Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1918, Page 11, Image 11
THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, MAY 24. 1918. 11 EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE, DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. ' Every day enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, atenotypy. typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer. etel and English branches. Catalogue frea. - BOYLES COLLEGE. Bouglea 1HK 18th and Barney Sta. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. . ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERS. . 11 yon fall to And the room you . -daetre among tbeae ada call at The Baa office for a Room List. Olvee omplete description of vacant rooma tn all parte of tbe city. New Hate Issued every week. tWO. nicely furnished rooma, with an east front. Price reaaonable. Close In. T13 8. 17th Ave. )0il -CASS 2 large, cool, clean rooms (or employed couple or 1 business girls, real home to. refined people. Home cooking and conveniences. Douglas 7934. LARGE, cool, beautifully furnished room, en bath - floor, In modern private home. It 8. 26th Ave. MODERN furnished rooma for men only at the Sunshine. (01 North 17th 8C Reasons-able rent. LINCOLN AiTS. 2102 Chicago. Furnished housekeeping and sleeping rooms. Tyler 2407. KICELT furnished rooms in brick apart . . ment; reasonable. 2213 California. Red .1144. TWO furnished rooms for one or two; rea . , eon a ble; breakfast It desired. Walnut ' 8t:. DESIRABLE clean place for man who " wishes Inexpensive room on Id floor. 650 8, 26th St. 2114 CAPITOL AVE. Clean, cosy, front room; lat fl.; all furnished. Harney 6350. NICE large room, quiet surroundings, $3 a week. 2632 Harney St. Harney 6955. GBAYSTONE, 25th and Cess, nicely fur. nlihed rooms. Douglas 7934. FURNISHED ROOM, 1815 Chicago. Phone O. 8219: men only. FURNISHED room for rent, 843 S. 23d St. Tyler 1176. ONE front room furnished complete, on ground floor, 2418 Cass. 'j.091 PARK. AVE. 3 or I rooma, newly fur nlahed, clean and cozy. Harney 5610. .WELL FURNISHED ROOM In private family In Weat Farnam. Harney 1869. Hnnerlreenincr Cnnmi. IRT CLEAN and nicely furnished house keeping rooma near Leavenworth and Farnam ear and the boulevard. Private home. Reaaonable. Harney VERT attractive furnished rooma to couple, all modern conveniences, shower bath, sleeping porch. Id good location. Wal. tilt. NICE, cosy, convenient southwest room for bousekeeplng, on 2d floor; modern, with clothes closet; washing privileges; no children. 680 B. 26th St. ENTIRE upatalra reaidence. Three large rooma and bath; modern, except h at $13. 1811 Corby St. Webster 6755. LARGE cool and neatly furnished three room suites. Private home; also garage. 3028 Davenport. 1819 CASS Nicely furnished light house keeplng room with running water in room. Telephone Tyler Z4, PARLOR floor suite, all conveniences, walk ing distance: first class, 84. 604 S. 28th. LIGHT housekeeping rooms for rent. 2013 . Harney. - TWO cool suites of housekeeping rooma; reasonable; walking distance. Doug. 8939. Unfurnished Rooms. THREE unfurnished rooma, ft a month. .- 3679 Pierce St. Call Harney 7008. .-. . Hotels. COOL rooms, 82 week; also apartmenta with kitchenettes, Ogden hotel. Co. Bluffs. Rooms Wanted. WANTED Man and wife want board and room with private family near N. 24th or Florence car llnea preferred. Box 7708. Omaha Bee. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. . LA TON A APARTMENTS. Close lh; every convenience; best of ser vice. Call at 641 So. ,24th St. Phone Douglas 1533. FOUR nicely furnished rooms, private bath, use of laundry. Call Colfax 70 or Colfax 1399. Houses. THOROUGHLY modern furnished 6-room bungalow In most desirable section for rent '. during the summer months; no children; only responsible parties need apply; Wal. 76. FURNISHED home, 820 N. BOth Ave.. Dun- . dee. Phone Walnut 1252. I.ROOM COTTAGE for rent Call after. noons. 1611 California. FOR RENTHOUSES West. - , HANSCOM PARK COTTAGE. West 8lde, 6-r., all modern, 2605 8. 4th Ave. Lot 62x132, fine shade trees, large garden; lot. etc.; 2 blocks from car; fine neighborhood and a reel bargain for ' (2,860. Sea Owner, 3323 Arbor St. ' BEVen-ROOM, all modern. 106 ' South '- , Bth St. $45. John J. Mulvlhill. Realtor, .200 Brandels Theater Bldg., phone Doug- .'-laa -96. ; ' DUNDEE SUBURBS Six-room modern ... bungalow, garage, 30; reference required. i Harney 3133. . l MODERN 10-room residence; keys on premises. 2601 Capitol avenue. Telephone Harney 6664, . SEVEN-ROOM house. Hot water heat, walking distance. HarneyQ49. North. FOR RENT 1013 Grace St., 8-r. mod. house. .120.00 ALFRED C. KENNEDY CO.. - Realtor. ' 16i South 18th Bt. Douglas 722. PARTIES having nouses for rent or sale In th. neighborhood of a Basket Btore will .do. well to mention this advantage to the 'prospective renter or buyer. ' 8 kOOM house, modern except heat, wltb small garage, 316. 2811 Burdette. - South. 1 l-ROOM cottage, water and giT 231 8. 21st St. . . ' l-ROOM HOUSE 1613 Dorcas St. Central. DElGHTFUL summer accommodations. Since desirable houses and apartments are - so tllfficult to find, why not live at Wel- llhgton Inn for the summer? Very low rates on rooms and suites. . ' ' Miscellaneous. IstlCALIFORNIA ST., 8 rms J30 .3.621 -Jackson St., 7 rms $37.50 6003 California St., T rms 866 ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO.. Tyler 1636f 333 Securities Bldg. 1623 CUMING ST., 4-r. mod. apt.. $22.50. 191 N. 17th, 6-r. mod. apt, $27.50. , 1621 Capitol Ave.. 8-r mod. home, $26. 2621 Castlar. RASP BR08., 210 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. 1568 Douglas, rooming house $33.00 1616 Sherman Ave., rooming house. .$33.00 JOHN N. FRENZER. Douglas 634. ) HOUSES " IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. -V CREIGH SONS CO.. BEE BLDG LlS'f your property for rent or sale wltb - FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtora Tyler 729. , thopeo Co.. Rtela Douglas 4228. