John N. Hansen, shipping
clerk at the Baum Iron store,
who claims to be the rightful
husband of Fannie Hansen,
alias Mrs. Ruth Roberts, alias
Mrs. Harvey Zellmar, army
vampire and self-confessed
bigamist, is seeking a divorce
from his much married wife,
alleging desertion and extreme
Mrs. Hansen, who has had as
varied a matrimonial career as
Nat Goodwin, has another hus
band in France, fighting on .the
western front, and another in
the military prison at Leaven
worth. There is a suspicion that
there are a couple more civil
ian husbands lying around
loose somewhere waiting to be
Mrs. Hansen is of French-Canadian
birth and her maiden nameaccording
to her story to John N. Hansen, was
Fannie Bettencourt. She is a woman
of strangely fascinating personality
and has a peculiar lure for susceptible
They Meet at Fall River.
lie met her ..t Fall River, Mass.,
where she represented herself as sin
gle person, and he ell in love with her
and proposed marriage. She accepted
and they plighted their troth, being
wedded, in the fall of 1909.
Shorty after the marriage she pro
duced a son, whom she explained to
the astounded groom, was her son by
a former marriage. The lad, now
about 15 years old, is with his grand
parents at Ware, Mass., where she
also has two brothers living.
" A year after the marriage the couple
came to Omaha and here, Mr. Han
sen declares, , his real grief began.
His wife began playing Theda Bara
roles in real life, is his allegation, and
she had numerous affairs with men,
abandoning him and her home, to
return only when she got into serious
Variety of Charges Made.
He alleges that she is well known
to several Omaha detectives because of
her penchant for forging checks and
passing them on department stores.
He says he had to straighten several
of these matters out. He also says
that she purchased a bill of furniture
from one of the large installment out
fitting houses of the city and dis
continued on Pf Two, Colnmn On.)
Jazz Band Creates
Mistakes Players
"Automobile thieves!"
A woman, excited and 'tngry, calling
at the top of her voice, attracted a
large crowd to the mouth of the alley
on the south side of Sixteenth street,,
between Farnam and Harney streets
shortly before noon Saturday.
A negro was at the steering wheel
in a car and four others were en
gaged in trying to push the machine
backwards out into the street. :
When the excited woman began to
yell the negro at the wheel tried
to get out of the car, but the woman,
belligerent and determined to the
core, ordered him back into the car,
and told his companions to remain
fx (Fu
Hustling Committee About 200
Ahead of Record at This Time
Last Year in Membership
June 3 Omaha night.
June 10 Stock yards and packing
houses night.
June 17 Seward, Neb., night.
June 20 Nebraska State Editors'
June 24 Nebraska City and Plaats
mouth. night.
July 1 I-M-I-N-K Trap Shooting
association night.
"Dad" Weaver, chief factotum of
the kingdom of Quivera, reports that
his loyal knights of the hustling com
mittee are getting along fine in the
Ak-Sar-Ben membership campaign,
and that they are about 200 ahead of
the record at this time last year.
The big drive that was scheduled
for Tuesday, May 28, on account of
the Red Cross work and other activi
ties which have concentrated attention
for the last week, has been postponed
to June 3, the night of the opening
show, combined operetta showing the
beauties of the land of "Rum Bay,"
circus and the great spectacle of the
burning of Berlin.
Those who join the Ak-Sar-Bcn on
or before May 30 will be free from
the terrors of initiation and it will be
worth hustling in that $10 initiation
fee to be mmune from the ordeal.
Those who have deferred taking out
membership ar urged to do so at
There will be a rehearsal Monday
night at 8 o'clock, and all members of
the initiation crew are urged to be on
hand. Recruits are also wanted to
fill out the remainder of the cast.
Members of the initiation crew say
that the show this year will be the
biggest "scream" ever, eclipsing any
other show held in former years. It
is full of concentrated pep, tobasco
and forty-rod-lightning.
Mrs. Ward Burdic Parker
Dies After Long Illness
Mrs. Ward Burdic aPrker, aged 23
years, wife of W. B. aPrker and
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. E.
