THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1918. THE OMAHA BEE DAILY (MORNING) EVENING SUNDAY FOUNDED BT EDWARD BOSEWATEB ' VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR " THB EES PUBLISH INQ COMPANY, PROPRIETOR. Entered at Omaha postoffice aa second-daea matter. T" TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION ' Br Carrier. B MUL Dally a 8U4U v V P"J-,J J2 Ddiy without Sunday.. g . toUd?i 'eddrataeiilailtl Wf 1 See GisuUtloB DcputiMDU MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS trt also Reared. . REMITTANCE : Km W draft, eapwes Potttf orrtee. Only I end - jikta la payment o( until acoounta Personal check, exow aa 9naha and eastern uekuM pat accepted, OFFICES Bout Om-SU H Su New Tora-M Flfta i fcoeell Bluff- N. Uiiift . Ioi-K B of Comaeree. Zmolm-UUi Building. WsshlnatOB-UU O St CORRESPONDENCE ' ad-tnts eemmnnleaHona nlttlnc to ww sad editorial outtsr to Oau&t Bf. Editorial PapartmenU APRIL CIRCULATION. Daily 67,26S Sunday 57,777 kimit aueulatton for tne aunta, sobeerlbee. aad warn to fey nwtgnt milltna. Circulation Vuuti. Subscribers lealng the city should hava The Bee malted to than. Address changed aa ettaa aa requested. J , THE BEE'S SERVICE FLAG lii M m iij n si m f : : jiljii ' Play time Is over In Yankeelandl " Yes, Mr. Weatherman, we want rain' and lots v of it, but not all at once. The professional lame, halt and blind street beggars should go. ,? It's false sympathy that tolerates them. Lloyd George says it is now a race between Wilson and Hindenburg, and no one doubts which will win. y If Mayor Smith can make Omaha a strikeless city, employers and employes alike will take off their hats to him. Omaha is becoming a real center for Allied activity. Daily reports from this district will not encourage the kaiser. No more fee graft in the city hall! But "Fee Grabber Bob" Smith is still freezing to the coin in the district clerk's office. wmmmtmmmammmmmmmmmmmm w ."i-.:-y f pi - - '. . "Walking dead men" are being sent home from Russia, to advertise to the bolshevik! what they gained by making peace with the Hun. s In the matter of questionable hotels, the po lice can easily separate the sheep from the goats,' even though the best Intentioned hotel keeper will frequently be imposed upon. The hyphenated World-Herald comes forth with to the defense of War Profiteer Warfield, whose permit to sell wheat flour as a grocer has been revoked by the food administration. Nat urally! ' ':',V .' '.'': " m ' '" s If those Belgians are entertained as lavishly wherever they go as they were in Omaha, and we have no doubt thejr are, we' fear they will all be incapacitated to go back to service on the fight - ing front V":;' V"; , The kaiser's greatest efforts of late, all have reverse English. The drive across Picardy sold many Liberty bonds last month, and now his murderous assault on a base hospital comes just in time to further stimulate giving to the Red Cross. He may not know it, but his is really helping a lot in the job of licking himself. Douglas County's Highways. ' The announced determination of the Douglas county democratic Board of Commissioners to proceed with its program for highway improve ment without regard to "cranks or interested per sons," might sound like a declaration of inde pendence, but it is not such. " It is merely an an nouncement of the chairman of the roads com mittee that he has made up his mind as to what he thinks is better to be done, and that he pro poses to do it. Regardless of all other consider ations, the first thing the taxpayers want is good . roads, laid out on 4he basis of a comprehensive plan that will embrace not only Douglas county, but will bear also a proper relation to the plan for the road of the entire state. It is not asked that favors be granted to any real estate combina ' tion, nor should consideration be given to demo cratic politicians, la the meantime, the court house gang continues to play with fire on the matter of highway improvements, and an explo sion may yet come as a result ' ; MAYOR SMITH'S LABOR PROGRAM. Omaha's new chief magistrate, Mayor Smith, has publicly announced the purpose, as one part of his program, to interpose officially in every local labor controversy that threatens to result in a strike. His idea, based on his experience in his law practice, a j he explains it, is that there must be a peaceable way to adjust all dif ferences between employer and employe and that the peaceable way is less costly and more satis factory to both sides in the long run than re sort to the usual weapons of industrial warfare. The mayor expresses confidence that if he can only get the contending' parties together "to talk it over" and see their difficulties from the viewpoint of both sides, all the turmoil and dis sension, idleness and losses accompanying our periodical strikes can be avoided. ' The mayor has carved out for himself a big task. We doubt whether he realizes the size of it, but we agree it is worth trying and we hope he may succeed at it, though we must confess we are not overconfident. Industrial peace is as much to be desired as war peace from the