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. . ' LAST APARTMENT LEFT "' I the new, fire proof College Terrace, 'choice, outside exposure; three rooms with a-room accommodations, 340. See Janitor apartment No. 1, southeast corner 23d and . i- California or call Osborne Realty Co.. Tyler 496. HAMILTON APTS., fireproof: fine lawn and flowers during eummer: beat location, 24tb and Farnsm. Prlcea reasonsble. Call D 1472 PETERS TRUST CO. Speelaltlsts In Apartment management lb. sublet. 5-room apartmet. . No. i. The Portland; 'Park avenue ana i,eavenwor.a. Phone Harney 8066. X IZARD PALACE BLOCK Close In, few equal: 4 -room apartment: also 4-room flat, Apply 129 XT. 23d. mono ilea 4Z3Z, FOR RENT APARTMENTS North 4-ROOM, corner apt., second floor, screened porcn. moaem, tl. Apt s, jnarion; -room and aun room, new, corner. Apt 3, staple i.ourc uo. lltn ana mapie. rten ONE pleasant 4-room ground floor apart- ment; also 4-room apartment oa upper floor. Telephone Webster 333 and Web- ater-4326. MODERN, Estabrook Apts.. near poatofflce. i . t. Kj. r. stepping, m ijnicago n II l) l" I . ... i . , , .TMn heat .11 I.UII lUlUll (1.1. auuvi H v . . ' i $12 Key 2601 Corby. Webster 6756. Central. DELIGHTFUL summer eccommodatlone Since desirable houses and apartmenta ara so difficult to find, why not live at Wellington inn for the summerT Very low rates on rooma and suites. Miscellaneous. 2 ROOMS with 3-room accommoda tions tn the Coronado, 22d and Capitol Ave 333.80 4 rooma. "The Hudson." 207 S. 26th Ave. , 20.00 BENSON & MEYERS CO.. Realtors. 424 Omshn Nut Bunk Bldg. Doug. 746. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. STORE FOR RENT loth and Douglaa. 20x SO. steam heat, rent 3116 per month. WORLD REALTY CO.. Douglas 6342. Sun Theater Bldg. MODERN store, lth St.. near P. O. Low rent. fl I. Stebbtns. 1610 Chicago. Office and Desk Room. THE Bee building has offices that will please you. Belter Investigate. Key atone Investment Co.. Tyler 131. MOVING AND STORAGE ITPlTtP RENTAI SERVICE IllUlill J. 16TH AND JACKSON. DOUG. 288, STORAGE, MOVING, PACKING. REASONABLE RATES. FRFK RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. METROPOLITAN VAN e STORAGE CO. Owned and operated by Central Furni ture store; office on Howard St., between 16th and 16th. Phone Tyler 3400. Have your moving handled Just as you would an order for new furniture. That's the way we do It. Ask to see our dally rental lists. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooma for household gooda and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 806 S. 16th. Douglas 4168, Globe Van and Storage Co. r or rwa.1 service in movim. paxin$j mu torlnf call Tyler 830 or Douglai 4838. OMAHA EXPRESS CO. LARGE moving vans; carefut men. Fur- niture pack., storage. 1417 Chicago. D-3354 Jn T3 T? J?T Expresa Co., Moving, . Kj. JXCjLjLJ packing and Storage, . 1207 Farnam St Web. 2748. Doug. 6146. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. Buy a Home in Beautiful Bemis Park District 1314 N. 36th St. This 1s a good. 2 atory, 8-room, modern house, first-class condition, having living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry and Ice boi room, let floor; three largo bedrooms and barn 2d floor; paved street and ornamental lighting System throughout the district. Price low for Quick sale.' But make offer. GEORGE & CO., Doug. 756. FINE MODERN HOME 8 rooms, In fine condition, hot water heat, corner lot, paved street, fine neighborhood, plenty large shade trees, owner non-resident, must sell; easy " terms. Located In west part of Oma ha. S. S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY, ' 213 CITY NATL. BANK BLDd. WEST FARNAM HOME. PRICE ONLY $7,000. Eight rooms and bath, hardwood finish throughout; built by owner for home, choice east front lot, 40x140; cement drive and email garage. Here Is a splendid home in a desirable location, priced right. Call OSBORNE REALTY CO, 701 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 496. SIX-ROOM H0M8, half block from en trance to Field club. Beautiful location. Telephone owner. Harney 1116. WANTED To rent or sublease, strictly modern two or three-room apartment In refined neighborhood. Call Harney 870. North. NEARLY NEW 5-R. COTTAGE, $3,750 Located at 2453 Hartman Ave., one block west of 24th St. car line, where the houses are All new; has large com biantion living room, with alcove, and dining room finished in oak; well ar ranged kitchen and two nice sleeping rooma and bath on first floor; first class plumbing throughout; electric light and gas; furnace heat; corner lot; small payment down, balance about the same as rent. House now vacant ready to move Into. See us about It at once. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler 60. BEAUTIFUL NEW 6-R. BUNGA LOW. CHOICEST LOCATION, MILLER PARK $800 DOWN. PRICE $4,200, $35 MONTH, Built for a home; 5 large rooms and bath first floor; choice oak finish; one large bed room second floor. You must see this to full appreciate. Strictly mod ern. Call Tyler 496. OSBORNE REALTY CO, 701 Orraha Nafl Bank Bldg. Tyler 488. 36 1 SS H E R M AN AVE Well built. 6 large rooms and bath, Oak finish, ftrlrtly modern, elegantly deco rated, paved street, on CRr line, a good rlose-ln buy. See me for price and terms. (Special bargains.) . . TEBBENS (Realtor), 605 Omaha National Bank. Nlt'E 4-room house, city water and elec tricity. . Cheap for quick sale. Good neighborhood. See this today. WALNUT 739. 6-R. JIOD. house in Lothrop school district. For only $2,850. W. H. GATES. 647 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. D. 1294. NEW 6-room bungalow, never been occupied. Electric lights, city water. 4552 North Sixteenth street. Price $2,200. Will take In lot or auto. Douglas 3840, Colfax 4193. WE SELL. Rent. Insure and make Loans un City property. North. MITCHELL INVESTMENT CO, 24th and Ames Ave Col. 217. MlNS I. UK A 'homes and lots offer the best opnortunlty to Invest your money Phone Tvler 1X7 South. ONLY $2,600. Two cottage; one 6-room and one 4-room, good condition. Live In one and rent the other. Paving all paid. Will make (erms to suit purchaser. Located 2433 8. 