Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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f A V A VTL I i I 1 II ! Ill III""! . 1IU III U . 1
I Vs hT" If II II 'kSTTHfl Sl l v- - ,
Economy Gcntcr of Omaha L-
Economy Center of Omaha
1 ' I n ' I II II II I k . I 1,1 I
Everyone is doing a little personal bookkeeping these days and the sum total
of the savings that can be made by wise and judicious buying in a place like
this Big Economy Basement will add so materially to your ready funds that you
will be able to invest liberally in Liberty Bonds and Thrift Stamps and give to
the fullest extent to the Greatest Mother of Them All The American Red Cross.
And buying in this Basement is not alone an operation of saving money, but it is
saving money wisely, because you get dependable, stylish merchandise and the
surety of certain satisfaction. The greatest stocks to choose from, assure you
of wide variety and your dollar becomes a very substantial buying power. This
Friday and Saturday is brimful of exceptional of ferings for YOU.
Towels -Towels
. Great Variety
at Lowest Prices
17c Towels, 12 He
One lot of huck or bleached Turkish
Towels, hemmed ends, soft finish;
while a limited quantity lasts, each,
Friday and Saturday, at ... .2ic
25c Towels at 19c
Full bleached and fancy Turkish
.Towels, hemmed ends; a quality to.
wear; special, each ......... 19c
50c Towels at 39c
A limited quantity of fancy Turk
ish Towels, hemmed ends, double
twisted, yarns; while this lot lasts
Friday, each 39c
75c Towels at 59c
About 150 dozen Turkish Towels
made of a very fine yarn, full
bleached, with fancy colored bor
ders, hemmed ends (so-called mill
rejections), special at ......59c
About 5,000 yards of Table Damask
Remnants, including mercerized and
alHinen, in desirable lengths, from
our recent heavy selling, at a great
saving Friday and Saturday.
' ' Basement
35c "29c
Mill Remnants Dress and Wrapper
Percale, light and dark colors in
serviceable lengths, at, a 1 ol
yard, Friday 1 "2v;
Fine Zephyr Dress Gingham, plaids,
checks, x stripes and plain colors;
for women s and misses' dresses,
etc. Special,
a yard ....
Mill Remnants 38 and 40-!nch Fancy
Printed Voile in a splendid assort
ment of pretty patterns and color
ings for Sumraer dresses, Alg
waists, etc., at, a yard. . X 1 2C
36:inch White Marquisette and 36
inch White Splash Voile, unusually
sheer and clingy, for making pretty
waists and dresses. Reg. 1 (
25c value, at, a yard.... Ov
36-inch Dress' Percale, medium and
light colors, hundreds of pieces to
choose from on a bargain OO.
square, at, a yard
5,000 Yards Remnants Wash Goods,
including suitings, percale, white
goods, etc., values to 30c, 1 C JLj
on large bargain square, iOgC
Fancy Printed Dress Voile in a
great variety -of new printings, on
white and tinted grounds for Sum
mer dresses, waists, etc. 1 Q
Special, a yard y C
36-inch Fancy Printed Shirting Ma
dras in a splendid variety of new
patterns and colorings, for men's
and boys' shirts, etc., OQ
special Friday, yard, at . . smIC
36-inch Fancy Poplin Suiting in a
variety of. new color combinations
and striped effects; very desirable
for ladies' and misses' wash OP
suits and skirts; usually 39c, C
' Basement
Knit Underwear
Women's Cotton Knit, Late Trim
med Teddy Bear Union f
Suits, in all sizes, each at. .
Women's Vests, cotton ribbed, fancy
lace yokes, sizes 4, 5 and OCp
6; at, each tJK'
Women's Fine Cotton Pants, CA
lace trimmed, in large sizes;"
Boys' Nainsook Suits with waist
attachments, in sizes 2 to 12, at 65c
each and sizes 14 and 16, r7tZg
Friday and Saturday, at . .
