THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MAY 25, isns. ,1'ADOO DEMANDS ACTION AT ONCE ON REVENUE BILL Democrats Thrown Into Con- sternation by Ultimatum , and See Vacations Go r Glimmering. ' WuhiDfton Bnresa t The O rib ha Bc, 1S11 O Strrt. Washington, May 24. (Special Tel egramsSecretary McAdoo today gave his ultimatum to Chairman Kitchin of the ways and means com mittee that a new revenue bill was imperatively necessary, and he sug gested that the machinery should be - started at once to get such a bill through the house at the present ses sion,: Consternation reigned among dem ocratic leaders and there never was such a scurrying to cover as was dis played by those who but a short time before had solemnly asserted that a new revenue measure at this time was wholly unnecessary, in view of the treasury conditions, and that the country could easily get along until December, when additional revenue legislation could be passed. "Look for Summer Homes. Congressmen whose families are in Washington began planning for sum mer homes, for tiiey all. saw an eany ' adjournment go glimmering with the announced determination of Secretary McAdoo not to put off further revenue legislation until the next session. Hearings on the new revenue bill will begin almost any time, the clerk of the ways and means committee stating that it would be wise for peo ple desiring to be heard on the new measure to get ready to come to Washington at a moment's notice. As for the democrats, they are the : sorest lot of individuals imaginable, for they had looked forward to at least three months in their districts repair ing fences and setting themselves square with their folks at home. Now, with revenue legislation facing them, they have not got the heart to predict when the session will end. ' . Work on Omaha Pump. R; B. Howell of Omaha, who has been in. Washington for several days in the interest or the water works, re ceived word from the priority board that work on the 30,000,000 pump so urgently needed at the Florence plant, which is now under course' of con struction at Trenton, N. J., had been resumed and that it would be pushed to completion with all expedition. Mr. Howell also was assured that am monia for the ice plant also would be expedited. Prof. O. V. P. Stout, head of the engineering department of the Uni versity of Nebraska, has been com missioned a major in the engineering department of the .emergency war branch of the quartermaster's depart ment and has been assigned to duty in this city. Major Stout'has been on duty at Camp Lee for a short time. Ray?Stfoud Returns From f Fronf With English Bride Ray Stroud, vQmaha boy and veter an of several months fighting in the front line trenches, is back in Om aha at the home of his mother, Mrs. Rachel Stroud, 2125. North Thirteenth street. He -did riof come alone, but brought with.- him' a pretty English girl, whom he met and won when she attended htm in an English hos pital where young' Stroud . was re covering from wounds received In the battle of Vimy ridge. ' ' While coming home the ship on which Mr. and Mrs. Stroud were passengers was attacked by a German lubmarine, but luckily escaped. , ! II I mi I II Holland to Home Guards. Yafe C Holland. Omaha attorney, and graduate of the University of Ne braska, was Friday elected second lieutenant of Company C, Omaha Home Guards. Mr. Holland is the officer of the company at the present time, the other vacancies re maining open for the present. There are at the present time 90 members in thetcbmpany, many being prominent Dusmcsi men. - ach inure ppuiBiiis will be accepted. The committee In charge of organ- fcattoin of Company C is composed of the following men; Samuel Burns, raie nonana. narry a. -iiiicey, en C Peters and W, C Fraser. "Mr. Piano Buyer" You owe it to yourself, to your pocketbook and to your good judgment, to see our line of Pianos be fore you buy. "W Save You Money." Hobart M. Cable '; and ' . Packard Pianos MICKEL'S l3 Red Cross Donors School Subscriptions. Pledges and cash reported for rt four days or drive, arranged in order of amounts subscribed: High School. Hl(b School of Commiict $ 121. tS Central High ! ?onth Hth l S2J SS It.SfiS.tS Benton High Graded School. Prk Dunde Long Windior Monmouth Park Howard Kennedy... Franklin South Lincoln....... Kallora Laka Comenlua Vinton ... Clifton Hill Hawthorn Ca Central Park Saratoga. Central' Miller Park Walnut Hill Jungmann Florence Columbian .. Belvlder Oarflald Farnam Went Bid South Central. Saundera Sherman Lincoln Edward Rom wa tar.. Maion Bancroft Pruld Hill Webater Highland Benaon Weat ....... Paclfla Benaon Central Beala , Caatelar Koiehlll Madlaon Dupont Field Lothrop Corrlgan Brown Park. Fort , Train .. .11 ,n5.N 777.00 174 i 3J9 O !8.B1 134, o: 2l.0 250.10 24? JS 196.00 1S8 K 1S2.1S 171.70 17S.80 170.60 1S7.SS 167.16 114 is 134.80 12J.2?, ' 11S.M 10H.SO 100 0 .!' S3. 73 92.7J US S1.00 S47 12.26 7I.J5 71.70 .41 S3 SO SI 33 SI. IS so.sfi 3S.77 23.SS 21.00 14.00 11.17 11,0018,193.71 Total ..I10.0S2.6S Following la a llat of additional aubacrip tlnna turned In at Red Croaa headquarter jreiterday : ,000. Mr. D. A. Baum and Mlna Margaret Baum. General Electric Co. II.S00. Bamli Omaha Bag Co. Sl.OOO. Omaha World-Herald. . , Omaha Be. Omaha Dally New. Le-Colt-Andreean Hardware Co. American Radiator Co. Orchard Wllhelm Co. SS0O. Looea-Wlle Blacult Co. United mate Rubber Ca. Grain Dealer Fir Inauranca Co. George A. Roberta Orain Co. ; duy Liggett. S.1S0 U. 8. Supply Co. 1300 J. A. Cavera, IIS0 Oeorg E. Barker, Bklnner Mfg. Co., Cran Co. ISO Jam Ludlow, Edward Cpdlka. J2S Paxton Vlerllng. Blackaton Ho- 1200 Pa'rlln Orndorf Co., Dr. H. M. MoClanahan, Crowall Elav. Co., Holmqulat Elev. Co-nUpdlk Milling Co., Nya-Schneld-r-Fowler To., Jamea Ruaton. 1100 Mr. C. C. Powell, Mr. J. C. Math wi, Mr. J. A. Sunderland. S. B. Doyle, Arthur Mullen. Hoit Wright, Mr. J. A. Scene. Blackaton Hotel company. Alio C. Yule, Alamlto Dairy, Mr, and Mr. Lamed. K. 8. Weatbrook, Flanley Oraln Co., Robert B. Updike, Carbon Coal Supply Co., Charlse T. Neal. ISO L. J. Nelaon. J. B. Rahm, John An- deraon, S. S. Carll.le, E. W. Wagner Co., Armour Oraln Co., Dolphln-Jone Oraln Co., J. B. Aflame, War Laland, Otl Smith, Lamaon Broa. A Co., Henry T. Clarke, Helen L. Doane, Arthur and Oeorg H. Ruahton. . From Employe. Mlacellaneoua Hit of employe of tha fol lowing concern: , Unlo Paclfle IS.S72.00 Street Railway 4.513.50 South Omaha Li Stock Commit- alon, men and employe T.OSS.OO Standard Oil Co 1,403.00 Telephone Co.. 1,123.31 Byrne A Hammer Dry Good Co.., 1,300.00 M. B. Smith A Co 1,016.00 Omaha National Bank . 001.00 it. C. Peter. Mill Co. 34S.3S Amalgamated Meat Cutter 4 Butcher 101.00 Paiton-Mltchell Co 66.60 Quit a number of llat atlll In th handa of th various committee covering employee of th different Omaha Institution, mem bar of union, etc., that have not yet been turned In, therefore, cannot be reported at thl tlm. A SPLENDID NERVE tonic Horford'a Acid Phophat Inrtgorate th tired nerv ytm. A pleaaant Summer bereraga. A plndid tonic Fairbanks Reported Improved. Indianapolis. Ind. May 24 Reports from the bedside of Charles Warren Fairbanks were that his condition was somewhat better than yesterday. "THE STORE teifiafiifi!!ifii Browning, it 1. II!! y. appreciate the public's re ., v sponse to our special offer of $25 Suits for men and young men, and have decided to feature again for SATURDAY BROWNING, KING & CO.'S SUPERIOR QUALITY SUITS In New Spring and Summer Styles FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN -AT- V "KEEPING UP THE QUALITY" That's our foremost business principle, and we are surely keeping up the quality by offering these high grade suits at $25.00 Invest in One of These Suits Saturday You cannot obtain better clothes value anywhere else. See Our 15th Street Windows. ijiiriji: ; Ig'Wf j'-i;M ifii!i.;MI;'i;; " Browning, ,1 i)imi.n mm Mi ,i ,'i ,j m nj 'i h.'iiV iv in y l fi n. . r7 Discharges Given Baehr of Nebraska, Sheldon of Iowa f 1 r If COLONEL YT.E. BAEHR El Paso, Tex., May 24. (Special Telegram.) Army orders published in a paper received here from San Antonio, Tex., southern department headquarters, state that honorable dis charges have been given