20th St. Norris & Norris. 104 N. 16th St.. Phone Douglas 4270. CLOSE IN BUNGALOW. PRICE ONLY $3,100. Five rooms and bath, strictly modern; oak finish; close to Crosstown car line; $760 down and $30 per month. A Bargain. OSBORNE REALTY CO, 701 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 496. Miscellaneous. 5-ROOM HOUSE, newly decorated; not very old: facea f'ontenelle park: city water and electricity; can be handled at $25 down and balance monthly. Will show any time. Walnut 677. 6-ROOM cottage, two blocks from car, full lot, $2,000. Terms, $300 cash, balance $20 per month. BENSON AND CARMICHAEL 842 Paxton Block. FOR RENT AND BALE. BOUSES. COTTAGES AND APARTMENTS PORTER ft 8HOTWELL. 202 8. 17th St Douglas 6011. HOME "AND HOM"FiS1TES. PATNE INV. CO, 637 Omaha Nafl Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1781. FOR SALE OR RENT Five acres with four-room house, garden nearly all in. Mr. Pallas, 4134 Wirt Kt, Benson W. FARNAM SMITH CO, Real Eatet ut Insurance. Ill ruum 81 Dmg. 1M4. REM ESTATE B'net Pr'pty WB 'WILL buy your home or business property and pay caah. H. A. WOLF CO Electrlo Bldg. Tyler $3. BUSINESS property and Investment. A P. TUKET and SON. 620 First National Bank Bldg. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO.. Income, Bualneaa and Trackage. Specialist 16th and Dodge 81a Dooglas 416- REAL ESTATE To Exchange NEARLY NEW 5-room mod. cottage, 2 lots, clear, exch. on 3 or 4 improved aaree; rail Jir. Browne. Tyler 1672. '.' INTER-STATE REALTY CO.. 913-14 City Nat l. STOCK of hardware' harneas. Implements; seventy-five hundred, building twenty, five hundred. Want western Nebraska land, near, give legal numbers for reply. F. C. Worrell, Mlnden. Neb. NICE corner lut 50x150. Two blocka to car line; clear and taxeajpald. Abstracts to date. Will trade for food automobile or two cheap car. Phona Tyler 21SS. two chea p car. PhonS Ty I $5,600 equn In choice bit aection Rose , bud Ian for or S-room modern Omaha residence or small Iowa farm. Addresa owner, 40(1 So. id Bt, Norfolk. Neb. GOOD Omaha residence property to e change for clear western land, or eastern Neb. farm. Mr. Pease. 211 Bran. Th. Bldg. WILL trade 320 acres In Weld County. Colorado, for Canada land. Frank Craw ford. Rosetown.. Saskatchewan. REAL ESTATE Unimproved West. FOR SALE Equity on 1 lot In Lockwood addition, near 62d and Jackson Sta. A. J. WLIer. 1103 S. 62d St. Phone Wal nut 10S7. ELMWOOD GARDEN LOTS. $1 DOWN, $1 A WEEK. PAYNE SLATER CO REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. DUNDEE 7-R. Modern, Garage, Cor ner Lot, $4,650 7-room modern home; living room, dining room, den, kitchen 1st floor; bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch Id floor; floored attic; oak finish; corner lot; garage; 2 blocks to car line. This is the beat buy In Dundee for the money. Rea aoanble terms. Call us for an appoint ment. J. L. HIATT CO., QAAFIP.ST NATIONAL PHONB Q JUUbANK BLDG. TYLER OO Dundee Colonial Home $6,160 buys an attractive, well con structed, 2 -story, (-room and attic, modern home, colonial architecture, with tiled front vestibule, coat cloaet, central hall, large living room with brick tire place, attractive dining room, convenient kitchen, first floor; 2 corner bedrooms, tiled bathroom and outside sleeping porch, second floor, all finished In old ivory, with oak floors throughout: stair way to floored attic: full cemented base ment; nearly new. Something very good. See us about this at once. GEORGE & CO., Doug. 756. DAVENPORT STREET SPECIAL, $6,500 T rooms, practically new, consisting of the regulation living room arrange ment on first floor, finished In oak; 4 dandy good bedrooms, finished In white enamel; tile bath and vestibule; full basement, excellent furnace. Owner leaving the city. This Is an exception ally well constructed house and can be handled on reasonable terms. Beauti ful shade trees. Quick action required. GLOVER & SPAIN, , Douglas 2162. 111-20 City National. HIGH and alghtly Dundee: lota, $676 to $1,160. Easy terms. Loan arranged for building purposes. Pbone D. 6074. Shuler & Cary, Realtors. Florence. SIX rooms, all modern, oak floors, two years old, one block to car lne, four blocks north of Mlna Lusa; chicken house, lot and garage; lot 80x160 feet; set in young fruit; thla Is an exceptional bargain at $3,000. 3104 Webster St. Tele phone Florence 603. Acreage. ACRES HALF ACRES. QUARTER ACRES In Caldwell's Acres, Omaha's newest acreage, subdivision located southwest of Field club. Prices low. Terms easy. Call THE BYRON REED CO., Phone Doug. 297. 212 S. 17th. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE aeveral good reliable buyera for 6 and 6-room houses and bungalows wltb $300 to $600 down. Call Osborne Realty Co. Tyler 498. 701 Om. Nat- Bank Bldg. WANTED Modern flat, value $30,000 to $40,000. Address P. O. Box 473, Onawa, la. MEET me at F D Wead's Office FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. WE want 100 mortgagee on Omaha resi dences; funds on hand for quick closing. E. H. LOUGEE. INC., 638-40 Keellne Bldg. QUICK ACTION ON LOANS. W. T. GRAHAM. 604 Bee Bldg. Douglas 1632. DIVIDENDS OF 6 PER CENT OK MORE. One dollar atarts an account. OMAHA LOAN ft BLDG. ASSOCIATION. ri C7 FARM LOANS, PAUL PETERSON. 72 364 BRANDEIS THEATER BLDG. H. W. BINDER, Money on hand for mortgage loans. City National Bank Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1014 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 271$. CITY AND FARM LOANS. 6, 64 and Per Cent Jf. H. DUMONT CO., Keellne Bldf. 512 HARISON ft MORTON. 119 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg, 18th and Farnam Sta. MONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranches. Kloke Investment Co, Omaha. Piivate Money. SHOPEN ft COMPANY. Douglaa 4228. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY W. H. Thomas & Son, Keeline Bldg. LOW RATES C. G. CARLBERG. 212 Bran dels Theater Bldg. D. 686. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands. MAY 21ST. Our next excuralon to McOehee, Ark. W 8 FRANK. 