'Conducted by Ella Fleishman5 .Women Report Large Sums for Red Cross , Among the biggest donations recorded Wednesday by the woman' ft division tor the Red Cross fund drive is the ,$6,000 donation reported by Mrs. William Hoagland, which came throngb All Saints church. George Hoagland gave $5,000 of it and the .other. $1,000 was presented by the Hoagland Lumber company. 'Mrs.' Tyler Beit realized $1,000 from her booth in the First National bank. From the Red Cross Public shop $1,200 was turned in. St. Fran cis parish, of which Rev. M. F. Gluba is pastor, gave $1,371 through its chairman, Miss Bernice Warymke vietV .. Mrs. F. A. Nash, in charge of the booth in Kilpatrick's store, reported a $250 subscription taken by C W. Hall. Mrs. J. . Davidson, in charge of the booths in the stores, reported $6,298 on Monday and $5,778 for Tuesday. Miss Daphne Peters made $37 from the vaudeville program given on the street during the noon hour Tuesday. Subscriptions from business firms 1 are: Loose-Wiles company, $500; Mo line Plow company, $150; McGraw company, $250. A man from out of town who is a guest at the Fontenelle gave a pair of child's rubber boots which he asked be sold and the money given tn the drive. The oorter at the same place presented the workers with a fat green turtle. Motor Corps of Service League Drives Belgians Lieutenant (Mrs.) O. S. Goodrich commanded a corps of 14 motor driv ers of the National League for Woman's Service who drove the cars for the visiting Belgian soldiers. The service league car headed this sec tion of the parade. The corps in cluded Mrs. H. G. Jordan. Mrs. Sam uel Burns, Mrs. Gladys Rhodes. Miss Isabel Shukert, Miss Orra Ambler, Ijrs. E. T. Manning. Miss Pauline Green, Miss Ada Riddlesbarger, Miss Edna Clarke, Mrs. Harry Montgom ery, Miss Francis Nieman, Miss El len Green and Miss Anna Granbeck- The National League for Woman's Service will furnish a post band for Fort Omaha. Captain A. A. Wede myer will organize the band and the women will furnish the eauioment. , At the board meeting Tuesday di rectors voted to subscribe for six sci entific magazine for Fort Omaha. These magazines are Aerial Age, Air Service Journal, Popular Science, Sci entific American and Scientic Amer ican Supplement and Wireless Age. , GIVES CLUB ROOM. v Through the kindness of Mrs. George A. Joslyn Omaha Campfire Girls will have for their headquarters a room in the Patterson block, which was formerly the Boy Scout head quarters. Mrs. Joslyn has donated the room for an indefinite space of time, the only expense incurred by the girls arising from a few neces sary repairs. The room has been called "Omahe qua," the "Campfire." Mrs. W. T. "'Moore, chairman of the Guardians' association, will be in charge every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon from 2 to 5 o'clock and all day on Saturdays. SELLS BOXES FOR RED CROSS. . Mrs. Lee Huff, chairman for auxil iaries for the Red Cross drive, has an attractive way of raising money for the drive. She is selling boxes , for the opening night of the new Ri alto, which will take place May 30. Arthur Rothschild bought the first box for $50, W. L. Reed paid $50 for the second. Mrs. Huff hopes to sell the remaining 20 before the end of the week. DANCE FOR SOLDIERS. A little club of girls, who call them selves the "I Will" club, are giving a aeries of dances at the pavillion in Hanscom park and 50 couples at tended the party given Tuesday eve ning at the park. Misss Nell Ryan is sponsor for the dances and the men from the balloon school at Fort Omaha are honor guests. The Military Welfare association, made up of Swift & Co. office em ployes, will give a dancing party Fri day evening at Keep's academy. WORK FOR RED CROSS. , Mrs. Luther Kountze entertained members of the Original Cooking club at luncheon at her home today. The afternoon was spent rolling bandages W i RH Cm. im -v. , The state office has received the following telegram from national headquarters: "Law making it legal for national banks to- contribute to Red Cross passed last night. In some states this .also will give state institutions similar right. The passing of this law removes any obstacles that might j have prevented contributions coming to RedvCross from banks." j President and Mv Wilson have' given two pounds of wool from the j White House sheep to Governor Ne ville of this state, which wool is to be auctioned for the benefit of Red Cross. Governor