clash of arms, but the clash is seldom a purely local matter, although often springing from local causes. If, however, Mayor Smith can keep Oma ha free from purely local labor troubles dur ing the next three years, he will do something for our community that has as yet been achieved in no other city of this size anywhere that we know of. Enlist Our Whole Man Power. No order yet issued in connection with the war, save the one that set in motion the selective draft, is more significant than the one that means "work or fight" for all men of draft age. This, in con nection with the president's request that the limit be removed from the number of men who may be called to the colors, is a sign that America's whole man-power is to be employed in winning the war. Mr, Wilson plainly stated in his speech on April 6 that he meant to employ force without stint or limit to meet the kaiser in the field. Everything that has taken place since - then has but confirmed-this expressed determination. Any delusion of early cessation of the war through negotiated peace has been dispelled, and we have grimly set ourselves to a task that will require our utmost endeavor. Its carrying out may interfere with individual plans and private enterprise, but all these are to be set aside that the nation may devote itself wholly and without reserve to its greatest business. Work or play from now on must be bound up with winning the war. Production, distribution, consumption, every activity of our life, takes on the one as pect. The people are united, public sentiment has been unified, and all foolish notions have been dis carded. ' America is bent on victory for the right, and peace will come when that victory is achieved. Rose Pastor Stokes An Example. Conviction of Rose' Pastor Stokes on charges of disloyalty will arrest far more attention than ordinarily is given to such cases because of her prominence. Mrs. Stokes fairly stands as an ex ample of a by-product of our. social and industrial life. Born abroad, she passed through the sordid experience of many of her kind, who were and still are (shamelessly exploited by unscrupulous employers, who take advantage of the ignorance of the immigrant' This embittered her, and she took up the class struggle with the zeal of one whose whole nature revolted against the eco nomic situation forced upon her. Her marriage to a man of wealth gave her greater opportunity for propaganda work, but her widening view did not bring her any better understanding or show her a more reasonable way to achieve the reform she sought to bring about Only in the class struggle could she perceive hope for the work ers. Her inability to correctly value and prop erly adjust social relations, economic opportuni ties and political privileges had led her to such extravagances of utterance that now she stands in the shadow of prison, at a time when her example and precept might have been of utmost value in aiding others to a fuller understanding of what freedom means and how to exercise lib erty. Many who have watched her career with interest will be disappointed at the turn it has taken, but if Rose Pastor Stokes ever is to really aerve the workers of the world she will have to abandon a large portion of her present creed. Whenever The Bee exposes or calls to account t war profiteer or a disloyal pro-German propa gandist the hyphenated World-Herald insists it is a "malicious" attack. The kaiser also tries to make people believe that he started this war by defending himself against the unprovoked and malicious attacks of his enemy. . ' Ten thousand men in Omana hit by the "work or fight" order does not mean we have been harboring that many loafers, but that we have a large number of men working at jobs that are not essential to winning the war and who can be well employed elsewhere. Hitchcock is also chairman of the senate's subcommittee on ordnance, by right of seniority only, which is another reason why the president picked Judge Hughes to conduct the aircraft in quiry. ' Inefficiency in Mail Service Conditions Revealed by Tests of Merchants Association New York Evening Post The report that the Merchants' association is presenting today to the committee on rules of the house of representatives imperatively demands prompt and serious attention. It deals with what has become a public scandal. It is the result of a comprehensive investiga tion into the mail service, made in response to numerous complaints from members of the association of delays in the mails. The inves tigation was in active progress for five months, and both the methods of the investi gation and the evidence cited in support of the . conclusions resulting from it impress one with their fairness and cogency. The first conclusion is that the complaints are justified; that is, there are material delays in the movement of mail throughout the coun try. ,This conclusion is based upon an elab orate series of tests and analyses. A series of test letters totaling about 5,000 were mailed at daily intervals for 12 days, January 16 to 29 of the present year, to correspondents in 384 towns. Because of the interruption