201 NEVILLE BLK. Illinois Lands. FOR SALE 400 acrca Baldwin county, Alabama, land, all titled. In center county, near Loxley. 13i-st farming dis trict In south- Three nitles out. Fifteen acres oranges, full crop this year. Fifteen acres perana of three different varletlea. Well fenced. Good house. Good north ern barn. Concrete foundation. Good well. Full set farming Implements. Sell quick at $9,000. WESTERN BOILER PIPE COMPANY. Monmouth. 111. Iowa Land 200 ACRES Iowa farm, Improved. good 'house and barn. Cash price $135 per acre. Want good mortem home aa payment. Good terms on balance. Writ Box 642, Murray, la. .. Kansas Lands. 40, 60 OR 160 ACRES; GOOD HEAVY soil; well settled part of Todd county. Minn.; good. roads, schools and churches. Price $15 to $22.60 per acre; terms $1 an acre caal balance $1 an aero a year; 6,000 acres to select from. To actual set tlers who w.U pu'. up buildings and improve 'land we will give deed and take mort gage back for full purchase prlco for 6 or 10 years, 6 per cent Interest. Schwab Bros., 1028 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms, $50 per a., including paid-up water rights. Henry Levi tail, Rylander. 864 Omaha, JJat'L FARM AND RANCH LANDS Missouri Lands. MISSOURI $10 and down, $6 monthly, buys 40 acres good farm and fruit land near town, southern Missouri. Price only $20C Box 85, Mt. Vernon. Ill Montana Lands. FOR SALE Judith basin land; 280 acre level land. mile from Stanford; 174 acres in wheat, all fenced; running water. $75 per aero. Stanford Ranch Co.. Stan ford, Mont, Nebraska Lands. NEBRASKA FARM LANDS ARK SURE INVESTMENTS. For beat landa at beat prices wrl'e Geo. Amlll. Blair. Nen. WRITE m for pictures and prlcea my farms and ranches in good Old Dawea County. Arab L. Hungerford, Crawford. Neb. MUST SELL my two farms. Writ Owner, Bx 476. Burwell. Neb. Miscellaneous. . Equipped 100 Acre Farm With Retail Milk Route On main road, only 14 mile to town; fertile cropping fields, brook -wa tered paature, estimated 400 cords wood; lO.OOu feet timber (H mil to aaw mill), 160 - maple trees, augar houae. pans; neat room houae, good barn, silo, ice house, etc.; owner In ether business; Includes pr. young horses 8 good oows, 2 heifers. -bull, mower, plows, harrows, cultlvstors. sprayer, potato digger, wagons, pung, hot. ties, to all for $4,200, part down; de tails page 8, Strout's Catalogue: your copy free. E. A. Strout Farm Agency, Pepf. 3072. 206 S. 18th St., Omaha Neb. RANCHES of all aiaes and kinds', easy terms. A Patsman. $01 Karhach Rlk. CHOICE FARVS Vllason. 428 Rose Bldg FARM LAND WANTED FARMS WANTED. Don't Hat your farm with us if you want to keep It. K. P. SNOWDEN ft SON. 610 Electrlo Bldg Douglaa 9371. WANTED 20.000 acres of Kimball and Banner county land. Muat be first-class farm land. Improved 'or unimproved. Ad dresa Box Y 4S7. Omaha Bee. Horses -Live Stock Vehicle! For Sale. FOUR head good work horses, all sound and in good condition, weighing from 1,160 to 1.460. G. E. Harding Coal Co., 28th and J. South Side, Omaha. FOR SALE On team of gray horses. 6 yeara old, weight 1.600 and straight. Jones Transfer Co., 14 No. Main St., Council Bluffs, Iowa FOR SALE 10 Holsteln cows and heifers. Apply F. C Bliss, 154 Exchange Bldg., South Omaha. HOLSTEIN cow for sale. Inquire David Menagh. 118 Farnam St. POULTRY AND PET STOCK 2.000 DAY-OLD chicks, Rocks, Reds, Or pingtons, Leghorns. Webster 1708. 2211 Charles. BARRON S. C. W. Leghorn eggs for hatch ing May 20, $4 per 100. Mrs. M. W. Saxton, Decatur, Neb. RHODE ISLAND RED eggs for setting. 8112 Burt St. Harney 288S. MONEY TO LOAN Organised by th Bualneaa Men ot Omaha. FURNITURE, pianos and notes security. $40, 6 mo.. 11. goods, total, $8.60. Smaller, larger am'ts. proportional rat. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY 4 32 Securities Bid g., 16th. Farnam. Ty. 866. Loans or diamonds and jewelry. 10 smaller loans. oct j- 10 w. c flatau est. 1811. o 6th flr. securities bldg. ty. 160. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates. Prlvat loan booths. Harry Malashorfc. 1614 Dodge. P. 6618. Est. 1661. Rich Farm Land $25 to $35 Per Acre We are offering for sale several quarter sections 'and one-half sec tions of good, level, black loam soil, located close to town and railroad, in South Dakota, east of the Mis souri -river, from $25 to $35 per acre that will grow good corn, alfalfa, wheat, oats, speltz and barley; also heavy grass and where you find many good farms adjoining. This land will surely increase in value this year and is no doubt the best place to buy land at the present time. See us about it at. once. Terms caiu be arranged very easy at the present time and a good, safe place to invest some money. i.. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. Phon Tyler l. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Peter J. Selzle and wife to Minnie E. Neale, Poppleton avenue, 120 feet east of Twenty-second street, north elde, 40x168 ., f 1.TB0 Omaha Loan and Building association to Morris Mlnken et al, Eighteenth Street, 200 f6et south of Sprague street, east side, 40x125 1,400 Emma Umsted to George B. Thum mel and wife. Vane street, 121.6 feet west of Twenty-eighth avenue, north side. 62x100 ,itt Vogel Investment company to Joseph T. O'Rourke, Twenty-fourth street, 40 feet south Of B street, east side, 40x160 Joseph M. Stevenson and wife to Ouy D. Solomon, southesst coroner Thirty. flrBt snd King street, 112x122 Elbert A. Holslngton and wife to Jesse I.. Schults et al, Newport street, 169.5 feet west of Twenty eighth street, north sld. 42x120.. 