Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1918, Page 8, Image 8

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    THE 1 BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1918.
Spirited Competition at Lin
coln, Mercantile Firm Offer
t ing $115, Which Is Top So
i - - Far in Auction.
t From SUff Correspondent)
I Lincoln, May 24. (Special.) Bids
fir the two pounds of wool being auc
tjoned off by Governor Neville are
.i ' it., . i j tj
r coming in, me tnira oia coming irom
Secretary of State Pool, who sends
iij a bfd for $75 for the wool which
I is from the back of President Wil
,( son's White House sheep.
3i ".Colonel F. M. Woods of. Lincoln
' sroes the secretary of state a little
better and bids $100. with the added
information that he needs the wool
afid will bid more if necessary to get
its That the colonel will have to raise
- his ante is disclosed by another bid
coming in-today from Louis Meyers
of Oermantown, who raises the bid
to $110.
1 ;This afternoon a bid of $115 was
received from Speier & Simon, a Lin
. coin 'mercantile firm.
Red Cross week will end Monday
night and bids are. open up to that
fibfth Piatte High Cadets Go
j Into Summer Camp May 31
rNorth Platte, Neb.. May 24. (Spe
cial Telegrafti.) The local high
school cadets, will leave May 31 for
Uirtts, to remain in camp tor 1U days.
L B. Ford, major of the state uni
versity, battalion, will accompany
t$env . 4- ' ) '
:Memorial services will be held at
t"T- 1 1" T J 1 11-... tf LZ-
: ' x juii ivitr uci sun un may ou, in cnargc
jfj, E. Evans. The graves of soldiers
will be decorated with flags by a band
of 16 boys. J. T. Keefe will deliver the
address of the day during a patriotic
program, which will be rendered ' by
residents of this city and Maxwell.
iNorth Platte has gone over the
- tip in the Red Cross drive and the
large flag was unfurled on Dewey
afreet Reports from the various pre
cincts of the county show that they
have over-subscribed.
CountjJudge William Woodhurst
r,a been appointed United States
, commissioner to succeed O. E. Elder,
who has served for several years.
; The Sammy Girls will give a patri
otic farewell at Franklin auditorium
Monday evening for the 30 loyal boys
who have been called to duty at Camp
Dodge, la.
The Home Guards committee have
arranged to hold a minstrel show on
June $3 for the benefit of, the Red
Cross chapter. The Elks have offered
their hall for rehearsals.
, "The local exemption board is com
pleting arrangements for the 'regis
tration on June 5th of men who have
become 21 years tof age during the
. p?t year.
i From May 27 to May 29, inclusive,
all children under 5 years of age will
be registered. , X
i C:-3S County Passes Red
Cross Minimum of $25,000
Fremont, Neb.. May 24. (Special
Telegram.) Dodge county went over
ti top in the Red Cross drive today
vuen its minimum duota of $25,000
vs oversubscribed. .Many of the lo
clI committees have not yet finished
tieir canvasses and several rural pre
dicts have not reported. The com
mittee in charge of the drive expects
t) raise at least $40,000 in the county.
Is Fremont property owners are ex
acted to donate one-tenth of one
j:t cent of their net worth.
Word reached Cedar Bluffs thatEd
tirrett of that place sustained i a
t'oken back and other injuries that
robably will prove fatal when a
:rn he was erecting near Foster,
1 JbH blew over on him. He was
UUen to a hospital at Norfolk.
Yesig Women Distribute
Flowers on Italy pay
it (Fro a SUff Correipondfent.) '
Lincoln. May 24. (Special.) State
huse officials and employes blos
s'ned out today in honor of Italy's
t-, try into the worldwide war a year
-, three beautiful young women
v. Hing the departments and dis
tributing bouquets.
A parade in 'the morning by the
i:ns of Italy featured the exercises
in Lincoln. All day young women
dtributed flowsrs.
C:n Held at Plattsmouth
i ... . On Advice From Omaha
-Plattsmouth, Neb., May 24. (Spe
cial.) A. J. Archer, automobile sales
r.jin, wastarrested and is being held
here on a-, telephone message from
C nah opon the charge of having
C-tained money fraudulntly.
:Chester A. Arneth and Bernice
E;mpon of Omaha were married
li :re. , . .
I light Boads Approved. .