to traffic caused by enow and cold and three heatless Mondays, the results of this series were discarded and a second series sent out. These letters numbered about as many as those first mailed, but were sent to various correspondents at 82 railroad points, selected with reference to rail routes and direct con nections. - Of the 9,000 letters and replies, more than 5,000 were delayed in transit. Of these, more than 1,000 were from four to six hours late; another thousand were from 18 to 24 hours late, and 300 were from 42 to 48 hours late. For certain cities the delays were much above the average. Between Los Angeles and New York more than eight letters in every 10 failed to arrive on time. Almost six of every 10 of these were from 12 to 48 hours late. For San Francisco the average of delayed mail was almost exactly the same, with nearly half of the delayed letters from Good News from Bisbee, It is good hews that comes from Bisbee, Ariz., that 2 of those who were engaged in the nefarious business of deporting Ameri can men,, women and children, and leaving them to starve in the desert last summer, have been indicted. Now indicted men are to be considered innocent until they are con victed, but if there ever was a strongly estab lished presumption of guilt it is in these cases, for it has been clearly established not only by an independent investigator like Robert W. Bruere in the columns of the Eve ning Post, but by the president's commission on these labor troubles. Then it was shown that all the pretense about the deported men being dangerous Industrial Workers of the World pro-Germans was an utter fraud; that the real purpose was to play one labor union against another, to take advantage of the war excitement to strike unfairly at the unions. We note with partic ular interest the indictment of Captain Stout, the superintendent of the Phelps-Dodge smelter at Douglas, for it was he who over awed the Western Union operators and sup pressed the Associated Press dispatches on the ground that the United States authorities would prevent the deportations if they heard about them in timel Warmly defended by his employersj he must now face a jury. Alto gether, if justice is in earnest in Arizona,, we may see a far-reaching blow struck at the prevailing belief that capitalistic Industrial Workers of the World can get off scot free, no matter how heinous their offenses. -New York Evening Post Senator Going to Get Posted To the Editor of The New York Times: ' One of the first things Senator Hitch cock wishes to do .upon assuming the Chairmanship of the 'Foreign Relations Committee and it is something that he says he should have done before this is to subscribe to Current History Maga zine. The Senator considers this publication the most necessary adjunct to conducting the affairs of the committee, and it is our intention to keep it on file regularly at the Foreign Relations Committee Room in the Senate. Permit me to convey to you the Sen ator's appreciation for Current History Magazine and to say for him that he con siders it a publication distinctly in . a class by itself. EARL B. GADDIS. Secretary to Senator Hitchcock. Washington, May 18, 1918. People and Events One branch of congress passed without roll call a bill placing Hawaii in the outlying dry belt. Hawaii is aurrounded by water that is useless as a chaser. James M. Thompson, Baltimore's club man, accused of fracturing the anti-loafing law, got off with a fine of $25. Mere small change to Thompson, but as he is booked for war service the law works out as in tended. The slush fund of the fusion party in the New York mayoralty campaign comes in for a hot roast by the grand jury which recently concluded an investigation. 1 The fund reached the astounding figure, of $1,610,862.58, and its expenditure is denounced as reckless watte, the enormltv of which "has shocked the public conscience." But it had a pathetic side. The fusionists didn't get a look in for the huge pile. v An imaginative reoorter out Salt Lake way hinted in print that the federal marshal ought a husky woman to act as guard for an alien woman spy about to be sent to. New Vrtrlr A free ride and exoenses and DCr diem .from Uncle Sam'a treasury proved imighty tempting and brought an avalanche of letters from applicants to the marshal Nothing doing. The marshal delicately hinted that a long distance trip at government expense is just what he needs to tone up nis neaun. 