to Colonel W. A. Baehr of Omaha, 127th field artillery in the Fourth Nebraska in fantry, veteran of the Philippine cam paign, and Major Palmer D. Sheldon, 126tli field artillery, First Iowa. Colonel Baehr. is a well known Ne braska commander and Sheldon came here with the first South Dakota Cavalry. - ' . Colonel Baehr has been active in National Guard affairs in Nebraska for several years. He worked his way up from the ranks to the position he held when discharged. He saw active service in the Philippines and after his discharge enlisted in the First Ne braska National Guard, later changed to the Fourth Nebraska. , During the Mexican border cam paign he served as lieutenant colonel of the Fourth Nebraska and was promoted to colonel on the return of the regiment from trie southland. He succeeded Colonel Eberly in com mand of the regiment. Colonel Baehr was employed in Omaha as money order clerk at the postoffice MEXICO SEVERS RELATIONS WITH CUBAN NATION Mexico City, Mex., May 24. Mexico has severed diplomatic relations with Cuba. This was learned officially to day. The Mexican charge at Havana and the Cuban minister here have been recalled. Ban Approval Delivery. Chicago, Ma 24. The Chicago Mil liners' Jobbers association having adopted a policy of sending no goods to retailers on approval, today sent out a country-wide appeal to reianera to extend the policy to customers. Saturday. Last Day of May Blouse Sale In conjunction with our great an nual $16.00 coat sale Saturday we bring to a close our May Blouse Sales. The last day promises to be as all interesting as the first. So intense and active has the selling been that additional purchases had to be made to keep the sale groups at full strength. Recent arrivals add several hundreds of new blouses for Satur day's selling. This is your last op portunity. Grasp it. Five wonderful sale groups $1.95, $2.95, $3.95, $5.00 and $6.39. Doors open at 8:30 a. In. Be here early while selections are at their best. JULIUS ORKIN, 1508-1510 Douglaa Strt. OF THE TOWN' 1i)ll!l!i;iil!!ll!!!llillll!;ili;i!!l:li!illlilllililiWliiWW King & Co. King & Co. m ,11 V ii 1 .i y y im,i i fiiWi imiiii!" I be present Vice Principal Woolery, who has served at the camp for 10 years, ill not be able to attend this year. WOllAN KEOEIVES INTEENAL INJURIES IN WRECK0F AUTO Miss Helen Varan of Rajston, Neb., was injured internally, probably fa tally, when a Ford car which she was driving turned turtle last night at Twentieth and Van Camp avenue. With her in the car were her sister Hattie and John Harkins and Frank Van Fleet of Ralston. Mr. Harkins suffered cuts on his face and one of his legs. The others were uninjured. The entire party was pinned be neath the overturned car, which was discovered at llil5 p. m., half an hour after the accident, by G. E. Judd of 1825 Van Camp avenue, Miss Helen Varan was removed to her home in Ralston, after being at tended by Police Surgeon Folz. 4t -ea-- Henry E. Ostrom Dies After Short Illness Henrv E. Ostrom. aged SS years, deputy election commissioner, died at 2 o'clock Saturday morning at his residence, 5126 North Twenty-third street. Omaha, after 24 hours' illness of hemorrhage of the lungs. He is survived by his wife and two sons, both of whom are in the army, and two daughters. Mr. Ostrom served two terms as county commissioner, eing first elected in 1904. THANK YOU! Every Dollar Given To The Red Cross Goes For War Relief Books For Needleworkers An especially fine line of yarn book, embodying the best of new designs for sweater coats. Descriptions are simple, plain and easy to follow. Other branches of needlework are also taken up thoroughly in the num erous other books on the sub ject. A complete selection of yarns for every purpose. Dainty Neckwear Stylish collars of organdy, net, lace and pique. Novelty organdy vestees in white and dainty col ors. Ruchings of white organdy with colored edges. White Silk Hose White hose of pure thread silk, with lisle tops and double soles, $1, $1.50 and $1.75. White pure thread, silk-to-the-top hose with lisle soles, $1.75. Medium weight white, silk-to-the-top