Children's Knit Waists, a good
strong waist, in sizes 2 to O E
12; at, each 9
One Table of Cretonne and Drapery
Madras, lengths 2 to 5 9Q
yards; special, a yard
100 Pieces of Pretty Repp Cre
tonnes, most complete line, in a
beautiful assortment of colorings
and patterns. Fabrics to suit any
purpose; worth to 75c yd., A Q -special,
at, a yard t7l
2,000 Yards of Fancy Dotted Swiss,
36 inches wide; sells on the bolt
25c a yard; in desirable
lengths; at, a yard
One Big Counter of Scrim and Cur
tain Remnants, special, fiJL
a yard, Friday : U2C
75 Pieces of Scrims, plain and fancy
colored borders and excel-. QXp
lent values; at, a yard. . . . 02v
One Lot of Salesmen's TJet Samples,
plain and solid colors; 1 Hr
at, each, Friday 1UC
White and Colored
Wash Goods
36-inch Colored Skirting, stripe and
block effect, good colorings; if.
very special, .a yard, at. . . . iJC
Japanese Cotton Crepe, fast colors,
requires no ironing, for dresses,
waists, middies, men's shirts, chil
dren's rompers, etc., 28 OP
inches wide; special, a yard.OiJC
36-inch White Pajama Cloth in
broken plaids, splendid 1 Q-
quality; a yard, at -,1 U i
Printed Dress Voiles in stripes,
florals, dots, Oriental designs, etc.,
for dresses and waists, 40 OQ.
inches wide; at, a yard. . t
40-inch Dress Voiles in every, wanted
plain shades; regular 50c OC
value; special, a yard.
Imperial Long Cloth, soft finish,
pure white, splendid for dainty Sum
mer tindermuslins, 36 in. f0 OP
wide, 12-yard bolt, at. . ipA.AiJ
Notions at Lowest Prices
Rust Proof : Dress Clasps, ,7
cards for 25c
Safety Pins, 3 sizes on card, 7 ,
cards for .25c
Fast - Colored Wash Edging, '
- 6 bolts for ;..V... 25c
O. N. T. Crochet Cotton, ball,.. 7c
J. O. ' King's ; Machine Thread,
8 spools for ............. .25c
San-Silk, 6 spools for. ....... .25c
Dressing Pins
, f or
large papers,, 7
Stocking Feet, all sizes, pair. ... 5c
Inside Skirt Belting, piece 5c
Kid Curlers, good quality, doz., 10c
Dust Caps, washable, each 2c
Darning Cotton, 2 balls for. . . . 5c
Large Pieces . of Elastic, black
only 5c
200-Yard Spools' of Basting
Thread, 8 for 25c
Buy Summer Uear Now
Great Assortments. Low Prices
Women's, Misses' and Children's Summer Wear in this
Big Basement at Money-Saving prices.
Women's and Misses' Newest Style Summer Dresses,
white and colors, Porch Dresses, Street Dresses and Fancy
Wash Dresses. Dozens of pretty styles; big plaids, fancy
checks and stripes, plain and fancy ginghams, voiles, etc.
Every Dress is a new, right-up-to-the-minute style; new col
lar, belt and pocket effects; straight as well as new high
waist line effects; hundred to choose from. Price range
for Friday and Saturday from
$2.95, $3.95, $4.95 to $10.95
Newest Style Tub Skirts, white and colors, sizes for stout women
as well as regular sizes, many different kinds of materials and
styles, Repp, Pique, Gabardine, Honey Comb, etc., fancy pattern
sport skirts, etc. We have just the kind of a skirt that you want
and can save you money besides. Prices range from
$1.25, $1.49, $1.69 uPt0 $4.95
Do You Want a Pretty Silk or Cloth Skirt at a Low Price?
We have it. Hundreds of pretty silk and cloth skirts, just right for summer wear,
silk skirts, plaids, stripes, plain fclue and black, heavy Taffetas, fancy Foulard skirta,
fancy plaid and stripe cloth skirts, copies of high-priced skirts reproduced with good
materials and workmanship. We have just the kind of a skirt that you want for
summer wear. Hundreds to choose from, extra sizes as well as regular sjzes. Prices
$3.95, $4.95, $5.95 op t0 $6.95
Smocks and Middies
At 69c to $4.95 v
Smocks and Middies. A big showing in the
Basement. We have a good assortment of
the much wanted smocks, in all those new
pretty styles, slip-overs, coat effects, etc.,
the pretty high colors, new fancy colored
trimmings, etc. Prices ranging from $1.95
up to "$4.95.