18 to 48 hours behind time. Extreme cases were of letters requiring four days and a half to get to New York from Fort Worth, Tex., 11 days from Ashville, 12 from Griffin, Ga., and 13 days from Newberry, S. C Other tests resulted similarly. Through the American Bankers' association were obtained the envelopes covering the daily mail for 10 days of banks iti 23 banking centers. In every case delays were the rule, many of them be ing extreme. How are these delays to be accounted for? They occur at two points at termi nal stations and on the roads. "Large quan tities of mail are habitually left on the plat forms of principal stations of important mail routes from New York." In this city, in deed, "terminal delays to inferior mails have been, durinjr recent months, continuous and prolonged, and great accumulations of mail have resulted. For many weeks not only were the platforms at Pennsylvania terminal crowded to the ceiling, but large stacks of mail, probably numbering several thousand sacks, were piled in the adjoining area, open to the sky and without protection. ' By rea son of the great accumulation, no space was left for working, and much of the mail was untouched for many successive days." Sim ilar conditions have freauently prevailed at Grand Central terminal. These delays at ter minal points are due to insufficient postal car space or insufficient time for loading. The of railway 'costal cars is to expedite the movement of the mails by pro- VlUlng lOl UlCir BUI til Liauail. ovmv nf the mail intended for a particular station has not been sorted when that station is reached, it is carried by. - It is the contention of the Merchants' as sociation, that, despite a great increase in the nnntal husiness. postal facilities have been greatly reduced. Between July 1, 1916, and December 31, 1917, postal car service was withdrawn from or reduced upon 1,612 trains, which was one-fourth of the total number. In consequences part of the mails carried over the lines, mail formerly assorted in transit, is now held at terminal points for assorting, with inevitable delays. This reduction was not due to causes De vnnd the control of the Postoffice -department. On the contrary, it "was incident to a fun damental chansre in postal ' methods', involv ing a general curtailment of 'the ' rural post office system,, and , the adpption of a substi tute 'terminal postal station system claimed hv the denartment to be eouallv efficient and materially cheap." - Here is a direct issue of policy, which oujtht to be foueht out before competent and impartial tribunal. The report of the Merchants' association is'' emphatic upon the point that delay in movement of trains as a cause of delayed movement of the mails is greatly exaggerated by the Postoffice department. "Of the trains not on time," it remarks, " a material part of the delay was caused by the conditions under which the Postoffice department requires the railroads to handle the mails." Every newspaper and magazine has pain ful knowledge of the conditions set iortn in this report. Publishers are among the foremost sufferers from the delays of which the Merchants' association complains. Yet at the moment when these delays are worse than usual, congress proposes to compel newsoaoers and masrazmes to pay consider erably more for the defective service. Let us have an authoritative inquiry by all means. No one can turn the pages of the report with out sympathizing with the recommendation with which it closes, that the results of the inquiry it records be presented to congress with the request that a joint congressional committee be appointed, charged with the duty of making a comprehensive investiga tion of present postal methods with a view to such improvement as may oe pracucaDie, ' Night in No Man's Land There are strange sounds in No Man's Land; not human sounds, for such carry far the beat of a hammer on a post, tne snarp twang of unrolling barbed wire as it catches and then snrinsrs awav voices even come as through a megaphone in the eerie silence but these are long-drawn sighs tnat pene trate the inner conscience and hushed mur murs that fall on the ear of the souL I have felt a touch on the shoulder as thousrh one would soeak to me when there has been no one by. It is the grave of 10,000 unbuned dead, but the grinning skulls and quivering jelly or the few rags that flutter in the wind are not the comrades tnat we Knew. I think their spirits hover near, for they can not go to their abiding place till victory has been won. They are ever seeking to pierce the veil of sense so that they may add their strength to our arms, and these make to us of No Man's Land "no strange place," and give to our sentries encouragement until the Land of No Man vanishes and our posesssion reaches to the barrier of the enemy barbed wire. Darkness always holds fears for the hu man heart, and it is the unknown danger that makes the bravest quail and not so many are cowards in the daylight. But who can tell which holds the more nenHor the sol dier? He faces the terror that cometh by night, the destruction that walketh by day, and the pestilence that wasteth at noonday. But night is often, kindly it brings the balm of sleep to our tired bodies; and covers coarseness and( filth with a sofjening veil. No Man's Land at nieht is more beautiful than by day, for we need not know of the horror we do not see and it shuts us off from sight of our enemies and lets us feel that the wall is thick and strone that stands between our homes and womenkfnd and tilt savagery and bestiality of the monster , who ravaged the homes and raped the women of Belgium ana ranee. - .iiia utauij nviiui , The trench lights gleam and the rockets Play, That flood of magnificent orange yonder Is a battery blazing miles away. Scribner's Magazine. One Tear Ago Today In the War. fieventy-alx persons In English coast town killed In raid by German air planes. General Pershing urred that eoun- try ba aroused to eriounesa of war situation through the Red Cross. ; The Day We Celebrate. ! ?. r Alvln W. Krech, prominent figure in the New York banking world, born at Hannibal,. Mo., 60 years ago. Lord Beaverbrook, minister of . propaganda In tha British government born in Canada is years ago. Chin Day In History. 