4,800 Peter Gravert and wife to Bernard H. Post, northwest corner Military avenue and Maple street, irregular piece 13,000 Murray E. Blair and wife to Mollle M. Travis, Plnkney street, 172.6 feet west of Twenty-fourth street, south side, 40x90 2.925 Martha Stone Adams and husband to Charles A. Masnuson, Mason street, 116 feet west of Thirty-eighth street, north side, 40x112 4,200 Alex o. Oustafson and wife to Van Brunt Automobile company, north east corner Forty-ninth and De catur street, 60x125 490 Trueman B. Barnes and wife to Samuel H. Ackerman, Franklin street, 120 feet east of Thirty-sixth street, 60x124 George K. Conrey snd wife to Loy A. English, northeast corner Thlrty elgth and Spauldlng streets, 80x134 300 Irenaeus ffhuler and wife et a I to Ernest W. Richardson, Fifty-third afreet, 250 feet north of Howard street, west aide, 60x118 1.600 Rose M. Acken and husband to Anna M. Burke. Newport avenue. 295.6 feet west of Twenty-eighth avenue, north aid. 42x120 .3 Edward T. Heyden and wife to France Buttery. Thirty-fourth street. 600 feet north of Rargnf, east side. Irregular appr., 400x400. 2,000 Niels Serlnsen and wife to Tony Marflsl et al, nnrthesst corner-Twentv-thlrd and Bancroft streets. 45x70 3,200 timet S. Redlck to John R. Beckett, northeast corner Thirty-seventh and X streets, 131x160 600 The George Nugent Home for Baptlats to Zella Berks, Eighteenth street, 4 feet north of Caatelar atreet. east side, 47x102 .' 1,069 David K. Buck and wife to Arthur Graff, Twenty-seventh street, 84 feet south of Manderson street, street, west side, 42x67 ............ 1,11 OMAHA LIYE STOCK Cattle Steady to 10 Cents Lower; Hogs Suffer Big Slump; Sheep Sell at Weaker Prices. Omaha. May 23, 121$. Receipts wers: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday .00 6,777 6,674 Official Tuesday 13.061 14,706 6. 142 Official Wednesday .. I.ItT 16.442 7,474 Estimate Thursday ... 4.000 17.600 $.600 Four daya thla week .11.027 6T.T2T 24,661 Same daya last week. ti.636 21,l Same days 2 wks ago.Jl.0J5 65,325 24.s2 Same daye 2 wka ago.26.994 6.02 - 26.663 Same days lsst year.. 17.181 46.660 1.110 Receipts and disposition ef live stork at the Union atock yarda. Omaha, for 14 hours ending at t p. m. yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. 8hep. CM. St. P 7 11 Wabaah $ Union Pacific 41 7 t Missouri Paclflo 4 1 I C. N. W , east 10 7 1 C. N. W , weat 30 7t 2 C., St. P.. M. 0 13 3 3 C B. A Q , eaat 16 ( C, B. A Q , weat '.. 10 3 4 C R. I. A P., eaat 17 4 C R. T A P.. weat 1 1 Chicago Great West...... Ill Total receipts 163 151 15 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hoga. Shesp. Morris A Co 663 3,126 612 Swift A. Co 753 2.0 2.044 Cudahy Packing Co.. 0 4.246 2.656 Armour Co 661 4.64.1 1,166 J. W. Murphy 1,100' Lincoln Packing Co... 73 S O. Pack. Co 4 Wilson Packing Co.. ISO F. B. Lewis 235 J. B. Root A Co 1 .1. H. Bulla 1 Rosenstock Bros 6 , . F. G. Kellogg 34 Werthelmer Degen 74 Sulllvsn Bros. 23 Rothschild ft Krebs. 8 Mo. A Ksn. Calf Co.. 4T Christie 64 Hlgglns I Huffman 6 ,. Roth 0 Baker, Jones 8.... 6 Banner Bros 26 John Harvey 283 Dennis Francis.... 12 Jensen Lungren... 23 ..... O'Day 15 Other buyers 676 13 Total 1,007 14.437 6.143 Cattle Th market with 4.000 head ef cattl. or 168 cars, on sale, making receipts 31.000 for ths four days, ss compared with 26,000 a week ago and 27,200 the corre sponding week a year ago. Quality of the offerings waa common today, including not many beet steers, and early trading waa slow and around steady to 10s lower. Choice beeves are selling anywhere from 117.00 17.60, fair to good grades from $16,004) 16.75, and frorfl that on down. A com pared with a week ago, th steer market is 25076c lower, the medium and commoner kinds showing the largest decline. Yesr llnga have been In heavy supply all week and trading on a ctch-a-ratch can order showing a decline anywhere from 60o to $1.60 from a week ago. flood to choice yearlings sre quotable from $15. 00 16.00, fair to good from $12. ooiff 14.60 and the common to fair from 18. 50011. 60. Butcher atock was holding around steady this morn ing and around 60"6o lower for th week. Good rowa are quotable from $11,000 11.60, while cannera are generally quotable from $7. 60l. 76, Bull are sharply lower for the week and quotable from $5.60 Jp 13.60, the bologna types snd hesvy beef bulls showing a decline of 60676c. Veal calves are generally ateady today and steady for the week, quotable from $(.009 12.60. Good to choice beevee, 117. 17.50; fair tn good beevea, $16.16916.T5; common to fair leaves, $12.26t14.A0; good to choirs year lings. $16.76916.76; fair to good yearlings, $14. 0015. 60; common to fair yearlings, IP 6014.00; good to choice heifers, $12,760 14.60; good to choice cows, $12.00 18.50; fair to good cows, $9.7511.75; cutters, $8.7513)9.76; cannera, $7.60f 8.60; veat calves, $9.001S.00; bologna bulls, $8.60910.00; beef bulls, $10.00012.75; prim feeders, $13.00913.00; good to choice feeders, $10,269 II. 75; fair to good feeders, $(.0091000; good to choice stockera, $10.00912.00; fair to good stockers, $8.7699.76; common to fair grades, $7.6098.60; stork heifers, $8.60 910.60; stork cows. $7. 60910.00; stock calves, $8.60911.60. Hogs There were 254 loads of hogs re ceived her- today estimated at 17,800 head, making the total for the four days this week 67,727 head. Hogs suffered a big slump today. The market opened 10c to 15c lower and continued to weaken through out the entire session, rinsing fully 20 to 25a lower then yesterday. The bulk of sales were (16. TI to $16.65, tops only reach ing 117.06. Sheep Sheep receipts today amounted to 24 loads, estimated at 6,600 head, making th total tor th four days thl week 24,(61 hesd. There Is not a great demand for the wooled offerings now arriving and these lambs ara selling at steady to weaker prices. Some more shorn Mexicans war Included in todsy's receipts and brought 15c above yesterday's price selling at $16.75, the better quality of shorn lambs brought 10O higher figures than yesterday and the commoner kind aold about ateady. The general market early was lOo higher. She ,i quotations: Good to choice lambs, $1.2691.80; fair to choice lambs, $17.60 916.00; fair to choice yearlings, $16.00 17.60; fair to choice wethers, $14.60916.50; Mr to choice ewes, $12.00913.00; spring lamba. $16.00 911.00. Representative sales: No. Av. Price. 