Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1918, Page 16, Image 16
7- 18 THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1818. if t ; u c;erican airman KILLED If J FIGHT ; 17ITII TGEIIMAflS ' Ensign Stephen ; Potter Meets - Death After Terrific Strug , gle With Overwhelming Enemy Air Force. 1 - Washington, May 22. News of the death of Ensign Stephen Totter, naval reserves, who was killed while lighting seven enemy ; single-seated airplanes in the North sea on April 25, was received here today from London representatives. of the com mittee on public information. The story of Potter's encounter with the enemy says:- "Potter left the North sea station in a British seaplane and steered due east until six miles west-southwest of North Hinder light. , Another plane accompanied Potter and kept position to starboard throughout the action. Two jenemy planes were sighted to port, heading towards them, flying low. Both British planes dived about 100 yards apart, closing upon the r nearest JSerman. ' V Both Open Fire. . " "Fire opened from b'oth at close range. "Potter's companion had emptied one drum from the forward cockpit when the gun jammed. Two more hostile planes then appeared over head, attacking vigorously. Both . Britons turned to the west, pursuing the lower enemy, who soon was lost to view. "Three "others passed astern, following at a sharp angle. Potter' wai close above his companion and dove to within 100 feet of the water. "B6th machines flattened out and Potter's companion, being faster, throttled down until Potter came breast Thus they ran westward at full speed close together for sev eral minutes under continuous vol ley from the rear.- . Four More Huns. "Four more enemy machines now appeared in V formation.' Of seven Germans in action four were attack ing Potter and the others' his com panion. Potter fell behind and be fraii to zig-zag. lie first veered slightly starboard, then turned at right Ingle to port. 'Again his companion throttled down to let him catch up and began climbing: to reduce headway. Potter dodged again; but" was then broad side to all enemy machines and under J their tire only 50 feet from the water. His companion, 250 feet above, saw Potter's machine burst - into flames, came, down part of the way under control and then crash on the port wing tip.. Surrounded by Flames. "Potter was last seen on the sur face amid flames, which suddenly turned to a huge cloud of smoke. "Two of the enemy circled over the spot then joined their companions. When the pall had cleared mt even wreckage was visible." potter enrolled September 26, last, as a se:ond-class seaman in the fly ing corps. He was promoted to an ensign November 2, ordered to France, later being sent to England. A brother lives in Detroit, Mich. British Obtain Air .Mastery; . Carry Fighting to Germans New York, May 21. As vidence thaMhe British have obtained mastery ofjrtleairin France, the British pictor ial service made public today a cable gram from the British ministry of in formation saying that 90 per cent of combats in which British airoplanes are now engaged take place entirely over the uerman lines. "It is very exceptional," the message adds, "for amy British aviator to be brought down over British lines since March 21. , It is further stated that document ary evidence shows that among the uerman casualties li German regi mental commanders, corresponding in rank to the British brigadier general, have been killed in action. Bumper Harvest Looms For People of France Paris, May 22. Prospects for the coming harvest in France are better than any year since 1898, Victor Bortt, food minister, informed the Associated Press upon his return to day from a week-end tour in the country. "Unless unforseen situations arise between now and harvest time," he added, "actual restrictions on food consumption will not be increased. 