hose with silk soles, $2.50. White gauze silk hose, very sheer and fine, $4. Stylish Pumps $3.65 a Pair SATURDAY ONLY I'll I : - I Here Is a Wonderful Opportunity to Make Enormous Returns From Small Investment Corporation composed of responsible, successful business men, offers a few people a ground-floor proposition where tremendous profits are reason ably certain, together with safety of principal. We will be glad to submit full and complete de tails to persons who would invest as little as $120, all or part cash, when absolutely convinced of big profits and safety. It will be necessary for you to act quickly in or der to get in on this unusual big money making plan. Address Opportunity Care Bee 5247. MISS LDSK SAYS NEVER' INTENDED TO KILL RIVAL (Con tinned From Pa; One.) forced to give evidence which might tend to incriminate herself. "You wanted the affair disclosed to Mrs. Roberts in the expectation that he would step aside?" she was asked. "I did not know," she answerek "Did you think she fcught to have done so?" "If she did not care for him and he did not care for her, that would be the logical thing." Mr. Corrigan then read a section of a letter from Miss Lusk to Mrs. Rob erts, which Dr. Roberts intercepted, as follows: "I have lost my reputation, while you have kept your throne; it really isn't quite fair, is it?" "You thought it fair that she give up the doctor?" he asked. What She Meant by "Parasitic Mr. Corrigan then read a portion of an unmailed letter addressed te Mrs. Ro.berts, found in Miss Lusk's desk after the tragedy, as follows: "In order to keep yourreputaticjn, you 60-called good, moral women make the other persons do the sinning so that you can continue to live your parasitic lives." "What did you mean by the word parasitic?" he asked. "Women who live lives of ease and do nothing for society," she replied. Another part ot tne lener was men OMPSON.t5EU)EN-L 3He fashion Center Jor VUomcmP Choose From a Whole Store Full of Summer Merchandise Important Day In Toilet Articles Special Prices A new style of hair brush, made with removable rub ber cushion so as to be more easily sterilized, more durable and very sanitary. ' Quadruple bristles. For Saturday only as an intro ductory offer the price will be 98c. Victoria cream for tan and sun burn, 60c. Trailing Arbutus talcum, 25c. Ivory cream that will keep ivory articles in perfect condition, 25c. Brassieres Give a splendid foundation for the well-fitting costume. They are shown in a variety of styles for every occasion, 50c Upward. Bandeaux So much in vogue this season. They impart a youthful grace to the figure. See our many attractive styles of "Warner" brassieres and ban deaux. SPECIAL Women's all linen plain hemstitched handkerchiefs, 9c, 20c and 25c. Madras Shirting In seasonable new stripes and many different colorings, all of which are fast (32-inch), 30c, 35c, 40c, SOc 60, Models in dull kid. patent leather, gray; kid and bronze kid. We will also include white Sea Island duck pumps and oxfords in this sale i For $3.65 All Sales Final. read, which declared that Miss Lusk had not taken Dr. Roberts' pursuit seriously until she was slighted by Mrs. Roberts at a church affair and "vowed to get even." In answer to questions she said that she had not meant this and had done nothing to "get even." She also admitted several state ments made in the letter regarding her intimacies with Dr. Roberts were not true. "In the eternal triangle, the letter read, "the only solution is the elimina tion of one of the members, the two remaining being those whose affection is mutual." Did you mean the elimination of Mrs. Roberts?" she was asked. "No, I meant at that time to kill myself," she replied. Miss Lusk will take the stand for the continuation of her cross-examination tomorrow. Kirk's Case Goes Over Until Next Monday The case of Beryl C. Kirk, on trial for the murder of Detective Frank Rooney, was put oyer until Monday morning by District Judge Redick Friday afternoon when court ad journed for the day. It was expected that the case would go to the jury last night, but the testimony and argu ments