268 spring lambs 81 i 25 4 cull lambs (0 12 60 283 Mexican lambs 4$ 14 76 2(2 Mexican lamb 66 II 65 1 clip swe (0 11 00 46 ewes 14 12 00 26 spring lamba 44 IT 60 2 bucks 225 11 00 37 cull ewes 125 13 35 6 cull ewes 102 6 00 $0 spring lambs.... 68 1 00 I clip lamb 106 19 10 Kb Loals Live Stock Market. 8t. Louis, May 11. Cattle Receipt. 1,100 head; market, steady; native beef steers, III. 60917.60; yearling steers and heifers, $(.50916.60; cows. $7.50)13.76; stockera and feeders, 8.6012.00; fair to prime southern beef steers, f 1 0.00 15.60 : beef cows and heifers, $6.00913.50; native calve, $7.75915.50. Hogs Receipts. 12,600 head; market, low er: lights. $17.40917.60; pigs. $10.50917.60; mixed snd butchers, $17.2617.60; good heavy, $17.20917.40; bulk of sales, 117.209 17.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 700 head; market, ateady; lambs, $15.00916.26; ewea, $16.00917.00; wethers, $16.60917.00; can ners and choppers, (6.5099.60. Kansas City Live Stork Market. Kansas City, May 23. Cattle Receipts, 2,500 head; market steady; prime fed steers, $16.90917.40; dressed beef steers. $13,009 14.76; western steers, $14.00917.35; cows, $S.25fl)14.00; heifers, $9.50915.00; stockers. and feeders. $9.76015.76; bulla, $8.00911.60; calves, (8.60913.00. Hogs Receipts, 6,000 head; market, steady; bulk of sales, (17.1017.!0; heavy, $17.00917.15; packers and butchera, $17.06 (017.26; light, $17.00917.25; pigs, $17,009 17.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 4,500 head; market, atrong; lambs, $16.25919.80; year II nits, $14.0063)17.00; wethers, $13.00916.50; ewes, $11.50915.00. Chicago Live Stork Market. ChlcsgO, May 23. Cattle Receipts. 13.000 head; market, weak; native steers, $10.40 17.60; stockers and feeders, $9.25913.25; oows snd heifers, $7.2514.75; calves, $8.00 14.50. Hogs Receipts, 33,000 head; market, weak; 1015o under yesterday's average; bulk ot sales, $17.35917.75; light, $17.35 17.80; miked, (17.O517.80; heavy, (16.35 17.60; rough, (16.35911.75; pigs, (14.76 17.60. Sheep snd Lambs Receipts. 11.000 headi market, firm; aheep, (9.70914.75; lamba; $13.26916.60. t. Sioux City Live Stock. Sioux City, May 23. Cattle Receipts. 1. 600 hesd; market slow and steady; beef steers, $12.00(317.75; fat cowa and heifers, $9.00914.00; canners. (7.2598.60; Blockers and feeders, $9.O012.00; calves. $8.00 13.00; bulls, stags, eta. $9.00912.50; feed ing cows and heifers, (760 9 10.60. Hogs Receipts, 9,000 head: market 6o to 10c lower; light, (16.9S017.1O; mlxe.d (16.80914.(5; heavy, (16.70916.60; pig, (16.00917.75; bulk of sales, (16.80917.06. Sheep snd Lambs Receipts, 100 head; market steady. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. David E. Buck and wife to Carl R. Hersmeer, southwest corner Twenty-seventh and Manderson streets, 42x67 ..- 6,100 Dora Ellis tc Mabel Lunnqulst, Forty second street. 100 feet south of Ixard itrtet, west side, (0x100.... 1,100 GRAIN ANDPRODUCE Corn Steady to 2 Cents Low er; Oats Off One to One and a Half Gents; Barley Trade Slow. Omaha. May 31, 1(1$. Carlot receipts of grain In th locl mar ket were (( cars, compared with IT cars yesterday. Wheat receipt were ( ears; corn. 41 cars, and oats, 19 can. No rye or barley showed up. Cash corn showed a weakening tendency. th pot ranging from unohanged to to lower, practically all of th offering being discounted lo and ie, with k vary few cars selling at yesterday's figures. Good safe corn wss In active demand, while th poorer graaea went slowly Arrival war again exceptionally light, and a moat ot th re ceipts are elevator shipments from coun try points to terminal markets, th spot market 1s left largely to elevator Interests. Prices In the No. 6 grade were: No. 1 white. 11.6 and $1.70; No. 1 yellow. $14$ and $1.(4; No. 1 mixed. 11.61 and 116.1. Oats followed In the decline, selling oft generally 1 and me. the bulk ot th com mercial gradea aelllng off a rent, while th lower grades showed sn additional o loss. Noa. 1 snd 1 white est sold at 7(H. snd th No. 1 whit at 74 He No. 4 whit and sample grade oat cold at 74c and 72Hc respectively. On car ef barley, carried over from yea- terday, grading No. 3, brought $1.25. Th Inquiry for this cereal ws rather slow. Clesrsnres were: Wheat and flour equal to 46.000 bushels; corn none; oat. 10.000 bushels. Primary wheat receipts were 237.0OO bush el and shipment 62,000 bushels, against receipts of (20,000 bushel and shipments of 1,(76.000 bushels laat year. Primary com recelpte war 867,000 bush el and shipments (34.000 bushels, against receipts of 481 ooo bushels and shipments of 474,000 bushels last year. Primary oata receipts were 474.000 bushels snd shipments (77,000 bushels, sgalnst re ceipts of 630.000 bushel and shipment of 693.000 bushel last yesr. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. 0ls Chicago 1 34 ( Minneapolis 170 Duluth t Omaha 41 19 Kanaas City 4 6( 1( St. Loul 16 17 WL.nlpeg 1(1 These sale wer reported today: Corn No. 1 whit: 1 ear, (1.71; 1 car. (1.72. No. 1 whit: 4 car. (1.70; 1 oars, (l.6(. No. 4 white: 1 oar, (1.64; 1 ear. (1.62. No. $ white: 1 ear. 11.(4; 1 car, (1.61. Sample whit: 1 car, (1.11; 1 ear, (1.06.. No. 1 yellow: I ears, (i.71. No, 1 yellow: 1 car, $1 61. No. I yellow) 1 ear, (1.64; 1 car, $1.61. No. 4 yellow: 1 ear, $1.41; 1 car, (1.61. No. yellow, 1 car. (1.45. No. 1 mixnd: 1 car. (1.63; 1 car. (1.41; 1-1 oar. (1 62. No. ( mixed: 1 ear, $1.46; I cars, $1.10; 1 car, (1.11. flampl mixed! 1 car. (1.10; 1 car, $1.01. Oata No. 1 white; 1 ear, Ktte. No. t white: 1 car, 7 IS Vie. No. 1 whit: I ears, 74 c; 1-1 car, 74He. No. 4 whit: 1 ear, 74c. Cample whit: I ear, 7 Hie. No. 1 mixed: 1 car, 73 toe. Farley No. 3: 1 oar, (1.26. W heat No. 2 hard whit: I car. ($.11. Omaha Ch Price Com t No. I whit, (1.7291.73; No. I white, (1.6901.70; No. 4 white, $1.6291. 64: No. I white, $1.1$91 64; sample white, (1.0691-12; No. 1 yellow, (t.68; No. 1 yellow, (1.6201.64; No. 4 yel low, (161; No. 6 yellow, (1.46; No. I mixed. (1.4201.61; No. mixed, (1.1691.41; sample mixed, (1.0501.10. sample mixed, (1.06 911.10. Oata: No. t whit, 17Vie; No. 4 whit. 74o ainpl, 114c Barley: No. 1, (1.16. Chicago closing prices, furnished Th Bee by Logan A Bryan, (took and grain brokers, 316 South Sixteenth atreet. Omaha: Artlcle Open High Low Close Tst. Corn. May 1 40H 1 40H 116H 1 IT 14AU July 1 41 to 1 43to 18(44 14 140 Oata. May 76to 768. 