Middies for girls, misses arid women. Many
different styles, prices ranging from 69c,
$1.00 up to $1.5.
Girls' Middy Skirts, 6 to 14 years.
Worth up to $1.50 today. All white and
fancy stripes, several styles, just what you
need to wear with your middies, for school
and play ........ ...... ...89c
Blouses $1.00 Each
Cotton Blouses, as good a blouse as you
ever1 bought at this price for all the higher
price of cotton, etc., fancy stripes and col
ors as well as plain white; dozens of styles,
new collar effects; all are new, right up
to the minute styles. You had better take
advantage of this offer, because in the near'
future we cannot give you - this quality
blouse at the very low price of. $1.00
Blouses at $1.95 '
At this price you will find in the base
ment some wonderful cotton blouses, very
elaborate creations, made of very fine
voiles. Also Crepe de Chine blouses in
black and various colors and heavy eofded
silk blouses. You will be surprised at what
wonderful values they really are at $1.95.
Silk and Satin Coats for women and misses. Just right for Summer wear. - The
new lengths, big fancy collars and pockets, colors as well as black; many different
styles; ranging in price for Fri- dQ QC dQ QLt n 1 1? QC
day and Saturday from yO.VD, yU.vD Up IP $ 1 U.VD
The Basement is ready to outfit you for Summer. Hot Weather
needs are here in a great variety at extremely low prices.
Hosiery for Men, Women and Children
Women'. Fibre Silk Ho
.i.ry, double soles and
lisle garter tops; in black,
white, gray and CC
fawn; at OOC
Woman's Fin Lil. Ho
i.ry. in bronze, with
double soles, at,
a pair, Friday
Children's Half Sock., in
fancy assorted colors; cot
ton and mercer- - O E
ized; at, a pair..
Man's Cotton Seamless
Socks, in assorted 1 Q-
colors ; at, a pair,
Gift Shop
Special '
New Strap Purs.i, silk and leather
lined, warranted all genuine leath
er; long-grain strap. purses,, finished
with a fancy snap. 1 ftft
Special at ........... V VW
Canuina Pin. Seal Leather Puree.,
strap handle, dull finish, silk and
leather lined; special d1 OQ
Friday and Saturday k . P I
Splendid Value, in Fine Lambskin
Purses, extra size, leather, lined;
special Friday and $ 1 1 Q
Saturday, at, each . . . , P 1 e i 7
One Lot of Fine Japanese Lacquered
Picture Frames, finished with birds
and fancy figures, at
25c,29cn', 49c
Genuine Japanese Handkerchief
and Glore Boxes, $ 1 0,0.
choice Friday, at .... V 1 eUU Dresser Sets, tray, hat
pin holder, puff box, hair receiver,
special Friday and . d 1 00
Saturday each set, at. V .VU
Genuine iTory Mirrors and Brushes,
with slight imperfections. . Mirrors
come in three sizes, oval and round
styles with French beveled plate
glass. Brushes made of good quali
ty American bristles,' in short and
long length, two styles to choose
from. To sell Friday and Saturday
at one-half the regular d1 00
price. Special, each. . . V "U
Wall Paper
In addition to the different
papers which we have greatly re-'
duced for Friday, we will have ft
display of special papers, giving
special attention to dining rooms,
showing upper and lower effects In
plain papers and tapestries with the
decorative bands and borders to
match, ranging in price from It Me
to 50c. Don't fail to see the display.
Kitchen Blocks and other patterns
suitable for most any room, with
borders to match. Friday at. .6Je
A New Lejt of Bedroom Paper In'
the newest, color effects with cut
out borders in different widths,
marked at big reductions for Fri
day, in two lots, at. ...He and 14c
Some New Stripe and All Over Ef
fects, suitable for the down stairs
rooms with cut out borders to
match, in lots of from 1 to 3 rooms.