Neville will prob ably announce within a very few days the svstem he will follow in disnosine of this wool for the benefit of Red', Cross. ! New President of College Club In reply to telegram from Dean Cutter, who is at Crofton. Neb., in response to call sent the state office for assistance on account of the seri ous tornado, Miss Blanche Fuller sent two additional nurses to Crofton Tuesday. Mrs. Hazel Smith Eldridce and Miss Madge West played the violin at the impromptu vaudeville presented by Red Cross workers at the corner of Farnam and Sixteenth street at the noon hour. Miss Daphine Peters was in charge of the affair. Totals for Tuesday for Red Cross donations from the Catholic churches amounted to $8,278.83. At a dance recently given in De Luxe hall $200 was realized for the Red Cross, which will be given through the Public shop. Burgess Nash company employes gave $134, after subscribing through the churches. - Mrs. Miriam Patterson Boyce and a number of her friends will be sta tioned at Getten & Wickham's cigar store Saturday. They will wait on the customers for the smokes and soft drinks and take Red Cross subscrip tions. St. John's auxiliary donation amounted to $14,591.30 at noon. The subscriptions taken in at the theaters and streets on Wednesday evening lacked $2 of reaching the $1,000 mark. The Red Cross auxiliary at Elk- horn reported to Mrs. Lee Huff that it had $172.33, but had no way to send it in. Mrs. Huff drove to Elkhorn after the subscription. The Happy Hour auxiliary of Valley, Neb., consisting of 40 members, gave $40. Mrs. Z. T. Lindsev. state director Woman's service, assisted by Mrs. A. L. Reed, have made out quotas cov ering hospital supplies, comfort kits and garments and refugee garments. These have been forwarded to cen tral division headquarters at Chicago for approval. , A Quicker Victory The present food problem in a nut shell is a matter of ships. The allies now have to be fed in large meas ure from across seas. There seem to be several markets from which they could draw: Australia, the east, South America, the United States and Canada. "Why, then," complain the unthink ing, "ask the people of the United States and Canada to upset their eat ing habits of years, to scrimp and save, if Australia's wharves are loaded with food stores waiting to be trans ported to the war-ridden territories?" This is the answer: It takes a ship three times as long to carry food from Australia and twice as long from South American ports, to say nothing of added exposure to the dangers of the submarine. The north Atlantic lane is both safer and shorter. ntuuiuiu l!tfc . (A I , ma Colorado Springs' Finest an Largest Hostelry CHAS. A. SCHLOTTER, Manager European Plan Restaurant Famed In the center of the city, surrounded by fifteen acres of garden and park. Golf, Tennis, Motoring. Garage. Turkish, Electric, ' Russian and Va por Baths. Booklet will be sent upon request. The Antlers Hotel COLORADO SPRINGS, COLO. Ddightjul Climate Absolutely Fireprooj Art. v. . .-. ... .'..W.l TTQa u PmMVU.. .1 jputh Tj-tarrpsojv Miss Ruth Thompson was named president ot the Association ot Col legiate Alumnae a,t the annual meet ing held Saturday in the Fontenelle. Mrs. Howard Rushton was elected vice president. Miss Josephine Duras secretary, Miss Ruth McDonald treas urer and Miss Bess Dumont coun selor. Mrs. Roy Sunderiand is the retiring president V. H. Indoe was named of thefM'blhers chib at the Mothers' Circle. West Omaha Mothers' circle will meet Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Newell Jones, 5117 Under wood avenue. Election of officers will take place. Research Club. The Research club will hold the closing meeting of the year Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, in'St. Berch man's academy. Mothers' Club Election. Mrs. W. nrriritlent of the meeting held at the home of Mrs. Herbert King Wednesday. Mrs. J. H. CraUock is vice president: Mrs. A. G. Piqkerton, secretary, and Mrs. Oregon Wifliams, treasurer. Drama Section Luncheon. Bernard Shaw' "Press Cuttings" will be presented by a cast including Misses Mary Wallace. Theresa Hoye, Bessie Shackel. Mrs. F. B. Hughes, Mrs. H. E. Newbranch, and Mrs. Stephen Davies, Saturday afternoon, following the final luncheon and meeting of the drama section, Asso ciation of Collegiate Alumnae, at the Chamber of Commerce, A new leader will be named. COMUS CLUB DONATION. A collection of $25 for the Red Cross was