74 76 to 74 July 66 67 ( 66 47 Pork May 41 87 41 67 41 (0 41 10 41 1$ July 42 16 41 16 41 70 41 70 41 II Lard May 14 17 14 (7 24 10 14 10 14 II July 14 60 14 IT 24 10 14 10 14 II Rib. ) July II 70 11 TI 11 10 II I 11 TI CHICAGO GRAIN AND FROTTSIOITS. Bearish Sentiment Dominates Trading Corn Crop P roe peer Bearish factor. Chicago, May 18. Report that th amount of replanting neceewary thl year was under normal did a good deal today to put the corn market on the down grade. Price rinsed heavy, 110 off, with June (1ST and July 11.11 to 11.40. th Inweat figure this season for each delivery. Oat declined 92o and provision ll66o. Corn ranged downward almost th entire day, but especially during th laat hour. Currant ' advices Indicated that seed waa germinating better than had been expected a result due. It waa said, to unusual ear In selecting seed and to th excellent eon dltton the soil ws In to receive the grain. Bearish sentiment developed also from th prospect that th movement of corn after planting Is finished would be large. Bom authorities maintained In thl connection that liberal supplies on farm were still the rule. Favorable weather for the completion of planting tended likewise totiandicap the bulls. Oats weakened, owing largely to th out. look for Increased receipts aa soon s corn planting Is out of the way. Exporters took 100,000 bushels, but later withdrew entirely from th market. Provisions gave way with grain and hog. At time bualneaa waa nearly at a stand still. Chicago, May 21. Butter, unchanged. Kkks Lower; receipts. 20.474 esses: firsts, 10. 032c; ordinary firsts, 2l3(o; at mark, cases Included, 29931c. Potatoes Market higher; receipt, 14 cars; Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota bulk, (1.0001.10; do, Sachs. l. 1501.25. Poultry Alive, lower; fowls, !(. New Yerk Produce. New Torh, Mey 13. Flour Steady; springs. $10.7(91126: winters, (10.(6 11 16; Kansas, (10.I09U.26. Corn Spot, unsettled; kiln dried 'No. 1 yellow, (1.80; No. 4 yellow, 11.70 . I (., New Tork. Oata Spot, weak; natural, II H 828. Feed Unsettled; barley feed. (31.60; eat feed. $25. not corn feed meal, $5.00; ry mid dllngs, (53.00. Hay Weak; No. 1, nominal; No. 1, $1.40; No. I, (1.1001,20; shipping, 70 (0a Hops Julet; state medium to choice, 1117, 16943b; 1111, nominal, Paclflo coast, 1117, 10922c; 1(11, 14l6c. Provisions Pork, unsettled: mess, (61.00 51.10; family, (61. 00011.00; hort clear, (47.009(2.00. . Lard Weak: mlddl weat, (54.6034.70. Tallow Easier; city pclal loose, lTo. New Tork. May 21. Butter Market, barely ateady; receipt, . 16,161 tub; creamery, higher than extra, 44 46c; sxtraa (91 score), 44c; firsts, 4143too; packing atock current make. No. 2, 290 29 e. Egg Market, irregular; receipts,' 41,741 cases; fresh gathered extras, 26937c; fresh gathered atorage packed firsts, 34 0 26c; do, regular packed extra first, 14 36c; do, firsts, 32 9 240. Cheese Market, ateady; receipts, 1,201 boxes: state whole milk flat, fresh specials, 23c; do, average run, 22c, Poultry Alive, firm; rooster, 11; turkeys, 20c; fowls, 27c. Dressed poultry, market quiet and unchanged. Sanaa City Grain Mark. Kansss City, Mo., May 11. Cera No. 1 i--A II tlMil Cl Vn 4 white. I1.71A I II I , I.ll I I " ' - " - ' - --w 1.78; No. 1 ysllow, (1.6:01.66; May, 11.11; JUly, 11.44. Oata No. 1 white, 71c; No. t mixed, TT977e. Rye (1.18911. Kansas City, Mo.. May 21 Butter and Poultry Market unchanged. Eggs Firsts 10c; seconds, II. Minneapolis Grain, Minneapolis. May 2$. Corn. No. I yel low, (1.6001.60. Oats No. 2 white, 71T3. Flax (3.9003.92. , Rye (2.002.02. Barley (1.1601.43. Bran (28.15038.25. Coffe Market. New Tork, May 21. Coffee Rio No. 7, 8c; futures, steady; July, 7.(3c; October, 8.29c New Tork, May 28. Spot coffee, dull; Rio 7a, !c; Santos 4s, 1011C Bt. Loul Grabs. St. Louis, Mo., May 23. Corn N. 1, (1.61; No. 1 white. (1.7I1.80; July, (1.45. Oats No. 2, 74o; July, (5o bid. Dnluth Linseed. Duluth, Minn., May 21. LInaeed (3.12 3.98; arrive, (3.(3; May, (3.(3 bid; July. (3.(7 asked; October, (3.68 bid New York Cot tea. New Tork. May 21. Cotton closed steady at a nt declln el II to II point. NEW YORK STOCKS Downward Movement Followed by Spirited Sally in U. 8. Steel and Other Leaden; Mar ket Closes Firm. New Tork, May II Downward readadjust- v ment of quoted values continued to feature today' stock markst until ' th last half hour when a spirited rally in United States Steel and a few other leader caused a firm close. New element entered Into th technlrsl situation at the eutaet ef th session, created by the failure of th War board to ' advanc copper price and th more serious rAnaMerattAlt mfArAmA w a e hlillatlns fr.n th western battle front. . , Rail again expressed th .' Chang In , speculative eentlment occaaloned by : th government' plan of unified control and bullish ardor Buffered further restraints from th Washington advice bearing upon , Increased war taxes. - Thea and related factor. Including the ;. failure of th Baldwin Locomotive, director to act on th common dividend, gav th , abort Interest a pretext to attack th gen. . etal Hat. which reacted 1 to 1 point In th several recessions. . Price wer at their worst In th Utter ' part of th trading, but Steel's vogoroua re bound from 106 to 104. a net gain of practically 1 points, served as a naming to th bears,-who covered urgently. v The- hrp upswing waa equally effective In other Industrials and equipments, aleo : many specie Itles. Including Sumatra Te la coo. which recorded a new maximum on li extreme rls of 4 to 134; Colorado Fuel; Linseed Common and preferred, Cot ton Oil, Lackawanna Steel and Wilson Packing. Bonda again showed Irregular tendencies, a very large block of Liberty 4 'is selling at i th minimum of (7.60. Total sales par ' value aggregated (4. (76,000. . , " Old United States bonds wer unchanged on call, but registered 2a and 4 rose , ' per cent and S per cent respectively on sales. Number of isles and quotations on lnu. Ing stocks; t;irs nit Sales, High Lov. Bid. Am. Reel Sugar... 