occupied more time than was expected. Amendment Ratified. Phoenix, Ariz-, May 24. The low er house of the legislature today passed the joint resolution ratifying the prohibition amendment to the federal constitution, 29 to 3. The resolution passed the senate unani mously yesterday Such Irresistible Clothes For Milady's Busy Summer So distinctive in design, and so thoroughly well made of the best fashionable materials. The entire showing has been selected with the utmost care to include only those styles that best express the season's modes. For every summer activity there is a comprehen sive display of suitable Fashions. Nothing has been overlooked. Frocks, Capes, Coats, Coatees, ' Suits, Skirts and Blouses Moderately Priced.' Washable SilkGIoves Kayser's in various styles and qualities; self or contrasting em broidery backs, 85c, $1.15, $1.25. Fewne's fabric gloves, 75c $1. Summer Underwear For Milady Lisle vests with hand crochet tops, 65c and 75c. Bodice union suits withput shoul der straps, 85e. Mercerized union suits of a very fine quality; fitted knees, $2; extra sizes, $2.25. Women's Gowns Slipover styles, either white or flesh color, plain and lace trimmed, $1.65, $1.75, $2, $2.25. Cotton crepe gowns with kimono or set-in sleeves, $1.65, $1.75, $2. Gowns of muslin, cambric and fine nainsook; high neck, long sleeves, tucked yoke or sacque styles, $1.75, $2, $2.25, $3. Marcella combination suits and envelope chemise, $1.35, $2, $5.50 upward. Don't Worry Fret or Hesitate About Moving Day. Call Douglas ; 4163 and we take charge of this task for you. Omaha Van & Storage Co. ",' Phone Douglas- 4163. 806 South 16th Street I I If THTiT1 1 un I TA I niv AflMMtlD ABUAIW TRANSPORT KILLED BY GERMAN TORPEDO (Continued From Fare One.) last, when returning to this country from Europe, and 70 lives were lost. The second was the Tuscania, which was sent to the bottom off the north of Ireland February 5. with a loss of life totalling 101. The only other serious attack made on American transports occured last June when vessels carrying some of the expeditionary units under a con voy commanded by Rear Admiral Cleaves, narrowly escaped disaster in the mid-Atlantic. That German submarines are oper ating off the south coast of Ireland is evidenced by the sinking of the steamer Inniscarra of Cork, with loss of life. Coe College Consolidated With School in Toledo, Iowa Cedar Rapids, la., May 24. Coe college, Presbyterian, of this city and Leander Clark college, United Breth ren, formerly known as Western col lege of Toletjo, la., will consolidate before the next college term. President John A. Marcus of th local college, in making the announce ment tonight, said plans include lo cation of the college in this city and the addition a number of buildings. The consolidated institution will be non-sectarian. The Men's Slhep Is favored by those who like good styles at moderate prices. Soft Collar, 20c to 50c; all heights, both square and round corners; many different mate rials. Made by Delpark, Arrow, Earl & Wilson. Wah Neckwear We have an especially fine selection of Del park's wash neckwear. Tubu lars, 25c; other stlyes, 35c, 50c, 75c, $1. Initial Belt For summer, when vests are discarded, the initialed belt buckle is distinctive. Hickok belts with any letter, in several styles, $1, $1.50, $2.50. Belt chains are $1. Sleeping Garments Night shirts and pajamas, made with short sleeves and no buttons (slip-over style). They are ideal for sum mer. Ask to see them. Summer Underwear Superior, B. V. D. and Mansco Union Suits; short or long sieves or no sleeves at all; knee, three-quarter or ankle length; sizes 34 to 52. Two piece garments in lisle, balbrig gan and Sea Island cotton, regu lar sizes and stouts. To the left as you enter. frill QURLITV first I NOT HOW SOON? .BUT flOW G00P! INDIVIDUAL EXPERT i PROMPT ATTtNTIO 'DELIVERY Photo supplies exclusively 7he RQBY. DEMPSTER CO. EASTMAN KODAK CO. -1813 FARNAM ST." BRANCH 308 S0.15ST. ' When Buying Advertised Goods Say You Read of Them in The Bee lJ)e D. 1973. 15th Harney POT, POK IKE KIDDIES IN Sl)NDA, Peatoa Drug Omaha, Neb,