V; (From SUff Correspondent.)
-Lincoln, May 24. (Special.) The
-te auditor has approved an issue
of $60,000 electric light bonds for the
elactric light plant at Falls City bear-
ii'I ft per cent ana $15,000 from the
S-me city for water works extension
amounting to $15,000 also bearing 6
per cent. Lighting bonds to the
-iount of $7,000 for the town of
1 slvidere were also approved.
- 1 Cavenstein at Bnmswick.
Unmswick, Neb.. May 24. (Spe
c.X) Sergeant Paul A. Havenstein
; :ke to an audience of 3,000 to 3.500
f :ryle here. , : ,
Obituary Notes '
.J. JOSEPH JEFF, daughter o
Ma hail a resident of Beatrice.
' to 95 years ot age, died at a local
UIES KARAS, sr., died near Table
i, agerd 83 years. He was born
. jhemla, but came to this country
i j years since. He Has lived In
v vicinity for 4 years. He is sur-
t I Vf lour sons and three daugb
Augustana Body Meeting at
Oakland Sends Stirring
Pledge of Support in
War to Wilson.
Oakland. Neb., May 24. (Special
Telegram.) The 32d annual meeting
of the Nebraska conference of, the
Lutheran Augustana synod is as
sembled in Oakland for a few days
session delegates and visitors will
probably number 200. This church
body has a membership of 13,000 and
last year expended for schools, mis
sions and benevolent purposes $5,000.
Last night was set aside for a pa
triotic meeting. A vast audience
heard President A. T. gappere of
Luther college make a stirring pa
triotic address. Rev. O. G. Berg also
The following resolution was
adopted and ordered wired to Presi
dent Wilson: ,
,"The Nebraska conference of
Evanaelical Lutheran Augustana
LSynod of North America in annual
session assembled at Uakiana, ncd.,
hereby pledges to you in .this, tre
mendous struggle which is being
waged in, behalf of human liberty and
in defense of the principal of free
government so dearly purchased by
the founders of our repulblic. our un
swerving loyalty to our country ana
government. We fully realize the
privilege of our citizenship without
forgetting our corresponding obliga
tions in this great . crisis, when our
country is in need of our supreme
sacrifice we stand ready to give our
resources and our lives in order to
be of service to posterity. May God
straighten, guide and uphold you and
all those in authority and grant vic
tory to our army and navv.
"E. G. Knock, N. ANelson, Char
les G. Nelson, Emil G. Chinlund,
lion Methodists Give
Farewell for Supt. Bowers
Papillion Neb., May 24. (Special.)
The men of the Methodist church
gave a farewell party for Superin
tendent Bowers. Mr. Bowers leaves
to report for Young Men's Christian
The Papillion schools closed Friday:
Miss Segrid Peterson, who will be
superintendent next year, has gone to
her home at Lexington; Miss Amy
Lewis will attend school at Lincoln;
Miss Catherine Lotter has gone to
Minden, Miss Anastasia, kMelia to
Gretna and Miss Coja Wade to Blue
Springs for the summer. The' gradu
ating exercises- of. the high school
were attended by 1,000 people from all
parts of the county. ,
Monroe High School Closes.-
Genoa, Neb., May 24.- (Special
Telegram) The Genoa Red Cross
drive has gone over bf a very comfortable-
margin, with the canvass still
on. Several school districts are 'still
to be heard from.
The annual commencement exer
cises of the Monroe High School were
held in the Methodist Episcopal
Church. Rev- Dr. Hiller of Genoa
delivered the commencement address.
20 Graduated at Shelton.
Sfielton. Neb.. May 24. (Special)-
Tht graduating class of twenty were
given their diplomas at the exercises
held in Hostetler's Opera house. The
address of the evening was made by
Prof. II. W Mtinson of Fremont
Normal school. Miss Madeline Gum
preicht was given class honors and
the gold medal and Irene Moore was
Army Men Complain ot
Navy Recruiting Plan
(From a BUff Correspondtnt)
Lincoln, May 24. (Special.) Con
siderable complaint has been going to
the War department from governors
of states and draft officials because of
the activities of navy recruiting sta
tions in solicitingNnen from the draft
ranks for the navy.
It is charged that the navy sta
tions are going out and picking out
the cream of the men and leaving the
rest for the army.