1818 General David Mitchell, who distinguished himielt In the Indian wars and in the American revolution, died In Cumberland county, Pennsyl vania. Born in 1742. 18(1 The .first regiment of New Hampshire volunteers left Concord for ; th front 1864 Women of Chicago met to or : f&nize dreaa reform movement and to discourage use of imported fabrics. 184 Arthur C. Mellette, first state rovernor of South Dakota, died at 'ittburg, Kan. Born In Henry coun ty. Indiana. June it, 1843. -1898 President McKinley issued a rcond call for volunteers for the war with Spain. - ISM King George signed the com pulsory military service bill applicable a fall aJUo-Krvd3 maa between II Just SO Years Ago Today The Young Men's Democratic club has registered the names of 140 peo ple wno nave expressed willingness to accompany them to St Louts dur ing the national convention. Eight young men from the city, un der the captainship of Mr. Wyman, r will cross bate with a nine nicked from the officers of the garrison at i on umana. The cash box containing from tl to 1 1 on horse car No. 60, red line, was unscrewed from Its fastenings and carried tft. The driver left his car standing on the switch in front of the barn and was absent only a moment but when he returned box and cash were gone. Lieutenant F. W. Roe. one of Gen eral Brooke's aide-de-camps, arrived In the city, accompanied by his wife. The Omaha Horse Railway com pany received an Invoice of summer care from New York City which will at onoe be put Into service. Peppery Points New York World: When the kaiser hears that the French War Cross has been awarded to Lieutenant Meyer of Milwaukee he will almost despair of the republic. Washington Post: Director Gen eral McAdoo's plan to grant half fare to farm workers is excellent Pay their way to the farms and make 'em walk back if they won't work. Minneapolis Tribune: The Ger mans are picking out kings for the Russian provinces they have taken possession of. it win be lots or run when the war is over to kick those kinglets down the back stairs. Brooklyn Eagle: There s a sug gestion of hot times to eome In Ger many's minting of sino coins and call ins; them nickel. Calorlo forces, not moth and rust are the Imminent menaces to Teutonic treasures and Teutonic credit Louisville Courier-Journal: Premier Clemenceau's paper says the Unlt&d states will have z, 000,000 men in France by the end of the year. , In other words one of each fifty Ameri cans will be an able-bodied man In khaki fighting in France. General LaFayette's service to America Is be ing repaid gallantly. New York Herald: . "I would rather stand against a wall and be shot than serve the United States." remarks a person who has been taking advantage of the protection given him by the laws of the United States to consort with anarchy. Why not accommodate the gentleman? And when tne snoot ing comes, let It be straight shooting. "Over There and Here" la Vienna a auarter o'f the popula tion get their nourishment at public kitchens, which piled up a deficit of $7,800,000 In the city treasury iaai year. "Rt tha wav.M remarks the Stars and Stripes, official organ of the American forces in France, "by the way. a couple of those Salvation Army doughnuts make you think there is a great deal in the 'food-will-win-the- war slogan. Tha stare and Stripes were un furled to the breeze in the famous coliseum in Rome one day last month. It was a memorable occasion, wit nessed by a crowd of people massed on the unexcavatea nan 01 xne iioor and grouped on the remnants 1 the ancient balconies. There fluttered the ensign of Liberty amid the ruins of ancient autocracy, a prophecy of the coming day when Old Glory will wave bver the downfall of modern autoc" A Swiss correspondent of the New York Poet reports much Indignation among the junker land owners over the prospect of exchanging Russian prisoners for German prisoners In Russia. They argue that German prisoners returned would drift into the Industrial centers, leaving the farmers without adequate help, which would spell agricultural disaster. Back of that is the Impelling motive of cheap labor, the Russian prisoners re ceiving only a few pfennings a day for farm work. German farm labor costs much more. Hence the profit eering roar, . Twice Told Tales Not a Poet's Work. " Addressing a political gathering, Congressman William It Wood of Indiana said that every man should stick to his own job. and as an illus tration he told of a youth who wanted some sentimental verses to- send to a young woman on the occasion of her birthday. " Not being much of a versifier him self, the youth went to a poetlo friend, ana asked him to oblige. "Why, certainly," generously