Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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V' I
Back Up the Boys "Over There" ,
Now is the time for you to do your bit Su-bscribe to
. the RED CROSS and save some wounded soldier who has
gone to the front to fight the Battle for Democracy. The
'Red Cross Booth on our Main Floor is manned by patriot
ic women who are ready to receive your subscription. And
to transcribe the poet's saying "Let not the next de
scending sun find you with this thing undone."
Remarkable Sale of Slippers and Shoes
Surplus Stock of O'Connor & Goldberg
Continues in Basement Thursday N ; .
Hundreds and hundreds of men and women have already taken .
advantage of these offerings, and if you are one of those who have -not
shared as yet HURRY there are still wonderful values in
Slippers for Women at $1.95 and Shoes and Oxfords for Men
at $2.95.
Our Charges Are
Very, Very Modest.
Put Your Furs
In Storage Here.
i a A!J . 1
3,100 Knit Summer Undergarments
Samples From a High-Grade Manufacturer
This New York manufacturer sells us many of his samples and surplus stock
of Silk Lisle and All-Lisle and Silk Top Undergarments, in fine Summer
weight, at such remarkable concessions that we are able to quote.
These Extraordinary Low Prices for Thursday
yests and Union Suits purchased by us at such low prices that we are able
to quote, right at the Summer season's beginning, values that will make it de
cidedly to your advantage to stock up liberally.
Samples of Ladies' Vests, in silk
lisle mercerized and fine lisle, with'
hand-crocheted lace yokes, lace
bands and bodice top ; 'great variety
of styles and every one desirable ;
in pink and white, and all sizes;
many worth up to 85c.
Samples of Ladies' Union Suits,
Phantom or Italian silk tops; silk
lisle, mercerized and lisle, with
hand-crocheted yoke and band top ;
tight knee and lace bottom; fully
reinforced; pink and white, and
all sizes; worth $1.50 to $2.00.
Also Pure Italian Silk Mesh Bloomers in this lot at $1.19.
' Third Floor ,
weight Skirts
' for hot
Made of Taffeta
Silk and plain navy
blue or black. Col
ored' stripes, Plaid
Silks, Silk Poplins,
etc. All the new
plain tailored effects
' or tunic models.
$5.95, $6.95,
$8.50, $9.95, up to
i Second Floor
Have you bought
your Sweater?
Our stock is varied
and most complete
and all prices modest.
Knitted Sweaters
'Pure Silk
Silk Fiber
Wool and Mohair
All the smart styles in
sport models in vivid colors,
and the more practical mod
els in subdued shades, also
combinations of colors.
Coat Sweater, 'Long-Sash
Sweater. Tuxedo Open
Front, Sleevelet, Slip-Over
Mlddie and mart tailored
$4.95 to $59.
Second Floor
Exceptional Sale of F
Discontinued Numbers
Splendid Styles
A good assortment of sizes, and
it may be your particular model
that you have been wearing.
Madelene and Nemo
Corsets Here on Thursday
at a price that is well below the
figures you would gladly pay ordinarily.
Madelene and Nemo Corsets, broken sizes, but you will be able to get your
size in some of these models. This special lot includes five styles of $4.00
and $5.00 Nemo Corsets and odd sizes in Madelene Corsets. $3 Q0
Special for Thursday, at the the remarKabie price or
American Lady Corsets, in topless styles,
made of handsome silk broche, wide
band of elastic at top in front of corset.
Special for $2.25
Thursday, at
Brassieres, in lace trimmed styles, re
inforced under arm, other styles with
deep yoke, embroidery trimming, re
liable makes that are also excel- gEJc
lent fitting, at . . .-. . .w.
BE SURE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE of our splendid fitting service expert cor
setieres are here at all times to select the proper model for you, and then to fit it
in a manner that will give you style, comfort and perfect satisfaction.
Third Floor
Billiken" Shoes
Are Best for Little Feet
Train little feet in the way they should go, and
they will be well and strong and will carry your
little ones to young manhood and young woman
hood, without those avoidable troubles that so
many suffer from unnecessarily.
Sewing Is a Pleasure On
Te Most
Six sets of ball-bearings makes it so light run
ning that the least little touch will make the ma
chine treadle; then it is easy to operate; the stitch
ing is perfect; in fact it is the most wonderful sew
ing machine on the market today, and not only that,
but as a piece of furniture it is
Fit little feet with "Billiken" Shoes,which are made
over Nature's own last, with plenty of room for every
little toe. 1
Just now we are showing a complete line of Summer
Footwear for little boys and girls in all sizes.
Not a nail or a stitch to
bother, little feet soles
perfectly flexible, giving
ease and comfort and
moderately priced accord
ing to size and style.
-Main Floor, Rear
Beautiful When Closed
and most efficient machine when open, that Amer
ica has produced. Physicians recommend it be
cause of its ease of operation. Sewing machine sick
ness is almost unknown to those who use the "Free."