Special, Friday, at .9 Me
Special: Papers at Sharp Redac
tions, including grass cloth, two
tones,' stripes and all over effects,
with the proper decorations. Spe
cial, Friday, at .22M
Plata Oatmeal Papers, 80 IncW
wide, in all the popular, coldn,
shown with cut out borders 'for
each. Special, Friday, at. . . . 12 Me
" Basement ' " '
Hardware and Homo Jocds
Electric Irons '
A wonderful comfort on a hot Summer day. ,We have a lot
of Irons that are guaranteed to be aa high in quality as the.
best made. The element is made of nickrome wire, the, only" :i
substance known at this time to stand the continued high 1
heat without crystallizing and breaking. ' 5 .00
special at i ' . ;..;..... i : rs) $3.$S v
. ' !. Screen Doors ;
Any size green finish Screen Door, spe
cial at $1.98
Oiled finish Doors, any size, special at $2.19
"Sloan's" Sanitary Water Cooler
They fit in any ice box in the ice chamber
and . on account of their shape, the water
is cooled as quickly as though the ice were
in the water at a great saving in ice. Three
sizes, at 49c, 65o and 7Se
r l r
Medium size Japanned Garbage Cans, at..... ...98c ,
Large size Japanned Garbage Cans, at...;.... $1.19
Extra large Japanned Garbage Cans, at . . . r . . . .$1.79
Solid rass,
lawn sprays,
Lawn Sprays
genuine "Fountain! clrcolar
a 98c value; special at . .79e -
Electric Fans
-!neh Fan, at ........... $6 AS
8-Inch, Three-Speed Fftns, at $8.00
8-inch. Oscillating Three-speed
Fans, at $U.0O
10-inch, Oscillating Tnree-speea
Fans, at .....$13.80
Refrigerators . t
Oak finished Refrigerators, heavy
double-walled with six thicknesses
- of insulation, 30-lb. capacity,
at ... $8.95
70-lb. capacity: oak finish Refrig
erators, double-walled and six
..thicknesses of insulation, white
enamel finish, at ..,,....$18.00
120-lb. capacity, three-door, white
enamel-lined Refrigerators, made
of oak, with golden oak finish,
eight walls of charcoal sheathing
and wool felt insulation, at $32.50
. Basement
Boys1 Suits
Boys' Wash Suits in all this season's best
models in a big selection of patterns, all
sizes from 212 to 8 years, best of sewing
and full cut, at
75c, $1.00 and $1.25
Boys' Wash- Knickerbockers of khaki
duck linen and fancy striped effects, fast
colors,. full peg style, sizes Qfts
6 to 16, at ;joc
Boys' . Suits, made of the best wool
fabrics,, the newest Norfolk models,
fioats made with full loose' belt,
patch or slash pockets, full peg
knickerbockers, full cut and fully
st?iv5 $6-50 t0 $9.50
Children's Slip-Overs for playtime and
stylish, sensible garments for children,
sizes 2 to 6 years, at.
times, neat,
Boys' Sport Blouses and Shirts, in plain Chambrays 7Cp
and fancy stripes, 4t
Men's. Shirts, made cf non
fadeable materials in striped
effects, in the most desirable
colors, sizes 14 to 17 y2 Qgc
Men's Underwear, checked
nainsook, sleeveless coat shirt,
knee length drawers, special,
a garment, at 25 C
Men's Cotton Ribbed
Union Suits, long or short
sleeves, white or ecru,
all sizes, gpc and
Men's Crossbar Nainsook Ath
letic Union Suits, no sleeve,
knee length, closed crotch, one
button seat, all sizes CO
34 to 46, at
Men's and Boys' Leather Belts
in black, tan or gray with good
strong buckle, all sizes QCC
26 to 44, at ,
Men's 'Lisle Socks, famous
makes, seconds of regular 35c
quality in black, tan, gray and
white, at 19c
Scores of Other Good Values in This
Special Section Also. Come and See.
Men's Clothing
Man's and Young Men's Suits, in fcheviots,
Cassimeres and fancy mixtures, special at
$10, $12.50 ""$15
Special Lot of Blue Serge Suits, smartly
tailored, of all-wool fabrics; d 1 O C fl
in a range of sizes, special,
Men's Work Trousers. A man need not
be an expert judge of quality to realize
the unusual value presented in this special
lot Specially priced at tfjl QC
special Thursday and Friday. . eJ
. . f . ''
Man's Overalls, union made; fast color;
heavy blue or striped denim, , dj Kf
Thursday and Friday, at ... . V eOU :
Men's Thin Coats forffice wear; buy
them here Friday rTC ,to Aft
and Saturday, at t D? iP't.UU