1 may even say that the restrictions at present in force gradually will ' be eliminated." British Down 12 Hun Planes in Day's Battles London, May 22. Twelve German airplanes were brought down durirfg Monday's air fighting by British aviators, while gun fire accounted for another, and an additional two were driven down oui of control, an official announcement of the day's activities savs. MARTIAL LAW IN BOHEMIA; RULERS SEIZE PATRIOTS OMAHA BANK STATEMENTS, Charter No. 2lf. Reserve District No. 10, - KIFORT OF CONDITIO J Ur THE NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK " at Omaha, In th itata of Nebraska, at th clos of business on Mar It, till. RESOURCES: Loam and discount .... ..S2.71S.S4t.IS Deduct: Total loam 2,715,549.69 Notes and bills rediscounted (othsr than bank . acceptances aoldt 12.13 405 43 PftniilortA ' DfunrlAPo 1 Crinri ntl Foreign bill of exchang or draft sold .with Indorsement of i vpuiayjy. , mnuci O LOltUG Ul this bank. . 213,495.43 Overdrafts, secured, none; unsecured U. S. bonds (other than Liberty bonds, but Including U. S. certificates of Indebtedness 200,900.01 Charter No. 1720. Reaerv District No. 10. REPORT OF THB CONDITION OF THE . - CORN EXCHANGE BANK At Omaha, la th stats of Nebraska, st the close of business on May 10, lilt, V RESOURCES. ; Loans and discounts SllSI.f4l.1T U. S. Kaisers Friend; Czech , Deputy Fears Reign of Terror.' :,so:.o54.: 338.90 London, May 22. Martial law has been proclaimed in Bohemia and, in consequence of "popular excesses," many persons have been imprisoned. says a dispatch to the Daily Mail from Berne, quoting the Slovcnski Parod. Outbreaks have occurred in Pilsen, Nachod and other towns. The vast estates of Prince Furstenburg, a close friend of the German emperor, have them burned. ' Dr. von Seydler. the Austrian pre mier, it is added, has summoned the Cjjech deputy Stanelc, to discuss the situation. Icputy stand: has de clined, and has warned the premier against a policy of violence in Bo hemia, fearing evidently that the in discriminate hangings and shootings in Galicia at the beginning of the war are to be repeated in Bohemia. Tobacco Goes on Ration List of Sammies In France With the American Army in France, May 22. Tobacco, which heretofore has been purchased by the soldiers or issued by the Red Cross and other agencies, will be made a part of th regular rations. On the recommendation of General Pershing the War department has de cided upon this action. Each soldier of the American ex peditionary forces daily will receive four-tenths of an ounce of smoking tobacco and 10 cigaret papers. Cer tain other articles may be substi tuted. Omahans in Washington. Washington, May 22 (Special Telegram.) Returning from the Na tional Live Stock Growers associa tion recently held in Buffalo, the fol lowing well known Uinahans are spending a few davs in Washington and are guests at the hotel Powhatan. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. lasts, Mr. and. Mrs. Bruce McCulloch, Mr. and Mrs. Fitzroberts, Arthur E. Rogers, and B. M. Lavertv. V. 8. bonds and certificates of Indebtedness pledged as col lateral for state or other deposits or bills payable ...... Premium on U. 8. bonds Liberty loan bonds: Liberty loan bonds, SVi per cent and 4 per cent, unpledged Payments actually made on Liberty 44 per cent bonds ... Bonds, securities, etc. (other than U. 8.): Bonds other than U. 8. bonds pledged to secure TJ. 8. de- poults Securities other than U. 8. bonds (not including itocki) owned unpledged Total bonds, securities etc., other than U. 8 Stocks, other than Federal Reserve hank stock Stock of Federal Reserve bank (60 per cent of subscription) Furniture snd futures Lawful reserve with Federal Reservs bank Items with Federal Reserve bank In process of collection (not available as reserve) Cesh In vault and netamounts due from national banks ... Net amounts due from banks, bankers, and trust companies other than Included In Items IS, 14 and IS Exchanges for clearing house ........ Checks on other banks In the same city or town as report- . In bank '.. Total of Items Checks' on banks located outside of city or town of report- ' Ing bank and other cash Items Redemption fund with U. 8. treasurer and due from V. S. treasurer War aavlng certificates and thrift stamps actually owned .. "5.001,00 M. 650. 00 lS2,S0Mf 3, 000.09 22,572.34 76S.nS1.3 275,000.00 2il.150.0t 107,572.54 3,200.1 7,500.00 5,000.00 250,397.70 19,454.21 315,834.74 193,204.99 48.765.74 6.S20.68 27,144.76 10.000.00 385.54 137.500.00 15.000.00 (5,000.44 45.400.00 SS.000.90 111.70000 25,000.00 Overdrafts U. 8. bends (other than Liberty bonds, but Including lertif testes or indebtedness): TJ. 8. bonds deposited to secure circulation (par value) ... U. S. bonds and certificates of indebtedness pledged to se cure XI. S. deposits (par value) Bonds snd V. 8. certificates of Indebtedness, owned and un pledged Clberty Joan bonds: j Liberty loan bends, 8 4 per cent and 4 per cent, unpledged Liberty loan bonds. 3Va per cent and 4 per cent, pledged to se- cure state or other deposits or bills payable Paymen.j actually made on Liberty 44 per cent bonds ..... Bonds, securities, etc. (other man 17. 8.): Bonds other than U. 8. bonds pledged to secure U. S. deposits Bonds other than U. S. bonds Dledffad to aacura soatal aavlnra deposits ; 25.000Vo Securities other than U. 8. bonds (not Including stocks) own ed unpledged 15,065.31 Total bonds, securities, etc.. other than U. S Stock of Federal Reserve bank (50 per centt of subscription) Furniture and fixtures Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve bank Itemu with Federal Reserve bank m proces of subscription)., available as reserve) . Cash in vault snu net amounts due from national banks .... Net amounts due from banks, bankers and trust companies other than included in Items 13, 14 and 16 Exchanges for clearing house..... Checks on other banks in the same city or town as report ing bank (other than Item 17) , 1,813.08 - 1,813.01 Total $4,202, 824. 8a I 78,035.05 62,113.00 55.65 Capita! stock paid In Surplus fund , Undivided profits Less current expenaes, Interest, and taxes paid , Circulating notes outstanding.,..,, Net amounts dua to national banks Net amount due to banks, bankers, and trust companies - Total of Items Pemand deposits (other thsn bank deposits) subject to re servs (deposits payable with 30 days): Individual deposits subject to check Certificates of deposit due In less than 30 days (other than for money borrowed) .' Certified checks Cashier's checks outstanding Dividends unpaid Total of demand depoalta (other than bank deposits) , subject to reserve 1,(10,131.61 Tims deposlta. subject to reservs (payable after 30 days, or subject to 10 days or mora notice, and postal savings);. Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed .... Other time deposits ., ' " " Total of time deposits subject to reserve. 161.171. 76 United States deposits (othsr than postal savings): Other United States deposits. Including deposits of C B. disbursing officer ........ 71, 0J5.I1 Bills payable, with Federal Reserve bank... Total Liabilities for rediscounts, including those with Federal Re serve bank 200,000.00 130.000.00 S3.122.05 799.300.34 976,055.32 1.364,381.:2 115.677.38 12,185.33 47,816.67 50,00 96,174.27 64,997.48 79,036.11 75,000.00 $4,202,824.88 f 31S.49S.43 . . 213.495.43 131,993.40 31, 903. CO- Total of Items 14. 15. 16. 17 and IS $ 640,751.64 Checks on banks located outalda of city or town of reporting bank and other cash Items . Redemption fund with U. S. treasure- and due from U. S. treasurer , War Savings certificates and Thrift stamps actuaHy'own'e'd" .' Other assets , . Total .......... , LIABILITIES.""" Capital stock paid In. ,. Surplus fund ., " ... Undivided profits , Lens current expenses. Interest and" taxes paid" !.".! Amount reserved for taxea accrued .'