A message to Governor Neville
states that the matter will be looked
into and an effort made to stop any
unduly active methods which inter
fere with the selection of men of the
desired calibre intended for the army.
Fremont Home Talent Play -At
Fremont, Neb., May 24. (Special.)
Owing to the heavy rain THursday
afternoon the home talent play at
Arlington for the benefit of the Home
Guards of that place was postponed
until Saturday night.
The Dodge county draft bdard esti
mates that 225 young men have reach,
ed the age of 21 since last June and
will be registered June 5.
Thousands were disappointed when
the delegation of . Belgian soldiers
cancelled their stop to Fremont.
Judge Lee Estelle J Omaha will be
the principal speaker at the Decora
tion day exercises in the city park.
Omahan Speaks at Syracuse.
Syracuse Neb., May 24. Otoe aerie
No. 1766 entertained Grand Trustee
P. J. Barrett of Omaha at their regu
lar meeting- here and the members
listened to a stirring address from
him. -
At the regular meeting of Mt. Mor
iah lodge 57, A. F. & M., S. A. Naff
ziger was elected W. M.; Chailes B.
Peshek, S. W.; H. G. Hughes, J. W.;
L. S. Fallers, treasurer; William
Stanbro, 'secretary; Henry Stclhoff
S. D.; Herbert Pearson, J. D., and
Morris Strong, tyler. Dr. D. Horace
Schall and S. A. Naffziger will be
representatives to the grand lodge.
Tekamah, Neb., May 24. (Special
Telegram.) Local police officers as
sisted by the state agents confiscated,!
a quantity of intoxicating liquor found
in the basement of the Latta Grain
company. The liquor was the prop
erty of Burr Latta, son of the late
Congressman Latta. He pleaded
guilty to illegal possession, and paid
a fine of $100 and costs.
The liquor was purchased previous
to May 1, the officers allege, and the
confiscation was due to its not being
kept in the residence in compliance
with the law. The liquor consisted
of a selection of wines, whiskies and
Chadron Graduating Class
Hears Congressman Sloan
Chadron, Neb., May 24 (Special)
At the commencement exercises of
the Chadron High school, Congress
man Charles H. Sloan made the prin
cipal address. His subject Honor
Your Father and Mother" was es
pecially for the graduating class. The
graduates are 11 in number. Several
of the boys being now represented
by stars on the high school serv
ice flag.
The baccalaureate sermon of the
Chadron State Normal, was delivered
by Rev. Titus Lowe of Omaha, in
the chapel of Normal building. The
20 young girls of the Eurydice club
Good Value Is Certain Here
' v Here's a Chance for. Men to Save Money on Their
mm m mm mm m
TN times lie these, when you expect
1 every dollar to do its duty, it's worth a
lot to you to have such a store as this where you can be abso
lutely certain of values. Thousands of men will read about
this Great $15 Suit Sale, and they will be on hand tomorrow to
share in these sensational savings it brings forth.
fen, this is simply a wonderful opportunity to make your
dollars do more than their dutv. for here are Suits that are
matchless anywhere in the world at the special prices this
TCAfllr'a Knla AffWa mil Tiiat. Tfnr1 What flipv flTA? '
and Young Men's
Spring Suits
Natty styles for the young fellow and more
conservative styles for the business man; double-breasted
and three-button sacks, also ex-
treme fancy models, cut on the correct new
lines and made in a most satisfactory manner.
They're made of good wearing rough cheviots,
tweeds, homespuns, unfinished worsteds,
smooth-finish worsteds, flannels, silk mixtures
and serges, plain and fancy color conlbinations.
Sizes regular and stout, 33 to 46 you would
deem them excellent values at $20.00; your
choice, special, at
At These Prices Buy Your Suit Tomorrow
5R10 $1 2 SO $1 ft COA COO K( COST Our sole Idea Is to look to our customers' Interests; to be sure
jpXU, $1.DU, pAO, Ji5U, Jf.OU, $4i 7 get satisfaction; that falling money cheerfully rinded.