talcen at the meeting of the Comus club at the home of Mrs. Charles Everson, Wednesday. The members of this club are all giving from two to three days every week to Red Cross work. The guests of the afternoon were Mrs. Thomas C. Rich and Mrs. J. H. Hale. JUDGE DECIDES STOICH REMEDY A GREAT SUCCESS Commissioner of Mediation and Coneil iation Board Tries EATONIC, the Wonderful Stomach Remedy, and Endorse It Jodra William L. Chan ban, who dim KATONIO aa a remedy lor lots of appe tlta and Indigestion, la a Commissioner ol the O. 8. Board ot Mediation and Conciliation. It to natural -for him to axDreea blmaelt In fuarded language, yet there la no healtatlon In bla pronouncement regardlnc tne value oi satuniu. Writing from Washington, D. C, to tn Satonio Item ay Co., be tayi. "EATONIO promote appetite and aide digestion. I bare uaed It with beneficial results." Office workers ibd other who 1t much ar martyrs to dyspepeia, belching, bad breath, heartburn, poor appetite, bloat, and Impair ment ot general health. Are yon, yourself, euflertrf SATONIO 111 relieve you just a urely as it baa benefited Judge Chamber and thousands of other. Here's the secret: EATONIO drive the u out of the body-1 and the Bloat Ooe With Itl It is guaranteed to bring relief or you get your money back! Costs only a cent or two a day to use it. Get box today irom your druggist. Dandruff Surely Destroys The Hair Girls if you want plenty of thick, beautiful, glossy, silky hair, do by all means get rid of dandruff, for it will starve your hair and ruin it if you don't. It doesn't do much good to try to brush or wash it out. The only sure way to get rid of dandruff is to dis solve it, then you destroy it entirely. To do this, "get about Tour ounces of ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gen tly yith the finger tips. By morning most if not all of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will complete ly dissojve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it. You will find, too. that all itching and digging of the scab wil stop, and your hair will look and feel a hundred times better. You can cet liquid arvon at any drug store. It is inexpensive and four ounces is all vou will need, no matter how much dandruff you have. This simple remedv never fails. Advertisement. Rely On Cuticura For Skin Troubles All 4tti i & SL Otntmms a B. T Jem SS. Saapl oP'OeMm. tt. S. HSmm." Advice to the Lovelorn By BEATRICE FAIRFAX. Red Hair. Dear Mist Falrfai. Omaha Bet: Would you kindly tell m of snmtthlng that will give a bright or a reddish ting to my hair It li fluffy and slightly wavy, but the ugliest drub color, and other nave often asked m why I didn't wash It In something to give It a reddish color, as It would lw becoming. Also, could you tell me ot some becoming way to arrange my hair, as my fscs Is slender and my boss father prominent T I now arrange It rather low on my neck and brought back loosely over my head, but I am so tlrsd of It that Way. I am SO. Pleas tell ms your eptnloo of girl marrying a man about to enlist. I am self-supporting and could continue to sup port myself, so It Is not of advantage to me, but he wants to be married and I would like to for his sake, but my folks and my friends bavs expressed themselves a number of times aa thlnktng a girl Is foolish who marries a man In tbs army. 1 am Quits surs my affection .would not change. Another question: Is there anything that can be taken without dieting to help ons gain flesh? I seem to bs In good health nnd have a splendid appetite, but I am very thin. I also gst plently of sleep. You do glvs such ssnslbl advice, ao I hope you will advise me. Do you think a year' difference In a roan and woman's age. when the woman Is the elder, la any reason why thsy should not marry T I have a girl friend who hesitates on this aocount. ALICE. Henna will make you hair red, but I would not advlss you to apply It yoor self. Go to a professional hairdresser and ask her opinion before you attempt to change the color of your balr. A great many people have ths hairdresser give the hair a "henna rinse" after a shampoo, as this gives a rsddlsh tinge to the hair, bat does not glvs It that mahogany ahads which Is so ugly. Hsv yoa triad brashlng your hair well before retiring? The magic "hundred strokes" with a stiff brash will do much to glvs your hair mors life and color. Why not arrange your aetr la a soft pompadour with ons largs roll at the