. Circulating notes outstanding .... ; Net amounts due to national banks j. Net amount due to banks, bankers and trust companies (other tlinu Included in Items 31 and 32) Total of Items 33 and 33 , 11,257,711 53 Lemand deposits (other titan bank deposits) subject to re serve (deposits payable within 80 days) : Individual deposits subject to check Certificates of deposit due in less than SO days (other than for money borrowed) .... ' Certified checks - " "... . Cashier's checks outstanding- .., ......... Moral or demand deposits (other thsn bank deposits) sub ject to reservs, Items 34, 35, 36. 37.. t1441,!.OJ Tims deposits subject to reservs (payable after 30 days, or subject to 30 days or mora notice, snd nnital mirlnnV Certificates of deposit (other thaar for money borrowed) ...J Postal savings deposits . i, - Total of time deooalts auMect t nnrva. Tt a ii n e United States deposits (other than postal savings): War loan deposit account ; Other United States deposits, including deposits of U. 8. dls burslng officers .-....,., Bills psyable, with Federal Reservs bank ............;.' 'Liabilities other than thosa abovs stated ., 207,600.0 243,100.0V . "I 66,066.21 10,800.00 15, 000. 00 224.660.1S 10,800.09 67,041.3 342.881.7 115,182.52 109.944.TS 11,501,01 11,723.07 6,876.00 497.0S 450.00 13,594,190.4 71,61 98 111,700.0 eOO.000.00 ' 40,000.00 100,090,20 10,000.00 137.609.00 974,717.24 983,914 28 1,417,216.1 11.618.69 S54.2I 6,626.61 0,8I 91 18,187.04 11,226.61 131,026 4 85,000.04 . 50.0f Total contingent liabilities ......... . .. Stats of Nebraska, county of Douglas, as: - I. H. W. Yates, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly . swear that the aoovs statement is true to me oesi oi my Knowledge anq belter. - n. iv. i Alto, casnier. Subscribed and sworn to before ms this 20th day of May, 1918. (Seal.) A. W. FRANCIS, Notary Public Cdrrsct Attest: I,. W. SCHBIBEL, JOHN M'DONALD, T. W. CLARKE. . . ..,.;-. Directors. 8to?i ti'ii'c Vf D.V;ii;?,i v---' .".190.4( I. L. If. Tate, cashier of the abova named banV An a.i. .1. i,... . statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. L. H. TATE Cashier w..ev...uvw uu w vciuiv llifl, luia I9n Qay OI AlSy, 1918, (Seal). Correct , Attest! H. 3, O. H. TATES, Notary ppblle. E. P. METERS, . r: JCUL.DA, CLARKE, JR., Directors. rj?irZ Take Advantage of the Big Savings Which Our Cash Prices Insure 'Sp lg:iSl i V5 THE CASH STORE tJjgC fj YDUREHSgi ; - Opns 9 A. M. Clos 6 P. M. , - finfiffip M . . - m Remarkable Apparel Values Thursday i Spring and Summer Suits Actually Worth to $45 Choice . . . . , . . v; . ... ... 250 handsome New Suits in serges, poplins and gabardines ; plain . colors, checks and hairline stripes. Also several beautiful Silk Suits, all sizes, for women and misses. r - Matchless Values at Thursday's Cash Price. ioo New Coats In most approved Spring and Summer styles. 3cr jg;es' poplins and silks; most wanted colors, in cluding blacks and navy blues, in all sizes. Special Cash Price. . $131! 300 Beautiful Blouses In crepe de chines, Georg ettes and high grade ha butai and tub silks; all sizes and colors. Very special Thursday 200 Charming Dresses In taffetas, foulards, crepe de chines, and taffeta and Georgette combinations. Also a fine lot of serge dresses, values you cannot Sut, 1 1190 Price.: Charter No. S09. neserva District No. 10. REPORT OF THB CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Omaha, In the Stat of Nebraska, at the olose of business on May 10th, 1911. RESOURCES. ; Loan and discounts 111,681,249. 0 I Overdrafts, unsecured 12.773 . 21 U. a. bonds (other than Liberty bonds, but including U. 8. , certificates of Indebtedness): TJ. S. bonds deposited to secure circulation (par value) 60,000.00 U. 8. bonds and certlflcatea of Indebtedness pledged to e- v cure V. ft. deposits (par value). 70,000.00 TJ. 8. bonds and certificates of Indebtednesa pledged as col lateral for .state or other , deposits or kills payable 1,4 26,000 . 