Poros Knit, short or Ion aleevea,
Made of good durable casslmeres and wor all sues, Saturday only 794
s teds.; ve offer them Saturday .' aD4lS Me"' bw Mad of fine lisle
at only, per pair .. r"" V thread. In black, blue. tan. gray,
A new pair It they do not wear Is our guarantee; aeams ppaf" !?dF.!. .!?!".rff. 15
are absolutely rip-proof, and we ar shoving several hundred ' " " " " " ,
pairs in neat grays, hair-line stripes and fancy patterns. &JZ2i?&
mm wmmmmmi narrow, specially priced for Satur-
day at, a pair 254
. . , Heat S8 Beaten an Pari" Garten
More parents tare coming to. The Palace erery week to at, a pair 154
buy their Boys' Wearing Apparel. It's economy to acquire
BOIS CArO Regular 75c values, Saturday are of
fered by the Palace
tor only..,
BOYS' WAISTS Made ot good quality fast fcolor
percale, shown in all sizes,
3 for $1, or, eacb& ,
BOYS' 25c STOCKINGS Heavy cotton ribbed,
firmly woven and in good lengths,
Saturday, per pair, only
Men's Sample Oifards $1.98
"Worth tip to 18. In patent
leather, dull calf and tan, sizes
5 to 8.
Boys' $2.50 Shoes, $1.48
These Shoes are built strong
and will five splendid service;
slies 9 to 1J'4.
Boys' $3.00 Shoes, $1.98
These are a splendid Shos for
dress as well as play. Big value
they are, too; sizes 1 to 5.
I COR, J4 ' fr DOIiaLAS J I
Three Carloads of
The New Floor Covering
On Special Sale
, For Four Days Only Starting
Tomorrowand Continuing
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday,
May 27, 28 and 29
FRCP1 Enousk Neponset Jo cover the average
riHij kitchen or dining room will be given away
.absolutely FREE Wednesday "afternoon at 4 o'clock.
Ask any salesman for full information.
Neponset Wears Longer Looks Better
Costs Less Than Linoleum
We are exclusive agents for Neponset it cannot
be purchased .at any other store in Omaha. Neponset
is absolutely rot-proof and water-proof. It lays flat on
the floor withouttecking. It looks better, wears longer
and costs less than linoleum.
A Special Factory Representative ,
Will Be Present
To demonstrate Neponset. Come early and hear
him explain the many advantages you will have
in using Neponset. More than twenty-five dif
ferent patterns to choose from and comes in
two yards wide goods. We positively guaran
tee the price asked to be less than present
wholesale prices. Special price per square yard
The Greatest of Values
At the Lowest Prices "
Lawn Swings
You get more enjoyment and
real comfSrt than you can
imagine by having one of
these swings placed in your
yard. Our dl QC
Direct Action Gas Ranges
The only Gas Range built
that permits you to do the
baking as soon as the oven is
lighted. No heavy oven plates
or side walls to heat and con
sume extra gas. Many styles,
all moderately priced.
Porch or Living Room
Similar . to illustration, with
heavy full roll and built of s
selected fiber. Finished in a.
durable fumed. Splendid rocker
for either porch or living room.
Our every-day do Ats
price, only POetO
Garden or Lawn Hose
25-ft. lengths. Guaranteed
quality. Complete with
couplings. Our
50-ft. lengths. Same as
above. Our CiC QC
price, only 4UeJU
Gurney and Northland Ice Boxes
and Refrigerators '
There is as much
difference between
different makes of
refrigerators as
there is between
cotton and wool.
Gurney and North
land Refrigerators
are the best made,
fand pay for them
selves in a few short
seasons. Priced
$7.50 to
Handsome Davenports aid
Duofolds f
The most useful article of furniture that
you can install in your home. They serve
a double purpose. They, make a handsome
living room piece during the day and a
splendid, comfortable bed at night Priced
at $19.50, $24.50, $29.50,
$37.50, $44.50.
An extensive - showing of beautiul
Reed and Fiber Furniture for the porch,
lawn or sun-room. All at prices greatly
lessened by our many saving economies.
Ice Cream
Just like cut, 2-qt.
size. Made of all
metal. Our
price .
Stand and
Solid Oak, fumed
f ... 1-59
or fter daughter. Mrs. J. M. Kll
1ck, 10 miles west wf Beatrice.
i eral services will be held Satur-
' ; aTirnoon at 2:30 o'clock, and in-
, .Ti-n: will be in Evergreen Horn
k -ierx I -