$1.00 Down, Bluys it
$1.00 a Week Pays for it
Hints for
June Brides
Dainty Lingerie
Bride, made of finest quality
Nainsook, Crepe de Chine, Geor
gette and Wash Satin, embroidered
with little sprays of tiny flowers,
finished with little rose buds and
ribbon rosettes. Filet, Val and
Baby Irish Laces on Gowns, Cami
soles, Skirts and Envelope Chemise,
also Envelopes with the modesty
bloomer attached . .$2.95 to $17.50
Beautiful assortment of dainty
Negligee and Boudoir Caps, suitable
'for the June Bride.
Third Floor'
Beautiful Hosiery
Allover Lace and Lace Boot White
Pure Silk Stockings, shown in six
different styles, very beautiful
styles, entirely new, a pair. . .$3.75
Tapestry Hand-Embroidered White
Silk Hosiery, the most beautiful
styles we have ever shown,
at $3.50 to $10.00
Main Floor
Pretty Petticoats
White or Flesh Satin Petticoats,
fancy hemstitched, tucked or
ruffled flounces, suitable for
wear with bridal gowns or ,
bridesmaid's dresses,
$5.95, $6.95 up to 8.50
Taffeta Silk Petticoats or Jersey
Silk or Silk Jersey tops and Taf
feta flounces, in all varied color-
ings, plain and changeable Taf- i
feta, hemstitched, tucked, ac
cordion pleated and ruffled. For
wear with the bride's traveling :
$3.90, $5.95 to $12.50
Seeond Floor
Travel Suits
Smart styles for the June Bride's ,
Travel Wardrobe. Serges, Mix-i
tures, Checks, Crepe Silks and all
lighter weight fabrics, all stylish, ;
new models. Tailored and Fancy
felted effects,
$29.50, $35, $45 and upward
Second Floor
Charming Millinery
The June Bride need not hesi
tate when she begins the task of
choosing her Hats. "Coronet"
Hats have a reputation second to
none. They are the highest
grade. $10.00 Millinery sold in
this Western Country. For years
we have specialized on this
"Coronet" Hat at $10.00 and
the assurance of the very latest
and most fascinating types at
this price will enable the Bride
- to choose quickly and spend
wisely. ; ,
Second Floor
Travel Goats
A Coat of Wool Velour, beauti
ful silk embroidered on collar,
cuffs and panels on back and
sides, is an extremely stylish and
serviceable outer garment for the
June Bride. Full, length lined
with figured Pussy Willow. In
beige and Pekin blue. Very spe
cial, $59.00.
This is just one from a stock of.
Coats that represent the best of
style and widest variety of mod
els for choice.
Second Floor , ,
Other standard makes
machines from $22.50
$42.50. They all carry
We also carry full supplies
of needles, oil and belts.
Hemstitching and Plcoling
Neatly Done
Main Floor, Rear
1 ft 1
Omaha dis
of the best
made Men-
We are the sole
tributors for two
Wardrobe 'Trunks
del-Drucker of Cincinnati and
Grube-Meyring of Chicagothe
highest grades that we know
reasonably priced at
$32.50 to $85.00
Travel Bags: ranging in prices
from . . .$4.98 to $35.00
Main Floor, Arcado
Gloves for :
Travel Wear
Kayser, guaranteed White Silk,
double . finger ; tipped Gloves.
Complete lines, in white and
white with fancy stitchings and
colors, at .75c to $2.25
White Washable Kid Gloves, 2
clasp styles, Perrin's Adler's and
' Vallier's makes, completes sizes
and style range. .$1.75 to 33.50
Mala Floor
For the Sweet Girl Graduate "M
ine uress and tne little guts that go to make
the occasion memorable.
Graduation Dresses
Just received a large assortment . of Girls'
Graduation Frocks. Frocks that ' it would be im
possible to make now for the price we
are quoting, charming styles shown in
sheer organdies, georgette crepes, nets
and voiles, daintily trimmed with laces
and embroideries, the new tunic effects,
ruffles and tucks. Prices ranging from
$5.00 to $35.00..
' Second Floor
Some of the Gift Hints
Some of the .things that, are appropriate for gifts, are:
Besides Books, one might offer Leather Goods, Fountain
Pens, Stationery with Monogram and Engraved Visiting Cards,
Diaries, Memory Books, Albums, Portfolios, Des Sets, Book
Holders", LV- '. . ' '
' Make Graduation Day one of the Red Letter
Days of the year select something that .will
- be appropriate and will be prized for years
and years these we mention are inexpensive
and at the same time exceptionally good.
Main Floor, Book and Jewelry Departments.
:.,i..:i. .n;'f iu, . in : net;. us riln if :; rffr rajjat jm? amifftintri tm iiKiiy . n . j t w: itur rutumiJTl v ?tti ta:n; ; jt J1? i ffntsw:n! s . m.;l?ti UMi:if rtifiain;i ji'.m: i iiikiOMiitiiwiiiiitiHiMiwliiM