200 T3 ' 71 ' 7;! American Can 10.7M 47 45 4C-Y Am. Car ft Found'y 3.1,00 78 '77 ,s, ' Am. Looomotlve .. 2.000 8 , 46 Am. Smelt. A Ref . , (,joo (1 80 $0 Am. Sugar Ref.... 700 112 112 tl American T. A T . . 1.800 (9 (7 ' 99 Am. Z. L. A S ... 400 16 It 4 Anaconda Copper.. 14,100 17 45 Alrnlaon 900 16 14 84 AOAWI8SL 1,000 110 101 109 Bait. A Ohio 1,800 14 13 11 ' 5' topper.... 1,300 131 113 12.7 Cal. Ptroleum u Canadian Paclflo... 1,900 141 144 141 Central Leather .. 1,300 ( u ( Che. Ohio ...... 40 I7 lt 17 o ?' n09 $Z.n K tlt-' -m 23 i' 3i China Copper .... 1.400 14 43 4-14 Colo. Fuel A Iron.. 14.100 i 47 iv Corn Prod. Ref.... l,mo 42 41 4! Cruclbl Steel Jo.lOO ,8 ' 6714 Cuba can Hugar.. ' 1.10 81 . 31 jju Distiller Sec 14.300 61 60 41 Brl .............. -ioo' 11 - 16 IS General Klectrle.,.. S , m !l';,.vMoto m " n Ot. Northern pfej.. 1,10 9( , gt gau " Ot N. Or etfe.... 1,409 14.10 SI Illlnol. Central,,.. tllh Inspiration Copper.. 6.100 14 (3 ' 11 ' Int M. M. pfd.... 11,900 102 M 101 Int, Nickel t 2 28 28 , !J't.PiP,r.L-,'M K 39 40 K. C. Southern..,. (09 174 17U jyu Kennecot Copper.. 1,(00 13 12 31 Loutavlll A Nash 114 Maxwell Motor .... ..... ..u ''". . T " 'ii M " Miami Copper .... 100 11 19 it MImouH Paeifl ,.. . Met Montana Power ....... j Nevada Copper.... too 11 '10' sou N. T, Central 1.100 75ti iu. n7 N. T.. H H.... 11.700 41 . 40 4 Norfolk A West.. 800 104 101 ll Northern Paclflo.. 700 15 llu iiu paclflo Mall.; ai Paclflo T. Ar T . . . ! 20U Pennsylvania .... 1,809 48 48 43 Pittsburgh Coal... 1.600 61 61 ' 61 Ray Con. Copper.. 1,00 1 16 n 5""" 11,(00 (7 66 6T Rep. Iron A Steel.. 6,400 88 86 88 Shattuok Arl. Copper ., jT Bouth.rn Paclflo.... 4.100 14 i 83 Stadsbaker Corp.. 1,009 -41 41 42 T Co.... ,ot 1114 l4,5 u,5 UniM. Paeifl......... 11 m no jui, U. S. Ind Alcohol 6,709 131 111 (lit ir i '"M.W ! 106 10v tt n .. - : irr.w ::tz '"' . ... . ,v 4JU' nue, nan . . Wtah Oopp.r.... 1,400 12 . 814? ..uwn pia b . ,... ..... .,1.,, ''33 Western TJnlon coo at . .i,.7 Weettnghouse Else. I.TOO 44 42 41 J xotai sale for th day 875,000 (hares. New Tork Money, c. ' New Tork fev f . . . - -, j - wvri-.uwi uaper Four and lx months, I per cent Sterling 8gty-dy bill. 4.T1; mm. merclal un. ' ., ... commercial bill; (4.71;. de- . .... .... . - . mu, caoies, f.7 f-jfi. . ' r ranee jjemano, 5.71 I Cable, I.T0. Oullder Demand, 48c cable, 49c. 1 Lira Demand. 19.07; cable. K.Og. Ruble Demand. llu,. ...hi.. 1,-. - - - I -"IL, , TV , nominal. . Silver Bar. Ile, Bond Oovernment. keaw-,,. 4 easy ' 1 $ Time T.iY,.fa Bleed.,. - . ., . . " - , -i.i j-M.f,. OTISf par cent; ninety-days and aix months, I f Lull, Ullb , . .1 -. . . ' ..j, V Call money Firm; hlghi I; low,- 4; last loan, I. . U. S. 2s. reg... 17'Gt. N. 11 4 II U. S. Is, coup. 17I. C. rt. I 7l tJ. ft. 1. rg.... 99 Int. M. M. 6.; (1 U. S. la, Ooupon (9K. C. 8. ref. 6s.. 70 " V. B. Lib. !a.. (I L. A N. an. 4s - U.-8. 4s. reg.. 101 M K A T let 4s II -U. S. Is, roup.. 105 M. Pac. gen. 4s 6 Am. For. See 6s (Mon. Power 6s,, 89 Am. T. A T. . 6 II N. T. C. db... 94 Anglo-French 6 (2N. P. 4 :.:tl AM A P. t U. m It VT ....! . - I I J Atchison gen: 4 82 O. fl. L. ref. 4s.1., 81 ....... ww, . y " - , , 1 . . , bviiiu n. it, vai b. m v. c. s s r. t. ft T. 6s. '0 eCt&.V C , . -. . . . ' ... '. -ecu. niri r. ub n reus. COn-eB.. 99 Cn T-keta R SK . , , ..ay T. Cn. Paclflo 1st.. 81Readjng gn. 4s 14 v ac v. hi, om , . si nbSIKI US,, ! H CM B. A )., y 4 (3S. Pae. I.. (3 C M A S P ( 76 Southern Ry I., ti ' C R 1 A P,r 4 I7T. A P. 1st..., II ' C. A 8. ref. 4s 71tTnion Paclflo 4.. 11 ; D. A ft. O. r. I 85 U. S. Rubber 6s.. 60 D. Of C t (11) tU. & Steel I.. (I Erie gen. 4.... 14 Wabash 1st.... 11 Oencral Kleo. I lirrench gev.1 11 Bid. .f ' London Money. Lftndbn, May S3, Silver Bar', 48d per banc. Money 2 percent. Discount Rate Short bills, 1 per cent; -thr month bills. 1 l-ll per cent' - - " 1 -' Sv V. ., . Omaha Bay Mark. - , Rclpt of pralrl hay and alfalfa lighter, : and with th demand improving caused th market to advance on all grade. Th better grade of hay and alfalfa U readily medium grade move slowly. Choice upland pralrl hay, 111.60; No, 1, $1. 00011. 00; No. 2, $11.00914.00, No. I. ' (6.9001.00; No. 1 midland, ll.018.0e; No. I midland, $11.10014.00; No. 1 lowland, 00011.00; No. 1, (7.0008.00; No, I. 6.l 6.00. Choice alfalfa, (24.00; No. 1. (19.50021. 60; . tandard, $16.00ll.00; No. 2, (12.50016.(0; No. I, 110.60912.00. Oat straw, (8.0097.60; wheat, (5.0001.16. Evaporated Apple and Dried Fruit. New Tork, May 21 Evaporated Apples Dull; California, 1416c; state, ,,15 16 c. Dried Fruit Prunes Firm; California, !14c; Oregon, 1214c. Apricots, Quiet; choice, 17c; antra choice, lie;.': fancy, 1(0200. Peachea, quiet; standard. ' ,. 11012c; choice, 12914o; fancy, 16 ; 14c. Raisins, steady; looae muscatel, le; choice te fanoy seeded, 10 lie; aeedle, . (U; London layer. 12. St. Joseph Lira Stock. Bt Joseph, Mo., May 21. Cattle Re ceipts, 2,000 head; market alow and weak; steers, $12.00017.75; cow and heifers; 17.48 16.00; calve. 17.00912.60. Hogs Reolpt. 1 000 head; markat steady; top. 117.25; hulk, (17.00017.20. Sheep and Lamb Receipt. 809- , head; market teady; lamb, $16.00911.75; ewa, : (19.00916.50. . .,, . , TarpenUa aal Roeln. - Savannah, Ok., May 13. Tufpnlln '.-. Steady; 47c; receipts, 141 bbla; shipment, ' 861 bbla; (took, 11,178 bbls. - ' I Rosin Firm; talee, 444 bbla; receipt. 111. bbls.; shipments, 1,628 bbls.; stooka, 12,341 ' bbla. Quote: B. 1T.660T.4O; D, E. T, O, H, 17.19; I IT.I09T.I51 K. 17.6007.80; U, (1.17; N, (1.15; WO. (8.55; WW. (877. Metal Market. New Tork. May 3. Metal 1 xcban quote lead strong; spot, 17.0007.35; spelter, quiet. East Bt. Loul dellverv. spirt, 17.12' , 7.20. At London: Spot copper and futures, 110; lertrolytle, 1125; knot tin. 'tH tu , tures, 4365; lead. Spot, 21 10; futures, 21. 10a. spelter, spot, 1 II; iiutiaraa. 164. 1