f 1 A" 1 Another Sale of Men's "Manhattan" (fll 11 1 Sample Athletic Union Suits FoJi uxcepiiunuwy vvm muuv, jt ivyvi uy r wwu and the Most Comfortable Summer Garments Worth $1.50 to $2.50 Another offering of these Perfect Summer Undergarments, made by one of the most reputable concerns in America. This sale gives you the advantage of high quality with exceptionally low price. Manhattan Sample Athletic Union Suits, in popular styles of comfortable Summer weight. Sleeveless and knee length, and all perfectly sized and finished. Silk and Cotton, Mercerized Jacquard and Fine Nainsook. Special at 19c 200 Dona WaAaMe Silk Fibre Neckwear, made op in a reversible 4-in-hand, in neat pat terns for summer wear. Better buy your sum mer's needs Saturday for they won't last long. 14$ Doien Silk Fourf in-hand Tie at SOe. Made of all silk materials in the new summer shades, not 'one in this lot worth less than 75c, some even more. Main Floor, Men' Bide;. Men's Leather Belts, at SOe to $2.00. Made of fine quality calf or seal leather, with plain or plated initial buckles, in tan, gray., and black, sizes 30 to 50. MunsingUnion Suits at $1.25 to $3.00 Men's Hose. 25c a Pair Men's' Mercerized Lisle Silk Hose and Fibre Silk - Hose, in first and second quality. All shades and siies in this lot Seconds of the 50c quality, special Saturday, a pair 2Se. - Two Special Groups of Shirts Silk Striped Madrar Shirts, intended to sell at $2. Made of short lengths of Shirtings. ' that go into higher priced Shirts. Madras, ' Percale, Mercerized Poplin and CI 4C Oxford, soft cuffs ............ 1 , 4 "' Silk Shirts that were intended to sell at s $5.00 to $10.00, in fine Silk Crepes, Silk . Broadcloth, Jersey Silk and Silk Twills. A limited quantity, so "come early while the assortment is $4,50 $6.50 quite complete . ... v Iff " : 1 IEilS H!f lsi ii u Straw Hats in Every Good Style Easy for You to Choose Here Don't be the last man in town to put on a new straw hat. The new styles and braids are selling rapidly, and if you want to get in on one of our smart hats, drop in some time today. The assortment is complete and you'll find just the. one you want. There are si crown Hats, Panamas ... $3.50, $4.00, $5.00 to $10.00 Porto Ricans at; $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 Split Braids at'.. .$2, $2.50 $3 and $5 stiff brims, soft brims, Panamas and Sailors; high crown Hats, low 3, narrow brims and wide brims; all modestly priced. Bangkok and Leghorns at ...... . .$5.00 Big Assortment of Men's Every Day Straw Hats in one big lot, at 65c Specials in Men's Outing Hats, in a . Variety of Styles, 65c Bbys' Headwear-Best Styles Boys' Golf Caps, plaids and checks, all colors and all sizes, special at . .65c Boys' and Children's Straw Hats in the widest va riety of styles and sizes, at, 65c, $1.00, $1.50 up to . . ...... i $3.98 Boys' and Children's Wash Hats in Rah-Rah styles, all colors,. special at..c..:.E..sv...65c Aipade, Main Floor Sporting Goods For Golf Beginner W have th . Brandeia Welloway Golf Irons, made by the best factory is the U. S., at $2.00. Driven and Brattice, at $2.50 Our New Spalding and Mc Gregor Golf Clubs are excep tionally good this season. We have a few last season's Golf fiats, slightly soiled that we will sell Saturday at half- price. : $13.00 bags at 16.50. Vt Steal Jointed Rods, worth $2.50, Saturday at $1.50. Furnished Linesline, hoolc. bobbers and sinkers, le to 10c. Every kind of fish hook and bit . Brownie Ball Bearing Roller Skates, at'. ......$1.75 Boys' Base Ball Catcher Mitts, at .........50c Better ones up to $5.00. Juvenile Tennis Rackets, spe cial for Saturday, worth 50c, t .'