R. E. Scrimigre, died Saturday, after
a long illness, at her home, 4720 North
Twenty-seventh street. Funeral notice
Stir as Woman
for Auto Thieves
where they were until the police
The crowd became threatening
when Frank JudsOn of the Red Cross
forces appeared. He showed a badge
to the woman and convinced her that
he had some authority. When the
quieted down he found she was
owner o, the car and he explained
that the negroes were members cf
the Adams Jazz band and were try
ing to get her car out of the .vay to
make room for the Red Cross truck,
from which auction sales were held,
so they could give a concert to rt
tract a crowd.
The concert by the scared musicians
was not needed. The crowd was al
ready there.
Real and Play
Quota Now Reached;
Whirlwind Finish
Washington, May 25. With sub
scriptions to the American Red
Cross second war mercy fund es
timated now at more than the min
imum quota of $100,000,000, work
ers in the campaign rested tonight
in preparation for a strenuous clos
ing day Monday. Officials expect
a big outpouring of dollars at the
finish and expressed confidence to-
FA nffcht that -the fund- would be heiv-
ny oversuDscriDeci.
A message from King Albert of
Belgium to President Wilson,
thanking the nation for its aid to
the stricken people, and another
from General Pershing commend
ing the Red Cross work in France
were received today and were ex
pected to give impetus to 'the war
fund drive. .
Americans Victorious in Thrill
ing Hand-to-Hand Encounter
With Germans in No Man's
(Br Associated IVeM.)
With the American army in France,
May 25. An American reconnoitcring
party commanded by Lieutenant A.
P. Craddocok of Lynchburg, Va., had
a thrilling hand to hand encounter
with Germans in No Man's land, in
Picardy last night. In the face of a
continuous fire from two machine
guns they charged the enemy. Al
though Lieutenant Craddock and
several of his men wer esefiously
wounded they continued fighting and
drove off the Germans.
One of the Americans was shot in
the head and body, and lay on the
ground stunned. When he came to,
he found a German holding him by
the shoulder. He whipped out his
pistol and killed the German.
Another American detachment dur
ing the course of the night penetrated
enemy organizations in the Boias
Allogne, attacked a German post and
killed five Germans and took one
prisoner. The prisoner told the same
story as thousands of others who have
been taken by the British and French
that he would give anything to see
the war ended. He apparently knew
nothing regarding future German
' American troops carried out a silent
raid in the Picardy sector Friday, in
flicted a number of losses on the
enemy in killed and brought back
prisoners, according to an official
statement issued by the American
headquarters tonight.
Husband Held by Police;
Accused of Threats on Wife
L. W. Lamb giving his address as
the Windsor hotel, was arrested Sat
urday night on complaint of his wife,
Kate Lamb, 1112 South Tenth street.
He is charged with threatening to kill
his wife. Mrs. Lamb alleges that her
husband for some time has been
living in Casper, Wyo., and that he
just returned. She remonstrated with
him for drinking and she says he
threatened her with a gun,
Harry Lauder's Own Story of Waf
Zona Experiences Will Be Found
en Page 5, Section D,
Supply Sufficient Without Fur
ther Restrictions by Continu
ing Use of Substitutes in
' Same Ratio as Now.
Minneapolis, May 25. Food ad
ministrators of six northwest states
meeting here today in executive ses
sion declared that one-half of the nor
mal consumption of wheat flour is
being saved for war purposes, made
possible by government restrictions
calling for an equal amount of substi
tutes with each flour purchase and
the six-pound monthly ration.
Although some administrators as
serted that tlicir state wer? ready to
go on a wheatless basis for the sum
mer, A. C. Loring, representing the
milling division of the food admini
stration, declared that such a step
would be unnecessary. General ob
servance of restrictions has improved
the wheat situation said.
In line with the government's or
der that wheat must be marketed by
May 15, reports were made showing
that 98 per cent of reserves have been
disposed of. .
Montana, North Dakota, South
Dakota, Iowa, Wyoming and Min
nesota were represented at the meet
ing. The administrators left tonight
for Washington, where they will at
tend a national conference.