00 1,(45,000.00 Liberty loan bonds: Liberty loan bonds, Ity per cent and 4 per cant, unpledged 105,750.00 Liberty loan bonds, 1 per cent and 4 per cent, pledged to - secura U. 8. deposits.. 275,000.00 Payments actually mads on Liberty 44 per cent bond .... 35,167.(5 415,017 . 65 I Bonds, securities, ate, (other than U. S.: . Bonds other than U. 8. bonds pledged to secure postal lay ing deposits 157,000.09 Bonds and aecurttles pledged aa collateral far state, or other deposits (postal excluded) or bills payable. T. 75,000.00 ecurltles other than U. S. bonds (not Including stocks) owned unpledged .1 , ........ 1:4,(53.52 Tntal hnnria. ancnrltiM at Ahi than TT ft.. . Sift K9 Stocks, other than Federal Reserve bank attck (2,904.55 Stock of Federal Reserve bank (50 per cent of subscription) ; 45,000.09 Kqulty In banking house.. , . ....... ? 850,000.00 Real estate owned other than banking housa...... 2S5.047.34 Lawful reaerv with Federal Reserve bank 9:1.441.(3 Items with Federal Reaerv bank in process of collection (not available aa reserve) . ........ (35.191. 95 Cash In vault and net amounts due from national bank ... 2,710,4(3.81 Net amounts due from banks, bankers and trust companies.. 1,383,600.94 Exchanges for clearing house 659,303.80 Checka on other banka In th sam city or town as reporting bank M (7,357.(3 Checks on banks located outald of city or town of reporting bank and other cash ltema 21,183.81 Redemption fund with TJ. 8. Treaeurer and dua from U. A. Treasurer ., lt.tvo.oo ,6ZZ.bD.6 War savings certificates and thrift (tamps (dually owned .. 15,476.81 Charter No. 1633.5 ,,: H.,.r. t..i-. , REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE OMAHA VATlnWAI. R1VB at Omaha, In the state of Nebraska, at the close of business on Miv 10 1st DrCftlfDPr'a. v i.oans sna discounts ....,.-.... .". . ,, Overdrafts, unsecured , A Customers' liability under letters of credit actually used and for which this bank has not been reimbursed Customers' liability account of "Acceptances" executed by ...... uu.m aiiu iiuw uuiaianuina;. . . , U. S Bonds (other than Liberty Bonds, but Including TJ. 3. certificates of Indebtedness): IT. 8. bonds denoslted TJ. 8. Bonds and certificates of Indebtedness pledged to se cure u. n. aeposits (oar value) 115,160,399.39 1,852.17 110,355,91 100,000,000 1,000,000.00 500,000.00 1,025,000.00 3,000.00 111,450.01 15,000.00 400,000.00 743,(30.00 Total. LIABILITIES. paid In 331.774,487.33 3 (00.000.00 1,000,000.00 131,3(1.47 14.280.00 60,000.00 A New Lot of Silk Flounce Petticoats In all the new shades. Worth $3.00. V ; Thursday f 100 Dress Skirts In plain colors and stripe silks, the very newest styles ; just the thing for hot weather. This special lot Thursday $5 95 9 ' t ' '', ' i 1 ' t 1 r , it V I M Vi.vh.i aiuca. jpaiu iu, .,..... ....... Surplus fund v. Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid ..... Amount reserved for taxes accrued...,. Circulating notes outstanding .......... Net amounts due to National banka $6,830,216.3 J Net amounts due to banka, bankers, and trust companies ... 3,553,331.77 Demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to re aerv (deposits payable within 30 days): Individual deposits subject to ohack...., 1,560,331.97 Certificates of deposit dua In lass than 30 daya (other than for money borrowed) Certified checka , Cashier's checks outstanding..........;.., Time deposits subject to reserve (payable after 30 daya, or subject to 30 daya or more notice, and postal savings): Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed) ... Postal savings deposits Other time deposits..... United States deposits (other than postal aavlnga): War loan deposit account;... Other United States deposits. Including deposits of U. 8. dis bursing officers ' Bills payable, with Federal Reaerv bank Cash letters of credit and travelers' checks outstanding ...... Total. ................ ...... Stat of Nebraska, County of Douglas, as: 5 I, F. w. Thomas, cashier of th above named bank, do solemnly swear that '. above statement la true to th best of my knowledge and belief. . m v F. W. THOMAS, Cashier. ' Subscribed and sworn to before roe this llth day of May, 1918. (SEAL.) , . CARL L. CARLSON, Notary Public - Correct Attest: '; :-, F. H. DAVIS, . . . . " " 1 ' It, L. KOUNTZE, . .... J- D. CREIOHTON, ' ' ' Directors. Charter No, 3971. , . ' Reserve District No. 10. " TJMTED STATES NATIONAL BANK. , At Omaha, Nebraska, In th state of Nebraska, at th clos of business on May 10, 1911. 422.1(9.49 20.637.(8 135,769.37 .144,140.13 103,280.13 .335,(43.(1 315,000.00 317,005.21- 19,037,637. 8( 1,040.000.00 1,306.00 321,774,487.33 U. ,S. bonds and certificates of indebtednesa pledged a col lateral for stats or other deposits or bill payable U. 8. bonds and certificates of indebtedness owned and un pledged Liberty loan bonds: Liberty loan bonds. 3U Tier cent tnA a r,.r rant nnni.4.w Liberty loan bonds, 3H per cent and . 4 per cent, pledged to secur U. 8. -deposits, W; S. .;. Liberty loan bonds, 8H per cent and 4 per cant, pledged to secure state or other deposit r bill payabl Payments actually mad on Liberty 4U oar cent henria-" Bonds, securities etc., (other than U. 8.): Bonds other than U. S. bonds pledged to (eour deposit I of Federal Land bank ... , Securities other than U. 8. bonds (not Inoludlng owned unpleda-ed Stocks of Federal Reservs bank (60 per cent of tion)-... Value of banking house ,. Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve bank " tlinu., Cash In vaults and net amounta due from national banks . . 2,795,181 17 Net amounts due from banks, bankera, and trust companies other than Included In ltema 13, 14 and IS 4,115,688 03 Exchanges from clearing houses k?i mi'.. Pkuba n M,U. V 1 1 .... . i ..... - . 1 A . . . .. ' " .uons uu uiurr uniiaa iu in. asms cny or ivira as reporting bank (other than Item 17) Checka on banka located outside of city or town of reporting bank and other cash Items Redemption fund with U. 8. treasurer and due from TJ, 8. treasurer Interest earned but not Collected approximate on notes and - bills receivable not passed du (112,000,00). 2,(25,000.00 took) . .. ... subscrip- 1(0,000.00 (21,129.06 1,058,(99.01 (0,000.00 1,000,000.00 71,771.01 146,628.43 70,(01.00 9,311.36J.9 Total 110,330,(92.43 I 1.000,000.00 1,000,000.00 291,812.28 92,126.30 201,(85.13 11,220.(1 1,000,000.00 to re- than . -J) Cutting Prices To Cut Down the High Cost of Living I When you sacrifice Quality to secure Low Prices you're doing just the opposite I trom economizing ioure wasting, iuuuti BU1H HIGH QUALITY AND I LOW PRICES AT HAYDEN'S, which means true economy. That's the secret I f our big Sanitary Grocery; that's the reason you'll always find it crowded. Jl j 10 bar Swift's Prid or Diamond C i Soap ,38c I Vox Washing Compound, pkg.....,10c I pks. Cilletf Washing CrysUl. for.Se ! 4 tans Old Dutch Cleanser........ Z5c lbs. best Bulk Laundry Starch, for. 23c No. 1 cans Pork and Bean. . . . .... .6Ve I No. 2 can Pork and Beans... . ...12Vsc j 4-lb. sack Pur By Flour. .... .1SS i t lb. Fruen's Wheat Flakes....... 23c y Th best Domestic Macaroni. Spaghetti or Vermicelli, pkg.............7Vie t lb, best Whit or Tellow Cornmeal, I for .........,.................3e lba. Barley or Corn Flour.. 39c ' Jack and JU Cornflakes, pkg. .V,c -le bMt Hand Picked Navy Bean. r r lb. , 15c t The boat No. 1 Pinto Beans, per lb.l2Vc : lbs. best Mixed Chicken Feed . . . . 3c ! EAT MORE DRIED FRUITS AND SAVE. . . . THE WHEAT. . , Oiolc California Prunes." lb.... 4.. 10c Choice CaL Evaporated Apple, per Ilk, i; " fer j ........................ .ljy,c ; Choice Ca. Muir Peaches, lb IS Three-crown Muscatel Raisins, per lb.. at .IJWc California Seedless Raisins, lb 13c California Bartlett Pears, lb. ..... ,20c Cal. Seeded Raisin, per lb.... 4. .3 1-Se Braxil Nuts, per lb.... .I....1S Peanuts, per lb ....1S OMAHA'S GREATEST TEA AND COFFEE MARKET. . Th best Tea SIf tings, per lb 20c Choice Basket Fired Japan Tea, per lb.. for - .....30c Choice English Breakfast Tea, per lb., for ;- 49c Fancy Golden Tip Ceylon Tea, per lb.SOc Fancy Ping Suey Gunpowder Tea, per lb 5e Our Famous Golden Santo Coffee, per lb. , 20 " Fi pound for. , Ut Fancy Maricaibo Blend Coffee. 25 M. J. Blend, nothing finer, per lb.35e ; Three pound lot .11.00 ' OMAHA'S GREATEST FRESH VEGETABLE MARKET. New Potatoes, per lb ."..4c IS lba. No. 1 Western Potatoes, lb.. 23c Fresh Sptnacht per peck .....20c (bunches Home-grown Onion. ... .5c Three bunches Home-grown Asparagu. for ioc 4 bunches Home-grown Radlshe . . , . 5c Fresh Beets or Carrots, bunch. .....5c Fresh Wax or Green Means, lb 10c Fresh Peas, per quart.... 10c Fresh White Texas Onions, lb Sc New Cabbage, per lb 5c Tomato 'or Cabbag Plants, doi....7ViC Beautiful Blooming Geraniums, at each, for .........12V,cand 15c All kind of Plants for Boxes and Hanging Baskets. , Butter, Cboes and Butterin All Sold Under th Most Sanitary Con ditions and Kept Constantly Under Refrigeration. Strictly Fresh Egg, no delivery, per 00.. ,.2c I t No. 1 for Bulk Creamery Butter, per lb., 45c Wisconsin Cream Cheese 28c New York Cream Cheese..., 30c Fancy Cream Brick Cheese ,,..25e Fancy Dill Pickle, doi ISc mrIt P.WTRY HAYIrFN'C FISTU fi.WOTW RESOURCES. Loans and discounts.............. Deduct: Notes and bill radlscounted (other than back acceptance old) see Item 17a Overdraft; unsecured ...... ., ...... ............. i Customers' liability under Letters of Credit actually used and for which this bank has not -been reimbursed V. a. bonds (other than Liberty Bonds, but Including U. certificates of Indebtedness): TJ. S. bonds deposited to secur' circulation (par value) .... V. a. bonds and certificates of indebtedness pledged to se cur U. 8. deposits (par value...... U. 8. bonds and -certificates of Indebttdneas pledged as col lateral for Stat or other depostta or bills payable V. S. bonds and certificates of Indebtedness owned and un pledged Premium en V. S. bond. Liberty loan bonds: Liberty Loan Bonds, 3H per cent and 4 per cent, un pledged Payments actually mad on Liberty 44 per cent Bonds.... -Bonds, securities, etc. (other than V. S.l: Bonds other than 17. 8. bonda pledged to secure postal aav lnga deposlst....... Securities other than U. 8. bond (not Including stocks) own- cu unpicg.u. ..,....,..,.,. , Total bonds, securities, tte.a other than U. S Stick of Federal Reaerv Bank (tt per cent of aubscrlntion) Value of banking house Lawful .reserve with Federal Reserve Bank ltema with Federal Reserve Bank In proces' Of collection (not available as reserve);. t Cash In vault and net amount due from nat'onal banks Net amounts due from bank, bankers, and trust companies other than Included In Item 13. II, and 15 Exchanges for clearing house Checka on other banks In th sam city or town a report ing bank (other than Item 17V..-'. Total of ltema 14, 15, 1, JI. and IS ..... Check on banka located ouUld of city or town of resort. ing banta and other rash ltema report Redemption fund with TJ. 8. Treasurer and'duV'frVm'ii's Treasurer , u. o. War Savings Certlflcatea and ThrifrStimiraetua'Hv oWned B"d! ,0ld oa c"' 1 2nd j! Tdtai . . . , '. . r.u.. ..... . LIABILITIES;' Surplus fund'. !""""" I'ndl vided profits ........... J J current expenses. interest,"and 'taie'"paid . . "'r""1 coiieciea or credited In advance maturity and not earned (approximate)... Amount reserved for taaea accrued $11,733,839.91 100,000.00 30,000.90 150,000.00 750,000.00 5:0,000.00 271,900.00 2,111,700.00. 18f.t00.00 449.581.43 $11,883,839.98 7,733.23 v , 1,452.00 LIABILITIES, capital stock paid In Surplus fund Undivided profits . . , Less current expenses. Interest, and taxea oald Irttereat and discount collected or credited. In ad vane of ma luruy ana not earned approximate ($87,177.41) Amount reserved for taxe accrued ................ Circulating notes outstanding , Net amounts due to national bank 8,834,178,09 Net amounts due to banks, bankera, and trait companies (other than included In Items 81 and 32) 7,440,803.13 ueiutiuu uepusua miner man DanK aeposus) suojecc serve (aeposits payable within 30 days): , Individual deposits subject to check Certlflcatea of deposit due In less than 10 days (other for money borrowed) .... Certified checka .......v. .. uasnier a eneexs outstanding Dividends unpaid ........... Other demand deposits ...... Time deposits Bubject to reserve (payabl after 30 days, or subject to 30-days or mor notice): Certificates of deeposlt (other than for money borrowed) ... United State deposits (other than poatai aavlnga): War loan deposit account .. .y. War savings certificate and thrift stamp deposit account ... Other United States deposits, including deposit of U. 8. dis bursing officers ....... ,.,.. .......... U. S. bonds borrowed without furnishing collateral security for sam Bills payable, .with Federal Reaerv bank. ......... ......... Cash letters ofNcredlt and travelers' checks outstanding .... Acceptances executed for customer Liabilities other than those above stated, subscriptions to U. ' S. Liberty loan account customer .......... Total State of Nebraska, county of Douaiaa. as: I, Ezra Millard, cashier of th above-named bank, do solemnly swear that th ' abovs (tatement is true to th beat of my knowledge and belief. , .. . .. i ' . EZRA MILLARD, Cashier. ' Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th day of May, 1918. (SeaL) i . s. , - L. D. SPALDING, Notary Publlo, . , - Correct Attest. ARTHUR C, SMITH, " L. C. NASH, . ' , WALTER W, HEAD, " . .. Director. 9,447,808.14 167,088.91 41,141.(3 323,808.04 13.(0 (43,1:9.33 821,843.31 234,(00.00 3,690.52 24,(94,(03.8$ 188,829 91 200.100.10 ! 1,400.(00.00 110,3(5.11 100,000.00 883,728.41 $30,120,(12.43 4,945,591.19 1,470,000.00 1480,800.00 f38.088.45 45,000.00 850,000.00 1,571.938.49 4;:.oo(.(8 3.250,444.59 76S.45S.52 490,218.71 17.468.09 109,092f44 38.090.00 1.578.48 86.200.(0 of 489.882.51 3.681.30- 1:3,924.110.23 $ 1,000.009.00 400,000.00 - , 467.081.31 109. 191.09 30,559.43 Circulating notes outstanding Net amounts due to National bank.. 3,148,093.31 Net amounta - due to banks, bankers, and trust companies (other than Included in Items, 31 or 32) 4,883,(28.68 Demand depoalta (other than bank deposits) subject to Re serve (deposits payable within 30 days): ' s Individual deposits subject to check 10,091,277.00 Certificates of deposits due In less than 30day (other than for money borrowed).,.. , 122,113.91 Certified checks..... i 15,052.00 Cashier's checks outstanding. 153.902.7S Dividends unpaid ,. " 100,084.00 Time deposits subject to Reserve (payable after 30 days, or subject to 30 days or more notice, and postal savings): Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed) .. 535,531.69 Postal savings deposits 114,143.05 United Statea deposits (other than postal savings): War loan deposit account..... 831,200.00 Other United States deposits. Including deposits . of U. S. disbursing officers... . 152,354.'3S Bills payable, with Federal Reserve Bank.. , Cash Letters of Credit and Travelers' Checka, outstanding. Liabilities other than those abovs atated. Tartlal payment on Liberty Bonds 10,000.0 20,154.459.7! 750.000.04 1.452.01 162,825.11 with Federal $23,9:4,110.21 100.0(0.(1 Total Liabilities for rediscounts, inoludlng those Reserve Bank (see Item Id) State of Nebraska. County of Douglas, ss: I, R. TA Morsman, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that th above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. ' R. P. MORSMAN, Cashier. Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 20th day of May. 1918. . Correct Attest: E. E. LA.VDSTROM. - Notary Public. . ' EDWARD D. BURKE, . . x 4 . 1 ' - tSROROB. BRANDEIS, ; THOMAS A. FRY: ! ' . Director. (Seal) When Writing to Our Advertiser Mention Seeing . it in The Bee i 1