..........25c , Common . Sense , . - Minnow Seines 12x4 Minnow Seines, at $1.75 15x4 Minnow Seines, at $2.00 25x4 Minnow Seines, at $3.75 15c Size Three In One Oil St 10c. W Feet Split Bamboo Joint ed Fly Bods, today a price $5.00, special Saturday at $2.50 Main Floor, Men's Bide. 4 I o I 1 I It's a Sate Thing to Bank on Value and Variety Rather Than the Lowest Prices, When You Come to Buy Clothes i i i i i i I I 4 The policy here is to make this store a s a f e place in which to do business. Right merchan dise, right prices and sat- isfaction guar anteed or your money cheer fully refunded. i You'll find here cl o t h e s that have all the character of finest cus tom tailoring. Fabrics unex celled; work manship b e -yond criticism; best style and fit that you'll say is just right CopyrisM Hart Schaftwr & Ma xvarc weaves or cngianai ocoiianaj ireiana ana vmenca; ricneso ujl j.uic aiiaiciiaio. (ton QC A( to QLRCi We make a specialty of fitting men of unusual figure; we do it well. Unusual Value Wu w 10 5OU HART SCHAFFNER & MARX Officers Uniforms. perfect fitting modestly priced. Special Suits, at $20 and $22.50 For Young Men: Whita and black Shepherd Check Flannels,' trimmed with high colored fancy silks and silk sleeves. Frock back Flannel Suits, silk-trimmed high-class military style Suits, silk-trimmed inverted pleat plunger-pocket Suits, in vari-cojered mixtures and other , $20 $22 50 For Middle-Aged Men: New club checks in fine unfinished . worsteds and velours basket weaves in solid color effects, clear, smooth, finished worsteds in new weaves and shadeslight-weight blue worsteds and fine grain clear blue fcOf and dJOO C A serges Dressy fancy mixtures 4)asU PaOU - For Elderly Men : Dark silk 1 mixture worsted SuitsW ine neat patterned pin dot and hairline stripe Suits handsome gray, ' 'black and blue, finished and unfinished (OA and fcOO CA and Cassimera Suits ............ PV $OU Special-Young MepV Suits, $25 The young fellows like the idea of these , military types ; welt waist coats, five-seam back coats and the new double breasted models and soft front types. The new weaves are very smart in color and pattern; in grays," blues, greens and browns, silk mixtures, checks, stripes and overplaids. ' ' . Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits for Men-Splendid Styles The values are remarkable, because you are buyipg ALL WOOL fabrics, in the most perfect styles the highest refinements of clothes making. The best made clothes of today. Durable, stylish, serviceable and thoroughly satisfac ' tory in every way. $25, $30, $35, $40, $45, $50 and $60 Ride up on the Escalator to Second Floor, Men's Bldg. I I I I I I I I I I Men's Oxfords $3.95 Values Up to $8.00 Men's Trustworthy, Florv sheim and Bates Lace Ox fords in Russia and black kid and calfskin. Values up to $8.00, Saturday specially priced at. .$3.95 Mala Floor, Men's .Bldg. Trunks and Traveling Bags Complete showing of trunks, traveling bags and suitcases moder ately priced. Trunks at $6.50, $7.00, $7.50 and up to $35.00. Wardrobe Trunks at $25, $32.50, up to $75 Traveling Bags and Suitcases, values up to $8.50, very special for Saturday, at . . . .$4.98 Arcade. i Special Values in Trousers For Men and Young Men Men's Fancy Worsted Trousers dark stripes suit able for dress or business. 30 to 40 waist. J2 ,50 Exceptional value Men's Trousers Cheviots, Cassimeres, Fancy Wor steds and Gray Serges plain and cuff " KQ bottom 27 to 42 waist. . . : v Men's and Young Men's Trousers of W o r s t e ds, Cassimeres and all-wool Blue Serges stripes j C QQ in dark and light colors 27 to 50 waist Blue Serge Suits, at $18 to $40 f 'Splendid for Decoration Day Hundreds of fine ALL WOOL Serges to choose from at this range of prices. " , ewiSMtssMiaaMieiMMi 1 The Best $15 Boy Anywhere Schloss Bros. 2-Piece Suits Suits for summer wear, of Cheviots and cool cloths at this specially low price. ESJ