No Further Restrictions Required.
Washington, . May 25. Further
restrictions on the use of wheat are
belieyed by some officials of the food
administration to be unnecessary.
Food administration figures today
show that on May 4 there were 45,
000,000 bushels of wheat on farms,
and 37,000,000 bushels in elevators.
About 23)00,000 bushels of wheat, its
equivalent in flour, is held by dealers.
The allies have asked that during
May, June and July 16,000,000 bushels
a month be shipped. This will leave
an approximate balance of 57,000,000
bushels to meet domestic demands.
Republican Leaders Reject Program '
, Mapped Out by President Wilson.
(By Aanoctated Freu.)
Washington, May 25. Prospects
for a postponement of revenue legis
lation and an early adjournment of
congress again appeared to have
vanished tonight when democratic
and republican leaders failed to
agree on a program presented by
President Wilson for a special ses
sion after' the November elections.
The republicans, according to ad
ministration .spokesmen, blocked the
proposal by refusing to give assur
ance (hat a bill along lines proposed
by the president would be passed
within a definite time.
Tonight democratic leaders pre
pared to go ahead with the framing
of a bill.
The republicans gave out a state
ment declaring they were ready to
go ahead with the legislation at any
time the administration desired and
aid its passage "without unnecessary
The conditions proposed by thenot be completed at this session,
German Army Blinded Through Losses of Airplanes in
Battles and Movements of Troops and Supplies
Hampered by Repeated Aerial Attacks on
Military Positions Behind Front Lines
(By Associated Proa.) ,
No signs are observable, according to correspondents at
the front, of the enemy's intentions as to the time and place of
the delivery "of his expected stroke. The artillery activity, '
indeed, seems less marked than for some days past, while the
aviaiors nave Deen ODiigea to let
by the advent of less favorable
It seems not improbable, however, that the magnificent
work of the allied airmen has had much to do with the slowness
of the enemy in putting his offensive in working order again.
They have established themselves as masters of the situation
to such an extent that the Germans have been forced to keep
well back of their own lines.
GIVE $350,000
Omaha People' Profligate in
Their Offerings to the
Greatest Mother in
the World.'
"It is more blessed to give than to
Omaha and Nebraska tested this
maxim of the Christ last week and
found that it was true. "
Never, before had there been such
a week of giving in Omaha and Ne
braska and, indeed, in the .United
Rich and poor alike poured out
their money into the treasury of the
Red Cross with a generosity that
astonished those who did the work
of receiving it.
The blessedness of giving was felt
as it had never been before. Many
told of the feeling of duty done that
filled their hearts when they had giv
en to help the boys "over there," to
help the people of devastated coun
tries, to help little children, to clothe
the naked, feed the hungry and min
ister to the sick.
"It is simply astonishing," said
Everett Buckingham, chairman of the
drive in Omaha. "Why, when the
first Red Cross drive was put on
people looked at solicitors as though
they were asking something almost
impertinent. Today all is changed.
People not only respond generously
to requests for contributions but they
send their money or bring it to head
quarters. Make Sacrifices to Give.
"And one of the finest things about
it is that the people of small means
are denying themselves in order to
give. When packinghouse and smel
ter laborers and paving and grading
gangs give a day's pay to the Red
Cross, earned by the sweat of their
brows, it is a sublime spectacle." .
Last night predictions were made
that the city will go over $350,000 in
place of its quota of $200,000; and
that the state will go to $2,500,000 in
place of its quota of $1,300,000.
Actual tabulation of returns from
75 counties outside of Douglas last
night amounted to $1,011,598.77 and
the counties are 'still going."
Omaha is Still Going.
The city is also "still going." Mon
day is included in the drive and many
(Continued on Pago Two, Colnmn Three.)
president, according to
a memoran-
dum submitted by him to the senate
committee and the house ways and
means committee were that he would
assent to adjournment of congress
about July 14 or earlier, if possible,
provided democrats and republicans
would agree to a special revenue ses
sion about November 11, after (flec
tions, and co-operation in enacting
a bill providing for raising one-third
of the government's expenditures by
taxes. The president also suggested
that the principal levies be made on
excess profits, incomes and non
essentials or luxuries.