back? Or, you might part It en ths aid with a low knot at ths back. This question of marrying aa army man Is a grav ons. As yon ar Mlf-anpportlng It seems that you have mnch tn your favor. To my mind the auprsms qaeatlon Is Just whether you care enough to be true through the weary month of separa tion and If your lov would stand ths test of supporting a man w,ho might be Incapacitated. Plenty of wholesoms food I ths beat way to gain flesh. Drink as much milk as possible, from on , to two quart day, and I feel surs you will gala In weight If you persist for several month. I ds not think that the dlffsrsnes f a few yeare In age need make any difference to a man and woman. Don't Deceive Him. Dear Miss Fairfax: I am In lov with a man who I believe reciprocate my feeling. He Is wealthy, and Is undsr the Impression that I am also. Our family consists ot sis, my father earning about t(S per week, while I make tit. I would like to knew whether It would b sdvlsable for me to reveal my true station to this man. I tsar attempting anything of this naturs, for I am quits surs X would lose him If he knew I was poor. M. R. If yon eaa only win this man' lev by deceiving him, and it yen feel that hi ks tsrest tn you would esas If . h wer to know, that you are a poor girl,' row ar pretty uncertain as to the basis f hi feeling and you know In your heart that hs is not sincere and that ths slightest difficulty would make him earing tor Norfolk Shirtwaist By GERTRUDE BERESFORD O ! c 1 1 jj V A SHIRTWAIST modeled after a Norfolk jacket has a chance to be distinctive in this frock of novelty pique, in thin crossed-barred weave. A yoked skirt repeats the plaits of the waist and is fastened with white pearl buttons. The yoke should be lined if the frock is developed in thin ma terial. Plaid or plain ground ging ham will furnish art effective material for the construction of this simple but stylish dresa. yen. Jast b trn t yoursslf don't ds eslve htm. Let the man raalls that yen ar simple, honest folk with fin ideals and a beautiful home life, that la Infinitely more important than mere money. If he Is a ' man ef good caliber and tin prin ciples alt this will appeal to him not repel him. And tn any event, from a practical point of view, yon probably couldn't deoelre him for long anyhow. In a new million-dollar hotel ju t opened in Baltimore a woman pre sides behind the desk to welcome the arriving and speed the departing guest 1 il? ji? w: 1 1 till i Mb I" lrf1tf1lf " H' m. 1 1 H W They're ' right It is lljilll' H I great Great in goodness. 1 Sri il Great in purity. AgreatB-I-G f IkSI I JIJ11 improvernait in soft f " mm wmM3 . Mi J B EVE RAG E . ! 1 ' fi t ill "V llHl l H Combines the most likeable 1 . llll BlI ' I I of drink qualities. It has a , llilnMlijlLji snappy tang of character, T M toneddowntoasmoothmellcmre ICTISSJ ness. Try it it's different. Get lf wtT3Wa acquainted with the new UfP HI n lfMiv l flavor that will give you new ' FI Mil nl 111 1 drink enjoyment. .Jot To be had whererer soft H BtVtRl! 1 drinks are soid and that's every . f "rToyM wherBythf!l.e I J FK? I(m E """ COM PAR Y I wcmpny! Nnwi KaUkee Brokerage Co. I 1 pT - DUtribwtwre IN IH l UA esLrCorth Sts. ! NEW STORY FOR THE KIDDIES IN SUNDAY Red Cross Has First Call Now. Give the Savings to the Red Cross Queer Advice From a Dry Goods House. Thomas Kilpatrick & Co. Start a Sale af ailoired State Friday Morning at 8:30 Which will make it impossible for you to resist purchasing if you can use a Smt All the model Suits specially suited to travel wear and early Autumn wear go in 3 Lots. 9 Dollars 2 Dollars 3S) Dollars In the $19.00 Lot Suits which sold up to $36.00. In the $29.00 Lot Suits which sold up to $50.00. In the $39.00 Lot Suits which sold up to $87.50. Note, if you please, that not one or two in each lot sold up to the prices mentioned, but very' many of them, and every Suit much above the LOW SALE PRICES. Note also, and this is in sober earnest, if you have not given to the Red Cross, and to buy one of these Suits would make it impossible for you to subscribe, DONT BUY THE SUIT. DENY YOURSELF. Enjoy tho real Satisfaction WHICH COMES FROM SACRIFICE. GIVE TILL IT HURTS. If, however, you have money to spare, and you need a Suit, if you will GIVE THE SAVINGS. IT WILL MEAN A LIBERAL DONATION TO THE RED CROSS FUND. If we cannot convince yoa of the laving, we will make another liberal donation ourselves. - ' Th omqs Kilpatrick $k Co,