re iponded the poet. "What do you want me to say to nert" "Oh. anything in a poetical way," answered the youth. "You ought to know what I want Something sweet and rather tender: but remember that I don't want to commit myself In any way." "Look here, old pal" said the friend, with a merry smile, "you don't want a poet to draw up your verse you want a lawyer." New York MaiL Safety In Insurance. Henry J. Allen of Wichita, Kan., in his story of a tour of the fighting front tells of a colored trooper who took out an insurance policy for 81 0, 000, under the rule adopted by the government It made a sad hole In his pay, and a comrade protested In this wise: "Jim, that ain't goin' to do you no good; when you gits this $10,000 you won't be here to spend It The trooper replied: "I know what I's doin.' Uncle Sam ain't goin to send no 110,009 nigger out to git killed." j l 7t3& Aw "Jerry on the Job." Omaha, May 23. To the Editor of The Bee: Your editorial in today's is sue alluding to the theory by big cor poration contributions to the Red Cross is pertinent and opportune. Probably some one of the corporations might answer your question. "How much of tha dividend money really goes to the Red Cross in addi tion to what the individual stock holder would contribute anyway?" While the size or extent of a con tribution is hardly the fair way to measure the patriotism of a person or corporation, nevertheless there is an old adage says, "A straw shows how the wind blows." Therefore, according to the maxim of the straw the packing house em ploye who gives one day's pay con tributes more than the individual packer, though he happened to give the net profit of the packing house for one week, which amounts to 8500,000 half a million. JERRY HOWARD. Only God's Law. Boone, Neb., May 23. To the Edi tor of The Bee: Please tell me if there ia any law which compels persons to buy bonds, stamps or contribute to the Red Cross, Young Men's Christian association or other similar organiza tions? IGNORANCE. Answer: No written law exists which compels anyone to buy Liberty bonds or war savings stamps, to contribute to the Red Cross, the Young Men's Christian association or any other war or charitable purpose, save the federal and state tax laws. But the higher law of patriotism and devotion to humanity requires that everyone shall give according to his ability, and to 'give until it hurts." Unless this law prevails, our part in the war is a fail ure, and with our defeat we will be brought under the dominion of a con queror who knows no law but that of force. The purchaso of a Liberty bond is in no sense a gift but an investment; loaning money to yourself on tne best of security, that of your own and all the property in the United States. It Is far better to give freely to the de fense of your own liberty than to be menaced by the prospect or seeing the Hun take it all. And that is what will happen if America is defeated. . Constitution and Secession. York, Neb., May 22. To the Edi tor of The Bee: Some days ago there appeared an article in the Letter Box that has caused some comment and needs some more, as I am eure it is not as it should be. The part I wish to look at was overlooked by the others, and I think It the most vital part The article referred to was try ing to defend Vice President Marshall for expressing his view on the right of a state to secede if it wished to. Then, to give color and strength to it the writer named a number of lead ing men who, he claims, held the same views, but his list needs revis ing badly. As others spoke of that part of it, I wish to touch on the view itself. It matters little to me Who holds or has held that view, providing they are not in any position to make or execute the laws of these United States. For that view and the oath of office do not agree, neither can they because it runs at right angles across every principle on which our constitution is founded. If you want the proof read preamble, then read Article 1, Section 1; Article 1, Section 10; Article 4, Section 4, and most especially all of Article 6. As for me and my opinion on the sub ject I would not accept or take the oath of office from any man 11 1 knew he held that view. And the less of such stuff put out the better any time, but more especially now. Let us see where that would run to it followed to a conclusion. Say. for instance, that when the next call for men or money comes, Nebraska would say, "We want no part in this war, and so respond to no such calls. And if one state has that right then any or all. If so with states of the union, then so with coun ties or cities of a state, or individ uals. So where would It end. For this is not an extreme construction to place on this, but its natural deduc tion a conclusion reached by proper process of reasoning from those premises. 