That congress will be in session all
summer if the revenue bill is gone
into was the belief tonight of some
of the leaders. Predictions as to the
time required for enacting such legis
lation ranged from three to six
months or more, while some caoital
leaders hold the opinion that. It can-
aown in tneir intense labors
The allied aviators, on ; the other
hand, have been able to carry out
photographic observations and bomb
ing work on a large scale for long
distances in the enemy's rear territory,
Bombing operations have been so
extensive that tons of explosives have
been unloaded on mliitary objective
many more than "1,000 tons to date.
Unquestionably this has seriously
interfered with German movements.
of troops and supplies. Furthermore, "
the activities of the battling aviators
on the entente side has swollen the
German losses of machines to con
siderably in excess of the 1.000 re- ;
cently reported to have been brought
down since the opening of the enemy's,
spring onensive.
isnemy Partly Blinded. .
This nartial blindinsr of the "ene"mv
has naturally tended to Veep him less
weir informed of dispositions on the
allied side and ' probably ' served to
make him more hesitant in making
decisive moves.. ,.; t ri ;' A
- In the aerial activity the Americana
are taking an increasing part, and it
now develops that in the Toul sector
held by the American army an ex
clusively American pursuit squadron
i rvnpra finer with marker! siirrc tn
date. : ' -
The allied Infantry raiders haye
t ti - .1. .
Deen active equany wun ine aviators,
but here the Germans have more
nearly matched their opponents. The
enemy raiding parties have been espe
cially active on the front of General
von Huter s army south of the somme.
but their successes in taking prisoners
from whom to secure information
have not been marked. ;
Firty-three Lost With Moldavia. -A
total of fifty-three Americans
lost their lives in the sinkinsr of the
British steamer Moldavia off the Eng. ;
lish coast Thursday morning. The
men were all members of Company '
B, 58th United States infantry.
Fourth division. The, remaining,'
American soldiers on board, 427 men
of the 58th infantry, were safely
landed together with all other per
sons the steamer carried. t
Virtual severance of diplomatic
relations with Cuba is announced by 't
the Mexican government. Mexico has
recalled its representatives at Havana, ;
it is stated. Havana reports, however,
that the Mexican charge turned over
his affairs to the Mexican consul gen
eral. The feeling is expressed in the -Cuban
capital that it is not Mexico's
intention definitely to cease diplo-1
matic intercourse. - - , .
An enthisiastic meeting of the mem-
bers of the Douglas County American
Repulbican club was held at its quar
ters in the Omaha National building
Thursday night.
The club now has more than 100
members, although it has been or-
ganized only a few weeks.
W. F. Gurley made an address, in
which he pointed out the necessity for
republican organization because of T
thp war - ,
He spoke also of the necessity of
republican organiaztion in the city
and county to gua:itce good local
government. , '
E. A. Benson also made a talkj in
which he called attention to the
patriotic action of the republicans in ;
congress, who, in the interest of do-1
mestic harmony, have cast partisan
ship aside in their support of Presi
dent Wilson in his desire for almost
autocratic power. .
Ten-Year-Old Negro Boy
Drowns in Missouri River
Willie Brooks, 10-year-old' negro
boy, was drowned in the Missouri;
river, near the Acetylene Manufac-
Hi riner rnmnanv'e nlonf fm U
vwHipnuj a avium, asi VUtailft,
shortly after noon Saturday.
Ttis 1ari ha A Kn in iwimmini ritt
a number of companions and ven
tured too far out, getting caught in '
the swiftly moving current. The body
was recovered Soon after the acci-"-
aent Dy a watenman at the Acetylene v
plant. , k 1 '
The boy is believed to be the sort.
of Mrs. Zethor Brooks. 2216 North?
Twenty-fifth street "Mrs. Brooks' son '
has been misting aince- early morning '
fcjUMq., ...At.