1 what we want is red-bioodea united Americans, who do not read into that sacred old document what they wish to read out of it but read out what Is in it And take it for the national map, chart compass and guide board ior all the nation's activities. FRANKLIN POPE. SUNNY GEMS. "Why i you want a tins ef itareh water T" "Baeanat ray wlfa ! a urohlbttlonUt and the doctor has ordered me to take a stiff drink." Baltimore American. Prospective Tenant I Uke the home, but I don't fancy having that huge building opposite. It outs out the view. Agent Oh, bat that's only a munition factory. It may blow up any time. Boston Transcript The Bub I cava five bob to a gipsy yes terday, and she described you and said we should be married next month. The Girl Billy boy, you needn't have pent all that, I eould have told you for nothing. London Ideas. Hitchcock's Yellow Streak Tekamah Journal: The pride that should belong to Nebraska in the fact that one of her senators Is now chairs man of the foreign relations commit tee of the senate turns to humiliation when the senator's pro-German rec ord is exposed to view. Senator Hitch cock missed the opportunity of his life to be one of Nebraska's truly great men when be exerted his Influence and energy In cultivating the German vote rather than in doing the right thing when the peace of hia country .was first threatened by the kaiser's pro gram of frightfulnesa. All the patriot ism he can force into his position as chairman of this most Important com mittee cannot blot out the record of his deflclences when his country , needed strong, courageous leader ships. Kenesaw Progress: The editor of the Progress claims allegiance to the same party that put Gilbert M. Hitch-" cock in the United States senate, but the editor of the Progress is an Amer ican citizen first and because he is an American citizen he unfalteringly aligns himself with the president of the United States in the battle for Hitchcock has refused to pursue such' a course. Therefore, the editor of the Progress has lost faith in Gilbert And he has lost it to the extent that he and mud carrying the Hitchcock ban- -ner. Just now Senator Hitchcock is bitterly opposed to the candidacy of Edgar Howard for a seat in the United States senate reason enough why every loyal Nebraska democrat should support our lieutenant gov ernor in preference to any candidate sponsored by Hitchcock. Howard is true blue. American, and Whether in the United States senate or elsewhere The Bee nor any other newspaper will never have to ask questions concern-' ing his whole-hearted Americanism or apologize for his divided alls glance. PEACE THE KAISER WANTS; "Peace!" loud roars tbs kaiser, "Peace!" he still demands, But does not spell it -right! A piece of martyred Belgium, Another piece of France This Is the peace the kaiser wants, One Sees it at a glance. A great big piece ef Russia, ' And of Roumanta, too, But leaves a piece of Serbia, . . " With which Friend Karl will do. And when It oomes to Poland. A pleoe Is not enough. ' He wants the length and breadth ef His kind of peace Is tough! . - And now the peace with Holland, ' ' ! confronts mm so ne s sorei 'Tie not his kind of peace, In faith He wants such peace no more. So when that peace Is raptured, The bloody, murderous Hun Will take the piece where flows the' Rhine , Before poor Holland's done. Te paoifists, ye bolsheviks. .: Sinn Felners, too beware! ' , Withdraw before It la too late. Or die in dull despair. For blessed peace he knows not .- , The peace of humankind. His only peaoe is born of greed ', ' To real peace he is blind! New Tork Tlmea ' PICTURE FRAMES New Patterns Picture Molding Prices to Suit Every Purse. Mirrors in Period Frames. Mirrors to Fit Any Desired Space. mm Wyry5.! 1818 DOUGLAS STREET Good Clothes FOR MEN It la part of good Judgment to these times to buy by Standard and Beputation, You can stake your last cent that the manu facturer who has been produc ing merchandise of character for many years Is not now listen ing to the siren song of "Shoddy." Keep the quality npthat's the -Ex-Cell (union made) slogan $16.50 to $30 Correctly Style! Suits for Sonuner, in Poiigees&Silkt Up to the stand ard that you demand- $10 to $12 FOR WOMEN Ladies' Silk Suits and Coats A very unusual bar gain for Saturday only, 315 Suit and 810 Coat Georgette Crepe Blouses Real bargains. One lot of Sam ple Skirts from 3 Up. JOHNFELDMAN 109 ITortA 16th Street, Opposite Postoffice. Watch On Windows. 1 -WHY-! fli Face Looked Awful From Skin Trouble Cuticura Healed "My daughter had a breaking out on her upper lip and chin for four weeks. It was like water blistera and would itch and if she scratched they - would irritate and burn. They seemed to spread and her face looked awfuL "For four weeks we tried many remedies but they seemed to make the erup tion spread more. Then I got a free sample of Cuti cura Soap and Ointment, and after wards bought more, and now she is all healed, with one cake of Cuticura Soap and a half a bos of Cuticura Oint ment." (Signed) Mrs. W. Ferguson, Upper Sandusky, Ohio, July 9, 1917. If your skin is already healthy and clear keep it so by using Cuticura Soap for toilet purposes assisted by touches of Cuticura Ointment to soothe and heal any tendency to irritation, red ness or roughness of the skin or scalp. Sle Each Pre by Melt. Address post card "Cattcm Drat. B. Bostaa." Sold everywhere. Soap 25c Ointment 25 and Mai